@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ try:
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('Compile the c_library.pyd again!')
c_library = None
from wafo import cov2mod
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('Compile the cov2mod.pyd again!')
cov2mod = None
#from wafo.transform import TrData
from wafo.transform.models import TrLinear
@ -255,7 +261,7 @@ def plotspec(specdata, linetype='b-', flag=1):
spectype = specdata.type.lower()
stype = spectype[-3::]
if stype in ('enc','req','k1d') : #1D plot
if stype in ('enc', 'req', 'k1d') : #1D plot
Fn = freq[-1] # Nyquist frequency
indm = findpeaks(data, n=4)
maxS = data.max()
@ -266,19 +272,19 @@ def plotspec(specdata, linetype='b-', flag=1):
Fp = freq[indm]# %peak frequency/wave number
if len(indm)==1:
if len(indm) == 1:
txt = [('fp = %0.2g' % Fp) + funit]
txt = []
for i,fp in enumerate(Fp.tolist()):
txt.append(('fp%d = %0.2g' % (i,fp)) + funit)
for i, fp in enumerate(Fp.tolist()):
txt.append(('fp%d = %0.2g' % (i, fp)) + funit)
if (flag == 3):
if (flag == 1) or (flag ==3):#% Plot in normal scale
plotbackend.plot(np.vstack([Fp, Fp]),np.vstack([zeros(len(indm)), data.take(indm)]),':',
plotbackend.subplot(2, 1, 1)
if (flag == 1) or (flag == 3):#% Plot in normal scale
plotbackend.plot(np.vstack([Fp, Fp]), np.vstack([zeros(len(indm)), data.take(indm)]), ':',
freq, data, linetype)
# if isfield(S,'CI'),
# plot(freq,S.S*S.CI(1), 'r:' )
@ -287,29 +293,29 @@ def plotspec(specdata, linetype='b-', flag=1):
a = plotbackend.axis()
a1 = Fn
if (Fp>0):
a1 = max(min(Fn,10*max(Fp)),a[1]);
if (Fp > 0):
a1 = max(min(Fn, 10 * max(Fp)), a[1]);
plotbackend.axis([0, a1 ,0, max(1.01*maxS,a[3])])
plotbackend.axis([0, a1 , 0, max(1.01 * maxS, a[3])])
plotbackend.title('Spectral density')
plotbackend.ylabel(ylbl1_txt )
if (flag==3):
if (flag == 3):
plotbackend.subplot(2, 1, 2)
if (flag == 2) or (flag ==3) : # Plot in logaritmic scale
ind = np.flatnonzero(data>0)
if (flag == 2) or (flag == 3) : # Plot in logaritmic scale
ind = np.flatnonzero(data > 0)
plotbackend.plot(np.vstack([Fp, Fp]), np.vstack((min(10 * log10(data.take(ind) / maxS)).repeat(len(Fp)),
10 * log10(data.take(indm) / maxS))), ':')
# hold on
# if isfield(S,'CI'),
# plot(freq(ind),10*log10(S.S(ind)*S.CI(1)/maxS), 'r:' )
# plot(freq(ind),10*log10(S.S(ind)*S.CI(2)/maxS), 'r:' )
# end
plotbackend.plot(freq[ind], 10 * log10(data[ind] / maxS), linetype)
# if ih, a=axis; else a=[0 0 0 0]; end
# axis([0 max(min(Fn,max(10*Fp)),a(2)) -20 max(1.01*10*log10(1),a(4))]) % log10(maxS)
@ -650,14 +656,14 @@ class SpecData1D(WafoData):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.name_ = kwds.pop('name', 'WAFO Spectrum Object')
self.type = kwds.pop('type','freq')
self.freqtype = kwds.pop('freqtype','w')
self.type = kwds.pop('type', 'freq')
self.freqtype = kwds.pop('freqtype', 'w')
self.angletype = ''
self.h = kwds.pop('h',inf)
self.tr = kwds.pop('tr',None) #TrLinear()
self.phi = kwds.pop('phi',0.0)
self.v = kwds.pop('v',0.0)
self.norm = kwds.pop('norm',False)
self.h = kwds.pop('h', inf)
self.tr = kwds.pop('tr', None) #TrLinear()
self.phi = kwds.pop('phi', 0.0)
self.v = kwds.pop('v', 0.0)
self.norm = kwds.pop('norm', False)
super(SpecData1D, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
@ -1113,6 +1119,113 @@ class SpecData1D(WafoData):
return SL, SN
def to_mm_pdf(self, paramt=None, paramu=None, utc=None, nit=2, EPS=5e-5,
EPSS=1e-6, C=4.5, EPS0=1e-5, IAC=1, ISQ=0, verbose=False):
nit = order of numerical integration: 0,1,2,3,4,5.
