For the Hunter at greta, the first few month prior to 01/07/1995 0:00 were set to 10.5 degree manually
For seeham old and godswick, we used the same temperature as for the Hunter River
The python code tide generator is used to generate the tidal boundary condition. The yearly files
have to be copy pasted into the run directories.
Check that the nodes in the Matlab code match the ones generated in the elt file.
for that we use the matlab code that's in the RMA generator folder
Once all the run files are generated, start with the RMA2 startup file, wihch will flood the model by 5m and than drop the water level to the starting value.
The RMA batch file is used to run all the years in batch mode. The executable names have to be updated there.
it is run by simply copy pasting the batch file into the windows command line after navigating to the correct
run directory i.e. /HCC001
Download NARCLIM Data for all tributary catchments: