Added extra tests for and qtf in spectrum/ Deleted

Per A Brodtkorb 7 years ago
parent 34e8f5a69b
commit 2e3e506767

@ -762,6 +762,7 @@ class CyclePairs(PlotData):
>>> mm = tp.cycle_pairs()
>>> lc = mm.level_crossings()
h = mm.plot(marker='.')
h2 = lc.plot()
@ -959,6 +960,15 @@ class CyclePairs(PlotData):
F = Estimated cycle matrix.
h = Selected bandwidth.
>>> import wafo
>>> ts = wafo.objects.mat2timeseries(
>>> tp = ts.turning_points()
>>> mm = tp.cycle_pairs()
>>> cm = mm.cycle_matrix((-3, 3, 50))
See also
dcc2cmat, cc2dcc, smoothcmat
@ -980,7 +990,7 @@ class CyclePairs(PlotData):
# if method >= 1:
# F, h = smoothcmat(F,method, h, NOsubzero, alpha)
return CycleMatrix(F, u, u)
return CycleMatrix(F, (u, u))
def _dcp2cmat(self, dcp, n):
@ -1065,7 +1075,7 @@ class CyclePairs(PlotData):
if np.any(ix):
cp1[ix], cp2[ix] = cp2[ix], cp1[ix]
return np.asarray(cp1, type=int), np.asarray(cp2, type=int)
return np.asarray(cp1, dtype=int), np.asarray(cp2, dtype=int)
class TurningPoints(PlotData):

@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
Created on 15. des. 2009
@author: pab
# import os
# import sys
# import win32com
# from win32com.client.selecttlb import EnumTlbs
# typelib_mso = None
# typelib_msppt = None
# for typelib in EnumTlbs():
# d = typelib.desc.split(' ')
# if d[0] == 'Microsoft' and d[1] == 'Office' and d[3] == 'Object' \
# and d[4] == 'Library':
# typelib_mso = typelib
# if d[0] == 'Microsoft' and d[1] == 'PowerPoint' and d[3] == 'Object' \
# and d[4] == 'Library':
# typelib_msppt = typelib
# if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): # If we're an .exe file
# win32com.__gen_path__ = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
# # win32com.__gen_path__ = os.environ['TEMP']
# if win32com.client.gencache.is_readonly:
# win32com.client.gencache.is_readonly = False
# win32com.client.gencache.Rebuild()
# MSPPT = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule(typelib_msppt.clsid,
# typelib_msppt.lcid,
# int(typelib_msppt.major),
# int(typelib_msppt.minor))
# MSO = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule(typelib_mso.clsid,
# typelib_mso.lcid,
# int(typelib_mso.major), int(typelib_mso.minor))
from __future__ import absolute_import
from six import iteritems # @UnresolvedImport
import os
import warnings
import win32com.client
from . import MSO
from . import MSPPT
from PIL import Image # @UnresolvedImport
g = globals()
for c in dir(MSO.constants):
g[c] = getattr(MSO.constants, c)
for c in dir(MSPPT.constants):
g[c] = getattr(MSPPT.constants, c)
class Powerpoint(object):
def __init__(self, file_name=''):
self.application = win32com.client.Dispatch("Powerpoint.Application")
# self.application.Visible = True
self._visible = self.application.Visible
if file_name:
self.presentation = self.application.Presentations.Open(file_name)
self.presentation = self.application.Presentations.Add()
self.num_slides = 0
# default picture width and height
self.default_width = 500
self.default_height = 400
self.title_font = 'Arial' # 'Boopee'
self.title_size = 36
self.text_font = 'Arial' # 'Boopee'
self.text_size = 20
self.footer = ''
def set_footer(self):
Set Footer in SlideMaster and NotesMaster
if self.footer:
if self.presentation.HasTitleMaster:
TMHF = self.presentation.TitleMaster.HeadersFooters
TMHF.Footer.Text = self.footer
TMHF.Footer.Visible = True
SMHF = self.presentation.SlideMaster.HeadersFooters
SMHF.Footer.Text = self.footer
SMHF.Footer.Visible = True
SMHF.SlideNumber.Visible = True
NMHF = self.presentation.NotesMaster.HeadersFooters
NMHF.Footer.Text = self.footer
NMHF.SlideNumber.Visible = True
for slide in self.presentation.Slides:
shapes = slide.Shapes
for shape in shapes:
if shape.Name == 'Footer':
footer = shape
footer = shapes.AddTextbox(
msoTextOrientationHorizontal, # @UndefinedVariable
Left=0, Top=510, Width=720, Height=28.875)
footer.Name = 'Footer'
footer.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = self.footer
def add_title_slide(self, title, subtitle=''):
self.num_slides += 1
slide = self.presentation.Slides.Add(
self.num_slides, MSPPT.constants.ppLayoutTitle)
unused_title_id, unused_textbox_id = 1, 2
for id_, title1 in enumerate([title, subtitle]):
titlerange = slide.Shapes(id_ + 1).TextFrame.TextRange
titlerange.Text = title1
titlerange.Font.Name = self.title_font
titlerange.Font.Size = self.title_size - id_ * \
12 if self.title_size > 22 else self.title_size
def add_slide(self, title='', texts='', notes='', image_file='',
maxlevel=None, left=220, width=-1, height=-1):
self.num_slides += 1
slide = self.presentation.Slides.Add(
self.num_slides, MSPPT.constants.ppLayoutText)
self.add2slide(slide, title, texts, notes, image_file, maxlevel, left,
width, height)
return slide
def add2slide(self, slide, title='', texts='', notes='', image_file='',
maxlevel=None, left=220, width=-1, height=-1,
title_id, textbox_id = 1, 2
if title:
titlerange = slide.Shapes(title_id).TextFrame.TextRange
titlerange.Font.Name = self.title_font
titlerange.Text = title
titlerange.Font.Size = self.title_size
if texts != '' and texts != ['']:
# textrange = slide.Shapes(textbox_id).TextFrame.TextRange
self._add_text(slide, textbox_id, texts, maxlevel)
if image_file != '' and image_file != ['']:
if keep_aspect:
im =
t_w, t_h = im.size
if height <= 0 and width <= 0:
if t_w * self.default_height < t_h * self.default_width:
height = self.default_height
width = self.default_width
if height <= 0 and width:
height = t_h * width / t_w
elif height and width <= 0:
width = t_w * height / t_h
slide.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName=image_file, LinkToFile=False,
Left=left, Top=110,
Width=width, Height=height) # 400)
if notes != '' and notes != ['']:
notespage = slide.NotesPage # .Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange
self._add_text(notespage, 2, notes)
return slide
def _add_text(self, page, id, txt, maxlevel=None): # @ReservedAssignment
page.Shapes(id).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = self.text_font
if isinstance(txt, dict):
self._add_text_from_dict(page, id, txt, 1, maxlevel)
elif isinstance(txt, (list, tuple)):
self._add_text_from_list(page, id, txt, maxlevel)
unused_tr = page.Shapes(id).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter(txt)
unused_temp = page.Shapes(id).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter('\r')
page.Shapes(id).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = self.text_size
def _add_text_from_dict(self, page, id, txt_dict, # @ReservedAssignment
level, maxlevel=None):
if maxlevel is None or level <= maxlevel:
for name, subdict in iteritems(txt_dict):
tr = page.Shapes(id).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter(name)
unused_temp = page.Shapes(
tr.IndentLevel = level
page, id, subdict, min(level + 1, 5), maxlevel)
def _add_text_from_list(self, page, id, # @ReservedAssignment
txt_list, maxlevel=None):
for txt in txt_list:
level = 1
while isinstance(txt, (list, tuple)):
txt = txt[0]
level += 1
if maxlevel is None or level <= maxlevel:
tr = page.Shapes(id).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter(txt)
unused_temp = page.Shapes(
tr.IndentLevel = level
def save(self, fullfile=''):
if fullfile:
def quit(self): # @ReservedAssignment
if self._visible:
def quit_only_if_hidden(self):
if not self._visible:
def test_powerpoint():
# Make powerpoint
ppt = Powerpoint()
ppt.footer = 'This is the footer'
ppt.add_title_slide('Title', 'Per A.')
