#code for creating climate prioritization plots for NARCLIM variables.
#code for creating future climate variability deviation plots for NARCLIM variables.
#Inputs: Uses CSV files that contain all 12 NARCLIM model runs time series for 1 grid cell created with: P1_NARCliM_NC_to_CSV_CCRC_SS.py
#Inputs: Uses CSV files that containthe deltas of all 12 NARCLIM models for 1 grid cell at the site of interest, generated with P1_NARCLIM_plots_Windows.py
#This code is used only for the NARCLIM variables - a separate code is used for ocean variables etc that are not part of the NARCLIM ensemble
'potevpmean' potential ET water_potential_evaporation_flux kg m-2 s-1
'tasmean’ mean near surface temperature
'tasmean’ mean near surface temperature
‘tasmax’ maximum near surface temperature
‘tasmax’ maximum near surface temperature
‘pracc’ precipitation daily precipitation sum (sum of convective prcacc and stratiform prncacc precip)
‘pracc’ precipitation daily precipitation sum (sum of convective prcacc and stratiform prncacc precip)
‘pr1Hmaxtstep’ maximum 1 hour interval rainfall in a one day period
‘pr1Hmaxtstep’ maximum 1 hour interval rainfall in a one day period
‘wssmean’ mean daily windspeed
'pr1Hmaxtstep' Max. 1-hour time-window moving averaged precipitation rate units: kg m-2 s-1 maximum 1-hour time-window moving averaged values from point values 60.0 second
'wss1Hmaxtstep' maximum 1 hour interval mean windspeeds in a one day period
'wss1Hmaxtstep' Max. 1-hour time-window moving averaged surface wind speed units: m s-1 maximum 1-hour time-window moving averaged values from point values 60.0 second
'wssmax' Surface wind speed standard_name: air_velocity units: m s-1 height: 10 m
'wssmean' Surface wind speed standard_name: air_velocity units: m s-1
Northern NSW:
Northern NSW:
@ -25,15 +28,47 @@ Towamba River: -37.1, 149.91
Nadgee Lake: -37.47, 149.97
Nadgee Lake: -37.47, 149.97
Bash-Code for netcdf interrogation:
Bash-Code for netcdf interrogation:
1st step: log into storm servers: Putty: hurricane.ccrc.unsw.edu.au or typhoon.ccrc.unsw.edu.au or cyclone.ccrc.unsw.edu.au + UNSW credentials (zID)
#1 The above code extracts time series from the full model ensemble over a single model grid cell (based on lat lon input) for the above variables of interest and stores into CSV files.
Example of output name = evspsblmean_35.76_150.25_NARCliM_summary.csv
#2 The "P1_NARCliM_plots_Windows" code takes these CSV files as input and creates a) a pdf wiht a number of time series and box plots and b) another CSV file containing the Deltas between present day, near and far future
for each model in the ensemble. Output: C:\Users\z5025317\WRL_Postdoc\Projects\Paper#1\Output\Nadgee\Nadgee_tasmax_NARCliM_ensemble_changes.csv
#3 The "P1_NARCliM_First_Pass_variab_deviation_plots" code takes those Delta CSV files as input and generates the future climate deviation plots that were originally developed by Duncan Rayner.
Run the code with different constellations of Estuary (study sites) and climate variables:
e.g. Clim_var_type = "tasmax*" # '*' will create pdf for all variables in folder
Present_Day_Clim_Var = 'MaxT' #MaxT, MinT, Rainfall, (the name for present day clim var refers to the name of the observed climate data that's used for the baseline period variability.
#!!!# Important!
#For present day variability data, only rainfall and temperature data actually correspond to the study sites. ET and Wind are taken from the existing project folder and hence, are for a Hunter weather station
#e.g. Terrigal_Wind and Terrigal_ET are actually Hunter in reality. This is because we don't have ET for other sites than Hunter at this stage.
##PROBLEM: Without changing anything, the P1_NARCliM_NC_to_CSV_CCRC_SS.py stopped working properly on the CCRC storm servers. It's not giving an error but loading the nc files with Dataset(nc) just takes unlimited time.
It used to take only a few seconds. NOT solved yet as of 7th of May 2018.