@ -1,10 +1,34 @@
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import division
import warnings
from wafo.wafodata import WafoData
from wafo.wafodata import WafoData
from wafo.misc import findextrema
from scipy import special
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
from numpy import inf
from numpy import inf
from numpy import atleast_1d
from numpy import atleast_1d, nan, ndarray, sqrt, vstack, ones, where, zeros
from numpy import arange, floor
from numpy import arange, floor, linspace, asarray, reshape, repeat, product
__all__ = ['edf']
__all__ = ['edf', 'edfcnd']
arr = asarray
def valarray(shape, value=nan, typecode=None):
"""Return an array of all value.
out = reshape(repeat([value], product(shape, axis=0), axis=0), shape)
if typecode is not None:
out = out.astype(typecode)
if not isinstance(out, ndarray):
out = arr(out)
return out
def _invt(q, df):
return special.stdtrit(df, q)
def _invchi2(q, df):
return special.chdtri(df, q)
def edf(x, method=2):
def edf(x, method=2):
@ -25,7 +49,7 @@ def edf(x, method=2):
>>> x = np.linspace(0,6,200)
>>> x = np.linspace(0,6,200)
>>> R = ws.rayleigh.rvs(scale=2,size=100)
>>> R = ws.rayleigh.rvs(scale=2,size=100)
>>> F = ws.edf(R)
>>> F = ws.edf(R)
>>> F.plot()
>>> h = F.plot()
See also edf, pdfplot, cumtrapz
See also edf, pdfplot, cumtrapz
@ -64,10 +88,10 @@ def edfcnd(x, c=None, method=2):
>>> import wafo.stats as ws
>>> import wafo.stats as ws
>>> x = np.linspace(0,6,200)
>>> x = np.linspace(0,6,200)
>>> R = ws.rayleigh.rvs(scale=2,size=100)
>>> R = ws.rayleigh.rvs(scale=2,size=100)
>>> Fc = ws.edfcd(R, 1)
>>> Fc = ws.edfcnd(R, 1)
>>> Fc.plot()
>>> hc = Fc.plot()
>>> F = ws.edf(R)
>>> F = ws.edf(R)
>>> F.plot()
>>> h = F.plot()
See also edf, pdfplot, cumtrapz
See also edf, pdfplot, cumtrapz
@ -84,3 +108,586 @@ def edfcnd(x, c=None, method=2):
F.labels.ylab = 'F(x| X>=%g)' % c
F.labels.ylab = 'F(x| X>=%g)' % c
return F
return F
def reslife(data, u=None, umin=None, umax=None, nu=None, nmin=3, alpha=0.05, plotflag=False):
Return Mean Residual Life, i.e., mean excesses vs thresholds
data : array_like
vector of data of length N.
u : array-like
threshold values (default linspace(umin, umax, nu))
umin, umax : real scalars
Minimum and maximum threshold, respectively (default min(data), max(data)).
nu : scalar integer
number of threshold values (default min(N-nmin,100))
nmin : scalar integer
Minimum number of extremes to include. (Default 3).
alpha : real scalar
Confidence coefficient (default 0.05)
plotflag: bool
mrl : WafoData object
Mean residual life values, i.e., mean excesses over thresholds, u.
RESLIFE estimate mean excesses over thresholds. The purpose of MRL is
to determine the threshold where the upper tail of the data can be
approximated with the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). The GPD is
appropriate for the tail, if the MRL is a linear function of the
threshold, u. Theoretically in the GPD model
E(X-u0|X>u0) = s0/(1+k)
E(X-u |X>u) = s/(1+k) = (s0 -k*u)/(1+k) for u>u0
where k,s is the shape and scale parameter, respectively.
s0 = scale parameter for threshold u0<u.
>>> import wafo
>>> R = wafo.stats.genpareto.rvs(0.1,2,2,size=100)
>>> mrl = reslife(R,nu=20)
>>> h = mrl.plot()
See also
fitgenparrange, disprsnidx
if u is None:
sd = np.sort(data)
n = len(data)
nmin = max(nmin, 0)
if 2 * nmin > n:
warnings.warn('nmin possibly too large!')
sdmax, sdmin = sd[-nmin], sd[0]
umax = sdmax if umax is None else min(umax, sdmax)
umin = sdmin if umin is None else max(umin, sdmin)
if nu is None:
nu = min(n - nmin, 100)
u = linspace(umin, umax, nu)
nu = len(u)
#mrl1 = valarray(nu)
#srl = valarray(nu)
#num = valarray(nu)
mean_and_std = lambda data1 : (data1.mean(), data1.std(), data1.size)
dat = arr(data)
tmp = arr([mean_and_std(dat[dat > tresh] - tresh) for tresh in u.tolist()])
mrl, srl, num = tmp.T
p = 1 - alpha
alpha2 = alpha / 2
# Approximate P% confidence interval
#%Za = -invnorm(alpha2); % known mean
Za = -_invt(alpha2, num - 1) # unknown mean
mrlu = mrl + Za * srl / sqrt(num)
mrll = mrl - Za * srl / sqrt(num)
#options.CI = [mrll,mrlu];
#options.numdata = num;
titleTxt = 'Mean residual life with %d%s CI' % (100 * p, '%')
res = WafoData(mrl, u, xlab='Threshold', ylab='Mean Excess', title=titleTxt)
res.workspace = dict(numdata=num, umin=umin, umax=umax, nu=nu, nmin=nmin, alpha=alpha)
res.children = [WafoData(vstack([mrll, mrlu]).T, u, xlab='Threshold', title=titleTxt)]
res.children_args = [':r']
if plotflag:
return res
def dispersion_idx(data, t=None, u=None, umin=None, umax=None, nu=None, nmin=10, tb=1,
alpha=0.05, plotflag=False):
'''Return Dispersion Index vs threshold
data, ti : array_like
data values and sampled times, respectively.
u : array-like
threshold values (default linspace(umin, umax, nu))
umin, umax : real scalars
Minimum and maximum threshold, respectively (default min(data), max(data)).
nu : scalar integer
number of threshold values (default min(N-nmin,100))
nmin : scalar integer
Minimum number of extremes to include. (Default 10).
tb : Real scalar
Block period (same unit as the sampled times) (default 1)
alpha : real scalar
Confidence coefficient (default 0.05)
plotflag: bool
DI : WafoData object
Dispersion index
b_u : real scalar
threshold where the number of exceedances in a fixed period (Tb) is
consistent with a Poisson process.
ok_u : array-like
all thresholds where the number of exceedances in a fixed period (Tb) is
consistent with a Poisson process.
DISPRSNIDX estimate the Dispersion Index (DI) as function of threshold.
DI measures the homogenity of data and the purpose of DI is to determine
the threshold where the number of exceedances in a fixed period (Tb) is
consistent with a Poisson process. For a Poisson process the DI is one.
Thus the threshold should be so high that DI is not significantly
different from 1.
The Poisson hypothesis is not rejected if the estimated DI is between:
chi2(alpha/2, M-1)/(M-1)< DI < chi^2(1 - alpha/2, M-1 }/(M - 1)
where M is the total number of fixed periods/blocks -generally
the total number of years in the sample.
>>> import wafo.data
>>> xn = wafo.data.sea()
>>> t, data = xn.T
>>> Ie = findpot(data,t,0,5);
>>> di, u, ok_u = dispersion_idx(data[Ie],t[Ie],tb=100)
>>> h = di.plot() # a threshold around 1 seems appropriate.
See also
Ribatet, M. A.,(2006),
A User's Guide to the POT Package (Version 1.0)
month = {August},
url = {http://cran.r-project.org/}
Cunnane, C. (1979) Note on the poisson assumption in
partial duration series model. Water Resource Research, 15\bold{(2)}
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even
# the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public
# License for moredetails.
# The GNU General Public License can be obtained from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. You
# can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307, USA.
n = len(data)
if t is None:
ti = arange(n)
ti = arr(t) - min(t)
t1 = np.empty(ti.shape,dtype=int)
t1[:] = np.floor(ti / tb)
if u is None:
sd = np.sort(data)
nmin = max(nmin, 0)
if 2 * nmin > n:
warnings.warn('nmin possibly too large!')
sdmax, sdmin = sd[-nmin], sd[0]
umax = sdmax if umax is None else min(umax, sdmax)
umin = sdmin if umin is None else max(umin, sdmin)
if nu is None:
nu = min(n - nmin, 100)
u = linspace(umin, umax, nu)
nu = len(u)
di = np.zeros(nu)
d = arr(data)
mint = int(min(t1)) #; % mint should be 0.
maxt = int(max(t1))
M = maxt - mint + 1;
occ = np.zeros(M);
for ix, tresh in enumerate(u.tolist()):
excess = (d > tresh)
lambda_ = excess.sum() / M
for block in range(M):
occ[block] = sum(excess[t1 == block])
di[ix] = occ.var() / lambda_
p = 1 - alpha
diUp = _invchi2(1 - alpha / 2, M - 1) / (M - 1)
diLo = _invchi2(alpha / 2, M - 1) / (M - 1)
# Find appropriate threshold
k1, = np.where((diLo < di) & (di < diUp))
if len(k1) > 0:
ok_u = u[k1]
b_di = (di[k1].mean() < di[k1])
k = b_di.argmax()
b_u = ok_u[k]
b_u = ok_u = None
CItxt = '%d%s CI' % (100 * p, '%')
titleTxt = 'Dispersion Index plot';
res = WafoData(di, u, title=titleTxt, labx='Threshold', laby='Dispersion Index')
res.workspace = dict(umin=umin, umax=umax, nu=nu, nmin=nmin, alpha=alpha)
res.children = [WafoData(vstack([diLo * ones(nu), diUp * ones(nu)]).T, u, xlab='Threshold', title=CItxt)]
res.children_args = ['--r']
if plotflag:
return res, b_u, ok_u
def decluster(data, t=None, thresh=None, tmin=1):
Return declustered peaks over threshold values
data, t : array-like
data-values and sampling-times, respectively.
thresh : real scalar
minimum threshold for levels in data.
tmin : real scalar
minimum distance to another peak [same unit as t] (default 1)
ev, te : ndarray
extreme values and its corresponding sampling times, respectively, i.e.,
all data > thresh which are at least tmin distance apart.
>>> import pylab
>>> import wafo.data
>>> from wafo.misc import findtc
>>> x = wafo.data.sea()
>>> t, data = x[:400,:].T
>>> itc, iv = findtc(data,0,'dw')
>>> ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc]
>>> ymin = 2*data.std()
>>> tmin = 10 # sec
>>> [ye, te] = decluster(ytc,ttc, ymin,tmin);
>>> h = pylab.plot(t,data,ttc,ytc,'ro',t,zeros(len(t)),':',te,ye,'k.')
See also
fitgenpar, findpot, extremalidx
if t is None:
t = np.arange(len(data))
i = findpot(data, t, thresh, tmin)
return data[i], t[i]
def findpot(data, t=None, thresh=None, tmin=1):
Retrun indices to Peaks over threshold values
data, t : array-like
data-values and sampling-times, respectively.
thresh : real scalar
minimum threshold for levels in data.
tmin : real scalar
minimum distance to another peak [same unit as t] (default 1)
Ie : ndarray
indices to extreme values, i.e., all data > tresh which are at least
tmin distance apart.
>>> import pylab
>>> import wafo.data
>>> from wafo.misc import findtc
>>> x = wafo.data.sea()
>>> t, data = x.T
>>> itc, iv = findtc(data,0,'dw')
>>> ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc]
>>> ymin = 2*data.std()
>>> tmin = 10 # sec
>>> I = findpot(data, t, ymin, tmin)
>>> yp, tp = data[I], t[I]
>>> Ie = findpot(yp, tp, ymin,tmin)
>>> ye, te = yp[Ie], tp[Ie]
>>> h = pylab.plot(t,data,ttc,ytc,'ro',t,zeros(len(t)),':',te, ye,'k.',tp,yp,'+')
See also
fitgenpar, decluster, extremalidx
Data = arr(data)
if t is None:
ti = np.arange(len(Data))
ti = arr(t)
Ie, = where(Data > thresh);
Ye = Data[Ie]
Te = ti[Ie]
if len(Ye) <= 1:
return Ie
dT = np.diff(Te)
notSorted = np.any(dT < 0);
if notSorted:
I = np.argsort(Te)
Te = Te[I]
Ie = Ie[I]
Ye = Ye[I]
dT = np.diff(Te)
isTooSmall = (dT <= tmin)
if np.any(isTooSmall):
isTooClose = np.hstack((isTooSmall[0], isTooSmall[:-1] | isTooSmall[1:], isTooSmall[-1]))
#Find opening (NO) and closing (NC) index for data beeing to close:
iy = findextrema(np.hstack([0, 0, isTooSmall, 0]))
NO = iy[::2] - 1
NC = iy[1::2]
for no, nc in zip(NO, NC):
iz = slice(no, nc)
iOK = _find_ok_peaks(Ye[iz], Te[iz], tmin)
if len(iOK):
isTooClose[no + iOK] = 0
# Remove data which is too close to other data.
if isTooClose.any():
iOK, = where(1 - isTooClose)
Ie = Ie[iOK]
return Ie
def _find_ok_peaks(Ye, Te, Tmin):
Return indices to the largest maxima that are at least Tmin
distance apart.
Ny = len(Ye)
I = np.argsort(-Ye) # sort in descending order
Te1 = Te[I]
oOrder = zeros(Ny, dtype=int)
oOrder[I] = range(Ny) #indices to the variables original location
isTooClose = zeros(Ny, dtype=bool)
pool = zeros((Ny, 2))
T_range = np.hstack([-Tmin, Tmin])
K = 0
for i, ti in enumerate(Te1):
isTooClose[i] = np.any((pool[:K, 0] <= ti) & (ti <= pool[:K, 1]))
if not isTooClose[i]:
pool[K] = ti + T_range
K += 1
iOK, = where(1 - isTooClose[oOrder])
return iOK
def declustering_time(t):
Returns minimum distance between clusters.
t : array-like
sampling times for data.
tc : real scalar
minimum distance between clusters.
>>> import wafo.data
>>> x = wafo.data.sea()
>>> t, data = x[:400,:].T
>>> Ie = findpot(data,t,0,5);
>>> tc = declustering_time(Ie)
>>> tc
t0 = arr(t)
nt = len(t0)
if nt<2:
return arr([])
ti = interexceedance_times(t0)
ei = extremal_idx(ti)
if ei==1:
tc = ti.min()
i = int(np.floor(nt*ei))
sti = -np.sort(-ti)
tc = sti[min(i, nt-2)] #% declustering time
return tc
def interexceedance_times(t):
Returns interexceedance times of data
t : array-like
sampling times for data.
ti : ndarray
interexceedance times
>>> t = [1,2,5,10]
>>> interexceedance_times(t)
array([1, 3, 5])
return np.diff(np.sort(t))
def extremal_idx(ti):
Returns Extremal Index measuring the dependence of data
ti : array-like
interexceedance times for data.
ei : real scalar
Extremal index.
The Extremal Index (EI) is one if the data are independent and less than
one if there are some dependence. The extremal index can also be intepreted
as the reciprocal of the mean cluster size.
>>> import wafo.data
>>> x = wafo.data.sea()
>>> t, data = x[:400,:].T
>>> Ie = findpot(data,t,0,5);
>>> ti = interexceedance_times(Ie)
>>> ei = extremal_idx(ti)
>>> ei
See also
reslife, fitgenparrange, disprsnidx, findpot, decluster
Christopher A. T. Ferro, Johan Segers (2003)
Inference for clusters of extreme values
Journal of the Royal Statistical society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 54 (2), 545-556
t = arr(ti)
tmax = t.max()
if tmax<=1:
ei = 0
elif tmax<=2:
ei = min(1, 2*t.mean()**2/((t**2).mean()))
ei = min(1, 2*np.mean(t-1)**2/np.mean((t-1)*(t-2)))
return ei
def _test_dispersion_idx():
import wafo.data
xn = wafo.data.sea()
t, data = xn.T
Ie = findpot(data,t,0,5);
di, u, ok_u = dispersion_idx(data[Ie],t[Ie],tb=100)
di.plot() # a threshold around 1 seems appropriate.
def _test_findpot():
import pylab
import wafo.data
from wafo.misc import findtc
x = wafo.data.sea()
t, data = x[:, :].T
itc, iv = findtc(data, 0, 'dw')
ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc]
ymin = 2 * data.std()
tmin = 10 # sec
I = findpot(data, t, ymin, tmin)
yp, tp = data[I], t[I]
Ie = findpot(yp, tp, ymin, tmin)
ye, te = yp[Ie], tp[Ie]
h = pylab.plot(t, data, ttc,ytc,'ro', t, zeros(len(t)), ':', te, ye, 'kx', tp, yp, '+')
pylab.show() #
def _test_reslife():
import wafo
R = wafo.stats.genpareto.rvs(0.1, 2, 2, size=100)
mrl = reslife(R, nu=20)
def main():
import doctest
if __name__ == '__main__':