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7 years ago
function nswaves = fmikeos2ns(oswaves, LookUps, site, contour, location)
% Written by Joshua Simmons (WRL) 03/11/2014
% to transform waves from offshore (OS) to nearshore (NS) using MIKE21 model
% oswaves - OS wave data - oswaves.Hsig(Significant wave height)/
% oswaves.Tp1(Peak period)/oswaves.Wdir(Incident wave direction)
% LookUps - MIKE21 wave model output in file "OEH_ARC_PointOutput.mat"
% site - embayment of interest - i.e. 'Narrabeen'
% contour - 10 or 15 (m) contour for NS output
% location - either pure S co-ord (see Mitchell Harley's xyz2spz
% transformation) or location.E and location.N - refers to output
% location for NS waves (gets nearest MIKE21 point)
%V1.1 - updated by Joshua Simmons 21/01/2015 to patch Wamberal/Wanda
%find site and contour indices
siteidx = getnameidx(LookUps(:,2), site);
%apply fix for Wamberal and Wanda
% from TM on 21/01/2015: "I've found an error in the .mat file for the
% look-up tables; in the pdf I say that all output for all locations runs
% north to south - for Wamberal and Wanda it seems I've output them south to north.
% So if you are using output from these two sites, if you haven't realised already,
% alongshore gradients will look inverted."
for aa = 1:2;
LookUps{6,1}{aa,1} = flipud(LookUps{6,1}{aa,1}); LookUps{6,1}{aa,1}(:,1) = flipud(LookUps{6,1}{aa,1}(:,1));
LookUps{7,1}{aa,1} = flipud(LookUps{7,1}{aa,1}); LookUps{7,1}{aa,1}(:,1) = flipud(LookUps{7,1}{aa,1}(:,1));
if contour == 10
contouridx = 1;
elseif contour == 15;
contouridx = 2;
error('Contour information not available, select either 10 or 15m contour')
%extract scenarios for easy lookup
scenariosidx = getnameidx(LookUps(:,2), 'Offshore Wave Scenarios');
scenarios = LookUps{scenariosidx,1};
%get nearest location available for output
Eouts = LookUps{siteidx,1}{contouridx,1}(:,2);
Nouts = LookUps{siteidx,1}{contouridx,1}(:,3);
if strcmp(site,'Narrabeen')
%compares closes alongshore spacing (s) for log-spiral narrabeen
xyz_data.x = cell2mat(Eouts);
xyz_data.y = cell2mat(Nouts);
xyz_data.z = zeros(size(Eouts));
spz = xyz2spz(xyz_data,'NARRA');
[~,locationidx] = min(abs(location-spz.s));
%gets nearest output point
dists = sqrt((location.E-cell2mat(Eouts)).^2+(location.N-cell2mat(Nouts)).^2);
[~,locationidx] = min(abs(dists));
fcount = 1;
%loop through oswaves and lookup nswaves
for ii = 1:length(oswaves.Hsig)
tmpHs = oswaves.Hsig(ii);
tmpTp = oswaves.Tp1(ii);
tmpWdir = oswaves.Wdir(ii);
%find closest scenario match
[~,Hsidx] = min(abs(tmpHs-scenarios(:,1)));
tmpHsround = scenarios(Hsidx,1);
[~,Tpidx] = min(abs(tmpTp-scenarios(:,2)));
tmpTpround = scenarios(Tpidx,2);
[~,Wdiridx] = min(abs(tmpWdir-scenarios(:,3)));
tmpWdirround = scenarios(Wdiridx,3);
iter1ind = find(scenarios(:,3) == tmpWdirround);
iter2ind = find(scenarios(iter1ind,2) == tmpTpround);
iter3ind = find(scenarios(iter1ind(iter2ind),1) == tmpHsround);
iter4ind = iter1ind(iter2ind(iter3ind));
%now get ns lookup information if available
if isempty(iter4ind)
%get the closest wave height to scenario chosen
[~,iter3ind] = min(abs(tmpHs-scenarios(iter1ind(iter2ind),1)));
iter4ind = iter1ind(iter2ind(iter3ind));
diffHs = scenarios(iter4ind,1)-tmpHs;
disp(['No match found for oswaves(' num2str(ii) ') wave height off by ' num2str(diffHs) 'm']);
nstmp = LookUps{siteidx,1}{contouridx,1}{locationidx,4}(iter4ind,:);
%store the values from the lookup table
nswaves.Hsig(ii,1) = nstmp(1);
nswaves.Hmax(ii,1) = nstmp(2);
nswaves.Tp1(ii,1) = nstmp(3);
nswaves.T01(ii,1) = nstmp(4);
nswaves.Wdir(ii,1) = nstmp(5);
nswaves.power(ii,1) = nstmp(6);
try =;
nswaves.time = oswaves.time;
nswaves.datenums = oswaves.datenums;
nswaves.datenums = oswaves.datenums;