Simplified _genextreme_link + pep8

Per A Brodtkorb 8 years ago
parent 806291a809
commit 8bd3f77ec2

@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ def _assert_not_implemented(cond, msg):
def _burr_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
c, d, loc, scale = phat
logp = log(-expm1(logsf))
log_cdf = log(-expm1(logsf))
xn = (x - loc) / scale
if ix == 1:
return -logp / log1p(xn**(-c))
return -log_cdf / log1p(xn**(-c))
if ix == 0:
return log1p(-exp(-logp / d)) / log(xn)
return log1p(-exp(-log_cdf / d)) / log(xn)
if ix == 2:
return x - scale * exp(log1p(-exp(-logp / d)) / c)
return x - scale * exp(log1p(-exp(-log_cdf / d)) / c)
if ix == 3:
return (x - loc) / exp(log1p(-exp(-logp / d)) / c)
return (x - loc) / exp(log1p(-exp(-log_cdf / d)) / c)
raise IndexError('Index to the fixed parameter is out of bounds')
@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ def _weibull_min_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
def _exponweib_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
a, c, loc, scale = phat
logP = -log(-expm1(logsf))
log_cdf = -log(-expm1(logsf))
xn = (x - loc) / scale
if ix == 0:
return - logP / log(-expm1(-xn**c))
return - log_cdf / log(-expm1(-xn**c))
if ix == 1:
return log(-log1p(- logP**(1.0 / a))) / log(xn)
return log(-log1p(- log_cdf**(1.0 / a))) / log(xn)
if ix == 2:
return x - (-log1p(- logP**(1.0/a))) ** (1.0 / c) * scale
return x - (-log1p(- log_cdf**(1.0/a))) ** (1.0 / c) * scale
if ix == 3:
return (x - loc) / (-log1p(- logP**(1.0/a))) ** (1.0 / c)
return (x - loc) / (-log1p(- log_cdf**(1.0/a))) ** (1.0 / c)
raise IndexError('Index to the fixed parameter is out of bounds')
@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ def _genpareto_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
def _gumbel_r_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
loc, scale = phat
loglogP = log(-log(-expm1(logsf)))
loglog_cdf = log(-log(-expm1(logsf)))
if ix == 1:
return -(x - loc) / loglogP
return -(x - loc) / loglog_cdf
if ix == 1:
return x + scale * loglogP
return x + scale * loglog_cdf
raise IndexError('Index to the fixed parameter is out of bounds')
@ -141,13 +141,8 @@ def _genextreme_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
c, loc, scale = phat
if c == 0:
return _gumbel_r_link(x, logsf, phat[1:], ix-1)
loglogP = log(-log(-expm1(logsf)))
if ix == 2:
# link = -(x-loc)*c/expm1(c*log(-logP))
return -(x - loc) * c / expm1(c * loglogP)
if ix == 1:
return x + scale * expm1(c * loglogP) / c
raise IndexError('Index to the fixed parameter is out of bounds')
loglog_cdf = log(-log(-expm1(logsf)))
return _genpareto_link(x, loglog_cdf, (-c, loc, scale), ix)
def _genexpon_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
