@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class KDEgauss(object):
def _eval_grid_fast(self, *args, **kwds):
X = np.vstack(args)
d, inc = X.shape
dx = X[:, 1] - X[:, 0]
#dx = X[:, 1] - X[:, 0]
R = X.max(axis=-1)- X.min(axis=-1)
t_star = (self.hs/R)**2
@ -2401,24 +2401,24 @@ def _compute_qth_weighted_percentile(a, q, axis, out, method, weights, overwrite
shape0 = a.shape
if axis is None:
sorted = a.ravel()
sorted_ = a.ravel()
taxes = range(a.ndim)
taxes[-1], taxes[axis] = taxes[axis], taxes[-1]
sorted = np.transpose(a, taxes).reshape(-1, shape0[axis])
sorted_ = np.transpose(a, taxes).reshape(-1, shape0[axis])
ind = sorted.argsort(axis= -1)
ind = sorted_.argsort(axis= -1)
if overwrite_input:
sorted.sort(axis= -1)
sorted_.sort(axis= -1)
sorted = np.sort(sorted, axis= -1)
sorted_ = np.sort(sorted_, axis= -1)
w = np.atleast_1d(weights)
n = len(w)
w = w * n / w.sum()
# Work on each column separately because of weight vector
m = sorted.shape[0]
m = sorted_.shape[0]
nq = len(q)
y = np.zeros((m, nq))
pk_fun = _PKDICT.get(method, 1)
@ -2426,8 +2426,8 @@ def _compute_qth_weighted_percentile(a, q, axis, out, method, weights, overwrite
sortedW = w[ind[i]] # rearrange the weight according to ind
k = sortedW.cumsum() # cumulative weight
pk = pk_fun(k, sortedW, n) # different algorithm to compute percentile
# Interpolation between pk and sorted for given value of q
y[i] = np.interp(q, pk, sorted[i])
# Interpolation between pk and sorted_ for given value of q
y[i] = np.interp(q, pk, sorted_[i])
if axis is None:
return np.squeeze(y)
@ -2448,9 +2448,9 @@ _KDICT = {1:lambda p, n: p * (n - 1),
4:lambda p, n: p * (n + 1) - 1,
5:lambda p, n: p * (n + 1. / 3) - 2. / 3,
6:lambda p, n: p * (n + 1. / 4) - 5. / 8}
def _compute_qth_percentile(sorted, q, axis, out, method):
def _compute_qth_percentile(sorted_, q, axis, out, method):
if not np.isscalar(q):
p = [_compute_qth_percentile(sorted, qi, axis, None, method)
p = [_compute_qth_percentile(sorted_, qi, axis, None, method)
for qi in q]
if out is not None:
out.flat = p
@ -2460,8 +2460,8 @@ def _compute_qth_percentile(sorted, q, axis, out, method):
if (q < 0) or (q > 1):
raise ValueError, "percentile must be in the range [0,100]"
indexer = [slice(None)] * sorted.ndim
Nx = sorted.shape[axis]
indexer = [slice(None)] * sorted_.ndim
Nx = sorted_.shape[axis]
k_fun = _KDICT.get(method, 1)
index = np.clip(k_fun(q, Nx), 0, Nx - 1)
i = int(index)
@ -2473,14 +2473,14 @@ def _compute_qth_percentile(sorted, q, axis, out, method):
indexer[axis] = slice(i, i + 2)
j = i + 1
weights1 = np.array([(j - index), (index - i)], float)
wshape = [1] * sorted.ndim
wshape = [1] * sorted_.ndim
wshape[axis] = 2
weights1.shape = wshape
sumval = weights1.sum()
# Use add.reduce in both cases to coerce data type as well as
# check and use out array.
return np.add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights1, axis=axis, out=out) / sumval
return np.add.reduce(sorted_[indexer] * weights1, axis=axis, out=out) / sumval
def percentile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, method=1, weights=None):
@ -2594,17 +2594,17 @@ def percentile(a, q, axis=None, out=None, overwrite_input=False, method=1, weigh
return _compute_qth_weighted_percentile(a, q, axis, out, method, weights, overwrite_input)
elif overwrite_input:
if axis is None:
sorted = a.ravel()
sorted_ = a.ravel()
sorted = a
sorted_ = a
sorted = np.sort(a, axis=axis)
sorted_ = np.sort(a, axis=axis)
if axis is None:
axis = 0
return _compute_qth_percentile(sorted, q, axis, out, method)
return _compute_qth_percentile(sorted_, q, axis, out, method)
def iqrange(data, axis=None):
@ -2736,7 +2736,7 @@ def gridcount(data, X, y=1):
binx = np.asarray(np.floor((dat - xlo[:, newaxis]) / dx), dtype=int)
w = dx.prod()
abs = np.abs
abs = np.abs #@ReservedAssignment
if d == 1:
x.shape = (-1,)
c = np.asarray((acfun(binx, (x[binx + 1] - dat) * y, size=(inc, )) +
@ -2859,68 +2859,40 @@ def evar(y):
return noisevar/M.mean()**2
#fun = lambda x : score_fun(x, S2, dcty2)
Lopt = optimize.fminbound(score_fun, -38, 38, args=(S2, dcty2))
M = 1-1./(1+10**Lopt*S2)
M = 1.0-1.0/(1+10**Lopt*S2)
noisevar = (dcty2*M**2).mean()
return noisevar
def unfinished_smoothn(data,s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-3, maxiter=100):
def smoothn(data, s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-3, maxiter=100, fulloutput=False):
SMOOTHN Robust spline smoothing for 1-D to N-D data.
SMOOTHN provides a fast, automatized and robust discretized smoothing
spline for data of any dimension.
Z = SMOOTHN(Y) automatically smoothes the uniformly-sampled array Y. Y
can be any N-D noisy array (time series, images, 3D data,...). Non
finite data (NaN or Inf) are treated as missing values.
Z = SMOOTHN(Y,S) smoothes the array Y using the smoothing parameter S.
S must be a real positive scalar. The larger S is, the smoother the
output will be. If the smoothing parameter S is omitted (see previous
option) or empty (i.e. S = []), it is automatically determined using
the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method.
Z = SMOOTHN(Y,W) or Z = SMOOTHN(Y,W,S) specifies a weighting array W of
real positive values, that must have the same size as Y. Note that a
nil weight corresponds to a missing value.
Robust smoothing
Z = SMOOTHN(...,'robust') carries out a robust smoothing that minimizes
the influence of outlying data.
[Z,S] = SMOOTHN(...) also returns the calculated value for S so that
you can fine-tune the smoothing subsequently if needed.
An iteration process is used in the presence of weighted and/or missing
values. Z = SMOOTHN(...,OPTION_NAME,OPTION_VALUE) smoothes with the
termination parameters specified by OPTION_NAME and OPTION_VALUE. They
can contain the following criteria:
TolZ: Termination tolerance on Z (default = 1e-3)
TolZ must be in ]0,1[
MaxIter: Maximum number of iterations allowed (default = 100)
Initial: Initial value for the iterative process (default =
original data)
Syntax: [Z,...] = SMOOTHN(...,'MaxIter',500,'TolZ',1e-4,'Initial',Z0);
[Z,S,EXITFLAG] = SMOOTHN(...) returns a boolean value EXITFLAG that
describes the exit condition of SMOOTHN:
1 SMOOTHN converged.
0 Maximum number of iterations was reached.
Class Support
Input array can be numeric or logical. The returned array is of class
SMOOTHN fast and robust spline smoothing for 1-D to N-D data.
The N-D (inverse) discrete cosine transform functions <a
>DCTN</a> and <a
>IDCTN</a> are required.
data : array like
uniformly-sampled data array to smooth. Non finite values (NaN or Inf)
are treated as missing values.
s : real positive scalar
smooting parameter. The larger S is, the smoother the output will be.
Default value is automatically determined using the generalized
cross-validation (GCV) method.
weight : string or array weights
weighting array of real positive values, that must have the same size as DATA.
Note that a zero weight corresponds to a missing value.
robust : bool
If true carry out a robust smoothing that minimizes the influence of outlying data.
tolz : real positive scalar
Termination tolerance on Z (default = 1e-3)
maxiter : scalar integer
Maximum number of iterations allowed (default = 100)
z0 : array-like
Initial value for the iterative process (default = original data)
z : array like
smoothed data
To be made
@ -2930,30 +2902,35 @@ def unfinished_smoothn(data,s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-
Garcia D, Robust smoothing of gridded data in one and higher dimensions
with missing values. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2010.
href="matlab:web('http://www.biomecardio.com/pageshtm/publi/csda10.pdf')">PDF download</a>
1-D example
x = linspace(0,100,2^8);
y = cos(x/10)+(x/50).^2 + randn(size(x))/10;
y([70 75 80]) = [5.5 5 6];
z = smoothn(y); Regular smoothing
zr = smoothn(y,'robust'); Robust smoothing
subplot(121), plot(x,y,'r.',x,z,'k','LineWidth',2)
axis square, title('Regular smoothing')
subplot(122), plot(x,y,'r.',x,zr,'k','LineWidth',2)
axis square, title('Robust smoothing')
1-D example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = np.linspace(0,100,2**8)
>>> y = cos(x/10)+(x/50)**2 + np.random.randn(x.shape)/10
>>> y[np.r_[70, 75, 80]] = np.array([5.5, 5, 6])
>>> z = smoothn(y) # Regular smoothing
>>> zr = smoothn(y,robust=True) # Robust smoothing
>>> plt.subplot(121),
>>> h = plt.plot(x,y,'r.',x,z,'k',LineWidth=2)
>>> plt.title('Regular smoothing')
>>> plt.subplot(122)
>>> plt.plot(x,y,'r.',x,zr,'k',LineWidth=2)
>>> plt.title('Robust smoothing')
2-D example
xp = 0:.02:1;
[x,y] = meshgrid(xp);
f = exp(x+y) + sin((x-2*y)*3);
fn = f + randn(size(f))*0.5;
fs = smoothn(fn);
subplot(121), surf(xp,xp,fn), zlim([0 8]), axis square
subplot(122), surf(xp,xp,fs), zlim([0 8]), axis square
>>> xp = np.r_[0:1:.02]
>>> [x,y] = np.meshgrid(xp,xp)
>>> f = np.exp(x+y) + np.sin((x-2*y)*3);
>>> fn = f + randn(size(f))*0.5;
>>> fs = smoothn(fn);
>>> plt.subplot(121),
>>> plt.contourf(xp,xp,fn)
>>> plt.subplot(122)
>>> plt.contourf(xp,xp,fs)
2-D example with missing data
n = 256;
@ -2980,7 +2957,8 @@ def unfinished_smoothn(data,s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-
subplot(122), slice(x,y,z,v,xslice,yslice,zslice,'cubic')
title('Smoothed data')
t = linspace(0,2*pi,1000);
x = 2*cos(t).*(1-cos(t)) + randn(size(t))*0.1;
y = 2*sin(t).*(1-cos(t)) + randn(size(t))*0.1;
@ -3024,7 +3002,9 @@ def unfinished_smoothn(data,s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-
if weight is None:
elif isinstance(weight, str):
weightstr = W.lower()
weightstr = weight.lower()
