@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from numpy import pi, r_, minimum, maximum, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, mod, ones, floor, \
random, eye, nonzero, where, repeat, sqrt, exp, inf, diag, zeros, sin, arcsin, nan #@UnresolvedImport
from numpy import triu #@UnresolvedImport
from numpy import (pi, r_, minimum, maximum, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, mod, ones,
floor, random, eye, nonzero, where, repeat, sqrt, exp, inf,
diag, zeros, sin, arcsin, nan) # @UnresolvedImport
from numpy import triu # @UnresolvedImport
from scipy.special import ndtr as cdfnorm, ndtri as invnorm
from scipy.special import erfc
from wafo import mvn
@ -10,10 +11,13 @@ import wafo.rindmod as rindmod
import warnings
from wafo.misc import common_shape
__all__ = ['Rind', 'rindmod', 'mvnprdmod', 'mvn', 'cdflomax' , 'prbnormtndpc',
'prbnormndpc', 'prbnormnd', 'cdfnorm2d', 'prbnorm2d','cdfnorm','invnorm',
__all__ = ['Rind', 'rindmod', 'mvnprdmod', 'mvn', 'cdflomax', 'prbnormtndpc',
'prbnormndpc', 'prbnormnd', 'cdfnorm2d', 'prbnorm2d', 'cdfnorm',
'invnorm', 'test_docstring']
class Rind(object):
RIND Computes multivariate normal expectations
@ -24,7 +28,8 @@ class Rind(object):
m : array-like, size Ntdc
expectation of X=[Xt,Xd,Xc]
Blo, Bup : array-like, shape Mb x Nb
Lower and upper barriers used to compute the integration limits, Hlo and Hup, respectively.
Lower and upper barriers used to compute the integration limits,
Hlo and Hup, respectively.
indI : array-like, length Ni
vector of indices to the different barriers in the indicator function.
(NB! restriction indI(1)=-1, indI(NI)=Nt+Nd, Ni = Nb+1)
@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ class Rind(object):
"Jacobian" = |X(Nt+1)*...*X(Nt+Nd)|=|Xd(1)*Xd(2)..Xd(Nd)|
"condition" = Xc=xc(:,ix), ix=1,...,Nx.
X = [Xt, Xd, Xc], a stochastic vector of Multivariate Gaussian
variables where Xt,Xd and Xc have the length Nt,Nd and Nc, respectively.
variables where Xt,Xd and Xc have the length Nt,Nd and Nc, respectively
(Recommended limitations Nx,Nt<=100, Nd<=6 and Nc<=10)
Multivariate probability is computed if Nd = 0.
@ -126,10 +131,10 @@ class Rind(object):
Per A. Brodtkorb (2006)
"Evaluating Nearly Singular Multinormal Expectations with Application to
Wave Distributions",
Methodology And Computing In Applied Probability, Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 65-91(27)
Methodology And Computing In Applied Probability, Volume 8, Number 1,
pp. 65-91(27)
def __init__(self, **kwds):
@ -149,25 +154,28 @@ class Rind(object):
scales the conditinal probability density, i.e.,
f_{Xc} = exp(-0.5*Xc*inv(Sxc)*Xc + XcScale) (default XcScale=0)
abseps, releps : real scalars, optional
absolute and relative error tolerance. (default abseps=0, releps=1e-3)
absolute and relative error tolerance.
(default abseps=0, releps=1e-3)
coveps : real scalar, optional
error tolerance in Cholesky factorization (default 1e-13)
maxpts, minpts : scalar integers, optional
maximum and minimum number of function values allowed. The parameter,
maxpts, can be used to limit the time. A sensible strategy is to start
with MAXPTS = 1000*N, and then increase MAXPTS if ERROR is too large.
maximum and minimum number of function values allowed. The
parameter, maxpts, can be used to limit the time. A sensible
strategy is to start with MAXPTS = 1000*N, and then increase MAXPTS
if ERROR is too large.
