# coding: utf-8 # In[64]: import struct import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math from py_rmatools import rma import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta plt.rcParams.update({'figure.max_open_warning': 0}) # In[65]: meshFilename = 'bub005c.rm1' channelWidth = 100 RMAfilename = 'BUB023_WQ' #If RMA11 constNum = [1] #If RMA11 3D Options = ['Max',1,4,8] #Option available 'Max' , an integer correspond to the layer number to extract the results, if 2D use options = [1] NodeLayersFile = 'NodeLayers.txt' #the node layer file was created by getting the nodes number from the RMA Outfile (just run RMA11 for a few steps) Nnodes = 5769 #Number of nodes (including mid side node) - thisn umber also correspond to the last node number in the nodelayers file # In[66]: def isElementOneD(nodelist): if len(nodelist) == 2: return True return False def isElementSquare(nodelist): if len(nodelist) == 4: return True return False def square2Triangle(ElementNum): nodelist = ElementDict[ElementNum] if isElementSquare(nodelist): ElementDict[ElementNum] = [nodelist[0], nodelist[1], nodelist[2]] ElementList.append(max(ElementList) + 1) ElementDict[ElementList[-1]]= [nodelist[0], nodelist[2], nodelist[3]] def oneD2triangle(ElementNum): if isElementOneD(ElementDict[ElementNum]): nAe = ElementDict[ElementNum][0] #nAe Node A existing nBe = ElementDict[ElementNum][1] if not nAe in node1Dduplicate: node1Dduplicate[nAe] = [] if not nBe in node1Dduplicate: node1Dduplicate[nBe] = [] xA = nodeDict[nAe][0] xB = nodeDict[nBe][0] yA = nodeDict[nAe][1] yB = nodeDict[nBe][1] normalVec = [-(yB - yA),(xB - xA)] dist = math.sqrt(normalVec[0]**2 + normalVec[1]**2) normalVec[0] = normalVec[0] / dist normalVec[1] = normalVec[1] / dist xA2 = xA + channelWidth * normalVec[0] xB2 = xB + channelWidth * normalVec[0] yA2 = yA + channelWidth * normalVec[1] yB2 = yB + channelWidth * normalVec[1] nA = max(NodeList) + 1 nB = max(NodeList) + 2 node1Dduplicate[nAe].append(nA) node1Dduplicate[nBe].append(nB) node2nodevalue[nA] = nAe node2nodevalue[nB] = nBe NodeList.append(nA) NodeList.append(nB) nodeDict[nA] = [xA2, yA2, -1.01] nodeDict[nB] = [xB2, yB2, -1.01] newEle = max(ElementList) + 1 ElementList .append(newEle) ElementDict[ElementNum] = [nAe, nA, nBe] ElementDict[newEle] = [nA, nB, nBe] def RMA11toSerafin(option=1): f = open('{}_{}.slf'.format(RMAfilename,option), 'wb') f.write(struct.pack(">l",80)) strtemp='{0: >80}'.format('SERAFIN ') f.write(strtemp.encode('ascii')) f.write(struct.pack(">l",80)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",8)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(constName))) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",8)) for idx,c in enumerate(constName): f.write(struct.pack(">l",32)) strtemp='{0: <32}'.format(str(idx)+c) f.write(strtemp.encode('ascii')) f.write(struct.pack(">l",32)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",40)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",1)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",1)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",40)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",24)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",startDate.year)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",startDate.month)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",startDate.day)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",startDate.hour)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",startDate.minute)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",startDate.second)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",24)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",16)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(ElementList))) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList))) f.write(struct.pack(">l",3)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",1)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",16)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(ElementList)*3*4)) for el in ElementList: for nd in ElementDict[el]: f.write(struct.pack(">l",nodeOrdered[nd])) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(ElementList)*3*4)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList))) for i in range(0,len(NodeList)): f.write(struct.pack(">l",0)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList))) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for key, value in nodeDict.items(): f.write(struct.pack(">f",value[0])) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for key, value in nodeDict.items(): f.write(struct.pack(">f",value[1])) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) while R.next(): #for i in range(3): currentDate = datetime(R.year,1,1) + timedelta(hours = R.time) timeCurrentStep = currentDate - startDate f.write(struct.pack(">l",4)) f.write(struct.pack(">f",timeCurrentStep.total_seconds())) f.write(struct.pack(">l",4)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for key, value in nodeDict.items(): writeConst('X-VEL',key,f) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for key, value in nodeDict.items(): writeConst('Y-VEL',key,f) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for key, value in nodeDict.items(): writeConst('DEPTH',key,f) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for key, value in nodeDict.items(): writeConst('FREE SURFACE',key,f) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for c in constNum: f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) for key, value in nodeDict.items(): writeConst(c,key,f) f.write(struct.pack(">l",len(NodeList)*4)) f.close() def writeConst(param,key,f): #get the surface node number # ['X-VEL','Y-VEL','DEPTH','FREE SURFACE','Constituent 1'......] if param == 'X-VEL': tempR = R.xvel elif param == 'Y-VEL': tempR = R.yvel elif param == 'DEPTH': tempR = R.depth elif param == 'FREE SURFACE': tempR = R.elevation else: tempR = R.constit[c] if key in node2nodevalue.keys(): key = node2nodevalue[key] #based on the surface node number and option selected calculate the value if option == 'Max': tempArr = [] for n in nodelayer[key]: tempArr.append(tempR[key]) tempVal1 = max(tempArr) elif isinstance(option, int): temppos = (option - 1 ) * 2 temppos2 = min([temppos,len(nodelayer[key])]) tempVal1 = tempR[nodelayer[key][temppos2]] else: tempVal1 = tempR[key] #save the value in the selaphin file f.write(struct.pack(">f",tempVal1)) def readNodeLayers(fname,Nnodes): fn = open(fname) lines = fn.readlines() surfaceNode = int(lines[0]) nodelayer[surfaceNode] = [] for l in lines: l = int(l) if (l != surfaceNode) & (l < Nnodes + 1): surfaceNode = l nodelayer[surfaceNode] = [] nodelayer[surfaceNode].append(l) # In[67]: #Read mesh file and extract node (except mid node) and elements - plus convert 1D element to 2D for vizualisation nodelayer = {} NodeList = [] ElementList = [] ElementDict = {} nodeDict = {} node1Dduplicate = {} #Original Number: List of Duplicates node2nodevalue = {} #link between the node number and the node value to use #(e.g. if node 10 is a 1D node: 10 is not duplicate so {1:1}, #but node 2050 (duplicate of 10) (1D to 2D) the value of the duplicated #node will be the same as the original so we might have {2050: 10}) with open(meshFilename) as f: line = f.readline() line = f.readline() line = f.readline() line = f.readline() cpt = 1 while line and line != ' 9999\n': #temp = line.split() temp = re.findall('.....',line) ElementDict[int(temp[0])] = [int(temp[i]) for i in range(1,9,2) if int(temp[i]) != 0 and int(temp[9]) < 100] ElementList.append(int(temp[0])) line = f.readline() for key, value in ElementDict.items(): NodeList.extend(value) NodeList = list(set(NodeList)) line = f.readline() while line and line != ' 9999\n': formatFix = (10,16,20,14,10,10) temp = [] for form in formatFix: temp.append(line[:form]) line = line[form:] #line.split() if int(temp[0]) in NodeList: nodeDict[int(temp[0])] = [float(temp[1]),float(temp[2]),float(temp[3])] line = f.readline() for e in ElementList: oneD2triangle(e) square2Triangle(e) for key in list(ElementDict): #Remove Special Element 902..... if len(ElementDict[key]) != 3: print(key, ElementDict[key]) ElementDict.pop(key) ElementList.remove(key) nodeOrdered = {} cpt = 1 for key, value in nodeDict.items(): nodeOrdered[key] = cpt cpt +=1 Nnodes = max(NodeList) # # Open and Read First Step of the RMA File and Save a Serafin # In[72]: for option in Options: R=rma() R.open(RMAfilename) R.next() startDate = datetime(R.year,1,1) + timedelta(hours = R.time) if R.type==b'RMA11 ': constName = [] readNodeLayers(NodeLayersFile,Nnodes) constName = ['X-VEL','Y-VEL','DEPTH','FREE SURFACE'] for c in constNum: constName.append(R.constit_name[c].decode("utf-8")) print(c) RMA11toSerafin(option)