@ -17,16 +17,14 @@ import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
from scipy import interpolate, linalg, special
from numpy import pi, sqrt, atleast_2d, exp, meshgrid
from numpy import sqrt, atleast_2d, meshgrid
from numpy.fft import fftn, ifftn
from wafo.misc import nextpow2
from wafo.containers import PlotData
from wafo.dctpack import dctn, idctn # , dstn, idstn
from wafo.plotbackend import plotbackend as plt
from wafo.testing import test_docstrings
from wafo.kdetools.kernels import iqrange, qlevels, Kernel
from wafo.kdetools.gridding import gridcount
import time
from wafo import fig
@ -36,6 +34,11 @@ except ImportError:
__all__ = ['TKDE', 'KDE', 'kde_demo1', 'kde_demo2', 'test_docstrings',
'KRegression', 'BKRegression']
_TINY = np.finfo(float).machar.tiny
# _REALMIN = np.finfo(float).machar.xmin
_REALMAX = np.finfo(float).machar.xmax
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
def _assert(cond, msg):
if not cond:
@ -51,6 +54,15 @@ def _invnorm(q):
return special.ndtri(q)
def _logit(p):
pc = p.clip(min=0, max=1)
return (np.log(pc) - np.log1p(-pc)).clip(min=-40, max=40)
# def _logitinv(x):
# return 1.0 / (np.exp(-x) + 1)
class _KDE(object):
def __init__(self, data, kernel=None, xmin=None, xmax=None):
@ -337,9 +349,9 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
self.L2 = L2
super(TKDE, self).__init__(data, kernel, xmin, xmax)
tdataset = self._dat2gaus(self.dataset)
txmin = np.ravel(self._dat2gaus(np.reshape(self.xmin, (-1, 1))))
txmax = np.ravel(self._dat2gaus(np.reshape(self.xmax, (-1, 1))))
tdataset = self._transform(self.dataset)
txmin = np.ravel(self._transform(np.reshape(self.xmin, (-1, 1))))
txmax = np.ravel(self._transform(np.reshape(self.xmax, (-1, 1))))
self.tkde = KDE(tdataset, hs, self.kernel, alpha, txmin, txmax, inc)
def _check_xmin(self, xmin):
@ -365,11 +377,10 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
def hs(self, hs):
self.tkde.hs = hs
def _dat2gaus(self, points):
def _transform(self, points):
if self.L2 is None:
return points # default no transformation
# default no transformation
L2 = np.atleast_1d(self.L2) * np.ones(self.d)
tpoints = copy.copy(points)
@ -377,11 +388,10 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
tpoints[i] = np.log(points[i]) if v2 == 0 else points[i] ** v2
return tpoints
def _gaus2dat(self, tpoints):
def _inverse_transform(self, tpoints):
if self.L2 is None:
return tpoints # default no transformation
# default no transformation
L2 = np.atleast_1d(self.L2) * np.ones(self.d)
points = copy.copy(tpoints)
@ -442,7 +452,7 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
def _get_targs(self, args):
targs = []
if len(args):
targs0 = self._dat2gaus(list(args))
targs0 = self._transform(list(args))
xmin = [min(t) for t in targs0]
xmax = [max(t) for t in targs0]
targs = self.tkde.get_args(xmin, xmax)
@ -456,7 +466,7 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
targs = self._get_targs(args)
tf = self.tkde.eval_grid_fast(*targs)
self.args = self._gaus2dat(list(self.tkde.args))
self.args = self._inverse_transform(list(self.tkde.args))
points = meshgrid(*self.args)
f = self._scale_pdf(tf, points)
if len(args):
@ -466,7 +476,7 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
def _eval_grid(self, *args, **kwds):
if self.L2 is None:
return self.tkde.eval_grid(*args, **kwds)
targs = self._dat2gaus(list(args))
targs = self._transform(list(args))
tf = self.tkde.eval_grid(*targs, **kwds)
points = meshgrid(*args)
f = self._scale_pdf(tf, points)
@ -495,7 +505,7 @@ class TKDE(_KDE):
if self.L2 is None:
return self.tkde.eval_points(points)
tpoints = self._dat2gaus(points)
tpoints = self._transform(points)
tf = self.tkde.eval_points(tpoints)
f = self._scale_pdf(tf, points)
return f
@ -939,8 +949,6 @@ class BKRegression(object):
self.kreg = KRegression(*args, **kwds)
# defines bin width (i.e. smoothing) in empirical estimate
self.hs_e = None
# self.x = self.kreg.tkde.dataset
# self.y = self.kreg.y
def _set_smoothing(self, hs):
self.kreg.tkde.hs = hs
@ -1380,20 +1388,6 @@ def kreg_demo1(hs=None, fast=False, fun='hisj'):
_TINY = np.finfo(float).machar.tiny
_REALMIN = np.finfo(float).machar.xmin
_REALMAX = np.finfo(float).machar.xmax
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
def _logit(p):
pc = p.clip(min=0, max=1)
return (np.log(pc) - np.log1p(-pc)).clip(min=-40, max=40)
def _logitinv(x):
return 1.0 / (np.exp(-x) + 1)
def _get_data(n=100, symmetric=False, loc1=1.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=1.0):
st = scipy.stats
@ -1421,322 +1415,6 @@ def _get_data(n=100, symmetric=False, loc1=1.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=1.0):
return x, y, fun1
def kreg_demo2(n=100, hs=None, symmetric=False, fun='hisj', plotlog=False):
x, y, fun1 = _get_data(n, symmetric)
kreg_demo3(x, y, fun1, hs=None, fun='hisj', plotlog=False)
def kreg_demo3(x, y, fun1, hs=None, fun='hisj', plotlog=False):
st = scipy.stats
alpha = 0.1
z0 = -_invnorm(alpha / 2)
n = x.size
hopt, hs1, hs2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun='hos')
if hs is None:
hs = hopt
forward = _logit
reverse = _logitinv
# forward = np.log
# reverse = np.exp
xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
ni = max(2 * int((xmax - xmin) / hopt) + 3, 5)
print(xmin, xmax)
sml = hopt * 0.1
xi = np.linspace(xmin - sml, xmax + sml, ni)
xiii = np.linspace(xmin - sml, xmax + sml, 4 * ni + 1)
c = gridcount(x, xi)
if (y == 1).any():
c0 = gridcount(x[y == 1], xi)
c0 = np.zeros(np.shape(xi))
yi = np.where(c == 0, 0, c0 / c)
kreg = KRegression(x, y, hs=hs, p=0)
fiii = kreg(xiii)
yiii = interpolate.interp1d(xi, yi)(xiii)
fit = fun1(xiii).clip(max=1.0)
df = np.diff(fiii)
eerr = np.abs((yiii - fiii)).std() + 0.5 * (df[:-1] * df[1:] < 0).sum() / n
err = (fiii - fit).std()
msg = '{0} err={1:1.3f},eerr={2:1.3f}, n={3:d}, hs={4:}, hs1={5:}, '\
title = (msg.format(fun, err, eerr, n, hs, hs1, hs2))
f = kreg(xiii, output='plotobj', title=title, plotflag=1)
# yi[yi==0] = 1.0/(c[c!=0].min()+4)
# yi[yi==1] = 1-1.0/(c[c!=0].min()+4)
# yi[yi==0] = fi[yi==0]
# yi[yi==0] = np.exp(stineman_interp(xi[yi==0], xi[yi>0],np.log(yi[yi>0])))
# yi[yi==0] = fun1(xi[yi==0])
yi[yi == 0] = yi[yi > 0].min() / sqrt(n)
yi[yi == 0] = 1. / n
yi[yi == 1] = 1 - (1 - yi[yi < 1].max()) / sqrt(n)
logity = forward(yi)
gkreg = KRegression(xi, logity, hs=hs, xmin=xmin - hopt, xmax=xmax + hopt)
fg = gkreg.eval_grid(
xi, output='plotobj', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
sa = (fg.data - logity).std()
sa2 = iqrange(fg.data - logity) / 1.349
# print('sa=%g %g' % (sa, sa2))
sa = min(sa, sa2)
# plt.figure(1)
# plt.plot(xi, slogity-logity,'r.')
# plt.plot(xi, logity-,'b.')
# plt.plot(xi, fg.data-logity, 'b.')
# plt.show()
# return
fg = gkreg.eval_grid(
xiii, output='plotobj', title='Kernel regression', plotflag=1)
pi = reverse(fg.data)
dx = xi[1] - xi[0]
ckreg = KDE(x, hs=hs)
# ci = ckreg.eval_grid_fast(xi)*n*dx
ciii = ckreg.eval_grid_fast(xiii) * dx * x.size # n*(1+symmetric)
# sa1 = np.sqrt(1./(ciii*pi*(1-pi)))
# plo3 = reverse(fg.data-z0*sa)
# pup3 = reverse(fg.data+z0*sa)
fg.data = pi
pi = f.data
# ref Casella and Berger (1990) "Statistical inference" pp444
# a = 2*pi + z0**2/(ciii+1e-16)
# b = 2*(1+z0**2/(ciii+1e-16))
# plo2 = ((a-sqrt(a**2-2*pi**2*b))/b).clip(min=0,max=1)
# pup2 = ((a+sqrt(a**2-2*pi**2*b))/b).clip(min=0,max=1)
# Jeffreys intervall a=b=0.5
# st.beta.isf(alpha/2, x+a, n-x+b)
ab = 0.07 # 0.055
pi1 = pi # fun1(xiii)
pup2 = np.where(pi == 1,
st.beta.isf(alpha / 2,
ciii * pi1 + ab,
ciii * (1 - pi1) + ab))
plo2 = np.where(pi == 0,
st.beta.isf(1 - alpha / 2,
ciii * pi1 + ab,
ciii * (1 - pi1) + ab))
averr = np.trapz(pup2 - plo2, xiii) / \
(xiii[-1] - xiii[0]) + 0.5 * (df[:-1] * df[1:] < 0).sum()
# f2 = kreg_demo4(x, y, hs, hopt)
# Wilson score
den = 1 + (z0 ** 2. / ciii)
xc = (pi1 + (z0 ** 2) / (2 * ciii)) / den
halfwidth = (z0 * sqrt((pi1 * (1 - pi1) / ciii) +
(z0 ** 2 / (4 * (ciii ** 2))))) / den
plo = (xc - halfwidth).clip(min=0) # wilson score
pup = (xc + halfwidth).clip(max=1.0) # wilson score
# pup = (pi + z0*np.sqrt(pi*(1-pi)/ciii)).clip(min=0,max=1) # dont use
# plo = (pi - z0*np.sqrt(pi*(1-pi)/ciii)).clip(min=0,max=1)
# mi = kreg.eval_grid(x)
# sigma = (stineman_interp(x, xiii, pup)-stineman_interp(x, xiii, plo))/4
# aic = np.abs((y-mi)/sigma).std()+ 0.5*(df[:-1]*df[1:]<0).sum()/n
# aic = np.abs((yiii-fiii)/(pup-plo)).std() + \
# 0.5*(df[:-1]*df[1:]<0).sum() + \
# ((yiii-pup).clip(min=0)-(yiii-plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
k = (df[:-1] * df[1:] < 0).sum() # numpeaks
sigmai = (pup - plo)
aic = (((yiii - fiii) / sigmai) ** 2).sum() + \
2 * k * (k + 1) / np.maximum(ni - k + 1, 1) + \
np.abs((yiii - pup).clip(min=0) - (yiii - plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
# aic = (((yiii-fiii)/sigmai)**2).sum()+ 2*k*(k+1)/(ni-k+1) + \
# np.abs((yiii-pup).clip(min=0)-(yiii-plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
# aic = averr + ((yiii-pup).clip(min=0)-(yiii-plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
fg.plot(label='KReg grid aic={:2.3f}'.format(aic))
f.plot(label='KReg averr={:2.3f} '.format(averr))
labtxt = '%d CI' % (int(100 * (1 - alpha)))
plt.fill_between(xiii, pup, plo, alpha=0.20,
color='r', linestyle='--', label=labtxt)
plt.fill_between(xiii, pup2, plo2, alpha=0.20, color='b', linestyle=':',
label='{:d} CI2'.format(int(100 * (1 - alpha))))
plt.plot(xiii, fun1(xiii), 'r', label='True model')
plt.scatter(xi, yi, label='data')
print('maxp = {}'.format(np.nanmax(f.data)))
print('hs = {}'.format(kreg.tkde.tkde.hs))
h = plt.gca()
if plotlog:
plt.setp(h, yscale='log')
# plt.show()
return hs1, hs2
def kreg_demo4(x, y, hs, hopt, alpha=0.05):
st = scipy.stats
n = x.size
xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
ni = max(2 * int((xmax - xmin) / hopt) + 3, 5)
sml = hopt * 0.1
xi = np.linspace(xmin - sml, xmax + sml, ni)
xiii = np.linspace(xmin - sml, xmax + sml, 4 * ni + 1)
kreg = KRegression(x, y, hs=hs, p=0)
dx = xi[1] - xi[0]
ciii = kreg.tkde.eval_grid_fast(xiii) * dx * x.size
# ckreg = KDE(x,hs=hs)
# ciiii = ckreg.eval_grid_fast(xiii)*dx* x.size #n*(1+symmetric)
f = kreg(xiii, output='plotobj') # , plot_kwds=dict(plotflag=7))
pi = f.data
# Jeffreys intervall a=b=0.5
# st.beta.isf(alpha/2, x+a, n-x+b)
ab = 0.07 # 0.5
pi1 = pi
pup = np.where(pi1 == 1, 1, st.beta.isf(
alpha / 2, ciii * pi1 + ab, ciii * (1 - pi1) + ab))
plo = np.where(pi1 == 0, 0, st.beta.isf(
1 - alpha / 2, ciii * pi1 + ab, ciii * (1 - pi1) + ab))
# Wilson score
# z0 = -_invnorm(alpha/2)
# den = 1+(z0**2./ciii);
# xc=(pi1+(z0**2)/(2*ciii))/den;
# halfwidth=(z0*sqrt((pi1*(1-pi1)/ciii)+(z0**2/(4*(ciii**2)))))/den
# plo2 = (xc-halfwidth).clip(min=0) # wilson score
# pup2 = (xc+halfwidth).clip(max=1.0) # wilson score
# f.dataCI = np.vstack((plo,pup)).T
f.prediction_error_avg = np.trapz(pup - plo, xiii) / (xiii[-1] - xiii[0])
fiii = f.data
c = gridcount(x, xi)
if (y == 1).any():
c0 = gridcount(x[y == 1], xi)
c0 = np.zeros(np.shape(xi))
yi = np.where(c == 0, 0, c0 / c)
f.children = [PlotData([plo, pup], xiii, plotmethod='fill_between',
plot_kwds=dict(alpha=0.2, color='r')),
PlotData(yi, xi, plotmethod='scatter',
plot_kwds=dict(color='r', s=5))]
yiii = interpolate.interp1d(xi, yi)(xiii)
df = np.diff(fiii)
k = (df[:-1] * df[1:] < 0).sum() # numpeaks
sigmai = (pup - plo)
aicc = (((yiii - fiii) / sigmai) ** 2).sum() + \
2 * k * (k + 1) / np.maximum(ni - k + 1, 1) + \
np.abs((yiii - pup).clip(min=0) - (yiii - plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
f.aicc = aicc
f.labels.title = ('perr={:1.3f},aicc={:1.3f}, n={:d}, '
'hs={:1.3f}'.format(f.prediction_error_avg, aicc, n, hs))
return f
def check_kreg_demo3():
k = 0
for n in [50, 100, 300, 600, 4000]:
x, y, fun1 = _get_data(
n, symmetric=True, loc1=1.0, scale1=0.6, scale2=1.25)
k0 = k
for fun in ['hisj', ]:
hsmax, _hs1, _hs2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun=fun)
for hi in np.linspace(hsmax * 0.25, hsmax, 9):
k += 1
unused = kreg_demo3(x, y, fun1, hs=hi, fun=fun, plotlog=False)
# kreg_demo2(n=n,symmetric=True,fun='hste', plotlog=False)
# fig.tile(range(k0, k))
def check_kreg_demo4():
# test_docstrings()
# kde_demo2()
# kreg_demo1(fast=True)
# kde_gauss_demo()
# kreg_demo2(n=120,symmetric=True,fun='hste', plotlog=True)
k = 0
for _i, n in enumerate([100, 300, 600, 4000]):
x, y, fun1 = _get_data(
n, symmetric=True, loc1=0.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=0.75)
# k0 = k
hopt1, _h1, _h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun='hos')
hopt2, _h1, _h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun='hste')
hopt = sqrt(hopt1 * hopt2)
# hopt = _get_regression_smooting(x,y,fun='hos')[0]
for _j, fun in enumerate(['hste']): # , 'hisj', 'hns', 'hstt'
hsmax, _hs1, _hs2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun=fun)
fmax = kreg_demo4(x, y, hsmax + 0.1, hopt)
for hi in np.linspace(hsmax * 0.1, hsmax, 55):
f = kreg_demo4(x, y, hi, hopt)
if f.aicc <= fmax.aicc:
fmax = f
k += 1
plt.plot(x, fun1(x), 'r')
# kreg_demo2(n=n,symmetric=True,fun='hste', plotlog=False)
fig.tile(range(0, k))
def check_regression_bin():
# test_docstrings()
# kde_demo2()
# kreg_demo1(fast=True)
# kde_gauss_demo()
# kreg_demo2(n=120,symmetric=True,fun='hste', plotlog=True)
k = 0
for _i, n in enumerate([100, 300, 600, 4000]):
x, y, fun1 = _get_data(
n, symmetric=True, loc1=0.1, scale1=0.6, scale2=0.75)
fbest = regressionbin(x, y, alpha=0.05, color='g', label='Transit_D')
figk = plt.figure(k)
ax = figk.gca()
k += 1
fbest.labels.title = 'N = {:d}'.format(n)
ax.plot(x, fun1(x), 'r')
ax.legend(frameon=False, markerscale=4)
# ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks() * 100.0)
fig.tile(range(0, k))
def check_bkregression():
k = 0
@ -1767,172 +1445,11 @@ def check_bkregression():
def _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun='hste'):
hs1 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(x)
# hx = np.median(np.abs(x-np.median(x)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
if (y == 1).any():
hs2 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(x[y == 1])
# hy = np.median(np.abs(y-np.mean(y)))/0.6745*(4.0/(3*n))**0.2
hs2 = 4 * hs1
# hy = 4*hx
# hy2 = Kernel('gauss', fun=fun).get_smoothing(y)
# kernel = Kernel('gauss',fun=fun)
# hopt = (hs1+2*hs2)/3
# hopt = (hs1+4*hs2)/5 #kernel.get_smoothing(x)
# hopt = hs2
hopt = sqrt(hs1 * hs2)
return hopt, hs1, hs2
def empirical_bin_prb(x, y, hopt, color='r'):
"""Returns empirical binomial probabiltity.
x : ndarray
position ve
y : ndarray
binomial response variable (zeros and ones)
P(x) : PlotData object
empirical probability
xmin, xmax = x.min(), x.max()
ni = max(2 * int((xmax - xmin) / hopt) + 3, 5)
sml = hopt # *0.1
xi = np.linspace(xmin - sml, xmax + sml, ni)
c = gridcount(x, xi)
if (y == 1).any():
c0 = gridcount(x[y == 1], xi)
c0 = np.zeros(np.shape(xi))
yi = np.where(c == 0, 0, c0 / c)
return PlotData(yi, xi, plotmethod='scatter',
plot_kwds=dict(color=color, s=5))
def smoothed_bin_prb(x, y, hs, hopt, alpha=0.05, color='r', label='',
hs : smoothing parameter
hopt : spacing in empirical_bin_prb
alpha : confidence level
color : color of plot object
bin_prb : PlotData object with empirical bin prb
if bin_prb is None:
bin_prb = empirical_bin_prb(x, y, hopt, color)
xi = bin_prb.args
yi = bin_prb.data
ni = len(xi)
dxi = xi[1] - xi[0]
n = x.size
xiii = np.linspace(xi[0], xi[-1], 10 * ni + 1)
kreg = KRegression(x, y, hs=hs, p=0)
# expected number of data in each bin
ciii = kreg.tkde.eval_grid_fast(xiii) * dxi * n
f = kreg(xiii, output='plotobj') # , plot_kwds=dict(plotflag=7))
pi = f.data
st = scipy.stats
# Jeffreys intervall a=b=0.5
# st.beta.isf(alpha/2, x+a, n-x+b)
ab = 0.07 # 0.5
pi1 = pi
pup = np.where(pi1 == 1, 1, st.beta.isf(
alpha / 2, ciii * pi1 + ab, ciii * (1 - pi1) + ab))
plo = np.where(pi1 == 0, 0, st.beta.isf(
1 - alpha / 2, ciii * pi1 + ab, ciii * (1 - pi1) + ab))
# Wilson score
# z0 = -_invnorm(alpha/2)
# den = 1+(z0**2./ciii);
# xc=(pi1+(z0**2)/(2*ciii))/den;
# halfwidth=(z0*sqrt((pi1*(1-pi1)/ciii)+(z0**2/(4*(ciii**2)))))/den
# plo2 = (xc-halfwidth).clip(min=0) # wilson score
# pup2 = (xc+halfwidth).clip(max=1.0) # wilson score
# f.dataCI = np.vstack((plo,pup)).T
f.prediction_error_avg = np.trapz(pup - plo, xiii) / (xiii[-1] - xiii[0])
fiii = f.data
f.plot_kwds['color'] = color
f.plot_kwds['linewidth'] = 2
if label:
f.plot_kwds['label'] = label
f.children = [PlotData([plo, pup], xiii, plotmethod='fill_between',
plot_kwds=dict(alpha=0.2, color=color)),
yiii = interpolate.interp1d(xi, yi)(xiii)
df = np.diff(fiii)
k = (df[:-1] * df[1:] < 0).sum() # numpeaks
sigmai = (pup - plo)
aicc = (((yiii - fiii) / sigmai) ** 2).sum() + \
2 * k * (k + 1) / np.maximum(ni - k + 1, 1) + \
np.abs((yiii - pup).clip(min=0) - (yiii - plo).clip(max=0)).sum()
f.aicc = aicc
f.fun = kreg
ttl = "perr={0:1.3f}, aicc={1:1.3f}, n={2:d}, hs={3}"
f.labels.title = ttl.format(f.prediction_error_avg, aicc, n, hs)
return f
def regressionbin(x, y, alpha=0.05, color='r', label=''):
"""Return kernel regression estimate for binomial data.
x : arraylike
y : arraylike
of 0 and 1
hopt1, _h1, _h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun='hos')
hopt2, _h1, _h2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun='hste')
hopt = sqrt(hopt1 * hopt2)
fbest = smoothed_bin_prb(x, y, hopt2 + 0.1, hopt, alpha, color, label)
bin_prb = fbest.children[-1]
for fun in ['hste']: # , 'hisj', 'hns', 'hstt'
hsmax, _hs1, _hs2 = _get_regression_smooting(x, y, fun=fun)
for hi in np.linspace(hsmax * 0.1, hsmax, 55):
f = smoothed_bin_prb(x, y, hi, hopt, alpha, color, label, bin_prb)
if f.aicc <= fbest.aicc:
fbest = f
# hbest = hi
return fbest
if __name__ == '__main__':
if False:
if True:
# kde_demo5()
# check_bkregression()
# check_regression_bin()
# check_kreg_demo4()
# kreg_demo1(fast=True)
# kreg_demo2(n=120,symmetric=True,fun='hste', plotlog=True)