update to remove example material and improve file calling
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
# sbeach_toolbox
# sbeach_toolbox
Toolbox to assist in the use of the model SBEACH.
Toolbox to assist in the use of the model SBEACH.
Note this code is specifically written to align with (and borrows code from) the XBeach matlab toolbox so as to make the use of both models streamlined.
Written by Joshua Simmons
## Main code
* `RUN_sbeach_model.m`: this is an example function to call and use the SBEACH toolbox. It provides and
* `SBEACH_GLUE_setup.m` - REMOVE
* `SBEACH_storm_setup.m` - REMOVE
## Functions
* `fsbeach_setupmodel`: used to construct the data files and config file needed for SBEACH to run in the folder specified
## Example
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
% Written by Joshua Simmons 04/01/2016
% Description: used to tranform offshore to nearshore mike21 using the code
% OS2NS_MIKE21.m
%% Settings
%tide gauge data
guagedataloc = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Tide\Sydney\Processed\SydTideData.mat';
site = 'Narrabeen'; %embayment of interest
%storm details
stormdatesloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\stormdates_narra.mat';
storm = {'2007', '2011', '2014', '2015'};
% save?
savebool = 1;
% datasave location
saveloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\tide\processed\';
%% Code
%load buoy data,profile data and lookup table
guagedata = load(guagedataloc);
stormdates = load(stormdatesloc);
% narrow down to date range
for ii = 1:length(storm)
startdate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).startdate;
enddate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).enddate;
validentries = find(guagedata.SydTideData.time>=startdate & guagedata.SydTideData.time<=enddate);
tidedata.tide = guagedata.SydTideData.tide(validentries);
tidedata.time = guagedata.SydTideData.time(validentries);
if savebool
save([saveloc 'tidedata_' lower(site) '_' storm{ii} '.mat'],'tidedata')
clear tidedata startdate enddate validentries
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
% Written by Joshua Simmons 04/01/2016
% Description: used to tranform offshore to nearshore mike21 using the code
% OS2NS_MIKE21.m
%% Settings
%tide gauge data
guagedataloc = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Tide\Sydney\Processed\SydTideData.mat';
site = 'Monavale'; %embayment of interest
%storm details
stormdatesloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\stormdates_other.mat';
storm = {'2014', '2015'};
% save?
savebool = 1;
% datasave location
saveloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\tide\processed\';
%% Code
%load buoy data,profile data and lookup table
guagedata = load(guagedataloc);
stormdates = load(stormdatesloc);
% narrow down to date range
for ii = 1:length(storm)
startdate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).startdate;
enddate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).enddate;
validentries = find(guagedata.SydTideData.time>=startdate & guagedata.SydTideData.time<=enddate);
tidedata.tide = guagedata.SydTideData.tide(validentries);
tidedata.time = guagedata.SydTideData.time(validentries);
if savebool
save([saveloc 'tidedata_' lower(site) '_' storm{ii} '.mat'],'tidedata')
clear tidedata startdate enddate validentries
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
function nswaves = fmikeos2ns(oswaves, LookUps, site, contour, location)
% Written by Joshua Simmons (WRL) 03/11/2014
% to transform waves from offshore (OS) to nearshore (NS) using MIKE21 model
% oswaves - OS wave data - oswaves.Hsig(Significant wave height)/
% oswaves.Tp1(Peak period)/oswaves.Wdir(Incident wave direction)
% LookUps - MIKE21 wave model output in file "OEH_ARC_PointOutput.mat"
% site - embayment of interest - i.e. 'Narrabeen'
% contour - 10 or 15 (m) contour for NS output
% location - either pure S co-ord (see Mitchell Harley's xyz2spz
% transformation) or location.E and location.N - refers to output
% location for NS waves (gets nearest MIKE21 point)
%V1.1 - updated by Joshua Simmons 21/01/2015 to patch Wamberal/Wanda
%find site and contour indices
siteidx = getnameidx(LookUps(:,2), site);
%apply fix for Wamberal and Wanda
% from TM on 21/01/2015: "I've found an error in the .mat file for the
% look-up tables; in the pdf I say that all output for all locations runs
% north to south - for Wamberal and Wanda it seems I've output them south to north.
