from struct import * from pylab import * import sys # Updated 10/11/15 BMM : Added mesh. # Updated 10/11/15 MD : Added dictionnary initialisation in mesh. class rma: def __init__(self): self.file='not opened yet' # May want to do some other things here later def open(self,filename): self.file=open(('%s.rma' % (filename)),'rb') self.type=self.header[0:10] self.title=self.header[100:172] self.geometry=self.header[200:300] self.num_nodes=int(self.header[40:50]) self.num_elements=int(self.header[50:60]) if self.type==b'RMA11 ': self.num_constits=int(self.header[60:70]) if len(self.header[80:90].strip())==0: self.num_sedlayers=0 else: self.num_sedlayers=int(self.header[80:90]) self.constit_name=[] self.constit_name.append("NULL") i=1 #print(self.num_constits) while i <= self.num_constits: #print(i, self.num_constits, i <= self.num_constits) self.constit_name.append(self.header[300+(i-1)*8:308+(i-1)*8]) if self.header[300+(i-1)*8:308+(i-1)*8]==" SSED ": self.constit_name.append(" BSHEAR") self.constit_name.append("BedThick") j=1 while j<=self.num_sedlayers: self.constit_name.append(" L%dThick" % j) j=j+1 i=i+1 #if self.num_sedlayers > 0: # self.num_constits=self.num_constits+2+self.num_sedlayers # Header format in RMA2 # HEADER(1:10) ='RMA2 ' # HEADER(11:20)=DATEC = Date of run # HEADER(21:30)=TIMEC = Time of run # HEADER(31:40)=ZONEC = Time zone # HEADER(41:50)=NP = Number of nodes # HEADER(51:60)=NE = Number of elements # HEADER(101:172)=TITLE = Title line # HEADER(201:300)=FNAME = File name of binary geometry # Header format in RMA11 # HEADER(1:10) - Model # HEADER(11:20) - DATEC of model runtime # HEADER(21:30) - TIMEC of model runtime # HEADER(31:40) - ZONEC of model runtime # HEADER(41:90) - '(5I10)' NP,NE,NQAL,IGS,LGS or '(5I10)' NP,NE,NQAL,ISEDS,NLAYT # HEADER(101:172) - TITLE # HEADER(301:540) - '(30A8)' CLABL # HEADER(201:248) - FNAMD directory of the geometry # HEADER(251:298) - FNAM2 filename of the geometry def mesh(self,filename): self.meshfile=open(('%s.rm1' % (filename)),'r') l=self.meshfile.readline() while l[0:5]!=' 9999' and len(l)!=5: l=self.meshfile.readline() l=self.meshfile.readline() self.node_e={} self.node_n={} self.node_z={} while l[0:10]!=' 9999' and len(l)!=10: ll=l.split() self.node_e[ll[0]]=ll[1] self.node_n[ll[0]]=ll[2] self.node_z[ll[0]]=ll[3] l=self.meshfile.readline() def next(self): # This reads the next timestep and populates the variables. # Reset all of the variables self.time=0.0 self.year=0 self.xvel=[] self.yvel=[] self.zvel=[] self.depth=[] self.elevation=[] # Add in an entry to fill position 0. Important since RMA files start numbering nodes from 1. self.xvel.append(-999) self.yvel.append(-999) self.zvel.append(-999) self.depth.append(-999) self.elevation.append(-999) if self.type==b'RMA2 ': # WRITE(IRMAFM) TETT,NP,IYRR,((VEL(J,K),J=1,3),K=1,NP),(WSEL(J),J=1,NP),(VDOT(3,K),K=1,NP) if t: a=unpack('fii',t) self.time=a[0] np=int(a[1]) self.year=a[2] if (np!=self.num_nodes): print ("Warning - NP (%d) on this timestep does not match header (%d)" % (np,self.num_nodes)) b=unpack('%df' % 5*np,*np)) i=1 while i<=np: self.xvel.append(b[0+(i-1)*3]) self.yvel.append(b[1+(i-1)*3]) self.depth.append(b[2+(i-1)*3]) self.elevation.append(b[np*3+(i-1)]) i=i+1 if self.type==b'RMA11 ': self.constit=[] c=0 # Start at zero to leave an empty array space. Constits numbered 1 .. num_constits while c<=self.num_constits: self.constit.append([]) # Put a null into the 0 position so that RMA node numbers are in the same numbered array position. self.constit[c].append(-999) c=c+1 # READ(file1,END=100) TETT1,NQAL,NP,IYRR, ((VEL(K,J),J=1,NP),K=1,3), (wd(j),j=1,np), (wsel(j),j=1,np), ((TCON1(K,J),J=1,NP),K=1,NQAL-5) if t: a=unpack('fiii',t) self.time=a[0] nqal=int(a[1]) np=int(a[2]) self.year=a[3] if ((nqal-5)!=(self.num_constits)): print ("Warning - NQAL-5 (%d) on this timestep does not match header (%d)" % (nqal-5,self.num_constits)) if (np!=self.num_nodes): print ("Warning - NP (%d) on this timestep does not match header (%d)" % (np,self.num_nodes)) b=unpack('%df' % nqal*np,*nqal*np)) i=1 while i<=np: self.xvel.append(b[0+(i-1)*3]) self.yvel.append(b[1+(i-1)*3]) self.zvel.append(b[2+(i-1)*3]) self.depth.append(b[np*3+(i-1)]) self.elevation.append(b[np*4+(i-1)]) c=1 while c<=self.num_constits: self.constit[c].append(b[np*((c-1)+5)+(i-1)]) c=c+1 i=i+1 if len(self.xvel)==1: # Note that this is a 1 now as we've filled the zero array position return False else: return True