#back up of working python code

tinoheimhuber 6 years ago
parent 342f4f3bc0
commit ddf60b7cb0

@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
# coding: utf-8
import re
import os
import time
import collections
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
import pyrma.pyrma
path = "C:/Users/z5025317/OneDrive - UNSW/Hunter_CC_Modeling/07_Modelling/01_Input/BCGeneration/"
###Input parameters for Climate change runs
pres_start_date = datetime(int(1995), int('1'), int('1'))
pres_end_date = datetime(int(2005), int('12'), int('31'))
River_temp_increase = 0.5
# Load project settings
# Establish the settings and run parameters (see the description of
# settings that are in header of this code)
if __name__ == '__main__':
setup_files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.lower().endswith('.s')]
if len(setup_files) == 1:
settingsfile = setup_files[0]
print('Enter the name of the settings file: ')
settingsfile = input()
S = collections.OrderedDict()
print('Reading settings file: {}'.format(settingsfile))
with open(settingsfile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# Ignore commented and empty lines
if line[0] is not '#' and line[0] is not '\n':
# Take key name before colon
ln = line.strip().split(':', 1)
key = ln[0]
# Separate multiple values
val = [x.strip() for x in ln[1].strip().split(',')]
if len(val) == 1:
val = val[0]
S[key] = val
val = ln[1].strip().split(',')
if len(val) == 1:
val = val[0]
S[key] = val
#create output directory
if not os.path.exists(S['output_dir']):
print("output directory folder didn't exist and was generated")
if not os.path.exists(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA2'):
os.makedirs(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA2')
print("output directory folder didn't exist and was generated")
if not os.path.exists(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA11'):
os.makedirs(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA11')
print("output directory folder didn't exist and was generated")
# Collect run parameters
env_str = ''
env_str += "{0:20} : {1}\n".format("Time Run",
time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
env_str += "{0:20} : {1}\n".format("Settings File", settingsfile)
for envvar in S.keys():
env_str += "{0:20} : {1}\n".format(envvar, S[envvar])
# Load RMA mesh
print('Reading RMA mesh file')
nodes, elements = pyrma.loadMesh(S['mesh_file'])
mesh = pd.DataFrame(elements, index=[0]).transpose()
mesh.columns = ['name']
mesh['centroid'] = [e.centroid for e in elements.values()]
# Add empty lists to dataframe
mesh['inflows'] = np.empty((len(mesh), 0)).tolist()
mesh['inflows'] = mesh['inflows'].astype(object)
# Generate empty dataframe for inflows
start_date = datetime(int(S['start_year']), int(S['start_month']), int(S['start_day']))
end_date = datetime(int(S['end_year']), int(S['end_month']), int(S['end_day']))
inflow_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start_date, end_date))
# Generate empty dictionary (to be filled with dataframes) for water quality
wq_timeseries = {}
# Read upstream boundary inflows
if S['include_boundary_flows'].lower() == 'yes':
# Read boundary condition data from setup file
bc_data = {}
for key, val in S.items():
if re.match('bc_\d', key):
bc_data[val[0]] = dict(east=int(val[1]), north=int(val[2]))
dir_name = S['bc_directory']
for key, val in bc_data.items():
file_name = [x for x in os.listdir(dir_name) if x.startswith(key)][0]
bc_data[key]['path'] = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
# Assign upstream boundary inflows to RMA mesh
for key, val in bc_data.items():
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = val['east']
y = val['north']
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'], key)
for key, val in bc_data.items():
# Read upstream boundary condition file
print('Reading upstream boundary inflow: {}'.format(key))
df = pd.read_csv(
val['path'], index_col=0, parse_dates=['datetime'], dayfirst=True)
#TH # Shift the upstream boundary flows into the future if date is in the future.