% So if you are using output from these two sites, if you haven't realised already,
% alongshore gradients will look inverted."
for aa = 1:2;
LookUps{6,1}{aa,1} = flipud(LookUps{6,1}{aa,1}); LookUps{6,1}{aa,1}(:,1) = flipud(LookUps{6,1}{aa,1}(:,1));
LookUps{7,1}{aa,1} = flipud(LookUps{7,1}{aa,1}); LookUps{7,1}{aa,1}(:,1) = flipud(LookUps{7,1}{aa,1}(:,1));
if contour == 10
contouridx = 1;
elseif contour == 15;
contouridx = 2;
error('Contour information not available, select either 10 or 15m contour')
%extract scenarios for easy lookup
scenariosidx = getnameidx(LookUps(:,2), 'Offshore Wave Scenarios');
scenarios = LookUps{scenariosidx,1};
%get nearest location available for output
Eouts = LookUps{siteidx,1}{contouridx,1}(:,2);
Nouts = LookUps{siteidx,1}{contouridx,1}(:,3);
if strcmp(site,'Narrabeen')
%compares closes alongshore spacing (s) for log-spiral narrabeen
xyz_data.x = cell2mat(Eouts);
xyz_data.y = cell2mat(Nouts);
xyz_data.z = zeros(size(Eouts));
spz = xyz2spz(xyz_data,'NARRA');
[~,locationidx] = min(abs(location-spz.s));
%gets nearest output point
dists = sqrt((location.E-cell2mat(Eouts)).^2+(location.N-cell2mat(Nouts)).^2);
[~,locationidx] = min(abs(dists));
fcount = 1;
%loop through oswaves and lookup nswaves
for ii = 1:length(oswaves.Hsig)
tmpHs = oswaves.Hsig(ii);
tmpTp = oswaves.Tp1(ii);
tmpWdir = oswaves.Wdir(ii);
%find closest scenario match
[~,Hsidx] = min(abs(tmpHs-scenarios(:,1)));
tmpHsround = scenarios(Hsidx,1);
[~,Tpidx] = min(abs(tmpTp-scenarios(:,2)));
tmpTpround = scenarios(Tpidx,2);
[~,Wdiridx] = min(abs(tmpWdir-scenarios(:,3)));
tmpWdirround = scenarios(Wdiridx,3);
iter1ind = find(scenarios(:,3) == tmpWdirround);
iter2ind = find(scenarios(iter1ind,2) == tmpTpround);
iter3ind = find(scenarios(iter1ind(iter2ind),1) == tmpHsround);
iter4ind = iter1ind(iter2ind(iter3ind));
%now get ns lookup information if available
if isempty(iter4ind)
%get the closest wave height to scenario chosen
[~,iter3ind] = min(abs(tmpHs-scenarios(iter1ind(iter2ind),1)));
iter4ind = iter1ind(iter2ind(iter3ind));
diffHs = scenarios(iter4ind,1)-tmpHs;
disp(['No match found for oswaves(' num2str(ii) ') wave height off by ' num2str(diffHs) 'm']);
nstmp = LookUps{siteidx,1}{contouridx,1}{locationidx,4}(iter4ind,:);
%store the values from the lookup table
nswaves.Hsig(ii,1) = nstmp(1);
nswaves.Hmax(ii,1) = nstmp(2);
nswaves.Tp1(ii,1) = nstmp(3);
nswaves.T01(ii,1) = nstmp(4);
nswaves.Wdir(ii,1) = nstmp(5);
nswaves.power(ii,1) = nstmp(6);
nswaves.date = oswaves.date;
nswaves.time = oswaves.time;
nswaves.datenums = oswaves.datenums;
nswaves.datenums = oswaves.datenums;
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
% Written by Joshua Simmons 04/01/2016
% Description: used to tranform offshore to nearshore mike21 using the code
% OS2NS_MIKE21.m
%% Settings
%buoy data
buoydataloc = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed_CSIROGapFill.mat';
% the non CSIRO filtered data is the only data available after 2014 so fill
% from the recent data with gaps.
backupbuoydata = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed.mat';
%location of mike21 runcode
mike21loc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\Nearshore Wave Transformations\MIKE21\';
%location of MALT
maltloc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\MALT Logspiral Transformation\';
%location of profiles for which wave data is required.
profiledataloc = [437 850 1750 2606 3420]; % s co-ordinate
site = 'Narrabeen'; %embayment of interest
contour = 10; %m - 10m or 15m contour?
%storm details
stormdatesloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\stormdates_narra.mat';
storm = {'2007', '2011', '2014', '2015'};
% save?
savebool = 1;
% datasave location
saveloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\wave\processed\';
%% Code
% for MIKE21 code and MALT
%load buoy data,profile data and lookup table
buoydata = load(buoydataloc);
backupbuoydata = load(backupbuoydata);
stormdates = load(stormdatesloc);
% narrow down to date range
for ii = 1:length(storm)
startdate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).startdate;
enddate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).enddate;
validentries = find(buoydata.dates>=startdate & buoydata.dates<=enddate);
% if nothing then revert to backup
if isempty(validentries) || validentries(end) == length(buoydata.dates)
validentries = find(backupbuoydata.dates>=startdate & backupbuoydata.dates<=enddate);
oswaves.Hsig = backupbuoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = backupbuoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = backupbuoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = backupbuoydata.dates(validentries);
oswaves.Hsig = buoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = buoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = buoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = buoydata.dates(validentries);
fns1 = fieldnames(oswaves);
for kk = 1:length(fns1)
if any(isnan(oswaves.(fns1{kk})))
error('NaN values in wave data')
parfor jj = 1:length(profiledataloc)
location = profiledataloc(jj);
nswaves = OS2NS_MIKE21(oswaves, LookUps, site, contour, location);
% bug fix to ensure no inaccurate wave period estimates
nswaves.Tp1 = oswaves.Tp1;
tmp(jj) = nswaves;
wavedata.ns.data = tmp;
wavedata.os = oswaves;
wavedata.ns.model = 'MIKE21';
wavedata.ns.contour = [num2str(contour) 'm'];
wavedata.ns.location = profiledataloc;
if savebool
save([saveloc 'wavedata_' lower(site) '_' storm{ii} '.mat'],'wavedata')
clear wavedata oswaves startdate enddate validentries tmp
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
% Written by Joshua Simmons 04/01/2016
% Description: used to tranform offshore to nearshore mike21 using the code
% OS2NS_MIKE21.m
%% Settings
%buoy data
buoydataloc = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed_CSIROGapFill.mat';
% the non CSIRO filtered data is the only data available after 2014 so fill
% from the recent data with gaps.
backupbuoydata = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed.mat';
%location of mike21 runcode
mike21loc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\Nearshore Wave Transformations\MIKE21\';
%location of MALT
maltloc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\MALT Logspiral Transformation\';
%location of profiles for which wave data is required.
% profiledataloc = [6275797.660794820 6275692.739810870 6275536.815570840]; % Northings co-ordinate - Bilgola (at 10m contour)
% profiledataloc = [6272148.185 6272338.391 6272389.496 6271924.185 6271823.724]; % Northings co-ordinate - Mona Vale (at 10m contour)
profiledataloc = [6264042.586 6264127.494 6263995.016 6263745.956 6263879.058]; % Northings co-ordinate - Dee Why (at 10m contour)
profiledataloc2 = [343633.9263 343038.1544 342940.1201 342757.2994 342848.2807]; % Eastings co-ordinate - Dee Why (at 10m contour)
site = 'DeeWhy'; %embayment of interest
contour = 10; %m - 10m or 15m contour?
%storm details
stormdatesloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\stormdates_other.mat';
storm = {'2014', '2015'};
% save?
savebool = 1;
% datasave location
saveloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\wave\processed\';
%% Code
% for MIKE21 code and MALT
%load buoy data,profile data and lookup table
buoydata = load(buoydataloc);
backupbuoydata = load(backupbuoydata);
stormdates = load(stormdatesloc);
% narrow down to date range
for ii = 1:length(storm)
startdate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).startdate;
enddate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).enddate;
validentries = find(buoydata.dates>=startdate & buoydata.dates<=enddate);
% if nothing then revert to backup
if isempty(validentries) || validentries(end) == length(buoydata.dates)
validentries = find(backupbuoydata.dates>=startdate & backupbuoydata.dates<=enddate);
oswaves.Hsig = backupbuoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = backupbuoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = backupbuoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = backupbuoydata.dates(validentries);
oswaves.Hsig = buoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = buoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = buoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = buoydata.dates(validentries);
fns1 = fieldnames(oswaves);
for kk = 1:length(fns1)
if any(isnan(oswaves.(fns1{kk})))
error('NaN values in wave data')
for jj = 1:length(profiledataloc)
location.N = profiledataloc(jj);
location.E = profiledataloc2(jj);
nswaves = fmikeos2ns(oswaves, LookUps, site, contour, location);
% bug fix to ensure no inaccurate wave period estimates
nswaves.Tp1 = oswaves.Tp1;
tmp(jj) = nswaves;
wavedata.ns.data = tmp;
wavedata.os = oswaves;
wavedata.ns.model = 'MIKE21';
wavedata.ns.contour = [num2str(contour) 'm'];
wavedata.ns.location = profiledataloc;
if savebool
save([saveloc 'wavedata_' lower(site) '_' storm{ii} '.mat'],'wavedata')
clear wavedata oswaves startdate enddate validentries tmp
@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
% Written by Joshua Simmons 04/01/2016
% Description: used to tranform offshore to nearshore mike21 using the code
% OS2NS_MIKE21.m
%% Settings
%buoy data
buoydataloc = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed_CSIROGapFill.mat';
% the non CSIRO filtered data is the only data available after 2014 so fill
% from the recent data with gaps.
backupbuoydata = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed.mat';
%location of mike21 runcode
mike21loc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\Nearshore Wave Transformations\MIKE21\';
%location of MALT
maltloc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\MALT Logspiral Transformation\';
%location of profiles for which wave data is required.
profiledataloc = [90:20:3870]; % s co-ordinate
site = 'Narrabeen'; %embayment of interest
contour = 10; %m - 10m or 15m contour?
%storm details
stormdatesloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\stormdates_narra.mat';
storm = {'2007', '2011', '2014', '2015'};
% save?
savebool = 0;
% datasave location
saveloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\wave\processed\';
%% Code
% for MIKE21 code and MALT
%load buoy data,profile data and lookup table
buoydata = load(buoydataloc);
backupbuoydata = load(backupbuoydata);
stormdates = load(stormdatesloc);
% narrow down to date range
for ii = 1:length(storm)
startdate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).startdate;
enddate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).enddate;
validentries = find(buoydata.dates>=startdate & buoydata.dates<=enddate);
% if nothing then revert to backup
if isempty(validentries) || validentries(end) == length(buoydata.dates)
validentries = find(backupbuoydata.dates>=startdate & backupbuoydata.dates<=enddate);
oswaves.Hsig = backupbuoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = backupbuoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = backupbuoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = backupbuoydata.dates(validentries);
oswaves.Hsig = buoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = buoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = buoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = buoydata.dates(validentries);
fns1 = fieldnames(oswaves);
for kk = 1:length(fns1)
if any(isnan(oswaves.(fns1{kk})))
error('NaN values in wave data')
parfor jj = 1:length(profiledataloc)
location = profiledataloc(jj);
nswaves = OS2NS_MIKE21(oswaves, LookUps, site, contour, location);
% bug fix to ensure no inaccurate wave period estimates
nswaves.Tp1 = oswaves.Tp1;
% tmp(jj) = nswaves;
Hsig(:,jj) = nswaves.Hsig(:,1);
Wdir(:,jj) = nswaves.Wdir(:,1);
power(:,jj) = nswaves.power(:,1);
dataout(ii).s = profiledataloc;
dataout(ii).Hsig = Hsig;
dataout(ii).Wdir = Wdir;
dataout(ii).power = power;
dataout(ii).osWdir = oswaves.Wdir;
dataout(ii).osHsig = oswaves.Hsig;
% wavedata.ns.data = tmp;
wavedata.os = oswaves;
wavedata.ns.model = 'MIKE21';
wavedata.ns.contour = [num2str(contour) 'm'];
wavedata.ns.location = profiledataloc;
if savebool
save([saveloc 'wavedata_' lower(site) '_' storm{ii} '.mat'],'wavedata')
clear wavedata oswaves startdate enddate validentries
clear power s Hsig Wdir
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
% Written by Joshua Simmons 04/01/2016
% Description: used to tranform offshore to nearshore mike21 using the code
% OS2NS_MIKE21.m
%% Settings
%buoy data
buoydataloc = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed_CSIROGapFill.mat';
% the non CSIRO filtered data is the only data available after 2014 so fill
% from the recent data with gaps.
backupbuoydata = 'J:\Coastal\Data\Wave\Sydney\Processed\SydneyProcessed.mat';
%location of mike21 runcode
mike21loc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\Nearshore Wave Transformations\MIKE21\';
%location of MALT
maltloc = 'J:\Coastal\Tools\MALT Logspiral Transformation\';
%location of profiles for which wave data is required.
% profiledataloc = [6275797.660794820 6275692.739810870 6275536.815570840]; % Northings co-ordinate - Bilgola (at 10m contour)
% profiledataloc = [6272148.185 6272338.391 6272389.496 6271924.185 6271823.724]; % Northings co-ordinate - Mona Vale (at 10m contour)
profiledataloc = [6264042.586 6264127.494 6263995.016 6263745.956 6263879.058]; % Northings co-ordinate - Dee Why (at 10m contour)
site = 'DeeWhy'; %embayment of interest
contour = 10; %m - 10m or 15m contour?
%storm details
stormdatesloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\stormdates_other.mat';
storm = {'2014', '2015'};
% save?
savebool = 1;
% datasave location
saveloc = 'D:\7 Erosion Models\a_nb_model_comparison\input_data\fielddata\wave\processed\';
%% Code
% for MIKE21 code and MALT
%load buoy data,profile data and lookup table
buoydata = load(buoydataloc);
backupbuoydata = load(backupbuoydata);
stormdates = load(stormdatesloc);
% narrow down to date range
for ii = 1:length(storm)
startdate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).startdate;
enddate = stormdates.(['storm_' storm{ii}]).enddate;
validentries = find(buoydata.dates>=startdate & buoydata.dates<=enddate);
% if nothing then revert to backup
if isempty(validentries) || validentries(end) == length(buoydata.dates)
validentries = find(backupbuoydata.dates>=startdate & backupbuoydata.dates<=enddate);
oswaves.Hsig = backupbuoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = backupbuoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = backupbuoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = backupbuoydata.dates(validentries);
oswaves.Hsig = buoydata.Hsig(validentries);
oswaves.Tp1 = buoydata.Tp(validentries);
oswaves.Wdir = buoydata.Wdir(validentries);
oswaves.datenums = buoydata.dates(validentries);
fns1 = fieldnames(oswaves);
for kk = 1:length(fns1)
if any(isnan(oswaves.(fns1{kk})))
error('NaN values in wave data')
for jj = 1:length(profiledataloc)
location = profiledataloc(jj);
nswaves = OS2NS_MIKE21(oswaves, LookUps, site, contour, location);
% bug fix to ensure no inaccurate wave period estimates
nswaves.Tp1 = oswaves.Tp1;
tmp(jj) = nswaves;
wavedata.ns.data = tmp;
wavedata.os = oswaves;
wavedata.ns.model = 'MIKE21';
wavedata.ns.contour = [num2str(contour) 'm'];
wavedata.ns.location = profiledataloc;
if savebool
save([saveloc 'wavedata_' lower(site) '_' storm{ii} '.mat'],'wavedata')
clear wavedata oswaves startdate enddate validentries tmp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
% SBEACH toolbox
% Written by Joshua Simmons
function out = fsbeach_runsetup()
Reference in New Issue