Div. updates
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Created on 20. jan. 2011
@author: pab
import numpy as np
from numpy import exp
from wafo.misc import meshgrid
__all__ = ['peaks', 'humps']
def peaks(x=None, y=None, n=51):
Return the "well" known MatLab (R) peaks function
evaluated in the [-3,3] x,y range
>>> import pylab as plt
>>> x,y,z = peaks()
>>> h = plt.contourf(x,y,z)
if x is None:
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, n)
if y is None:
y = np.linspace(-3, 3, n)
[x1, y1] = meshgrid(x, y)
z = (3 * (1 - x1) ** 2 * exp(-(x1 ** 2) - (y1 + 1) ** 2)
- 10 * (x1 / 5 - x1 ** 3 - y1 ** 5) * exp(-x1 ** 2 - y1 ** 2)
- 1. / 3 * exp(-(x1 + 1) ** 2 - y1 ** 2))
return x1, y1, z
def humps(x=None):
Computes a function that has three roots, and some humps.
if x is None:
y = np.linspace(0, 1)
y = np.asarray(x)
return 1.0 / ((y - 0.3) ** 2 + 0.01) + 1.0 / ((y - 0.9) ** 2 + 0.04) + 2 * y - 5.2
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
Created on 20. jan. 2011
@author: pab
license BSD
import warnings
import numpy as np
from wafo.plotbackend import plotbackend
__all__ = ['cltext']
def cltext(levels, percent=False, n=4, xs=0.036, ys=0.94, zs=0):
Places contour level text in the current window
levels = vector of contour levels or the corresponding percent which the
contour line encloses
percent = 0 if levels are the actual contour levels (default)
1 if levels are the corresponding percent which the
contour line encloses
n = maximum N digits of precision (default 4)
h = handles to the text objects.
CLTEXT creates text objects in the current figure and prints
"Level curves at:" if percent is False and
"Level curves enclosing:" otherwise
and the contour levels or percent.
-The handles to the lines of text may also be found by
h = findobj(gcf,'gid','CLTEXT','type','text');
h = findobj(gca,'gid','CLTEXT','type','text');
-To make the text objects follow the data in the axes set the units
for the text objects 'data' by
>>> from wafo.integrate import peaks
>>> import pylab as plt
>>> x,y,z = peaks();
>>> h = plt.contour(x,y,z)
>>> h = cltext(h.levels)
>>> plt.show()
data = rndray(1,2000,2); f = kdebin(data,{'kernel','epan','L2',.5,'inc',128});
See also
# TODO : Make it work like legend does (but without the box): include position options etc...
clevels = np.atleast_1d(levels)
cax = plotbackend.gca()
axpos = cax.get_position()
xint = axpos.intervalx
yint = axpos.intervaly
xss = xint[0] + xs * (xint[1] - xint[0])
yss = yint[0] + ys * (yint[1] - yint[0])
cf = plotbackend.gcf() # get current figure
#% delete cltext object if it exists
def matchfun(x):
if hasattr(x, 'get_gid'):
return x.get_gid() == _CLTEXT_TAG
return False
h_cltxts = plotbackend.findobj(cf, matchfun);
if len(h_cltxts):
for i in h_cltxts:
warnings.warn('Tried to delete a non-existing CL-text')
warnings.warn('Tried to delete a non-existing CL-text')
charHeight = 1 / 33;
delta_y = charHeight;
if percent:
titletxt = 'Level curves enclosing:';
titletxt = 'Level curves at:';
format = '%0.' + ('%d' % n) + 'g\n'
cltxt = ''.join([format % level for level in clevels.tolist()])
titleProp = dict(gid=_CLTEXT_TAG, horizontalalignment='left',
verticalalignment='center', fontweight='bold', axes=cax) #
ha1 = plotbackend.figtext(xss, yss, titletxt, **titleProp)
yss -= delta_y;
txtProp = dict(gid=_CLTEXT_TAG, horizontalalignment='left',
verticalalignment='top', axes=cax)
ha2 = plotbackend.figtext(xss, yss, cltxt, **txtProp)
return ha1, ha2
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
python setup.py build_src build_ext --inplace
See also http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/CompilingExtensionsOnWindowsWithMinGW
# File setup.py
def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
config = Configuration('',parent_package,top_path)
sources = ['c_library.pyf','c_functions.c'])
return config
if __name__ == "__main__":
from numpy.distutils.core import setup
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
python setup.py build_src build_ext --inplace
See also http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/CompilingExtensionsOnWindowsWithMinGW
# File setup.py
def compile_all():
import os
files = ['mvnprd', 'mvnprodcorrprb']
compile1_format = 'gfortran -fPIC -c %s.f'
for file in files:
os.system(compile1_format % file)
file_objects = ['%s.o' % file for file in files]
return file_objects
def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
libs = compile_all()
config = Configuration('',parent_package,top_path)
libraries = libs,
sources = ['mvnprd_interface.f'])
return config
if __name__ == "__main__":
from numpy.distutils.core import setup
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Created on 19. juli 2010
@author: pab
from wafo.spectrum.dispersion_relation import w2k,k2w
def test_k2w():
>>> from numpy import arange
>>> k2w(arange(0.01,.5,0.2))[0]
array([ 0.3132092 , 1.43530485, 2.00551739])
>>> k2w(arange(0.01,.5,0.2),h=20)[0]
array([ 0.13914927, 1.43498213, 2.00551724])
def test_w2k():
>>> w2k(range(4))[0]
array([ 0. , 0.1019368 , 0.4077472 , 0.91743119])
>>> w2k(range(4),h=20)[0]
array([ 0. , 0.10503601, 0.40774726, 0.91743119])
def main():
import doctest
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import numpy as np
from wafo.spectrum.models import (Bretschneider, Jonswap, OchiHubble, Tmaspec,
Torsethaugen, McCormick, Wallop)
def test_bretschneider():
>>> S = Bretschneider(Hm0=6.5,Tp=10)
>>> S((0,1,2,3))
array([ 0. , 1.69350993, 0.06352698, 0.00844783])
def test_jonswap():
>>> S = Jonswap(Hm0=7, Tp=11,gamma=1)
>>> S((0,1,2,3))
array([ 0. , 1.42694133, 0.05051648, 0.00669692])
>>> w = np.linspace(0,5)
>>> S2 = Bretschneider(Hm0=7, Tp=11)
JONSWAP with gamma=1 should be equal to Bretscneider:
>>> np.all(np.abs(S(w)-S2(w))<1.e-7)
def test_tmaspec():
>>> S = Tmaspec(Hm0=7, Tp=11,gamma=1,h=10)
>>> S((0,1,2,3))
array([ 0. , 0.70106233, 0.05022433, 0.00669692])
def test_torsethaugen():
>>> S = Torsethaugen(Hm0=7, Tp=11,gamma=1,h=10)
>>> S((0,1,2,3))
array([ 0. , 1.19989709, 0.05819794, 0.0093541 ])
>>> S.wind(range(4))
array([ 0. , 1.13560528, 0.05529849, 0.00888989])
>>> S.swell(range(4))
array([ 0. , 0.0642918 , 0.00289946, 0.00046421])
def test_ochihubble():
>>> S = OchiHubble(par=2)
>>> S(range(4))
array([ 0. , 0.90155636, 0.04185445, 0.00583207])
def test_mccormick():
>>> S = McCormick(Hm0=6.5,Tp=10)
>>> S(range(4))
array([ 0. , 1.87865908, 0.15050447, 0.02994663])
def test_wallop():
>>> S = Wallop(Hm0=6.5, Tp=10)
>>> S(range(4))
array([ 0.00000000e+00, 9.36921871e-01, 2.76991078e-03,
def main():
import doctest
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
import wafo.spectrum.models
from wafo.spectrum import SpecData1D
def test_tocovmatrix():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap()
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata()
>>> acfmat = S.tocov_matrix(nr=3, nt=256, dt=0.1)
>>> acfmat[:2,:]
array([[ 3.06075987, 0. , -1.67750289, 0. ],
[ 3.05246132, -0.16662376, -1.66819445, 0.18634189]])
def test_tocovdata():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap()
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata()
>>> Nt = len(S.data)-1
>>> acf = S.tocovdata(nr=0, nt=Nt)
>>> acf.data[:5]
array([ 3.06093287, 2.23846752, 0.48630084, -1.1336035 , -2.03036854])
def test_to_t_pdf():
The density of Tc is computed by:
>>> from wafo.spectrum import models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap()
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata()
>>> f = S.to_t_pdf(pdef='Tc', paramt=(0, 10, 51), speed=7, seed=100)
>>> ['%2.3f' % val for val in f.data[:10]]
['0.000', '0.014', '0.027', '0.040', '0.050', '0.059', '0.067', '0.072', '0.077', '0.081']
estimated error bounds
>>> ['%2.4f' % val for val in f.err[:10]]
['0.0000', '0.0003', '0.0003', '0.0004', '0.0006', '0.0009', '0.0016', '0.0019', '0.0020', '0.0021']
def test_sim():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap();S = Sj.tospecdata()
>>> ns =100; dt = .2
>>> x1 = S.sim(ns,dt=dt)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy.stats as st
>>> x2 = S.sim(20000,20)
>>> truth1 = [0,np.sqrt(S.moment(1)[0]),0., 0.]
>>> funs = [np.mean,np.std,st.skew,st.kurtosis]
>>> for fun,trueval in zip(funs,truth1):
... res = fun(x2[:,1::],axis=0)
... m = res.mean()
... sa = res.std()
... #trueval, m, sa
... np.abs(m-trueval)<sa
array([ True], dtype=bool)
def test_sim_nl():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap();S = Sj.tospecdata()
>>> ns =100; dt = .2
>>> x1 = S.sim_nl(ns,dt=dt)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy.stats as st
>>> x2, x1 = S.sim_nl(ns=20000,cases=40)
>>> truth1 = [0,np.sqrt(S.moment(1)[0][0])] + S.stats_nl(moments='sk')
>>> truth1[-1] = truth1[-1]-3
>>> truth1
[0, 1.7495200310090633, 0.18673120577479801, 0.061988521262417606]
>>> funs = [np.mean,np.std,st.skew,st.kurtosis]
>>> for fun,trueval in zip(funs,truth1):
... res = fun(x2[:,1::], axis=0)
... m = res.mean()
... sa = res.std()
... #trueval, m, sa
... np.abs(m-trueval)<2*sa
def test_stats_nl():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Hs = 7.
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=Hs, Tp=11)
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata()
>>> me, va, sk, ku = S.stats_nl(moments='mvsk')
>>> me; va; sk; ku
def test_testgaussian():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> import wafo.transform.models as wtm
>>> import wafo.objects as wo
>>> Hs = 7
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=Hs)
>>> S0 = Sj.tospecdata()
>>> ns =100; dt = .2
>>> x1 = S0.sim(ns, dt=dt)
>>> S = S0.copy()
>>> me, va, sk, ku = S.stats_nl(moments='mvsk')
>>> S.tr = wtm.TrHermite(mean=me, sigma=Hs/4, skew=sk, kurt=ku, ysigma=Hs/4)
>>> ys = wo.mat2timeseries(S.sim(ns=2**13))
>>> g0, gemp = ys.trdata()
>>> t0 = g0.dist2gauss()
>>> t1 = S0.testgaussian(ns=2**13, t0=t0, cases=50)
>>> sum(t1>t0)<5
def test_moment():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=5)
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata() #Make spectrum ob
>>> S.moment()
([1.5614600345079888, 0.95567089481941048], ['m0', 'm0tt'])
def test_nyquist_freq():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=5)
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata() #Make spectrum ob
>>> S.nyquist_freq()
def test_sampling_period():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=5)
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata() #Make spectrum ob
>>> S.sampling_period()
def test_normalize():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=5)
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata() #Make spectrum ob
>>> S.moment(2)
([1.5614600345079888, 0.95567089481941048], ['m0', 'm0tt'])
>>> Sn = S.copy(); Sn.normalize()
Now the moments should be one
>>> Sn.moment(2)
([1.0000000000000004, 0.99999999999999967], ['m0', 'm0tt'])
def test_characteristic():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=5)
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata() #Make spectrum ob
>>> S.characteristic(1)
(array([ 8.59007646]), array([[ 0.03040216]]), ['Tm01'])
>>> [ch, R, txt] = S.characteristic([1,2,3]) # fact a vector of integers
>>> ch; R; txt
array([ 8.59007646, 8.03139757, 5.62484314])
array([[ 0.03040216, 0.02834263, NaN],
[ 0.02834263, 0.0274645 , NaN],
[ NaN, NaN, 0.01500249]])
['Tm01', 'Tm02', 'Tm24']
>>> S.characteristic('Ss') # fact a string
(array([ 0.04963112]), array([[ 2.63624782e-06]]), ['Ss'])
>>> S.characteristic(['Hm0','Tm02']) # fact a list of strings
(array([ 4.99833578, 8.03139757]), array([[ 0.05292989, 0.02511371],
[ 0.02511371, 0.0274645 ]]), ['Hm0', 'Tm02'])
def test_bandwidth():
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=3)
>>> w = np.linspace(0,4,256)
>>> S = SpecData1D(Sj(w),w) #Make spectrum object from numerical values
>>> S.bandwidth([0,1,2,3])
array([ 0.65354446, 0.3975428 , 0.75688813, 2.00207912])
def main():
import doctest
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
Created on 5. aug. 2010
@author: pab
import wafo.data
import numpy as np
def test_timeseries():
>>> import wafo.data
>>> import wafo.objects as wo
>>> x = wafo.data.sea()
>>> ts = wo.mat2timeseries(x)
>>> ts.sampling_period()
Estimate spectrum
>>> S = ts.tospecdata()
>>> S.data[:10]
array([ 0.01350817, 0.0050932 , 0.00182003, 0.00534806, 0.049407 ,
0.25144845, 0.28264622, 0.21398405, 0.18563258, 0.25878918])
Estimated covariance function
>>> rf = ts.tocovdata(lag=150)
>>> rf.data[:10]
array([ 0.22368637, 0.20838473, 0.17110733, 0.12237803, 0.07024054,
0.02064859, -0.02218831, -0.0555993 , -0.07859847, -0.09166187])
def test_timeseries_trdata():
>>> import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
>>> import wafo.transform.models as tm
>>> from wafo.objects import mat2timeseries
>>> Hs = 7.0
>>> Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=Hs)
>>> S = Sj.tospecdata() #Make spectrum object from numerical values
>>> S.tr = tm.TrOchi(mean=0, skew=0.16, kurt=0, sigma=Hs/4, ysigma=Hs/4)
>>> xs = S.sim(ns=2**16)
>>> ts = mat2timeseries(xs)
>>> g0, gemp = ts.trdata(monitor=True) # Monitor the development
>>> g1, gemp = ts.trdata(method='m', gvar=0.5 ) # Equal weight on all points
>>> g2, gemp = ts.trdata(method='n', gvar=[3.5, 0.5, 3.5]) # Less weight on the ends
>>> S.tr.dist2gauss()
>>> np.round(gemp.dist2gauss())
>>> np.round(g0.dist2gauss())
>>> np.round(g1.dist2gauss())
>>> np.round(g2.dist2gauss())
if __name__=='__main__':
import doctest
Reference in New Issue