@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
from itertools import product
#from misc import tranproc, trangood
from misc import tranproc #, trangood
from numpy import pi, sqrt, atleast_2d, exp, newaxis, array #@UnresolvedImport
from scipy import interpolate, linalg
from scipy.special import gamma
@ -189,6 +189,10 @@ class _KDE(object):
if self.d == 1:
args = args[0]
elif self.d > 1:
PL = np.r_[10:90:20, 95, 99, 99.9]
ql = qlevels(f,p=PL)
kwds2.setdefault('levels', ql)
return WafoData(f, args, **kwds2)
def _check_shape(self, points):
@ -541,6 +545,11 @@ class KDE(_KDE):
>>> np.interp(x, kde0.args[0], f)
array([ 0.21227584, 0.41256459, 0.5495661 , 0.5176579 , 0.38431616,
0.2591162 , 0.15978948, 0.07889179, 0.02769818, 0.00791829])
>>> f1 = kde0.eval_grid_fast(output='plot')
>>> np.interp(x, f1.args, f1.data)
array([ 0.21227584, 0.41256459, 0.5495661 , 0.5176579 , 0.38431616,
0.2591162 , 0.15978948, 0.07889179, 0.02769818, 0.00791829])
>>> h = f1.plot()
import pylab as plb
h1 = plb.plot(x, f) # 1D probability density plot
@ -787,14 +796,13 @@ class _KernelGaussian(_Kernel):
return p4val
out = [p4val]
pn = p4
for ix in range(numout - 1):
for unusedix in range(numout - 1):
pnp1 = np.polyadd(-np.r_[pn, 0], np.polyder(pn))
pnp2 = np.polyadd(-np.r_[pnp1, 0], np.polyder(pnp1))
out.append(np.polyval(pnp2, t) * phi0)
pn = pnp2
return out
mkernel_gaussian = _KernelGaussian(r=4.0, stats=_stats_gaus)
#def mkernel_gaussian(X):
@ -861,8 +869,18 @@ class Kernel(object):
... 1.09547561, 1.01671133, 0.73211143, 0.61891719, 0.75903487,
... 1.8919469 , 0.72433808, 1.92973094, 0.44749838, 1.36508452])
>>> Kernel('gaussian').stats()
>>> gauss = Kernel('gaussian')
>>> gauss.stats()
(1, 0.28209479177387814, 0.21157109383040862)
>>> gauss.hscv(data)
array([ 0.21555043])
>>> gauss.hstt(data)
array([ 0.15165387])
>>> gauss.hste(data)
array([ 0.18942238])
>>> gauss.hldpi(data)
array([ 0.1718688])
>>> Kernel('laplace').stats()
(2, 0.25, inf)
@ -878,6 +896,8 @@ class Kernel(object):
array([ 0.88265652])
>>> triweight.hste(data)
array([ 0.56570278])
>>> triweight.hscv(data)
array([ 0.64193201])
See also
@ -978,14 +998,14 @@ class Kernel(object):
n = A.shape[1]
# R= int(mkernel(x)^2), mu2= int(x^2*mkernel(x))
mu2, R, Rdd = self.stats()
mu2, R, unusedRdd = self.stats()
AMISEconstant = (8 * sqrt(pi) * R / (3 * mu2 ** 2 * n)) ** (1. / 5)
iqr = iqrange(A, axis=1) # interquartile range
stdA = np.std(A, axis=1, ddof=1)
# % use of interquartile range guards against outliers.
# % the use of interquartile range is better if
# % the distribution is skew or have heavy tails
# % This lessen the chance of oversmoothing.
# use of interquartile range guards against outliers.
# the use of interquartile range is better if
# the distribution is skew or have heavy tails
# This lessen the chance of oversmoothing.
return np.where(iqr > 0, np.minimum(stdA, iqr / 1.349), stdA) * AMISEconstant
def hos(self, data):
@ -1128,7 +1148,7 @@ class Kernel(object):
d, n = A.shape
# R= int(mkernel(x)^2), mu2= int(x^2*mkernel(x))
mu2, R, Rdd = self.stats()
mu2, R, unusedRdd = self.stats()
AMISEconstant = (8 * sqrt(pi) * R / (3 * mu2 ** 2 * n)) ** (1. / 5)
STEconstant = R / (mu2 ** (2) * n)
@ -1151,7 +1171,7 @@ class Kernel(object):
bx1 = amax + arange / 8.0
kernel2 = Kernel('gauss')
mu2, R, Rdd = kernel2.stats()
mu2, R, unusedRdd = kernel2.stats()
STEconstant2 = R / (mu2 ** (2) * n)
fft = np.fft.fft
ifft = np.fft.ifft
@ -1166,7 +1186,6 @@ class Kernel(object):
c = gridcount(A[dim], xa)
# Step 1
psi6NS = -15 / (16 * sqrt(pi) * s ** 7)
psi8NS = 105 / (32 * sqrt(pi) * s ** 9)
@ -1221,6 +1240,342 @@ class Kernel(object):
h[dim] = h1
#end % for dim loop
return h
def hstt(self, data, h0=None, inc=128, maxit=100, releps=0.01, abseps=0.0):
'''HSTT Scott-Tapia-Thompson estimate of smoothing parameter.
