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286 lines
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6 years ago
# Create a classifier for satellite images
# load modules
import os
import pickle
import warnings
import numpy as np
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import ginput
import SDS_download, SDS_preprocess, SDS_shoreline, SDS_tools, SDS_classification
filepath_sites = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'polygons')
sites = os.listdir(filepath_sites)
for site in sites:
polygon = SDS_tools.coords_from_kml(os.path.join(filepath_sites,site))
# load Sentinel-2 images
inputs = {
'polygon': polygon,
'dates': ['2016-10-01', '2016-11-01'],
'sat_list': ['S2'],
'sitename': site[:site.find('.')]
satname = inputs['sat_list'][0]
metadata = SDS_download.get_images(inputs)
metadata = SDS_download.remove_cloudy_images(metadata,inputs,0.2)
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', inputs['sitename'])
with open(os.path.join(filepath, inputs['sitename'] + '_metadata_' + satname + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(metadata, f)
#with open(os.path.join(filepath, inputs['sitename'] + '_metadata_' + satname + '.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
# metadata = pickle.load(f)
# settings needed to run the shoreline extraction
settings = {
# general parameters:
'cloud_thresh': 0.1, # threshold on maximum cloud cover
'output_epsg': 28356, # epsg code of spatial reference system desired for the output
# shoreline detection parameters:
'min_beach_size': 20, # minimum number of connected pixels for a beach
'buffer_size': 7, # radius (in pixels) of disk for buffer around sandy pixels
'min_length_sl': 200, # minimum length of shoreline perimeter to be kept
'max_dist_ref': 100, # max distance (in meters) allowed from a reference shoreline
# quality control:
'check_detection': True, # if True, shows each shoreline detection and lets the user
# decide which ones are correct and which ones are false due to
# the presence of clouds
# also add the inputs
'inputs': inputs
# preprocess images (cloud masking, pansharpening/down-sampling)
SDS_preprocess.preprocess_all_images(metadata, settings)
training_data = dict([])
training_data['sand'] = dict([])
training_data['swash'] = dict([])
training_data['water'] = dict([])
training_data['land'] = dict([])
# read images
filepath = SDS_tools.get_filepath(inputs,satname)
filenames = metadata[satname]['filenames']
for i in range(len(filenames)):
fn = SDS_tools.get_filenames(filenames[i],filepath,satname)
im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im20, imQA = SDS_preprocess.preprocess_single(fn,satname)
nrow = im_ms.shape[0]
ncol = im_ms.shape[1]
im_RGB = SDS_preprocess.rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9)
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
# Digitize sandy pixels
plt.title('Digitize SAND pixels', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15)
pt = ginput(n=1000, timeout=100000, show_clicks=True)
if len(pt) > 0:
pt = np.round(pt).astype(int)
im_sand = np.zeros((nrow,ncol))
for k in range(len(pt)):
im_sand[pt[k,1],pt[k,0]] = 1
im_RGB[pt[k,1],pt[k,0],0] = 1
im_RGB[pt[k,1],pt[k,0],1] = 0
im_RGB[pt[k,1],pt[k,0],2] = 0
im_sand = im_sand.astype(bool)
features = SDS_classification.calculate_features(im_ms, cloud_mask, im_sand)
im_sand = np.zeros((nrow,ncol)).astype(bool)
features = []
training_data['sand'][filenames[i]] = {'pixels':im_sand,'features':features}
# Digitize swash pixels
plt.title('Digitize SWASH pixels', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15)
pt = ginput(n=1000, timeout=100000, show_clicks=True)
if len(pt) > 0:
pt = np.round(pt).astype(int)
im_swash = np.zeros((nrow,ncol))
for k in range(len(pt)):
im_swash[pt[k,1],pt[k,0]] = 1
im_RGB[pt[k,1],pt[k,0],0] = 0
im_RGB[pt[k,1],pt[k,0],1] = 1
im_RGB[pt[k,1],pt[k,0],2] = 0
im_swash = im_swash.astype(bool)
features = SDS_classification.calculate_features(im_ms, cloud_mask, im_swash)
im_swash = np.zeros((nrow,ncol)).astype(bool)
features = []
training_data['swash'][filenames[i]] = {'pixels':im_swash,'features':features}
# Digitize rectangle containig water pixels
plt.title('Click 2 points to draw a rectange in the WATER', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15)
pt = ginput(n=2, timeout=100000, show_clicks=True)
if len(pt) > 0:
pt = np.round(pt).astype(int)
idx_row = np.arange(np.min(pt[:,1]),np.max(pt[:,1])+1,1)
idx_col = np.arange(np.min(pt[:,0]),np.max(pt[:,0])+1,1)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(idx_row,idx_col, indexing='ij')
rows = xx.reshape(xx.shape[0]*xx.shape[1])
cols = yy.reshape(yy.shape[0]*yy.shape[1])
im_water = np.zeros((nrow,ncol)).astype(bool)
for k in range(len(rows)):
im_water[rows[k],cols[k]] = 1
im_RGB[rows[k],cols[k],0] = 0
im_RGB[rows[k],cols[k],1] = 0
im_RGB[rows[k],cols[k],2] = 1
im_water = im_water.astype(bool)
features = SDS_classification.calculate_features(im_ms, cloud_mask, im_water)
im_water = np.zeros((nrow,ncol)).astype(bool)
features = []
training_data['water'][filenames[i]] = {'pixels':im_water,'features':features}
# Digitize rectangle containig land pixels
plt.title('Click 2 points to draw a rectange in the LAND', fontweight='bold', fontsize=15)
pt = ginput(n=2, timeout=100000, show_clicks=True)
if len(pt) > 0:
pt = np.round(pt).astype(int)
idx_row = np.arange(np.min(pt[:,1]),np.max(pt[:,1])+1,1)
idx_col = np.arange(np.min(pt[:,0]),np.max(pt[:,0])+1,1)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(idx_row,idx_col, indexing='ij')
rows = xx.reshape(xx.shape[0]*xx.shape[1])
cols = yy.reshape(yy.shape[0]*yy.shape[1])
im_land = np.zeros((nrow,ncol)).astype(bool)
for k in range(len(rows)):
im_land[rows[k],cols[k]] = 1
im_RGB[rows[k],cols[k],0] = 1
im_RGB[rows[k],cols[k],1] = 1
im_RGB[rows[k],cols[k],2] = 0
im_land = im_land.astype(bool)
features = SDS_classification.calculate_features(im_ms, cloud_mask, im_land)
im_land = np.zeros((nrow,ncol)).astype(bool)
features = []
training_data['land'][filenames[i]] = {'pixels':im_land,'features':features}
plt.title('Classified image')
# save training data for each site
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', inputs['sitename'])
with open(os.path.join(filepath, inputs['sitename'] + '_training_' + satname + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(training_data, f)
## load Landsat 5 images
#inputs = {
# 'polygon': polygon,
# 'dates': ['1987-01-01', '1988-01-01'],
# 'sat_list': ['L5'],
# 'sitename': site[:site.find('.')]
# }
#metadata = SDS_download.get_images(inputs)
## load Landsat 7 images
#inputs = {
# 'polygon': polygon,
# 'dates': ['2001-01-01', '2002-01-01'],
# 'sat_list': ['L7'],
# 'sitename': site[:site.find('.')]
# }
#metadata = SDS_download.get_images(inputs)
## load Landsat 8 images
#inputs = {
# 'polygon': polygon,
# 'dates': ['2014-01-01', '2015-01-01'],
# 'sat_list': ['L8'],
# 'sitename': site[:site.find('.')]
# }
#metadata = SDS_download.get_images(inputs)
#%% clean the Landsat collections
#import ee
#from datetime import datetime, timedelta
#import pytz
#import copy
#site = sites[0]
#dates = ['2017-12-01', '2017-12-25']
#polygon = SDS_tools.coords_from_kml(os.path.join(filepath_sites,site))
## Landsat collection
#input_col = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT_TOA')
## filter by location and dates
#flt_col = input_col.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Polygon(polygon)).filterDate(inputs['dates'][0],inputs['dates'][1])
## get all images in the filtered collection
#im_all = flt_col.getInfo().get('features')
#cloud_cover = [_['properties']['CLOUD_COVER'] for _ in im_all]
#if np.any([_ > 90 for _ in cloud_cover]):
# idx_delete = np.where([_ > 90 for _ in cloud_cover])[0]
# im_all_cloud = [x for k,x in enumerate(im_all) if k not in idx_delete]
#%% clean the S2 collection
#import ee
#from datetime import datetime, timedelta
#import pytz
#import copy
## Sentinel2 collection
#input_col = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2')
## filter by location and dates
#flt_col = input_col.filterBounds(ee.Geometry.Polygon(polygon)).filterDate(inputs['dates'][0],inputs['dates'][1])
## get all images in the filtered collection
#im_all = flt_col.getInfo().get('features')
## remove duplicates (there are many in S2 collection)
## timestamps
#timestamps = [datetime.fromtimestamp(_['properties']['system:time_start']/1000, tz=pytz.utc) for _ in im_all]
## utm zones
#utm_zones = np.array([int(_['bands'][0]['crs'][5:]) for _ in im_all])
#utm_zone_selected = np.max(np.unique(utm_zones))
#idx_all = np.arange(0,len(im_all),1)
#idx_covered = np.ones(len(im_all)).astype(bool)
#idx_delete = []
#i = 0
#while 1:
# same_time = np.abs([(timestamps[i]-_).total_seconds() for _ in timestamps]) < 60*60*24
# idx_same_time = np.where(same_time)[0]
# same_utm = utm_zones == utm_zone_selected
# idx_temp = np.where([same_time[j] == True and same_utm[j] == False for j in idx_all])[0]
# idx_keep = idx_same_time[[_ not in idx_temp for _ in idx_same_time ]]
# if len(idx_keep) > 2: # if more than 2 images with same date and same utm, drop the last one
# idx_temp = np.append(idx_temp,idx_keep[-1])
# for j in idx_temp:
# idx_delete.append(j)
# idx_covered[idx_same_time] = False
# if np.any(idx_covered):
# i = np.where(idx_covered)[0][0]
# else:
# break
#im_all_updated = [x for k,x in enumerate(im_all) if k not in idx_delete]
## remove very cloudy images (>90% cloud)
#cloud_cover = [_['properties']['CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE'] for _ in im_all_updated]
#if np.any([_ > 90 for _ in cloud_cover]):
# idx_delete = np.where([_ > 90 for _ in cloud_cover])[0]
# im_all_cloud = [x for k,x in enumerate(im_all_updated) if k not in idx_delete]