df.index = df.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
# Trim dates to valid range
df = df[start_date:end_date]
# Scale flow units to m3/s
df[key] = df['Q[ML/d]'] * 1000 / 24 / 3600
# Merge all dataframes together
#inflow_timeseries2 = pd.merge(
#inflow_timeseries, df[[key]], right_index=True, left_index=True)
#TH #Tino added:
inflow_timeseries = pd.concat([inflow_timeseries, df[[key]]], axis=1)
# Add to water quality timeseries
wq_timeseries[key] = df.drop(['Q[ML/d]', key], axis = 1)
# Read WWTP data from setup file
wwtp_data = {}
for key, val in S.items():
if re.match('wwtp_\d', key):
wwtp_data[val[0]] = dict(east=int(val[1]), north=int(val[2]))
dir_name = S['wwtp_directory']
for key, val in wwtp_data.items():
file_name = [x for x in os.listdir(dir_name) if x.startswith(key)][0]
wwtp_data[key]['path'] = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
# Read WWTP inflows
if S['include_wwtp_flows'].lower() == 'yes':
print('Reading WWTP inflows (variable)')
for key in wwtp_data.keys():
df = pd.read_csv(
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = wwtp_data[key]['east']
y = wwtp_data[key]['north']
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'], key)
# Convert from ML/day to m3/s
df[key] = df[['Q[ML/d]']] * 1000 / 24 / 3600
# Add to inflow time series dataframes
inflow_timeseries = inflow_timeseries.join(df[[key]])
# Add to water quality timeseries
wq_timeseries[key] = df.drop(['Q[ML/d]', key], axis = 1)
# Load reference rainfall and evapotranspiration
eto_master = pd.read_csv(
S['evap_file'], parse_dates=['datetime'], index_col=['datetime'])
rain_master = pd.read_csv(
S['rain_file'], parse_dates=['datetime'], index_col=['datetime'])
# Trim climate data to current date range
eto_master = eto_master[start_date:end_date]
rain_master = rain_master[start_date:end_date]
# Calculate catchment inflows with AWBM
if S['include_hydro_model'].lower() == 'yes':
# Load water quality data for catchment inflows
for key in ['awbm_wq_natural', 'awbm_wq_urban']:
df = pd.read_csv(S[key], index_col=0, parse_dates=[0], dayfirst=True)
#TH # Shift the upstream boundary flows into the future if date is in the future.
df.index = df.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
wq_timeseries[key] = df
print('Calculating AWBM inflows')
# Read catchment data
catchments = pd.read_csv(S['catchment_file'], index_col=[0])
catchments = catchments.set_index(catchments['Cat_Name'])
for index, row in catchments.iterrows():
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = row.Easting
y = row.Northing
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'],
# Get weather station data
station_names = list(eto_master.columns)
# Load weights from Thiessen polygons
thiessen_weights = pd.read_csv(S['catchment_thiessen_weights'])
# Add catchment inflows
for index, c in catchments.iterrows():
# Time step (units: days)
timeStep = 1.0
# Area (units: m2)
totalArea = c['Area (km2)'] * 1000 * 1000
# S
consS = [c['C1'], c['C2'], c['C3']]
# A (must sum to 1)
consA = [c['A1'], c['A2'], c['A3']]
consKB = c['Kbase']
consKS = c['Ksurf']
BFI = c['BFI']
bucketValue = [0, 0, 0]
bfValue = 0
sfValue = 0
def flowInit(length):
vec = [0] * length
return vec
def updatebucket(Elevation, surfaceCon, previousValue, flow):
if Elevation > surfaceCon:
flow = Elevation - surfaceCon
previousValue = surfaceCon
flow = 0
previousValue = max(Elevation, 0)
return previousValue, flow
# Calculate Thiessen weightings
weights = thiessen_weights[thiessen_weights['Name'] == c['Cat_Name']][
rain_local = (rain_master[station_names] *
eto_local = (eto_master[station_names] *
# Count number of timesteps
n = len(rain_master.index)
Excess = [flowInit(n) for i in range(3)]
ExcessTotal = flowInit(n)
ExcessBF = flowInit(n)
ExcessSF = flowInit(n)
ExcessRunoff = flowInit(n)
Qflow = flowInit(n)
[aa, bb] = updatebucket(1, 2, 3, 4)
for i in range(1, len(rain_local)):
ElevTemp = [[bucketValue[j] + rain_local[i] - eto_local[i]]
for j in range(3)]
for k in range(3):
[bucketValue[k], Excess[k][i]] = updatebucket(
ElevTemp[k][0], consS[k], bucketValue[k], Excess[k][i - 1])
ExcessTotal[i] = (Excess[0][i] * consA[0] + Excess[1][i] * consA[1]
+ Excess[2][i] * consA[2])
ExcessBF[i] = bfValue + ExcessTotal[i] * BFI
bfValue = max(consKB * ExcessBF[i], 0)
ExcessSF[i] = sfValue + (1 - BFI) * ExcessTotal[i]
sfValue = max(consKS * ExcessSF[i], 0)
ExcessRunoff[i] = ((1 - consKB) * ExcessBF[i] +
(1 - consKS) * ExcessSF[i])
Qflow = [
a * (1e-3) * totalArea / (timeStep * 86400) for a in ExcessRunoff
] # flow in m3/s
Qflow_df = pd.DataFrame(Qflow, index=rain_master.index)
Qflow_df.columns = [c['Cat_Name']]
#inflow_timeseries[c['Cat_Name']] = Qflow
inflow_timeseries = pd.concat([inflow_timeseries, Qflow_df], axis=1)
#interpolate the NA value of the leap year 29th of March
inflow_timeseries[c['Cat_Name']]= inflow_timeseries[c['Cat_Name']].interpolate(method='linear', axis=0)
# Calculate irrigation demand
if S['include_crop_model'].lower() == 'yes':
print('Calculating irrigation demand')
# Create QA summary
qa_fraction_used = pd.DataFrame(
index=pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq='AS'))
# Load water licence holders
licences = pd.read_csv(S['licences_file'])
licences['point'] = [
pyrma.point(x, y)
for x, y in zip(licences['Easting'], licences['Northing'])
# Assign water licences to RMA mesh
for index, row in licences.iterrows():
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = row.Easting
y = row.Northing
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'],
weather_stations = pd.read_excel(S['weather_station_file'])
weather_stations['point'] = [
pyrma.point(x, y) for x, y in zip(weather_stations['E_MGA56'],
# Find nearest weather station
licences['station_name'] = ''
for index, row in licences.iterrows():
idx = np.argmin(
[row['point'].dist(p) for p in weather_stations['point']])
licences.at[index, 'station_name'] = weather_stations['Name'][idx]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/x0490e/x0490e0e.htm
crop_types = {
'type': [
'pasture', 'turf', 'lucerne', 'vegetables', 'orchard',
'crop_coefficient': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, np.nan],
'root_zone_depth': [1000, 750, 1500, 500, 1500, np.nan],
'allowable_depletion': [0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, np.nan],
crop_types = pd.DataFrame(crop_types)
# Check number of days to spread irrigation over
irrigation_days = int(S['irrigation_days'])
# Check if moisture in soil should be kept full (saturated) or empty
if S['irrigate_to_saturation'].lower() == 'yes':
saturation_mode = True
saturation_mode = False
irrigation_time_factor = 1 / irrigation_days
# Iterate through licences
for index, lic in tqdm(licences.iterrows(), total=licences.shape[0]):
# Initialise variables for new licence
currently_irrigating = False
licence_exhausted = False
# Annual extraction volume
annual_volume_capped = lic['SHARECOMPO'] * 1000
annual_volume_uncapped = np.inf
# Set a maximum daily extraction limit
daily_maximum_volume = annual_volume_capped * float(
if S['capped_to_licence'].lower() == 'yes':
# Limited to share component
annual_volume = annual_volume_capped
# Unlimited
annual_volume = annual_volume_uncapped
# Check if licence is for non-irrigation purposes
if lic['PRIMARY_USE'].lower() == 'non_irrigation':
# Distribute licenced amount evenly over year (m3/year to m3/s)
irrigation_q = annual_volume / 365.25 / 24 / 3600
inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']] = -irrigation_q
# Irrigation area (m2)
area = lic['Area']
# Available water holding capacity (mm per m)
water_holding_capacity = 110 / 1000
# Get parameters for specific crop type
crop = crop_types[crop_types['type'] == lic['PRIMARY_USE'].lower()]
# Crop coefficient (from FAO56)
crop_coefficient = float(crop['crop_coefficient'])
# Root zone depth (mm)
root_zone_depth = float(crop['root_zone_depth'])
# Allowable water level depletion, before irrigation is required (%)
allowable_depletion = float(crop['allowable_depletion'])
# Irrigation efficiency (percent)
efficiency = float(S['irrigation_efficiency'])
# Plant available water (mm)
plant_available_water = root_zone_depth * water_holding_capacity
# Irrigation trigger depth (mm)
threshold_depth = plant_available_water * allowable_depletion
# Calculate soil moisture over time
rain_local = rain_master[lic['station_name']]
eto_local = eto_master[lic['station_name']]
date = rain_master.index
depletion_depth = np.zeros(len(date))
irrigation_volume = np.zeros(len(date))
annual_irrigation_volume = np.zeros(len(date))
etc = eto_local * crop_coefficient
for i in range(1, len(date)):
if not saturation_mode:
currently_irrigating = False
# Calculate remaining licence allocation
remaining_allocation = annual_volume - annual_irrigation_volume[i -
# Check if licence is exhausted
if remaining_allocation <= 0:
licence_exhausted = True
# Apply evapotranspiration and rain
current_depth = depletion_depth[i - 1] + etc[i] - rain_local[i - 1]
# Check if soil was irrigated the previous day
if irrigation_volume[i - 1] > 0:
current_depth = (
current_depth -
irrigation_volume[i - 1] / area * 1000 * efficiency)
# If soil is saturated from rain or irrigation, do not store excess
if current_depth < 0:
current_depth = 0
currently_irrigating = False
# Check if soil moisture is too low
if (((current_depth > threshold_depth) and
(rain_local[i] < 0.2 * current_depth)) or currently_irrigating):
if currently_irrigating:
idx_last_irrigation = np.where(
irrigation_volume[i] = np.min([
irrigation_volume[i - idx_last_irrigation],
remaining_allocation, daily_maximum_volume
currently_irrigating = True
irrigation_volume[i] = np.min([
current_depth / 1000 * area / efficiency *
irrigation_time_factor, remaining_allocation,
if licence_exhausted:
irrigation_volume[i] = 0
current_depth = threshold_depth
currently_irrigating = False
# Check if new year has started
if date[i].dayofyear == 1:
annual_irrigation_volume[i] = 0 + irrigation_volume[i]
licence_exhausted = False
i] = annual_irrigation_volume[i - 1] + irrigation_volume[i]
# Update depletion depth
depletion_depth[i] = current_depth
# Update QA table at end of year
if (date[i].month == 12) & (date[i].day == 31):
q_fraction_of_licence = annual_irrigation_volume[
i] / annual_volume_capped
qa_fraction_used.loc[datetime(date[i].year, 1, 1), lic[
'CWLICENSE']] = q_fraction_of_licence
# Update inflows with irrigation demand (sign is negative for outflow)
irrigation_q = irrigation_volume / 24 / 3600
irrigation_q_df = pd.DataFrame(irrigation_q, index=rain_master.index)
irrigation_q_df.columns = [lic['CWLICENSE']]
inflow_timeseries = pd.concat([inflow_timeseries, irrigation_q_df], axis=1)
#interpolate the NA value of the leap year 29th of March
inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']]= inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']].interpolate(method='linear', axis=0)
#inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']] = -irrigation_q
# Consolidate wq data into single dataframe
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
wq_df = pd.DataFrame()
wq_cols = wq_timeseries.keys()
####Written by tino##############################################
# # Generate empty dataframe for inflows
# Full_present_period_df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(pres_start_date, pres_end_date))
# # Generate empty dataframe for inflows
# start_date = datetime(
# int(S['start_year']), int(S['start_month']), int(S['start_day']))
# end_date = datetime(int(S['end_year']), int(S['end_month']), int(S['end_day']))
# for n in wq_cols:
# Full_present_period_df = pd.concat([Full_present_period_df, pd.DataFrame(wq_timeseries[n]['Salinity'])], axis=1)
# Full_present_period_df = pd.DataFrame(Full_present_period_df.loc[(Full_present_period_df .index >= pres_start_date) & (Full_present_period_df .index <= pres_end_date)])
# wq = Full_present_period_df.replace(np.nan, 0)
# wq.columns = wq_cols
# #shift the WQ time series into the future if a future model run is executed
# wq.index = wq.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
# #wq.index.name = 'constituent'
# #wq = wq.reset_index()
# #wq.index = np.tile(1, wq.shape[0])
# wq_df = wq
# #wq_df = wq_df.append(wq)
####Written by tino##############################################
#there is a problem here if the model run goes earlier than 1994, it
#then can't find the 1990 index from teh inflow_timeseries
for i in inflow_timeseries.index:
wq = pd.DataFrame([wq_timeseries[n].loc[i, :] for n in wq_cols]).T
wq.columns = wq_cols
wq.index.name = 'constituent'
wq = wq.reset_index()
wq.index = np.tile(i, wq.shape[0])
wq_df = wq_df.append(wq)
#Shift the water quality time series data frame by
wq_df.index = wq_df.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
# Write element inflows for RMA
# Consolidate inflow elements in RMA mesh (only include those with inflows)
inflow_elements = mesh.loc[[len(n) > 0
for n in mesh['inflows']], ['name', 'inflows']]
# Iterate through years
for current_year in range(start_date.year, end_date.year + 1):
# RMA2: create input file
fq = open(
os.path.join(S['output_dir'], 'RMA2', '{}.elt'.format(current_year)),
fq.write('TE Generated Runoff (see end of file for run parameters)\n')
# RMA11: create input file
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
fwq = open(
os.path.join(S['output_dir'], 'RMA11',
'{}.wqg'.format(current_year)), 'w')
# Create progress bar
pbar = tqdm(
inflow_elements['inflows'].iteritems(), total=inflow_elements.shape[0])
# Iterate through mesh elements
for ID, q_names in pbar:
# Update progess bar
pbar.set_description('Writing input for year {}'.format(current_year))
# For each new element
fq.write('{:<8}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}'.format('QEI', ID, 1, current_year))
fq.write(' ### {}\n'.format(list(q_names)))
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
fwq.write('TI {}\n'.format(list(q_names)))
fwq.write('{:<8}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}\n'.format('QT', ID, 3,
# Iterate through time steps
for index, row in inflow_timeseries[inflow_timeseries.index.year ==
# Calculate flow rate for each timestep
q = sum(row[q_names].values)
'QE', index.dayofyear, index.hour, q))
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
# Get water quality values for current day
#wq = wq_df.loc[index, :].set_index('constituent')
index + 100
wq = wq_df[wq_df.index == index].set_index('constituent') #TH I changed this since the constituent part did not work here.
# Get names of WWTP, catchment, and boundaries at current element
w_names = [x for x in q_names if x in wwtp_data.keys()]
except NameError:
w_names = []
c_names = [x for x in q_names if x in catchments.index]
except NameError:
c_names = []
b_names = [x for x in q_names if x in bc_data.keys()]
except NameError:
b_names = []
# Initialise water quality values
wq_mass = np.zeros(len(wq.index))
# Calculate water quality in catchment runoff
if c_names:
c_natural_frac = catchments.loc[c_names, 'Natural'].values
c_natural_conc = wq['awbm_wq_natural'].values[:,
c_urban_frac = catchments.loc[c_names, 'Urban'].values
c_urban_conc = wq['awbm_wq_urban'].values[:, np.newaxis]
c_flow = row[c_names].values
wq_mass += np.sum(
c_flow * (c_natural_frac * c_natural_conc +
c_urban_frac * c_urban_conc),
# Calculate water quality from WWTP inflows
if w_names:
w_conc = wq[w_names].values
w_flow = row[w_names].values
wq_mass += np.sum(w_flow * w_conc, axis=1)
# Calculate water quality from upstream boundaries
if b_names:
b_conc = wq[b_names].values
b_flow = row[b_names].values
wq_mass += np.sum(b_flow * b_conc, axis=1)
# Calculate water quality concentrations
if q <= 0:
wq_conc = [0] * len(wq_mass)
wq_conc = wq_mass / q
# Write water quality concentrations
'QD', index.dayofyear, index.hour, q) + ''.join(
'{:>8.2E}'.format(x) for x in wq_conc))
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':

@ -24,3 +24,22 @@ Key steps:
data can reproduce the observed catchment flow time series and also how different the NARcLIM ET is from the observed. data can reproduce the observed catchment flow time series and also how different the NARcLIM ET is from the observed.
Once we generated 12 RMA boundary condition files, one for each NARCCLIM ensemble member, Once we generated 12 RMA boundary condition files, one for each NARCCLIM ensemble member,
the next step will be to automate the climate change scenario runs for NARcLIM. the next step will be to automate the climate change scenario runs for NARcLIM.
Specific Steps to run RMA2 and RMA11:
run the
Prepare the water quality input time series (they must cover the years specified for the run)
For the Hunter, we use temperature at GRETA which is interpolated linearly to fill a few gaps in the record using the R code:
C:\Users\z5025317\OneDrive - UNSW\WRL_Postdoc_Manual_Backup\WRL_Postdoc\Projects\Paper#1\Analysis\Code\ggplot_time_series_with_trends.R
For the Hunter at greta, the first few month prior to 01/07/1995 0:00 were set to 10.5 degree manually
For seeham old and godswick, we used the same temperature as for the Hunter River
The python code tide generator is used to generate the tidal boundary condition. The yearly files
have to be copy pasted into the run directories.
Check that the nodes in the Matlab code match the ones generated in the elt file.
for that we use the matlab code that's in the RMA generator folder
Once all the run files are generated, start with the RMA2 startup file, wihch will flood the model by 5m and than drop the water level to the starting value.
The RMA batch file is used to run all the years in batch mode. The executable names have to be updated there.
it is run by simply copy pasting the batch file into the windows command line after navigating to the correct
run directory i.e. /HCC001
Download NARCLIM Data for all tributary catchments:
