@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
# Download L5, L7, L8, S2 images of a given area
# Initial settings
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
import ee
# other modules
from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import zipfile
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
import pickle
# import own modules
import functions.utils as utils
import functions.sds as sds
np.seterr(all='ignore') # raise/ignore divisions by 0 and nans
# Location
## location (Narrabeen-Collaroy beach)
#polygon = [[[151.301454, -33.700754],
# [151.311453, -33.702075],
# [151.307237, -33.739761],
# [151.294220, -33.736329],
# [151.301454, -33.700754]]];
# location (Tairua beach)
sitename = 'TAIRUA'
polygon = [[[175.835574, -36.982022],
[175.888220, -36.980680],
[175.893527, -37.029610],
[175.833444, -37.031767],
[175.835574, -36.982022]]];
# initialise metadata dictionnary (stores timestamps and georefencing accuracy of each image)
metadata = dict([])
# create directories
os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data',sitename))
print('directory already exists')
# L5
# define filenames for images
suffix = '.tif'
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, 'L5', '30m')
print('directory already exists')
# Select L5 collection
satname = 'L5'
input_col = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_TOA')
# filter by location
flt_col = input_col.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Polygon(polygon))
n_img = flt_col.size().getInfo()
print('Number of images covering ' + sitename, n_img)
im_all = flt_col.getInfo().get('features')
# Main loop trough images
timestamps = []
acc_georef = []
all_names = []
for i in range(n_img):
# find each image in ee database
im = ee.Image(im_all[i].get('id'))
im_dic = im.getInfo()
im_bands = im_dic.get('bands')
t = im_dic['properties']['system:time_start']
im_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(t/1000, tz=pytz.utc)
im_date = im_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
im_epsg = int(im_dic['bands'][0]['crs'][5:])
print('No geometric rmse model property')
# delete dimensions key from dictionnary, otherwise the entire image is extracted
for j in range(len(im_bands)): del im_bands[j]['dimensions']
# bands for L5
ms_bands = [im_bands[0], im_bands[1], im_bands[2], im_bands[3], im_bands[4], im_bands[7]]
# filenames
filename = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + suffix
if any(filename in _ for _ in all_names):
filename = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_dup' + suffix
local_data = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, ms_bands, filepath)
os.rename(local_data, os.path.join(filepath, filename))
# sort timestamps and georef accuracy (dowloaded images are sorted by date in directory)
timestamps_sorted = sorted(timestamps)
idx_sorted = sorted(range(len(timestamps)), key=timestamps.__getitem__)
acc_georef_sorted = [acc_georef[j] for j in idx_sorted]
metadata[satname] = {'dates':timestamps_sorted, 'acc_georef':acc_georef_sorted, 'epsg':im_epsg}
# L7&L8
# define filenames for images
suffix = '.tif'
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, 'L7&L8')
filepath_pan = os.path.join(filepath, 'pan')
filepath_ms = os.path.join(filepath, 'ms')
print('directory already exists')
# Select L7 collection
satname = 'L7'
input_col = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_RT_TOA')
# filter by location
flt_col = input_col.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Polygon(polygon))
n_img = flt_col.size().getInfo()
print('Number of images covering ' + sitename, n_img)
im_all = flt_col.getInfo().get('features')
# Main loop trough images
timestamps = []
acc_georef = []
all_names = []
for i in range(n_img):
# find each image in ee database
im = ee.Image(im_all[i].get('id'))
im_dic = im.getInfo()
im_bands = im_dic.get('bands')
t = im_dic['properties']['system:time_start']
im_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(t/1000, tz=pytz.utc)
im_date = im_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
im_epsg = int(im_dic['bands'][0]['crs'][5:])
print('No geometric rmse model property')
# delete dimensions key from dictionnary, otherwise the entire image is extracted
for j in range(len(im_bands)): del im_bands[j]['dimensions']
# bands for L7
pan_band = [im_bands[8]]
ms_bands = [im_bands[0], im_bands[1], im_bands[2], im_bands[3], im_bands[4], im_bands[9]]
# filenames
filename_pan = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_pan' + suffix
filename_ms = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_ms' + suffix
if any(filename_pan in _ for _ in all_names):
filename_pan = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_pan' + '_dup' + suffix
filename_ms = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_ms' + '_dup' + suffix
local_data_pan = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, pan_band, filepath_pan)
os.rename(local_data_pan, os.path.join(filepath_pan, filename_pan))
local_data_ms = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, ms_bands, filepath_ms)
os.rename(local_data_ms, os.path.join(filepath_ms, filename_ms))
# Select L8 collection
satname = 'L8'
input_col = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA')
# filter by location
flt_col = input_col.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Polygon(polygon))
n_img = flt_col.size().getInfo()
print('Number of images covering Narrabeen:', n_img)
im_all = flt_col.getInfo().get('features')
# Main loop trough images
for i in range(n_img):
# find each image in ee database
im = ee.Image(im_all[i].get('id'))
im_dic = im.getInfo()
im_bands = im_dic.get('bands')
t = im_dic['properties']['system:time_start']
im_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(t/1000, tz=pytz.utc)
im_date = im_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
im_epsg = int(im_dic['bands'][0]['crs'][5:])
print('No geometric rmse model property')
# delete dimensions key from dictionnary, otherwise the entire image is extracted
for j in range(len(im_bands)): del im_bands[j]['dimensions']
# bands for L8
pan_band = [im_bands[7]]
ms_bands = [im_bands[1], im_bands[2], im_bands[3], im_bands[4], im_bands[5], im_bands[11]]
# filenames
filename_pan = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_pan' + suffix
filename_ms = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_ms' + suffix
if any(filename_pan in _ for _ in all_names):
filename_pan = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_pan' + '_dup' + suffix
filename_ms = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_ms' + '_dup' + suffix
local_data_pan = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, pan_band, filepath_pan)
os.rename(local_data_pan, os.path.join(filepath_pan, filename_pan))
local_data_ms = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, ms_bands, filepath_ms)
os.rename(local_data_ms, os.path.join(filepath_ms, filename_ms))
# sort timestamps and georef accuracy (dowloaded images are sorted by date in directory)
timestamps_sorted = sorted(timestamps)
idx_sorted = sorted(range(len(timestamps)), key=timestamps.__getitem__)
acc_georef_sorted = [acc_georef[j] for j in idx_sorted]
metadata[satname] = {'dates':timestamps_sorted, 'acc_georef':acc_georef_sorted, 'epsg':im_epsg}
# S2
# define filenames for images
suffix = '.tif'
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, 'S2')
os.makedirs(os.path.join(filepath, '10m'))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(filepath, '20m'))
os.makedirs(os.path.join(filepath, '60m'))
print('directory already exists')
# Select L2 collection
satname = 'S2'
input_col = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2')
# filter by location
flt_col = input_col.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Polygon(polygon))
n_img = flt_col.size().getInfo()
print('Number of images covering ' + sitename, n_img)
im_all = flt_col.getInfo().get('features')
# Main loop trough images
timestamps = []
acc_georef = []
all_names = []
for i in range(n_img):
# find each image in ee database
im = ee.Image(im_all[i].get('id'))
im_dic = im.getInfo()
im_bands = im_dic.get('bands')
t = im_dic['properties']['system:time_start']
im_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(t/1000, tz=pytz.utc)
im_date = im_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')
im_epsg = int(im_dic['bands'][0]['crs'][5:])
if im_dic['properties']['GEOMETRIC_QUALITY_FLAG'] == 'PASSED':
# delete dimensions key from dictionnary, otherwise the entire image is extracted
for j in range(len(im_bands)): del im_bands[j]['dimensions']
# bands for S2
bands10 = [im_bands[1], im_bands[2], im_bands[3], im_bands[7]]
bands20 = [im_bands[11]]
bands60 = [im_bands[15]]
# filenames
filename10 = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_' + '10m' + suffix
filename20 = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_' + '20m' + suffix
filename60 = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_' + '60m' + suffix
if any(filename10 in _ for _ in all_names):
filename10 = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_' + '10m' + '_dup' + suffix
filename20 = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_' + '20m' + '_dup' + suffix
filename60 = im_date + '_' + satname + '_' + sitename + '_' + '60m' + '_dup' + suffix
local_data = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, bands10, filepath)
os.rename(local_data, os.path.join(filepath, '10m', filename10))
local_data = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, bands20, filepath)
os.rename(local_data, os.path.join(filepath, '20m', filename20))
local_data = sds.download_tif(im, polygon, bands60, filepath)
os.rename(local_data, os.path.join(filepath, '60m', filename60))
# sort timestamps and georef accuracy (dowloaded images are sorted by date in directory)
timestamps_sorted = sorted(timestamps)
idx_sorted = sorted(range(len(timestamps)), key=timestamps.__getitem__)
acc_georef_sorted = [acc_georef[j] for j in idx_sorted]
metadata[satname] = {'dates':timestamps_sorted, 'acc_georef':acc_georef_sorted, 'epsg':im_epsg}
#%% save metadata
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename)
with open(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_metadata' + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(metadata, f)
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
"""This module contains all the functions needed for data analysis """
# Initial settings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib import gridspec
import pdb
import ee
# other modules
from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import scipy.stats as sstats
# image processing modules
import skimage.filters as filters
import skimage.exposure as exposure
import skimage.transform as transform
import sklearn.decomposition as decomposition
import skimage.measure as measure
import skimage.morphology as morphology
# machine learning modules
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.externals import joblib
import time
# import own modules
import functions.utils as utils
def get_tide(dates_sds, dates_tide, tide_level):
tide = []
for i in range(len(dates_sds)):
dates_diff = np.abs(np.array([ (dates_sds[i] - _).total_seconds() for _ in dates_tide]))
if np.min(dates_diff) <= 1800: # half-an-hour
idx_closest = np.argmin(dates_diff)
tide = np.array(tide)
return tide
def remove_duplicates(output, satname):
" removes duplicates from output structure, keep the one with less cloud cover or best georeferencing "
dates = output['dates']
dates_str = [_.strftime('%Y%m%d') for _ in dates]
dupl = utils.duplicates_dict(dates_str)
if dupl:
output_nodup = dict([])
idx_remove = []
if satname == 'L8' or satname == 'L5':
for k,v in dupl.items():
idx1 = v[0]
idx2 = v[1]
c1 = output['metadata']['cloud_cover'][idx1]
c2 = output['metadata']['cloud_cover'][idx2]
g1 = output['metadata']['acc_georef'][idx1]
g2 = output['metadata']['acc_georef'][idx2]
if c1 < c2 - 0.01:
elif g1 < g2 - 0.1:
for k,v in dupl.items():
idx1 = v[0]
idx2 = v[1]
c1 = output['metadata']['cloud_cover'][idx1]
c2 = output['metadata']['cloud_cover'][idx2]
if c1 < c2 - 0.01:
idx_remove = sorted(idx_remove)
idx_all = np.linspace(0, len(dates_str)-1, len(dates_str))
idx_keep = list(np.where(~np.isin(idx_all,idx_remove))[0])
output_nodup['dates'] = [output['dates'][k] for k in idx_keep]
output_nodup['shorelines'] = [output['shorelines'][k] for k in idx_keep]
output_nodup['metadata'] = dict([])
for key in list(output['metadata'].keys()):
output_nodup['metadata'][key] = [output['metadata'][key][k] for k in idx_keep]
print(satname + ' : ' + str(len(idx_remove)) + ' duplicates')
return output_nodup
print(satname + ' : ' + 'no duplicates')
return output
def merge(output):
" merges data from the different satellites "
# stack all list together under one key
output_all = {'dates':[], 'shorelines':[],
'metadata':{'filenames':[], 'satname':[], 'cloud_cover':[], 'acc_georef':[]}}
for satname in list(output.keys()):
output_all['dates'] = output_all['dates'] + output[satname]['dates']
output_all['shorelines'] = output_all['shorelines'] + output[satname]['shorelines']
for key in list(output[satname]['metadata'].keys()):
output_all['metadata'][key] = output_all['metadata'][key] + output[satname]['metadata'][key]
output_all_sorted = {'dates':[], 'shorelines':[],
'metadata':{'filenames':[], 'satname':[], 'cloud_cover':[], 'acc_georef':[]}}
# sort the dates
idx_sorted = sorted(range(len(output_all['dates'])), key=output_all['dates'].__getitem__)
output_all_sorted['dates'] = [output_all['dates'][i] for i in idx_sorted]
output_all_sorted['shorelines'] = [output_all['shorelines'][i] for i in idx_sorted]
for key in list(output_all['metadata'].keys()):
output_all_sorted['metadata'][key] = [output_all['metadata'][key][i] for i in idx_sorted]
return output_all_sorted
def create_transects(x0, y0, orientation, chainage_length):
" creates shore-normal transects "
transects = []
for k in range(len(x0)):
# orientation of cross-shore profile
phi = (90 - orientation[k])*np.pi/180
# create a vector using the chainage length
x = np.linspace(0,chainage_length,chainage_length+1)
y = np.zeros(len(x))
coords = np.zeros((len(x),2))
coords[:,0] = x
coords[:,1] = y
# translate and rotate the vector using the origin and orientation
tf = transform.EuclideanTransform(rotation=phi, translation=(x0[k],y0[k]))
coords_tf = tf(coords)
return transects
def calculate_chainage(sds, transects, orientation, along_dist):
" intersect SDS with transect and compute chainage position "
chainage_mtx = np.zeros((len(sds),len(transects),6))
for i in range(len(sds)):
sl = sds[i]
for j in range(len(transects)):
# compute rotation matrix
X0 = transects[j][0,0]
Y0 = transects[j][0,1]
phi = (90 - orientation[j])*np.pi/180
Mrot = np.array([[np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)],[-np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)]])
# calculate point to line distance between shoreline points and profile
p1 = np.array([X0,Y0])
p2 = transects[j][-1,:]
p3 = sl
d = np.abs(np.cross(p2-p1,p3-p1)/np.linalg.norm(p2-p1))
idx_close = utils.find_indices(d, lambda e: e <= along_dist)
# check if there are SDS points around the profile or not
if not idx_close:
chainage_mtx[i,j,:] = np.tile(np.nan,(1,6))
# change of base to shore-normal coordinate system
xy_close = np.array([sl[idx_close,0],sl[idx_close,1]]) - np.tile(np.array([[X0],[Y0]]), (1,len(sl[idx_close])))
xy_rot = np.matmul(Mrot, xy_close)
# put nan values if the chainage is negative (MAKE SURE TO PICK ORIGIN CORRECTLY)
if np.any(xy_rot[0,:] < 0):
xy_rot[0,np.where(xy_rot[0,:] < 0)] = np.nan
# compute mean, median max and std of chainage position
n_points = len(xy_rot[0,:])
mean_cross = np.nanmean(xy_rot[0,:])
median_cross = np.nanmedian(xy_rot[0,:])
max_cross = np.nanmax(xy_rot[0,:])
min_cross = np.nanmin(xy_rot[0,:])
std_cross = np.nanstd(xy_rot[0,:])
if std_cross > 10: # if large std, take the most seaward point
mean_cross = max_cross
median_cross = max_cross
min_cross = max_cross
# store the statistics
chainage_mtx[i,j,:] = np.array([mean_cross, median_cross, max_cross,
min_cross, n_points, std_cross])
# format into dictionnary
chainage = dict([])
chainage['mean'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,0]
chainage['median'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,1]
chainage['max'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,2]
chainage['min'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,3]
chainage['npoints'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,4]
chainage['std'] = chainage_mtx[:,:,5]
return chainage
def compare_sds(dates_sds, chain_sds, topo_profiles, mod=0, mindays=5):
Compare sds with groundtruth data from topographic surveys / argus shorelines
KV WRL 2018
dates_sds: list
list of dates corresponding to each row in chain_sds
chain_sds: np.ndarray
array with time series of chainage for each transect (each transect is one column)
topo_profiles: dict
dict containing the dates and chainage of the groundtruth
mod: 0 or 1
0 for linear interpolation between 2 closest surveys, 1 for only nearest neighbour
min_days: int
minimum number of days for which the data can be compared
Returns: -----------
stats: dict
contains all the statistics of the comparison
# create 3 figures
fig1 = plt.figure()
gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(chain_sds.shape[1], 1)
fig2 = plt.figure()
gs2 = gridspec.GridSpec(2, chain_sds.shape[1])
fig3 = plt.figure()
gs3 = gridspec.GridSpec(2,1)
dates_sds_num = np.array([_.toordinal() for _ in dates_sds])
stats = dict([])
data_fin = dict([])
# for each transect compare and plot the data
for i in range(chain_sds.shape[1]):
pfname = list(topo_profiles.keys())[i]
stats[pfname] = dict([])
data_fin[pfname] = dict([])
dates_sur = topo_profiles[pfname]['dates']
chain_sur = topo_profiles[pfname]['chainage']
# convert to datenum
dates_sur_num = np.array([_.toordinal() for _ in dates_sur])
chain_sur_interp = []
diff_days = []
for j, satdate in enumerate(dates_sds_num):
temp_diff = satdate - dates_sur_num
if mod==0:
# select measurement before and after sat image date and interpolate
ind_before = np.where(temp_diff == temp_diff[temp_diff > 0][-1])[0]
if ind_before == len(temp_diff)-1:
ind_after = np.where(temp_diff == temp_diff[temp_diff < 0][0])[0]
tempx = np.zeros(2)
tempx[0] = dates_sur_num[ind_before]
tempx[1] = dates_sur_num[ind_after]
tempy = np.zeros(2)
tempy[0] = chain_sur[ind_before]
tempy[1] = chain_sur[ind_after]
diff_days.append(np.abs(np.max([satdate-tempx[0], satdate-tempx[1]])))
# interpolate
f = interpolate.interp1d(tempx, tempy)
elif mod==1:
# select the closest measurement
idx_closest = utils.find_indices(np.abs(temp_diff), lambda e: e == np.min(np.abs(temp_diff)))[0]
if diff_days[j] > mindays:
chain_sur_interp = np.array(chain_sur_interp)
# remove nan values
idx_sur_nan = ~np.isnan(chain_sur_interp)
idx_sat_nan = ~np.isnan(chain_sds[:,i])
idx_nan = np.logical_and(idx_sur_nan, idx_sat_nan)
# groundtruth and sds
chain_sur_fin = chain_sur_interp[idx_nan]
chain_sds_fin = chain_sds[idx_nan,i]
dates_fin = [k for (k, v) in zip(dates_sds, idx_nan) if v]
# calculate statistics
slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, std_err = sstats.linregress(chain_sur_fin, chain_sds_fin)
R2 = rvalue**2
correlation = np.corrcoef(chain_sur_fin, chain_sds_fin)[0,1]
diff_chain = chain_sur_fin - chain_sds_fin
rmse = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((diff_chain)**2))
mean = np.nanmean(diff_chain)
std = np.nanstd(diff_chain)
q90 = np.percentile(np.abs(diff_chain), 90)
# store data
stats[pfname]['rmse'] = rmse
stats[pfname]['mean'] = mean
stats[pfname]['std'] = std
stats[pfname]['q90'] = q90
stats[pfname]['diffdays'] = diff_days
stats[pfname]['corr'] = correlation
stats[pfname]['linfit'] = {'slope':slope, 'intercept':intercept, 'R2':R2, 'pvalue':pvalue}
data_fin[pfname]['dates'] = dates_fin
data_fin[pfname]['sds'] = chain_sds_fin
data_fin[pfname]['survey'] = chain_sur_fin
# make time-series plot
plt.plot(dates_sur, chain_sur, 'o-', color='C1', markersize=4, label='survey all')
plt.plot(dates_fin, chain_sur_fin, 'o', color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3], markersize=2, label='survey interp')
plt.plot(dates_fin, chain_sds_fin, 'o--', color='b', markersize=4, label='SDS')
plt.title(pfname, fontweight='bold')
# plt.xlim([dates_sds[0], dates_sds[-1]])
plt.ylabel('chainage [m]')
# make scatter plot
plt.plot(chain_sur_fin, chain_sds_fin, 'ko', markersize=4, markerfacecolor='w', alpha=0.7)
