@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from numpy import (
amax, logical_and, arange, linspace, atleast_1d,
asarray, ceil, floor, frexp, hypot,
sqrt, arctan2, sin, cos, exp, log, log1p, mod, diff,
inf, pi, interp, isscalar, zeros, ones, linalg,
inf, pi, interp, isscalar, zeros, ones,
sign, unique, hstack, vstack, nonzero, where, extract)
from scipy.special import gammaln
from scipy.integrate import trapz, simps
@ -1185,432 +1185,6 @@ def findrfc(tp, h=0.0, method='clib'):
return np.sort(ind[:ix]) + t_start
def _raise_kind_error(kind):
if kind in (-1, 0):
raise NotImplementedError('kind = {} not yet implemented'.format(kind))
raise ValueError('kind = {}: not a valid value of kind'.format(kind))
def nt2cmat(nt, kind=1):
Return cycle matrix from a counting distribution.
NT: 2D array
Counting distribution. [nxn]
kind = 1: causes peaks to be projected upwards and troughs
downwards to the closest discrete level (default).
= 0: causes peaks and troughs to be projected to
the closest discrete level.
= -1: causes peaks to be projected downwards and the
troughs upwards to the closest discrete level.
cmat = Cycle matrix. [nxn]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cmat0 = np.round(np.triu(np.random.rand(4, 4), 1)*10)
>>> cmat0 = np.array([[ 0., 5., 6., 9.],
... [ 0., 0., 1., 7.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 4.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
>>> nt = cmat2nt(cmat0)
>>> np.allclose(nt,
... [[ 0., 0., 0., 0.],
... [ 20., 15., 9., 0.],
... [ 28., 23., 16., 0.],
... [ 32., 27., 20., 0.]])
>>> cmat = nt2cmat(nt)
>>> np.allclose(cmat, [[ 0., 5., 6., 9.],
... [ 0., 0., 1., 7.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 4.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
See also
n = len(nt) # Number of discrete levels
if kind == 1:
I = np.r_[0:n - 1]
J = np.r_[1:n]
c = nt[I+1][:, J-1] - nt[I][:, J-1] - nt[I+1][:, J] + nt[I][:, J]
c2 = np.vstack((c, np.zeros((n - 1))))
cmat = np.hstack((np.zeros((n, 1)), c2))
elif kind == 11: # same as def=1 but using for-loop
cmat = np.zeros((n, n))
j = np.r_[1:n]
for i in range(n - 1):
cmat[i, j] = nt[i+1, j-1] - nt[i, j-1] - nt[i+1, j] + nt[i, j]
return cmat
def cmat2nt(cmat, kind=1):
CMAT2NT Calculates a counting distribution from a cycle matrix.
cmat = Cycle matrix. [nxn]
kind = 1: causes peaks to be projected upwards and troughs
downwards to the closest discrete level (default).
= 0: causes peaks and troughs to be projected to
the closest discrete level.
= -1: causes peaks to be projected downwards and the
troughs upwards to the closest discrete level.
NT: n x n array
Counting distribution.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cmat0 = np.round(np.triu(np.random.rand(4, 4), 1)*10)
>>> cmat0 = np.array([[ 0., 5., 6., 9.],
... [ 0., 0., 1., 7.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 4.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
>>> nt = cmat2nt(cmat0, kind=11)
>>> np.allclose(nt,
... [[ 0., 0., 0., 0.],
... [ 20., 15., 9., 0.],
... [ 28., 23., 16., 0.],
... [ 32., 27., 20., 0.]])
>>> cmat = nt2cmat(nt, kind=11)
>>> np.allclose(cmat, [[ 0., 5., 6., 9.],
... [ 0., 0., 1., 7.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 4.],
... [ 0., 0., 0., 0.]])
See also
n = len(cmat) # Number of discrete levels
nt = zeros((n, n))
if kind == 1:
csum = np.cumsum
flip = np.fliplr
nt[1:n, :n - 1] = flip(csum(flip(csum(cmat[:-1, 1:], axis=0)), axis=1))
elif kind == 11: # same as def=1 but using for-loop
# j = np.r_[1:n]
for i in range(1, n):
for j in range(n - 1):
nt[i, j] = np.sum(cmat[:i, j + 1:n])
return nt
def mctp2tc(f_Mm, utc, param, f_mM=None):
MCTP2TC Calculates frequencies for the upcrossing troughs and crests
using Markov chain of turning points.
f_Mm = the frequency matrix for the Max2min cycles,
utc = the reference level,
param = a vector defining the discretization used to compute f_Mm,
note that f_mM has to be computed on the same grid as f_mM.
f_mM = the frequency matrix for the min2Max cycles.
f_tc = the matrix with frequences of upcrossing troughs and crests,
>>> fmM = np.array([[ 0.0183, 0.0160, 0.0002, 0.0000, 0],
... [0.0178, 0.5405, 0.0952, 0, 0],
... [0.0002, 0.0813, 0, 0, 0],
... [0.0000, 0, 0, 0, 0],
... [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
>>> param = (-1, 1, len(fmM))
>>> utc = 0
>>> f_tc = mctp2tc(fmM, utc, param)
>>> np.allclose(f_tc,
... [[ 0.0, 1.59878359e-02, -1.87345256e-04, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 0.0, 5.40312726e-01, 3.86782958e-04, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
def _check_ntc(ntc, n):
if ntc > n - 1:
raise IndexError('index for mean-level out of range, stop')
def _check_discretization(param, ntc):
if not (1 < ntc < param[2]):
raise ValueError('the reference level out of range, stop')
def _normalize_rows(arr):
n = len(arr)
for i in range(n):
rowsum = np.sum(arr[i])
if rowsum != 0:
arr[i] = arr[i] / rowsum
return arr
def _make_tempp(P, Ph, i, ntc):
Ap = P[i:ntc - 1, i + 1:ntc]
Bp = Ph[i + 1:ntc, i:ntc - 1]
dim_p = ntc - 1 - i
tempp = zeros((dim_p, 1))
I = np.eye(len(Ap))
if i == 1:
e = Ph[i + 1:ntc, 0]
e = np.sum(Ph[i + 1:ntc, :i - 1], axis=1)
if max(abs(e)) > 1e-10:
if dim_p == 1:
tempp[0] = (Ap / (1 - Bp * Ap) * e)
rh = I - np.dot(Bp, Ap)
tempp = np.dot(Ap, linalg.solve(rh, e))
# end
# end
return tempp
def _make_tempm(P, Ph, j, ntc, n):
Am = P[ntc-1:j, ntc:j+1]
Bm = Ph[ntc:j+1, ntc-1:j]
dim_m = j - ntc + 1
tempm = zeros((dim_m, 1))
Im = np.eye(len(Am))
if j == n - 1:
em = P[ntc-1:j, n]
em = np.sum(P[ntc-1:j, j + 1:n], axis=1)
# end
if max(abs(em)) > 1e-10:
if dim_m == 1:
tempm[0] = (Bm / (1 - Am * Bm) * em)
rh = Im - np.dot(Am, Bm)
tempm = np.dot(Bm, linalg.lstsq(rh, em)[0])
# end
# end
return tempm
if f_mM is None:
f_mM = np.copy(f_Mm) * 1.0
u = np.linspace(*param)
udisc = u[::-1] # np.fliplr(u)
ntc = np.sum(udisc >= utc)
n = len(f_Mm)
_check_ntc(ntc, n)
_check_discretization(param, ntc)
# normalization of frequency matrices
f_Mm = _normalize_rows(f_Mm)
P = np.fliplr(f_Mm)
Ph = np.rot90(np.fliplr(f_mM*1.0), -1)
Ph = _normalize_rows(Ph)
Ph = np.fliplr(Ph)
F = np.zeros((n, n))
F[:ntc - 1, :(n - ntc)] = f_mM[:ntc - 1, :(n - ntc)]
F = cmat2nt(F)
for i in range(1, ntc):
for j in range(ntc-1, n - 1):
if i < ntc-1:
tempp = _make_tempp(P, Ph, i, ntc)
b = np.dot(np.dot(tempp.T, f_mM[i:ntc - 1, n - j - 2::-1]),
ones((n - j - 1, 1)))
# end
if j > ntc-1:
tempm = _make_tempm(P, Ph, j, ntc, n)
c = np.dot(np.dot(ones((1, i)),
f_mM[:i, n - ntc-1:n - j - 2:-1]),
# end
if (j > ntc-1) and (i < ntc-1):
a = np.dot(np.dot(tempp.T,
f_mM[i:ntc - 1, n - ntc - 1:-1:n - j + 1]),
F[i, n - j - 1] = F[i, n - j - 1] + a + b + c
# end
if (j == ntc-1) and (i < ntc-1):
F[i, n - ntc] = F[i, n - ntc] + b
for k in range(ntc):
F[i, n - k - 1] = F[i, n - ntc]
# end
# end
if (j > ntc-1) and (i == ntc-1):
F[i, n - j - 1] = F[i, n - j - 1] + c
for k in range(ntc-1, n):
F[k, n - j - 1] = F[ntc-1, n - j - 1]
# end
# end
# end
# end
# fmax=max(max(F));
# contour (u,u,flipud(F),...
# fmax*[0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8])
# axis([param(1) param(2) param(1) param(2)])
# title('Crest-trough density')
# ylabel('crest'), xlabel('trough')
# axis('square')
# if mlver>1, commers, end
return nt2cmat(F)
def mctp2rfc(fmM, fMm=None):
Return Rainflow matrix given a Markov chain of turning points
computes f_rfc = f_mM + F_mct(f_mM).
fmM = the min2max Markov matrix,
fMm = the max2min Markov matrix,
f_rfc = the rainflow matrix,
>>> fmM = np.array([[ 0.0183, 0.0160, 0.0002, 0.0000, 0],
... [0.0178, 0.5405, 0.0952, 0, 0],
... [0.0002, 0.0813, 0, 0, 0],
... [0.0000, 0, 0, 0, 0],
... [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
>>> np.allclose(mctp2rfc(fmM),
... [[ 2.669981e-02, 7.799700e-03, 4.906077e-07, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 9.599629e-03, 5.485009e-01, 9.539951e-02, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 5.622974e-07, 8.149944e-02, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
... [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], 1.e-7)
def _get_PMm(AA1, MA, nA):
PMm = AA1.copy()
for j in range(nA):
norm = MA[j]
if norm != 0:
PMm[j, :] = PMm[j, :] / norm
PMm = np.fliplr(PMm)
return PMm
if fMm is None:
fmM = np.atleast_1d(fmM)
fMm = fmM
fmM, fMm = np.atleast_1d(fmM, fMm)
f_mM, f_Mm = fmM.copy(), fMm.copy()
N = max(f_mM.shape)
f_max = np.sum(f_mM, axis=1)
f_min = np.sum(f_mM, axis=0)
f_rfc = zeros((N, N))
f_rfc[N - 2, 0] = f_max[N - 2]
f_rfc[0, N - 2] = f_min[N - 2]
for k in range(2, N - 1):
for i in range(1, k):
AA = f_mM[N - 1 - k:N - 1 - k + i, k - i:k]
AA1 = f_Mm[N - 1 - k:N - 1 - k + i, k - i:k]
RAA = f_rfc[N - 1 - k:N - 1 - k + i, k - i:k]
nA = max(AA.shape)
MA = f_max[N - 1 - k:N - 1 - k + i]
mA = f_min[k - i:k]
SA = AA.sum()
SRA = RAA.sum()
NT = min(mA[0] - sum(RAA[:, 0]), MA[0] - sum(RAA[0, :])) # check!