paramu = parameter vector defining discretization of min/max values.
t = grid of time points between maximum and minimum (to
integrate out). interval between maximum and the following
The variable ISQ marks which type of conditioning will be used ISQ=0
means random time where the probability is minimum, ISQ=1 is the time
where the variance of the residual process is minimal(ISQ=1 is faster).
NIT, IAC are described in CROSSPACK paper, EPS0 is the accuracy constant
used in choosing the number of nodes in numerical integrations
(XX1, H1 vectors). The nodes and weights and other parameters are
read in the subroutine INITINTEG from files Z.DAT, H.DAT and ACCUR.DAT.
NIT=0, IAC=1 then one uses RIND0 - subroutine, all other cases
goes through RIND1, ...,RIND5. NIT=0, here means explicite formula
approximation for XIND=E[Y^+1{ HH<BU(I)<0 for all I, I=1,...,N}], where
BU(I) is deterministic function.
NIT=1, leads tp call RIND1, IAC=0 is also explicit form approximation,
while IAC=1 leads to maximum one dimensional integral.
NIT=5, leads tp call RIND5, IAC is maximally 4-dimensional integral,
while IAC=1 leads to maximum 5 dimensional integral.
S = self.copy()
m, unused_mtxt = self.moment(nr=4, even=True)
A = sqrt(m[0] / m[1])
if paramt is None:
distanceBetweenExtremes = 5*pi*sqrt(m[1]/m[2]) #(2.5 * mean distance between extremes)
paramt = [0, distanceBetweenExtremes, 43]
if paramu is None:
paramu = [-4*sqrt(m[0]), 4*sqrt(m[0]), 41]
if self.tr is None:
g = TrLinear(var=m[0])
g = self.tr
if utc is None:
utc = g.gauss2dat(0) # most frequent crossed level
# transform reference level into Gaussian level
u = g.dat2gauss(utc)
if verbose:
print('The level u for Gaussian process = %g' % u)
unused_t0, tn, Nt = paramt
t = linspace(0, tn/A, Nt) # normalized times
#Transform amplitudes to Gaussian levels:
h = linspace(*paramu);
dt = t[1] - t[0]
nr = 4
R = S.tocov_matrix(nr, Nt-1, dt)
#ulev = linspace(*paramu)
#vlev = linspace(*paramu)
trdata = g.trdata()
Tg = trdata.args
Xg = trdata.data
cov2mod.initinteg(EPS, EPSS, EPS0, C, IAC, ISQ)
uvdens = cov2mod.cov2mmpdfreg(t, R, h, h, Tg, Xg, nit)
dh = h[1]-h[0]
uvdens *= dh*dh
# if (defnr==0)
# f.f =fliplr(mctp2rfc(fliplr(ftmp)));%* sqrt(-R(1,6)/R(1,4))/2/pi;
# f.title ='Joint density of maximum and rainflow minimum';
# f.labx{1}='max [m]';
# f.labx{2}='rainflow min [m]';
# elseif (defnr==-1)
# %CC= normalizing constant= 1/ expected number of u-up-crossings of X
# %CC = 2*pi*sqrt(L0/L2)*exp(0.5D0*u*u/L0);
# % CC = normalizing constant = 1/ expected number of zero-up-crossings of X'
# %CC = 2*pi*sqrt(L2/L4);
# fact = sqrt(L0/L4);
# f.f = fliplr(mctp2tc(fliplr(ftmp*fact),utc,paramu));
# index1 = find(f.x{1}>0);
# index2 = find(f.x{2}<0);
# f.f = flipud(f.f(index2,index1));
# f.x{1} = f.x{1}(index1);
# f.x{2} = abs(flipud(f.x{2}(index2)));
# f.title ='Joint density of crest and trough';
# f.labx{1}='Crest [m]';
# f.labx{2}='Trough [m]';
# else %(defnr==1)
mmpdf = WafoData(uvdens,args=(h,h), title='Joint density of maximum and minimum',
xlab='max [m]',ylab='min [m]')
return mmpdf
#[f.cl,f.pl] = qlevels(f.f,[10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 95, 99, 99.9],f.x{1},f.x{2})
def to_t_pdf(self, u=None, pdef='Tc', paramt=None, **options):
@ -1254,7 +1367,7 @@ class SpecData1D(WafoData):
indI[3] = Ntd - 1
#% positive wave period
BIG = self._covinput(pt, R)
BIG = self._covinput_t_pdf(pt, R)
tmp = rind(BIG, ex[:Ntdc], B_lo, B_up, indI, xc, Nt)
f[pt], err[pt] = tmp[:2]
@ -1279,7 +1392,7 @@ class SpecData1D(WafoData):
return pdf
def _covinput(self, pt, R):
def _covinput_t_pdf(self, pt, R):
Return covariance matrix for Tc or Tt period problems
@ -1813,7 +1926,7 @@ class SpecData1D(WafoData):
svec = rvec + 1J * ivec
amp = amp.T
svec = []
for i in range(cases):
rvec, ivec = c_library.disufq(amp[i].real, amp[i].imag, w, kw, water_depth,
g, nmin, nmax, 1, ns)
@ -2329,7 +2442,7 @@ class SpecData1D(WafoData):
#%wnc = min(wnNew,wnOld-1e-5)
wnc = wnNew
#specfun = lambda xi : stineman_interp(xi, w, S1)
specfun = interpolate.interp1d(w,S1, kind='cubic')
specfun = interpolate.interp1d(w, S1, kind='cubic')
x, unused_y = discretize(specfun, 0, wnc)
dwMin = minimum(min(diff(x)), dwMin)
@ -2437,9 +2550,9 @@ class SpecData1D(WafoData):
m, unused_mtxt = self.moment(nr=4, even=False)
fun = lambda fact: fact_dict.get(fact,fact)
fact = atleast_1d(map(fun,list(factors)))
fact_dict = dict(alpha=0, eps2=1, eps4=3, qp=3, Qp=3)
fun = lambda fact: fact_dict.get(fact, fact)
fact = atleast_1d(map(fun, list(factors)))
#fact = atleast_1d(fact)
alpha = m[2] / sqrt(m[0] * m[4])
@ -2793,13 +2906,13 @@ class SpecData2D(WafoData):
def toacf(self):
def tospecdata(self,type=None):
def tospecdata(self, type=None):
def sim(self):
def sim_nl(self):
def rotate(self, phi=0,rotateGrid=False,method='linear'):
def rotate(self, phi=0, rotateGrid=False, method='linear'):
Rotate spectrum clockwise around the origin.
@ -2837,58 +2950,58 @@ class SpecData2D(WafoData):
self.phi = mod(self.phi+phi+pi,2*pi)-pi
self.phi = mod(self.phi + phi + pi, 2 * pi) - pi
stype = self.type.lower()[-3::]
if stype=='dir':
if stype == 'dir':
#% any of the directinal types
#% Make sure theta is from -pi to pi
theta = self.args[0]
phi0 = theta[0]+pi;
self.args[0] = theta-phi0
phi0 = theta[0] + pi;
self.args[0] = theta - phi0
# make sure -pi<phi<pi
self.phi = mod(self.phi+phi0+pi,2*pi)-pi
if (rotateGrid and (self.phi!=0)):
self.phi = mod(self.phi + phi0 + pi, 2 * pi) - pi
if (rotateGrid and (self.phi != 0)):
# Do a physical rotation of spectrum
#theta = Snew.args[0]
ntOld = len(theta);
if (mod(theta[0]-theta[-1],2*pi)==0):
nt = ntOld-1
if (mod(theta[0] - theta[-1], 2 * pi) == 0):
nt = ntOld - 1
nt = ntOld
theta[0:nt] = mod(theta[0:nt]-self.phi+pi,2*pi)-pi
theta[0:nt] = mod(theta[0:nt] - self.phi + pi, 2 * pi) - pi
self.phi = 0
ind = theta.argsort()
self.data = self.data[ind,:]
self.data = self.data[ind, :]
self.args[0] = theta[ind]
if (nt<ntOld):
if (self.args[0][0]==-pi):
self.data[ntOld,:] = self.data[0,:]
if (nt < ntOld):
if (self.args[0][0] == -pi):
self.data[ntOld, :] = self.data[0, :]
#ftype = self.freqtype
freq = self.args[1]
theta = linspace(-pi,pi,ntOld)
[F,T] = meshgrid(freq,theta)
dtheta = self.theta[1]-self.theta[0]
self.theta[nt] = self.theta[nt-1]+dtheta;
self.data[nt,:] = self.data[0,:]
self.data = interp2(freq,np.vstack([self.theta[0]-dtheta,self.theta]),
theta = linspace(-pi, pi, ntOld)
[F, T] = meshgrid(freq, theta)
dtheta = self.theta[1] - self.theta[0]
self.theta[nt] = self.theta[nt - 1] + dtheta;
self.data[nt, :] = self.data[0, :]
self.data = interp2(freq, np.vstack([self.theta[0] - dtheta, self.theta]),
np.vstack([self.data[nt, :], self.data]), F, T, method)
self.args[0] = theta
elif stype=='k2d':
elif stype == 'k2d':
#any of the 2D wave number types
#Snew.phi = mod(Snew.phi+phi+pi,2*pi)-pi;
if (rotateGrid and (self.phi!=0)):
if (rotateGrid and (self.phi != 0)):
# Do a physical rotation of spectrum
[k,k2] = meshgrid(*self.args)
[th,r] = cart2pol(k,k2)
[k,k2] = pol2cart(th+self.phi,r)
[k, k2] = meshgrid(*self.args)
[th, r] = cart2pol(k, k2)
[k, k2] = pol2cart(th + self.phi, r)
ki1, ki2 = self.args
Sn = interp2(ki1,ki2,self.data,k,k2,method)
Sn = interp2(ki1, ki2, self.data, k, k2, method)
self.data = np.where(np.isnan(Sn), 0, Sn)
self.phi = 0;
@ -2958,107 +3071,107 @@ class SpecData2D(WafoData):
if self.type not in two_dim_spectra:
raise ValueError('Unknown 2D spectrum type!')
if vari==None and nr<=1:
elif vari==None:
if vari == None and nr <= 1:
vari = 'x'
elif vari == None:
vari = 'xt'
else: #% secure the mutual order ('xyt')
vari = ''.join(sorted(vari.lower()))
Nv = len(vari)
if vari[0]=='t' and Nv>1:
vari = vari[1::]+ vari[0]
if vari[0] == 't' and Nv > 1:
vari = vari[1::] + vari[0]
Nv = len(vari)
if not self.type.endswith('dir'):
S1 = self.tospecdata(self.type[:-2]+'dir')
S1 = self.tospecdata(self.type[:-2] + 'dir')
S1 = self
w = ravel(S1.args[0])
theta = S1.args[1]-S1.phi
theta = S1.args[1] - S1.phi
S = S1.data
Sw = simps(S,x=theta,axis=0)
m = [simps(Sw,x=w)]
Sw = simps(S, x=theta, axis=0)
m = [simps(Sw, x=w)]
mtext = ['m0']
if nr>0:
if nr > 0:
vec = []
g = np.atleast_1d(S1.__dict__.get('g', gravity()))
kx=w**2/g[0] # maybe different normalization in x and y => diff. g
kx = w ** 2 / g[0] # maybe different normalization in x and y => diff. g
ky = w ** 2 / g[-1]
nw = w.size
if 'x' in vari:
ct = np.cos(theta[:,None])
Sc = simps(S*ct,x=theta, axis=0)
ct = np.cos(theta[:, None])
Sc = simps(S * ct, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.append(kx * Sc)
if 'y' in vari:
st = np.sin(theta[:,None])
Ss = simps(S*st,x=theta, axis=0)
st = np.sin(theta[:, None])
Ss = simps(S * st, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.append(ky * Ss)
if 't' in vari:
vec.append(w * Sw)
if nr>1:
if nr > 1:
if 'x' in vari:
Sc2 = simps(S*ct**2,x=theta, axis=0)
Sc2 = simps(S * ct ** 2, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.append(kx ** 2 * Sc2)
if 'y' in vari:
Ss2 = simps(S*st**2,x=theta, axis=0)
Ss2 = simps(S * st ** 2, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.append(ky ** 2 * Ss2)
if 't' in vari:
vec.append(w ** 2 * Sw)
if 'x' in vari and 'y' in vari:
Scs = simps(S*ct*st,x=theta, axis=0)
Scs = simps(S * ct * st, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.append(kx * ky * Scs)
if 'x' in vari and 't' in vari:
vec.append(kx * w * Sc)
if 'y' in vari and 't' in vari:
vec.append(ky * w * Sc)
if nr>3:
if nr > 3:
if 'x' in vari:
Sc3 = simps(S*ct**3,x=theta, axis=0)
Sc4 = simps(S*ct**4,x=theta, axis=0)
Sc3 = simps(S * ct ** 3, x=theta, axis=0)
Sc4 = simps(S * ct ** 4, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.append(kx ** 4 * Sc4)
if 'y' in vari:
Ss3 = simps(S*st**3,x=theta, axis=0)
Ss4 = simps(S*st**4,x=theta, axis=0)
Ss3 = simps(S * st ** 3, x=theta, axis=0)
Ss4 = simps(S * st ** 4, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.append(ky ** 4 * Ss4)
if 't' in vari:
vec.append(w ** 4 * Sw)
if 'x' in vari and 'y' in vari:
Sc2s = simps(S*ct**2*st,x=theta, axis=0)
Sc3s = simps(S*ct**3*st,x=theta, axis=0)
Scs2 = simps(S*ct*st**2,x=theta, axis=0)
Scs3 = simps(S*ct*st**3,x=theta, axis=0)
Sc2s2 = simps(S*ct**2*st**2,x=theta, axis=0)
vec.extend((kx**3*ky*Sc3s,kx**2*ky**2*Sc2s2, kx*ky**3*Scs3))
Sc2s = simps(S * ct ** 2 * st, x=theta, axis=0)
Sc3s = simps(S * ct ** 3 * st, x=theta, axis=0)
Scs2 = simps(S * ct * st ** 2, x=theta, axis=0)
Scs3 = simps(S * ct * st ** 3, x=theta, axis=0)
Sc2s2 = simps(S * ct ** 2 * st ** 2, x=theta, axis=0)
vec.extend((kx ** 3 * ky * Sc3s, kx ** 2 * ky ** 2 * Sc2s2, kx * ky ** 3 * Scs3))
mtext.extend(('mxxxy', 'mxxyy', 'mxyyy'))
if 'x' in vari and 't' in vari:
vec.extend((kx**3*w*Sc3, kx**2*w**2*Sc2, kx*w**3*Sc))
vec.extend((kx ** 3 * w * Sc3, kx ** 2 * w ** 2 * Sc2, kx * w ** 3 * Sc))
mtext.extend(('mxxxt', 'mxxtt', 'mxttt'))
if 'y' in vari and 't' in vari:
vec.extend((ky**3*w*Ss3, ky**2*w**2*Ss2, ky*w**3*Ss))
vec.extend((ky ** 3 * w * Ss3, ky ** 2 * w ** 2 * Ss2, ky * w ** 3 * Ss))
mtext.extend(('myyyt', 'myytt', 'myttt'))
if 'x' in vari and 'y' in vari and 't' in vari:
vec.extend((kx**2*ky*w*Sc2s, kx*ky**2*w*Scs2, kx*ky*w**2*Scs))
vec.extend((kx ** 2 * ky * w * Sc2s, kx * ky ** 2 * w * Scs2, kx * ky * w ** 2 * Scs))
mtext.extend(('mxxyt', 'mxyyt', 'mxytt'))
#end % if nr>1
m.extend([simps(vals, x=w) for vals in vec])
return np.asarray(m), mtext