Added SavitzkyGolay class to
Refined confidence intervals in kreg_demo2 in kdetools.pymaster
@ -1,84 +1,423 @@
#from math import *
import numpy as np
from numpy import zeros, convolve, dot, linalg, size #@UnresolvedImport
#from math import pow
#from numpy import zeros,dot
from numpy import abs, size, convolve, linalg, concatenate #@UnresolvedImport
all = ['calc_coeff','smooth']
__all__ = ['calc_coeff', 'smooth', 'smooth_last']
def _resub(D, rhs):
""" solves D D^T = rhs by resubstituion.
D is lower triangle-matrix from cholesky-decomposition """
M = D.shape[0]
def calc_coeff(n, degree, diff_order=0):
x1= zeros((M,),float)
""" calculates filter coefficients for symmetric savitzky-golay filter.
x2= zeros((M,),float)
# resub step 1
n means that 2*n+1 values contribute to the
for l in range(M):
sum = rhs[l]
for n in range(l):
sum -= D[l,n]*x1[n]
x1[l] = sum/D[l,l]
# resub step 2
degree is degree of fitting polynomial
for l in range(M-1,-1,-1):
sum = x1[l]
for n in range(l+1,M):
sum -= D[n,l]*x2[n]
x2[l] = sum/D[l,l]
return x2
diff_order is degree of implicit differentiation.
0 means that filter results in smoothing of function
1 means that filter results in smoothing the first
derivative of function.
and so on ...
order_range = np.arange(degree + 1)
k_range = np.arange(-n, n + 1, dtype=float).reshape(-1, 1)
b = np.mat(k_range ** order_range)
#b = np.mat([[float(k)**i for i in order_range] for k in range(-n,n+1)])
coeff = linalg.pinv(b).A[diff_order]
return coeff
def calc_coeff(num_points, pol_degree, diff_order=0):
def smooth_last(signal, coeff, k=0):
n = size(coeff - 1) // 2
y = np.squeeze(signal)
if y.ndim > 1:
coeff.shape = (-1, 1)
first_vals = y[0] - abs(y[n:0:-1] - y[0])
last_vals = y[-1] + abs(y[-2:-n - 2:-1] - y[-1])
y = concatenate((first_vals, y, last_vals))
return (y[-2 * n - 1 - k:-k] * coeff).sum(axis=0)
def smooth(signal, coeff, pad=True):
""" applies coefficients calculated by calc_coeff()
Calculates filter coefficients for symmetric savitzky-golay filter.
to signal """
n = size(coeff - 1) // 2
y = np.squeeze(signal)
if pad:
first_vals = y[0] - abs(y[n:0:-1] - y[0])
last_vals = y[-1] + abs(y[-2:-n - 2:-1] - y[-1])
y = concatenate((first_vals, y, last_vals))
n *= 2
d = y.ndim
if d > 1:
y1 = y.reshape(y.shape[0], -1)
res = []
for i in range(y1.shape[1]):
res.append(convolve(y1[:, i], coeff)[n:-n])
res = np.asarray(res).T
res = convolve(y, coeff)[n:-n]
return res
class SavitzkyGolay(object):
r"""Smooth (and optionally differentiate) data with a Savitzky-Golay filter.
The Savitzky-Golay filter removes high frequency noise from data.
It has the advantage of preserving the original shape and
features of the signal better than other types of filtering
approaches, such as moving averages techniques.
num_points : scalar, integer
n : int
means that 2*num_points+1 values contribute to the smoother.
the size of the smoothing window is 2*n+1.
pol_degree : scalar, integer
degree : int
is degree of fitting polynomial
the order of the polynomial used in the filtering.
diff_order : scalar, integer
Must be less than `window_size` - 1, i.e, less than 2*n.
is degree of implicit differentiation.
diff_order : int
the order of the derivative to compute (default = 0 means only smoothing)
0 means that filter results in smoothing of function
0 means that filter results in smoothing of function
1 means that filter results in smoothing the first
1 means that filter results in smoothing the first derivative of function.
derivative of function.
and so on ...
and so on ...
The Savitzky-Golay is a type of low-pass filter, particularly
suited for smoothing noisy data. The main idea behind this
approach is to make for each point a least-square fit with a
polynomial of high order over a odd-sized window centered at
the point.
>>> t = np.linspace(-4, 4, 500)
>>> y = np.exp( -t**2 ) + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, t.shape)
>>> ysg = SavitzkyGolay(n=15, degree=4).smooth(y)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.plot(t, y, label='Noisy signal')
>>> plt.plot(t, np.exp(-t**2), 'k', lw=1.5, label='Original signal')
>>> plt.plot(t, ysg, 'r', label='Filtered signal')
>>> plt.legend()
.. [1] A. Savitzky, M. J. E. Golay, Smoothing and Differentiation of
Data by Simplified Least Squares Procedures. Analytical
Chemistry, 1964, 36 (8), pp 1627-1639.
.. [2] Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing
W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery
Cambridge University Press ISBN-13: 9780521880688
def __init__(self, n, degree=1, diff_order=0):
self.n = n
| = degree
self.diff_order = diff_order
def calc_coeff(self):
""" calculates filter coefficients for symmetric savitzky-golay filter.
n = self.n
order_range = np.arange( + 1)
k_range = np.arange(-n, n + 1, dtype=float).reshape(-1, 1)
b = np.mat(k_range ** order_range)
#b = np.mat([[float(k)**i for i in order_range] for k in range(-n,n+1)])
self._coeff = linalg.pinv(b).A[self.diff_order]
def smooth_last(self, signal, k=0):
coeff = self._coeff
n = size(coeff - 1) // 2
y = np.squeeze(signal)
if y.ndim > 1:
coeff.shape = (-1, 1)
first_vals = y[0] - abs(y[n:0:-1] - y[0])
last_vals = y[-1] + abs(y[-2:-n - 2:-1] - y[-1])
y = concatenate((first_vals, y, last_vals))
return (y[-2 * n - 1 - k:-k] * coeff).sum(axis=0)
def smooth(self, signal, pad=True):
Returns smoothed signal (or it's n-th derivative).
y : array_like, shape (N,)
the values of the time history of the signal.
pad : bool
pad first and last values to lessen the end effects.
ys : ndarray, shape (N)
the smoothed signal (or it's n-th derivative).
coeff = self._coeff
n = size(coeff - 1) // 2
y = np.squeeze(signal)
if pad:
first_vals = y[0] - abs(y[n:0:-1] - y[0])
last_vals = y[-1] + abs(y[-2:-n - 2:-1] - y[-1])
y = concatenate((first_vals, y, last_vals))
n *= 2
d = y.ndim
if d > 1:
y1 = y.reshape(y.shape[0], -1)
res = []
for i in range(y1.shape[1]):
res.append(convolve(y1[:, i], coeff)[n:-n])
res = np.asarray(res).T
res = convolve(y, coeff)[n:-n]
return res
# setup normal matrix
class Kalman(object):
A = zeros((2*num_points+1, pol_degree+1), float)
for i in range(2*num_points+1):
Kalman filter object - updates a system state vector estimate based upon an
for j in range(pol_degree+1):
observation, using a discrete Kalman filter.
A[i,j] = pow(i-num_points, j)
The Kalman filter is "optimal" under a variety of
# calculate diff_order-th row of inv(A^T A)
circumstances. An excellent paper on Kalman filtering at
ATA = dot(A.transpose(), A)
the introductory level, without detailing the mathematical
rhs = zeros((pol_degree+1,), float)
underpinnings, is:
rhs[diff_order] = 1
D = linalg.cholesky(ATA)
"An Introduction to the Kalman Filter"
wvec = _resub(D, rhs)
Greg Welch and Gary Bishop, University of North Carolina
# calculate filter-coefficients
coeff = zeros((2*num_points+1,), float)
for n in range(-num_points, num_points+1):
The purpose of each iteration of a Kalman filter is to update
x = 0.0
the estimate of the state vector of a system (and the covariance
for m in range(pol_degree+1):
of that vector) based upon the information in a new observation.
x += wvec[m]*pow(n, m)
The version of the Kalman filter in this function assumes that
coeff[n+num_points] = x
observations occur at fixed discrete time intervals. Also, this
return coeff
function assumes a linear system, meaning that the time evolution
of the state vector can be calculated by means of a state transition
filt = Kalman(R, x, P, A, B=0, u=0, Q, H)
x = filt(z)
filt is a "system" object containing various fields used as input
and output. The state estimate "x" and its covariance "P" are
updated by the function. The other fields describe the mechanics
of the system and are left unchanged. A calling routine may change
these other fields as needed if state dynamics are time-dependent;
otherwise, they should be left alone after initial values are set.
The exceptions are the observation vector "z" and the input control
(or forcing function) "u." If there is an input function, then
"u" should be set to some nonzero value by the calling routine.
System dynamics
The system evolves according to the following difference equations,
where quantities are further defined below:
x = Ax + Bu + w meaning the state vector x evolves during one time
step by premultiplying by the "state transition
matrix" A. There is optionally (if nonzero) an input
vector u which affects the state linearly, and this
linear effect on the state is represented by
premultiplying by the "input matrix" B. There is also
gaussian process noise w.
z = Hx + v meaning the observation vector z is a linear function
of the state vector, and this linear relationship is
represented by premultiplication by "observation
matrix" H. There is also gaussian measurement
noise v.
where w ~ N(0,Q) meaning w is gaussian noise with covariance Q
v ~ N(0,R) meaning v is gaussian noise with covariance R
s.x = state vector estimate. In the input struct, this is the
"a priori" state estimate (prior to the addition of the
information from the new observation). In the output struct,
this is the "a posteriori" state estimate (after the new
measurement information is included).
s.z = observation vector
s.u = input control vector, optional (defaults to zero).
s.A = state transition matrix (defaults to identity).
s.P = covariance of the state vector estimate. In the input struct,
this is "a priori," and in the output it is "a posteriori."
(required unless autoinitializing as described below).
s.B = input matrix, optional (defaults to zero).
s.Q = process noise covariance (defaults to zero).
s.R = measurement noise covariance (required).
s.H = observation matrix (defaults to identity).