xmax = np.max([np.nanmax(chain_sds_fin),np.nanmax(chain_sur_fin)])
xmin = np.min([np.nanmin(chain_sds_fin),np.nanmin(chain_sur_fin)])
ymax = np.max([np.nanmax(chain_sds_fin),np.nanmax(chain_sur_fin)])
ymin = np.min([np.nanmin(chain_sds_fin),np.nanmin(chain_sur_fin)])
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], 'k--')
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [xmin*slope + intercept, xmax*slope + intercept], 'b:')
str_corr = ' y = %.2f x + %.2f\n R2 = %.2f' % (slope, intercept, R2)
plt.text(xmin, ymax-5, str_corr, bbox=dict(facecolor=[0.7,0.7,0.7], alpha=0.5), horizontalalignment='left')
plt.xlabel('chainage survey [m]')
plt.ylabel('chainage satellite [m]')
plt.title(pfname, fontweight='bold')
binwidth = 3
bins = np.arange(min(diff_chain), max(diff_chain) + binwidth, binwidth)
density = plt.hist(diff_chain, bins=bins, density=True, color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], edgecolor='k')
plt.xlim([-50, 50])
plt.xlabel('error [m]')
str_stats = ' rmse = %.1f\n mean = %.1f\n std = %.1f\n q90 = %.1f' % (rmse, mean, std, q90)
plt.text(15, np.max(density[0])-0.015, str_stats, bbox=dict(facecolor=[0.8,0.8,0.8], alpha=0.3), horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=10)
fig1.set_size_inches(19.2, 9.28)
fig2.set_size_inches(19.2, 9.28)
# all transects together
chain_sds_all = []
chain_sur_all = []
for i in range(chain_sds.shape[1]):
pfname = list(topo_profiles.keys())[i]
chain_sds_all = np.append(chain_sds_all,data_fin[pfname]['sds'])
chain_sur_all = np.append(chain_sur_all,data_fin[pfname]['survey'])
# calculate statistics
slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, std_err = sstats.linregress(chain_sur_all, chain_sds_all)
R2 = rvalue**2
correlation = np.corrcoef(chain_sur_all, chain_sds_all)[0,1]
diff_chain_all = chain_sur_all - chain_sds_all
rmse = np.sqrt(np.nanmean((diff_chain_all)**2))
mean = np.nanmean(diff_chain_all)
std = np.nanstd(diff_chain_all)
q90 = np.percentile(np.abs(diff_chain_all), 90)
stats['all'] = {'rmse':rmse,'mean':mean,'std':std,'q90':q90, 'corr':correlation,
'linfit':{'slope':slope, 'intercept':intercept, 'R2':R2, 'pvalue':pvalue}}
# make plot
plt.plot(chain_sur_all, chain_sds_all, 'ko', markersize=4, markerfacecolor='w', alpha=0.7)
xmax = np.max([np.nanmax(chain_sds_all),np.nanmax(chain_sur_all)])
xmin = np.min([np.nanmin(chain_sds_all),np.nanmin(chain_sur_all)])
ymax = np.max([np.nanmax(chain_sds_all),np.nanmax(chain_sur_all)])
ymin = np.min([np.nanmin(chain_sds_all),np.nanmin(chain_sur_all)])
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax], 'k--')
plt.plot([xmin, xmax], [xmin*slope + intercept, xmax*slope + intercept], 'b:')
str_corr = ' y = %.2f x + %.2f\n R2 = %.2f' % (slope, intercept, R2)
plt.text(xmin, ymax-5, str_corr, bbox=dict(facecolor=[0.7,0.7,0.7], alpha=0.5), horizontalalignment='left')
plt.xlabel('chainage survey [m]')
plt.ylabel('chainage satellite [m]')
plt.title(pfname, fontweight='bold')
binwidth = 3
bins = np.arange(min(diff_chain_all), max(diff_chain_all) + binwidth, binwidth)
density = plt.hist(diff_chain_all, bins=bins, density=True, color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], edgecolor='k')
plt.xlim([-50, 50])
plt.xlabel('error [m]')
str_stats = ' rmse = %.1f\n mean = %.1f\n std = %.1f\n q90 = %.1f' % (rmse, mean, std, q90)
plt.text(15, np.max(density[0])-0.015, str_stats, bbox=dict(facecolor=[0.8,0.8,0.8], alpha=0.3), horizontalalignment='left', fontsize=10)
fig3.set_size_inches(9.2, 9.28)
return stats
@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
# Extract shorelines from Landsat images
# Initial settings
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ee
import pdb
# other modules
from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
import pickle
import as cm
from pylab import ginput
from shapely.geometry import LineString
# image processing modules
import skimage.filters as filters
import skimage.exposure as exposure
import skimage.transform as transform
import sklearn.decomposition as decomposition
import skimage.measure as measure
import skimage.morphology as morphology
# machine learning modules
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, Normalizer
from sklearn.externals import joblib
# import own modules
import functions.utils as utils
import functions.sds as sds
# some other settings
np.seterr(all='ignore') # raise/ignore divisions by 0 and nans
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True
plt.rcParams['figure.max_open_warning'] = 100
# Parameters
sitename = 'NARRA'
cloud_thresh = 0.7 # threshold for cloud cover
plot_bool = False # if you want the plots
output_epsg = 28356 # GDA94 / MGA Zone 56
buffer_size = 7 # radius (in pixels) of disk for buffer (pixel classification)
min_beach_size = 20 # number of pixels in a beach (pixel classification)
dist_ref = 100 # maximum distance from reference point
min_length_wl = 200 # minimum length of shoreline LineString to be kept
manual_bool = True # to manually check images
output = dict([])
# Metadata
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename)
with open(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_metadata' + '.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
metadata = pickle.load(f)
# Read S2 images
satname = 'S2'
dates = metadata[satname]['dates']
input_epsg = 32756 # metadata[satname]['epsg']
# path to images
filepath10 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, satname, '10m')
filenames10 = os.listdir(filepath10)
filepath20 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, satname, '20m')
filenames20 = os.listdir(filepath20)
filepath60 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, satname, '60m')
filenames60 = os.listdir(filepath60)
if (not len(filenames10) == len(filenames20)) or (not len(filenames20) == len(filenames60)):
raise 'error: not the same amount of files for 10, 20 and 60 m'
N = len(filenames10)
# initialise variables
cloud_cover_ts = []
acc_georef_ts = []
date_acquired_ts = []
filename_ts = []
satname_ts = []
timestamp = []
shorelines = []
idx_skipped = []
spacing = '=========================================================='
msg = ' %s\n %s\n %s' % (spacing, satname, spacing)
for i in range(N):
# read 10m bands
fn = os.path.join(filepath10, filenames10[i])
data = gdal.Open(fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
georef = np.array(data.GetGeoTransform())
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im10 = np.stack(bands, 2)
im10 = im10/10000 # TOA scaled to 10000
# if image is only zeros, skip it
if sum(sum(sum(im10))) < 1:
print('skip ' + str(i) + ' - no data')
nrows = im10.shape[0]
ncols = im10.shape[1]
# read 20m band (SWIR1)
fn = os.path.join(filepath20, filenames20[i])
data = gdal.Open(fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im20 = np.stack(bands, 2)
im20 = im20[:,:,0]
im20 = im20/10000 # TOA scaled to 10000
im_swir = transform.resize(im20, (nrows, ncols), order=1, preserve_range=True, mode='constant')
im_swir = np.expand_dims(im_swir, axis=2)
# append down-sampled swir band to the 10m bands
im_ms = np.append(im10, im_swir, axis=2)
# read 60m band (QA)
fn = os.path.join(filepath60, filenames60[i])
data = gdal.Open(fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im60 = np.stack(bands, 2)
im_qa = im60[:,:,0]
cloud_mask = sds.create_cloud_mask(im_qa, satname, plot_bool)
cloud_mask = transform.resize(cloud_mask,(nrows, ncols), order=0, preserve_range=True, mode='constant')
# check if -inf or nan values on any band and add to cloud mask
for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]):
im_inf = np.isin(im_ms[:,:,k], -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_ms[:,:,k])
cloud_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cloud_mask, im_inf), im_nan)
# calculate cloud cover and if above threshold, skip it
cloud_cover = sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int)))/(cloud_mask.shape[0]*cloud_mask.shape[1])
if cloud_cover > cloud_thresh:
print('skip ' + str(i) + ' - cloudy (' + str(np.round(cloud_cover*100).astype(int)) + '%)')
# rescale image intensity for display purposes
im_display = sds.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9, False)
# classify image in 4 classes (sand, whitewater, water, other) with NN classifier
im_classif, im_labels = sds.classify_image_NN_nopan(im_ms, cloud_mask, min_beach_size, plot_bool)
# if there aren't any sandy pixels
if sum(sum(im_labels[:,:,0])) == 0 :
# use global threshold
im_ndwi = sds.nd_index(im_ms[:,:,4], im_ms[:,:,1], cloud_mask, plot_bool)
contours = sds.find_wl_contours(im_ndwi, cloud_mask, plot_bool)
# use specific threhsold
contours_wi, contours_mwi = sds.find_wl_contours2(im_ms, im_labels, cloud_mask, buffer_size, plot_bool)
# convert from pixels to world coordinates
wl_coords = sds.convert_pix2world(contours_mwi, georef)
# convert to output epsg spatial reference
wl = sds.convert_epsg(wl_coords, input_epsg, output_epsg)
# remove contour lines that have a perimeter < min_length_wl
wl_good = []
for l, wls in enumerate(wl):
coords = [(wls[k,0], wls[k,1]) for k in range(len(wls))]
a = LineString(coords) # shapely LineString structure
if a.length >= min_length_wl:
# format points and only select the ones close to the refpoints
x_points = np.array([])
y_points = np.array([])
for k in range(len(wl_good)):
x_points = np.append(x_points,wl_good[k][:,0])
y_points = np.append(y_points,wl_good[k][:,1])
wl_good = np.transpose(np.array([x_points,y_points]))
temp = np.zeros((len(wl_good))).astype(bool)
for k in range(len(refpoints)):
temp = np.logical_or(np.linalg.norm(wl_good - refpoints[k,[0,1]], axis=1) < dist_ref, temp)
wl_final = wl_good[temp]
# plot output
im = np.copy(im_display)
colours = np.array([[1,128/255,0/255],[204/255,1,1],[0,0,204/255]])
for k in range(0,im_labels.shape[2]):
im[im_labels[:,:,k],0] = colours[k,0]
im[im_labels[:,:,k],1] = colours[k,1]
im[im_labels[:,:,k],2] = colours[k,2]
for k,contour in enumerate(contours_mwi): plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], linewidth=2, color='k', linestyle='--')
plt.title(satname + ' ' + metadata[satname]['dates'][i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ' acc : ' + str(metadata[satname]['acc_georef'][i]) + ' m' )
pt_in = np.array(ginput(n=1, timeout=1000))
# if image is rejected, skip it
if pt_in[0][1] > nrows/2:
print('skip ' + str(i) + ' - rejected')
# if accepted, store the data
# store in output structure
output[satname] = {'dates':timestamp, 'shorelines':shorelines, 'idx_skipped':idx_skipped,
'metadata':{'filenames':filename_ts, 'satname':satname_ts, 'cloud_cover':cloud_cover_ts,
del idx_skipped
# Read L7&L8 images
satname = 'L8'
dates = metadata[satname]['dates']
input_epsg = 32656 # metadata[satname]['epsg']
# path to images
filepath_pan = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, 'L7&L8', 'pan')
filepath_ms = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, 'L7&L8', 'ms')
filenames_pan = os.listdir(filepath_pan)
filenames_ms = os.listdir(filepath_ms)
if (not len(filenames_pan) == len(filenames_ms)):
raise 'error: not the same amount of files for pan and ms'
N = len(filenames_pan)
# initialise variables
cloud_cover_ts = []
acc_georef_ts = []
date_acquired_ts = []
filename_ts = []
satname_ts = []
timestamp = []
shorelines = []
idx_skipped = []
spacing = '=========================================================='
msg = ' %s\n %s\n %s' % (spacing, satname, spacing)
for i in range(N):
# get satellite name
sat = filenames_pan[i][20:22]
# read pan image
fn_pan = os.path.join(filepath_pan, filenames_pan[i])
data = gdal.Open(fn_pan, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
georef = np.array(data.GetGeoTransform())
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_pan = np.stack(bands, 2)[:,:,0]
nrows = im_pan.shape[0]
ncols = im_pan.shape[1]
# read ms image
fn_ms = os.path.join(filepath_ms, filenames_ms[i])
data = gdal.Open(fn_ms, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_ms = np.stack(bands, 2)
# cloud mask
im_qa = im_ms[:,:,5]
cloud_mask = sds.create_cloud_mask(im_qa, sat, plot_bool)
cloud_mask = transform.resize(cloud_mask, (nrows, ncols), order=0, preserve_range=True, mode='constant').astype('bool_')
# resize the image using bilinear interpolation (order 1)
im_ms = im_ms[:,:,:5]
im_ms = transform.resize(im_ms,(nrows, ncols), order=1, preserve_range=True, mode='constant')
# check if -inf or nan values on any band and add to cloud mask
for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]+1):
if k == 5:
im_inf = np.isin(im_pan, -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_pan)
im_inf = np.isin(im_ms[:,:,k], -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_ms[:,:,k])
cloud_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cloud_mask, im_inf), im_nan)
# calculate cloud cover and skip image if above threshold
cloud_cover = sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int)))/(cloud_mask.shape[0]*cloud_mask.shape[1])
if cloud_cover > cloud_thresh:
print('skip ' + str(i) + ' - cloudy (' + str(np.round(cloud_cover*100).astype(int)) + '%)')
# Pansharpen image (different for L8 and L7)
if sat == 'L7':
# pansharpen (Green, Red, NIR) and downsample Blue and SWIR1
im_ms_ps = sds.pansharpen(im_ms[:,:,[1,2,3]], im_pan, cloud_mask, plot_bool)
im_ms_ps = np.append(im_ms[:,:,[0]], im_ms_ps, axis=2)
im_ms_ps = np.append(im_ms_ps, im_ms[:,:,[4]], axis=2)
im_display = sds.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9, False)
elif sat == 'L8':
# pansharpen RGB image and downsample NIR and SWIR1
im_ms_ps = sds.pansharpen(im_ms[:,:,[0,1,2]], im_pan, cloud_mask, plot_bool)
im_ms_ps = np.append(im_ms_ps, im_ms[:,:,[3,4]], axis=2)
im_display = sds.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms_ps[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9, False)
# classify image in 4 classes (sand, whitewater, water, other) with NN classifier
im_classif, im_labels = sds.classify_image_NN(im_ms_ps, im_pan, cloud_mask, min_beach_size, plot_bool)
# if there aren't any sandy pixels
if sum(sum(im_labels[:,:,0])) == 0 :
# use global threshold
im_ndwi = sds.nd_index(im_ms_ps[:,:,4], im_ms_ps[:,:,1], cloud_mask, plot_bool)
contours = sds.find_wl_contours(im_ndwi, cloud_mask, plot_bool)
# use specific threhsold
contours_wi, contours_mwi = sds.find_wl_contours2(im_ms_ps, im_labels, cloud_mask, buffer_size, plot_bool)
# convert from pixels to world coordinates
wl_coords = sds.convert_pix2world(contours_mwi, georef)
# convert to output epsg spatial reference
wl = sds.convert_epsg(wl_coords, input_epsg, output_epsg)
# remove contour lines that have a perimeter < min_length_wl
wl_good = []
for l, wls in enumerate(wl):
coords = [(wls[k,0], wls[k,1]) for k in range(len(wls))]
a = LineString(coords) # shapely LineString structure
if a.length >= min_length_wl:
# format points and only select the ones close to the refpoints
x_points = np.array([])
y_points = np.array([])
for k in range(len(wl_good)):
x_points = np.append(x_points,wl_good[k][:,0])
y_points = np.append(y_points,wl_good[k][:,1])
wl_good = np.transpose(np.array([x_points,y_points]))
temp = np.zeros((len(wl_good))).astype(bool)
for k in range(len(refpoints)):
temp = np.logical_or(np.linalg.norm(wl_good - refpoints[k,[0,1]], axis=1) < dist_ref, temp)
wl_final = wl_good[temp]
# plot output
im = np.copy(im_display)
colours = np.array([[1,128/255,0/255],[204/255,1,1],[0,0,204/255]])
for k in range(0,im_labels.shape[2]):
im[im_labels[:,:,k],0] = colours[k,0]
im[im_labels[:,:,k],1] = colours[k,1]
im[im_labels[:,:,k],2] = colours[k,2]
for k,contour in enumerate(contours_mwi): plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], linewidth=2, color='k', linestyle='--')
plt.title(sat + ' ' + metadata[satname]['dates'][i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ' acc : ' + str(metadata[satname]['acc_georef'][i]) + ' m' )
pt_in = np.array(ginput(n=1, timeout=1000))
# if image is rejected, skip it
if pt_in[0][1] > nrows/2:
print('skip ' + str(i) + ' - rejected')
# if accepted, store the data
# store in output structure
output[satname] = {'dates':timestamp, 'shorelines':shorelines, 'idx_skipped':idx_skipped,
'metadata':{'filenames':filename_ts, 'satname':satname_ts, 'cloud_cover':cloud_cover_ts,
del idx_skipped
# Read L5 images
satname = 'L5'
dates = metadata[satname]['dates']
input_epsg = 32656 # metadata[satname]['epsg']
# path to images
filepath_img = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, satname, '30m')
filenames = os.listdir(filepath_img)
N = len(filenames)
# initialise variables
cloud_cover_ts = []
acc_georef_ts = []
date_acquired_ts = []
filename_ts = []
satname_ts = []
timestamp = []
shorelines = []
idx_skipped = []
spacing = '=========================================================='
msg = ' %s\n %s\n %s' % (spacing, satname, spacing)
for i in range(N):
# read ms image
fn = os.path.join(filepath_img, filenames[i])
data = gdal.Open(fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
georef = np.array(data.GetGeoTransform())
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_ms = np.stack(bands, 2)
# down-sample to half hte original pixel size
nrows = im_ms.shape[0]*2
ncols = im_ms.shape[1]*2
# cloud mask
im_qa = im_ms[:,:,5]
im_ms = im_ms[:,:,:-1]
cloud_mask = sds.create_cloud_mask(im_qa, satname, plot_bool)
cloud_mask = transform.resize(cloud_mask, (nrows, ncols), order=0, preserve_range=True, mode='constant').astype('bool_')
# resize the image using bilinear interpolation (order 1)
im_ms = transform.resize(im_ms,(nrows, ncols), order=1, preserve_range=True, mode='constant')
# adjust georef vector (scale becomes 15m and origin is adjusted to the center of new corner pixel)
georef[1] = 15
georef[5] = -15
georef[0] = georef[0] + 7.5
georef[3] = georef[3] - 7.5
# check if -inf or nan values on any band and add to cloud mask
for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]):
im_inf = np.isin(im_ms[:,:,k], -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_ms[:,:,k])
cloud_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cloud_mask, im_inf), im_nan)
# calculate cloud cover and skip image if above threshold
cloud_cover = sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int)))/(cloud_mask.shape[0]*cloud_mask.shape[1])
if cloud_cover > cloud_thresh:
print('skip ' + str(i) + ' - cloudy (' + str(np.round(cloud_cover*100).astype(int)) + '%)')
# rescale image intensity for display purposes
im_display = sds.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9, False)
# classify image in 4 classes (sand, whitewater, water, other) with NN classifier
im_classif, im_labels = sds.classify_image_NN_nopan(im_ms, cloud_mask, min_beach_size, plot_bool)
# if there aren't any sandy pixels
if sum(sum(im_labels[:,:,0])) == 0 :
# use global threshold
im_ndwi = sds.nd_index(im_ms[:,:,4], im_ms[:,:,1], cloud_mask, plot_bool)
contours = sds.find_wl_contours(im_ndwi, cloud_mask, plot_bool)
# use specific threhsold
contours_wi, contours_mwi = sds.find_wl_contours2(im_ms, im_labels, cloud_mask, buffer_size, plot_bool)
# convert from pixels to world coordinates
wl_coords = sds.convert_pix2world(contours_mwi, georef)
# convert to output epsg spatial reference
wl = sds.convert_epsg(wl_coords, input_epsg, output_epsg)
# remove contour lines that have a perimeter < min_length_wl
wl_good = []
for l, wls in enumerate(wl):
coords = [(wls[k,0], wls[k,1]) for k in range(len(wls))]
a = LineString(coords) # shapely LineString structure
if a.length >= min_length_wl:
# format points and only select the ones close to the refpoints
x_points = np.array([])
y_points = np.array([])
for k in range(len(wl_good)):
x_points = np.append(x_points,wl_good[k][:,0])
y_points = np.append(y_points,wl_good[k][:,1])
wl_good = np.transpose(np.array([x_points,y_points]))
temp = np.zeros((len(wl_good))).astype(bool)
for k in range(len(refpoints)):
temp = np.logical_or(np.linalg.norm(wl_good - refpoints[k,[0,1]], axis=1) < dist_ref, temp)
wl_final = wl_good[temp]
# plot output
im = np.copy(im_display)
colours = np.array([[1,128/255,0/255],[204/255,1,1],[0,0,204/255]])
for k in range(0,im_labels.shape[2]):
im[im_labels[:,:,k],0] = colours[k,0]
im[im_labels[:,:,k],1] = colours[k,1]
im[im_labels[:,:,k],2] = colours[k,2]
for k,contour in enumerate(contours_mwi): plt.plot(contour[:, 1], contour[:, 0], linewidth=2, color='k', linestyle='--')
plt.title(satname + ' ' + metadata[satname]['dates'][i].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + ' acc : ' + str(metadata[satname]['acc_georef'][i]) + ' m' )
plt.plot(refpoints[:,0], refpoints[:,1], 'k.')
plt.plot(wl_final[:,0], wl_final[:,1], 'r.')
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
pt_in = np.array(ginput(n=1, timeout=1000))
# if image is rejected, skip it
if pt_in[0][1] > nrows/2:
print('skip ' + str(i) + ' - rejected')
# if accepted, store the data
# store in output structure
output[satname] = {'dates':timestamp, 'shorelines':shorelines, 'idx_skipped':idx_skipped,
'metadata':{'filenames':filename_ts, 'satname':satname_ts, 'cloud_cover':cloud_cover_ts,
del idx_skipped
# save output
with open(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_output' + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(output, f)
# save idx_skipped
#idx_skipped = dict([])
#for satname in list(output.keys()):
# idx_skipped[satname] = output[satname]['idx_skipped']
#with open(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_idxskipped' + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
# pickle.dump(idx_skipped, f)
@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Compare Narrabeen SDS with 3D quadbike surveys
# Initial settings
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb
import ee
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import as cm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pickle
import pytz
import as sio
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import statsmodels.api as sm
import skimage.measure as measure
# my functions
import functions.utils as utils
# some settings
np.seterr(all='ignore') # raise/ignore divisions by 0 and nans
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True
plt.rcParams['figure.max_open_warning'] = 100
au_tz = pytz.timezone('Australia/Sydney')
# load quadbike dates and convert from datenum to datetime
filename = 'data\quadbike\survey_dates.mat'
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
dates_quad = sio.loadmat(filepath)['dates'] # matrix containing year, month, day
dates_quad = [datetime(dates_quad[i,0], dates_quad[i,1], dates_quad[i,2],
tzinfo=au_tz) for i in range(dates_quad.shape[0])]
# load timestamps from satellite images
satname = 'L8'
sitename = 'NARRA'
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', satname, sitename)
with open(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_output_new' + '.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
output = pickle.load(f)
dates_l8 = output['t']
# convert to AEST
dates_l8 = [_.astimezone(au_tz) for _ in dates_l8]
# remove duplicates
dates_l8_str = [_.strftime('%Y%m%d') for _ in dates_l8]
dupl = utils.duplicates_dict(dates_l8_str)
idx_remove = []
for k,v in dupl.items():
idx1 = v[0]
idx2 = v[1]
c1 = output['cloud_cover'][idx1]
c2 = output['cloud_cover'][idx2]
g1 = output['acc_georef'][idx1]
g2 = output['acc_georef'][idx2]
if c1 < c2 - 0.01:
elif g1 < g2 - 0.1:
idx_remove = sorted(idx_remove)
idx_all = np.linspace(0,70,71)
idx_keep = list(np.where(~np.isin(idx_all,idx_remove))[0])
output['t'] = [output['t'][k] for k in idx_keep]
output['shorelines'] = [output['shorelines'][k] for k in idx_keep]
output['cloud_cover'] = [output['cloud_cover'][k] for k in idx_keep]
output['acc_georef'] = [output['acc_georef'][k] for k in idx_keep]
# convert to AEST
dates_l8 = output['t']
dates_l8 = [_.astimezone(au_tz) for _ in dates_l8]
# load wave data (already AEST)
filename = 'data\wave\SydneyProcessed.mat'
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
wave_data = sio.loadmat(filepath)
idx = utils.find_indices(wave_data['dates'][:,0], lambda e: e >= dates_l8[0].year and e <= dates_l8[-1].year)
hsig = np.array([wave_data['Hsig'][i][0] for i in idx])
wdir = np.array([wave_data['Wdir'][i][0] for i in idx])
dates_wave = [datetime(wave_data['dates'][i,0], wave_data['dates'][i,1],
wave_data['dates'][i,2], wave_data['dates'][i,3],
wave_data['dates'][i,4], wave_data['dates'][i,5],
tzinfo=au_tz) for i in idx]
# load tide data (already AEST)
filename = 'SydTideData.mat'
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', 'tide', filename)
tide_data = sio.loadmat(filepath)
idx = utils.find_indices(tide_data['dates'][:,0], lambda e: e >= dates_l8[0].year and e <= dates_l8[-1].year)
tide = np.array([tide_data['tide'][i][0] for i in idx])
dates_tide = [datetime(tide_data['dates'][i,0], tide_data['dates'][i,1],
tide_data['dates'][i,2], tide_data['dates'][i,3],
tide_data['dates'][i,4], tide_data['dates'][i,5],
tzinfo=au_tz) for i in idx]
#%% make a plot of all the dates with wave data
orange = [255/255,140/255,0]
blue = [0,191/255,255/255]
f = plt.figure()
months = mdates.MonthLocator()
month_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %Y')
days = mdates.DayLocator()
years = [2013,2014,2015,2016]
for k in range(len(years)):
sel_year = years[k]
ax = plt.subplot(4,1,k+1)
idx_year = utils.find_indices(dates_wave, lambda e : e.year >= sel_year and e.year <= sel_year)
plt.plot([dates_wave[i] for i in idx_year], [hsig[i] for i in idx_year], 'k-', linewidth=0.5)
hsigmax = np.nanmax([hsig[i] for i in idx_year])
cbool = True
for j in range(len(dates_quad)):
if dates_quad[j].year == sel_year:
if cbool:
plt.plot([dates_quad[j], dates_quad[j]], [0, hsigmax], color=orange, label='survey')
cbool = False
plt.plot([dates_quad[j], dates_quad[j]], [0, hsigmax], color=orange)
cbool = True
for j in range(len(dates_l8)):
if dates_l8[j].year == sel_year:
if cbool:
plt.plot([dates_l8[j], dates_l8[j]], [0, hsigmax], color=blue, label='landsat8')
cbool = False
plt.plot([dates_l8[j], dates_l8[j]], [0, hsigmax], color=blue)
if k == 3:
plt.xlim((datetime(sel_year,1,1), datetime(sel_year,12,31, tzinfo=au_tz)))
plt.ylim((0, hsigmax))
plt.ylabel('Hs [m]')
ax.xaxis.set_major_locator = months
#%% calculate difference between dates (quad and sat)
diff_days = [ [(x - _).days for _ in dates_quad] for x in dates_l8]
max_diff = 14
idx_closest = [utils.find_indices(_, lambda e: abs(e) <= max_diff) for _ in diff_days]
# store in dates_diff dictionnary
dates_diff = []
cloud_cover = []
for i in range(len(idx_closest)):
if not idx_closest[i]:
elif len(idx_closest[i]) > 1:
idx_best = np.argmin(np.abs([diff_days[i][_] for _ in idx_closest[i]]))
dates_temp = [dates_quad[_] for _ in idx_closest[i]]
days_temp = [diff_days[i][_] for _ in idx_closest[i]]
dates_diff.append({"date sat": dates_l8[i],
"date quad": dates_temp[idx_best],
"days diff": days_temp[idx_best]})
dates_diff.append({"date sat": dates_l8[i],
"date quad": dates_quad[idx_closest[i][0]],
"days diff": diff_days[i][idx_closest[i][0]]
# store cloud data
# store wave data
wave_hsig = []
for i in range(len(dates_diff)):
wave_hsig.append(hsig[np.argmin(np.abs(np.array([(dates_diff[i]['date sat'] - _).total_seconds() for _ in dates_wave])))])
# make a plot
counter = 0
for i in range(len(dates_diff)):
counter = counter + 1
if dates_diff[i]['date quad'] > dates_diff[i]['date sat']:
date_min = dates_diff[i]['date sat']
date_max = dates_diff[i]['date quad']
color1 = orange
color2 = blue
date_min = dates_diff[i]['date quad']
date_max = dates_diff[i]['date sat']
color1 = blue
color2 = orange
idx_t = utils.find_indices(dates_wave, lambda e : e >= date_min and e <= date_max)
hsigmax = np.nanmax([hsig[i] for i in idx_t])
hsigmin = np.nanmin([hsig[i] for i in idx_t])
if counter > 9:
counter = 1
ax = plt.subplot(3,3,counter)
plt.plot([dates_wave[i] for i in idx_t], [hsig[i] for i in idx_t], 'k-', linewidth=1.5)
plt.plot([date_min, date_min], [0, 4.5], color=color2, label='survey')
plt.plot([date_max, date_max], [0, 4.5], color=color1, label='landsat8')
plt.ylabel('Hs [m]')
plt.title(dates_diff[i]['date sat'].strftime('%b %Y') + ' (' + str(abs(dates_diff[i]['days diff'])) + ' days)')
# mean day difference
np.mean([ np.abs(_['days diff']) for _ in dates_diff])
#%% Compare shorelines in elevation
dist_buffer = 50 # buffer of points selected for interpolation
# load quadbike .mat files
foldername = 'data\quadbike\surveys3D'
folderpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), foldername)
filenames = os.listdir(folderpath)
# get the satellite shorelines
sl = output['shorelines']
# get dates from filenames
dates_quad = [datetime(int(_[6:10]), int(_[11:13]), int(_[14:16]), tzinfo= au_tz) for _ in filenames]
zav = []
ztide = []
sl_gt = []
for i in range(len(dates_diff)):
sl_smooth = sl[i]
# select closest 3D survey and load .mat file
idx_closest = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array([(dates_diff[i]['date sat'] - _).days for _ in dates_quad])))
survey3d = sio.loadmat(os.path.join(folderpath, filenames[idx_closest]))
# reshape to a vector
xs = survey3d['x'].reshape(survey3d['x'].shape[0] * survey3d['x'].shape[1])
ys = survey3d['y'].reshape(survey3d['y'].shape[0] * survey3d['y'].shape[1])
zs = survey3d['z'].reshape(survey3d['z'].shape[0] * survey3d['z'].shape[1])
# remove nan values
idx_nan = np.isnan(zs)
xs = xs[~idx_nan]
ys = ys[~idx_nan]
zs = zs[~idx_nan]
# find water level at the time the image was acquired
idx_closest = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array([(dates_diff[i]['date sat'] - _).total_seconds() for _ in dates_tide])))
tide_level = tide[idx_closest]
# find contour corresponding to the water level on 3D surface (if below minimum, add 0.05m increments)
if tide_level < np.nanmin(survey3d['z']):
tide_level = np.nanmin(survey3d['z'])
sl_tide = measure.find_contours(survey3d['z'], tide_level)
sl_tide = sl_tide[np.argmax(np.array([len(_) for _ in sl_tide]))]
count = 0
while len(sl_tide) < 900:
count = count + 1
tide_level = tide_level + 0.05*count
sl_tide = measure.find_contours(survey3d['z'], tide_level)
sl_tide = sl_tide[np.argmax(np.array([len(_) for _ in sl_tide]))]
print('added ' + str(0.05*count) + ' cm - contour with ' + str(len(sl_tide)) + ' points')
sl_tide = measure.find_contours(survey3d['z'], tide_level)
sl_tide = sl_tide[np.argmax(np.array([len(_) for _ in sl_tide]))]
# remove nans
if np.any(np.isnan(sl_tide)):
index_nan = np.where(np.isnan(sl_tide))[0]
sl_tide = np.delete(sl_tide, index_nan, axis=0)
# get x,y coordinates
xtide = [survey3d['x'][int(np.round(sl_tide[m,0])), int(np.round(sl_tide[m,1]))] for m in range(sl_tide.shape[0])]
ytide = [survey3d['y'][int(np.round(sl_tide[m,0])), int(np.round(sl_tide[m,1]))] for m in range(sl_tide.shape[0])]
sl_gt.append(np.transpose(np.array([np.array(xtide), np.array(ytide)])))
# interpolate SDS on 3D surface to get elevation (point by point)
zq = []
for j in range(sl_smooth.shape[0]):
xq = sl_smooth[j,0]
yq = sl_smooth[j,1]
dist_q = np.linalg.norm(np.transpose(np.array([[xq - _ for _ in xs],[yq - _ for _ in ys]])), axis=1)
idx_buffer = dist_q <= dist_buffer
if sum(idx_buffer) > 0:
tck = interpolate.bisplrep(xs[idx_buffer], ys[idx_buffer], zs[idx_buffer])
zq.append(interpolate.bisplev(xq, yq, tck))
zq = np.array(zq)
plt.hist(zq, bins=100)
# plt.figure()
# plt.axis('equal')
# plt.scatter(xs, ys, s=10, c=zs, marker='o', cmap=cm.get_cmap('jet'),
# label='quad data')
# plt.plot(xs[idx_buffer], ys[idx_buffer], 'ko')
# plt.plot(xq,yq,'ro')
# plt.draw()
# store the alongshore median elevation
zav.append(np.median(utils.reject_outliers(zq, m=2)))
# make plot
red = [255/255, 0, 0]
gray = [0.75, 0.75, 0.75]
plt.scatter(xs, ys, s=10, c=zs, marker='o', cmap=cm.get_cmap('jet'),
label='3D survey')
plt.plot(xtide, ytide, '--', color=gray, linewidth=2.5, label='tide level contour')
plt.plot(sl_smooth[:,0], sl_smooth[:,1], '-', color=red, linewidth=2.5, label='SDS')
# plt.plot(sl[i][idx_beach,0], sl[i][idx_beach,1], 'w-', linewidth=2)
plt.xlabel('Eastings [m]')
plt.ylabel('Northings [m]')
plt.title('Shoreline comparison')
plt.ylim((6266100, 6267000))
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,1,len(zq)), zq, 'ko-', markersize=5)
plt.plot([0, 1], [zav[i], zav[i]], 'r-', label='median')
plt.plot([0, 1], [ztide[i], ztide[i]], 'g--', label = 'measured tide')
plt.xlabel('Northings [m]')
plt.ylabel('Elevation [mAHD]')
plt.title('Alongshore SDS elevation')
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
#%% Calculate some error statistics
zav = np.array(zav)
ztide = np.array(ztide)
f = plt.figure()
||||,len(zav),len(zav)), zav-ztide)
plt.ylabel('Error in z [m]')
plt.title('Elevation error')
||||,len(zav),len(zav)), wave_hsig, color=orange)
plt.ylabel('Hsig [m]')
||||,len(zav),len(zav)), np.array(cloud_cover)*100, color='g')
plt.ylabel('Cloud cover %')
plt.xlabel('comparison #')
np.sqrt(np.mean((zav - ztide)**2))
#%% plot to show LOWESS smoothing
#i = 0
#idx_beach = [np.min(np.linalg.norm(sl[i][k,:] - narrabeach, axis=1)) < dist_thresh for k in range(sl[i].shape[0])]
#x = sl[i][idx_beach,0]
#y = sl[i][idx_beach,1]
#sl_smooth = lowess(x,y, frac=1./10, it = 10)
#plt.plot(x,y,'bo', linewidth=2, label='original SDS')
#plt.plot(sl_smooth[:,1], sl_smooth[:,0], 'ro', linewidth=2, label='smoothed SDS')
#plt.xlabel('Eastings [m]')
#plt.ylabel('Northings [m]')
#plt.title('Local weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS)')
Reference in New Issue