@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import division
from wafo.transform.core import TrData
from wafo.transform.core import TrData
from wafo.transform.models import TrHermite, TrOchi, TrLinear
from wafo.transform.models import TrHermite, TrOchi, TrLinear
from wafo.stats import edf
from wafo.stats import edf, distributions
from wafo.misc import (nextpow2, findtp, findrfc, findtc, findcross,
from wafo.misc import (nextpow2, findtp, findrfc, findtc, findcross,
ecross, JITImport, DotDict, gravity)
ecross, JITImport, DotDict, gravity)
from wafodata import WafoData
from wafodata import WafoData
@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ class LevelCrossings(WafoData):
xlab='Levels', ylab='Count',
xlab='Levels', ylab='Count',
super(LevelCrossings, self).__init__(*args, **options)
super(LevelCrossings, self).__init__(*args, **options)
self.intensity = kwds.get('intensity', False)
self.sigma = kwds.get('sigma', None)
self.sigma = kwds.get('sigma', None)
self.mean = kwds.get('mean', None)
self.mean = kwds.get('mean', None)
@ -111,6 +111,226 @@ class LevelCrossings(WafoData):
y = cmax * exp(-x ** 2 / 2.0)
y = cmax * exp(-x ** 2 / 2.0)
self.children = [WafoData(y, self.args)]
self.children = [WafoData(y, self.args)]
def extrapolate(self, u_min=None, u_max=None, method='ml',dist='genpar', plotflag=0):
Returns an extrapolated level crossing spectrum
u_min, u_max : real scalars
extrapolate below u_min and above u_max.
method : string
describing the method of estimation. Options are:
'ml' : Maximum Likelihood method (default)
'mps': Maximum Product Spacing method
dist : string
defining distribution function. Options are:
genpareto : Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD)
expon : Exponential distribution (GPD with k=0)
rayleigh : Rayleigh distribution
plotflag : scalar integer
1: Diagnostic plots. (default)
0: Don't plot diagnostic plots.
lc : LevelCrossing object
with the estimated level crossing spectrum
Est = Estimated parameters. [struct array]
Extrapolates the level crossing spectrum (LC) for high and for low levels.
The tails of the LC is fited to a survival function of a GPD.
H(x) = (1-k*x/s)^(1/k) (GPD)
The use of GPD is motivated by POT methods in extreme value theory.
For k=0 the GPD is the exponential distribution
H(x) = exp(-x/s), k=0 (expon)
The tails with the survival function of a Rayleigh distribution.
H(x) = exp(-((x+x0).^2-x0^2)/s^2) (rayleigh)
where x0 is the value where the LC has its maximum.
The method 'gpd' uses the GPD. We recommend the use of 'gpd,ml'.
The method 'exp' uses the Exp.
The method 'ray' uses Ray, and should be used if the load is a Gaussian process.
S = jonswap;
x = spec2sdat(S,100000,0.1,[],'random');
lc = dat2lc(x); s = std(x(:,2));
[lcEst,Est] = extralc(lc,s*[-2 2]);
[lcEst,Est] = extralc(lc,s*[-2 2],'exp,ml');
[lcEst,Est] = extralc(lc,s*[-2 2],'ray,ml');
See also
cmat2extralc, rfmextrapolate, lc2rfmextreme, extralc, fitgenpar
Johannesson, P., and Thomas, J-.J. (2000):
Extrapolation of Rainflow Matrices.
Preprint 2000:82, Mathematical statistics, Chalmers, pp. 18.
i_max = self.data.argmax()
c_max = self.data[i_max]
# Maximum of lc
lc_max = self.args[i_max]
if u_min is None or u_max is None:
fraction = sqrt(c_max)
i = np.flatnonzero(self.data>fraction)
if u_min is None :
u_min = self.args[i.min()]
if u_max is None:
u_max = self.args[i.max()]
# # Extrapolate LC for high levels
# [lcEst.High,Est.High] = self._extrapolate(lc,u_max,u_max-lc_max,method, dist);
# # Extrapolate LC for low levels
# lc1 = [-flipud(lc(:,1)) flipud(lc(:,2))];
# [lcEst1,Est1] = extrapolate(lc1,-u(1),method,lc_max-u(1));
# lcEst.Low = [-flipud(lcEst1(:,1)) flipud(lcEst1(:,2:end))];
# Est.Low = Est1;
# if plotflag
# semilogx(lc(:,2),lc(:,1),lcEst.High(:,2),lcEst.High(:,1),lcEst.Low(:,2),lcEst.Low(:,1))
# end
# def _extrapolate(self, lcx,lcf,u,offset,method,dist)
# # Extrapolate the level crossing spectra for high levels
# method = method.lower()
# dist = dist.lower()
# # Excedences over level u
# Iu = lcx>u;
# lcx1, lcf1 = lcx[Iu], lcf[Iu]
# lcf3,lcx3 = _make_increasing(lcf1[::-1],lcx1[::-1])
# # Corrected by PJ 17-Feb-2004
# lc3=[0 0; lc3];
# x=[];
# for k=2:length(lc3(:,1))
# nk = lc3(k,2)-lc3(k-1,2);
# x = [x; ones(nk,1)*lc3(k,1)];
# #end
# x = x-u;
# # Estimate tail
# if dist=='genpareto':
# genpareto = distributions.genpareto
# phat = genpareto.fit2(x, floc=0, method=method)
## Est.k = phat.params(1);
## Est.s = phat.params(2);
## if isnan(phat.fixpar(3))
## Est.cov = phat.covariance;
## else
## Est.cov = phat.covariance(1:2,1:2);
## end
## if Est.k>0,
## Est.UpperLimit = u+Est.s/Est.k;
## end
# df = 0.01
# xF = np.arange(0.0,4+df/2,df)
# F = phat.cdf(xF)
# Est.lcu = interp1(lcx,lcf,u)+1
# # Calculate 90 # confidence region, an ellipse, for (k,s)
# [B,D] = eig(Est.cov);
# b = [Est.k; Est.s];
# r = sqrt(-2*log(1-90/100)); # 90 # confidence sphere
# Nc = 16+1;
# ang = linspace(0,2*pi,Nc);
# c0 = [r*sqrt(D(1,1))*sin(ang); r*sqrt(D(2,2))*cos(ang)]; # 90# Circle
# # plot(c0(1,:),c0(2,:))
# c1 = B*c0+b*ones(1,length(c0)); # Transform to ellipse for (k,s)
# # plot(c1(1,:),c1(2,:)), hold on
# # Calculate conf.int for lcu
# # Assumtion: lcu is Poisson distributed
# # Poissin distr. approximated by normal when calculating conf. int.
# dXX = 1.64*sqrt(Est.lcu); # 90 # quantile for lcu
# lcEstCu = zeros(length(xF),Nc);
# lcEstCl = lcEstCu;
# for i=1:Nc
# k=c1(1,i);
# s=c1(2,i);
# F2 = cdfgenpar(xF,k,s);
# lcEstCu(:,i) = (Est.lcu+dXX)*(1-F2);
# lcEstCl(:,i) = (Est.lcu-dXX)*(1-F2);
# end
# lcEstCI = [min(lcEstCl')' max(lcEstCu')'];
# lcEst = [xF+u Est.lcu*(1-F) lcEstCI];
# case 'exp'
# n = length(x);
# s = mean(x);
# cov = s/n;
# Est.s = s;
# Est.cov = cov;
# xF = (0.0:0.01:4)';
# F = 1-exp(-xF/s);
# Est.lcu = interp1(lc(:,1),lc(:,2),u)+1;
# lcEst = [xF+u Est.lcu*(1-F)];
# case 'ray'
# n = length(x);
# Sx = sum((x+offset).^2-offset^2);
# s=sqrt(Sx/n); # Shape parameter
# Est.s = s;
# Est.cov = NaN;
# xF = (0.0:0.01:4)';
# F = 1 - exp(-((xF+offset).^2-offset^2)/s^2);
# Est.lcu = interp1(lc(:,1),lc(:,2),u)+1;
# lcEst = [xF+u Est.lcu*(1-F)];
# otherwise
# error(['Unknown method: ' method]);
# end
# ## End extrapolate
# def _make_increasing(f, t=None):
# # Makes the signal x strictly increasing.
# #
# # x = two column matrix with times in first column and values in the second.
# n = len(f)
# if t is None:
# t = np.arange(n)
# ff = []
# tt = []
# ff.append(f[0])
# tt.append(t[0])
# for i in xrange(1,n):
# if f[i]>ff[-1]
# ff.append(f[i])
# tt.append(t[i])
# return np.asarray(ff), np.asarray(tt)
def sim(self, ns, alpha):
def sim(self, ns, alpha):
Simulates process with given irregularity factor and crossing spectrum
Simulates process with given irregularity factor and crossing spectrum
@ -142,25 +362,30 @@ class LevelCrossings(WafoData):
>>> mm = tp.cycle_pairs()
>>> mm = tp.cycle_pairs()
>>> lc = mm.level_crossings()
>>> lc = mm.level_crossings()
xs2 = lc.sim(n,alpha)
>>> xs2 = lc.sim(n,alpha)
ts2 = mat2timeseries(xs2)
>>> ts2 = mat2timeseries(xs2)
Se = ts2.tospecdata()
>>> Se = ts2.tospecdata(L=324)
>>> alpha2 = Se.characteristic('alpha')[0]
>>> alpha2
alpha2 = Se.characteristic('alpha')[0]
array([ 0.68382343])
>>> alpha-alpha2
array([ 0.01620704])
lc2 = dat2lc(xs2)
>>> h0 = S.plot('b')
>>> h1 = Se.plot('r')
>>> lc2 = ts2.turning_points().cycle_pairs().level_crossings()
>>> import pylab as plt
>>> h = plt.subplot(211)
>>> h2 = lc2.plot()
>>> h = plt.subplot(212)
>>> h0 = lc.plot()
# TODO % add a good example
# TODO: add a good example
f = linspace(0, 0.49999, 1000)
f = linspace(0, 0.49999, 1000)
rho_st = 2. * sin(f * pi) ** 2 - 1.
rho_st = 2. * sin(f * pi) ** 2 - 1.
tmp = alpha * arcsin(sqrt((1. + rho_st) / 2))
tmp = alpha * arcsin(sqrt((1. + rho_st) / 2))
@ -179,13 +404,13 @@ class LevelCrossings(WafoData):
sigma2 = r0 + a1 * r1 + a2 * r2
sigma2 = r0 + a1 * r1 + a2 * r2
#randn = np.random.randn
#randn = np.random.randn
e = randn(ns) * sqrt(sigma2)
e = randn(ns) * sqrt(sigma2)
e[:1] = 0.0
e[:2] = 0.0
L0 = randn(1)
L0 = randn(1)
L0 = vstack((L0, r1 * L0 + sqrt(1 - r2 ** 2) * randn(1)))
L0 = hstack((L0, r1 * L0 + sqrt(1 - r2 ** 2) * randn(1)))
#%Simulate the process, starting in L0
#%Simulate the process, starting in L0
lfilter = scipy.signal.lfilter
lfilter = scipy.signal.lfilter
# TODO: lfilter crashes the example
z0 = lfilter([1, a1, a2], ones(1), L0)
L = lfilter(ones(1), [1, a1, a2], e, lfilter([1, a1, a2], ones(1), L0))
L, unused_zf = lfilter(ones(1), [1, a1, a2], e, axis=0, zi=z0)
epsilon = 1.01
epsilon = 1.01
min_L = min(L)
min_L = min(L)
@ -213,20 +438,24 @@ class LevelCrossings(WafoData):
sumcr = trapz(self.data, self.args)
sumcr = trapz(self.data, self.args)
lc = self.data / sumcr
lc = self.data / sumcr
lc1 = self.args
lc1 = self.args
mcr = trapz(lc1 * lc, lc1)
mcr = trapz(lc1 * lc, lc1) if self.mean is None else self.mean
if self.sigma is None:
scr = trapz(lc1 ** 2 * lc, lc1)
scr = trapz(lc1 ** 2 * lc, lc1)
scr = sqrt(scr - mcr ** 2)
scr = sqrt(scr - mcr ** 2)
scr = self.sigma
lc2 = LevelCrossings(lc, lc1, mean=mcr, sigma=scr, intensity=True)
lc2 = LevelCrossings(lc, lc1, mean=mcr, sigma=scr)
g = lc2.trdata()[0]
g = lc2.trdata()
#f = [u, u]
f = g.gauss2dat(Z)
f = g.dat2gauss(Z)
G = TrData(f, u)
G = TrData(f, u)
process = G.dat2gauss(L)
process = G.dat2gauss(L)
return np.vstack((arange(len(process)), process)).T
return np.vstack((arange(len(process)), process)).T
## %Check the result without reference to getrfc:
## %Check the result without reference to getrfc:
@ -391,7 +620,13 @@ class LevelCrossings(WafoData):
cor2 = 0
cor2 = 0
lc22 = hstack((0, cumtrapz(lc2, lc1) + cor1))
lc22 = hstack((0, cumtrapz(lc2, lc1) + cor1))
if self.intensity:
lc22 = (lc22 + 0.5/ncr) / (lc22[-1] + cor2 + 1./ncr)
lc22 = (lc22 + 0.5) / (lc22[-1] + cor2 + 1)
lc22 = (lc22 + 0.5) / (lc22[-1] + cor2 + 1)
lc11 = (lc1 - mean) / sigma
lc11 = (lc1 - mean) / sigma
lc22 = invnorm(lc22) #- ymean
lc22 = invnorm(lc22) #- ymean
@ -603,7 +838,7 @@ class CyclePairs(WafoData):
if intensity:
if intensity:
dcount = dcount/self.time
dcount = dcount/self.time
ylab = 'Intensity [count/sec]'
ylab = 'Intensity [count/sec]'
return LevelCrossings(dcount, levels, mean=self.mean, sigma=self.sigma, ylab=ylab)
return LevelCrossings(dcount, levels, mean=self.mean, sigma=self.sigma, ylab=ylab, intensity=intensity)
class TurningPoints(WafoData):
class TurningPoints(WafoData):
@ -680,7 +915,7 @@ class TurningPoints(WafoData):
t = self.args[ind]
t = self.args[ind]
t = ind
t = ind
mean = self.mean()
mean = self.mean
sigma = self.sigma
sigma = self.sigma
return TurningPoints(self.data[ind], t, mean=mean, sigma=sigma)
return TurningPoints(self.data[ind], t, mean=mean, sigma=sigma)