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Models module
Dispersion relation
k2w - Translates from wave number to frequency
w2k - Translates from frequency to wave number
Model spectra
Bretschneider - Bretschneider spectral density.
Jonswap - JONSWAP spectral density
McCormick - McCormick spectral density.
OchiHubble - OchiHubble bimodal spectral density model.
Tmaspec - JONSWAP spectral density for finite water depth
Torsethaugen - Torsethaugen double peaked (swell + wind) spectrum model
Wallop - Wallop spectral density.
demospec - Loads a precreated spectrum of chosen type
jonswap_peakfact - Jonswap peakedness factor Gamma given Hm0 and Tp
jonswap_seastate - jonswap seastate from windspeed and fetch
Directional spreading functions
Spreading - Directional spreading function.
# Name: models
# Purpose: Interface to various spectrum models
# Author: pab
# Created: 29.08.2008
# Copyright: (c) pab 2008
# Licence: <your licence>
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
import warnings
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import scipy.optimize as optimize
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import scipy.special as sp
from scipy.fftpack import fft
#from scipy.misc import ppimport
#import numpy as np
from numpy import (inf, atleast_1d, newaxis, any, minimum, maximum, array, #@UnresolvedImport
asarray, exp, log, sqrt, where, pi, arange, linspace, sin, cos, abs, sinh, #@UnresolvedImport
isfinite, mod, expm1, tanh, cosh, finfo, ones, ones_like, isnan, #@UnresolvedImport
zeros_like, flatnonzero, sinc, hstack, vstack, real, flipud, clip) #@UnresolvedImport
from dispersion_relation import w2k
#_wafospectrum = ppimport.ppimport('wafo.spectrum')
from core import SpecData1D
sech = lambda x: 1.0/cosh(x)
eps = finfo(float).eps
__all__ = ['Bretschneider','Jonswap','Torsethaugen','Wallop','McCormick','OchiHubble',
# Model spectra
def _gengamspec(wn, N=5, M=4):
''' Return Generalized gamma spectrum in dimensionless form
wn : arraylike
normalized frequencies, w/wp.
N : scalar
defining the decay of the high frequency part.
M : scalar
defining the spectral width around the peak.
S : arraylike
spectral values, same size as wn.
The generalized gamma spectrum in non-
dimensional form is defined as:
S = G0.*wn.**(-N).*exp(-B*wn.**(-M)) for wn > 0
= 0 otherwise
B = N/M
C = (N-1)/M
G0 = B**C*M/gamma(C), Normalizing factor related to Bretschneider form
Note that N = 5, M = 4 corresponds to a normalized
Bretschneider spectrum.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> wn = np.linspace(0,4,5)
>>> _gengamspec(wn, N=6, M=2)
array([ 0. , 1.16765216, 0.17309961, 0.02305179, 0.00474686])
See also
Torsethaugen, K. (2004)
"Simplified Double Peak Spectral Model for Ocean Waves"
In Proc. 14th ISOPE
w = atleast_1d(wn)
S = zeros_like(w)
##for w>0 # avoid division by zero
k = flatnonzero(w>0.0)
if k.size>0:
B = N/M
C = (N-1.0)/M
# # A = Normalizing factor related to Bretschneider form
# A = B**C*M/gamma(C)
# S(k) = A*wn(k)**(-N)*exp(-B*wn(k)**(-M))
logwn = log(w.take(k))
logA = (C*log(B)+log(M)-sp.gammaln(C))
return S
class ModelSpectrum(object):
def __init__(self, Hm0=7.0, Tp=11.0, **kwds):
self.Hm0 = Hm0
self.Tp = Tp
self.type = 'ModelSpectrum'
def tospecdata(self, w=None, wc=None, nw=257):
Return SpecData1D object from ModelSpectrum
w : arraylike
vector of angular frequencies used in the discretization of spectrum
wc : scalar
cut off frequency (default 33/Tp)
nw : int
number of frequencies
S : SpecData1D object
member attributes of model spectrum are copied to S.workspace
if w is None:
if wc is None:
wc = 33./self.Tp
w = linspace(0,wc,nw)
S = SpecData1D(self.__call__(w),w)
h = self.h
S.h = h
S.labels.title = self.type + ' ' + S.labels.title
S.workspace = self.__dict__.copy()
return S
def chk_seastate(self):
''' Check if seastate is valid
if self.Hm0<0:
raise ValueError('Hm0 can not be negative!')
if self.Tp<=0:
raise ValueError('Tp must be positve!')
if self.Hm0==0.0:
warnings.warn('Hm0 is zero!')
def _chk_extra_param(self):
class Bretschneider(ModelSpectrum):
Bretschneider spectral density model
Member variables
Hm0 : significant wave height (default 7 (m))
Tp : peak period (default 11 (sec))
N : scalar defining decay of high frequency part. (default 5)
M : scalar defining spectral width around the peak. (default 4)
w : array-like
angular frequencies [rad/s]
The Bretschneider spectrum is defined as
S(w) = A * G0 * wn**(-N)*exp(-N/(M*wn**M))
G0 = Normalizing factor related to Bretschneider form
A = (Hm0/4)**2 / wp (Normalization factor)
wn = w/wp
wp = 2*pi/Tp, angular peak frequency
This spectrum is a suitable model for fully developed sea,
i.e. a sea state where the wind has been blowing long enough over a
sufficiently open stretch of water, so that the high-frequency waves have
reached an equilibrium. In the part of the spectrum where the frequency is
greater than the peak frequency (w>wp), the energy distribution is
proportional to w**-5.
The spectrum is identical with ITTC (International Towing Tank
Conference), ISSC (International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress)
and Pierson-Moskowitz, wave spectrum given Hm0 and Tm01. It is also identical
with JONSWAP when the peakedness factor, gamma, is one.
For this spectrum, the following relations exist between the mean
period Tm01 = 2*pi*m0/m1, the peak period Tp and the mean
zero-upcrossing period Tz:
Tm01 = 1.086*Tz, Tp = 1.408*Tz and Tp=1.2965*Tm01
>>> S = Bretschneider(Hm0=6.5,Tp=10)
>>> S((0,1,2,3))
array([ 0. , 1.69350993, 0.06352698, 0.00844783])
See also
def __init__(self, Hm0=7.0, Tp=11.0, N=5, M=4, chk_seastate=True, **kwds):
self.type = 'Bretschneider'
self.Hm0 = Hm0
self.Tp = Tp
self.N = N
self.M = M
if chk_seastate:
def __call__(self,wi):
''' Return Bretschnieder spectrum
w = atleast_1d(wi)
if self.Hm0>0:
wp = 2*pi/self.Tp
wn = w/wp
S = (self.Hm0/4.0)**2/wp * _gengamspec(wn,self.N,self.M)
S = zeros_like(w)
return S
def jonswap_peakfact(Hm0,Tp):
''' Jonswap peakedness factor, gamma, given Hm0 and Tp
Hm0 : significant wave height [m].
Tp : peak period [s]
gamma : Peakedness parameter of the JONSWAP spectrum
A standard value for GAMMA is 3.3. However, a more correct approach is
to relate GAMMA to Hm0 and Tp:
D = 0.036-0.0056*Tp/sqrt(Hm0)
gamma = exp(3.484*(1-0.1975*D*Tp**4/(Hm0**2)))
This parameterization is based on qualitative considerations of deep water
wave data from the North Sea, see Torsethaugen et. al. (1984)
Here GAMMA is limited to 1..7.
NOTE: The size of GAMMA is the common shape of Hm0 and Tp.
>>> import pylab as plb
>>> Tp,Hs = plb.meshgrid(range(4,8),range(2,6))
>>> gam = jonswap_peakfact(Hs,Tp)
>>> Hm0 = plb.linspace(1,20)
>>> Tp = Hm0
>>> [T,H] = plb.meshgrid(Tp,Hm0)
>>> gam = jonswap_peakfact(H,T)
>>> v = plb.arange(0,8)
>>> h = plb.contourf(Tp,Hm0,gam,v);h=plb.colorbar()
>>> Hm0 = plb.arange(1,11)
>>> Tp = plb.linspace(2,16)
>>> T,H = plb.meshgrid(Tp,Hm0)
>>> gam = jonswap_peakfact(H,T)
>>> h = plb.plot(Tp,gam.T)
>>> h = plb.xlabel('Tp [s]')
>>> h = plb.ylabel('Peakedness parameter')
>>> plb.close('all')
See also
Hm0,Tp = atleast_1d(Hm0,Tp)
x = Tp/sqrt(Hm0)
gam = ones_like(x)
k1 = flatnonzero(x<=5.14285714285714)
if k1.size>0: # #limiting gamma to [1 7]
xk = x.take(k1)
D = 0.036-0.0056*xk # # approx 5.061*Hm0**2/Tp**4*(1-0.287*log(gam))
gam.put(k1,minimum(exp(3.484*( 1.0-0.1975*D*xk**4.0 ) ),7.0)) # # gamma
return gam
def jonswap_seastate(u10, fetch=150000., method='lewis', g=9.81, output='dict'):
Return Jonswap seastate from windspeed and fetch
U10 : real scalar
windspeed at 10 m above mean water surface [m/s]
fetch : real scalar
fetch [m]
method : 'hasselman73' seastate according to Hasselman et. al. 1973
'hasselman76' seastate according to Hasselman et. al. 1976
'lewis' seastate according to Lewis and Allos 1990
g : real scalar
accelaration of gravity [m/s**2]
output : 'dict' or 'list'
seastate: dict where
Hm0 : significant wave height [m]
Tp : peak period [s]
gamma : jonswap peak enhancement factor.
sigmaB : jonswap spectral width parameters.
Ag : jonswap alpha, normalization factor.
>>> fetch = 10000; u10 = 10
>>> ss = jonswap_seastate(u10, fetch, output='dict')
>>> ss
{'Ag': 0.016257903375341734,
'Hm0': 0.51083679198275533,
'Tp': 2.7727680999585265,
'gamma': 2.4824142635861119,
'sigmaA': 0.075317331395172021,
'sigmaB': 0.091912084512251344}
>>> S = Jonswap(**ss)
>>> S.Hm0
# Alternatively
>>> ss1 = jonswap_seastate(u10, fetch, output='list')
>>> S1 = Jonswap(*ss1)
>>> S1.Hm0
See also
Lewis, A. W. and Allos, R.N. (1990)
JONSWAP's parameters: sorting out the inconscistencies.
Ocean Engng, Vol 17, No 4, pp 409-415
Hasselmann et al. (1973)
Measurements of Wind-Wave Growth and Swell Decay during the Joint
North Sea Project (JONSWAP).
Ergansungsheft, Reihe A(8), Nr. 12, Deutschen Hydrografischen Zeitschrift.
Hasselmann et al. (1976)
A parametric wave prediction model.
J. phys. oceanogr. Vol 6, pp 200-228
# The following formulas are from Lewis and Allos 1990:
zeta = g*fetch/(u10**2) # dimensionless fetch, Table 1
#zeta = min(zeta, 2.414655013429281e+004)
if method.startswith('h'):
if method[-1]=='3': # Hasselman (1973)
A = 0.076*zeta**(-0.22)
ny= 3.5*zeta**(-0.33) # dimensionless peakfrequency, Table 1
epsilon1 = 9.91e-8*zeta**1.1 # dimensionless surface variance, Table 1
else: # Hasselman (1976)
A = 0.0662*zeta**(-0.2)
ny = 2.84*zeta**(-0.3) # dimensionless peakfrequency, Table 1
epsilon1 = 1.6e-7*zeta # dimensionless surface variance, Eq.4
sa = 0.07
sb = 0.09
gam = 3.3
A = 0.074*zeta**(-0.22) # Eq. 10
ny = 3.57*zeta**(-0.33) # dimensionless peakfrequency, Eq. 11
epsilon1 = 3.512e-4*A*ny**(-4.)*zeta**(-0.1) # dimensionless surface variance, Eq.12
sa = 0.05468*ny**(-0.32) # Eq. 13
sb = 0.078314*ny**(-0.16) # Eq. 14
gam = maximum(17.54*zeta**(-0.28384),1) # Eq. 15
Tp = u10/(ny*g) # Table 1
Hm0 = 4*sqrt(epsilon1)*u10**2./g # Table 1
if output[0]=='l':
return Hm0,Tp,gam,sa,sb,A
return dict(Hm0=Hm0,Tp=Tp,gamma=gam,sigmaA=sa,sigmaB=sb,Ag=A)
class Jonswap(ModelSpectrum):
Jonswap spectral density model
Member variables
Hm0 : significant wave height (default 7 (m))
Tp : peak period (default 11 (sec))
gamma : peakedness factor determines the concentraton
of the spectrum on the peak frequency.
Usually in the range 1 <= gamma <= 7.
default depending on Hm0, Tp, see jonswap_peakedness)
sigmaA : spectral width parameter for w<wp (default 0.07)
sigmaB : spectral width parameter for w<wp (default 0.09)
Ag : normalization factor used when gamma>1:
N : scalar defining decay of high frequency part. (default 5)
M : scalar defining spectral width around the peak. (default 4)
method : String defining method used to estimate Ag when gamma>1
'integrate' : Ag = 1/gaussq(Gf*ggamspec(wn,N,M),0,wnc) (default)
'parametric': Ag = (1+f1(N,M)*log(gamma)**f2(N,M))/gamma
'custom' : Ag = Ag
wnc : wc/wp normalized cut off frequency used when calculating Ag
by integration (default 6)
w : array-like
angular frequencies [rad/s]
The JONSWAP spectrum is defined as
S(w) = A * Gf * G0 * wn**(-N)*exp(-N/(M*wn**M))
G0 = Normalizing factor related to Bretschneider form
A = Ag * (Hm0/4)**2 / wp (Normalization factor)
Gf = j**exp(-.5*((wn-1)/s)**2) (Peak enhancement factor)
wn = w/wp
wp = angular peak frequency
s = sigmaA for wn <= 1
sigmaB for 1 < wn
j = gamma, (j=1, => Bretschneider spectrum)
The JONSWAP spectrum is assumed to be especially suitable for the North Sea,
and does not represent a fully developed sea. It is a reasonable model for
wind generated sea when the seastate is in the so called JONSWAP range, i.e.,
3.6*sqrt(Hm0) < Tp < 5*sqrt(Hm0)
The relation between the peak period and mean zero-upcrossing period
may be approximated by
Tz = Tp/(1.30301-0.01698*gamma+0.12102/gamma)
>>> import pylab as plb
>>> S = Jonswap(Hm0=7, Tp=11,gamma=1)
>>> w = plb.linspace(0,5)
>>> h = plb.plot(w,S(w))
>>> S2 = Bretschneider(Hm0=7, Tp=11)
>>> assert(all(abs(S(w)-S2(w))<1.e-7),'JONSWAP with gamma=1 differs from Bretscneider, should be equal!')
>>> plb.close('all')
See also
Torsethaugen et al. (1984)
Characteristica for extreme Sea States on the Norwegian continental shelf.
Report No. STF60 A84123. Norwegian Hydrodyn. Lab., Trondheim
Hasselmann et al. (1973)
Measurements of Wind-Wave Growth and Swell Decay during the Joint
North Sea Project (JONSWAP).
Ergansungsheft, Reihe A(8), Nr. 12, Deutschen Hydrografischen Zeitschrift.
def __init__(self, Hm0=7.0, Tp=11.0, gamma=None, sigmaA=0.07, sigmaB=0.09,
Ag=None, N=5, M=4, method='integration', wnc=6.0,
self.type = 'Jonswap'
self.Hm0 = Hm0
self.Tp = Tp
self.N = N
self.M = M
self.sigmaA = sigmaA
self.sigmaB = sigmaB
self.gamma = gamma
self.Ag = Ag
self.method = method
self.wnc = wnc
if self.gamma==None or not isfinite(self.gamma) or self.gamma<1:
self.gamma = jonswap_peakfact(Hm0,Tp)
if chk_seastate:
def _chk_extra_param(self):
Tp = self.Tp
Hm0 = self.Hm0
gam = self.gamma
outsideJonswapRange = Tp>5*sqrt(Hm0) or Tp<3.6*sqrt(Hm0)
if outsideJonswapRange:
txt0 = '''
Hm0,Tp is outside the JONSWAP range.
The validity of the spectral density is questionable.
if gam<1 or 7 < gam:
txt = '''
The peakedness factor, gamma, is possibly too large.
The validity of the spectral density is questionable.
def _localspec(self,wn):
Gf = self.peak_e_factor(wn)
return Gf*_gengamspec(wn,self.N, self.M)
def _preCalculateAg(self):
''' PRECALCULATEAG Precalculate normalization.
if self.gamma==1:
self.Ag = 1.0
self.method = 'parametric'
elif self.Ag != None:
self.method = 'custom'
if self.Ag<=0:
raise ValueError('Ag must be larger than 0!')
elif self.method[0]=='i':
# normalizing by integration
self.method = 'integration'
if self.wnc<1.0:
raise ValueError('Normalized cutoff frequency, wnc, must be larger than one!')
area1, unused_err1 = integrate.quad(self._localspec, 0, 1)
area2, unused_err2 = integrate.quad(self._localspec, 1, self.wnc)
area = area1 + area2
self.Ag = 1.0/area
elif self.method[1]=='p':
self.method = 'parametric'
## # Original normalization
## # NOTE: that Hm0**2/16 generally is not equal to intS(w)dw
## # with this definition of Ag if sa or sb are changed from the
## # default values
N = self.N
M = self.M
gammai = self.gamma
parametersOK = (3<=N and N<=50) or (2<=M and M <=9.5) and (1<= gammai and gammai<=20)
if parametersOK:
f1NM = 4.1*(N-2*M**0.28+5.3)**(-1.45*M**0.1+0.96)
f2NM = (2.2*M**(-3.3) + 0.57)*N**(-0.58*M**0.37+0.53)-1.04*M**(-1.9)+0.94
self.Ag = (1+ f1NM*log(gammai)**f2NM)/gammai
### elseif N == 5 && M == 4,
### options.Ag = (1+1.0*log(gammai).**1.16)/gammai
### #options.Ag = (1-0.287*log(gammai))
### options.normalizeMethod = 'Three'
### elseif N == 4 && M == 4,
### options.Ag = (1+1.1*log(gammai).**1.19)/gammai
raise ValueError('Not knowing the normalization because N, M or peakedness parameter is out of bounds!')
if self.sigmaA!=0.07 or self.sigmaB!=0.09:
warnings.warn('Use integration to calculate Ag when sigmaA~=0.07 or sigmaB~=0.09')
def peak_e_factor(self,wn):
w = maximum(atleast_1d(wn),0.0)
sab = where(w>1,self.sigmaB,self.sigmaA)
wnm12 = 0.5*((w-1.0)/sab)**2.0
Gf = self.gamma**(exp(-wnm12))
return Gf
def __call__(self,wi):
''' JONSWAP spectral density
w = atleast_1d(wi)
if (self.Hm0>0.0):
N = self.N
M = self.M
wp = 2*pi/self.Tp
wn = w/wp
Ag = self.Ag
Hm0 = self.Hm0
Gf = self.peak_e_factor(wn)
S = ((Hm0/4.0)**2/wp*Ag)*Gf*_gengamspec(wn,N,M)
S = zeros_like(w)
return S
def phi1(wi, h, g=9.81):
''' Factor transforming spectra to finite water depth spectra.
CALL: tr = phi1(w,h)
w : arraylike
angular frequency [rad/s]
h : scalar
water depth [m]
g : scalar
acceleration of gravity [m/s**2]
tr : arraylike
transformation factors
Transform a JONSWAP spectrum to a spectrum for waterdepth = 30 m
>>> S = Jonswap()
>>> w = range(3.0)
>>> S(w)*phi1(w,30.0)
array([ 0. , 1.0358056 , 0.03796281])
Buows, E., Gunther, H., Rosenthal, W. and Vincent, C.L. (1985)
'Similarity of the wind wave spectrum in finite depth water: 1 spectral form.'
J. Geophys. Res., Vol 90, No. C1, pp 975-986
w = atleast_1d(wi)
if h == inf: # % special case infinite water depth
return ones_like(w)
k1 = w2k(w,0,inf,g=g)[0]
dw1 = 2.0*w/g # % dw/dk|h=inf
k2 = w2k(w,0,h,g=g)[0]
k2h = k2*h
dw2 = where(k1!=0,dw1/(tanh(k2h)+k2h/cosh(k2h)**2.0),0) # dw/dk|h=h0
return where(k1!=0,(k1/k2)**3.0*dw2/dw1,0)
class Tmaspec(Jonswap):
''' JONSWAP spectrum for finite water depth
Member variables
h = water depth (default 42 [m])
g : acceleration of gravity [m/s**2]
Hm0 = significant wave height (default 7 [m])
Tp = peak period (default 11 (sec))
gamma = peakedness factor determines the concentraton
of the spectrum on the peak frequency.
Usually in the range 1 <= gamma <= 7.
default depending on Hm0, Tp, see getjonswappeakedness)
sigmaA = spectral width parameter for w<wp (default 0.07)
sigmaB = spectral width parameter for w<wp (default 0.09)
Ag = normalization factor used when gamma>1:
N = scalar defining decay of high frequency part. (default 5)
M = scalar defining spectral width around the peak. (default 4)
method = String defining method used to estimate Ag when gamma>1
'integrate' : Ag = 1/gaussq(Gf.*ggamspec(wn,N,M),0,wnc) (default)
'parametric': Ag = (1+f1(N,M)*log(gamma)^f2(N,M))/gamma
'custom' : Ag = Ag
wnc = wc/wp normalized cut off frequency used when calculating Ag
by integration (default 6)
w : array-like
angular frequencies [rad/s]
The evaluated spectrum is
S(w) = Sj(w)*phi(w,h)
Sj = jonswap spectrum
phi = modification due to water depth
The concept is based on a similarity law, and its validity is verified
through analysis of 3 data sets from: TEXEL, MARSEN projects (North
Sea) and ARSLOE project (Duck, North Carolina, USA). The data include
observations at water depths ranging from 6 m to 42 m.
>>> import pylab as plb
>>> w = plb.linspace(0,2.5)
>>> S = Tmaspec(h=10,gamma=1) # Bretschneider spectrum Hm0=7, Tp=11
>>> o=plb.plot(w,S(w))
>>> o=plb.plot(w,S(w,h=21))
>>> o=plb.plot(w,S(w,h=42))
>>> plb.close('all')
See also
Buows, E., Gunther, H., Rosenthal, W., and Vincent, C.L. (1985)
'Similarity of the wind wave spectrum in finite depth water: 1 spectral form.'
J. Geophys. Res., Vol 90, No. C1, pp 975-986
Hasselman et al. (1973)
Measurements of Wind-Wave Growth and Swell Decay during the Joint
North Sea Project (JONSWAP).
Ergansungsheft, Reihe A(8), Nr. 12, deutschen Hydrografischen
def __init__(self, Hm0=7.0, Tp=11.0, gamma=None, sigmaA=0.07, sigmaB=0.09,
Ag=None, N=5, M=4, method='integration', wnc=6.0,
chk_seastate=True, h=42, g=9.81):
self.g = g
self.h = h
super(Tmaspec, self).__init__(Hm0,Tp,gamma,sigmaA,sigmaB,Ag,N,M,method,wnc,chk_seastate)
self.type = 'TMA'
def phi(self,w,h=None,g=None):
if h==None:
h = self.h
if g==None:
g = self.g
return phi1(w,h,g)
def __call__(self,w,h=None,g=None):
jonswap = super(Tmaspec, self).__call__(w)
return jonswap*self.phi(w,h,g)
class Torsethaugen(ModelSpectrum):
Torsethaugen double peaked (swell + wind) spectrum model
Member variables
Hm0 : significant wave height (default 7 (m))
Tp : peak period (default 11 (sec))
wnc : wc/wp normalized cut off frequency used when calculating Ag
by integration (default 6)
method : String defining method used to estimate normalization factors, Ag,
in the the modified JONSWAP spectra when gamma>1
'integrate' : Ag = 1/quad(Gf.*gengamspec(wn,N,M),0,wnc)
'parametric': Ag = (1+f1(N,M)*log(gamma)**f2(N,M))/gamma
w : array-like
angular frequencies [rad/s]
The double peaked (swell + wind) Torsethaugen spectrum is
modelled as S(w) = Ss(w) + Sw(w) where Ss and Sw are modified
JONSWAP spectrums for swell and wind peak, respectively.
The energy is divided between the two peaks according
to empirical parameters, which peak that is primary depends on parameters.
The empirical parameters are found for classes of Hm0 and Tp,
originating from a dataset consisting of 20 000 spectra divided
into 146 different classes of Hm0 and Tp. (Data measured at the
Statfjord field in the North Sea in a period from 1980 to 1989.)
The range of the measured Hm0 and Tp for the dataset
are from 0.5 to 11 meters and from 3.5 to 19 sec, respectively.
Preliminary comparisons with spectra from other areas indicate that
some of the empirical parameters are dependent on geographical location.
Thus the model must be used with care for other areas than the
North Sea and sea states outside the area where measured data
are available.
>>> import pylab as plb
>>> w = plb.linspace(0,4)
>>> S = Torsethaugen(Hm0=6, Tp=8)
>>> h=plb.plot(w,S(w),w,S.wind(w),w,S.swell(w))
See also
Torsethaugen, K. (2004)
"Simplified Double Peak Spectral Model for Ocean Waves"
In Proc. 14th ISOPE
Torsethaugen, K. (1996)
Model for a doubly peaked wave spectrum
Report No. STF22 A96204. SINTEF Civil and Environm. Engineering, Trondheim
Torsethaugen, K. (1994)
'Model for a doubly peaked spectrum. Lifetime and fatigue strength
estimation implications.'
International Workshop on Floating Structures in Coastal zone,
Hiroshima, November 1994.
Torsethaugen, K. (1993)
'A two peak wave spectral model.'
In proceedings OMAE, Glasgow
def __init__(self, Hm0=7, Tp=11, method='integration', wnc=6, gravity=9.81,
chk_seastate=True, **kwds):
self.type = 'Torsethaugen'
self.Hm0 = Hm0
self.Tp = Tp
self.method = method
self.wnc = wnc
self.gravity = gravity
self.wind = None
self.swell = None
if chk_seastate:
def __call__(self,w):
''' TORSETHAUGEN spectral density
return self.wind(w)+self.swell(w)
def _chk_extra_param(self):
Hm0 = self.Hm0
Tp = self.Tp
if Hm0>11 or Hm0>max((Tp/3.6)**2, (Tp-2)*12/11):
txt0 = '''Hm0 is outside the valid range.
The validity of the spectral density is questionable'''
if Tp>20 or Tp<3:
txt1 = '''Tp is outside the valid range.
The validity of the spectral density is questionable'''
def _init_spec(self):
''' Initialize swell and wind part of Torsethaugen spectrum
monitor = 0
Hm0 = self.Hm0
Tp = self.Tp
gravity1 = self.gravity # m/s**2
min = minimum
max = maximum
# The parameter values below are found comparing the
# model to average measured spectra for the Statfjord Field
# in the Northern North Sea.
Af = 6.6 #m**(-1/3)*sec
AL = 2 #sec/sqrt(m)
Au = 25 #sec
KG = 35
KG0 = 3.5
KG1 = 1 # m
r = 0.857 # 6/7
K0 = 0.5 #1/sqrt(m)
K00 = 3.2
M0 = 4
B1 = 2 #sec
B2 = 0.7
B3 = 3.0 #m
S0 = 0.08 #m**2*s
S1 = 3 #m
# Preliminary comparisons with spectra from other areas indicate that
# the parameters on the line below can be dependent on geographical location
A10 = 0.7; A1 = 0.5; A20 = 0.6; A2 = 0.3; A3 = 6
Tf = Af*(Hm0)**(1.0/3.0)
Tl = AL*sqrt(Hm0) # lower limit
Tu = Au # upper limit
#Non-dimensional scales
# New call pab April 2005
El = min(max((Tf-Tp)/(Tf-Tl),0),1) #wind sea
Eu = min(max((Tp-Tf)/(Tu-Tf),0),1) #Swell
if Tp<Tf: # Wind dominated seas
# Primary peak (wind dominated)
Nw = K0*sqrt(Hm0)+K00 # high frequency exponent
Mw = M0 # spectral width exponent
Rpw = min((1-A10)*exp(-(El/A1)**2)+A10,1)
Hpw = Rpw*Hm0 # significant waveheight wind
Tpw = Tp # primary peak period
# peak enhancement factor
gammaw = KG*(1+KG0*exp(-Hm0/KG1))*(2*pi/gravity1*Rpw*Hm0/(Tp**2))**r
gammaw = max(gammaw,1)
# Secondary peak (swell)
Ns = Nw # high frequency exponent
Ms = Mw # spectral width exponent
Rps = sqrt(1.0-Rpw**2.0)
Hps = Rps*Hm0 # significant waveheight swell
Tps = Tf+B1
gammas = 1.0
if monitor:
if Rps > 0.1:
print(' Spectrum for Wind dominated sea')
print(' Spectrum for pure wind sea')
else: #swell dominated seas
# Primary peak (swell)
Ns = K0*sqrt(Hm0)+K00 #high frequency exponent
Ms = M0 #spectral width exponent
Rps = min((1-A20)*exp(-(Eu/A2)**2)+A20,1)
Hps = Rps*Hm0 # significant waveheight swell
Tps = Tp # primary peak period
# peak enhancement factor
gammas = KG*(1+KG0*exp(-Hm0/KG1))*(2*pi/gravity1*Hm0/(Tf**2))**r*(1+A3*Eu)
gammas = max(gammas,1)
# Secondary peak (wind)
Nw = Ns # high frequency exponent
Mw = M0*(1-B2*exp(-Hm0/B3)) # spectral width exponent
Rpw = sqrt(1-Rps**2)
Hpw = Rpw*Hm0 # significant waveheight wind
C = (Nw-1)/Mw
B = Nw/Mw
G0w = B**C*Mw/sp.gamma(C)#normalizing factor
#G0w = exp(C*log(B)+log(Mw)-gammaln(C))
#G0w = Mw/((B)**(-C)*gamma(C))
if Hpw>0:
Tpw = (16*S0*(1-exp(-Hm0/S1))*(0.4)**Nw/( G0w*Hpw**2))**(-1.0/(Nw-1.0))
Tpw = inf
#Tpw = max(Tpw,2.5)
gammaw = 1
if monitor:
if Rpw > 0.1:
print(' Spectrum for swell dominated sea')
print(' Spectrum for pure swell sea')
if monitor:
if (3.6*sqrt(Hm0)<= Tp & Tp<=5*sqrt(Hm0)):
print(' Jonswap range')
print('Hm0 = %g' % Hm0)
print('Ns, Ms = %g, %g Nw, Mw = %g, %g' % (Ns, Ms, Nw, Mw))
print('gammas = %g gammaw = ' % (gammas,gammaw))
print('Rps = %g Rpw = %g' % (Rps,Rpw))
print('Hps = %g Hpw = %g' % (Hps, Hpw))
print('Tps = %g Tpw = %g' % (Tps, Tpw))
#G0s=Ms/((Ns/Ms)**(-(Ns-1)/Ms)*gamma((Ns-1)/Ms )) #normalizing factor
# Wind part
self.wind = Jonswap(Hm0=Hpw, Tp=Tpw, gamma=gammaw, N=Nw, M=Mw,
method=self.method, chk_seastate=False)
# Swell part
self.swell = Jonswap(Hm0=Hps, Tp=Tps, gamma=gammas, N=Ns, M=Ms,
method=self.method, chk_seastate=False)
class McCormick(Bretschneider):
''' McCormick spectral density model
Member variables
Hm0 = significant wave height (default 7 (m))
Tp = peak period (default 11 (sec))
Tz = zero-down crossing period (default 0.8143*Tp)
M = scalar defining spectral width around the peak.
(default depending on Tp and Tz)
w : array-like
angular frequencies [rad/s]
The McCormick spectrum parameterization is a modification of the Bretschneider
spectrum and defined as
S(w) = (M+1)*(Hm0/4)^2/wp*(wp./w)^(M+1)*exp(-(M+1)/M*(wp/w)^M)
>>> S = McCormick(Hm0=6.5,Tp=10)
>>> S(range(4))
array([ 0. , 1.87865908, 0.15050447, 0.02994663])
See also
M.E. McCormick (1999)
"Application of the Generic Spectral Formula to Fetch-Limited Seas"
Marine Technology Society, Vol 33, No. 3, pp 27-32
def __init__(self, Hm0=7, Tp=11, Tz=None, M=None, chk_seastate=True):
self.type = 'McCormick'
self.Hm0 = Hm0
self.Tp = Tp
if Tz==None:
Tz = 0.8143*Tp
self.Tz = Tz
if chk_seastate:
if M==None and self.Hm0>0:
self._TpdTz = Tp/Tz
M = 1.0/optimize.fminbound(self._localoptfun,0.01,5)
self.M = M
self.N = M+1.0
def _localoptfun(self,x):
#LOCALOPTFUN Local function to optimize.
y = 1.0+x
return (y**(x)/sp.gamma(y)-self._TpdTz)**2.0
class OchiHubble(ModelSpectrum):
''' OchiHubble bimodal spectral density model.
Member variables
Hm0 : significant wave height (default 7 (m))
par : integer defining the parametrization (default 0)
0 : The most probable spectrum
1,2,...10 : gives 95% Confidence spectra
The OchiHubble bimodal spectrum is modelled as
S(w) = Ss(w) + Sw(w) where Ss and Sw are modified Bretschneider
spectra for swell and wind peak, respectively.
The OH spectrum is a six parameter spectrum, all functions of Hm0.
The values of these parameters are determined from a analysis of data
obtained in the North Atlantic. The source of the data is the same as
that for the development of the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum, but
analysis is carried out on over 800 spectra including those in
partially developed seas and those having a bimodal shape. From a
statistical analysis of the data, a family of wave spectra consisting
of 11 members is generated for a desired sea severity (Hm0) with the
coefficient of 0.95.
A significant advantage of using a family of spectra for design of
marine systems is that one of the family members yields the largest
response such as motions or wave induced forces for a specified sea
severity, while another yields the smallest response with confidence
coefficient of 0.95.
>>> S = OchiHubble(par=2)
>>> S(range(4))
array([ 0. , 0.90155636, 0.04185445, 0.00583207])
See also
Ochi, M.K. and Hubble, E.N. (1976)
'On six-parameter wave spectra.'
In Proc. 15th Conf. Coastal Engng., Vol.1, pp301-328
def __init__(self, Hm0=7, par=1, chk_seastate=True):
self.type = 'Ochi Hubble'
self.Hm0 = Hm0
self.Tp = 1
self.par = par
self.wind = None
self.swell = None
if chk_seastate:
def __call__(self,w):
return self.wind(w)+self.swell(w)
def _init_spec(self):
hp = array([[0.84, 0.54],
[0.84, 0.54],
[0.84, 0.54],
[0.84, 0.54],
[0.84, 0.54],
[0.95, 0.31],
[0.65, 0.76],
[0.90, 0.44],
[0.77, 0.64],
[0.92, 0.39]])
wa = array([ [0.7, 1.15],
[0.93, 1.5],
[0.41, 0.88],
[0.74, 1.3],
[0.62, 1.03],
[0.70, 1.50],
[0.61, 0.94],
[0.81, 1.60],
[0.54, 0.61],
[0.70, 0.99],
[0.70, 1.37]])
wb = array([ [0.046, 0.039],
[0.056, 0.046],
[0.016, 0.026],
[0.052, 0.039],
[0.039, 0.030],
[0.046, 0.046],
[0.039, 0.036],
[0.052, 0.033],
[0.039, 0.000],
[0.046, 0.039],
[0.046, 0.039]])
Lpar = array([[3.00, 1.54,-0.062],
[3.00, 2.77,-0.112],
[2.55, 1.82,-0.089],
[2.65, 3.90,-0.085],
[2.60, 0.53,-0.069],
[1.35, 2.48,-0.102],
[4.95, 2.48,-0.102],
[1.80, 2.95,-0.105],
[4.50, 1.95,-0.082],
[6.40, 1.78,-0.069],
[0.70, 1.78,-0.069]])
Hm0 = self.Hm0
Lpari = Lpar[self.par]
Li = hstack((Lpari[0],Lpari[1]*exp(Lpari[2]*Hm0)))
Hm0i = hp[self.par]*Hm0
Tpi = 2*pi*exp(wb[self.par]*Hm0)/wa[self.par]
Ni = 4*Li+1
Mi = [4, 4]
self.swell = Bretschneider(Hm0=Hm0i[0], Tp=Tpi[0], N=Ni[0], M=Mi[0])
self.wind = Bretschneider(Hm0=Hm0i[1], Tp=Tpi[1], N=Ni[1], M=Mi[1])
def _chk_extra_param(self):
if self.par<0 or 10<self.par:
raise ValueError('Par must be an integer from 0 to 10!')
class Wallop(Bretschneider):
'''Wallop spectral density model.
Member variables
Hm0 = significant wave height (default 7 (m))
Tp = peak period (default 11 (sec))
N = shape factor, i.e. slope for the high frequency
% part (default depending on Hm0 and Tp, see below)
w : array-like
angular frequencies [rad/s]
The WALLOP spectrum parameterization is a modification of the Bretschneider
spectrum and defined as
S(w) = A * G0 * wn**(-N)*exp(-N/(4*wn**4))
G0 = Normalizing factor related to Bretschneider form
A = (Hm0/4)^2 / wp (Normalization factor)
wn = w/wp
wp = 2*pi/Tp, angular peak frequency
N = abs((log(2*pi^2)+2*log(Hm0/4)-2*log(Lp))/log(2))
Lp = wave length corresponding to the peak frequency, wp.
If N=5 it becomes the same as the JONSWAP spectrum with
peak enhancement factor gamma=1 or the Bretschneider
(Pierson-Moskowitz) spectrum.
>>> S = Wallop(Hm0=6.5, Tp=10)
>>> S(range(4))
array([ 0.00000000e+00, 9.36921871e-01, 2.76991078e-03,
See also
Huang, N.E., Long, S.R., Tung, C.C, Yuen, Y. and Bilven, L.F. (1981)
"A unified two parameter wave spectral model for a generous sea state"
J. Fluid Mechanics, Vol.112, pp 203-224
def __init__(self, Hm0=7, Tp=11, N=None, chk_seastate=True):
self.type = 'Wallop'
self.Hm0 = Hm0
self.Tp = Tp
self.M = 4
if N is None:
wp = 2.*pi/Tp
kp = w2k(wp,0,inf)[0] # wavenumber at peak frequency
Lp = 2.*pi/kp # wave length at the peak frequency
N = abs((log(2.*pi**2.)+2*log(Hm0/4)-2.0*log(Lp))/log(2))
self.N = N
if chk_seastate:
class Spreading(object):
Directional spreading function.
Member variables
D = Directional spreading function returning
S = D(theta,w,wc) where S is a Nt X Nw matrix with the principal
direction always along the x-axis.
Member varialbes
type = type of spreading function, see options below (default 'cos2s')
'cos2s' : cos-2s spreading N(S)*[cos((theta-theta0)/2)]**(2*S) (0 < S)
'box' : Box-car spreading N(A)*I( -A < theta-theta0 < A) (0 < A < pi)
'mises' : von Mises spreading N(K)*exp(K*cos(theta-theta0)) (0 < K)
'poisson': Poisson spreading N(X)/(1-2*X*cos(theta-theta0)+X**2) (0 < X < 1)
'sech2' : sech-2 spreading N(B)*sech(B*(theta-theta0))**2 (0 < B)
'wnormal': Wrapped Normal
[1 + 2*sum exp(-(n*D1)^2/2)*cos(n*(theta-theta0))]/(2*pi) (0 < D1)
(N(.) = normalization factor)
(the first letter is enough for unique identification)
theta0 = function handle, inline object, matrix or a scalar defining
average direction given in radians at every angular frequency.
(length 1 or length == length(wn)) (default 0)
method = Defines function used for direcional spreading parameter:
0, None : S(wn) = spa, frequency independent
1, 'mitsuyasu': S(wn) frequency dependent (default)
2, 'donelan' : B(wn) frequency dependent
3, 'banner' : B(wn) frequency dependent
S(wn) = spa *(wn)^ma, : wnlo <= wn < wnc
= spb *(wn)^mb, : wnc <= wn < wnup
= 0 : wnup <= wn
B(wn) = S(wn) : wnlo <= wn < wnup
= spb*wnup^mb : wnup <= wn, method = 2
= sc*F(wn) : wnup <= wn , method = 3
where F(wn) = 10^(-0.4+0.8393*exp(-0.567*log(wn^2))) and sc is
scalefactor to make the spreading funtion continous.
wnlimits = [wnlo wnc wnup] limits used in the function defining the
directional spreading parameter.
wnc is the normalized cutover frequency (default [0 1 inf])
sp = [spa,spb] maximum spread parameters (default [15 15])
m = [ma,mb] shape parameters (default [5 -2.5])
SPREADING Return function handle to a Directional spreading function.
Here the S- or B-parameter, of the COS-2S and SECH-2 spreading function,
respectively, is used as a measure of spread. All the parameters of the
other distributions are related to this parameter through the first Fourier
coefficient, R1, of the directional distribution as follows:
R1 = S/(S+1) or S = R1/(1-R1).
Box-car spreading : R1 = sin(A)/A
Von Mises spreading: R1 = besseli(1,K)/besseli(0,K),
Poisson spreading : R1 = X
sech-2 spreading : R1 = pi/(2*B*sinh(pi/(2*B))
Wrapped Normal : R1 = exp(-D1^2/2)
A value of S = 15 corresponds to
'box' : A=0.62, 'sech2' : B=0.89
'mises' : K=8.3, 'poisson': X=0.94
'wnormal': D=0.36
The COS2S is the most frequently used spreading in engineering practice.
Apart from the current meter/pressure cell data in WADIC all
instruments seem to support the 'cos2s' distribution for heavier sea
states, (Krogstad and Barstow, 1999). For medium sea states
a spreading function between COS2S and POISSON seem appropriate,
while POISSON seems appropriate for swell.
For the COS2S Mitsuyasu et al. parameterized SPa = SPb =
11.5*(U10/Cp) where Cp = g/wp is the deep water phase speed at wp and
U10 the wind speed at reference height 10m. Hasselman et al. (1980)
parameterized mb = -2.33-1.45*(U10/Cp-1.17).
Mitsuyasu et al. (1975) showed that SP for wind waves varies from
5 to 30 being a function of dimensionless wind speed.
However, Goda and Suzuki (1975) proposed SP = 10 for wind waves, SP = 25
for swell with short decay distance and SP = 75 for long decay distance.
Compared to experiments Krogstad et al. (1998) found that ma = 5 +/- eps and
that -1< mb < -3.5.
Values given in the litterature: [spa spb ma mb wlim(1:3) ]
(Mitsuyasu: spa == spb) (cos-2s) [15 15 5 -2.5 0 1 3 ]
(Hasselman: spa ~= spb) (cos-2s) [6.97 9.77 4.06 -2.3 0 1.05 3 ]
(Banner : spa ~= spb) (sech2) [2.61 2.28 1.3 -1.3 0.56 0.95 1.6]
Examples :
>>> import pylab as plb
>>> D = Spreading('cos2s',s_a=10.0)
>>> w = plb.linspace(0,3,257)
>>> theta = plb.linspace(-pi,pi,129)
>>> t = plb.contour(D(theta,w)[0].squeeze())
# Make frequency dependent direction
>>> theta0 = lambda w: w*plb.pi/6.0
>>> D2 = Spreading('cos2s',theta0=theta0)
>>> t = plb.contour(D2(theta,w)[0])
# Plot all spreading functions
>>> alltypes = ('cos2s','box','mises','poisson','sech2','wrap_norm')
>>> for ix in range(len(alltypes)):
... D3 = Spreading(alltypes[ix])
... t = plb.figure(ix)
... t = plb.contour(D3(theta,w)[0])
... t = plb.title(alltypes[ix])
>>> plb.close('all')
See also mkdspec, plotspec, spec2spec
Krogstad, H.E. and Barstow, S.F. (1999)
"Directional Distributions in Ocean Wave Spectra"
Proceedings of the 9th ISOPE Conference, Vol III, pp. 79-86
Goda, Y. (1999)
"Numerical simulation of ocean waves for statistical analysis"
Marine Tech. Soc. Journal, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp 5--14
Banner, M.L. (1990)
"Equilibrium spectra of wind waves."
J. Phys. Ocean, Vol 20, pp 966--984
Donelan M.A., Hamilton J, Hui W.H. (1985)
"Directional spectra of wind generated waves."
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, Vol A315, pp 387--407
Hasselmann D, Dunckel M, Ewing JA (1980)
"Directional spectra observed during JONSWAP."
J. Phys. Ocean, Vol.10, pp 1264--1280
Mitsuyasu, H, et al. (1975)
"Observation of the directional spectrum of ocean waves using a
coverleaf buoy."
J. Physical Oceanography, Vol.5, No.4, pp 750--760
Some of this might be included in help header:
NB! The generally strong frequency dependence in directional spread
makes it questionable to run load tests of ships and structures with a
directional spread independent of frequency (Krogstad and Barstow, 1999).
##% Parameterization of B
##% def = 2 Donelan et al freq. parametrization for 'sech2'
##% def = 3 Banner freq. parametrization for 'sech2'
##% (spa ~= spb) (sech-2) [2.61 2.28 1.3 -1.3 0.56 0.95 1.6]
##% Tested on: Matlab 7.0
##% History:
##% revised pab jan 2007
##% - renamed from spreading to mkspreading
##% - the function now return a function handle to the actual spreading function.
##% - removed wc, the cut over frequency -> input is now assumed as normalized frequency, w/wc.
##% revised pab 17.06.2001
##% - added wrapped normal spreading
##% revised pab 6 April 2001
##% - added fourier2distpar
##% - Fixed the normalization of sech2 spreading
##% revised by PAB and IR 1 April 2001: Introducing the azymuth as a
##% standard parameter in order to avoid rotations of the directions
##% theta. The x-axis is always pointing into the principal direction
##% as defined in the spreading function D(omega,theta). The actual
##% principal direction is defined by means of field D.phi.
##% revised es 06.06.2000, commented away: if ((ma==0) & (mb==0)), ...,
##% hoping that the check is unnecessary
##% revised pab 13.06.2000
##% - fixed a serious bug: made sure -pi<= th-th0 <=pi
##% revised pab 16.02.2000
##% -fixed default value for Hasselman parametrization
##% revised pab 02.02.2000
##% - Nt or th may be specified + check on th
##% - added frequency dependence for sech-2
##% - th0 as separate input
##% - updated header info
##% - changed check for nargins
##% - added the possibility of nan's in data vector
##% Revised by jr 2000.01.25
##% - changed check of nargins
##% - frequency dependence only for cos-2s
##% - updated information
##% By es, jr 1999.11.25
def __init__(self,type='cos2s',theta0=0,method='mitsuyasu',s_a=15.,s_b=15.,m_a=5.,m_b=-2.5,wn_lo=0.0,wn_c=1.,wn_up=inf):
self.type = type
self.theta0 = theta0
self.method = method
self.s_a = s_a
self.s_b = s_b
self.m_a = m_a
self.m_b = m_b
self.wn_lo = wn_lo
self.wn_c = wn_c
self.wn_up = wn_up
methods = dict(n=None, m='mitsuyasu', d='donelan', b='banner')
methodslist = (None, 'mitsuyasu', 'donelan', 'banner')
if isinstance(self.method,str):
if not self.method[0] in methods:
raise ValueError('Unknown method')
self.method = methods[self.method[0]]
elif self.method == None:
if method<0 or 3<method:
method = 2
self.method = methodslist[method]
self._spreadfun = dict(c=self.cos2s,, m=self.mises,
p=self.poisson, s=self.sech2, w=self.wrap_norm)
self._fourierdispatch = dict(b=self.fourier2a, m=self.fourier2k,
p=self.fourier2x, s=self.fourier2b,
def __call__(self,*args):
spreadfun = self._spreadfun[self.type[0]]
return spreadfun(*args)
def chk_input(self,theta,w=1,wc=1): # [s_par,TH,phi0,Nt] =
CALL [s_par,TH,phi0,Nt] = inputchk(theta,w,wc)
wn = atleast_1d(w/wc)
theta = theta.ravel()
Nt = len(theta)
# Make sure theta is from -pi to pi
phi0 = 0.0
theta = mod(theta+pi,2*pi)-pi
if hasattr(self.theta0, '__call__'):
th0 = self.theta0(wn.flatten())
th0 = atleast_1d(self.theta0).flatten()
Nt0 = th0.size
Nw = w.size
isFreqDepDir = (Nt0==Nw)
if isFreqDepDir:
# frequency dependent spreading and/or
# frequency dependent direction
# make sure -pi<=TH<pi
TH = mod(theta[:,newaxis]-th0[newaxis,:]+pi,2*pi)-pi
elif Nt0!=1:
raise ValueError('The length of theta0 must equal to 1 or the length of w')
TH = mod(theta-th0+pi,2*pi)-pi # make sure -pi<=TH<pi
if self.method!=None: # frequency dependent spreading
TH = TH[:,newaxis]
# Get spreading parameter
s = self.spread_par_s(wn)
if self.type[0]=='c': # cos2s
s_par = s
r1 = abs(s/(s+1)) #% First Fourier coefficient of the directional spreading function.
#% Find distribution parameter from first Fourier coefficient.
s_par = self.fourier2distpar(r1)
if self.method!=None:
s_par = s_par[newaxis,:]
return s_par, TH, phi0, Nt
def cos2s(self, theta, w=1, wc=1): # [D, phi0] =
''' COS2S spreading function
CALL [D, phi0] = cos2s(theta,w,wc)
[D, phi0] = cos2s(Nt,w)
D = matrix of directonal spreading function, COS2S, defined as
cos2s(theta,w) = N(S)*[cos((theta-theta0)/2)]^(2*S) (0 < S)
where N() is a normalization factor and S is the spreading parameter
possibly dependent on w. The principal direction of D is always along
the x-axis. size Nt X Nw.
phi0 = Parameter defining the actual principal direction of D.
theta = vector of angles given in radians. Lenght Nt
w = vector of angular frequencies given rad/s. Length Nw.
S, TH, phi0, unused_Nt = self.chk_input(theta, w, wc)
## if not self.method[0]=='n':
## S = S[newaxis,:]
gammaln = sp.gammaln
D = (exp(gammaln(S+1)-gammaln(S+1.0/2.0))/(2*sqrt(pi)))*cos(TH/2.0)**(2.0*S)
return D, phi0
def poisson(self,theta,w=1,wc=1): # [D,phi0] =
''' POISSON spreading function
CALL [D, phi0] = poisson(theta,w,wc)
D = matrix of directonal spreading function, POISSON, defined as
poisson(theta,w) = N(X)/(1-2*X*cos(theta-theta0)+X^2) (0 < X < 1)
where N() is a normalization factor and X is the spreading parameter
possibly dependent on w. The principal direction of D is always along
the x-axis. size Nt X Nw.
phi0 = Parameter defining the actual principal direction of D.
[X, TH, phi0, unused_Nt] = self.chk_input(theta,w,wc)
## if not self.method[0]=='n':
## X = X[newaxis,:]
D = (1-X**2.)/(1.-(2.*cos(TH)-X)*X)/(2.*pi)
return D, phi0
def wrap_norm(self,theta,w=1,wc=1):
''' Wrapped Normal spreading function
CALL [D, phi0] = wnormal(theta,w,wc)
D = matrix of directonal spreading function, WNORMAL, defined as
wnormal(theta,w) = N(D1)*[1 + 2*sum exp(-(n*D1)^2/2)*cos(n*(theta-theta0))] (0 < D1)
where N() is a normalization factor and D1 is the spreading parameter
possibly dependent on w. The principal direction of D is always along
the x-axis. size Nt X Nw.
phi0 = Parameter defining the actual principal direction of D.
[par,TH,phi0,Nt] = self.chk_input(theta,w,wc)
D1 = par**2./2.
## if not self.method(1)=='n':
## D1 = D1[newaxis,:]
ix = arange(1,Nt)
ix2 = ix**2
Nd2 = D1.size
Fcof = vstack( (ones((1,Nd2))/2, exp(-ix2[:,newaxis]*D1)))/pi
cor = exp(1j*ix[:,newaxis]*TH[0,:])
Pcor = vstack( (ones((1,TH.shape[1]) ), cor ) ) # % correction term to get
#% the correct integration limits
Fcof = Fcof*Pcor.conj()
D = real(fft(Fcof,axis=0))
return D, phi0
def sech2(self,theta,w=1,wc=1):
'''Sech**2 spreading function
CALL [D, phi0] = sech2(theta,w,wc)
D = matrix of directonal spreading function, SECH2, defined as
sech2(theta,w) = N(B)*0.5*B*sech(B*(theta-theta0))^2 (0 < B)
where N() is a normalization factor and X is the spreading parameter
possibly dependent on w. The principal direction of D is always along
the x-axis. size Nt X Nw.
phi0 = Parameter defining the actual principal direction of D.
[B, TH, phi0, unused_Nt] = self.chk_input(theta,w,wc)
NB = tanh(pi*B) #% Normalization factor.
NB = where(NB==0,1.0,NB) # Avoid division by zero
## if not self.method[0]=='n':
## B = B[newaxis,:]
## NB = NB[newaxis,:]
D = 0.5*B*sech(B*TH)**2./NB
return D, phi0
def mises(self,theta,w=1,wc=1):
'''Mises spreading function
CALL [D, phi0] = mises(theta,w,wc)
D = matrix of directonal spreading function, MISES, defined as
mises(theta,w) = N(K)*exp(K*cos(theta-theta0)) (0 < K)
where N() is a normalization factor and K is the spreading parameter
possibly dependent on w. The principal direction of D is always along
the x-axis. size Nt X Nw.
phi0 = Parameter defining the actual principal direction of D.
[K, TH, phi0, unused_Nt] = self.chk_input(theta,w,wc)
## if not self.method[0]=='n':
## K = K[newaxis,:]
D = exp(K*(cos(TH)-1.))/(2*pi*sp.ive(0,K))
return D, phi0
def box(self,theta,w=1,wc=1):
''' Box car spreading function
CALL [D, phi0] = box(theta,w,wc)
D = matrix of directonal spreading function, SECH2, defined as
box(theta,w) = N(A)*I( -A < theta-theta0 < A) (0 < A < pi)
where N() is a normalization factor and A is the spreading parameter
possibly dependent on w. The principal direction of D is always along
the x-axis. size Nt X Nw.
phi0 = Parameter defining the actual principal direction of D.
[A,TH,phi0,unused_Nt] = self.chk_input(theta,w,wc)
## if not self.method[0]=='n':
## A = A[newaxis,:]
D = ((-A<=TH) & (TH<=A))/(2.*A)
return D, phi0
# Local sub functions
def fourier2distpar(self,r1):
''' Fourier coefficients to distribution parameter
r1 = corresponding fourier coefficient.
type = string defining spreading function
x = distribution parameter
The S-parameter of the COS-2S spreading function is used as a measure of
spread in MKSPREADING. All the parameters of the other distributions are
related to this S-parameter through the first Fourier coefficient, R1, of the
directional distribution as follows:
R1 = S/(S+1) or S = R1/(1-R1).
Box-car spreading : R1 = sin(A)/A
Von Mises spreading: R1 = besseli(1,K)/besseli(0,K),
Poisson spreading : R1 = X
sech-2 spreading : R1 = pi/(2*B*sinh(pi/(2*B))
Wrapped Normal : R1 = exp(-D1^2/2)
fourierfun = self._fourierdispatch.get(self.type[0])
return fourierfun(r1)
def fourier2x(self,r1):
''' Returns the solution of r1 = x.
X = r1
if any(X>=1):
raise ValueError('POISSON spreading: X value must be less than 1')
return X
def fourier2a(self,r1):
''' Returns the solution of R1 = sin(A)/A.
A0 = flipud(linspace(0,pi+0.1,1025))
funA = interp1d(sinc(A0/pi),A0)
A0 = funA(r1.ravel())
A = asarray(A0)
# Newton-Raphson
da = ones_like(r1)
max_count = 100
ix = flatnonzero(A)
for unused_iy in range(max_count):
Ai = A[ix]
da[ix] = (sin(Ai) -Ai*r1[ix])/(cos(Ai)-r1[ix])
Ai = Ai - da[ix]
# Make sure that the current guess is larger than zero and less than pi
#x(ix) = xi + 0.1*(dx(ix) - 9*xi).*(xi<=0) + 0.38*(dx(ix)-6.2*xi +6.2).*(xi>pi)
# Make sure that the current guess is larger than zero.
A[ix] = Ai + 0.5*(da[ix] - Ai)*(Ai<=0.0)
ix = flatnonzero((abs(da) > sqrt(eps)*abs(A))*(abs(da) > sqrt(eps)))
if ix.size==0:
if any(A>pi):
raise ValueError('BOX-CAR spreading: The A value must be less than pi')
return A.clip(min=1e-16,max=pi)
warnings.warn('Newton raphson method did not converge.')
return A.clip(min=1e-16) # Avoid division by zero
def fourier2k(self, r1):
Returns the solution of R1 = besseli(1,K)/besseli(0,K),
K0 = hstack((linspace(0,10,513), linspace(10.00001,100)))
fun0 = lambda x : sp.ive(1,x)/sp.ive(0,x)
funK = interp1d(fun0(K0),K0)
K0 = funK(r1.ravel())
k1 = flatnonzero(isnan(K0))
if (k1.size>0):
K0[k1] = 0.0
K0[k1] = K0.max()
ix0 = flatnonzero(r1!=0.0)
K = zeros_like(r1)
fun = lambda x : fun0(x)-r1[ix]
for ix in ix0:
K[ix] = optimize.fsolve(fun,K0[ix])
return K
def fourier2b(self,r1):
''' Returns the solution of R1 = pi/(2*B*sinh(pi/(2*B)).
B0 = hstack((linspace(eps,5,513), linspace(5.0001,100)))
funB = interp1d(self._r1ofsech2(B0),B0)
B0 = funB(r1.ravel())
k1 = flatnonzero(isnan(B0))
if (k1.size>0):
B0[k1] = 0.0
B0[k1] = max(B0)
ix0 = flatnonzero(r1!=0.0)
B = zeros_like(r1)
fun = lambda x : 0.5*pi/(sinh(.5*pi/x))-x*r1[ix]
for ix in ix0:
B[ix] = abs(optimize.fsolve(fun,B0[ix]))
return B
def fourier2d(self,r1):
''' Returns the solution of R1 = exp(-D**2/2).
r = clip(r1,0.,1.0)
return where(r<=0,inf,sqrt(-2.0*log(r)))
def spread_par_s(self,wn):
''' Return spread parameter, S, of COS2S function
wn : array_like
normalized frequencies.
S : ndarray
spread parameter of COS2S functions
if self.method==None:
# no frequency dependent spreading,
# but possible frequency dependent direction
s = atleast_1d(self.s_a)
wn_lo = self.wn_lo
wn_up = self.wn_up
wn_c = self.wn_c
spa = self.s_a
spb = self.s_b
ma = self.m_a
mb = self.m_b
# Mitsuyasu et. al and Hasselman et. al parametrization of
# frequency dependent spreading
s = where(wn<=wn_c,spa*wn**ma,spb*wn**mb)
s[wn<=wn_lo] = 0.0
k = flatnonzero(wn_up<wn)
if k.size>0:
if self.method[0]=='d':
# Donelan et. al. parametrization for B in SECH-2
s[k] = spb*(wn_up)**mb
# Convert to S-paramater in COS-2S distribution
r1 = self.r1ofsech2(s)
s = r1/(1.-r1)
elif self.method[0]=='b':
# Banner parametrization for B in SECH-2
s3m = spb*(wn_up)**mb
s3p = self._donelan(wn_up)
scale = s3m/s3p #% Scale so that parametrization will be continous
s[k] = scale*self.donelan(wn[k])
r1 = self.r1ofsech2(s)
#% Convert to S-paramater in COS-2S distribution
s = r1/(1.-r1)
s[k] = 0.0
if any(s<0):
raise ValueError('The COS2S spread parameter, S(w), value must be larger than 0')
return s
def _donelan(self, wn):
''' High frequency decay of B of sech2 paramater
return 10.0**(-0.4+0.8393*exp(-0.567*log(wn**2)))
def _r1ofsech2(self, B):
''' R1OFSECH2 Computes R1 = pi./(2*B.*sinh(pi./(2*B)))
realmax = finfo(float).max
tiny = 1./realmax
x = clip(2.*B,tiny,realmax)
xk = pi/x
return where(x<100.,xk/sinh(xk),-2.*xk/(exp(xk)*expm1(-2.*xk)))
def test_some_spectra():
S = Jonswap()
w = arange(3.0)
S1 = S.tospecdata(w)
import pylab as plb
w = plb.linspace(0,2.5)
S = Tmaspec(h=10,gamma=1) # Bretschneider spectrum Hm0=7, Tp=11
import pylab as plb
#w = plb.linspace(0,3)
w,th = plb.ogrid[0:4,0:6]
k,k2 = w2k(w,th)
k1,k12 = w2k(w,th,h=20)
w = plb.linspace(0,2,100)
S = Torsethaugen(Hm0=6, Tp=8)
S1 = Jonswap(Hm0=7, Tp=11,gamma=1)
w = plb.linspace(0,2,100)
Hm0 = plb.arange(1,11)
Tp = plb.linspace(2,16)
T,H = plb.meshgrid(Tp,Hm0)
gam = jonswap_peakfact(H,T)
plb.xlabel('Tp [s]')
plb.ylabel('Peakedness parameter')
Hm0 = plb.linspace(1,20)
Tp = Hm0
[T,H] = plb.meshgrid(Tp,Hm0)
gam = jonswap_peakfact(H,T)
v = plb.arange(0,8)
def test_spreading():
import pylab as plb
pi = plb.pi
w = plb.linspace(0,3,257)
theta = plb.linspace(-pi,pi,129)
theta0 = lambda w: w*plb.pi/6.0
D2 = Spreading('cos2s',theta0=theta0)
d1 =D2(theta,w)[0]
t = plb.contour(d1.squeeze())
pi = plb.pi
D = Spreading('wrap_norm',s_a=10.0)
w = plb.linspace(0,3,257)
theta = plb.linspace(-pi,pi,129)
d1 = D(theta,w)
def main():
if False: # True: #
import doctest
if __name__ == '__main__':