CALL: hs = hstt(data,kernel)
hs = one dimensional value for smoothing parameter
given the data and kernel. size 1 x D
data = data matrix, size N x D (D = # dimensions )
kernel = 'epanechnikov' - Epanechnikov kernel. (default)
'biweight' - Bi-weight kernel.
'triweight' - Tri-weight kernel.
'triangular' - Triangular kernel.
'gaussian' - Gaussian kernel
'rectangular' - Rectangular kernel.
'laplace' - Laplace kernel.
'logistic' - Logistic kernel.
HSTT returns Scott-Tapia-Thompson (STT) estimate of smoothing
parameter. This is a Solve-The-Equation rule (STE).
Simulation studies shows that the STT estimate of HS
is a good choice under a variety of models. A comparison with
likelihood cross-validation (LCV) indicates that LCV performs slightly
better for short tailed densities.
However, STT method in contrast to LCV is insensitive to outliers.
x = rndnorm(0,1,50,1);
hs = hstt(x,'gauss');
See also hste, hbcv, hboot, hos, hldpi, hlscv, hscv, kde, kdebin
B. W. Silverman (1986)
'Density estimation for statistics and data analysis'
Chapman and Hall, pp 57--61
A = np.atleast_2d(data)
d, n = A.shape
# R= int(mkernel(x)^2), mu2= int(x^2*mkernel(x))
mu2, R, unusedRdd = self.stats()
AMISEconstant = (8 * sqrt(pi) * R / (3 * mu2 ** 2 * n)) ** (1. / 5)
STEconstant = R / (mu2 ** (2) * n)
sigmaA = self.hns(A) / AMISEconstant
if h0 is None:
h0 = sigmaA * AMISEconstant
h = np.asarray(h0, dtype=float)
nfft = inc * 2
amin = A.min(axis=1) # Find the minimum value of A.
amax = A.max(axis=1) #Find the maximum value of A.
arange = amax - amin # Find the range of A.
#% xa holds the x 'axis' vector, defining a grid of x values where
#% the k.d. function will be evaluated.
ax1 = amin - arange / 8.0
bx1 = amax + arange / 8.0
fft = np.fft.fft
ifft = np.fft.ifft
for dim in range(d):
s = sigmaA[dim]
datan = A[dim] / s
ax = ax1[dim] / s
bx = bx1[dim] / s
xa = np.linspace(ax, bx, inc)
xn = np.linspace(0, bx - ax, inc)
c = gridcount(datan, xa)
count = 1
h_old = 0
h1 = h[dim] / s
delta = (bx - ax) / (inc - 1)
while ((abs(h_old - h1) > max(releps * h1, abseps)) and (count < maxit)):
count += 1
h_old = h1
kw4 = self.kernel(xn / h1) / (n * h1 * self.norm_factor(d=1))
kw = np.r_[kw4, 0, kw4[-1:0:-1]] # Apply 'fftshift' to kw.
f = np.real(ifft(fft(c, nfft) * fft(kw))) # convolution.
# Estimate psi4=R(f'') using simple finite differences and quadrature.
ix = np.arange(1, inc - 1)
z = ((f[ix + 1] - 2 * f[ix] + f[ix - 1]) / delta ** 2) ** 2
psi4 = delta * z.sum()
h1 = (STEconstant / psi4) ** (1 / 5);
if count >= maxit:
warnings.warn('The obtained value did not converge.')
h[dim] = h1 * s
#end % for dim loop
return h
def hscv(self, data, hvec=None, inc=128, maxit=100):
HSCV Smoothed cross-validation estimate of smoothing parameter.