W = weight
# Weights. Zero weights are assigned to not finite values (Inf or NaN),
# (Inf/NaN values = missing data).
@ -3047,10 +3027,10 @@ def unfinished_smoothn(data,s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-
# penalized least squares process.
d = y.ndim
Lambda = np.zeros(sizy)
siz0 = (1,)*d
siz0 = [1,]*d
for i in range(d):
siz0[i] = sizy(i)
Lambda = Lambda + np.cos(pi*np.arange(sizy(i))/sizy[i]).reshape(siz0)
siz0[i] = sizy[i]
Lambda = Lambda + np.cos(pi*np.arange(sizy[i])/sizy[i]).reshape(siz0)
siz0[i] = 1
Lambda = -2*(d-Lambda)
@ -3066,66 +3046,70 @@ def unfinished_smoothn(data,s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-
N = (np.array(sizy)!=1).sum() # tensor rank of the y-array
hMin = 1e-6;
hMax = 0.99;
sMinBnd = (((1+sqrt(1+8*hMax**(2/N)))/4./hMax**(2/N))**2-1)/16
sMaxBnd = (((1+sqrt(1+8*hMin**(2/N)))/4./hMin**(2/N))**2-1)/16
sMinBnd = (((1+sqrt(1+8*hMax**(2./N)))/4./hMax**(2./N))**2-1)/16
sMaxBnd = (((1+sqrt(1+8*hMin**(2./N)))/4./hMin**(2./N))**2-1)/16
# Initialize before iterating
Wtot = W;
# Initial conditions for z
if weight is None:
z = np.zeros(sizy)
if isweighted:
# With weighted/missing data
# An initial guess is provided to ensure faster convergence. For that
# purpose, a nearest neighbor interpolation followed by a coarse
# smoothing are performed.
if z0 is None:
z = InitialGuess(y,IsFinite);
z = InitialGuess(y,IsFinite)
# an initial guess (z0) has been provided
z = z0
z = np.zeros(sizy)
z0 = z
y[1-IsFinite] = 0 # arbitrary values for missing y-data
tol = 1
RobustIterativeProcess = True
RobustStep = 1;
nit = 0;
# Error on p. Smoothness parameter s = 10^p
errp = 0.1;
opt = optimset('TolX',errp);
# Relaxation factor RF: to speedup convergence
RF = 1 + 0.75 if weight else 1.0
norm = linalg.norm
# Main iterative process
while RobustIterativeProcess
while RobustIterativeProcess:
# "amount" of weights (see the function GCVscore)
aow = Wtot.sum()/noe # 0 < aow <= 1
while tol>TolZ && nit<MaxIter
nit = nit+1;
exitflag = True
for nit in range(1,maxiter+1):
DCTy = dctn(Wtot*(y-z)+z)
if isauto and not rem(log2(nit),1):
if isauto and not np.remainder(np.log2(nit),1):
# The generalized cross-validation (GCV) method is used.
# We seek the smoothing parameter s that minimizes the GCV
# score i.e. s = Argmin(GCVscore).
# Because this process is time-consuming, it is performed from
# time to time (when nit is a power of 2)
log10s = optimize.fminbound(gcv, np.log10(sMinBnd),np.log10(sMaxBnd), args=(aow, Lambda, DCTy, y, Wtot, IsFinite, nof, noe),
xtol=errp, full_output=False, disp=False)
s = 10**log10s
Gamma = 1.0/(1+s*Lambda**2)
z = RF*idctn(Gamma*DCTy) + (1-RF)*z
# if no weighted/missing data => tol=0 (no iteration)
tol = norm(z0(:)-z(:))/norm(z(:)) if weight else 0.0
tol = norm(z0.ravel()-z.ravel())/norm(z.ravel()) if isweighted else 0.0
if tol<=tolz:
z0 = z # re-initialization
exitflag = nit<MaxIter;
exitflag = False #nit<MaxIter;
if robust: #-- Robust Smoothing: iteratively re-weighted process
if robust:
#-- Robust Smoothing: iteratively re-weighted process
#--- average leverage
h = sqrt(1+16*s)
h = sqrt(1+h)/sqrt(2)/h;
@ -3133,105 +3117,140 @@ def unfinished_smoothn(data,s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-
# take robust weights into account
Wtot = W*RobustWeights(y-z, IsFinite, h, weightstr)
#re-initialize for another iterative weighted process
isweighted = true;
tol = 1;
nit = 0;
isweighted = True
tol = 1
RobustStep = RobustStep+1;
RobustIterativeProcess = RobustStep<4; # 3 robust steps are enough.
RobustIterativeProcess = False # stop the whole process
# Warning messages
if isauto
if abs(np.log10(s)-np.log10(sMinBnd))<errp
if isauto:
if abs(np.log10(s)-np.log10(sMinBnd))<errp:
warnings.warn('''s = %g: the lower bound for s has been reached.
Put s as an input variable if required.''' % s)
elif abs(np.log10(s)-np.log10(sMaxBnd))<errp:
warnings.warn('''s = %g: the Upper bound for s has been reached.
warnings.warn('''s = %g: the Upper bound for s has been reached.
Put s as an input variable if required.''' % s)
if nargout<3 && ~exitflag
['Maximum number of iterations (' int2str(MaxIter) ') has ',...
'been exceeded. Increase MaxIter option or decrease TolZ value.'])
def gcv(p, Lambda, DCTy, y, Wtot, IsFinite, nof, noe):
# Search the smoothing parameter s that minimizes the GCV score
s = 10**p
Gamma = 1./(1+s*Lambda**2)
# RSS = Residual sum-of-squares
if aow>0.9: # aow = 1 means that all of the data are equally weighted
# very much faster: does not require any inverse DCT
RSS = norm(DCTy.ravel()*(Gamma.ravel()-1))**2
# take account of the weights to calculate RSS:
yhat = idctn(Gamma*DCTy)
RSS = norm(sqrt(Wtot[IsFinite])*(y[IsFinite]-yhat[IsFinite]))**2
TrH = Gamma.sum()
GCVscore = RSS/nof/(1.0-TrH/noe)**2
return GCVScore
# Robust weights
def RobustWeights(r,I,h,wstr):
#weights for robust smoothing.
MAD = median(abs(r[I]-median(r[I]))) # median absolute deviation
u = abs(r/(1.4826*MAD)/sqrt(1-h)) # studentized residuals
if wstr == 'cauchy':
c = 2.385;
W = 1./(1+(u/c).^2); % Cauchy weights
elif wstr=='talworth':
c = 2.795;
W = u<c # Talworth weights
if not exitflag:
warnings.warn('''Maximum number of iterations (%d) has been exceeded.
Increase MaxIter option or decrease TolZ value.''' % (maxiter))
if fulloutput:
return z, s
return z
def gcv(p, aow, Lambda, DCTy, y, Wtot, IsFinite, nof, noe):
# Search the smoothing parameter s that minimizes the GCV score
s = 10**p
Gamma = 1.0/(1+s*Lambda**2)
# RSS = Residual sum-of-squares
if aow>0.9: # aow = 1 means that all of the data are equally weighted
# very much faster: does not require any inverse DCT
RSS = linalg.norm(DCTy.ravel()*(Gamma.ravel()-1))**2
# take account of the weights to calculate RSS:
yhat = idctn(Gamma*DCTy)
RSS = linalg.norm(sqrt(Wtot[IsFinite])*(y[IsFinite]-yhat[IsFinite]))**2
TrH = Gamma.sum()
GCVscore = RSS/nof/(1.0-TrH/noe)**2
return GCVscore
# Robust weights
def RobustWeights(r,I,h,wstr):
#weights for robust smoothing.
MAD = np.median(abs(r[I]-np.median(r[I]))) # median absolute deviation
u = abs(r/(1.4826*MAD)/sqrt(1-h)) # studentized residuals
if wstr == 'cauchy':
c = 2.385;
W = 1./(1+(u/c)**2) # Cauchy weights
elif wstr=='talworth':
c = 2.795
W = u<c # Talworth weights
else: # bisquare weights
c = 4.685
W = (1-(u/c)**2)**2*((u/c)<1)
W[np.isnan(W)] = 0
return W
# Initial Guess with weighted/missing data
def InitialGuess(y,I):
# nearest neighbor interpolation (in case of missing values)
z = y
if (1-I).any():
if True: #license('test','image_toolbox')
z, L = distance_transform_edt(1-I, return_indices=True)
#[z,L] = bwdist(I);
z[1-I] = y[L[1-I]]
c = 4.685
W = (1-(u/c)**2)**2*((u/c)<1) # bisquare weights
W[isnan(W)] = 0
return W
# Initial Guess with weighted/missing data
def z = InitialGuess(y,I):
# nearest neighbor interpolation (in case of missing values)
if (1-I).any():
if license('test','image_toolbox')
z, L = distance_transform_edt(1-I, return_indices=True)
[z,L] = bwdist(I);
z = y;
z(~I) = y(L(~I));
#% If BWDIST does not exist, NaN values are all replaced with the
#% same scalar. The initial guess is not optimal and a warning
#% message thus appears.
z = y;
z(~I) = mean(y(I));
['BWDIST (Image Processing Toolbox) does not exist. ',...
'The initial guess may not be optimal; additional',...
' iterations can thus be required to ensure complete',...
' convergence. Increase ''MaxIter'' criterion if necessary.'])
z = y;
%-- coarse fast smoothing using one-tenth of the DCT coefficients
siz = size(z);
z = dctn(z);
for k = 1:ndims(z)
z(ceil(siz(k)/10)+1:end,:) = 0;
z = reshape(z,circshift(siz,[0 1-k]));
z = shiftdim(z,1);
z = idctn(z);
#% If BWDIST does not exist, NaN values are all replaced with the
#% same scalar. The initial guess is not optimal and a warning
#% message thus appears.
z[1-I] = y[I].mean()
# coarse fast smoothing using one-tenth of the DCT coefficients
siz = z.shape
d = z.ndim
z = dctn(z)
for k in range(d):
z[int((siz[k]+0.5)/10)+1::,...] = 0;
z = z.reshape(np.roll(siz,-k))
z = z.transpose(np.roll(range(z.ndim), -1))
#z = shiftdim(z,1);
z = idctn(z)
return z
def test_smoothn_1d():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(0,100,2**8)
y = np.cos(x/10)+(x/50)**2 + np.random.randn(x.size)/10
y[np.r_[70, 75, 80]] = np.array([5.5, 5, 6])
z = smoothn(y) # Regular smoothing
zr = smoothn(y,robust=True) # Robust smoothing
h = plt.plot(x,y,'r.',x,z,'k',linewidth=2)
plt.title('Regular smoothing')
plt.title('Robust smoothing')
return z
def test_smoothn_2d():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import mayavi.mlab as plt
xp = np.r_[0:1:.02]
[x,y] = np.meshgrid(xp,xp)
f = np.exp(x+y) + np.sin((x-2*y)*3)
fn = f + np.random.randn(*f.shape)*0.5
fs, s = smoothn(fn, fulloutput=True)
fs2 = smoothn(fn,s=2*s)
def test_smoothn_cardioid():
t = np.linspace(0,2*pi,1000)
cos = np.cos
sin = np.sin
randn = np.random.randn
x = 2*cos(t)*(1-cos(t)) + randn(t.size)*0.1;
y = 2*sin(t)*(1-cos(t)) + randn(t.size)*0.1;
z = smoothn(x+1j*y)
def kde_demo1():
@ -3525,7 +3544,7 @@ def kde_gauss_demo(n=50):
# kw = exp(-I)
# plt.plot(idctn(kw))
# return
dist = st.norm
#dist = st.norm
dist = st.expon
data = dist.rvs(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=n)
d, N = np.atleast_2d(data).shape
@ -3571,4 +3590,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':