ppt.add_slide(title='alsfkasldk', texts='asdflaf', notes='asdfas')
def make_ppt():
application = win32com.client.Dispatch("Powerpoint.Application")
application.Visible = True
presentation = application.Presentations.Add()
slide1 = presentation.Slides.Add(1, MSPPT.constants.ppLayoutText)
# title = slide1.Shapes.AddTextBox(Type=msoTextOrientationHorizontal,
# Left=50, Top=10, Width=620, Height=70)
# title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'Overskrift'
title_id, textbox_id = 1, 2
slide1.Shapes(title_id).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'Overskrift'
# slide1.Shapes(title_id).TextFrame.Width = 190
unused_tr = slide1.Shapes(textbox_id).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter('\r')
slide1.Shapes(textbox_id).TextFrame.TextRange.IndentLevel = 1
tr = slide1.Shapes(textbox_id).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter('tests')
unused_tr0 = slide1.Shapes(
tr.IndentLevel = 2
tr1 = slide1.Shapes(textbox_id).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter('test3')
tr1.IndentLevel = 3
# slide1.Shapes(textbox_id).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'Test \r test2'
# textbox = slide1.Shapes.AddTextBox(Type=msoTextOrientationHorizontal,
# Left=30, Top=100, Width=190, Height=400)
# textbox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'Test \r test2'
# picbox = slide1.Shapes(picb_id)
filename = r'c:\temp\data1_report1_and_2_Tr120_1.png'
slide1.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName=filename, LinkToFile=False,
Left=220, Top=100, Width=500, Height=420)
slide1.NotesPage.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'test'
# for shape in slide1.Shapes:
# shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'Test \r test2'
# slide1.Shapes.Titles.TextFrames.TestRange.Text
# shape = slide1.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 300, 100, 400, 400)
# shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = 'Test \n test2'
# shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12
# app = wx.PySimpleApp()
# dialog = wx.FileDialog(None, 'Choose image file', defaultDir=os.getcwd(),
# wildcard='*.*',
# style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR | wx.MULTIPLE)
# if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
# files_or_paths = dialog.GetPaths()
# for filename in files_or_paths:
# slide1.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName=filename, LinkToFile=False,
# SaveWithDocument=True,
# Left=100, Top=100, Width=200, Height=200)
# dialog.Destroy()
# presentation.Save()
# application.Quit()
def rename_ppt():
root = r'C:/pab/tsm_opeval/analysis_tsmps_aco_v2008b/plots'
filenames = os.listdir(root)
prefix = 'TSMPSv2008b_'
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.ppt'):
ppt = Powerpoint(os.path.join(root, filename))
ppt.footer = prefix + filename
ppt.set_footer(), ppt.footer))
warnings.warn('Unable to load %s' % filename)
def load_file_into_ppt():
root = r'C:/pab/tsm_opeval/analysis_tsmps_aco_v2008b/plots'
filenames = os.listdir(root)
prefix = 'TSMPSv2008b_'
for filename in filenames:
if filename.startswith(prefix) and filename.endswith('.ppt'):
unused_ppt = Powerpoint(os.path.join(root, filename))
warnings.warn('Unable to load %s' % filename)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# make_ppt()
# test_powerpoint()
# load_file_into_ppt()

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ __all__ = ['SpecData1D', 'SpecData2D', 'plotspec']
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
_TINY = np.finfo(float).tiny
def _set_seed(iseed):
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ def _set_seed(iseed):
def qtf(w, h=inf, g=9.81):
def qtf(w, h=inf, g=9.81, method='winterstein', rtol=1e-7, atol=0):
Return Quadratic Transfer Function
@ -79,69 +80,212 @@ def qtf(w, h=inf, g=9.81):
h_s = sum frequency effects
h_d = difference frequency effects
h_dii = diagonal of h_d
>>> w = np.r_[0.1, 1./3, 2./3, 1]
>>> hs, hd, hdi = qtf(w, h=np.inf, g=9.81)
>>> np.allclose(hs, [[ 0.00050968, 0.00308642, 0.01158115, 0.02573904],
... [ 0.00308642, 0.00566316, 0.01415789, 0.02831578],
... [ 0.01158115, 0.01415789, 0.02265262, 0.03681051],
... [ 0.02573904, 0.02831578, 0.03681051, 0.0509684 ]])
>>> np.allclose(hd, [[-0. , -0.00257674, -0.01107147, -0.02522936],
... [-0.00257674, -0. , -0.00849473, -0.02265262],
... [-0.01107147, -0.00849473, -0. , -0.01415789],
... [-0.02522936, -0.02265262, -0.01415789, -0. ]])
>>> hs2, hd2, hdi2 = qtf(w, h=1e+6, g=9.81, method='winterstein')
>>> np.allclose(hs2, [[0.00050968, 0.00308642, 0.01158115, 0.02573904],
... [0.00308642, 0.00566316, 0.01415789, 0.02831578],
... [0.01158115, 0.01415789, 0.02265262, 0.03681051],
... [0.02573904, 0.02831578, 0.03681051, 0.0509684 ]])
>>> np.allclose(hd2, [[-2.50061328e-07, 1.38729557e-03, 8.18314621e-03, 2.06421189e-02],
... [1.38729557e-03, -2.50005518e-07, 2.83135545e-03, 1.13261230e-02],
... [8.18314621e-03, 2.83135545e-03, -2.50001380e-07, 2.83133750e-03],
... [2.06421189e-02, 1.13261230e-02, 2.83133750e-03, -2.50000613e-07]])
>>> w = np.r_[0, 1e-10, 1e-5, 1e-1]
>>> hs, hd, hdi = qtf(w, h=np.inf, g=9.81)
>>> np.allclose(hs, [[0.00000000e+00, 2.54841998e-22, 2.54841998e-12, 2.54841998e-04],
... [2.54841998e-22, 5.09683996e-22, 2.54841998e-12, 2.54841998e-04],
... [2.54841998e-12, 2.54841998e-12, 5.09683996e-12, 2.54842001e-04],
... [2.54841998e-04, 2.54841998e-04, 2.54842001e-04, 5.09683996e-04]])
>>> np.allclose(hd, [[-0.00000000e+00, -2.54841998e-22, -2.54841998e-12, -2.54841998e-04],
... [-2.54841998e-22, -0.00000000e+00, -2.54841998e-12, -2.54841998e-04],
... [-2.54841998e-12, -2.54841998e-12, -0.00000000e+00, -2.54841995e-04],
... [-2.54841998e-04, -2.54841998e-04, -2.54841995e-04, -0.00000000e+00]])
>>> hs2, hd2, hdi2 = qtf(w, h=1e+100, g=9.81, method='winterstein')
>>> np.allclose(hs2, [[1.50234572e-63, 2.54841998e-22, 2.54841998e-12, 2.54841998e-04],
... [2.54841998e-22, 5.09683996e-22, 2.54841998e-12, 2.54841998e-04],
... [2.54841998e-12, 2.54841998e-12, 5.09683996e-12, 2.54842001e-04],
... [2.54841998e-04, 2.54841998e-04, 2.54842001e-04, 5.09683996e-04]],
... atol=0)
>>> np.allclose(hd2, [[-2.50000000e-101, 2.54841998e-022, 2.54841998e-012, 2.54841998e-004],
... [2.54841998e-022, -2.50000000e-101, 2.54836901e-012, 2.54841997e-004],
... [2.54841998e-012, 2.54836901e-012, -2.50000000e-101, 2.54791032e-004],
... [2.54841998e-004, 2.54841997e-004, 2.54791032e-004, -2.50000000e-101]],
... atol=0)
Langley, RS (1987)
'A statistical analysis of nonlinear random waves'
Ocean Engineering, Vol 14, No 5, pp 389-407
Marthinsen, T. and Winterstein, S.R (1992)
'On the skewness of random surface waves'
In proceedings of the 2nd ISOPE Conference, San Francisco, 14-19 june.
# >>> hs3, hd3, hdi3 = qtf(w, h=200, g=9.81, method='winterstein')
# >>> hs3
# >>> hd3
# >>> np.allclose(hs3, [[ 0. , 0.00283158, 0.01132631, 0.0254842 ],
# ... [ 0.00283158, 0.00566316, 0.01415789, 0.02831578],
# ... [ 0.01132631, 0.01415789, 0.02265262, 0.03681051],
# ... [ 0.0254842 , 0.02831578, 0.03681051, 0.0509684 ]])
# >>> np.allclose(hd3, [[-0. , -0.00283158, -0.01132631, -0.0254842 ],
# ... [-0.00283158, -0. , -0.00849473, -0.02265262],
# ... [-0.01132631, -0.00849473, -0. , -0.01415789],
# ... [-0.0254842 , -0.02265262, -0.01415789, -0. ]])
w = atleast_1d(w)
num_w = w.size
k_w = w2k(w, theta=0, h=h, g=g)[0]
k_1, k_2 = meshgrid(k_w, k_w)
if h == inf: # go here for faster calculations
k_w = w2k(w, theta=0, h=h, g=g, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)[0]
k_1, k_2 = meshgrid(k_w, k_w, sparse=True)
h_s = 0.25 * (abs(k_1) + abs(k_2))
h_d = -0.25 * abs(abs(k_1) - abs(k_2))
h_dii = zeros(num_w)
return h_s, h_d, h_dii
[w_1, w_2] = meshgrid(w, w)
w12 = (w_1 * w_2)
w1p2 = (w_1 + w_2)
w1m2 = (w_1 - w_2)
k12 = (k_1 * k_2)
k1p2 = (k_1 + k_2)
w1 = w + _TINY **(1./10) * (np.sign(w) * np.int_(np.abs(w) < _EPS) + np.int_(w==0))
# dw = w1-w
# print(dw)
w = w1
# k_w += _TINY ** (1./3) * (np.sign(k_w) * np.int_(np.abs(k_w) < _EPS) + np.int_(k_w==0))
k_w = w2k(w, theta=0, h=h, g=g, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)[0]
k_1, k_2 = meshgrid(k_w, k_w, sparse=True)
w_1, w_2 = meshgrid(w, w, sparse=True)
w12 = w_1 * w_2
w1p2 = w_1 + w_2
w1m2 = w_1 - w_2
k12 = k_1 * k_2
k1p2 = k_1 + k_2
k1m2 = abs(k_1 - k_2)
if False: # Langley
if method.startswith('langley'):
p_1 = (-2 * w1p2 * (k12 * g ** 2. - w12 ** 2.) +
w_1 * (w_2 ** 4. - g ** 2 * k_2 ** 2) +
w_2 * (w_1 ** 4 - g * 2. * k_1 ** 2)) / (4. * w12)
w_2 * (w_1 ** 4 - g * 2. * k_1 ** 2)) / (4. * w12 +_TINY)
p_2 = w1p2 ** 2. * cosh((k1p2) * h) - g * (k1p2) * sinh((k1p2) * h)
p_2 += _TINY * np.int_(p_2==0)
h_s = (-p_1 / p_2 * w1p2 * cosh((k1p2) * h) / g -
(k12 * g ** 2 - w12 ** 2.) / (4 * g * w12) +
(k12 * g ** 2 - w12 ** 2.) / (4 * g * w12 + _TINY) +
(w_1 ** 2 + w_2 ** 2) / (4 * g))
p_3 = (-2 * w1m2 * (k12 * g ** 2 + w12 ** 2) -
w_1 * (w_2 ** 4 - g ** 2 * k_2 ** 2) +
w_2 * (w_1 ** 4 - g ** 2 * k_1 ** 2)) / (4. * w12)
w_2 * (w_1 ** 4 - g ** 2 * k_1 ** 2)) / (4. * w12 + _TINY)
p_4 = w1m2 ** 2. * cosh(k1m2 * h) - g * (k1m2) * sinh((k1m2) * h)
p_4 += _TINY * np.int_(p_4==0)
h_d = (-p_3 / p_4 * (w1m2) * cosh((k1m2) * h) / g -
(k12 * g ** 2 + w12 ** 2) / (4 * g * w12) +
(k12 * g ** 2 + w12 ** 2) / (4 * g * w12 + _TINY) +
(w_1 ** 2. + w_2 ** 2.) / (4. * g))
else: # Marthinsen & Winterstein
tmp1 = 0.5 * g * k12 / w12
tmp2 = 0.25 / g * (w_1 ** 2. + w_2 ** 2. + w12)
h_s = (tmp1 - tmp2 + 0.25 * g * (w_1 * k_2 ** 2. + w_2 * k_1 ** 2) /
(w12 * (w1p2))) / (1. - g * (k1p2) / (w1p2) ** 2. *
tanh((k1p2) * h)) + tmp2 - 0.5 * tmp1 # OK
tmp2 = 0.25 / g * (w_1 ** 2 + w_2 ** 2 - w12) # OK
h_d = (tmp1 - tmp2 - 0.25 * g * (w_1 * k_2 ** 2 - w_2 * k_1 ** 2) /
(w12 * (w1m2))) / (1. - g * (k1m2) / (w1m2) ** 2. *
tanh((k1m2) * h)) + tmp2 - 0.5 * tmp1 # OK
# tmp1 = 0.5*g*k_w./(w.*sqrt(g*h))
# tmp2 = 0.25*w.^2/g
tmp1 = 2.0 * g * k12 / (w12 + 0)
tmp2 = (w_1 ** 2. + w_2 ** 2. + w12) / g
h_s = 0.25 * ((tmp1 - tmp2
+ g * (w_1 * k_2 ** 2. + w_2 * k_1 ** 2) / (w12 * w1p2 + 0))
/ (1. - g * h * k1p2 / (w1p2 ** 2. + 0) * tanh(k1p2))
+ tmp2 - 0.5 * tmp1) # OK
tiny_diag = _TINY * np.diag(np.ones(num_w)) # Avoid division by zero on diagonal
tmp3 = (w_1 ** 2 + w_2 ** 2 - w12) / g # OK
numerator = (tmp1 - tmp3 - g * (w_1 * k_2 ** 2 - w_2 * k_1 ** 2) / (w12 * w1m2 + tiny_diag))
h_d = 0.25 * (numerator / (1. - g * h * k1m2 / (w1m2 ** 2. + tiny_diag) * tanh(k1m2))
+ tmp3 - 0.5 * tmp1) # OK
# h_d = 0.25 * ((tmp1 - tmp3
# - g * (w_1 * k_2 ** 2 - w_2 * k_1 ** 2) / (w12 * w1m2 + tiny_diag))
# / (1. - g * h * k1m2 / (w1m2 ** 2. + tiny_diag) * tanh(k1m2))
# + tmp3 - 0.5 * tmp1) # OK
# tmp1 = 2 * g * (k_w./w)^2
# tmp2 = w.^2/g
# Wave group velocity
c_g = 0.5 * g * (tanh(k_w * h) + k_w * h * (1.0 - tanh(k_w * h) ** 2)) / w
h_dii = (0.5 * (0.5 * g * (k_w / w) ** 2. - 0.5 * w ** 2 / g +
g * k_w / (w * c_g)) /
(1. - g * h / c_g ** 2.) - 0.5 * k_w / sinh(2 * k_w * h)) # OK
k_h = k_w * h
c_g = 0.5 * g * (tanh(k_h) + k_h / np.cosh(k_h) ** 2) / w
numerator2 = (g * (k_w / w) ** 2. - w ** 2 / g + 2 * g * k_w / (w * c_g + 0))
h_dii = 0.25 * (numerator2 / (1. - g * h / (c_g ** 2. + 0))
- 2 * k_w / sinh(2 * k_h)) # OK
# c_g = 0.5 * g * (tanh(k_w * h) + k_w * h * (1.0 - tanh(k_w * h) ** 2)) / w
# h_dii = (0.5 * (0.5 * g * (k_w / w) ** 2. - 0.5 * w ** 2 / g + g * k_w / (w * c_g + 0))
# / (1. - g * h / (c_g ** 2. + 0))
# - 0.5 * k_w / sinh(2 * k_w * h)) # OK
h_d.flat[0::num_w + 1] = h_dii
# infinite water
# >>> np.allclose(hs, [[ 0. , 0.00283158, 0.01132631, 0.0254842 ],
# ... [ 0.00283158, 0.00566316, 0.01415789, 0.02831578],
# ... [ 0.01132631, 0.01415789, 0.02265262, 0.03681051],
# ... [ 0.0254842 , 0.02831578, 0.03681051, 0.0509684 ]])
# True
# >>> np.allclose(hd, [[-0. , -0.00283158, -0.01132631, -0.0254842 ],
# ... [-0.00283158, -0. , -0.00849473, -0.02265262],
# ... [-0.01132631, -0.00849473, -0. , -0.01415789],
# ... [-0.0254842 , -0.02265262, -0.01415789, -0. ]])
# True
# winterstein
# h_s =
# [[ 0.00000000e+00 -1.64775418e+00 -6.95612056e-01 -4.18817231e-01 -3.15690232e-01]
# [ -1.64775418e+00 -7.98574421e-01 -2.21051428e-01 -6.73808482e-02 -1.69373060e-02]
# [ -6.95612056e-01 -2.21051428e-01 -1.29139936e-01 -4.11797418e-02 1.12063541e-03]
# [ -4.18817231e-01 -6.73808482e-02 -4.11797418e-02 -3.51718594e-03 2.44489725e-02]
# h_d =
# [[ 0. -1.64775418 -0.69561206 -0.41881723 -0.31569023]
# [-1.6103978 0.0130494 -0.12128861 -0.05785645 -0.02806048]
# [-0.65467824 -0.12128861 0.01494093 -0.04402996 -0.02595442]
# [-0.35876732 -0.05785645 -0.04402996 0.01905565 -0.02218373]
# [ inf -0.02806048 -0.02595442 -0.02218373 0.02705736]]
# langley
# h_d = [[ 0.00000000e+00 -8.87390092e+14 -3.87924869e+14 -1.66844106e+15 inf]
# [ -8.87390092e+14 -1.14566397e-02 -1.50113192e-01 -1.11791139e-01 -1.13090565e-01]
# [ -3.87924869e+14 -1.50113192e-01 -8.56987798e-03 -5.10233013e-02 -4.93936523e-02]
# [ -1.66844106e+15 -1.11791139e-01 -5.10233013e-02 -4.72078473e-03 -2.74040590e-02]
# [ inf -1.13090565e-01 -4.93936523e-02 -2.74040590e-02 -1.57316125e-03]]
# h_s =
# [[ 0.00000000e+00 -8.62422934e+14 -3.76136070e+14 -1.61053099e+15 inf]
# [ -8.87390092e+14 2.59936788e-01 1.22409408e-01 7.97392657e-02 6.16999831e-02]
# [ -3.87924869e+14 1.46564082e-01 7.02793126e-02 4.62059958e-02 3.58607610e-02]
# [ -1.66844106e+15 1.18356989e-01 5.82970744e-02 3.92688958e-02 3.13685586e-02]
# [ inf 1.25606419e-01 6.35218804e-02 4.41902963e-02 3.69195895e-02]]
# k = find(w_1==w_2)
# h_d(k) = h_dii
@ -915,7 +1059,6 @@ class SpecData1D(PlotData):
# by pab 13.08.2002
# TODO % Replace inputs with options structure
# TODO % Can be improved further.
method = 'apstochastic'
@ -3143,12 +3286,12 @@ class SpecData1D(PlotData):
nr : int
nr: int
order of moments (recomended maximum 4)
even : bool
False for all moments,
True for only even orders
j : int
j: int
0 or 1

@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ class Jonswap(ModelSpectrum):
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as wsm
>>> S = wsm.Jonswap(Hm0=7, Tp=11,gamma=1)
>>> S2 = wsm.Bretschneider(Hm0=7, Tp=11)
>>> w = plb.linspace(0,5)
>>> w = np.linspace(0,5)
>>> all(np.abs(S(w)-S2(w))<1.e-7)

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import numpy as np
from wafo.misc import lazywhere
from numpy import (atleast_1d, sqrt, ones_like, zeros_like, arctan2, where,
tanh, sin, cos, sign, inf,
flatnonzero, finfo, cosh)
flatnonzero, cosh)
__all__ = ['k2w', 'w2k']
@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ def _assert_warn(cond, msg):
def k2w(k1, k2=0e0, h=inf, g=9.81, u1=0e0, u2=0e0):
""" Translates from wave number to frequency
using the dispersion relation
""" Translates from wave number to frequency using the dispersion relation
@ -73,9 +72,9 @@ def k2w(k1, k2=0e0, h=inf, g=9.81, u1=0e0, u2=0e0):
array([ 0.13914927, 1.43498213, 2.00551724])
k1i, k2i, hi, gi, u1i, u2i = atleast_1d(k1, k2, h, g, u1, u2)
k1i, k2i, hi, gi, u1i, u2i = np.broadcast_arrays(k1, k2, h, g, u1, u2)
if k1i.size == 0:
if np.size(k1i) == 0:
return zeros_like(k1i)
ku1 = k1i * u1i
ku2 = k2i * u2i
@ -96,10 +95,9 @@ def k2w(k1, k2=0e0, h=inf, g=9.81, u1=0e0, u2=0e0):
return w, theta
def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100):
def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100, rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-14):
Translates from frequency to wave number
using the dispersion relation
Translates from frequency to wave number using the dispersion relation
@ -145,22 +143,19 @@ def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100):
wi, th, hi, gi = atleast_1d(w, theta, h, g)
gi = atleast_1d(g)
wi, th, hi = np.broadcast_arrays(w, theta, h)
if wi.size == 0:
return zeros_like(wi)
k = 1.0 * sign(wi) * wi ** 2.0 / gi[0] # deep water
if (hi > 10. ** 25).all():
if (hi > 1e25).all():
k2 = k * sin(th) * gi[0] / gi[-1] # size np x nf
k1 = k * cos(th)
return k1, k2
_assert(gi.size == 1, 'Finite depth in combination with 3D normalization'
' (len(g)=2) is not implemented yet.')
find = flatnonzero
eps = finfo(float).eps
oshape = k.shape
wi, k, hi = wi.ravel(), k.ravel(), hi.ravel()
@ -168,11 +163,11 @@ def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100):
# Permit no more than count_limit iterations.
hi = hi * ones_like(k)
hn = zeros_like(k)
ix = find((wi < 0) | (0 < wi))
ix = flatnonzero(((wi < 0) | (0 < wi)) & (hi < 1e25))
# Break out of the iteration loop for three reasons:
# 1) the last update is very small (compared to x)
# 2) the last update is very small (compared to sqrt(eps))
# 1) the last update is very small (compared to k*rtol)
# 2) the last update is very small (compared to atol)
# 3) There are more than 100 iterations. This should NEVER happen.
count = 0
while (ix.size > 0 and count < count_limit):
@ -180,13 +175,12 @@ def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100):
kh = ki * hi[ix]
coshkh2 = lazywhere(np.abs(kh) < 350, (kh, ),
lambda kh: cosh(kh) ** 2.0, fillvalue=np.inf)
hn[ix] = (ki * tanh(kh) - wi[ix] ** 2.0 / gi) / \
(tanh(kh) + kh / coshkh2)
hn[ix] = (ki * tanh(kh) - wi[ix] ** 2.0 / gi) / (tanh(kh) + kh / coshkh2)
knew = ki - hn[ix]
# Make sure that the current guess is not zero.
# When Newton's Method suggests steps that lead to zero guesses
# take a step 9/10ths of the way to zero:
ksmall = find(np.abs(knew) == 0)
ksmall = flatnonzero((np.abs(knew) == 0) | (np.isnan(knew)) )
if ksmall.size > 0:
knew[ksmall] = ki[ksmall] / 10.0
hn[ix[ksmall]] = ki[ksmall] - knew[ksmall]
@ -195,8 +189,8 @@ def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100):
# disp(['Iteration ',num2str(count),' Number of points left: '
# num2str(length(ix)) ]),
ix = find((np.abs(hn) > sqrt(eps) * np.abs(k)) *
np.abs(hn) > sqrt(eps))
ix = flatnonzero((np.abs(hn) > rtol * np.abs(k)) *
(np.abs(hn) > atol))
count += 1
max_err = np.max(hn[ix]) if np.any(ix) else 0
_assert_warn(count < count_limit, 'W2K did not converge. '

@ -4,31 +4,54 @@ Created on 19. juli 2010
@author: pab
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
from wafo.wave_theory.dispersion_relation import w2k, k2w # @UnusedImport
def test_k2w_infinite_water_depth():
vals = k2w(np.arange(0.01, .5, 0.2))[0]
true_vals = np.array([0.3132092, 1.43530485, 2.00551739])
assert((np.abs(vals - true_vals) < 1e-7).all())
assert_allclose(vals, true_vals)
def test_k2w_finite_water_depth():
vals = k2w(np.arange(0.01, .5, 0.2), h=20)[0]
true_vals = np.array([0.13914927, 1.43498213, 2.00551724])
assert((np.abs(vals - true_vals) < 1e-7).all())
vals, theta = k2w(np.arange(0.01, .5, 0.2), h=20)
true_vals = (0.13914927, 1.43498213, 2.00551724)
assert_allclose(vals, true_vals)
assert_allclose(theta, 0)
def test_k2w_finite_water_depth_with_negative_k():
vals, theta = k2w(-np.arange(0.01, .5, 0.2), h=20)
true_vals = [0.13914927, 1.43498213, 2.00551724]
assert_allclose(vals, true_vals)
assert_allclose(theta, np.pi)
def test_w2k_infinite_water_depth():
vals = w2k(range(4))[0]
vals, k2 = w2k(range(4))
true_vals = np.array([0., 0.1019368, 0.4077472, 0.91743119])
assert((np.abs(vals - true_vals) < 1e-7).all())
assert_allclose(vals, true_vals)
assert_allclose(k2, 0)
def test_w2k_infinite_water_depth_with_negative_w():
vals, k2 = w2k(-np.arange(4))
true_vals = -1 * np.array([0., 0.1019368, 0.4077472, 0.91743119])
assert_allclose(vals, true_vals)
assert_allclose(k2, 0)
def test_w2k_finite_water_depth():
vals = w2k(range(4), h=20)[0]
vals, k2 = w2k(range(4), h=20)
true_vals = np.array([0., 0.10503601, 0.40774726, 0.91743119])
assert((np.abs(vals - true_vals) < 1e-7).all())
assert_allclose(vals, true_vals)
assert_allclose(k2, 0)
def test_w2k_finite_water_depth_with_negative_w():
vals, k2 = w2k(-np.arange(4), h=20)
true_vals = -1 * np.array([0., 0.10503601, 0.40774726, 0.91743119])
assert_allclose(vals, true_vals)
assert_allclose(k2, 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import nose
