Commit Graph

  • 873eed7540 #suite of python codes for exploring rma result files Development tinoheimhuber 2018-08-30 19:38:44 +1000
  • 83f89c254d #made some changes to accomodate the new structure of the MESH_v2. Catchment 25-31 were merged into one single catchment (25). The rain and ET data is untouched but are cropped down to 25 catchments in the preprocessing code. tinoheimhuber 2018-08-21 10:52:06 +1000
  • 399318dcf3 #added feature for including ocean WQ boundary as well as for increasing river inflow temp and ocean temp by a user defined delta for near and far future #fully working. tinoheimhuber 2018-08-09 18:21:55 +1000
  • ddf60b7cb0 #back up of working python code tinoheimhuber 2018-08-03 19:11:48 +1000
  • 342f4f3bc0 #new code for preparing the NARCLIM data for use in the code= it's fullly working! Valentin Heimhuber 2018-06-08 18:37:36 +1000
  • 46ade05763 #Comprises a fully working version of the major BC Generation R and Python codes the project is still being set up so most of the code will still undergo significant changes Valentin Heimhuber 2018-06-08 12:26:51 +1000
  • 1f4a0bd6fb #code for generating the BATCH script for downloading NARCLIM data from CCRC storm servers master Valentin Heimhuber 2018-06-04 18:25:15 +1000
  • e9073578b9 #initial commit to set up the project tinoheimhuber 2018-05-31 17:42:48 +1000