NT = max(NT, 0) # ??check
if NT > 1e-6 * max(MA[0], mA[0]):
NN = MA - np.sum(AA, axis=1) # T
e = (mA - np.sum(AA, axis=0)) # T
e = np.flipud(e)
PmM = np.rot90(AA.copy())
for j in range(nA):
norm = mA[nA - 1 - j]
if norm != 0:
PmM[j, :] = PmM[j, :] / norm
e[j] = e[j] / norm
# end
# end
fx = 0.0
if (max(np.abs(e)) > 1e-6 and
max(np.abs(NN)) > 1e-6 * max(MA[0], mA[0])):
PMm = _get_PMm(AA1, MA, nA)
A = PMm
B = PmM
if nA == 1:
fx = NN * (A / (1 - B * A) * e)
rh = np.eye(A.shape[0]) - np.dot(B, A)
# least squares
fx = np.dot(NN, np.dot(A, linalg.solve(rh, e)))
# end
# end
f_rfc[N - 1 - k, k - i] = fx + DRFC
# check2=[ DRFC fx]
# pause
f_rfc[N - 1 - k, k - i] = 0.0
# end
# end
m0 = max(0, f_min[0] - np.sum(f_rfc[N - k + 1:N, 0]))
M0 = max(0, f_max[N - 1 - k] - np.sum(f_rfc[N - 1 - k, 1:k]))
f_rfc[N - 1 - k, 0] = min(m0, M0)
# n_loops_left=N-k+1
# end
for k in range(1, N):
M0 = max(0, f_max[0] - np.sum(f_rfc[0, N - k:N]))
m0 = max(0, f_min[N - 1 - k] - np.sum(f_rfc[1:k + 1, N - 1 - k]))
f_rfc[0, N - 1 - k] = min(m0, M0)
# end
# clf
# subplot(1,2,2)
# pcolor(levels(paramm),levels(paramM),flipud(f_mM))
# title('Markov matrix')
# ylabel('max'), xlabel('min')
# axis([paramm(1) paramm(2) paramM(1) paramM(2)])
# axis('square')
# subplot(1,2,1)
# pcolor(levels(paramm),levels(paramM),flipud(f_rfc))
# title('Rainflow matrix')
# ylabel('max'), xlabel('rfc-min')
# axis([paramm(1) paramm(2) paramM(1) paramM(2)])
# axis('square')
return f_rfc
def rfcfilter(x, h, method=0):
Rainflow filter a signal.
@ -2431,7 +2005,7 @@ def discretize(fun, a, b, tol=0.005, n=5, method='linear'):
tol : real, scalar
absoute error tolerance
n : scalar integer
number of values
number of values to start the discretization with.
method : string
defining method of gridding, options are 'linear' and 'adaptive'
@ -2482,7 +2056,7 @@ def _discretize_linear(fun, a, b, tol=0.005, n=5):
x = linspace(a, b, n)
y = fun(x)
y00 = interp(x, x0, y0)
err = 0.5 * amax(np.abs((y00 - y) / (np.abs(y00 + y) + _TINY)))
err = 0.5 * amax(np.abs(y00 - y) / (np.abs(y00) + np.abs(y) + _TINY + tol))
num_tries += int(abs(err - err0) <= tol/2)
return x, y
@ -2500,27 +2074,32 @@ def _discretize_adaptive(fun, a, b, tol=0.005, n=5):
err = erri.max()
err0 = inf
num_tries = 0
reltol = abstol = tol
for j in range(50):
if num_tries < 5 and np.any(erri > tol):
if num_tries < 5 and err > tol:
err0 = err
# find top errors
I, = where(erri > tol)
ix, = where(erri > tol)
# double the sample rate in intervals with the most error
y = (vstack(((x[I] + x[I - 1]) / 2,
(x[I + 1] + x[I]) / 2)).T).ravel()
y = (vstack(((x[ix] + x[ix - 1]) / 2,
(x[ix + 1] + x[ix]) / 2)).T).ravel()
fy = fun(y)
fy0 = interp(y, x, fx)
erri = 0.5 * (np.abs((fy0 - fy) / (np.abs(fy0 + fy) + _TINY)))
abserr = np.abs(fy0 - fy)
erri = 0.5 * (abserr / (np.abs(fy0) + np.abs(fy) + _TINY + tol))
# abserr = np.abs(fy0 - fy)
# converged = abserr <= np.maximum(abseps, releps * abs(fy))
# converged = abserr <= np.maximum(tol, tol * abs(fy))
err = erri.max()
x = hstack((x, y))
I = x.argsort()
x = x[I]
erri = hstack((zeros(len(fx)), erri))[I]
fx = hstack((fx, fy))[I]
ix = x.argsort()
x = x[ix]
erri = hstack((zeros(len(fx)), erri))[ix]
fx = hstack((fx, fy))[ix]
num_tries += int(abs(err - err0) <= tol/2)