Small updates

parent 2aa3f24255
commit 70146d8ef2

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ def magic(n):
A magic square has the property that the sum of every row and column,
as well as both diagonals, is the same number.
if np.mod(n,1)==1: # odd order
ix = np.arange(n)+1

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class KDEgauss(object):
for i in ind.tolist(): #
h[i] = get_smoothing(self.dataset[i])
deth =
self.inv_hs = np.diag(1.0 / h)
self.inv_hs = linalg.diag(1.0 / h)
else: #fully general smoothing matrix
deth = linalg.det(h)
if deth <= 0:
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class KDEgauss(object):
args = self.args
if self.d == 1:
args = args[0]
wdata = WafoData(f, args, **kwds2)
wdata = PlotData(f, args, **kwds2)
if self.d > 1:
PL = np.r_[10:90:20, 95, 99, 99.9]
@ -327,8 +327,9 @@ class _KDE(object):
def initialize(self):
self.d, self.n = self.dataset.shape
if self.n>1:
def _initialize(self):
@ -415,12 +416,12 @@ class _KDE(object):
titlestr = 'Kernel density estimate (%s)' %
kwds2 = dict(title=titlestr)
kwds2['plot_kwds'] = kwds.pop('plot_kwds',dict(plotflag=1))
kwds2['plot_kwds'] = kwds.pop('plot_kwds', dict(plotflag=1))
args = self.args
if self.d == 1:
args = args[0]
wdata = WafoData(f, args, **kwds2)
wdata = PlotData(f, args, **kwds2)
if self.d > 1:
PL = np.r_[10:90:20, 95, 99, 99.9]
@ -835,7 +836,7 @@ class KDE(_KDE):
for i in ind.tolist(): #
h[i] = get_smoothing(self.dataset[i])
deth =
self.inv_hs = np.diag(1.0 / h)
self.inv_hs = linalg.diag(1.0 / h)
else: #fully general smoothing matrix
deth = linalg.det(h)
if deth <= 0:
@ -1024,10 +1025,11 @@ class KRegression(_KDE):
>>> y = 2*np.exp(-x**2/(2*0.3**2))+3*np.exp(-(x-1)**2/(2*0.7**2)) + ei
>>> kreg = wk.KRegression(x, y)
>>> f = kreg(output='plotobj', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
>>> h=f.plot(label='p=0')
>>> f.plot(label='p=0')
def __init__(self, data, y, p=0, hs=None, kernel=None, alpha=0.0, xmin=None, xmax=None, inc=128, L2=None):
self.tkde = TKDE(data, hs=hs, kernel=kernel, alpha=alpha, xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax, inc=inc, L2=L2)
self.y = y
self.p = p
@ -1045,14 +1047,263 @@ class KRegression(_KDE):
s0 = grdfun(*args, r=0)
t0 = grdfun(*args, r=0, y=self.y)
if self.p==0:
return (t0 / s0).clip(min=-_REALMAX, max=_REALMAX)
return (t0 / (s0 + _TINY)).clip(min=-_REALMAX, max=_REALMAX)
elif self.p==1:
s1 = grdfun(*args, r=1)
s2 = grdfun(*args, r=2)
t1 = grdfun(*args, r=1, y=self.y)
return (s2 * t0 -s1 * t1) / (s2 * s0 - s1**2)
return ((s2 * t0 - s1 * t1) / (s2 * s0 - s1**2)).clip(min=-_REALMAX, max=_REALMAX)
__call__ = eval_grid_fast
class BKRegression(object):
Kernel-Regression on binomial data
method : {'beta', 'wilson'}
method is one of the following
'beta', return Bayesian Credible interval using beta-distribution.
'wilson', return Wilson score interval
a, b : scalars
parameters of the beta distribution defining the apriori distribution of p, i.e.,
the Bayes estimator for p: p = (y+a)/(n+a+b).
Setting a=b=0.5 gives Jeffreys interval.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.method = kwds.pop('method','beta')
self.a = max(kwds.pop('a', 0.5), _TINY)
self.b = max(kwds.pop('b', 0.5), _TINY)
self.kreg = KRegression(*args, **kwds)
self.hs_e = None # defines bin width (i.e. smoothing) in empirical estimate
# self.x = self.kreg.tkde.dataset
# self.y = self.kreg.y
def _set_smoothing(self,hs):
self.kreg.tkde.hs = hs
x = property(fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.tkde.dataset.squeeze())
y = property(fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.y)
kernel = property(fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.tkde.kernel)
hs = property(fset=_set_smoothing, fget=lambda cls: cls.kreg.tkde.hs)
def _get_max_smoothing(self, fun=None):
Return maximum value for smoothing parameter
x = self.x
y = self.y
if fun is None:
get_smoothing = self.kernel.get_smoothing
get_smoothing = getattr(self.kernel, fun)
hs1 = get_smoothing(x)
#hx = np.median(np.abs(x-np.median(x)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
if (y==True).any():
hs2 = get_smoothing(x[y==True])
#hy = np.median(np.abs(y-np.mean(y)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
hs2 = 4*hs1
#hy = 4*hx
hopt = sqrt(hs1*hs2)
return hopt, hs1, hs2
def get_grid(self, hs_e=None):
if hs_e is None:
if self.hs_e is None:
hs1 = self._get_max_smoothing('hste')[0]
hs2 = self._get_max_smoothing('hos')[0]
self.hs_e = sqrt(hs1*hs2)
hs_e = self.hs_e
x = self.x
xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
ni = max(2*int((xmax-xmin)/hs_e)+3,5)
sml = hs_e #*0.1
xi = np.linspace(xmin-sml,xmax+sml, ni)
return xi
def prb_ci(self, n, p, alpha=0.05, **kwds):
Return Confidence Interval for the binomial probability p
n : array-like
number of Bernoulli trials
p : array-like
estimated probability of success in each trial
alpha : scalar
confidence level
method : {'beta', 'wilson'}
method is one of the following
'beta', return Bayesian Credible interval using beta-distribution.
'wilson', return Wilson score interval
a, b : scalars
parameters of the beta distribution defining the apriori distribution of p, i.e.,
the Bayes estimator for p: p = (y+a)/(n+a+b).
Setting a=b=0.5 gives Jeffreys interval.
if self.method.startswith('w'):
#Wilson score
z0 = -_invnorm(alpha/2)
den = 1+(z0**2./n);
plo = (xc-halfwidth).clip(min=0) # wilson score
pup = (xc+halfwidth).clip(max=1.0) # wilson score
# Jeffreys intervall a=b=0.5
#st.beta.isf(alpha/2, y+a, n-y+b) y = n*p, n-y = n*(1-p)
a = self.a
b = self.b
st = stats
pup = np.where(p==1, 1, st.beta.isf(alpha/2, n*p+a, n*(1-p)+b))
plo = np.where(p==0, 0, st.beta.isf(1-alpha/2, n*p+a, n*(1-p)+b))
return plo, pup
def prb_empirical(self, xi=None, hs_e=None, alpha=0.05, color='r', **kwds):
Returns empirical binomial probabiltity
x : ndarray
position vector
y : ndarray
binomial response variable (zeros and ones)
alpha : scalar
confidence level
used in plot
P(x) : PlotData object
empirical probability
if xi is None:
xi = self.get_grid(hs_e)
x = self.x
y = self.y
c = gridcount(x, xi) #+ self.a + self.b # count data
if (y==True).any():
c0 = gridcount(x[y==True],xi) #+ self.a # count success
c0 = np.zeros(xi.shape)
prb = np.where(c==0, 0, c0/(c+_TINY)) # assume prb==0 for c==0
CI = np.vstack(self.prb_ci(c, prb, alpha,**kwds))
#prb_e = PlotData(prb, xi, plotmethod='scatter', plot_kwds=dict(color=color, s=5, picker=5))
prb_e = PlotData(prb, xi, plotmethod='plot', plot_args=['.'],plot_kwds=dict(markersize=6, color=color, picker=5))
#prb_e = PlotData(prb, xi, plotmethod='errorbar', plot_kwds=dict(color=color, yerr=np.abs(prb-CI)))
prb_e.dataCI = CI.T
prb_e.count = c
return prb_e
def prb_smoothed(self, prb_e, hs, alpha=0.05, color='r', label=''):
Return smoothed binomial probability
prb_e : PlotData object with empirical binomial probabilites
hs : smoothing parameter
alpha : confidence level
color : color of plot object
label : label for plot object
x_e = prb_e.args
n_e = len(x_e)
dx_e = x_e[1]-x_e[0]
n = self.x.size
x_s = np.linspace(x_e[0],x_e[-1], 10*n_e+1)
self.hs = hs
prb_s = self.kreg(x_s, output='plotobj', title='', plot_kwds=dict(color=color, linewidth=2)) #dict(plotflag=7))
m_nan = np.isnan(
if m_nan.any(): # assume 0/0 division[m_nan] = 0.0[np.isnan(] = 0
c_s = self.kreg.tkde.eval_grid_fast(x_s) * dx_e * n # expected number of data in each bin
plo, pup = self.prb_ci(c_s,, alpha)
prb_s.dataCI = np.vstack((plo,pup)).T
prb_s.prediction_error_avg = np.trapz(pup-plo, x_s)/(x_s[-1]-x_s[0])
if label:
prb_s.plot_kwds['label'] = label
prb_s.children = [PlotData([plo, pup],x_s,
plot_kwds=dict(alpha=0.2, color=color)),
# empirical oversmooths the data
# p_s = prb_s.eval_points(self.x)
# dp_s = np.diff(
# k = (dp_s[:-1]*dp_s[1:]<0).sum() # numpeaks
# p_e = self.y
# n_s = interpolate.interp1d(x_s, c_s)(self.x)
# plo, pup = self.prb_ci(n_s, p_s, alpha)
# sigmai = (pup-plo)
# aicc = (((p_e-p_s)/sigmai)**2).sum()+ 2*k*(k+1)/np.maximum(n-k+1,1)
p_e = prb_e.eval_points(x_s)
p_s =
dp_s = np.sign(np.diff(p_s))
k = (dp_s[:-1]!=dp_s[1:]).sum() # numpeaks
#sigmai = (pup-plo)+_EPS
#aicc = (((p_e-p_s)/sigmai)**2).sum()+ 2*k*(k+1)/np.maximum(n_e-k+1,1) + np.abs((p_e-pup).clip(min=0)-(p_e-plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
sigmai = _logit(pup) - _logit(plo) + _EPS
aicc = (((_logit(p_e)-_logit(p_s))/sigmai)**2).sum()+ 2*k*(k+1)/np.maximum(n_e-k+1,1) + np.abs((p_e-pup).clip(min=0)-(p_e-plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
prb_s.aicc = aicc
#prb_s.labels.title = ''
#prb_s.labels.title='perr=%1.3f,aicc=%1.3f, n=%d, hs=%1.3f' % (prb_s.prediction_error_avg,aicc,n,hs)
return prb_s
def prb_search_best(self, prb_e=None, hsvec=None, hsfun='hste', alpha=0.05, color='r', label=''):
Return best smoothed binomial probability
prb_e : PlotData object with empirical binomial probabilites
hsvec : arraylike
vector smoothing parameters (default np.linspace(hsmax*0.1,hsmax,55))
hsfun :
method for calculating hsmax
if prb_e is None:
prb_e = self.prb_empirical(hs_e=self.hs_e, alpha=alpha, color=color)
if hsvec is None:
hsmax = self._get_max_smoothing(hsfun)[0] #@UnusedVariable
hsmax = max(hsmax, self.hs_e)
hsvec = np.linspace(hsmax*0.2,hsmax,55)
hs_best = hsvec[-1]+0.1
prb_best = self.prb_smoothed(prb_e, hs_best, alpha, color, label)
aicc = np.zeros(np.size(hsvec))
for i, hi in enumerate(hsvec):
f = self.prb_smoothed(prb_e, hi, alpha, color, label)
aicc[i] = f.aicc
if f.aicc<=prb_best.aicc:
prb_best = f
hs_best = hi
prb_best.score = PlotData(aicc,hsvec)
prb_best.hs = hs_best
return prb_best
class _Kernel(object):
def __init__(self, r=1.0, stats=None):
self.r = r # radius of kernel
@ -1277,13 +1528,13 @@ class Kernel(object):
'Density estimation for statistics and data analysis'
Chapman and Hall, pp 31, 103, 175
def __init__(self, name, fun='hisj'): #'hns'):
def __init__(self, name, fun='hste'): #'hns'):
self.kernel = _MKERNEL_DICT[name[:4]] = self.kernel.__name__.replace('mkernel_', '').title()
self.get_smoothing = getattr(self, fun)
self.get_smoothing = self.hns
self.get_smoothing = self.hste
def _get_name(self):
return self.kernel.__class__.__name__.replace('_Kernel', '').title()
name = property(_get_name)
@ -2365,7 +2616,7 @@ def qlevels2(data, p=(10,30,50,70,90, 95, 99, 99.9), method=1):
>>> PL = np.r_[10:90:20, 90, 95, 99, 99.9]
>>> xs = ws.norm.rvs(size=2500000)
>>> np.round(qlevels2(ws.norm.pdf(xs), p=PL), decimals=3)
array([ 0.396, 0.37 , 0.318, 0.233, 0.103, 0.059, 0.014, 0.002])
array([ 0.396, 0.37 , 0.318, 0.233, 0.103, 0.058, 0.014, 0.002])
# compared with the exact values
>>> ws.norm.pdf(ws.norm.ppf((100-PL)/200))
@ -2910,7 +3161,7 @@ def smoothn(data, s=None, weight=None, robust=False, z0=None, tolz=1e-3, maxiter
1-D example
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = np.linspace(0,100,2**8)
>>> y = np.cos(x/10)+(x/50)**2 + np.random.randn(x.size)/10
>>> y = cos(x/10)+(x/50)**2 + np.random.randn(x.shape)/10
>>> y[np.r_[70, 75, 80]] = np.array([5.5, 5, 6])
>>> z = smoothn(y) # Regular smoothing
>>> zr = smoothn(y,robust=True) # Robust smoothing
@ -3464,8 +3715,8 @@ _REALMIN = np.finfo(float).machar.xmin
_REALMAX = np.finfo(float).machar.xmax
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
def _logit(p):
#pc = p.clip(min=_REALMIN)
return (np.log(p)-np.log1p(-p)).clip(min=-40,max=40)
pc = p.clip(min=0, max=1)
return (np.log(pc)-np.log1p(-pc)).clip(min=-40,max=40)
def _logitinv(x):
return 1.0/(np.exp(-x)+1)
@ -3493,47 +3744,9 @@ def _get_data(n=100, symmetric=False, loc1=1.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=1.0):
y = yi[i]
return x, y, fun1
def _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hste'):
hs1 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(x)
#hx = np.median(np.abs(x-np.median(x)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
if (y==True).any():
hs2 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(x[y==True])
#hy = np.median(np.abs(y-np.mean(y)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
hs2 = 4*hs1
#hy = 4*hx
#hy2 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(y)
#kernel = Kernel('gauss',fun=fun)
#hopt = (hs1+2*hs2)/3
#hopt = (hs1+4*hs2)/5 #kernel.get_smoothing(x)
#hopt = hs2
hopt = sqrt(hs1*hs2)
return hopt, hs1, hs2
def regressionbin(x,y):
Return kernel regression estimate for binomial data
x : arraylike
y : arraylike
of 0 and 1
hopt1, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hos') #@UnusedVariable
hopt2, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hste') #@UnusedVariable
hopt = sqrt(hopt1*hopt2)
fbest = kreg_demo4(x, y, hopt2+0.1, hopt)
for fun in ['hste']: # , 'hisj', 'hns', 'hstt'
hsmax, hs1, hs2 =_get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun=fun) #@UnusedVariable
for hi in np.linspace(hsmax*0.1,hsmax,55):
f = kreg_demo4(x, y, hi, hopt)
if f.aicc<=fbest.aicc:
fbest = f
return fbest
def kreg_demo2(n=100, hs=None, symmetric=False, fun='hisj', plotlog=False):
x,y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric)
kreg_demo3(x,y,fun1, hs=None, fun='hisj', plotlog=False)
@ -3541,7 +3754,7 @@ def kreg_demo2(n=100, hs=None, symmetric=False, fun='hisj', plotlog=False):
def kreg_demo3(x,y, fun1, hs=None, fun='hisj', plotlog=False):
st = stats
z0 = -_invnorm(alpha/2)
@ -3628,8 +3841,8 @@ def kreg_demo3(x,y, fun1, hs=None, fun='hisj', plotlog=False):
# ref Casella and Berger (1990) "Statistical inference" pp444
a = 2*pi + z0**2/(ciii+1e-16)
b = 2*(1+z0**2/(ciii+1e-16))
plo2 = ((a-sqrt(a**2-2*pi**2*b))/b).clip(min=0,max=1) #@UnusedVariable
pup2 = ((a+sqrt(a**2-2*pi**2*b))/b).clip(min=0,max=1) #@UnusedVariable
# plo2 = ((a-sqrt(a**2-2*pi**2*b))/b).clip(min=0,max=1)
# pup2 = ((a+sqrt(a**2-2*pi**2*b))/b).clip(min=0,max=1)
# Jeffreys intervall a=b=0.5
#st.beta.isf(alpha/2, x+a, n-x+b)
@ -3680,16 +3893,80 @@ def kreg_demo3(x,y, fun1, hs=None, fun='hisj', plotlog=False):
return hs1, hs2
def kreg_demo4(x,y, hs, hopt, alpha=0.05):
st = stats
n = x.size
xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
ni = max(2*int((xmax-xmin)/hopt)+3,5)
sml = hopt*0.1
xi = np.linspace(xmin-sml,xmax+sml, ni)
xiii = np.linspace(xmin-sml,xmax+sml, 4*ni+1)
kreg = KRegression(x, y, hs=hs, p=0)
dx = xi[1]-xi[0]
ciii = kreg.tkde.eval_grid_fast(xiii) * dx * x.size
# ckreg = KDE(x,hs=hs)
# ciiii = ckreg.eval_grid_fast(xiii)*dx* x.size #n*(1+symmetric)
f = kreg(xiii, output='plotobj') #, plot_kwds=dict(plotflag=7))
pi =
# Jeffreys intervall a=b=0.5
#st.beta.isf(alpha/2, x+a, n-x+b)
ab = 0.07 #0.5
pi1 = pi
pup = np.where(pi1==1, 1, st.beta.isf(alpha/2, ciii*pi1+ab, ciii*(1-pi1)+ab))
plo = np.where(pi1==0, 0, st.beta.isf(1-alpha/2, ciii*pi1+ab, ciii*(1-pi1)+ab))
# Wilson score
# z0 = -_invnorm(alpha/2)
# den = 1+(z0**2./ciii);
# xc=(pi1+(z0**2)/(2*ciii))/den;
# halfwidth=(z0*sqrt((pi1*(1-pi1)/ciii)+(z0**2/(4*(ciii**2)))))/den
# plo2 = (xc-halfwidth).clip(min=0) # wilson score
# pup2 = (xc+halfwidth).clip(max=1.0) # wilson score
#f.dataCI = np.vstack((plo,pup)).T
f.prediction_error_avg = np.trapz(pup-plo, xiii)/(xiii[-1]-xiii[0])
fiii =
c = gridcount(x, xi)
if (y==True).any():
c0 = gridcount(x[y==True],xi)
c0 = np.zeros(xi.shape)
yi = np.where(c==0, 0, c0/c)
f.children = [PlotData([plo, pup],xiii,plotmethod='fill_between',plot_kwds=dict(alpha=0.2, color='r')),
PlotData(yi,xi,plotmethod='scatter', plot_kwds=dict(color='r', s=5))]
yiii = interpolate.interp1d(xi, yi)(xiii)
df = np.diff(fiii)
k = (df[:-1]*df[1:]<0).sum() # numpeaks
sigmai = (pup-plo)
aicc = (((yiii-fiii)/sigmai)**2).sum()+ 2*k*(k+1)/np.maximum(ni-k+1,1) + np.abs((yiii-pup).clip(min=0)-(yiii-plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
f.aicc = aicc
f.labels.title='perr=%1.3f,aicc=%1.3f, n=%d, hs=%1.3f' % (f.prediction_error_avg,aicc,n,hs)
return f
def check_kreg_demo3():
k = 0
for i, n in enumerate([50, 100,300,600, 4000]): #@UnusedVariable
for n in [50, 100,300,600, 4000]:
x,y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric=True,loc1=1.0, scale1=0.6, scale2=1.25)
k0 = k
for j, fun in enumerate(['hste']): #@UnusedVariable
for fun in ['hste', ]:
hsmax, hs1, hs2 =_get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun=fun) #@UnusedVariable
for hi in np.linspace(hsmax*0.25,hsmax,9):
@ -3709,15 +3986,15 @@ def check_kreg_demo4():
#kreg_demo2(n=120,symmetric=True,fun='hste', plotlog=True)
k = 0
for i, n in enumerate([100,300,600,4000]): #@UnusedVariable
for i, n in enumerate([100,300,600,4000]):
x,y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric=True,loc1=0.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=0.75)
k0 = k #@UnusedVariable
hopt1, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hos') #@UnusedVariable
hopt2, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hste') #@UnusedVariable
k0 = k
hopt1, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hos')
hopt2, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hste')
hopt = sqrt(hopt1*hopt2)
#hopt = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hos')[0]
for j, fun in enumerate(['hste']): # , 'hisj', 'hns', 'hstt' @UnusedVariable
hsmax, hs1, hs2 =_get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun=fun) #@UnusedVariable
for j, fun in enumerate(['hste']): # , 'hisj', 'hns', 'hstt'
hsmax, hs1, hs2 =_get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun=fun)
fmax = kreg_demo4(x, y, hsmax+0.1, hopt)
for hi in np.linspace(hsmax*0.1,hsmax,55):
@ -3734,15 +4011,97 @@ def check_kreg_demo4():
def empirical_bin_prb(x,y, hopt):
def check_regression_bin():
#kreg_demo2(n=120,symmetric=True,fun='hste', plotlog=True)
k = 0
for i, n in enumerate([100,300,600,4000]):
x,y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric=True,loc1=0.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=0.75)
fbest = regressionbin(x, y, alpha=0.05, color='g', label='Transit_D')
figk = plt.figure(k)
ax = figk.gca()
k +=1
ax.plot(x, fun1(x),'r')
ax.legend(frameon=False, markerscale=4)
#ax = plt.gca()
def check_bkregression():
k = 0
for i, n in enumerate([50, 100,300,600]):
x,y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric=True,loc1=0.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=0.75)
bkreg = BKRegression(x,y)
fbest = bkreg.prb_search_best(hsfun='hste', alpha=0.05, color='g', label='Transit_D')
figk = plt.figure(k)
ax = figk.gca()
k +=1
# fbest.score.plot(axis=ax)
# axsize = ax.axis()
# ax.vlines(fbest.hs,axsize[2]+1,axsize[3])
# ax.set(yscale='log')
ax.plot(x, fun1(x),'r')
ax.legend(frameon=False, markerscale=4)
#ax = plt.gca()
def _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hste'):
hs1 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(x)
#hx = np.median(np.abs(x-np.median(x)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
if (y==True).any():
hs2 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(x[y==True])
#hy = np.median(np.abs(y-np.mean(y)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
hs2 = 4*hs1
#hy = 4*hx
#hy2 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(y)
#kernel = Kernel('gauss',fun=fun)
#hopt = (hs1+2*hs2)/3
#hopt = (hs1+4*hs2)/5 #kernel.get_smoothing(x)
#hopt = hs2
hopt = sqrt(hs1*hs2)
return hopt, hs1, hs2
def empirical_bin_prb(x,y, hopt, color='r'):
Returns empirical binomial probabiltity
x : ndarray
position ve
y : ndarray
binomial response variable (zeros and ones)
P(x) : PlotData object
empirical probability
# n = x.size
xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
ni = max(2*int((xmax-xmin)/hopt)+3,5)
sml = hopt*0.1
sml = hopt #*0.1
xi = np.linspace(xmin-sml,xmax+sml, ni)
c = gridcount(x, xi)
@ -3751,30 +4110,38 @@ def empirical_bin_prb(x,y, hopt):
c0 = np.zeros(xi.shape)
yi = np.where(c==0, 0, c0/c)
return WafoData(yi,xi,plotmethod='scatter', plot_kwds=dict(color='r', s=5))
return PlotData(yi,xi, plotmethod='scatter', plot_kwds=dict(color=color, s=5))
def kreg_demo4(x,y, hs, hopt, alpha=0.05):
st = stats
def smoothed_bin_prb(x,y, hs, hopt, alpha=0.05, color='r', label='', bin_prb=None):
hs : smoothing parameter
hopt : spacing in empirical_bin_prb
alpha : confidence level
color : color of plot object
bin_prb : PlotData object with empirical bin prb
if bin_prb is None:
bin_prb = empirical_bin_prb(x, y, hopt, color)
xi = bin_prb.args
yi =
ni = len(xi)
dxi = xi[1]-xi[0]
n = x.size
xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
ni = max(2*int((xmax-xmin)/hopt)+3,5)
sml = hopt*0.1
xi = np.linspace(xmin-sml,xmax+sml, ni)
xiii = np.linspace(xmin-sml,xmax+sml, 4*ni+1)
xiii = np.linspace(xi[0],xi[-1], 10*ni+1)
kreg = KRegression(x, y, hs=hs, p=0)
dx = xi[1]-xi[0]
ciii = kreg.tkde.eval_grid_fast(xiii) * dx * x.size
# ckreg = KDE(x,hs=hs)
# ciiii = ckreg.eval_grid_fast(xiii)*dx* x.size #n*(1+symmetric)
ciii = kreg.tkde.eval_grid_fast(xiii) * dxi * n # expected number of data in each bin
f = kreg(xiii, output='plotobj') #, plot_kwds=dict(plotflag=7))
pi =
st = stats
# Jeffreys intervall a=b=0.5
#st.beta.isf(alpha/2, x+a, n-x+b)
ab = 0.07 #0.5
@ -3795,15 +4162,12 @@ def kreg_demo4(x,y, hs, hopt, alpha=0.05):
f.prediction_error_avg = np.trapz(pup-plo, xiii)/(xiii[-1]-xiii[0])
fiii =
c = gridcount(x, xi)
if (y==True).any():
c0 = gridcount(x[y==True],xi)
c0 = np.zeros(xi.shape)
yi = np.where(c==0, 0, c0/c)
f.children = [WafoData([plo, pup],xiii,plotmethod='fill_between',plot_kwds=dict(alpha=0.2, color='r')),
WafoData(yi,xi,plotmethod='scatter', plot_kwds=dict(color='r', s=5))]
f.plot_kwds['color'] = color
if label:
f.plot_kwds['label'] = label
f.children = [PlotData([plo, pup],xiii,plotmethod='fill_between',plot_kwds=dict(alpha=0.2, color=color)),
yiii = interpolate.interp1d(xi, yi)(xiii)
df = np.diff(fiii)
@ -3812,10 +4176,36 @@ def kreg_demo4(x,y, hs, hopt, alpha=0.05):
aicc = (((yiii-fiii)/sigmai)**2).sum()+ 2*k*(k+1)/np.maximum(ni-k+1,1) + np.abs((yiii-pup).clip(min=0)-(yiii-plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
f.aicc = aicc = kreg
f.labels.title='perr=%1.3f,aicc=%1.3f, n=%d, hs=%1.3f' % (f.prediction_error_avg,aicc,n,hs)
return f
def regressionbin(x,y, alpha=0.05, color='r', label=''):
Return kernel regression estimate for binomial data
x : arraylike
y : arraylike
of 0 and 1
hopt1, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hos') #@UnusedVariable
hopt2, h1,h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hste') #@UnusedVariable
hopt = sqrt(hopt1*hopt2)
fbest = smoothed_bin_prb(x, y, hopt2+0.1, hopt, alpha, color, label)
bin_prb = fbest.children[-1]
for fun in ['hste']: # , 'hisj', 'hns', 'hstt'
hsmax, hs1, hs2 =_get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun=fun) #@UnusedVariable
for hi in np.linspace(hsmax*0.1,hsmax,55):
f = smoothed_bin_prb(x, y, hi, hopt, alpha, color, label, bin_prb)
if f.aicc<=fbest.aicc:
fbest = f
hbest = hi
return fbest
def kde_gauss_demo(n=50):
KDEDEMO Demonstrate the KDEgauss
@ -3837,7 +4227,7 @@ def kde_gauss_demo(n=50):
#dist = st.norm
dist = st.expon
data = dist.rvs(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=n)
d, N = np.atleast_2d(data).shape #@UnusedVariable
d, N = np.atleast_2d(data).shape
if d==1:
plot_options = [dict(color='red'), dict(color='green'), dict(color='black')]
@ -3875,13 +4265,16 @@ def test_docstrings():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# check_kreg_demo4()

@ -6,21 +6,20 @@ from __future__ import division
import sys
import fractions
import numpy as np
from numpy import (abs, amax, any, logical_and, arange, linspace, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, #@UnusedImport
from numpy import (abs, amax, any, logical_and, arange, linspace, atleast_1d, #atleast_2d,
array, asarray, broadcast_arrays, ceil, floor, frexp, hypot,
sqrt, arctan2, sin, cos, exp, log, mod, diff, empty_like,
finfo, inf, pi, interp, isnan, isscalar, zeros, ones, linalg,
r_, sign, unique, hstack, vstack, nonzero, where, extract)
from scipy.special import gammaln
from scipy.integrate import trapz, simps
#import types
import warnings
from wafo import plotbackend
from plotbackend import plotbackend
from collections import OrderedDict
import wafo.c_library as clib
import c_library as clib #@UnresolvedImport
clib = None
floatinfo = finfo(float)
@ -39,8 +38,10 @@ def is_numlike(obj):
'return true if *obj* looks like a number'
obj + 1
except TypeError: return False
else: return True
except TypeError:
return False
return True
class JITImport(object):
@ -849,7 +850,7 @@ def rfcfilter(x, h, method=0):
cmpfun1 = lambda a, b: a < b
cmpfun2 = lambda a, b: a <= b
#% The rainflow filter
# The rainflow filter
for tim1, yi in enumerate(y[1::]):
fpi = y0 + h
fmi = y0 - h
@ -872,22 +873,22 @@ def rfcfilter(x, h, method=0):
warnings.warn('Something wrong, i=%d' % tim1)
#% Update y1
# Update y1
if z1 != z0:
t1, y1 = ti, yi
elif z1 == -1:
#% y1 = min([y0 xi])
# y1 = min([y0 xi])
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 < yi else (ti, yi)
elif z1 == +1:
#% y1 = max([y0 xi])
# y1 = max([y0 xi])
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 > yi else (ti, yi)
#% Update y if y0 is a turning point
# Update y if y0 is a turning point
if abs(z0 - z1) == 2:
j += 1
t[j] = t0
#% Update t0, y0, z0
# Update t0, y0, z0
t0, y0, z0 = t1, y1, z1
@ -969,15 +970,12 @@ def findtp(x, h=0.0, kind=None):
if kind == 'astm':
# the Nieslony approach always put the first loading point as the first
# turning point.
if x[ind[0]] != x[0]:
# add the first turning point is the first of the signal
if x[ind[0]] != x[0]: # add the first turning point is the first of the signal
ind = np.r_[0, ind, n - 1]
# only add the last point of the signal
else: # only add the last point of the signal
ind = np.r_[ind, n - 1]
if x[ind[0]] > x[ind[1]]:
#% adds indices to first and last value
if x[ind[0]] > x[ind[1]]: # adds indices to first and last value
ind = r_[0, ind, n - 1]
else: # adds index to the last value
ind = r_[ind, n - 1]
@ -1452,7 +1450,7 @@ def stirlerr(n):
return y
def getshipchar(value, property="max_deadweight"): #@ReservedAssignment
def getshipchar(value=None, property="max_deadweight", **kwds): #@ReservedAssignment
Return ship characteristics from value of one ship-property
@ -1509,6 +1507,13 @@ def getshipchar(value, property="max_deadweight"): #@ReservedAssignment
"Source level model for propeller blade rate radiation for the world's merchant
fleet", Bolt Beranek and Newman Technical Memorandum No. 458.
if value is None:
names = kwds.keys()
if len(names)!=1:
raise ValueError('Only on keyword')
property = names[0] #@ReservedAssignment
value = kwds[property]
value = np.atleast_1d(value)
valid_props = dict(l='length', b='beam', d='draught', m='max_deadweigth',
s='service_speed', p='propeller_diameter')
prop = valid_props[property[0]]
@ -2260,7 +2265,7 @@ def plot_histgrm(data, bins=None, range=None, normed=False, weights=None, lintyp
yy[:, 0] = 0.0 # histogram
yy.shape = (-1,)
yy = np.hstack((yy, 0.0))
return plotbackend.plotbackend.plot(xx, yy, lintype, limits, limits * 0)
return plotbackend.plot(xx, yy, lintype, limits, limits * 0)
def num2pistr(x, n=3):
@ -2294,8 +2299,8 @@ def num2pistr(x, n=3):
ntxt = '%d' % num
xtxt = ntxt + r'\pi' + dtxt
format_ = '%0.' + '%dg' % n
xtxt = format_ % x
format = '%0.' + '%dg' % n #@ReservedAssignment
xtxt = format % x
return xtxt
def fourier(data, t=None, T=None, m=None, n=None, method='trapz'):
@ -2455,7 +2460,7 @@ def _test_tranproc():
tr = wtm.TrHermite()
x = linspace(-5, 5, 501)
g = tr(x)
gder = tranproc(x, g, x, ones(g.size)) #@UnusedVariable
_gder = tranproc(x, g, x, ones(g.size))
#>>> gder(:,1) = g(:,1)
#>>> plot(g(:,1),[g(:,2),gder(:,2)])
@ -2477,7 +2482,7 @@ def _test_extrema():
ind = findextrema(x)
ti, tp = t[ind], x[ind]
plot(t, x, '.', ti, tp, 'r.')
ind1 = findrfc(tp, 0.3) #@UnusedVariable
_ind1 = findrfc(tp, 0.3)

@ -17,12 +17,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import warnings #@UnusedImport
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from plotbackend import plotbackend as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from numpy import (zeros, ones, zeros_like, atleast_1d, array, asarray, newaxis, arange, #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
logical_or, abs, any, pi, cos, round, diff, all, r_, exp, hstack, trim_zeros, #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
from numpy import (zeros, ones, zeros_like, array, asarray, newaxis, arange, #@UnresolvedImport
logical_or, any, pi, cos, round, diff, all, r_, exp, #atleast_1d, hstack,#@UnresolvedImport
where, extract, dot, linalg, sign, concatenate, floor, isreal, conj, remainder, #@UnresolvedImport
linspace) #@UnresolvedImport
from numpy.lib.polynomial import * #@UnusedWildImport
@ -358,7 +357,7 @@ def unfinished_orthofit(x,y,n):
# Reshape
x = x.ravel()
# siz0 = y.shape
# siz0 = y.shape
y = y.ravel()
# Coefficients of the orthogonal polynomials
@ -1062,16 +1061,16 @@ def chebfit(fun, n=10, a= -1, b=1, trace=False):
Fit exp(x)
>>> import pylab as pb
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> a = 0; b = 2
>>> ck = chebfit(pb.exp,7,a,b);
>>> x = pb.linspace(0,4);
>>> h=pb.plot(x,pb.exp(x),'r',x,chebval(x,ck,a,b),'g.')
>>> ck = chebfit(np.exp,7,a,b);
>>> x = np.linspace(0,4);
>>> h=plt.plot(x, np.exp(x), 'r', x, chebval(x,ck,a,b), 'g.')
>>> x1 = chebroot(9)*(b-a)/2+(b+a)/2
>>> ck1 = chebfit(pb.exp(x1))
>>> h=pb.plot(x,pb.exp(x),'r',x,chebval(x,ck1,a,b),'g.')
>>> ck1 = chebfit(np.exp(x1))
>>> h = plt.plot(x,np.exp(x), 'r', x, chebval(x,ck1,a,b),'g.')
>>> pb.close()
>>> plt.close()
See also
@ -1277,18 +1276,18 @@ def chebval(x, ck, a= -1, b=1, kind=1, fill=None):
Plot Chebychev polynomial of the first kind and order 4:
>>> import pylab as pb
>>> x = pb.linspace(-1,1)
>>> ck = pb.zeros(5); ck[-1]=1
>>> h = pb.plot(x,chebval(x,ck),x,chebpoly(4,x),'.')
>>> pb.close()
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> x = np.linspace(-1,1)
>>> ck = np.zeros(5); ck[-1]=1
>>> h = plt.plot(x,chebval(x,ck),x,chebpoly(4,x),'.')
>>> plt.close()
Fit exponential function:
>>> import pylab as pb
>>> ck = chebfit(pb.exp,7,0,2)
>>> x = pb.linspace(0,4);
>>> h=pb.plot(x,chebval(x,ck,0,2),'g',x,pb.exp(x))
>>> pb.close()
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> ck = chebfit(np.exp,7,0,2)
>>> x = np.linspace(0,4);
>>> h=plt.plot(x,chebval(x,ck,0,2),'g',x,np.exp(x))
>>> plt.close()
See also
@ -1332,12 +1331,12 @@ def chebder(ck, a= -1, b=1):
Fit exponential function:
>>> import pylab as pb
>>> ck = chebfit(pb.exp,7,0,2)
>>> x = pb.linspace(0,4)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> ck = chebfit(np.exp,7,0,2)
>>> x = np.linspace(0,4)
>>> ck2 = chebder(ck,0,2);
>>> h = pb.plot(x,chebval(x,ck,0,2),'g',x,pb.exp(x),'r')
>>> pb.close()
>>> h = plt.plot(x,chebval(x,ck,0,2),'g',x,np.exp(x),'r')
>>> plt.close()
See also
@ -1382,12 +1381,12 @@ def chebint(ck, a= -1, b=1):
Fit exponential function:
>>> import pylab as pb
>>> ck = chebfit(pb.exp,7,0,2)
>>> x = pb.linspace(0,4)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> ck = chebfit(np.exp,7,0,2)
>>> x = np.linspace(0,4)
>>> ck2 = chebint(ck,0,2);
>>> h=pb.plot(x,chebval(x,ck,0,2),'g',x,pb.exp(x),'r.')
>>> pb.close()
>>> h=plt.plot(x,chebval(x,ck,0,2),'g',x,np.exp(x),'r.')
>>> plt.close()
See also
@ -1616,16 +1615,16 @@ def padefit(c, m=None):
Pade approximation to exp(x)
>>> import scipy.special as sp
>>> import pylab as plb
>>> c = poly1d(1./sp.gamma(plb.r_[6+1:0:-1])) #polynomial coeff exponential function
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> c = poly1d(1./sp.gamma(np.r_[6+1:0:-1])) #polynomial coeff exponential function
>>> [p, q] = padefit(c)
>>> p; q
poly1d([ 0.00277778, 0.03333333, 0.2 , 0.66666667, 1. ])
poly1d([ 0.03333333, -0.33333333, 1. ])
>>> x = plb.linspace(0,4);
>>> h = plb.plot(x,c(x),x,p(x)/q(x),'g-', x,plb.exp(x),'r.')
>>> plb.close()
>>> x = np.linspace(0,4);
>>> h = plt.plot(x,c(x),x,p(x)/q(x),'g-', x,np.exp(x),'r.')
>>> plt.close()
See also
@ -1682,15 +1681,15 @@ def padefitlsq(fun, m, k, a= -1, b=1, trace=False, x=None, end_points=True):
Pade approximation to exp(x) between 0 and 2
>>> import pylab as plb
>>> [c1, c2] = padefitlsq(plb.exp,3,3,0,2)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> [c1, c2] = padefitlsq(np.exp,3,3,0,2)
>>> c1; c2
poly1d([ 0.01443847, 0.128842 , 0.55284547, 0.99999962])
poly1d([-0.0049658 , 0.07610473, -0.44716929, 1. ])
>>> x = plb.linspace(0,4)
>>> h = plb.plot(x, polyval(c1,x)/polyval(c2,x),'g')
>>> h = plb.plot(x, plb.exp(x), 'r')
>>> x = np.linspace(0,4)
>>> h = plt.plot(x, polyval(c1,x)/polyval(c2,x),'g')
>>> h = plt.plot(x, np.exp(x), 'r')
See also
@ -1740,17 +1739,17 @@ def padefitlsq(fun, m, k, a= -1, b=1, trace=False, x=None, end_points=True):
u = zeros((npt, ncof))
for ix in xrange(MAXIT):
#% Set up design matrix for least squares fit.
pow_ = wt
bb = pow_ * (fs + abs(mad) * sign(ee))
pow1 = wt
bb = pow1 * (fs + abs(mad) * sign(ee))
for jx in xrange(m + 1):
u[:, jx] = pow_
pow_ = pow_ * x
u[:, jx] = pow1
pow1 = pow1 * x
pow_ = -bb
pow1 = -bb
for jx in xrange(m + 1, ncof):
pow_ = pow_ * x
u[:, jx] = pow_
pow1 = pow1 * x
u[:, jx] = pow1
[u1, w, v] = linalg.svd(u, full_matrices=False)
@ -1760,7 +1759,7 @@ def padefitlsq(fun, m, k, a= -1, b=1, trace=False, x=None, end_points=True):
#% Tabulate the deviations and revise the weights
ee = polyval(cof[m::-1], x) / polyval(cof[ncof:m:-1].tolist() + [1, ], x) - fs
wt = abs(ee)
wt = np.abs(ee)
devmax = max(wt)
mad = wt.mean() #% mean absolute deviation
@ -1792,9 +1791,9 @@ def main():
p = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]]
pi = polyint(p, 1)
pr = polyreloc(p, 2) #@UnusedVariable
pd = polyder(p) #@UnusedVariable
st = poly2str(p) #@UnusedVariable
_pr = polyreloc(p, 2)
_pd = polyder(p)
_st = poly2str(p)
c = poly1d(1. / sp.gamma(np.r_[6 + 1:0:-1])) #polynomial coeff exponential function
[p, q] = padefit(c)
x = linspace(0, 4);
@ -1802,12 +1801,12 @@ def main():
x = arange(4)
dx = dct(x)
idx = idct(dx) #@UnusedVariable
_idx = idct(dx)
a = 0;
b = 2;
ck = chebfit(exp, 6, a, b);
t = chebval(0, ck, a, b) #@UnusedVariable
_t = chebval(0, ck, a, b)
x = linspace(0, 2, 6);
plt.plot(x, exp(x), 'r', x, chebval(x, ck, a, b), 'g.')
#x1 = chebroot(9).'*(b-a)/2+(b+a)/2 ;
@ -1816,11 +1815,11 @@ def main():
#plot(x,chebval(x,ck1,a,b),'g'), hold off
t = poly2hstr([1, 1, 2]) #@UnusedVariable
_t = poly2hstr([1, 1, 2])
py = [1, 0]
px = polyshift(py, 0, 5);
t1 = polyval(px, [0, 2.5, 5]) #% This is the same as the line below @UnusedVariable
t2 = polyval(py, [-1, 0, 1 ]) #@UnusedVariable
_t1 = polyval(px, [0, 2.5, 5]) #% This is the same as the line below
_t2 = polyval(py, [-1, 0, 1 ])
px = [1, 0]
py = polyishift(px, 0, 5);

@ -7431,7 +7431,7 @@ class binom_gen(rv_discrete):
url = "" }
PI2 = 2.0 * pi
yborder = (x == 0.) * n * log1p(-pr) + (x == n) * n * log(pr)
yborder = log((x == 0.) * exp(n * log1p(-pr)) + (x == n) * exp(n * log(pr)))
nx = n - x
nq = n * (1. - pr)
lc = stirlerr(n) - stirlerr(x) - stirlerr(nx) - bd0(x, n * pr) - bd0(nx, nq)
