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6 years ago
"""This module contains all the functions needed to preprocess the satellite images before the
shoreline can be extracted. This includes creating a cloud mask and
pansharpening/downsampling the multispectral bands.
Author: Kilian Vos, Water Research Laboratory, University of New South Wales
6 years ago
# load modules
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
6 years ago
import pdb
# image processing modules
import skimage.transform as transform
import skimage.morphology as morphology
import sklearn.decomposition as decomposition
import skimage.exposure as exposure
6 years ago
# other modules
from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
from pylab import ginput
import pickle
6 years ago
import matplotlib.path as mpltPath
# own modules
import SDS_tools
6 years ago
np.seterr(all='ignore') # raise/ignore divisions by 0 and nans
def create_cloud_mask(im_qa, satname, cloud_mask_issue):
6 years ago
Creates a cloud mask using the information contained in the QA band.
KV WRL 2018
im_qa: np.array
Image containing the QA band
satname: string
6 years ago
short name for the satellite (L5, L7, L8 or S2)
cloud_mask_issue: boolean
True if there is an issue with the cloud mask and sand pixels are being masked on the images
6 years ago
cloud_mask : np.array
A boolean array with True if a pixel is cloudy and False otherwise
6 years ago
# convert QA bits (the bits allocated to cloud cover vary depending on the satellite mission)
if satname == 'L8':
cloud_values = [2800, 2804, 2808, 2812, 6896, 6900, 6904, 6908]
elif satname == 'L7' or satname == 'L5' or satname == 'L4':
cloud_values = [752, 756, 760, 764]
elif satname == 'S2':
cloud_values = [1024, 2048] # 1024 = dense cloud, 2048 = cirrus clouds
# find which pixels have bits corresponding to cloud values
cloud_mask = np.isin(im_qa, cloud_values)
# remove cloud pixels that form very thin features. These are beach or swash pixels that are
# erroneously identified as clouds by the CFMASK algorithm applied to the images by the USGS.
if sum(sum(cloud_mask)) > 0 and sum(sum(~cloud_mask)) > 0:
morphology.remove_small_objects(cloud_mask, min_size=10, connectivity=1, in_place=True)
if cloud_mask_issue:
elem = morphology.square(3) # use a square of width 3 pixels
cloud_mask = morphology.binary_opening(cloud_mask,elem) # perform image opening
# remove objects with less than 25 connected pixels
morphology.remove_small_objects(cloud_mask, min_size=25, connectivity=1, in_place=True)
return cloud_mask
def hist_match(source, template):
Adjust the pixel values of a grayscale image such that its histogram matches that of a
target image.
source: np.array
Image to transform; the histogram is computed over the flattened
template: np.array
Template image; can have different dimensions to source
matched: np.array
The transformed output image
oldshape = source.shape
source = source.ravel()
template = template.ravel()
# get the set of unique pixel values and their corresponding indices and
# counts
s_values, bin_idx, s_counts = np.unique(source, return_inverse=True,
t_values, t_counts = np.unique(template, return_counts=True)
# take the cumsum of the counts and normalize by the number of pixels to
# get the empirical cumulative distribution functions for the source and
# template images (maps pixel value --> quantile)
s_quantiles = np.cumsum(s_counts).astype(np.float64)
s_quantiles /= s_quantiles[-1]
t_quantiles = np.cumsum(t_counts).astype(np.float64)
t_quantiles /= t_quantiles[-1]
# interpolate linearly to find the pixel values in the template image
# that correspond most closely to the quantiles in the source image
interp_t_values = np.interp(s_quantiles, t_quantiles, t_values)
return interp_t_values[bin_idx].reshape(oldshape)
def pansharpen(im_ms, im_pan, cloud_mask):
6 years ago
Pansharpens a multispectral image, using the panchromatic band and a cloud mask.
A PCA is applied to the image, then the 1st PC is replaced with the panchromatic band.
6 years ago
Note that it is essential to match the histrograms of the 1st PC and the panchromatic band
before replacing and inverting the PCA.
KV WRL 2018
im_ms: np.array
Multispectral image to pansharpen (3D)
im_pan: np.array
Panchromatic band (2D)
cloud_mask: np.array
2D cloud mask with True where cloud pixels are
im_ms_ps: np.ndarray
6 years ago
Pansharpened multispectral image (3D)
# reshape image into vector and apply cloud mask
vec = im_ms.reshape(im_ms.shape[0] * im_ms.shape[1], im_ms.shape[2])
vec_mask = cloud_mask.reshape(im_ms.shape[0] * im_ms.shape[1])
vec = vec[~vec_mask, :]
6 years ago
# apply PCA to multispectral bands
pca = decomposition.PCA()
vec_pcs = pca.fit_transform(vec)
# replace 1st PC with pan band (after matching histograms)
vec_pan = im_pan.reshape(im_pan.shape[0] * im_pan.shape[1])
vec_pan = vec_pan[~vec_mask]
vec_pcs[:,0] = hist_match(vec_pan, vec_pcs[:,0])
vec_ms_ps = pca.inverse_transform(vec_pcs)
# reshape vector into image
vec_ms_ps_full = np.ones((len(vec_mask), im_ms.shape[2])) * np.nan
vec_ms_ps_full[~vec_mask,:] = vec_ms_ps
im_ms_ps = vec_ms_ps_full.reshape(im_ms.shape[0], im_ms.shape[1], im_ms.shape[2])
return im_ms_ps
def rescale_image_intensity(im, cloud_mask, prob_high):
Rescales the intensity of an image (multispectral or single band) by applying
a cloud mask and clipping the prob_high upper percentile. This functions allows
6 years ago
to stretch the contrast of an image, only for visualisation purposes.
KV WRL 2018
im: np.array
Image to rescale, can be 3D (multispectral) or 2D (single band)
cloud_mask: np.array
2D cloud mask with True where cloud pixels are
prob_high: float
probability of exceedence used to calculate the upper percentile
im_adj: np.array
The rescaled image
# lower percentile is set to 0
prc_low = 0
# reshape the 2D cloud mask into a 1D vector
vec_mask = cloud_mask.reshape(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1])
# if image contains several bands, stretch the contrast for each band
if len(im.shape) > 2:
# reshape into a vector
vec = im.reshape(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1], im.shape[2])
# initiliase with NaN values
vec_adj = np.ones((len(vec_mask), im.shape[2])) * np.nan
# loop through the bands
for i in range(im.shape[2]):
# find the higher percentile (based on prob)
prc_high = np.percentile(vec[~vec_mask, i], prob_high)
# clip the image around the 2 percentiles and rescale the contrast
vec_rescaled = exposure.rescale_intensity(vec[~vec_mask, i],
in_range=(prc_low, prc_high))
vec_adj[~vec_mask,i] = vec_rescaled
# reshape into image
im_adj = vec_adj.reshape(im.shape[0], im.shape[1], im.shape[2])
# if image only has 1 bands (grayscale image)
vec = im.reshape(im.shape[0] * im.shape[1])
vec_adj = np.ones(len(vec_mask)) * np.nan
prc_high = np.percentile(vec[~vec_mask], prob_high)
vec_rescaled = exposure.rescale_intensity(vec[~vec_mask], in_range=(prc_low, prc_high))
vec_adj[~vec_mask] = vec_rescaled
im_adj = vec_adj.reshape(im.shape[0], im.shape[1])
return im_adj
def preprocess_single(fn, satname, cloud_mask_issue):
6 years ago
Reads the image and outputs the pansharpened/down-sampled multispectral bands, the
georeferencing vector of the image (coordinates of the upper left pixel), the cloud mask and
the QA band. For Landsat 7-8 it also outputs the panchromatic band and for Sentinel-2 it also
outputs the 20m SWIR band.
KV WRL 2018
fn: str or list of str
filename of the .TIF file containing the image
6 years ago
for L7, L8 and S2 this is a list of filenames, one filename for each band at different
resolution (30m and 15m for Landsat 7-8, 10m, 20m, 60m for Sentinel-2)
satname: str
name of the satellite mission (e.g., 'L5')
cloud_mask_issue: boolean
True if there is an issue with the cloud mask and sand pixels are being masked on the images
im_ms: np.array
3D array containing the pansharpened/down-sampled bands (B,G,R,NIR,SWIR1)
georef: np.array
vector of 6 elements [Xtr, Xscale, Xshear, Ytr, Yshear, Yscale] defining the
coordinates of the top-left pixel of the image
cloud_mask: np.array
2D cloud mask with True where cloud pixels are
6 years ago
im_extra : np.array
2D array containing the 20m resolution SWIR band for Sentinel-2 and the 15m resolution
panchromatic band for Landsat 7 and Landsat 8. This field is empty for Landsat 5.
imQA: np.array
2D array containing the QA band, from which the cloud_mask can be computed.
# L5 images
if satname == 'L5':
# read all bands
data = gdal.Open(fn, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
georef = np.array(data.GetGeoTransform())
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_ms = np.stack(bands, 2)
# down-sample to 15 m (half of the original pixel size)
nrows = im_ms.shape[0]*2
ncols = im_ms.shape[1]*2
# create cloud mask
im_qa = im_ms[:,:,5]
im_ms = im_ms[:,:,:-1]
cloud_mask = create_cloud_mask(im_qa, satname, cloud_mask_issue)
# resize the image using bilinear interpolation (order 1)
im_ms = transform.resize(im_ms,(nrows, ncols), order=1, preserve_range=True,
# resize the image using nearest neighbour interpolation (order 0)
cloud_mask = transform.resize(cloud_mask, (nrows, ncols), order=0, preserve_range=True,
# adjust georeferencing vector to the new image size
# scale becomes 15m and the origin is adjusted to the center of new top left pixel
georef[1] = 15
georef[5] = -15
georef[0] = georef[0] + 7.5
georef[3] = georef[3] - 7.5
# check if -inf or nan values on any band and add to cloud mask
for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]):
im_inf = np.isin(im_ms[:,:,k], -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_ms[:,:,k])
cloud_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cloud_mask, im_inf), im_nan)
# calculate cloud cover
cloud_cover = sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int)))/(cloud_mask.shape[0]*cloud_mask.shape[1])
6 years ago
# no extra image for Landsat 5 (they are all 30 m bands)
im_extra = []
imQA = im_qa
# L7 images
elif satname == 'L7':
# read pan image
fn_pan = fn[0]
data = gdal.Open(fn_pan, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
georef = np.array(data.GetGeoTransform())
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_pan = np.stack(bands, 2)[:,:,0]
# size of pan image
nrows = im_pan.shape[0]
ncols = im_pan.shape[1]
# read ms image
fn_ms = fn[1]
data = gdal.Open(fn_ms, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_ms = np.stack(bands, 2)
# create cloud mask
im_qa = im_ms[:,:,5]
cloud_mask = create_cloud_mask(im_qa, satname, cloud_mask_issue)
# resize the image using bilinear interpolation (order 1)
im_ms = im_ms[:,:,:5]
im_ms = transform.resize(im_ms,(nrows, ncols), order=1, preserve_range=True,
# resize the image using nearest neighbour interpolation (order 0)
cloud_mask = transform.resize(cloud_mask, (nrows, ncols), order=0, preserve_range=True,
# check if -inf or nan values on any band and eventually add those pixels to cloud mask
for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]+1):
if k == 5:
im_inf = np.isin(im_pan, -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_pan)
im_inf = np.isin(im_ms[:,:,k], -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_ms[:,:,k])
cloud_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cloud_mask, im_inf), im_nan)
# calculate cloud cover
cloud_cover = sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int)))/(cloud_mask.shape[0]*cloud_mask.shape[1])
# pansharpen Green, Red, NIR (where there is overlapping with pan band in L7)
im_ms_ps = pansharpen(im_ms[:,:,[1,2,3]], im_pan, cloud_mask)
except: # if pansharpening fails, keep downsampled bands (for long runs)
im_ms_ps = im_ms[:,:,[1,2,3]]
# add downsampled Blue and SWIR1 bands
im_ms_ps = np.append(im_ms[:,:,[0]], im_ms_ps, axis=2)
im_ms_ps = np.append(im_ms_ps, im_ms[:,:,[4]], axis=2)
im_ms = im_ms_ps.copy()
6 years ago
# the extra image is the 15m panchromatic band
im_extra = im_pan
imQA = im_qa
# L8 images
elif satname == 'L8':
# read pan image
fn_pan = fn[0]
data = gdal.Open(fn_pan, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
georef = np.array(data.GetGeoTransform())
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_pan = np.stack(bands, 2)[:,:,0]
# size of pan image
nrows = im_pan.shape[0]
ncols = im_pan.shape[1]
# read ms image
fn_ms = fn[1]
data = gdal.Open(fn_ms, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im_ms = np.stack(bands, 2)
# create cloud mask
im_qa = im_ms[:,:,5]
cloud_mask = create_cloud_mask(im_qa, satname, cloud_mask_issue)
# resize the image using bilinear interpolation (order 1)
im_ms = im_ms[:,:,:5]
im_ms = transform.resize(im_ms,(nrows, ncols), order=1, preserve_range=True,
# resize the image using nearest neighbour interpolation (order 0)
cloud_mask = transform.resize(cloud_mask, (nrows, ncols), order=0, preserve_range=True,
# check if -inf or nan values on any band and eventually add those pixels to cloud mask
for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]+1):
if k == 5:
im_inf = np.isin(im_pan, -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_pan)
im_inf = np.isin(im_ms[:,:,k], -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_ms[:,:,k])
cloud_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cloud_mask, im_inf), im_nan)
# calculate cloud cover
cloud_cover = sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int)))/(cloud_mask.shape[0]*cloud_mask.shape[1])
# pansharpen Blue, Green, Red (where there is overlapping with pan band in L8)
im_ms_ps = pansharpen(im_ms[:,:,[0,1,2]], im_pan, cloud_mask)
except: # if pansharpening fails, keep downsampled bands (for long runs)
im_ms_ps = im_ms[:,:,[0,1,2]]
# add downsampled NIR and SWIR1 bands
im_ms_ps = np.append(im_ms_ps, im_ms[:,:,[3,4]], axis=2)
im_ms = im_ms_ps.copy()
6 years ago
# the extra image is the 15m panchromatic band
im_extra = im_pan
imQA = im_qa
# S2 images
if satname == 'S2':
# read 10m bands (R,G,B,NIR)
fn10 = fn[0]
data = gdal.Open(fn10, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
georef = np.array(data.GetGeoTransform())
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im10 = np.stack(bands, 2)
im10 = im10/10000 # TOA scaled to 10000
# if image contains only zeros (can happen with S2), skip the image
if sum(sum(sum(im10))) < 1:
im_ms = []
georef = []
# skip the image by giving it a full cloud_mask
cloud_mask = np.ones((im10.shape[0],im10.shape[1])).astype('bool')
6 years ago
return im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, [], []
