#back up of working python code
@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
# coding: utf-8
import re
import os
import time
import collections
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
import pyrma.pyrma
path = "C:/Users/z5025317/OneDrive - UNSW/Hunter_CC_Modeling/07_Modelling/01_Input/BCGeneration/"
###Input parameters for Climate change runs
pres_start_date = datetime(int(1995), int('1'), int('1'))
pres_end_date = datetime(int(2005), int('12'), int('31'))
River_temp_increase = 0.5
# Load project settings
# Establish the settings and run parameters (see the description of
# settings that are in header of this code)
if __name__ == '__main__':
setup_files = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.lower().endswith('.s')]
if len(setup_files) == 1:
settingsfile = setup_files[0]
print('Enter the name of the settings file: ')
settingsfile = input()
S = collections.OrderedDict()
print('Reading settings file: {}'.format(settingsfile))
with open(settingsfile, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# Ignore commented and empty lines
if line[0] is not '#' and line[0] is not '\n':
# Take key name before colon
ln = line.strip().split(':', 1)
key = ln[0]
# Separate multiple values
val = [x.strip() for x in ln[1].strip().split(',')]
if len(val) == 1:
val = val[0]
S[key] = val
val = ln[1].strip().split(',')
if len(val) == 1:
val = val[0]
S[key] = val
#create output directory
if not os.path.exists(S['output_dir']):
print("output directory folder didn't exist and was generated")
if not os.path.exists(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA2'):
os.makedirs(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA2')
print("output directory folder didn't exist and was generated")
if not os.path.exists(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA11'):
os.makedirs(S['output_dir'] + 'RMA11')
print("output directory folder didn't exist and was generated")
# Collect run parameters
env_str = ''
env_str += "{0:20} : {1}\n".format("Time Run",
time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
env_str += "{0:20} : {1}\n".format("Settings File", settingsfile)
for envvar in S.keys():
env_str += "{0:20} : {1}\n".format(envvar, S[envvar])
# Load RMA mesh
print('Reading RMA mesh file')
nodes, elements = pyrma.loadMesh(S['mesh_file'])
mesh = pd.DataFrame(elements, index=[0]).transpose()
mesh.columns = ['name']
mesh['centroid'] = [e.centroid for e in elements.values()]
# Add empty lists to dataframe
mesh['inflows'] = np.empty((len(mesh), 0)).tolist()
mesh['inflows'] = mesh['inflows'].astype(object)
# Generate empty dataframe for inflows
start_date = datetime(int(S['start_year']), int(S['start_month']), int(S['start_day']))
end_date = datetime(int(S['end_year']), int(S['end_month']), int(S['end_day']))
inflow_timeseries = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(start_date, end_date))
# Generate empty dictionary (to be filled with dataframes) for water quality
wq_timeseries = {}
# Read upstream boundary inflows
if S['include_boundary_flows'].lower() == 'yes':
# Read boundary condition data from setup file
bc_data = {}
for key, val in S.items():
if re.match('bc_\d', key):
bc_data[val[0]] = dict(east=int(val[1]), north=int(val[2]))
dir_name = S['bc_directory']
for key, val in bc_data.items():
file_name = [x for x in os.listdir(dir_name) if x.startswith(key)][0]
bc_data[key]['path'] = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
# Assign upstream boundary inflows to RMA mesh
for key, val in bc_data.items():
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = val['east']
y = val['north']
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'], key)
for key, val in bc_data.items():
# Read upstream boundary condition file
print('Reading upstream boundary inflow: {}'.format(key))
df = pd.read_csv(
val['path'], index_col=0, parse_dates=['datetime'], dayfirst=True)
#TH # Shift the upstream boundary flows into the future if date is in the future.
df.index = df.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
# Trim dates to valid range
df = df[start_date:end_date]
# Scale flow units to m3/s
df[key] = df['Q[ML/d]'] * 1000 / 24 / 3600
# Merge all dataframes together
#inflow_timeseries2 = pd.merge(
#inflow_timeseries, df[[key]], right_index=True, left_index=True)
#TH #Tino added:
inflow_timeseries = pd.concat([inflow_timeseries, df[[key]]], axis=1)
# Add to water quality timeseries
wq_timeseries[key] = df.drop(['Q[ML/d]', key], axis = 1)
# Read WWTP data from setup file
wwtp_data = {}
for key, val in S.items():
if re.match('wwtp_\d', key):
wwtp_data[val[0]] = dict(east=int(val[1]), north=int(val[2]))
dir_name = S['wwtp_directory']
for key, val in wwtp_data.items():
file_name = [x for x in os.listdir(dir_name) if x.startswith(key)][0]
wwtp_data[key]['path'] = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name)
# Read WWTP inflows
if S['include_wwtp_flows'].lower() == 'yes':
print('Reading WWTP inflows (variable)')
for key in wwtp_data.keys():
df = pd.read_csv(
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = wwtp_data[key]['east']
y = wwtp_data[key]['north']
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'], key)
# Convert from ML/day to m3/s
df[key] = df[['Q[ML/d]']] * 1000 / 24 / 3600
# Add to inflow time series dataframes
inflow_timeseries = inflow_timeseries.join(df[[key]])
# Add to water quality timeseries
wq_timeseries[key] = df.drop(['Q[ML/d]', key], axis = 1)
# Load reference rainfall and evapotranspiration
eto_master = pd.read_csv(
S['evap_file'], parse_dates=['datetime'], index_col=['datetime'])
rain_master = pd.read_csv(
S['rain_file'], parse_dates=['datetime'], index_col=['datetime'])
# Trim climate data to current date range
eto_master = eto_master[start_date:end_date]
rain_master = rain_master[start_date:end_date]
# Calculate catchment inflows with AWBM
if S['include_hydro_model'].lower() == 'yes':
# Load water quality data for catchment inflows
for key in ['awbm_wq_natural', 'awbm_wq_urban']:
df = pd.read_csv(S[key], index_col=0, parse_dates=[0], dayfirst=True)
#TH # Shift the upstream boundary flows into the future if date is in the future.
df.index = df.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
wq_timeseries[key] = df
print('Calculating AWBM inflows')
# Read catchment data
catchments = pd.read_csv(S['catchment_file'], index_col=[0])
catchments = catchments.set_index(catchments['Cat_Name'])
for index, row in catchments.iterrows():
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = row.Easting
y = row.Northing
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'],
# Get weather station data
station_names = list(eto_master.columns)
# Load weights from Thiessen polygons
thiessen_weights = pd.read_csv(S['catchment_thiessen_weights'])
# Add catchment inflows
for index, c in catchments.iterrows():
# Time step (units: days)
timeStep = 1.0
# Area (units: m2)
totalArea = c['Area (km2)'] * 1000 * 1000
# S
consS = [c['C1'], c['C2'], c['C3']]
# A (must sum to 1)
consA = [c['A1'], c['A2'], c['A3']]
consKB = c['Kbase']
consKS = c['Ksurf']
BFI = c['BFI']
bucketValue = [0, 0, 0]
bfValue = 0
sfValue = 0
def flowInit(length):
vec = [0] * length
return vec
def updatebucket(Elevation, surfaceCon, previousValue, flow):
if Elevation > surfaceCon:
flow = Elevation - surfaceCon
previousValue = surfaceCon
flow = 0
previousValue = max(Elevation, 0)
return previousValue, flow
# Calculate Thiessen weightings
weights = thiessen_weights[thiessen_weights['Name'] == c['Cat_Name']][
rain_local = (rain_master[station_names] *
eto_local = (eto_master[station_names] *
# Count number of timesteps
n = len(rain_master.index)
Excess = [flowInit(n) for i in range(3)]
ExcessTotal = flowInit(n)
ExcessBF = flowInit(n)
ExcessSF = flowInit(n)
ExcessRunoff = flowInit(n)
Qflow = flowInit(n)
[aa, bb] = updatebucket(1, 2, 3, 4)
for i in range(1, len(rain_local)):
ElevTemp = [[bucketValue[j] + rain_local[i] - eto_local[i]]
for j in range(3)]
for k in range(3):
[bucketValue[k], Excess[k][i]] = updatebucket(
ElevTemp[k][0], consS[k], bucketValue[k], Excess[k][i - 1])
ExcessTotal[i] = (Excess[0][i] * consA[0] + Excess[1][i] * consA[1]
+ Excess[2][i] * consA[2])
ExcessBF[i] = bfValue + ExcessTotal[i] * BFI
bfValue = max(consKB * ExcessBF[i], 0)
ExcessSF[i] = sfValue + (1 - BFI) * ExcessTotal[i]
sfValue = max(consKS * ExcessSF[i], 0)
ExcessRunoff[i] = ((1 - consKB) * ExcessBF[i] +
(1 - consKS) * ExcessSF[i])
Qflow = [
a * (1e-3) * totalArea / (timeStep * 86400) for a in ExcessRunoff
] # flow in m3/s
Qflow_df = pd.DataFrame(Qflow, index=rain_master.index)
Qflow_df.columns = [c['Cat_Name']]
#inflow_timeseries[c['Cat_Name']] = Qflow
inflow_timeseries = pd.concat([inflow_timeseries, Qflow_df], axis=1)
#interpolate the NA value of the leap year 29th of March
inflow_timeseries[c['Cat_Name']]= inflow_timeseries[c['Cat_Name']].interpolate(method='linear', axis=0)
# Calculate irrigation demand
if S['include_crop_model'].lower() == 'yes':
print('Calculating irrigation demand')
# Create QA summary
qa_fraction_used = pd.DataFrame(
index=pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq='AS'))
# Load water licence holders
licences = pd.read_csv(S['licences_file'])
licences['point'] = [
pyrma.point(x, y)
for x, y in zip(licences['Easting'], licences['Northing'])
# Assign water licences to RMA mesh
for index, row in licences.iterrows():
# Find nearest element in RMA mesh
x = row.Easting
y = row.Northing
mesh['calc'] = [pyrma.point(x, y).dist(c) for c in mesh['centroid']]
idx = mesh['calc'].idxmin()
# Add nearest mesh element location to dataframe
mesh.at[idx, 'inflows'] = np.append(mesh.loc[idx, 'inflows'],
weather_stations = pd.read_excel(S['weather_station_file'])
weather_stations['point'] = [
pyrma.point(x, y) for x, y in zip(weather_stations['E_MGA56'],
# Find nearest weather station
licences['station_name'] = ''
for index, row in licences.iterrows():
idx = np.argmin(
[row['point'].dist(p) for p in weather_stations['point']])
licences.at[index, 'station_name'] = weather_stations['Name'][idx]
# http://www.fao.org/docrep/x0490e/x0490e0e.htm
crop_types = {
'type': [
'pasture', 'turf', 'lucerne', 'vegetables', 'orchard',
'crop_coefficient': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, np.nan],
'root_zone_depth': [1000, 750, 1500, 500, 1500, np.nan],
'allowable_depletion': [0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, np.nan],
crop_types = pd.DataFrame(crop_types)
# Check number of days to spread irrigation over
irrigation_days = int(S['irrigation_days'])
# Check if moisture in soil should be kept full (saturated) or empty
if S['irrigate_to_saturation'].lower() == 'yes':
saturation_mode = True
saturation_mode = False
irrigation_time_factor = 1 / irrigation_days
# Iterate through licences
for index, lic in tqdm(licences.iterrows(), total=licences.shape[0]):
# Initialise variables for new licence
currently_irrigating = False
licence_exhausted = False
# Annual extraction volume
annual_volume_capped = lic['SHARECOMPO'] * 1000
annual_volume_uncapped = np.inf
# Set a maximum daily extraction limit
daily_maximum_volume = annual_volume_capped * float(
if S['capped_to_licence'].lower() == 'yes':
# Limited to share component
annual_volume = annual_volume_capped
# Unlimited
annual_volume = annual_volume_uncapped
# Check if licence is for non-irrigation purposes
if lic['PRIMARY_USE'].lower() == 'non_irrigation':
# Distribute licenced amount evenly over year (m3/year to m3/s)
irrigation_q = annual_volume / 365.25 / 24 / 3600
inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']] = -irrigation_q
# Irrigation area (m2)
area = lic['Area']
# Available water holding capacity (mm per m)
water_holding_capacity = 110 / 1000
# Get parameters for specific crop type
crop = crop_types[crop_types['type'] == lic['PRIMARY_USE'].lower()]
# Crop coefficient (from FAO56)
crop_coefficient = float(crop['crop_coefficient'])
# Root zone depth (mm)
root_zone_depth = float(crop['root_zone_depth'])
# Allowable water level depletion, before irrigation is required (%)
allowable_depletion = float(crop['allowable_depletion'])
# Irrigation efficiency (percent)
efficiency = float(S['irrigation_efficiency'])
# Plant available water (mm)
plant_available_water = root_zone_depth * water_holding_capacity
# Irrigation trigger depth (mm)
threshold_depth = plant_available_water * allowable_depletion
# Calculate soil moisture over time
rain_local = rain_master[lic['station_name']]
eto_local = eto_master[lic['station_name']]
date = rain_master.index
depletion_depth = np.zeros(len(date))
irrigation_volume = np.zeros(len(date))
annual_irrigation_volume = np.zeros(len(date))
etc = eto_local * crop_coefficient
for i in range(1, len(date)):
if not saturation_mode:
currently_irrigating = False
# Calculate remaining licence allocation
remaining_allocation = annual_volume - annual_irrigation_volume[i -
# Check if licence is exhausted
if remaining_allocation <= 0:
licence_exhausted = True
# Apply evapotranspiration and rain
current_depth = depletion_depth[i - 1] + etc[i] - rain_local[i - 1]
# Check if soil was irrigated the previous day
if irrigation_volume[i - 1] > 0:
current_depth = (
current_depth -
irrigation_volume[i - 1] / area * 1000 * efficiency)
# If soil is saturated from rain or irrigation, do not store excess
if current_depth < 0:
current_depth = 0
currently_irrigating = False
# Check if soil moisture is too low
if (((current_depth > threshold_depth) and
(rain_local[i] < 0.2 * current_depth)) or currently_irrigating):
if currently_irrigating:
idx_last_irrigation = np.where(
irrigation_volume[i] = np.min([
irrigation_volume[i - idx_last_irrigation],
remaining_allocation, daily_maximum_volume
currently_irrigating = True
irrigation_volume[i] = np.min([
current_depth / 1000 * area / efficiency *
irrigation_time_factor, remaining_allocation,
if licence_exhausted:
irrigation_volume[i] = 0
current_depth = threshold_depth
currently_irrigating = False
# Check if new year has started
if date[i].dayofyear == 1:
annual_irrigation_volume[i] = 0 + irrigation_volume[i]
licence_exhausted = False
i] = annual_irrigation_volume[i - 1] + irrigation_volume[i]
# Update depletion depth
depletion_depth[i] = current_depth
# Update QA table at end of year
if (date[i].month == 12) & (date[i].day == 31):
q_fraction_of_licence = annual_irrigation_volume[
i] / annual_volume_capped
qa_fraction_used.loc[datetime(date[i].year, 1, 1), lic[
'CWLICENSE']] = q_fraction_of_licence
# Update inflows with irrigation demand (sign is negative for outflow)
irrigation_q = irrigation_volume / 24 / 3600
irrigation_q_df = pd.DataFrame(irrigation_q, index=rain_master.index)
irrigation_q_df.columns = [lic['CWLICENSE']]
inflow_timeseries = pd.concat([inflow_timeseries, irrigation_q_df], axis=1)
#interpolate the NA value of the leap year 29th of March
inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']]= inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']].interpolate(method='linear', axis=0)
#inflow_timeseries[lic['CWLICENSE']] = -irrigation_q
# Consolidate wq data into single dataframe
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
wq_df = pd.DataFrame()
wq_cols = wq_timeseries.keys()
####Written by tino##############################################
# # Generate empty dataframe for inflows
# Full_present_period_df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(pres_start_date, pres_end_date))
# # Generate empty dataframe for inflows
# start_date = datetime(
# int(S['start_year']), int(S['start_month']), int(S['start_day']))
# end_date = datetime(int(S['end_year']), int(S['end_month']), int(S['end_day']))
# for n in wq_cols:
# Full_present_period_df = pd.concat([Full_present_period_df, pd.DataFrame(wq_timeseries[n]['Salinity'])], axis=1)
# Full_present_period_df = pd.DataFrame(Full_present_period_df.loc[(Full_present_period_df .index >= pres_start_date) & (Full_present_period_df .index <= pres_end_date)])
# wq = Full_present_period_df.replace(np.nan, 0)
# wq.columns = wq_cols
# #shift the WQ time series into the future if a future model run is executed
# wq.index = wq.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
# #wq.index.name = 'constituent'
# #wq = wq.reset_index()
# #wq.index = np.tile(1, wq.shape[0])
# wq_df = wq
# #wq_df = wq_df.append(wq)
####Written by tino##############################################
#there is a problem here if the model run goes earlier than 1994, it
#then can't find the 1990 index from teh inflow_timeseries
for i in inflow_timeseries.index:
wq = pd.DataFrame([wq_timeseries[n].loc[i, :] for n in wq_cols]).T
wq.columns = wq_cols
wq.index.name = 'constituent'
wq = wq.reset_index()
wq.index = np.tile(i, wq.shape[0])
wq_df = wq_df.append(wq)
#Shift the water quality time series data frame by
wq_df.index = wq_df.index + (start_date - pres_start_date)
# Write element inflows for RMA
# Consolidate inflow elements in RMA mesh (only include those with inflows)
inflow_elements = mesh.loc[[len(n) > 0
for n in mesh['inflows']], ['name', 'inflows']]
# Iterate through years
for current_year in range(start_date.year, end_date.year + 1):
# RMA2: create input file
fq = open(
os.path.join(S['output_dir'], 'RMA2', '{}.elt'.format(current_year)),
fq.write('TE Generated Runoff (see end of file for run parameters)\n')
# RMA11: create input file
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
fwq = open(
os.path.join(S['output_dir'], 'RMA11',
'{}.wqg'.format(current_year)), 'w')
# Create progress bar
pbar = tqdm(
inflow_elements['inflows'].iteritems(), total=inflow_elements.shape[0])
# Iterate through mesh elements
for ID, q_names in pbar:
# Update progess bar
pbar.set_description('Writing input for year {}'.format(current_year))
# For each new element
fq.write('{:<8}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}'.format('QEI', ID, 1, current_year))
fq.write(' ### {}\n'.format(list(q_names)))
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
fwq.write('TI {}\n'.format(list(q_names)))
fwq.write('{:<8}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}\n'.format('QT', ID, 3,
# Iterate through time steps
for index, row in inflow_timeseries[inflow_timeseries.index.year ==
# Calculate flow rate for each timestep
q = sum(row[q_names].values)
'QE', index.dayofyear, index.hour, q))
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
# Get water quality values for current day
#wq = wq_df.loc[index, :].set_index('constituent')
index + 100
wq = wq_df[wq_df.index == index].set_index('constituent') #TH I changed this since the constituent part did not work here.
# Get names of WWTP, catchment, and boundaries at current element
w_names = [x for x in q_names if x in wwtp_data.keys()]
except NameError:
w_names = []
c_names = [x for x in q_names if x in catchments.index]
except NameError:
c_names = []
b_names = [x for x in q_names if x in bc_data.keys()]
except NameError:
b_names = []
# Initialise water quality values
wq_mass = np.zeros(len(wq.index))
# Calculate water quality in catchment runoff
if c_names:
c_natural_frac = catchments.loc[c_names, 'Natural'].values
c_natural_conc = wq['awbm_wq_natural'].values[:,
c_urban_frac = catchments.loc[c_names, 'Urban'].values
c_urban_conc = wq['awbm_wq_urban'].values[:, np.newaxis]
c_flow = row[c_names].values
wq_mass += np.sum(
c_flow * (c_natural_frac * c_natural_conc +
c_urban_frac * c_urban_conc),
# Calculate water quality from WWTP inflows
if w_names:
w_conc = wq[w_names].values
w_flow = row[w_names].values
wq_mass += np.sum(w_flow * w_conc, axis=1)
# Calculate water quality from upstream boundaries
if b_names:
b_conc = wq[b_names].values
b_flow = row[b_names].values
wq_mass += np.sum(b_flow * b_conc, axis=1)
# Calculate water quality concentrations
if q <= 0:
wq_conc = [0] * len(wq_mass)
wq_conc = wq_mass / q
# Write water quality concentrations
'QD', index.dayofyear, index.hour, q) + ''.join(
'{:>8.2E}'.format(x) for x in wq_conc))
if S['include_WQ'].lower() == 'yes':
Reference in New Issue