#First successfull recreation of the existing method

after first meeting with Alejandro di Luca. We
are not comparing present day variability with
near and far future ensemble model deltas (changes
in 20-year average climate). These changes are added
to the present day median climate for the plots.
tinoheimhuber 7 years ago
parent fd19552a5f
commit b2dd285534

@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ Base_period_start = '1990-01-01'
Base_period_end = '2080-01-01' #use last day that's not included in period as < is used for subsetting
Estuary = 'Bateman' # 'Belongil'
Clim_var_type = "*" #will create pdf for all variables in folder
subset_ensemble = 'no' # is yes, only the model with the lowest, median and max difference between present day and far future are selected
#set directory path for output files
output_directory = 'Output/'+ Estuary
#output_directory = 'J:/Project wrl2016032/NARCLIM_Raw_Data/Extracted'
@ -64,37 +66,37 @@ for clim_var_csv_path in Clim_Var_CSVs:
#Subset the data to the minimum base period and above (used to set the lenght of the present day climate period)
#Fdf_1900_2080 = Full_df.loc[(Full_df.index >= Base_period_start) & (Full_df.index < Base_period_end)] # not necessary if not using reanalysis models for base period
#Select the 3 most representative models (min med and max difference betwen far future and present)
Fdf_1900_2080_sorted = Fdf_1900_2080.reindex_axis(sorted(Fdf_1900_2080.columns), axis=1)
Fdf_1900_2080_sorted_means = pd.DataFrame(Fdf_1900_2080_sorted.mean())
df = Fdf_1900_2080_sorted_means
#add a simple increasing integer index
df = df.reset_index()
df= df[df.index % 3 != 1]
df['C'] = df[0].diff()
df = df.reset_index()
df= df[df.index % 2 != 0]
#get max difference model (difference between far future and prsent day)
a = df[df.index == df['C'].argmax(skipna=True)]
Max_dif_mod_name = a.iloc[0]['index']
#get min difference model
a = df[df.index == df['C'].argmin(skipna=True)]
Min_dif_mod_name = a.iloc[0]['index']
#get the model which difference is closest to the median difference
df['D'] = abs(df['C']- df['C'].median())
a = df[df.index == df['D'].argmin(skipna=True)]
Med_dif_mod_name = a.iloc[0]['index']
#data frame with min med and max difference model
df2 = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Min_dif_mod_name[:-5] + '|' + Med_dif_mod_name[:-5] + '|' + Max_dif_mod_name[:-5] )
dfall = df2.reindex_axis(sorted(df2.columns), axis=1)
#data frame with individual models
dfmin = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Min_dif_mod_name[:-5])
dfmax = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Max_dif_mod_name[:-5])
dfmed = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Max_dif_mod_name[:-5])
# use only the 3 representative models for the analysis
Fdf_1900_2080_all_mods = Fdf_1900_2080
Fdf_1900_2080 = dfall
if subset_ensemble == 'yes':
#Select the 3 most representative models (min med and max difference betwen far future and present)
Fdf_1900_2080_sorted = Fdf_1900_2080.reindex_axis(sorted(Fdf_1900_2080.columns), axis=1)
Fdf_1900_2080_sorted_means = pd.DataFrame(Fdf_1900_2080_sorted.mean())
df = Fdf_1900_2080_sorted_means
#add a simple increasing integer index
df = df.reset_index()
df= df[df.index % 3 != 1]
df['C'] = df[0].diff()
df = df.reset_index()
df= df[df.index % 2 != 0]
#get max difference model (difference between far future and prsent day)
a = df[df.index == df['C'].argmax(skipna=True)]
Max_dif_mod_name = a.iloc[0]['index']
#get min difference model
a = df[df.index == df['C'].argmin(skipna=True)]
Min_dif_mod_name = a.iloc[0]['index']
#get the model which difference is closest to the median difference
df['D'] = abs(df['C']- df['C'].median())
a = df[df.index == df['D'].argmin(skipna=True)]
Med_dif_mod_name = a.iloc[0]['index']
#data frame with min med and max difference model
df2 = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Min_dif_mod_name[:-5] + '|' + Med_dif_mod_name[:-5] + '|' + Max_dif_mod_name[:-5] )
dfall = df2.reindex_axis(sorted(df2.columns), axis=1)
#data frame with individual models
dfmin = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Min_dif_mod_name[:-5])
dfmax = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Max_dif_mod_name[:-5])
dfmed = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Max_dif_mod_name[:-5])
# use only the 3 representative models for the analysis
Fdf_1900_2080_all_mods = Fdf_1900_2080
Fdf_1900_2080 = dfall
#Aggregate daily df to annual time series
if (Clim_var_type == 'pracc' or Clim_var_type == 'evspsblmean' or Clim_var_type == 'potevpmean'
@ -120,6 +122,41 @@ for clim_var_csv_path in Clim_Var_CSVs:
#Create Deltas of average change
models = list(Fdf_1900_2080_means.index)
newmodel = []
for each in models:
unique_models = set(newmodel)
# calculate diff for each unique model
delta_NF_ensemble = []
delta_FF_ensemble = []
for unique_model in unique_models:
dfdiff = Fdf_1900_2080_means.filter(regex= unique_model)
delta_NF = dfdiff[1] - dfdiff[0]
delta_FF = dfdiff[2] - dfdiff[1]
np.percentile(delta_NF, 50)
delta_df1=pd.DataFrame(delta_NF_ensemble, index=unique_models)
delta_df2=pd.DataFrame(delta_FF_ensemble, index=unique_models)
delta_df=pd.concat([delta_df1, delta_df2], axis=1)
concat([Full_df, GCM_df], axis=1)
delta_df ensemble.plot(kind='bar')
dfmax = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Max_dif_mod_name[:-5])
dfmed = Fdf_1900_2080.filter(regex= Max_dif_mod_name[:-5])
#create a dataframe that has a single column for present day, near and far future for the (3 selected models)
Full_current_df = Fdf_1900_2080.iloc[:,range(0,3)]
@ -149,7 +186,7 @@ for clim_var_csv_path in Clim_Var_CSVs:
dfall = dfa1.append(dfa2).append(dfa3)
#write the key plots to a single pdf document
pdf_out_file_name = Clim_var_type + '_start_' + Base_period_start + '_NARCliM_summary2.pdf'
pdf_out_file_name = Clim_var_type + '_start_' + Base_period_start + '_NARCliM_summary_B.pdf'
pdf_out_path = output_directory +'/' + pdf_out_file_name
#open pdf and add the plots
