@ -96,21 +96,57 @@ def make_raster(las, output, lastools_loc, keep_only_ground=False, step=0.2):
return None
def extract_pts(las, in_csv, tmp_csv, lastools_loc, keep_only_ground=True):
# output is the full path and filename (inc extension) to put in
def extract_pts(las_in, cp_in, survey_date, keep_only_ground=True):
"""Extract elevations from a las surface based on x and y coordinates.
if keep_only_ground==True:
command="%s -i %s -cp %s -keep_class 2 -parse sxyz -cp_out %s" % (path_2_lascontrol, las, in_csv, tmp_csv)
command="%s -i %s -cp %s -parse sxyz -cp_out %s" % (path_2_lascontrol, las, in_csv, tmp_csv)
Requires lastools in system path.
returncode,output = check_output(command, False)
if returncode!= 0:
print("Error. lascontrol failed on %s" % las.split('//')[-1].split('.')[0])
return None
las_in: input point cloud (las)
cp_in: point coordinates with columns: id, x, y, z (csv)
survey_date: survey date string, e.g. '19700101'
keep_only_ground: only keep points classified as 'ground' (boolean)
Dataframe containing input coordinates with extracted elevations
cmd = ['lascontrol', '-i', las_in, '-cp', cp_in, '-parse', 'sxyz']
if keep_only_ground == True:
cmd += ['-keep_class', '2']
# Call lastools
process = subprocess.Popen(
cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
errcode = process.returncode
# Handle errors, if detected
if errcode != 0:
print("Error. lascontrol failed on {}".format(
# Load result into pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(stdout))
# Tidy up dataframe
df = df.drop(columns=['diff'])
df['lidar_z'] = pd.to_numeric(df['lidar_z'], errors='coerce')
df['Beach'] = beach
df = df[[
'Beach', 'ProfileNum', 'Easting', 'Northing', 'Chainage', 'lidar_z'
# Rename columns
new_names = {
'ProfileNum': 'Profile',
'lidar_z': 'Elevation_{}'.format(survey_date),
df = df.rename(columns=new_names)
return df