(Only for METHOD~=0) (default maxpts=40000, minpts=0)
seed : scalar integer, optional
seed to the random generator used in the integrations
(Only for METHOD~=0)(default floor(rand*1e9))
nit : scalar integer, optional
maximum number of Xt variables to integrate. This parameter can be used
to limit the time. If NIT is less than the rank of the covariance matrix,
the returned result is a upper bound for the true value of the integral.
(default 1000)
maximum number of Xt variables to integrate. This parameter can be
used to limit the time. If NIT is less than the rank of the
covariance matrix, the returned result is a upper bound for the
true value of the integral. (default 1000)
xcutoff : real scalar, optional
cut off value where the marginal normal distribution is truncated.
(Depends on requested accuracy. A value between 4 and 5 is reasonable.)
(Depends on requested accuracy. A value between 4 and 5 is
xsplit : real scalar
parameter controlling performance of quadrature integration:
if Hup>=xCutOff AND Hlo<-XSPLIT OR
@ -187,8 +195,8 @@ class Rind(object):
XCUTOFF, MAXPTS and QUADNO will be set according to
nc1c2 : scalar integer, optional
number of times to use the regression equation to restrict integration
area. Nc1c2 = 1,2 is recommended. (default 2)
number of times to use the regression equation to restrict
integration area. Nc1c2 = 1,2 is recommended. (default 2)
(note: works only for method >0)
self.method = 3
@ -263,7 +271,7 @@ class Rind(object):
self.releps = min(self.abseps, 1.0e-2)
if self.method == 0 :
if self.method == 0:
# This gives approximately the same accuracy as when using
# xCutOff= MIN(MAX(xCutOff+0.5d0,4.d0),5.d0)
@ -278,17 +286,17 @@ class Rind(object):
self.nc1c2 = max(1, self.nc1c2)
xcut = abs(invnorm(trunc_error / (self.nc1c2 * 2)))
self.xcutoff = max(min(xcut, 8.5), 1.2)
#self.abseps = max(self.abseps- truncError,0);
#self.releps = max(self.releps- truncError,0);
# self.abseps = max(self.abseps- truncError,0);
# self.releps = max(self.releps- truncError,0);
if self.method > 0:
names = ['method', 'xcscale', 'abseps', 'releps', 'coveps',
'maxpts', 'minpts', 'nit', 'xcutoff', 'nc1c2', 'quadno',
'maxpts', 'minpts', 'nit', 'xcutoff', 'nc1c2', 'quadno',
constants = [getattr(self, name) for name in names]
constants[0] = mod(constants[0], 10)
rindmod.set_constants(*constants) #@UndefinedVariable
rindmod.set_constants(*constants) # @UndefinedVariable
def __call__(self, cov, m, ab, bb, indI=None, xc=None, nt=None, **kwds):
if any(kwds):
@ -317,7 +325,7 @@ class Rind(object):
Ex, indI = atleast_1d(m, indI)
if self.seed is None:
seed = int(floor(random.rand(1) * 1e10)) #@UndefinedVariable
seed = int(floor(random.rand(1) * 1e10)) # @UndefinedVariable
seed = int(self.seed)
@ -336,7 +344,9 @@ class Rind(object):
Bup[0, ind] = minimum(Bup[0, ind], infinity * dev[indI[ind + 1]])
Blo[0, ind] = maximum(Blo[0, ind], -infinity * dev[indI[ind + 1]])
ind2 = indI + 1
return rindmod.rind(BIG, Ex, xc, nt, ind2, Blo, Bup, infin, seed) #@UndefinedVariable
return rindmod.rind(BIG, Ex, xc, nt, ind2, Blo, Bup, infin, seed) # @UndefinedVariable @IgnorePep8
def test_rind():
''' Small test function
@ -346,17 +356,17 @@ def test_rind():
Bup = -1.2
indI = [-1, n - 1] # Barriers
# A = np.repeat(Blo, n)
# B = np.repeat(Bup, n) # Integration limits
# B = np.repeat(Bup, n) # Integration limits
m = zeros(n)
rho = 0.3
Sc = (ones((n, n)) - eye(n)) * rho + eye(n)
rind = Rind()
E0 = rind(Sc, m, Blo, Bup, indI) # exact prob. 0.001946 A)
E0 = rind(Sc, m, Blo, Bup, indI) # exact prob. 0.001946 A)
