@ -329,32 +329,32 @@ def nlogps(self, theta, x):
def _penalized_nnlf(self, theta, x):
''' Return negative loglikelihood function,
i.e., - sum (log pdf(x, theta), axis=0)
where theta are the parameters (including loc and scale)
loc = theta[-2]
scale = theta[-1]
args = tuple(theta[:-2])
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Not enough input arguments.")
if not self._argcheck(*args) or scale <= 0:
return inf
x = asarray((x-loc) / scale)
loginf = log(_XMAX)
if np.isneginf(self.a).all() and np.isinf(self.b).all():
Nbad = 0
cond0 = (x < self.a) | (self.b < x)
Nbad = sum(cond0)
if Nbad > 0:
x = argsreduce(~cond0, x)[0]
N = len(x)
return self._nnlf(x, *args) + N*log(scale) + Nbad * 100.0 * loginf
''' Return negative loglikelihood function,
i.e., - sum (log pdf(x, theta), axis=0)
where theta are the parameters (including loc and scale)
loc = theta[-2]
scale = theta[-1]
args = tuple(theta[:-2])
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Not enough input arguments.")
if not self._argcheck(*args) or scale <= 0:
return inf
x = asarray((x-loc) / scale)
N = len(x)
cond0 = (x < self.a) | (self.b < x)
Nbad = sum(cond0)
if Nbad > 0:
x = argsreduce(~cond0, x)[0]
logpdf = self._logpdf(x, *args)
finite_logpdf = np.isfinite(logpdf)
Nbad += np.sum(~finite_logpdf, axis=0)
logscale = N * log(scale)
if Nbad > 0:
penalty = Nbad * log(_XMAX) * 100
return -np.sum(logpdf[finite_logpdf], axis=0) + penalty + logscale
return -np.sum(logpdf, axis=0) + logscale
def _reduce_func(self, args, options):