(1) define all state definition fields: A,B,H,Q,R
(2) define intial state estimate: x,P
(3) obtain observation and control vectors: z,u
(4) call the filter to obtain updated state estimate: x,P
(5) return to step (3) and repeat
If an initial state estimate is unavailable, it can be obtained
from the first observation as follows, provided that there are the
same number of observable variables as state variables. This "auto-
intitialization" is done automatically if s.x is absent or NaN.
x = inv(H)*z
P = inv(H)*R*inv(H')
This is mathematically equivalent to setting the initial state estimate
covariance to infinity.
Example (Automobile Voltimeter):
# Define the system as a constant of 12 volts:
>>> V0 = 12
>>> h = 1 # voltimeter measure the voltage itself
>>> q = 1e-5 # variance of process noise s the car operates
>>> r = 0.1**2 # variance of measurement error
>>> b = 0 # no system input
>>> u = 0 # no system input
>>> filt = Kalman(R=r, A=1, Q=q, H=h, B=b, u=u)
# Generate random voltages and watch the filter operate.
>>> n = 50
>>> truth = np.random.randn(n)*np.sqrt(q) + V0
>>> z = truth + np.random.randn(n)*np.sqrt(r) # measurement
>>> x = np.zeros(n)
>>> for i, zi in enumerate(z):
... x[i] = filt(zi) # perform a Kalman filter iteration
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> hz = plt.plot(z,'r.', label='observations')
>>> hx = plt.plot(x,'b-', label='Kalman output') # a-posteriori state estimates:
>>> ht = plt.plot(truth,'g-', label='true voltage')
>>> plt.legend()
>>> plt.title('Automobile Voltimeter Example')
def smooth(signal, coeff):
def __init__(self, R, x=None, P=None, A=None, B=0, u=0, Q=None, H=None):
self.R = R
applies coefficients calculated by calc_coeff()
self.x = x
to signal
self.P = P
self.u = u
self.A = A
self.B = B
self.Q = Q
self.H = H
def reset(self):
self._filter = self._filter_first
def _filter_first(self, z):
self._filter = self._filter_main
auto_init = self.x is None
if auto_init:
n = np.size(z)
n = np.size(self.x)
if self.A is None:
self.A = np.eye(n, n)
self.A = np.atleast_2d(self.A)
if self.Q is None:
self.Q = np.zeros((n, n))
self.Q = np.atleast_2d(self.Q)
if self.H is None:
self.H = np.eye(n, n)
self.H = np.atleast_2d(self.H)
# if np.diff(np.shape(self.H)):
# raise ValueError('Observation matrix must be square and invertible for state autointialization.')
HI = np.linalg.inv(self.H)
if self.P is None:
self.P =, self.R), HI.T)
self.P = np.atleast_2d(self.P)
if auto_init:
#initialize state estimate from first observation
self.x =, z)
return self.x
return self._filter_main(z)
def _filter_main(self, z):
''' This is the code which implements the discrete Kalman filter:
A = self.A
H = self.H
P = self.P
# Prediction for state vector and covariance:
x =, self.x) +, self.u)
P =, P), A.T) + self.Q
# Compute Kalman gain factor:
PHT =, H.T)
K =, np.linalg.inv(, PHT) + self.R))
# Correction based on observation:
self.x = x +, z -, x))
self.P = P -,, P))
# Note that the desired result, which is an improved estimate
# of the system state vector x and its covariance P, was obtained
# in only five lines of code, once the system was defined. (That's
# how simple the discrete Kalman filter is to use.) Later,
# we'll discuss how to deal with nonlinear systems.
return self.x
def __call__(self, z):
return self._filter(z)
def test_kalman():
V0 = 12
h = np.atleast_2d(1) # voltimeter measure the voltage itself
q = 1e-9 # variance of process noise as the car operates
r = 0.05 ** 2 # variance of measurement error
b = 0 # no system input
u = 0 # no system input
filt = Kalman(R=r, A=1, Q=q, H=h, B=b, u=u)
# Generate random voltages and watch the filter operate.
n = 50
truth = np.random.randn(n) * np.sqrt(q) + V0
z = truth + np.random.randn(n) * np.sqrt(r) # measurement
x = np.zeros(n)
for i, zi in enumerate(z):
x[i] = filt(zi) # perform a Kalman filter iteration
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
hz = plt.plot(z, 'r.', label='observations')
hx = plt.plot(x, 'b-', label='Kalman output') # a-posteriori state estimates:
ht = plt.plot(truth, 'g-', label='true voltage')
plt.title('Automobile Voltimeter Example')
N = size(coeff-1)/2
res = convolve(signal, coeff)
return res[N:-N]
def test_smooth():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = np.linspace(-4, 4, 500)
y = np.exp(-t ** 2) + np.random.normal(0, 0.05, t.shape)
coeff = calc_coeff(num_points=3, degree=2, diff_order=0)
ysg = smooth(y, coeff, pad=True)
plt.plot(t, y, t, ysg, '--')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue