sub2index and index2sub with calls to np.ravel_multi_index and np.unravel_index, respectively.
Per.Andreas.Brodtkorb 10 years ago
parent b992e8c979
commit c93efca266

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
@ -10,16 +10,6 @@

@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?>
<pydev_pathproperty name="org.python.pydev.PROJECT_SOURCE_PATH">
<?eclipse-pydev version="1.0"?><pydev_project>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python 2.7</pydev_property>
<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER">Default</pydev_property>

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
builds all extensions
In notepad (or your favourite text editor) create a new text file and enter the following in the file:
compiler = mingw32
Save the file as "C:\Python25\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg".
This will tell python to use the MinGW compiler when compiling extensions
See also
import os
import shutil
def compile_all():
wd = os.getcwd()
pkg_name = 'wafo'
root_dir = os.path.join(wd,'src',pkg_name)
root_src = os.path.join(root_dir, 'source')
buildscript = ''
# if Linux
if == 'posix':
build_call = 'python %s' % buildscript
lib_ext = '.so'
# On Windows
elif == 'nt':
build_call = 'python.exe %s' % buildscript
lib_ext = '.pyd'
# give an Error for other OS-es
raise UserWarning, \
'Untested platform:',
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_src):
dir1 = [dir for dir in dirs if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root,dir,buildscript))]
for dir in dir1:
dirs.remove(dir) ## don't visit directories without buildscript
if buildscript in files:
print('Building: ', root)
#buildfile ='python.exe %s' % os.path.join(root,buildscript)
t = os.system(build_call)
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if file.endswith(lib_ext):
dest_file = os.path.join(root_dir, file)
if os.path.exists(dest_file):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(root,file), root_dir)
if __name__=='__main__':

@ -16,38 +16,35 @@ python sdist bdist_wininst upload --show-response
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import shutil
import sys
import subprocess
import re
import warnings
from Cython.Build import cythonize
VERSION = '%d.%d.%d' % (MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO)
# sys.argv.append("build_src")
# sys.argv.append("build_ext")
# sys.argv.append("--inplace")
# sys.argv.append("develop")
# sys.argv.append("install")
pkg_name = 'wafo'
root_dir = os.path.join('src',pkg_name)
PKG_NAME = 'wafo'
ROOT_DIR = os.path.join('src',PKG_NAME)
# make sure we import from this package, not an installed one:
sys.path.insert(0, root_dir)
sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR)
import info
#import wafo
if True: #__file__ == '':
from setuptools import setup, Extension, find_packages
from distutils.core import setup
from setuptools import find_packages # setup, Extension
from numpy.distutils.core import setup, Extension # as FExtension
# Return the svn version as a string, raise a ValueError otherwise
def svn_version():
'''Return the svn version as a string, raise a ValueError otherwise'''
from numpy.compat import asstr
env = os.environ.copy()
@ -84,58 +81,106 @@ short_version='%(version)s'
fid = open(os.path.join(root_dir,filename), 'w')
fid = open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR,filename), 'w')
fid.write(cnt % {'version': VERSION, 'isrelease': str(ISRELEASED)})
if __name__=='__main__':
def get_library_extension():
'''Return extension of an executable library'''
if == 'posix': # executable library on Linux has extension .so
lib_ext = '.so'
elif == 'nt': # extension on Windows is .pyd
lib_ext = '.pyd'
raise UserWarning('Platform not supported:',
return lib_ext
def compile_all():
wd = os.getcwd()
root_dir = os.path.join(wd,'src',PKG_NAME)
root_src = os.path.join(root_dir, 'source')
buildscript = ''
lib_ext = get_library_extension()
if == 'nt': # On Windows
build_call = 'python.exe %s' % buildscript
build_call = 'python %s' % buildscript
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_src):
dir1 = [dir for dir in dirs
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, dir, buildscript))]
for dir in dir1:
dirs.remove(dir) # don't visit directories without buildscript
if buildscript in files:
print('Building: ', root)
t = os.system(build_call)
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if file.endswith(lib_ext):
dest_file = os.path.join(root_dir, file)
if os.path.exists(dest_file):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(root, file), root_dir)
def setup_package():
join = os.path.join
packages = find_packages('src')
for p in packages:
package_paths =[p.replace(pkg_name+'.','').replace(pkg_name,'').replace('.',os.path.sep) for p in packages]
test_paths = [os.path.join(pkg_path,'test') for pkg_path in package_paths
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir,pkg_path,'test'))]
testscripts = [os.path.join(subtst, f) for subtst in test_paths
for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, subtst))
def convert_package2path(p):
return p.replace(PKG_NAME + '.',
'').replace(PKG_NAME, '').replace('.', os.path.sep)
package_paths = [convert_package2path(p) for p in packages]
test_paths = [join(pkg_path, 'test') for pkg_path in package_paths
if os.path.exists(join(ROOT_DIR, pkg_path, 'test'))]
testscripts = [join(subtst, f) for subtst in test_paths
for f in os.listdir(join(ROOT_DIR, subtst))
if not (f.startswith('.') or f.endswith('~') or
f.endswith('.old') or f.endswith('.bak'))]
#subpackages = ('spectrum','data','transform','covariance')
#subpackagesfull = [os.path.join(pkg_name,f) for f in subpackages]
#subtests = [os.path.join(subpkg,'test') for subpkg in subpackages]
#testscripts = [os.path.join(subtst, f) for subtst in subtests
# for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, subtst))
# if not (f.startswith('.') or f.endswith('~') or
# f.endswith('.old') or f.endswith('.bak'))]
datadir = 'data'
datafiles = [os.path.join(datadir, f) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir, datadir))
datafiles = [join(datadir, f) for f in os.listdir(join(ROOT_DIR, datadir))
if not (f.startswith('.') or f.endswith('~') or
f.endswith('.old') or f.endswith('.bak') or
f.endswith('.py') or f.endswith('test') )]
# executable library on Linux has extension .so
if == 'posix':
lib_ext = '.so'
# extension on Windows is .pyd
elif == 'nt':
lib_ext = '.pyd'
# give an Error for other OS-es
raise UserWarning, \
'Platform not supported:',
libs = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir)) if f.endswith(lib_ext) ]
# libs = [f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(root_dir)) if f.endswith('.pyd') ]
packagedata = testscripts + datafiles + libs #['c_library.pyd'] #,'disufq1.c','diffsumfunq.pyd','diffsumfunq.pyf','findrfc.c','rfc.pyd','rfc.pyf']
if 'build_ext' in sys.argv:
lib_ext = get_library_extension()
libs = [f for f in os.listdir(join(ROOT_DIR)) if f.endswith(lib_ext)]
packagedata = testscripts + datafiles + libs
# ext_module_list = cythonize(join(ROOT_DIR, "primes.pyx"))
# for ext_module in ext_module_list:
# if not isinstance(ext_module, Extension):
# ext_module.__class__ = Extension
# for name, src_files in [('mvn',('mvn.pyf', 'mvndst.f')),
# ('c_library',('c_library.pyf', 'c_functions.c'))]:
# sources = [join(ROOT_DIR, 'source', name, f) for f in src_files]
# ext_module_list.append(Extension(name='%s.%s' % (PKG_NAME, name),
# sources=sources))
# sources = [join(ROOT_DIR, 'source', 'mreg', 'cov2mmpdfreg_intfc.f'), ]
# libs = [join(ROOT_DIR, 'source', 'mreg', f)
# for f in ['dsvdc', 'mregmodule', 'intfcmod'] ]
# ext_module_list.append(Extension(name='wafo.covmod', sources=sources,
# libraries=libs))
# mvn_sources = [join(root_mvn, 'source', 'mvn', 'mvn.pyf'),
# join(root_mvn, 'source', 'mvn','mvndst.f')]
# ext_module_list.append(Extension(name='wafo.mvn', sources=mvn_sources))
version = VERSION,
@ -146,10 +191,11 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
install_requires = ['numpy>=1.4','numdifftools>=0.2'],
license = "GPL",
name = pkg_name,
name = PKG_NAME,
package_dir = {'': 'src'},
packages = packages,
package_data = {'': packagedata},
# ext_modules = ext_module_list,
'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
'Intended Audience :: Education',
@ -159,11 +205,8 @@ if __name__=='__main__':
'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics',
#packages = [package_name,] + list(subpackagesfull),
#package_data = {package_name: packagedata},
#package_data = {'': ['wafo.cfg']},
#scripts = [os.path.join('bin', f)
# for f in os.listdir('bin')
# if not (f.startswith('.') or f.endswith('~') or
# f.endswith('.old') or f.endswith('.bak'))],
if __name__=='__main__':

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
f2py c_library.pyf c_functions.c -c
@ -61,3 +62,4 @@ def f2py_call_str():
except NameError:
raise UserWarning('Couldn\'t locate f2py. '
'Should be part of NumPy installation.')

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from scipy import special as sp
from wafo.plotbackend import plotbackend as plt
from scipy.integrate import simps, trapz
from wafo.demos import humps
from pychebfun import Chebfun
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
@ -1423,8 +1424,208 @@ def test_docstrings():
def levin_integrate():
''' An oscillatory integral
Sheehan Olver, December 2010
(Chebfun example quad/LevinIntegrate.m)
This example computes the highly oscillatory integral of
f * exp( 1i * w * g ),
over (0,1) using the Levin method [1]. This method computes the integral
by rewriting it as an ODE
u' + 1i * w * g' u = f,
so that the indefinite integral of f * exp( 1i * w * g ) is
u * exp( 1i * w * g ).
We use as an example
f = 1 / ( x + 2 );
g = cos( x - 2 );
w = 100000;
[1] Levin, D., Procedures for computing one and two-dimensional integrals
of functions with rapid irregular oscillations, Maths Comp., 38 (1982) 531--538
exp = np.exp
domain=[0, 1]
x = Chebfun.identity(domain=domain)
f = 1./(x+2)
g = np.cos(x-2)
D = np.diff(domain)
# Here is are plots of this integrand, with w = 100, in complex space
w = 100;
line_opts = dict(line_width=1.6)
font_opts = dict(font_size= 14)
intg = f*exp(1j*w*g)
xs, ys, xi, yi, d = intg.plot_data(1000)
#xi = np.linspace(0, 1, 1024)
# plt.plot(xs, ys) # , **line_opts)
# plt.plot(xi, yi, 'r.')
# #axis equal
# plt.title('Complex plot of integrand') #,**font_opts)
# and of just the real part
# intgr = np.real(intg)
# xs, ys, xi, yi, d = intgr.plot_data(1000)
# plt.plot(xs, np.real(ys)) # , **line_opts)
# plt.plot(xi, np.real(yi), 'r.')
#axis equal
# plt.title('Real part of integrand') #,**font_opts)
# The Levin method will be accurate for large and small w, and the time
# taken is independent of w. Here we take a reasonably large value of w.
w = 1000;
intg = f*exp(1j*w*g)
val0 = np.sum(intg)
# val1 = sum(intg)
# Start timing
# Construct the operator L
L = D + 1j*w*np.diag(g.differentiate())
# From asymptotic analysis, we know that there exists a solution to the
# equation which is non-oscillatory, though we do not know what initial
# condition it satisfies. Thus we find a particular solution to this
# equation with no boundary conditions.
u = L / f
# Because L is a differential operator with derivative order 1, \ expects
# it to be given a boundary condition, which is why the warning message is
# displayed. However, this doesn't cause any problems: though there are,
# in fact, a family of solutions to the ODE without boundary conditions
# due to the kernel
# exp(- 1i * w * g),
# it does not actually matter which particular solution is computed.
# Non-uniqueness is also not an issue: \ in matlab is least squares, hence
# does not require uniqueness. The existence of a non-oscillatory solution
# ensures that \ converges to a u with length independent of w.
# One could prevent the warning by applying a boundary condition consistent
# with the rest of the system, that is
# L.lbc = {L(1,:),f(0)};
# Now we evaluate the antiderivative at the endpoints to obtain the
# integral.
u(1)*exp(1j*w*g(1)) - u(0)*exp(1j*w*g(0))
# Here is a way to compute the integral using Clenshaw--Curtis quadrature.
# As w becomes large, this takes an increasingly long time as the
# oscillations must be resolved.
sum( f*exp(1j*w*g) )
# aLevinTQ[omega_,a_,b_,f_,g_,nu_,wprec_,prm_,test_,basis_,np_]:=
# Module[{r,betam,A,AA,BB,S,F,w=N[omega, wprec]},
# M=Length[nu]-1;
# PB[k_,t_]:=If[basis==1,t^k,ChebyshevT[k,t]];
# ff[t_]:=((b-a)/2)*f[(b-a)*t/2+(a+b)/2];
# gg[t_]:=g[(b-a)*t/2+(a+b)/2];
# dgg[t_]:=Derivative[1][gg][t];
# If[test==0, betam=Min[Abs[dgg[-1]*w], Abs[dgg[1]*w]];
# While[prm*M/betam >=1, betam=2*betam]];
# If[test>0,x[k_]:=N[Cos[k*Pi/M], wprec],x[k_]:=
# Which[k<prm*M, N[-1+k/betam, wprec], k==Ceiling[prm*M],0,
# k>prm*M, N[1-(M-k)/betam, wprec]]];
# Psi[k_,t_]:=Derivative[0,1][PB][k,t]+I*w*dgg[t]*PB[k,t];
# ne[j_]:=nu[[j+1]]; S[-1]=0; S[j_]:=Sum[ne[i],{i,0,j}];
# nn=S[M]-1;
# A=ConstantArray[0,{nn+1,nn+1}];
# F=ConstantArray[0,nn+1]; r=0;
# While[r<M+1, Do[Do[ AA[j,k]=
# Limit[Derivative[0,Mod[j-S[r-1],ne[r]]][Psi][k,t],t->x[r]],
# {k,0,S[M]-1}],{j,S[r-1],S[r]-1}];
# Do[BB[j]=Limit[Derivative[Mod[j-S[r-1],ne[r]]][ff][t],
# t->x[r]],{j,S[r-1],S[r]-1}];
# Do[F[[j]]=BB[j-1],{j,S[r-1]+1,S[r]}];
# Do[Do[A[[j,k]]=AA[j-1,k-1],{k,1,S[M]}],{j,S[r-1]+1,S[r]}];
# r=r+1;]; (*sv=SingularValueList[N[A,wprec]];
# con=sv[[1]]/sv[[-1]]; Print["cond2(A)= ",N[con,3]];*)
# LS=Block[{MaxExtraPrecision=0},LeastSquares[N[A, wprec],F]];
# vvv[t_]:=Sum[LS[[k+1]]*PB[k,t], {k,0,nn}];
# NR=vvv[1]*Exp[I*w*gg[1]]-vvv[-1]*Exp[I*w*gg[-1]];
# Print["n=", np+ii+2s-2, ", Result= ", N[NR, wprec/2+5]];
# If[ii==0,PR=NR];];
# (* End of subroutine aLevinTQ /A.I. Hascelik, July 2013/ *)
# def main_levin():
# a=1; b=2;
# omega=100;
# prm=1/2;
# f[t_]=Exp[4t]
# g[t_]=t+Exp[4t]*Gamma[t]
# dg[t_]:=Derivative[1][g][t];
# prec=16
# wprec=2*prec
# delta = min(abs(omega*dg(a)), abs(omega*dg(b)))
# alpha = min(abs(omega*g(a)), abs(omega*g(b)))
# s=1; #(*if s>1, the integral is computed by Q_s^L*)
# test= 1 if delta<10 or alpha <=10 or s>1 else 0
# m = 1 if s>1 else np.floor(prec/max(np.log10(beta+1),1)+2)
# nc = 2*m+1 #(*or np=2m, number of collocation points*)
# basis=1; # (*take basis=0 for the Chebysev basis*)
# for ii in range(0, 2, 2):
# nu = np.ones((nc+ii,)) # ConstantArray[1,nc+ii];
# nu[0] = s
# nu[-1] = s
# #nu[[1]]=s;
# #nu[[-1]]=s;
# aLevinTQ[omega,a,b,f,g,nu,wprec,prm,test,basis,nc],
# #{ii,0,2,2}];
# Print["Error= ",Abs[NR-PR]];
if __name__ == '__main__':
# test_docstrings()
# qdemo(np.exp, 0, 3, plot_error=True)
# main()

@ -240,29 +240,7 @@ def args_flat(*args):
raise ValueError('Number of arguments must be 1 or 3!')
def _check_and_adjust_shape(shape, nsub=None):
s = np.atleast_1d(shape)
ndim = len(s)
if ndim < 1:
raise ValueError('Shape vector must have at least 1 element.')
ndim = len(s)
if nsub is None:
nsub = ndim
if ndim <= nsub: # add trailing singleton dimensions
s = np.hstack([s, np.ones(nsub - ndim, dtype=int)])
else: # Adjust for linear indexing on last element
s = np.hstack([s[:nsub - 1],[nsub - 1:])])
return s
def _sub2index_factor(shape, order='C'):
'''Return multiplier needed for calculating linear index from subscripts.
step = 1 if order == 'F' else -1 # C order
return np.hstack([1, np.cumprod(shape[::step][:-1])])[::step]
def index2sub(shape, index, nsub=None, order='C'):
def index2sub(shape, index, order='C'):
Returns Multiple subscripts from linear index.
@ -272,8 +250,6 @@ def index2sub(shape, index, nsub=None, order='C'):
shape of array
index :
linear index into array
nsub : int optional
Number of subscripts returned. default nsub=len(shape)
order : {'C','F'}, optional
The order of the linear index.
'C' means C (row-major) order.
@ -300,18 +276,7 @@ def index2sub(shape, index, nsub=None, order='C'):
ndx = np.atleast_1d(index)
s = _check_and_adjust_shape(shape, nsub)
k = _sub2index_factor(s, order)
n = len(s)
step = -1 if order == 'F' else 1 # C order
subscripts = [0, ] * n
for i in range(n)[::step]:
vi = np.remainder(ndx, k[i])
subscript = np.array((ndx - vi) / k[i], dtype=int)
subscripts[i] = subscript
ndx = vi
return tuple(subscripts)
return np.unravel_index(index, shape, order=order)
def sub2index(shape, *subscripts, **kwds):
@ -350,21 +315,7 @@ def sub2index(shape, *subscripts, **kwds):
nsub = len(subscripts)
s = _check_and_adjust_shape(shape, nsub)
k = _sub2index_factor(s, **kwds)
ndx = 0
s0 = np.shape(subscripts[0])
for i, subscript in enumerate(subscripts):
s0, np.shape(subscript),
'The subscripts vectors must all be of the same shape.')
if (np.any(subscript < 0)) or (np.any(s[i] <= subscript)):
raise IndexError('Out of range subscript.')
ndx = ndx + k[i] * subscript
return ndx
return np.ravel_multi_index(subscripts, shape, **kwds)
def is_numlike(obj):
