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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar 24 19:02:20 2020
@author: z5025317
#load existing tgr time series boundary, raise by 1m and output a new tgr file
#Load packages
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import glob
os.chdir('C:/Users/z5025317/UNSW/Danial Khojasteh - HEMIP/RMA_result_explorer_code')
River = 'Shoalhaven'
tgr_csv_folder_path = 'C:/Users/z5025317/UNSW/Danial Khojasteh - HEMIP/Models/' + River + '/02_Input/Boundary_conditions/Tide/'
filenames = glob.glob(tgr_csv_folder_path + '*05.csv')
for tgr_csv_name in filenames:
print (tgr_csv_name)
#tgr_csv_name = 'R45_2008_existing_run_tgr.csv'
Waterlevel_increases = [0.25, 0.5, 1, 2] # in m AHD
for Waterlevel_increase in Waterlevel_increases:
tgr_outname = tgr_csv_folder_path + os.path.basename(tgr_csv_name)[:-4] + '_plus_SLR_' + str(Waterlevel_increase) + 'm'
Full_df = pd.read_csv(tgr_csv_name ,header= 0, parse_dates = False)
Full_df.columns = ['1','2','3','4']
df = Full_df #.loc[1:2000]
# str(df['2'][1500].astype(int))
# RMA2: create input file
fq = open(
os.path.join(tgr_csv_folder_path, tgr_outname + '.tgr'),
fq.write('TT Manning base case tide + SLR of ' + str(Waterlevel_increase) + 'm \n')
#fq.write('{:<5}{:>3}{:>8}{:>8}\n'.format('CLH', '', '2', '2008'))
fq.write('{:<5}{:>3}{:>8}{:>8}\n'.format('CLH', '', int(df['3'][0]), int(df['4'][0])))
for i in range(1,len(df)-1,1):
# For each new element
fq.write('{:<5}{:>3}{:>8}{:>8}\n'.format(df['1'][i], df['2'][i], df['3'][i], str(np.round(df['4'][i].astype(float)+ Waterlevel_increase,3))))