A = repeat(Blo, n)
B = repeat(Bup, n) # Integration limits
E1 = rind(triu(Sc), m, A, B) #same as E0
_E1 = rind(triu(Sc), m, A, B) # same as E0
xc = zeros((0, 1))
infinity = 37
@ -365,7 +375,8 @@ def test_rind():
Bup, Blo = atleast_2d(Bup, Blo)
Bup[0, ind] = minimum(Bup[0, ind], infinity * dev[indI[ind + 1]])
Blo[0, ind] = maximum(Blo[0, ind], -infinity * dev[indI[ind + 1]])
E3 = rind(Sc, m, Blo, Bup, indI, xc, nt=1)
_E3 = rind(Sc, m, Blo, Bup, indI, xc, nt=1)
def cdflomax(x, alpha, m0):
@ -423,9 +434,10 @@ def cdflomax(x, alpha, m0):
c2 = alpha * c1
return cdfnorm(c1) - alpha * exp(-x ** 2 / 2 / m0) * cdfnorm(c2)
def prbnormtndpc(rho, a, b, D=None, df=0, abseps=1e-4, IERC=0, HNC=0.24):
Return Multivariate normal or T probability with product correlation structure.
Return Multivariate normal or T probability with product correlation.
@ -435,13 +447,14 @@ def prbnormtndpc(rho, a, b, D=None, df=0, abseps=1e-4, IERC=0, HNC=0.24):
where -1 < rho[i] < 1
a,b : array-like
vector of lower and upper integration limits, respectively.
Note: any values greater the 37 in magnitude, are considered as infinite values.
Note: any values greater the 37 in magnitude, are considered as
infinite values.
D : array-like
vector of means (default zeros(size(rho)))
df = Degrees of freedom, NDF<=0 gives normal probabilities (default)
abseps = absolute error tolerance. (default 1e-4)
IERC = 1 if strict error control based on fourth derivative
0 if intuitive error control based on halving the intervals (default)
0 if error control based on halving the intervals (default)
HNC = start interval width of simpson rule (default 0.24)
@ -453,7 +466,7 @@ def prbnormtndpc(rho, a, b, D=None, df=0, abseps=1e-4, IERC=0, HNC=0.24):
1, if N > 1000 or N < 1.
2, IF any abs(rho)>=1
4, if ANY(b(I)<=A(i))
5, if number of terms computed exceeds maximum number of evaluation points
5, if number of terms exceeds maximum number of evaluation points
6, if fault accurs in normal subroutines
7, if subintervals are too narrow or too many
8, if bounds exceeds abseps
@ -465,12 +478,12 @@ def prbnormtndpc(rho, a, b, D=None, df=0, abseps=1e-4, IERC=0, HNC=0.24):
>>> import wafo.gaussian as wg
>>> rho2 = np.random.rand(2);
>>> a2 = np.zeros(2);
>>> b2 = np.repeat(np.inf,2);
>>> rho2 = np.random.rand(2)
>>> a2 = np.zeros(2)
>>> b2 = np.repeat(np.inf,2)
>>> [val2,err2, ift2] = wg.prbnormtndpc(rho2,a2,b2)
>>> g2 = lambda x : 0.25+np.arcsin(x[0]*x[1])/(2*pi)
>>> E2 = g2(rho2) #% exact value
>>> E2 = g2(rho2) # exact value
>>> np.abs(E2-val2)<err2
@ -500,9 +513,12 @@ def prbnormtndpc(rho, a, b, D=None, df=0, abseps=1e-4, IERC=0, HNC=0.24):
# Make sure integration limits are finite
A = np.clip(a - D, -100, 100)
B = np.clip(b - D, -100, 100)
return mvnprdmod.prbnormtndpc(rho, A, B, df, abseps, IERC, HNC) #@UndefinedVariable
def prbnormndpc(rho, a, b, abserr=1e-4, relerr=1e-4, usesimpson=True, usebreakpoints=False):
return mvnprdmod.prbnormtndpc(rho, A, B, df, abseps, IERC, HNC) # @UndefinedVariable @IgnorePep8
def prbnormndpc(rho, a, b, abserr=1e-4, relerr=1e-4, usesimpson=True,
Return Multivariate Normal probabilities with product correlation
@ -527,9 +543,9 @@ def prbnormndpc(rho, a, b, abserr=1e-4, relerr=1e-4, usesimpson=True, usebreakpo
>>> import wafo.gaussian as wg
>>> rho2 = np.random.rand(2);
>>> a2 = np.zeros(2);
>>> b2 = np.repeat(np.inf,2);
>>> rho2 = np.random.rand(2)
>>> a2 = np.zeros(2)
>>> b2 = np.repeat(np.inf,2)
>>> [val2,err2, ift2] = wg.prbnormndpc(rho2,a2,b2)
>>> g2 = lambda x : 0.25+np.arcsin(x[0]*x[1])/(2*pi)
>>> E2 = g2(rho2) #% exact value
@ -561,38 +577,43 @@ def prbnormndpc(rho, a, b, abserr=1e-4, relerr=1e-4, usesimpson=True, usebreakpo
# Call fortran implementation
val, err, ier = mvnprdmod.prbnormndpc(rho, a, b, abserr, relerr, usebreakpoints, usesimpson); #@UndefinedVariable
val, err, ier = mvnprdmod.prbnormndpc(rho, a, b, abserr, relerr, usebreakpoints, usesimpson) # @UndefinedVariable @IgnorePep8
if ier > 0:
warnings.warn('Abnormal termination ier = %d\n\n%s' % (ier, _ERRORMESSAGE[ier]))
warnings.warn('Abnormal termination ier = %d\n\n%s' %
(ier, _ERRORMESSAGE[ier]))
return val, err, ier
Maximum number of subdivisions allowed has been achieved. one can allow
more subdivisions by increasing the value of limit (and taking the
according dimension adjustments into account). however, if this yields
no improvement it is advised to analyze the integrand in order to
determine the integration difficulties. if the position of a local
difficulty can be determined (i.e. singularity discontinuity within
the interval), it should be supplied to the routine as an element of
the vector points. If necessary an appropriate special-purpose integrator
must be used, which is designed for handling the type of difficulty involved.
Maximum number of subdivisions allowed has been achieved. one can allow
more subdivisions by increasing the value of limit (and taking the
according dimension adjustments into account). however, if this yields
no improvement it is advised to analyze the integrand in order to
determine the integration difficulties. if the position of a local
difficulty can be determined (i.e. singularity discontinuity within
the interval), it should be supplied to the routine as an element of
the vector points. If necessary an appropriate special-purpose
integrator must be used, which is designed for handling the type of
difficulty involved.
the occurrence of roundoff error is detected, which prevents the requested
tolerance from being achieved. The error may be under-estimated.'''
the occurrence of roundoff error is detected, which prevents the requested
tolerance from being achieved. The error may be under-estimated.'''
Extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs at some points of the integration interval.'''
Extremely bad integrand behaviour occurs at some points of the integration
The algorithm does not converge. Roundoff error is detected in the extrapolation table.
It is presumed that the requested tolerance cannot be achieved, and that
the returned result is the best which can be obtained.'''
The algorithm does not converge. Roundoff error is detected in the
extrapolation table. It is presumed that the requested tolerance cannot be
achieved, and that the returned result is the best which can be obtained.
The integral is probably divergent, or slowly convergent.
It must be noted that divergence can occur with any other value of ier>0.'''
It must be noted that divergence can occur with any other value of ier>0.
_ERRORMESSAGE[6] = '''the input is invalid because:
1) npts2 < 2
2) break points are specified outside the integration range
@ -600,31 +621,30 @@ _ERRORMESSAGE[6] = '''the input is invalid because:
4) limit < npts2.'''
def prbnormnd(correl, a, b, abseps=1e-4, releps=1e-3, maxpts=None, method=0):
def prbnormnd(correl, a, b, abseps=1e-4, releps=1e-3, maxpts=None, method=0):
Multivariate Normal probability by Genz' algorithm.
CORREL = Positive semidefinite correlation matrix
A = vector of lower integration limits.
B = vector of upper integration limits.
A = vector of lower integration limits.
B = vector of upper integration limits.
ABSEPS = absolute error tolerance.
RELEPS = relative error tolerance.
MAXPTS = maximum number of function values allowed. This
parameter can be used to limit the time. A sensible
strategy is to start with MAXPTS = 1000*N, and then
increase MAXPTS if ERROR is too large.
parameter can be used to limit the time. A sensible strategy is to
start with MAXPTS = 1000*N, and then increase MAXPTS if ERROR is too
METHOD = integer defining the integration method
-1 KRBVRC randomized Korobov rules for the first 20
variables, randomized Richtmeyer rules for the rest,
NMAX = 500
0 KRBVRC, NMAX = 100 (default)
1 SADAPT Subregion Adaptive integration method, NMAX = 20
2 KROBOV Randomized KOROBOV rules, NMAX = 100
3 RCRUDE Crude Monte-Carlo Algorithm with simple
antithetic variates and weighted results on restart
4 SPHMVN Monte-Carlo algorithm by Deak (1980), NMAX = 100
-1 KRBVRC randomized Korobov rules for the first 20 variables,
randomized Richtmeyer rules for the rest, NMAX = 500
0 KRBVRC, NMAX = 100 (default)
1 SADAPT Subregion Adaptive integration method, NMAX = 20
2 KROBOV Randomized KOROBOV rules, NMAX = 100
3 RCRUDE Crude Monte-Carlo Algorithm with simple
antithetic variates and weighted results on restart
4 SPHMVN Monte-Carlo algorithm by Deak (1980), NMAX = 100
VALUE REAL estimated value for the integral
@ -667,7 +687,6 @@ def prbnormnd(correl, a, b, abseps=1e-4, releps=1e-3, maxpts=None, method=0):
prbnormndpc, Rind
m, n = correl.shape
Na = len(a)
Nb = len(b)
@ -677,7 +696,7 @@ def prbnormnd(correl, a, b, abseps=1e-4, releps=1e-3, maxpts=None, method=0):
if maxpts is None:
maxpts = 1000 * n
maxpts = max(round(maxpts), 10 * n);
maxpts = max(round(maxpts), 10 * n)
# % array of correlation coefficients; the correlation
# % coefficient in row I column J of the correlation matrix
@ -692,16 +711,16 @@ def prbnormnd(correl, a, b, abseps=1e-4, releps=1e-3, maxpts=None, method=0):
A = np.clip(a, -100, 100)
B = np.clip(b, -100, 100)
ix = np.where(np.triu(np.ones((m, m)), 1) != 0)
L = correl[ix].ravel() #% return only off diagonal elements
L = correl[ix].ravel() # % return only off diagonal elements
infinity = 37
infin = np.repeat(2, n) - (B > infinity) - 2 * (A < -infinity)
err, val, inform = mvn.mvndst(A, B, infin, L, maxpts, abseps, releps) #@UndefinedVariable
err, val, inform = mvn.mvndst(A, B, infin, L, maxpts, abseps, releps) # @UndefinedVariable @IgnorePep8
return val, err, inform
#CALL the mexroutine
# CALL the mexroutine
# t0 = clock;
# if ((method==0) && (n<=100)),
# %NMAX = 100
@ -715,25 +734,29 @@ def prbnormnd(correl, a, b, abseps=1e-4, releps=1e-3, maxpts=None, method=0):
# exTime = etime(clock,t0);
# '
#% gauss legendre points and weights, n = 6
_W6 = [ 0.1713244923791705e+00, 0.3607615730481384e+00, 0.4679139345726904e+00]
_X6 = [-0.9324695142031522e+00, -0.6612093864662647e+00, -0.2386191860831970e+00]
#% gauss legendre points and weights, n = 12
_W12 = [ 0.4717533638651177e-01, 0.1069393259953183e+00, 0.1600783285433464e+00,
0.2031674267230659e+00, 0.2334925365383547e+00, 0.2491470458134029e+00]
_X12 = [ -0.9815606342467191e+00, -0.9041172563704750e+00, -0.7699026741943050e+00,
- 0.5873179542866171e+00, -0.3678314989981802e+00, -0.1252334085114692e+00]
#% gauss legendre points and weights, n = 20
_W20 = [ 0.1761400713915212e-01, 0.4060142980038694e-01,
0.6267204833410906e-01, 0.8327674157670475e-01,
0.1019301198172404e+00, 0.1181945319615184e+00,
0.1316886384491766e+00, 0.1420961093183821e+00,
0.1491729864726037e+00, 0.1527533871307259e+00]
_X20 = [ -0.9931285991850949e+00, -0.9639719272779138e+00,
- 0.9122344282513259e+00, -0.8391169718222188e+00,
- 0.7463319064601508e+00, -0.6360536807265150e+00,
- 0.5108670019508271e+00, -0.3737060887154196e+00,
- 0.2277858511416451e+00, -0.7652652113349733e-01]
# gauss legendre points and weights, n = 6
_W6 = [0.1713244923791705e+00, 0.3607615730481384e+00, 0.4679139345726904e+00]
_X6 = [-0.9324695142031522e+00, -
0.6612093864662647e+00, -0.2386191860831970e+00]
# gauss legendre points and weights, n = 12
_W12 = [0.4717533638651177e-01, 0.1069393259953183e+00, 0.1600783285433464e+00,
0.2031674267230659e+00, 0.2334925365383547e+00, 0.2491470458134029e+00]
_X12 = [-0.9815606342467191e+00, -0.9041172563704750e+00,
- 0.5873179542866171e+00, -0.3678314989981802e+00,
# gauss legendre points and weights, n = 20
_W20 = [0.1761400713915212e-01, 0.4060142980038694e-01,
0.6267204833410906e-01, 0.8327674157670475e-01,
0.1019301198172404e+00, 0.1181945319615184e+00,
0.1316886384491766e+00, 0.1420961093183821e+00,
0.1491729864726037e+00, 0.1527533871307259e+00]
_X20 = [-0.9931285991850949e+00, -0.9639719272779138e+00,
- 0.9122344282513259e+00, -0.8391169718222188e+00,
- 0.7463319064601508e+00, -0.6360536807265150e+00,
- 0.5108670019508271e+00, -0.3737060887154196e+00,
- 0.2277858511416451e+00, -0.7652652113349733e-01]
def cdfnorm2d(b1, b2, r):
@ -798,8 +821,8 @@ def cdfnorm2d(b1, b2, r):
bvn = where(abs(r) > 1, nan, 0.0)
two = 2.e0;
twopi = 6.283185307179586e0;
two = 2.e0
twopi = 6.283185307179586e0
hk = h * k
@ -813,90 +836,97 @@ def cdfnorm2d(b1, b2, r):
for i in range(10):
for sign in - 1, 1:
sn = sin(asr[k1] * (sign * _X20[i] + 1) / 2)
bvn[k01] = bvn[k01] + _W20[i] * exp((sn * hk[k01] - hs[k1]) / (1 - sn * sn));
bvn[k01] = bvn[k01] + _W20[i] * \
exp((sn * hk[k01] - hs[k1]) / (1 - sn * sn))
k1, = nonzero((0.3 <= r[k0]) & (r[k0] < 0.75))
if len(k1) > 0:
k01 = k0[k1];
k01 = k0[k1]
for i in range(6):
for sign in - 1, 1:
sn = sin(asr[k1] * (sign * _X12[i] + 1) / 2);
bvn[k01] = bvn[k01] + _W12[i] * exp((sn * hk[k01] - hs[k1]) / (1 - sn * sn));
sn = sin(asr[k1] * (sign * _X12[i] + 1) / 2)
bvn[k01] = bvn[k01] + _W12[i] * \
exp((sn * hk[k01] - hs[k1]) / (1 - sn * sn))
k1, = nonzero(r[k0] < 0.3);
k1, = nonzero(r[k0] < 0.3)
if len(k1) > 0:
k01 = k0[k1]
for i in range(3):
for sign in - 1, 1:
sn = sin(asr[k1] * (sign * _X6[i] + 1) / 2)
bvn[k01] = bvn[k01] + _W6[i] * exp((sn * hk[k01] - hs[k1]) / (1 - sn * sn))
bvn[k01] = bvn[k01] + _W6[i] * \
exp((sn * hk[k01] - hs[k1]) / (1 - sn * sn))
bvn[k0] *= asr / (two * twopi)
bvn[k0] += fi(-h[k0]) * fi(-k[k0])
k1, = nonzero((0.925 <= abs(r)) & (abs(r) <= 1));
k1, = nonzero((0.925 <= abs(r)) & (abs(r) <= 1))
if len(k1) > 0:
k2, = nonzero(r[k1] < 0);
k2, = nonzero(r[k1] < 0)
if len(k2) > 0:
k12 = k1[k2];
k[k12] = -k[k12];
hk[k12] = -hk[k12];
k12 = k1[k2]
k[k12] = -k[k12]
hk[k12] = -hk[k12]
k3, = nonzero(abs(r[k1]) < 1);
k3, = nonzero(abs(r[k1]) < 1)
if len(k3) > 0:
k13 = k1[k3];
a2 = (1 - r[k13]) * (1 + r[k13]);
k13 = k1[k3]
a2 = (1 - r[k13]) * (1 + r[k13])
a = sqrt(a2)
b = abs(h[k13] - k[k13]);
bs = b * b;
c = (4.e0 - hk[k13]) / 8.e0;
d = (12.e0 - hk[k13]) / 16.e0;
asr = -(bs / a2 + hk[k13]) / 2.e0;
k4, = nonzero(asr > -100.e0);
b = abs(h[k13] - k[k13])
bs = b * b
c = (4.e0 - hk[k13]) / 8.e0
d = (12.e0 - hk[k13]) / 16.e0
asr = -(bs / a2 + hk[k13]) / 2.e0
k4, = nonzero(asr > -100.e0)
if len(k4) > 0:
bvn[k13[k4]] = a[k4] * exp(asr[k4]) * (1 - c[k4] *
(bs[k4] - a2[k4]) * (1 - d[k4] * bs[k4] / 5) / 3
+ c[k4] * d[k4] * a2[k4] ** 2 / 5);
bvn[k13[k4]] = (a[k4] * exp(asr[k4]) *
(1 - c[k4] * (bs[k4] - a2[k4]) *
(1 - d[k4] * bs[k4] / 5) / 3 +
c[k4] * d[k4] * a2[k4] ** 2 / 5))
k5, = nonzero(hk[k13] < 100.e0);
k5, = nonzero(hk[k13] < 100.e0)
if len(k5) > 0:
#% b = sqrt(bs);
k135 = k13[k5];
bvn[k135] = bvn[k135] - exp(-hk[k135] / 2) * sqrt(twopi) * fi(-b[k5] / a[k5]) * b[k5] * (1 - c[k5] * bs[k5] * (1 - d[k5] * bs[k5] / 5) / 3)
# b = sqrt(bs);
k135 = k13[k5]
bvn[k135] = bvn[k135] - exp(-hk[k135] / 2) * sqrt(twopi) * fi(-b[k5] / a[k5]) * \
b[k5] * (1 - c[k5] * bs[k5] * (1 - d[k5] * bs[k5] / 5) / 3)
a /= two
for i in range(10):
for sign in - 1, 1:
xs = (a * (sign * _X20[i] + 1)) ** 2;
rs = sqrt(1 - xs);
asr = -(bs / xs + hk[k13]) / 2;
k6, = nonzero(asr > -100.e0) ;
xs = (a * (sign * _X20[i] + 1)) ** 2
rs = sqrt(1 - xs)
asr = -(bs / xs + hk[k13]) / 2
k6, = nonzero(asr > -100.e0)
if len(k6) > 0:
k136 = k13[k6]
bvn[k136] += (a[k6] * _W20[i] * exp(asr[k6]) *
(exp(-hk[k136] * (1 - rs[k6]) / (2 * (1 + rs[k6]))) / rs[k6] -
(1 + c[k6] * xs[k6] * (1 + d[k6] * xs[k6]))))
(exp(-hk[k136] * (1 - rs[k6]) /
(2 * (1 + rs[k6]))) / rs[k6] -
(1 + c[k6] * xs[k6] *
(1 + d[k6] * xs[k6]))))
bvn[k3] = -bvn[k3] / twopi;
bvn[k3] = -bvn[k3] / twopi
k7, = nonzero(r[k1] > 0);
k7, = nonzero(r[k1] > 0)
if len(k7):
k17 = k1[k7]
bvn[k17] += fi(-np.maximum(h[k17], k[k17]));
bvn[k17] += fi(-np.maximum(h[k17], k[k17]))
k8, = nonzero(r[k1] < 0);
k8, = nonzero(r[k1] < 0)
if len(k8) > 0:
k18 = k1[k8];
bvn[k18] = -bvn[k18] + np.maximum(0, fi(-h[k18]) - fi(-k[k18]));
k18 = k1[k8]
bvn[k18] = -bvn[k18] + np.maximum(0, fi(-h[k18]) - fi(-k[k18]))
bvn.shape = cshape
return bvn
def fi(x):
return 0.5 * (erfc((-x) / sqrt(2)))
def prbnorm2d(a, b, r):
Returns Bivariate Normal probability
@ -932,7 +962,7 @@ def prbnorm2d(a, b, r):
infinity = 37
lower = np.asarray(a)
upper = np.asarray(b)
if np.all((lower <= -infinity) & (infinity<=upper)):
if np.all((lower <= -infinity) & (infinity <= upper)):
return 1.0
if (lower >= upper).any():
return 0.0
@ -941,37 +971,43 @@ def prbnorm2d(a, b, r):
if np.all(infin == 2):
return (bvd(lower[0], lower[1], correl)
- bvd(upper[0], lower[1], correl)
- bvd(lower[0], upper[1], correl)
+ bvd(upper[0], upper[1], correl))
elif (infin[0] == 2 and infin[1] == 1):
return bvd(lower[0], lower[1], correl) - bvd(upper[0], lower[1], correl)
elif (infin[0] == 1 and infin[1] == 2) :
return bvd(lower[0], lower[1], correl) - bvd(lower[0], upper[1], correl)
elif (infin[0] == 2 and infin[1] == 0) :
return bvd(-upper[0], -upper[1], correl) - bvd(-lower[0], -upper[1], correl)
elif (infin[0] == 0 and infin[1] == 2):
return bvd(-upper[0], -upper[1], correl) - bvd(-upper[0], -lower[1], correl)
elif (infin[0] == 1 and infin[1] == 0) :
- bvd(upper[0], lower[1], correl)
- bvd(lower[0], upper[1], correl)
+ bvd(upper[0], upper[1], correl))
elif (infin[0] == 2 and infin[1] == 1):
return (bvd(lower[0], lower[1], correl) -
bvd(upper[0], lower[1], correl))
elif (infin[0] == 1 and infin[1] == 2):
return (bvd(lower[0], lower[1], correl) -
bvd(lower[0], upper[1], correl))
elif (infin[0] == 2 and infin[1] == 0):
return (bvd(-upper[0], -upper[1], correl) -
bvd(-lower[0], -upper[1], correl))
elif (infin[0] == 0 and infin[1] == 2):
return (bvd(-upper[0], -upper[1], correl) -
bvd(-upper[0], -lower[1], correl))
elif (infin[0] == 1 and infin[1] == 0):
return bvd(lower[0], -upper[1], -correl)
elif (infin[0] == 0 and infin[1] == 1) :
elif (infin[0] == 0 and infin[1] == 1):
return bvd(-upper[0], lower[1], -correl)
elif (infin[0] == 1 and infin[1] == 1):
elif (infin[0] == 1 and infin[1] == 1):
return bvd(lower[0], lower[1], correl)
elif (infin[0] == 0 and infin[1] == 0) :
elif (infin[0] == 0 and infin[1] == 0):
return bvd(-upper[0], -upper[1], correl)
return 1
def bvd(lo, up, r):
return cdfnorm2d(-lo, -up, r)
def test_docstrings():
import doctest
if __name__ == '__main__':
#if __name__ == '__main__':
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# if False: #True: #
# test_rind()
# else: