Moved demo from to Increased test coverage.

Per A Brodtkorb 8 years ago
parent 460ae6f819
commit d9e2349248

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from .kdetools import * from .kdetools import *
from .gridding import * from .gridding import *
from .kernels import * from .kernels import *
from .demo import *

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
Created on 2. jan. 2017
@author: pab
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np
import warnings
from wafo.plotbackend import plotbackend as plt
from wafo.kdetools import Kernel, TKDE, KDE, KRegression, BKRegression
from wafo import fig
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('fig import only supported on Windows')
__all__ = ['kde_demo1', 'kde_demo2', 'kde_demo3', 'kde_demo4', 'kde_demo5',
'kreg_demo1', ]
def kde_demo1():
"""KDEDEMO1 Demonstrate the smoothing parameter impact on KDE.
KDEDEMO1 shows the true density (dotted) compared to KDE based on 7
observations (solid) and their individual kernels (dashed) for 3
different values of the smoothing parameter, hs.
st = scipy.stats
x = np.linspace(-4, 4, 101)
x0 = x / 2.0
data = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=7)
kernel = Kernel('gauss')
hs = kernel.hns(data)
hVec = [hs / 2, hs, 2 * hs]
for ix, h in enumerate(hVec):
kde = KDE(data, hs=h, kernel=kernel)
f2 = kde(x, output='plot', title='h_s = {0:2.2f}'.format(float(h)),
plt.plot(x, st.norm.pdf(x, 0, 1), 'k:')
n = len(data)
plt.plot(data, np.zeros(data.shape), 'bx')
y = kernel(x0) / (n * h * kernel.norm_factor(d=1, n=n))
for i in range(n):
plt.plot(data[i] + x0 * h, y, 'b--')
plt.plot([data[i], data[i]], [0, np.max(y)], 'b')
plt.axis([min(x), max(x), 0, 0.5])
def kde_demo2():
'''Demonstrate the difference between transformation- and ordinary-KDE.
KDEDEMO2 shows that the transformation KDE is a better estimate for
Rayleigh distributed data around 0 than the ordinary KDE.
st = scipy.stats
data = st.rayleigh.rvs(scale=1, size=300)
x = np.linspace(1.5e-2, 5, 55)
kde = KDE(data)
f = kde(output='plot', title='Ordinary KDE (hs={0:})'.format(kde.hs))
plt.plot(x, st.rayleigh.pdf(x, scale=1), ':')
# plotnorm((data).^(L2)) # gives a straight line => L2 = 0.5 reasonable
hs = Kernel('gauss').get_smoothing(data**0.5)
tkde = TKDE(data, hs=hs, L2=0.5)
ft = tkde(x, output='plot',
title='Transformation KDE (hs={0:})'.format(tkde.tkde.hs))
plt.plot(x, st.rayleigh.pdf(x, scale=1), ':')
def kde_demo3():
'''Demonstrate the difference between transformation and ordinary-KDE in 2D
KDEDEMO3 shows that the transformation KDE is a better estimate for
Rayleigh distributed data around 0 than the ordinary KDE.
st = scipy.stats
data = st.rayleigh.rvs(scale=1, size=(2, 300))
# x = np.linspace(1.5e-3, 5, 55)
kde = KDE(data)
f = kde(output='plot', title='Ordinary KDE', plotflag=1)
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
# plotnorm((data).^(L2)) % gives a straight line => L2 = 0.5 reasonable
hs = Kernel('gauss').get_smoothing(data**0.5)
tkde = TKDE(data, hs=hs, L2=0.5)
ft = tkde.eval_grid_fast(
output='plot', title='Transformation KDE', plotflag=1)
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
def kde_demo4(N=50):
'''Demonstrate that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in (hisj) is superior
for 1D multimodal distributions
KDEDEMO4 shows that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in smoothing is a
better compared to normal reference rules (in this case the hns)
st = scipy.stats
data = np.hstack((st.norm.rvs(loc=5, scale=1, size=(N,)),
st.norm.rvs(loc=-5, scale=1, size=(N,))))
# x = np.linspace(1.5e-3, 5, 55)
kde = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hns'))
f = kde(output='plot', title='Ordinary KDE', plotflag=1)
kde1 = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hisj'))
f1 = kde1(output='plot', label='Ordinary KDE', plotflag=1)
f.plot('r', label='hns={0}'.format(kde.hs))
# plt.figure(2)
f1.plot('b', label='hisj={0}'.format(kde1.hs))
x = np.linspace(-9, 9)
plt.plot(x, (st.norm.pdf(x, loc=-5, scale=1) +
st.norm.pdf(x, loc=5, scale=1)) / 2, 'k:',
label='True density')
def kde_demo5(N=500):
'''Demonstrate that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in (hisj) is superior
for 2D multimodal distributions
KDEDEMO5 shows that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in smoothing is better
compared to normal reference rules (in this case the hns)
st = scipy.stats
data = np.hstack((st.norm.rvs(loc=5, scale=1, size=(2, N,)),
st.norm.rvs(loc=-5, scale=1, size=(2, N,))))
kde = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hns'))
f = kde(output='plot', plotflag=1,
title='Ordinary KDE, hns={0:s}'.format(str(list(kde.hs))))
kde1 = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hisj'))
f1 = kde1(output='plot', plotflag=1,
title='Ordinary KDE, hisj={0:s}'.format(str(list(kde1.hs))))
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
def kreg_demo1(hs=None, fast=False, fun='hisj'):
N = 100
# ei = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.075, size=(N,))
ei = np.array([
-0.08508516, 0.10462496, 0.07694448, -0.03080661, 0.05777525,
0.06096313, -0.16572389, 0.01838912, -0.06251845, -0.09186784,
-0.04304887, -0.13365788, -0.0185279, -0.07289167, 0.02319097,
0.06887854, -0.08938374, -0.15181813, 0.03307712, 0.08523183,
-0.0378058, -0.06312874, 0.01485772, 0.06307944, -0.0632959,
0.18963205, 0.0369126, -0.01485447, 0.04037722, 0.0085057,
-0.06912903, 0.02073998, 0.1174351, 0.17599277, -0.06842139,
0.12587608, 0.07698113, -0.0032394, -0.12045792, -0.03132877,
0.05047314, 0.02013453, 0.04080741, 0.00158392, 0.10237899,
-0.09069682, 0.09242174, -0.15445323, 0.09190278, 0.07138498,
0.03002497, 0.02495252, 0.01286942, 0.06449978, 0.03031802,
0.11754861, -0.02322272, 0.00455867, -0.02132251, 0.09119446,
-0.03210086, -0.06509545, 0.07306443, 0.04330647, 0.078111,
-0.04146907, 0.05705476, 0.02492201, -0.03200572, -0.02859788,
-0.05893749, 0.00089538, 0.0432551, 0.04001474, 0.04888828,
-0.17708392, 0.16478644, 0.1171006, 0.11664846, 0.01410477,
-0.12458953, -0.11692081, 0.0413047, -0.09292439, -0.07042327,
0.14119701, -0.05114335, 0.04994696, -0.09520663, 0.04829406,
-0.01603065, -0.1933216, 0.19352763, 0.11819496, 0.04567619,
-0.08348306, 0.00812816, -0.00908206, 0.14528945, 0.02901065])
x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
va_1 = 0.3 ** 2
va_2 = 0.7 ** 2
y0 = np.exp(-x ** 2 / (2 * va_1)) + 1.3*np.exp(-(x - 1) ** 2 / (2 * va_2))
y = y0 + ei
kernel = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun)
hopt = kernel.hisj(x)
kreg = KRegression(
x, y, p=0, hs=hs, kernel=kernel, xmin=-2 * hopt, xmax=1 + 2 * hopt)
if fast:
kreg.__call__ = kreg.eval_grid_fast
f = kreg(x, output='plot', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
kreg.p = 1
f1 = kreg(x, output='plot', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
# print(
plt.plot(x, y, '.', label='data')
plt.plot(x, y0, 'k', label='True model')
from statsmodels.nonparametric.kernel_regression import KernelReg
kreg2 = KernelReg(y, x, ('c'))
y2 =
plt.plot(x, y2[0], 'm', label='statsmodel')
def _get_data(n=100, symmetric=False, loc1=1.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=1.0):
st = scipy.stats
dist = st.norm
norm1 = scale2 * (dist.pdf(-loc1, loc=-loc1, scale=scale1) +
dist.pdf(-loc1, loc=loc1, scale=scale1))
def fun1(x):
return ((dist.pdf(x, loc=-loc1, scale=scale1) +
dist.pdf(x, loc=loc1, scale=scale1)) / norm1).clip(max=1.0)
x = np.sort(6 * np.random.rand(n, 1) - 3, axis=0)
y = (fun1(x) > np.random.rand(n, 1)).ravel()
# y = (np.cos(x)>2*np.random.rand(n, 1)-1).ravel()
x = x.ravel()
if symmetric:
xi = np.hstack((x.ravel(), -x.ravel()))
yi = np.hstack((y, y))
i = np.argsort(xi)
x = xi[i]
y = yi[i]
return x, y, fun1
def check_bkregression():
k = 0
for _i, n in enumerate([50, 100, 300, 600]):
x, y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric=True, loc1=0.1,
scale1=0.6, scale2=0.75)
bkreg = BKRegression(x, y, a=0.05, b=0.05)
fbest = bkreg.prb_search_best(
hsfun='hste', alpha=0.05, color='g', label='Transit_D')
figk = plt.figure(k)
ax = figk.gca()
k += 1
# fbest.score.plot(axis=ax)
# axsize = ax.axis()
# ax.vlines(fbest.hs,axsize[2]+1,axsize[3])
# ax.set(yscale='log')
fbest.labels.title = 'N = {:d}'.format(n)
ax.plot(x, fun1(x), 'r')
ax.legend(frameon=False, markerscale=4)
# ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks() * 100.0)
fig.tile(range(0, k))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# kde_demo5()
# check_bkregression()
kreg_demo1(hs=0.04, fast=True)'hold')

@ -21,18 +21,11 @@ from numpy import sqrt, atleast_2d, meshgrid
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn
from wafo.misc import nextpow2 from wafo.misc import nextpow2
from wafo.containers import PlotData from wafo.containers import PlotData
from wafo.plotbackend import plotbackend as plt
from wafo.testing import test_docstrings from wafo.testing import test_docstrings
from wafo.kdetools.kernels import iqrange, qlevels, Kernel from wafo.kdetools.kernels import iqrange, qlevels, Kernel
from wafo.kdetools.gridding import gridcount from wafo.kdetools.gridding import gridcount
try: __all__ = ['TKDE', 'KDE', 'test_docstrings', 'KRegression', 'BKRegression']
from wafo import fig
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('fig import only supported on Windows')
__all__ = ['TKDE', 'KDE', 'kde_demo1', 'kde_demo2', 'test_docstrings',
'KRegression', 'BKRegression']
_TINY = np.finfo(float).machar.tiny _TINY = np.finfo(float).machar.tiny
# _REALMIN = np.finfo(float).machar.xmin # _REALMIN = np.finfo(float).machar.xmin
@ -413,10 +406,10 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
for i, v2 in enumerate(L2.tolist()): for i, v2 in enumerate(L2.tolist()):
factor = v2 * np.sign(v2) if v2 else 1 factor = v2 * np.sign(v2) if v2 else 1
pdf *= np.where(v2 == 1, 1, points[i] ** (v2 - 1) * factor) pdf *= np.where(v2 == 1, 1, points[i] ** (v2 - 1) * factor)
if (np.abs(np.diff(pdf)).max() > 10).any():
msg = ''' Numerical problems may have occured due to the power _assert_warn((np.abs(np.diff(pdf)).max() < 10).all(), '''
transformation. Check the KDE for spurious spikes''' Numerical problems may have occured due to the power transformation.
warnings.warn(msg) Check the KDE for spurious spikes''')
return pdf return pdf
def eval_grid_fast2(self, *args, **kwds): def eval_grid_fast2(self, *args, **kwds):
@ -1179,284 +1172,5 @@ class BKRegression(object):
return prb_best return prb_best
def kde_demo1():
"""KDEDEMO1 Demonstrate the smoothing parameter impact on KDE.
KDEDEMO1 shows the true density (dotted) compared to KDE based on 7
observations (solid) and their individual kernels (dashed) for 3
different values of the smoothing parameter, hs.
st = scipy.stats
x = np.linspace(-4, 4, 101)
x0 = x / 2.0
data = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=7)
kernel = Kernel('gauss')
hs = kernel.hns(data)
hVec = [hs / 2, hs, 2 * hs]
for ix, h in enumerate(hVec):
kde = KDE(data, hs=h, kernel=kernel)
f2 = kde(x, output='plot', title='h_s = {0:2.2f}'.format(float(h)),
plt.plot(x, st.norm.pdf(x, 0, 1), 'k:')
n = len(data)
plt.plot(data, np.zeros(data.shape), 'bx')
y = kernel(x0) / (n * h * kernel.norm_factor(d=1, n=n))
for i in range(n):
plt.plot(data[i] + x0 * h, y, 'b--')
plt.plot([data[i], data[i]], [0, np.max(y)], 'b')
plt.axis([min(x), max(x), 0, 0.5])
def kde_demo2():
'''Demonstrate the difference between transformation- and ordinary-KDE.
KDEDEMO2 shows that the transformation KDE is a better estimate for
Rayleigh distributed data around 0 than the ordinary KDE.
st = scipy.stats
data = st.rayleigh.rvs(scale=1, size=300)
x = np.linspace(1.5e-2, 5, 55)
kde = KDE(data)
f = kde(output='plot', title='Ordinary KDE (hs={0:})'.format(kde.hs))
plt.plot(x, st.rayleigh.pdf(x, scale=1), ':')
# plotnorm((data).^(L2)) # gives a straight line => L2 = 0.5 reasonable
hs = Kernel('gauss').get_smoothing(data**0.5)
tkde = TKDE(data, hs=hs, L2=0.5)
ft = tkde(x, output='plot',
title='Transformation KDE (hs={0:})'.format(tkde.tkde.hs))
plt.plot(x, st.rayleigh.pdf(x, scale=1), ':')
def kde_demo3():
'''Demonstrate the difference between transformation and ordinary-KDE in 2D
KDEDEMO3 shows that the transformation KDE is a better estimate for
Rayleigh distributed data around 0 than the ordinary KDE.
st = scipy.stats
data = st.rayleigh.rvs(scale=1, size=(2, 300))
# x = np.linspace(1.5e-3, 5, 55)
kde = KDE(data)
f = kde(output='plot', title='Ordinary KDE', plotflag=1)
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
# plotnorm((data).^(L2)) % gives a straight line => L2 = 0.5 reasonable
hs = Kernel('gauss').get_smoothing(data**0.5)
tkde = TKDE(data, hs=hs, L2=0.5)
ft = tkde.eval_grid_fast(
output='plot', title='Transformation KDE', plotflag=1)
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
def kde_demo4(N=50):
'''Demonstrate that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in (hisj) is superior
for 1D multimodal distributions
KDEDEMO4 shows that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in smoothing is a
better compared to normal reference rules (in this case the hns)
st = scipy.stats
data = np.hstack((st.norm.rvs(loc=5, scale=1, size=(N,)),
st.norm.rvs(loc=-5, scale=1, size=(N,))))
# x = np.linspace(1.5e-3, 5, 55)
kde = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hns'))
f = kde(output='plot', title='Ordinary KDE', plotflag=1)
kde1 = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hisj'))
f1 = kde1(output='plot', label='Ordinary KDE', plotflag=1)
f.plot('r', label='hns={0}'.format(kde.hs))
# plt.figure(2)
f1.plot('b', label='hisj={0}'.format(kde1.hs))
x = np.linspace(-9, 9)
plt.plot(x, (st.norm.pdf(x, loc=-5, scale=1) +
st.norm.pdf(x, loc=5, scale=1)) / 2, 'k:',
label='True density')
def kde_demo5(N=500):
'''Demonstrate that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in (hisj) is superior
for 2D multimodal distributions
KDEDEMO5 shows that the improved Sheather-Jones plug-in smoothing is better
compared to normal reference rules (in this case the hns)
st = scipy.stats
data = np.hstack((st.norm.rvs(loc=5, scale=1, size=(2, N,)),
st.norm.rvs(loc=-5, scale=1, size=(2, N,))))
kde = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hns'))
f = kde(output='plot', plotflag=1,
title='Ordinary KDE, hns={0:s}'.format(str(list(kde.hs))))
kde1 = KDE(data, kernel=Kernel('gauss', 'hisj'))
f1 = kde1(output='plot', plotflag=1,
title='Ordinary KDE, hisj={0:s}'.format(str(list(kde1.hs))))
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
plt.plot(data[0], data[1], '.')
def kreg_demo1(hs=None, fast=False, fun='hisj'):
N = 100
# ei = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=0.075, size=(N,))
ei = np.array([
-0.08508516, 0.10462496, 0.07694448, -0.03080661, 0.05777525,
0.06096313, -0.16572389, 0.01838912, -0.06251845, -0.09186784,
-0.04304887, -0.13365788, -0.0185279, -0.07289167, 0.02319097,
0.06887854, -0.08938374, -0.15181813, 0.03307712, 0.08523183,
-0.0378058, -0.06312874, 0.01485772, 0.06307944, -0.0632959,
0.18963205, 0.0369126, -0.01485447, 0.04037722, 0.0085057,
-0.06912903, 0.02073998, 0.1174351, 0.17599277, -0.06842139,
0.12587608, 0.07698113, -0.0032394, -0.12045792, -0.03132877,
0.05047314, 0.02013453, 0.04080741, 0.00158392, 0.10237899,
-0.09069682, 0.09242174, -0.15445323, 0.09190278, 0.07138498,
0.03002497, 0.02495252, 0.01286942, 0.06449978, 0.03031802,
0.11754861, -0.02322272, 0.00455867, -0.02132251, 0.09119446,
-0.03210086, -0.06509545, 0.07306443, 0.04330647, 0.078111,
-0.04146907, 0.05705476, 0.02492201, -0.03200572, -0.02859788,
-0.05893749, 0.00089538, 0.0432551, 0.04001474, 0.04888828,
-0.17708392, 0.16478644, 0.1171006, 0.11664846, 0.01410477,
-0.12458953, -0.11692081, 0.0413047, -0.09292439, -0.07042327,
0.14119701, -0.05114335, 0.04994696, -0.09520663, 0.04829406,
-0.01603065, -0.1933216, 0.19352763, 0.11819496, 0.04567619,
-0.08348306, 0.00812816, -0.00908206, 0.14528945, 0.02901065])
x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
va_1 = 0.3 ** 2
va_2 = 0.7 ** 2
y0 = np.exp(-x ** 2 / (2 * va_1)) + 1.3*np.exp(-(x - 1) ** 2 / (2 * va_2))
y = y0 + ei
kernel = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun)
hopt = kernel.hisj(x)
kreg = KRegression(
x, y, p=0, hs=hs, kernel=kernel, xmin=-2 * hopt, xmax=1 + 2 * hopt)
if fast:
kreg.__call__ = kreg.eval_grid_fast
f = kreg(x, output='plot', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
kreg.p = 1
f1 = kreg(x, output='plot', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
# print(
plt.plot(x, y, '.', label='data')
plt.plot(x, y0, 'k', label='True model')
from statsmodels.nonparametric.kernel_regression import KernelReg
kreg2 = KernelReg(y, x, ('c'))
y2 =
plt.plot(x, y2[0], 'm', label='statsmodel')
def _get_data(n=100, symmetric=False, loc1=1.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=1.0):
st = scipy.stats
dist = st.norm
norm1 = scale2 * (dist.pdf(-loc1, loc=-loc1, scale=scale1) +
dist.pdf(-loc1, loc=loc1, scale=scale1))
def fun1(x):
return ((dist.pdf(x, loc=-loc1, scale=scale1) +
dist.pdf(x, loc=loc1, scale=scale1)) / norm1).clip(max=1.0)
x = np.sort(6 * np.random.rand(n, 1) - 3, axis=0)
y = (fun1(x) > np.random.rand(n, 1)).ravel()
# y = (np.cos(x)>2*np.random.rand(n, 1)-1).ravel()
x = x.ravel()
if symmetric:
xi = np.hstack((x.ravel(), -x.ravel()))
yi = np.hstack((y, y))
i = np.argsort(xi)
x = xi[i]
y = yi[i]
return x, y, fun1
def check_bkregression():
k = 0
for _i, n in enumerate([50, 100, 300, 600]):
x, y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric=True, loc1=0.1,
scale1=0.6, scale2=0.75)
bkreg = BKRegression(x, y, a=0.05, b=0.05)
fbest = bkreg.prb_search_best(
hsfun='hste', alpha=0.05, color='g', label='Transit_D')
figk = plt.figure(k)
ax = figk.gca()
k += 1
# fbest.score.plot(axis=ax)
# axsize = ax.axis()
# ax.vlines(fbest.hs,axsize[2]+1,axsize[3])
# ax.set(yscale='log')
fbest.labels.title = 'N = {:d}'.format(n)
ax.plot(x, fun1(x), 'r')
ax.legend(frameon=False, markerscale=4)
# ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks() * 100.0)
fig.tile(range(0, k))
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
if False: test_docstrings(__file__)
# kde_demo5()
# check_bkregression()
kreg_demo1(hs=0.04, fast=True)'hold')

@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ class TestKde(unittest.TestCase):
0.72433808, 1.92973094, 0.44749838, 1.36508452]) 0.72433808, 1.92973094, 0.44749838, 1.36508452])
self.x = np.linspace(0, max( + 1, 10) self.x = np.linspace(0, max( + 1, 10)
def test_default_bandwidth_and_inc(self):
kde0 = wk.KDE(, hs=-1, alpha=0.0, inc=None)
assert_allclose(kde0.hs, 0.19682759537327105)
assert_allclose(, 64)
def test0_KDE1D(self): def test0_KDE1D(self):
data, x =, self.x data, x =, self.x
@ -36,6 +42,11 @@ class TestKde(unittest.TestCase):
0.52219649, 0.3906213, 0.26381501, 0.16407362, 0.52219649, 0.3906213, 0.26381501, 0.16407362,
0.08270612, 0.02991145, 0.00720821]) 0.08270612, 0.02991145, 0.00720821])
fx = kde0.eval_points(x)
assert_allclose(fx, [0.2039735, 0.40252503, 0.54595078,
0.52219649, 0.3906213, 0.26381501, 0.16407362,
0.08270612, 0.02991145, 0.00720821])
fx = kde0.eval_grid(x, r=1) fx = kde0.eval_grid(x, r=1)
assert_allclose(-fx, [0.11911419724002906, 0.13440000694772541, assert_allclose(-fx, [0.11911419724002906, 0.13440000694772541,
0.044400116190638696, -0.0677695267531197, 0.044400116190638696, -0.0677695267531197,
@ -88,6 +99,11 @@ class TestKde(unittest.TestCase):
assert_allclose(f, [1.03982714, 0.45839018, 0.39514782, 0.32860602, assert_allclose(f, [1.03982714, 0.45839018, 0.39514782, 0.32860602,
0.26433318, 0.20717946, 0.15907684, 0.1201074, 0.26433318, 0.20717946, 0.15907684, 0.1201074,
0.08941027, 0.06574882]) 0.08941027, 0.06574882])
f = kde.eval_points(x)
assert_allclose(f, [1.03982714, 0.45839018, 0.39514782, 0.32860602,
0.26433318, 0.20717946, 0.15907684, 0.1201074,
0.08941027, 0.06574882])
assert_allclose(np.trapz(f, x), 0.94787730659349068) assert_allclose(np.trapz(f, x), 0.94787730659349068)
f = kde.eval_grid_fast(x) f = kde.eval_grid_fast(x)
assert_allclose(f, [1.0401892415290148, 0.45838973393693677, assert_allclose(f, [1.0401892415290148, 0.45838973393693677,
@ -170,17 +186,28 @@ class TestKde(unittest.TestCase):
x = np.linspace(0, max(np.ravel(data)) + 1, 3) x = np.linspace(0, max(np.ravel(data)) + 1, 3)
kde0 = wk.KDE(data, hs=0.5, alpha=0.0, inc=512) kde0 = wk.KDE(data, hs=0.5, alpha=0.0, inc=512)
assert_allclose(kde0.eval_grid(x, x), assert_allclose(kde0.eval_grid(x, x),
[[3.27260963e-02, 4.21654678e-02, 5.85338634e-04], [[3.27260963e-02, 4.21654678e-02, 5.85338634e-04],
[6.78845466e-02, 1.42195839e-01, 1.41676003e-03], [6.78845466e-02, 1.42195839e-01, 1.41676003e-03],
[1.39466746e-04, 4.26983850e-03, 2.52736185e-05]]) [1.39466746e-04, 4.26983850e-03, 2.52736185e-05]])
f0 = kde0.eval_grid_fast(x, x, output='plot')
t = [[0.0443506097653615, 0.06433530873456418, 0.0041353838654317856], t = [[0.0443506097653615, 0.06433530873456418, 0.0041353838654317856],
[0.07218297149063724, 0.1235819591878892, 0.009288890372002473], [0.07218297149063724, 0.1235819591878892, 0.009288890372002473],
[0.001613328022214066, 0.00794857884864038, 0.0005874786787715641] [0.001613328022214066, 0.00794857884864038, 0.0005874786787715641]
] ]
assert_allclose(kde0.eval_grid_fast(x, x), t) assert_allclose(, t)
def test_2d_default_bandwidth(self):
# N = 20
# data = np.random.rayleigh(1, size=(2, N))
data = DATA2D
kde0 = wk.KDE(data, kernel=wk.Kernel('epan', 'hmns'), inc=512)
assert_allclose(kde0.hs, [[0.8838122391117693, 0.08341940479019105],
[0.08341940479019104, 0.7678179747855731]])
self.assertRaises(ValueError, kde0.eval_points, [1, 2, 3])
assert_allclose(kde0.eval_points([1, 2]), 0.11329600006973661)
class TestRegression(unittest.TestCase): class TestRegression(unittest.TestCase):