# size of 10m bands
nrows = im10.shape[0]
ncols = im10.shape[1]
# read 20m band (SWIR1)
fn20 = fn[1]
data = gdal.Open(fn20, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im20 = np.stack(bands, 2)
im20 = im20[:,:,0]
im20 = im20/10000 # TOA scaled to 10000
# resize the image using bilinear interpolation (order 1)
im_swir = transform.resize(im20, (nrows, ncols), order=1, preserve_range=True,
im_swir = np.expand_dims(im_swir, axis=2)
# append down-sampled SWIR1 band to the other 10m bands
im_ms = np.append(im10, im_swir, axis=2)
# create cloud mask using 60m QA band (not as good as Landsat cloud cover)
fn60 = fn[2]
data = gdal.Open(fn60, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
bands = [data.GetRasterBand(k + 1).ReadAsArray() for k in range(data.RasterCount)]
im60 = np.stack(bands, 2)
6 years ago
imQA = im60[:,:,0]
cloud_mask = create_cloud_mask(imQA, satname, cloud_mask_issue)
# resize the cloud mask using nearest neighbour interpolation (order 0)
cloud_mask = transform.resize(cloud_mask,(nrows, ncols), order=0, preserve_range=True,
# check if -inf or nan values on any band and add to cloud mask
for k in range(im_ms.shape[2]):
im_inf = np.isin(im_ms[:,:,k], -np.inf)
im_nan = np.isnan(im_ms[:,:,k])
cloud_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(cloud_mask, im_inf), im_nan)
# calculate cloud cover
cloud_cover = sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int)))/(cloud_mask.shape[0]*cloud_mask.shape[1])
6 years ago
# the extra image is the 20m SWIR band
im_extra = im20
6 years ago
return im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im_extra, imQA
def create_jpg(im_ms, cloud_mask, date, satname, filepath):
Saves a .jpg file with the RGB image as well as the NIR and SWIR1 grayscale images.
KV WRL 2018
im_ms: np.array
3D array containing the pansharpened/down-sampled bands (B,G,R,NIR,SWIR1)
cloud_mask: np.array
2D cloud mask with True where cloud pixels are
date: str
String containing the date at which the image was acquired
satname: str
name of the satellite mission (e.g., 'L5')
Saves a .jpg image corresponding to the preprocessed satellite image
# rescale image intensity for display purposes
im_RGB = rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9)
im_NIR = rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,3], cloud_mask, 99.9)
im_SWIR = rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,4], cloud_mask, 99.9)
# make figure
fig = plt.figure()
6 years ago
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.set_title(date + ' ' + satname, fontsize=16)
# if im_RGB.shape[1] > 2*im_RGB.shape[0]:
# ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)
# ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)
# ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)
# else:
# ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
# ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
# ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
# # RGB
# ax1.axis('off')
# ax1.imshow(im_RGB)
# ax1.set_title(date + ' ' + satname, fontsize=16)
# # NIR
# ax2.axis('off')
# ax2.imshow(im_NIR, cmap='seismic')
# ax2.set_title('Near Infrared', fontsize=16)
# # SWIR
# ax3.axis('off')
# ax3.imshow(im_SWIR, cmap='seismic')
# ax3.set_title('Short-wave Infrared', fontsize=16)
# save figure
plt.rcParams['savefig.jpeg_quality'] = 100
date + '_' + satname + '.jpg'), dpi=150)
6 years ago
def save_jpg(metadata, settings):
6 years ago
Saves a .jpg image for all the images contained in metadata.
KV WRL 2018
metadata: dict
contains all the information about the satellite images that were downloaded
6 years ago
settings: dict
contains the following fields:
cloud_thresh: float
6 years ago
value between 0 and 1 indicating the maximum cloud fraction in the image that is accepted
sitename: string
6 years ago
name of the site (also name of the folder where the images are stored)
cloud_mask_issue: boolean
True if there is an issue with the cloud mask and sand pixels are being masked on the images
6 years ago
6 years ago
sitename = settings['inputs']['sitename']
cloud_thresh = settings['cloud_thresh']
# create subfolder to store the jpg files
filepath_jpg = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename, 'jpg_files', 'preprocessed')
# loop through satellite list
for satname in metadata.keys():
6 years ago
filepath = SDS_tools.get_filepath(settings['inputs'],satname)
filenames = metadata[satname]['filenames']
# loop through images
for i in range(len(filenames)):
# image filename
fn = SDS_tools.get_filenames(filenames[i],filepath, satname)
6 years ago
# read and preprocess image
im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im_extra, imQA = preprocess_single(fn, satname, settings['cloud_mask_issue'])
# calculate cloud cover
cloud_cover = np.divide(sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int))),
# skip image if cloud cover is above threshold
6 years ago
if cloud_cover > cloud_thresh or cloud_cover == 1:
# save .jpg with date and satellite in the title
date = filenames[i][:10]
create_jpg(im_ms, cloud_mask, date, satname, filepath_jpg)
# print the location where the images have been saved
print('Satellite images saved as .jpg in ' + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename,
'jpg_files', 'preprocessed'))
6 years ago
def get_reference_sl_manual(metadata, settings):
Allows the user to manually digitize a reference shoreline that is used seed the shoreline
detection algorithm. The reference shoreline helps to detect the outliers, making the shoreline
detection more robust.
KV WRL 2018
metadata: dict
contains all the information about the satellite images that were downloaded
settings: dict
contains the following fields:
'cloud_thresh': float
value between 0 and 1 indicating the maximum cloud fraction in the image that is accepted
'sitename': string
name of the site (also name of the folder where the images are stored)
'output_epsg': int
epsg code of the desired spatial reference system
reference_shoreline: np.array
6 years ago
coordinates of the reference shoreline that was manually digitized
6 years ago
sitename = settings['inputs']['sitename']
6 years ago
# check if reference shoreline already exists in the corresponding folder
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename)
filename = sitename + '_reference_shoreline.pkl'
if filename in os.listdir(filepath):
print('Reference shoreline already exists and was loaded')
with open(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_reference_shoreline.pkl'), 'rb') as f:
refsl = pickle.load(f)
return refsl
6 years ago
# first try to use S2 images (10m res for manually digitizing the reference shoreline)
if 'S2' in metadata.keys():
satname = 'S2'
filepath = SDS_tools.get_filepath(settings['inputs'],satname)
filenames = metadata[satname]['filenames']
# if no S2 images, try L8 (15m res in the RGB with pansharpening)
elif not 'S2' in metadata.keys() and 'L8' in metadata.keys():
satname = 'L8'
filepath = SDS_tools.get_filepath(settings['inputs'],satname)
filenames = metadata[satname]['filenames']
# if no S2 images and no L8, use L5 images (L7 images have black diagonal bands making it
# hard to manually digitize a shoreline)
elif not 'S2' in metadata.keys() and not 'L8' in metadata.keys() and 'L5' in metadata.keys():
satname = 'L5'
filepath = SDS_tools.get_filepath(settings['inputs'],satname)
filenames = metadata[satname]['filenames']
raise Exception('You cannot digitize the shoreline on L7 images, add another L8, S2 or L5 to your dataset.')
6 years ago
# loop trhough the images
for i in range(len(filenames)):
# read image
fn = SDS_tools.get_filenames(filenames[i],filepath, satname)
im_ms, georef, cloud_mask, im_extra, imQA = preprocess_single(fn, satname, settings['cloud_mask_issue'])
# calculate cloud cover
cloud_cover = np.divide(sum(sum(cloud_mask.astype(int))),
# skip image if cloud cover is above threshold
if cloud_cover > settings['cloud_thresh']:
# rescale image intensity for display purposes
im_RGB = rescale_image_intensity(im_ms[:,:,[2,1,0]], cloud_mask, 99.9)
6 years ago
# plot the image RGB on a figure
fig = plt.figure()
6 years ago
# decide if the image if good enough for digitizing the shoreline
plt.title('click <keep> if image is clear enough to digitize the shoreline.\n' +
'If not (too cloudy) click on <skip> to get another image', fontsize=14)
keep_button = plt.text(0, 0.9, 'keep', size=16, ha="left", va="top",
bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", ec='k',fc='w'))
6 years ago
skip_button = plt.text(1, 0.9, 'skip', size=16, ha="right", va="top",
bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", ec='k',fc='w'))
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
# let user click on the image once
pt_input = ginput(n=1, timeout=1e9, show_clicks=False)
6 years ago
pt_input = np.array(pt_input)
# if clicks next to <skip>, show another image
6 years ago
if pt_input[0][0] > im_ms.shape[1]/2:
6 years ago
# remove keep and skip buttons
# create two new buttons
add_button = plt.text(0, 0.9, 'add', size=16, ha="left", va="top",
bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", ec='k',fc='w'))
end_button = plt.text(1, 0.9, 'end', size=16, ha="right", va="top",
bbox=dict(boxstyle="square", ec='k',fc='w'))
# add multiple reference shorelines (until user clicks on <end> button)
pts_sl = np.expand_dims(np.array([np.nan, np.nan]),axis=0)
while 1:
# update title (instructions)
plt.title('Click points along the shoreline (enough points to capture the beach curvature).\n' +
'Start at one end of the beach.\n' + 'When finished digitizing, click <ENTER>',
# let user click on the shoreline
pts = ginput(n=50000, timeout=1e9, show_clicks=True)
pts_pix = np.array(pts)
# convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
pts_world = SDS_tools.convert_pix2world(pts_pix[:,[1,0]], georef)
# interpolate between points clicked by the user (1m resolution)
pts_world_interp = np.expand_dims(np.array([np.nan, np.nan]),axis=0)
for k in range(len(pts_world)-1):
pt_dist = np.linalg.norm(pts_world[k,:]-pts_world[k+1,:])
xvals = np.arange(0,pt_dist)
yvals = np.zeros(len(xvals))
pt_coords = np.zeros((len(xvals),2))
pt_coords[:,0] = xvals
pt_coords[:,1] = yvals
phi = 0
deltax = pts_world[k+1,0] - pts_world[k,0]
deltay = pts_world[k+1,1] - pts_world[k,1]
phi = np.pi/2 - np.math.atan2(deltax, deltay)
tf = transform.EuclideanTransform(rotation=phi, translation=pts_world[k,:])
pts_world_interp = np.append(pts_world_interp,tf(pt_coords), axis=0)
pts_world_interp = np.delete(pts_world_interp,0,axis=0)
# convert to pixel coordinates and plot
pts_pix_interp = SDS_tools.convert_world2pix(pts_world_interp, georef)
pts_sl = np.append(pts_sl, pts_world_interp, axis=0)
plt.plot(pts_pix_interp[:,0], pts_pix_interp[:,1], 'r--')
plt.plot(pts_pix_interp[0,0], pts_pix_interp[0,1],'ko')
plt.plot(pts_pix_interp[-1,0], pts_pix_interp[-1,1],'ko')
# update title and buttons
plt.title('click <add> to digitize another shoreline or <end> to finish and save the shoreline(s)',
pt_input = ginput(n=1, timeout=1e9, show_clicks=False)
pt_input = np.array(pt_input)
# if user clicks on <end>, save the points and break the loop
if pt_input[0][0] > im_ms.shape[1]/2:
plt.title('Reference shoreline saved as ' + sitename + '_reference_shoreline.pkl')
ginput(n=1, timeout=5, show_clicks=False)
pts_sl = np.delete(pts_sl,0,axis=0)
# convert world coordinates to user-defined coordinates
image_epsg = metadata[satname]['epsg'][i]
pts_coords = SDS_tools.convert_epsg(pts_sl, image_epsg, settings['output_epsg'])
6 years ago
# save the reference shoreline
filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', sitename)
with open(os.path.join(filepath, sitename + '_reference_shoreline.pkl'), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(pts_coords, f)
print('Reference shoreline has been saved in ' + filepath)
return pts_coords