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This module contains functions to analyze the 2D shorelines along shore-normal
Author: Kilian Vos, Water Research Laboratory, University of New South Wales
# load modules
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
# other modules
import skimage.transform as transform
from pylab import ginput
import geopandas as gpd
# CoastSat modules
from coastsat import SDS_tools
def create_transect(origin, orientation, length):
Create a transect given an origin, orientation and length.
Points are spaced at 1m intervals.
KV WRL 2018
origin: np.array
contains the X and Y coordinates of the origin of the transect
orientation: int
angle of the transect (anti-clockwise from North) in degrees
length: int
length of the transect in metres
transect: np.array
contains the X and Y coordinates of the transect
# origin of the transect
x0 = origin[0]
y0 = origin[1]
# orientation of the transect
phi = (90 - orientation)*np.pi/180
# create a vector with points at 1 m intervals
x = np.linspace(0,length,length+1)
y = np.zeros(len(x))
coords = np.zeros((len(x),2))
coords[:,0] = x
coords[:,1] = y
# translate and rotate the vector using the origin and orientation
tf = transform.EuclideanTransform(rotation=phi, translation=(x0,y0))
transect = tf(coords)
return transect
def draw_transects(output, settings):
Draw shore-normal transects interactively on top of the mapped shorelines
output: dict
contains the extracted shorelines and corresponding metadata
settings: dict with the following keys
'inputs': dict
input parameters (sitename, filepath, polygon, dates, sat_list)
transects: dict
contains the X and Y coordinates of all the transects drawn.
Also saves the coordinates as a .geojson as well as a .jpg figure
showing the location of the transects.
sitename = settings['inputs']['sitename']
filepath = os.path.join(settings['inputs']['filepath'], sitename)
# plot the mapped shorelines
fig1 = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
ax1.set_xlabel('Eastings [m]')
ax1.set_ylabel('Northings [m]')
ax1.grid(linestyle=':', color='0.5')
for i in range(len(output['shorelines'])):
sl = output['shorelines'][i]
date = output['dates'][i]
ax1.plot(sl[:, 0], sl[:, 1], '.', markersize=3, label=date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y'))
# ax1.legend()
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
ax1.set_title('Click two points to define each transect (first point is the origin of the transect).\n'+
'When all transects have been defined, click on <ENTER>', fontsize=16)
# initialise transects dict
transects = dict([])
counter = 0
# loop until user breaks it by click <enter>
while 1:
# let user click two points
pts = ginput(n=2, timeout=1e9)
if len(pts) > 0:
origin = pts[0]
# if user presses <enter>, no points are selected
# save figure as .jpg
fig1.gca().set_title('Transect locations', fontsize=16)
fig1.savefig(os.path.join(filepath, 'jpg_files', sitename + '_transect_locations.jpg'), dpi=200)
plt.title('Transect coordinates saved as ' + sitename + '_transects.geojson')
# wait 3 seconds for user to visualise the transects that are saved
ginput(n=1, timeout=3, show_clicks=True)
# break the loop
# add selectect points to the transect dict
counter = counter + 1
transect = np.array([pts[0], pts[1]])
# alternative of making the transect the origin, orientation and length
# temp = np.array(pts[1]) - np.array(origin)
# phi = np.arctan2(temp[1], temp[0])
# orientation = -(phi*180/np.pi - 90)
# length = np.linalg.norm(temp)
# transect = create_transect(origin, orientation, length)
transects[str(counter)] = transect
# plot the transects on the figure
ax1.plot(transect[:,0], transect[:,1], 'b-', lw=2.5)
ax1.plot(transect[0,0], transect[0,1], 'rx', markersize=10)
ax1.text(transect[-1,0], transect[-1,1], str(counter), size=16,
bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", ec='k',fc='w'))
# save transects.geojson
gdf = SDS_tools.transects_to_gdf(transects)
# set projection = {'init':'epsg:'+str(settings['output_epsg'])}
# save as geojson
gdf.to_file(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_transects.geojson'), driver='GeoJSON', encoding='utf-8')
# print the location of the files
print('Transect locations saved in ' + filepath)
return transects
def compute_intersection(output, transects, settings):
Computes the intersection between the 2D shorelines and the shore-normal.
transects. It returns time-series of cross-shore distance along each transect.
output: dict
contains the extracted shorelines and corresponding metadata
transects: dict
contains the X and Y coordinates of each transect
settings: dict with the following keys
'along_dist': int
alongshore distance considered caluclate the intersection
cross_dist: dict
time-series of cross-shore distance along each of the transects.
Not tidally corrected.
shorelines = output['shorelines']
along_dist = settings['along_dist']
# initialise variables
chainage_mtx = np.zeros((len(shorelines),len(transects),6))
idx_points = []
for i in range(len(shorelines)):
sl = shorelines[i]
idx_points_all = []
for j,key in enumerate(list(transects.keys())):
# compute rotation matrix
X0 = transects[key][0,0]
Y0 = transects[key][0,1]
temp = np.array(transects[key][-1,:]) - np.array(transects[key][0,:])
phi = np.arctan2(temp[1], temp[0])
Mrot = np.array([[np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)],[-np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)]])
# calculate point to line distance between shoreline points and the transect
p1 = np.array([X0,Y0])
p2 = transects[key][-1,:]
d_line = np.abs(np.cross(p2-p1,sl-p1)/np.linalg.norm(p2-p1))
# calculate the distance between shoreline points and the origin of the transect
d_origin = np.array([np.linalg.norm(sl[k,:] - p1) for k in range(len(sl))])
# find the shoreline points that are close to the transects and to the origin
# the distance to the origin is hard-coded here to 1 km
idx_dist = np.logical_and(d_line <= along_dist, d_origin <= 1000)
# find the shoreline points that are in the direction of the transect (within 90 degrees)
temp_sl = sl - np.array(transects[key][0,:])
phi_sl = np.array([np.arctan2(temp_sl[k,1], temp_sl[k,0]) for k in range(len(temp_sl))])
diff_angle = (phi - phi_sl)
idx_angle = np.abs(diff_angle) < np.pi/2
# combine the transects that are close in distance and close in orientation
idx_close = np.where(np.logical_and(idx_dist,idx_angle))[0]
# in case there are no shoreline points close to the transect
if len(idx_close) == 0:
chainage_mtx[i,j,:] = np.tile(np.nan,(1,6))
# change of base to shore-normal coordinate system
xy_close = np.array([sl[idx_close,0],sl[idx_close,1]]) - np.tile(np.array([[X0],
[Y0]]), (1,len(sl[idx_close])))
xy_rot = np.matmul(Mrot, xy_close)
# compute mean, median, max, min and std of chainage position
n_points = len(xy_rot[0,:])
mean_cross = np.nanmean(xy_rot[0,:])
median_cross = np.nanmedian(xy_rot[0,:])
max_cross = np.nanmax(xy_rot[0,:])
min_cross = np.nanmin(xy_rot[0,:])
std_cross = np.nanstd(xy_rot[0,:])
# store all statistics
chainage_mtx[i,j,:] = np.array([mean_cross, median_cross, max_cross,
min_cross, n_points, std_cross])
# store the indices of the shoreline points that were used
# format into dictionnary
chainage = dict([])
chainage['mean'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,0]
chainage['median'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,1]
chainage['max'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,2]
chainage['min'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,3]
chainage['npoints'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,4]
chainage['std'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,5]
chainage['idx_points'] = idx_points
# only return the median
cross_dist = dict([])
for j,key in enumerate(list(transects.keys())):
cross_dist[key] = chainage['median'][:,j]
return cross_dist