CALL: [hs,hvec,score] = hscv(data,kernel,hvec);
hs = smoothing parameter
hvec = vector defining possible values of hs
(default linspace(0.25*h0,h0,100), h0=0.62)
score = score vector
data = data vector
kernel = 'gaussian' - Gaussian kernel the only supported
Note that only the first 4 letters of the kernel name is needed.
data = rndnorm(0,1,20,1)
[hs hvec score] = hscv(data,'epan');
See also hste, hbcv, hboot, hos, hldpi, hlscv, hstt, kde, kdefun
Wand,M.P. and Jones, M.C. (1986)
'Kernel smoothing'
Chapman and Hall, pp 75--79
# TODO: Add support for other kernels than Gaussian
A = np.atleast_2d(data)
d, n = A.shape
# R= int(mkernel(x)^2), mu2= int(x^2*mkernel(x))
mu2, R, unusedRdd = self.stats()
AMISEconstant = (8 * sqrt(pi) * R / (3 * mu2 ** 2 * n)) ** (1. / 5)
STEconstant = R / (mu2 ** (2) * n)
sigmaA = self.hns(A) / AMISEconstant
if hvec is None:
H = AMISEconstant / 0.93
hvec = np.linspace(0.25 * H, H, maxit)
hvec = np.asarray(hvec, dtype=float)
steps = len(hvec)
score = np.zeros(steps)
nfft = inc * 2
amin = A.min(axis=1) # Find the minimum value of A.
amax = A.max(axis=1) #Find the maximum value of A.
arange = amax - amin # Find the range of A.
#% xa holds the x 'axis' vector, defining a grid of x values where
#% the k.d. function will be evaluated.
ax1 = amin - arange / 8.0
bx1 = amax + arange / 8.0
kernel2 = Kernel('gauss')
mu2, R, unusedRdd = kernel2.stats()
STEconstant2 = R / (mu2 ** (2) * n)
fft = np.fft.fft
ifft = np.fft.ifft
h = np.zeros(d)
hvec = hvec * (STEconstant2 / STEconstant) ** (1. / 5.)
k40, k60, k80, k100 = kernel2.deriv4_6_8_10(0, numout=4)
psi8 = 105 / (32 * sqrt(pi));
psi12 = 3465. / (512 * sqrt(pi))
g1 = (-2. * k60 / (mu2 * psi8 * n)) ** (1. / 9.)
g2 = (-2. * k100 / (mu2 * psi12 * n)) ** (1. / 13.)
for dim in range(d):
s = sigmaA[dim]
ax = ax1[dim] / s
bx = bx1[dim] / s
datan = A[dim] / s
xa = np.linspace(ax, bx, inc)
xn = np.linspace(0, bx - ax, inc)
c = gridcount(datan, xa)
kw4, kw6 = kernel2.deriv4_6_8_10(xn / g1, numout=2)
kw = np.r_[kw6, 0, kw6[-1:0:-1]]
z = np.real(ifft(fft(c, nfft) * fft(kw)))
psi6 = np.sum(c * z[:inc]) / (n ** 2 * g1 ** 7)
kw4, kw6, kw8, kw10 = kernel2.deriv4_6_8_10(xn / g2, numout=4)
kw = np.r_[kw10, 0, kw10[-1:0:-1]]
z = np.real(ifft(fft(c, nfft) * fft(kw)))
psi10 = np.sum(c * z[:inc]) / (n ** 2 * g2 ** 11)
g3 = (-2. * k40 / (mu2 * psi6 * n)) ** (1. / 7.)
g4 = (-2. * k80 / (mu2 * psi10 * n)) ** (1. / 11.)
kw4 = kernel2.deriv4_6_8_10(xn / g3, numout=1)
kw = np.r_[kw4, 0, kw4[-1:0:-1]]
z = np.real(ifft(fft(c, nfft) * fft(kw)))
psi4 = np.sum(c * z[:inc]) / (n ** 2 * g3 ** 5)
kw4, kw6, kw8 = kernel2.deriv4_6_8_10(xn / g3, numout=3)
kw = np.r_[kw8, 0, kw8[-1:0:-1]]
z = np.real(ifft(fft(c, nfft) * fft(kw)))
psi8 = np.sum(c * z[:inc]) / (n ** 2 * g4 ** 9)
const = (441. / (64 * pi)) ** (1. / 18.) * (4 * pi) ** (-1. / 5.) * psi4 ** (-2. / 5.) * psi8 ** (-1. / 9.)
M = np.atleast_2d(datan)
Y = (M - M.T).ravel()
for i in range(steps):
g = const * n ** (-23. / 45) * hvec[i] ** (-2)
sig1 = sqrt(2 * hvec[i] ** 2 + 2 * g ** 2)
sig2 = sqrt(hvec[i] ** 2 + 2 * g ** 2)
sig3 = sqrt(2 * g ** 2)
term2 = np.sum(kernel2(Y / sig1) / sig1 - 2 * kernel2(Y / sig2) / sig2 + kernel2(Y / sig3) / sig3)
score[i] = 1. / (n * hvec[i] * 2. * sqrt(pi)) + term2 / n ** 2
idx = score.argmin()
# Kernel other than Gaussian scale bandwidth
h[dim] = hvec[idx] * (STEconstant / STEconstant2) ** (1 / 5)
if idx == 0:
warnings.warn('Optimum is probably lower than hs=%g for dim=%d' % (h[dim] * s, dim))
elif idx == maxit - 1:
warnings.warn('Optimum is probably higher than hs=%g for dim=%d' % (h[dim] * s, dim))
hvec = hvec * (STEconstant / STEconstant2) ** (1 / 5)
return h * sigmaA
def hldpi(self, data, L=2, inc=128):
'''HLDPI L-stage Direct Plug-In estimate of smoothing parameter.
CALL: hs = hldpi(data,kernel,L)
hs = one dimensional value for smoothing parameter
given the data and kernel. size 1 x D
data = data matrix, size N x D (D = # dimensions )
kernel = 'epanechnikov' - Epanechnikov kernel.
'biweight' - Bi-weight kernel.
'triweight' - Tri-weight kernel.
'triangluar' - Triangular kernel.
'gaussian' - Gaussian kernel
'rectangular' - Rectanguler kernel.
'laplace' - Laplace kernel.
'logistic' - Logistic kernel.
L = 0,1,2,3,... (default 2)
Note that only the first 4 letters of the kernel name is needed.
x = rndnorm(0,1,50,1);
hs = hldpi(x,'gauss',1);
See also hste, hbcv, hboot, hos, hlscv, hscv, hstt, kde, kdefun
Wand,M.P. and Jones, M.C. (1995)
'Kernel smoothing'
Chapman and Hall, pp 67--74
A = np.atleast_2d(data)
d, n = A.shape
# R= int(mkernel(x)^2), mu2= int(x^2*mkernel(x))
mu2, R, unusedRdd = self.stats()
AMISEconstant = (8 * sqrt(pi) * R / (3 * mu2 ** 2 * n)) ** (1. / 5)
STEconstant = R / (mu2 ** (2) * n)
sigmaA = self.hns(A) / AMISEconstant
nfft = inc * 2
amin = A.min(axis=1) # Find the minimum value of A.
amax = A.max(axis=1) #Find the maximum value of A.
arange = amax - amin # Find the range of A.
#% xa holds the x 'axis' vector, defining a grid of x values where
#% the k.d. function will be evaluated.
ax1 = amin - arange / 8.0
bx1 = amax + arange / 8.0
kernel2 = Kernel('gauss')
mu2, unusedR, unusedRdd = kernel2.stats()
fft = np.fft.fft
ifft = np.fft.ifft
h = np.zeros(d)
for dim in range(d):
s = sigmaA[dim]
datan = A[dim] / s
ax = ax1[dim] / s
bx = bx1[dim] / s
xa = np.linspace(ax, bx, inc)
xn = np.linspace(0, bx - ax, inc)
c = gridcount(datan, xa)
r = 2 * L + 4
rd2 = L + 2
# Eq. 3.7 in Wand and Jones (1995)
PSI_r = (-1) ** (rd2) * np.prod(np.r_[rd2 + 1:r]) / (sqrt(pi) * (2 * s) ** (r + 1));
if L > 0:
# High order derivatives of the Gaussian kernel
Kd = kernel2.deriv4_6_8_10(0, numout=L)
# L-stage iterations to estimate PSI_4
for ix in range(L - 1, -1, -1):
gi = (-2 * Kd[ix] / (mu2 * PSI * n)) ** (1. / (2 * ix + 5))
# Obtain the kernel weights.
KW0 = kernel2.deriv4_6_8_10(xn / gi, numout=ix + 1)
if ix > 0:
KW0 = KW0[-1]
kw = np.r_[KW0, 0, KW0[inc - 1:0:-1]] # Apply 'fftshift' to kw.
# Perform the convolution.
z = np.real(ifft(fft(c, nfft) * fft(kw)))
PSI = np.sum(c * z[:inc]) / (n ** 2 * gi ** (2 * ix + 3))
h[dim] = s * (STEconstant / PSI) ** (1. / 5)
return h
def norm_factor(self, d=1, n=None):
return self.kernel.norm_factor(d, n)
@ -1379,6 +1734,121 @@ def accum(accmap, a, func=None, size=None, fill_value=0, dtype=None):
return out
def qlevels(pdf, p=(10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 95, 99, 99.9), x1=None, x2=None):
'''QLEVELS Calculates quantile levels which encloses P% of PDF
CALL: [ql PL] = qlevels(pdf,PL,x1,x2);
ql = the discrete quantile levels.
pdf = joint point density function matrix or vector
PL = percent level (default [10:20:90 95 99 99.9])
x1,x2 = vectors of the spacing of the variables
(Default unit spacing)
QLEVELS numerically integrates PDF by decreasing height and find the
quantile levels which encloses P% of the distribution. If X1 and
(or) X2 is unspecified it is assumed that dX1 and dX2 is constant.
NB! QLEVELS normalizes the integral of PDF to N/(N+0.001) before
calculating QL in order to reflect the sampling of PDF is finite.
Currently only able to handle 1D and 2D PDF's if dXi is not constant (i=1,2).
>>> import wafo.stats as ws
>>> x = np.linspace(-8,8,2001);
>>> PL = np.r_[10:90:20, 90, 95, 99, 99.9]
>>> qlevels(ws.norm.pdf(x),p=PL, x1=x);
array([ 0.39591707, 0.37058719, 0.31830968, 0.23402133, 0.10362052,
0.05862129, 0.01449505, 0.00178806])
# compared with the exact values
>>> ws.norm.pdf(ws.norm.ppf((100-PL)/200))
array([ 0.39580488, 0.370399 , 0.31777657, 0.23315878, 0.10313564,
0.05844507, 0.01445974, 0.00177719])
See also
qlevels2, tranproc
norm = 1 # normalize cdf to unity
pdf = np.atleast_1d(pdf)
if any(pdf.ravel() < 0):
raise ValueError('This is not a pdf since one or more values of pdf is negative')
fsiz = pdf.shape
fsizmin = min(fsiz)
if fsizmin == 0:
return []
N = np.prod(fsiz);
d = len(fsiz)
if x1 is None or ((x2 is None) and d > 2):
fdfi = pdf.ravel()
if d == 1: # pdf in one dimension
dx22 = np.ones(1)
else: # % pdf in two dimensions
dx2 = np.diff(x2.ravel())*0.5;
dx22 = np.r_[0, dx2] + np.r_[dx2, 0];
dx1 = np.diff(x1.ravel())*0.5
dx11 = np.r_[0 , dx1] + np.r_[dx1, 0]
dx1x2 = dx22[:, None] * dx11
fdfi = (pdf * dx1x2).ravel();
p = np.atleast_1d(p)
if np.any((p < 0) | (100 < p)):
raise ValueError('PL must satisfy 0 <= PL <= 100')
p2 = p / 100.0
ind = np.argsort(pdf.ravel()) # sort by height of pdf
ind = ind[::-1]
fi = pdf[ind]
Fi = np.cumsum(fdfi[ind]) # integration in the order of decreasing height of pdf
if norm: # %normalize Fi to make sure int pdf dx1 dx2 approx 1
Fi = Fi / Fi[-1] * N / (N + 1.5e-8)
maxFi = np.max(Fi)
if maxFi > 1:
warnings.warn('this is not a pdf since cdf>1! normalizing')
Fi = Fi / Fi[-1] * N / (N + 1.5e-8)
elif maxFi < .95:
msg = '''The given pdf is too sparsely sampled since cdf<.95.
Thus QL is questionable'''
ind, = np.where(np.diff(np.r_[Fi, 1]) > 0) # make sure Fi is strictly increasing by not considering duplicate values
ui = tranproc(Fi[ind], fi[ind], p2) # calculating the inverse of Fi to find the index
# to the desired quantile level
#ui=smooth(Fi(ind),fi(ind),1,p2(:),1) % alternative
if np.any(ui >= max(pdf.ravel())):
warnings.warn('The lowest percent level is too close to 0%')
if np.any(ui <= min(pdf.ravel())):
msg = '''The given pdf is too sparsely sampled or
the highest percent level is too close to 100%'''
ui[ui < 0] = 0.0
return ui
def iqrange(data, axis=None):
Returns the Inter Quartile Range of data
@ -1484,7 +1954,7 @@ def gridcount(data, X):
dat = np.atleast_2d(data)
x = np.atleast_2d(X)
d, n = dat.shape
d = dat.shape[0]
d1, inc = x.shape
if d != d1: