# Coastsnap - Batch download, registration and tagging ## About the project This is a Python/Photoshop toolbox to help automate managing images captured for the Coastsnap project. This toolbox was written for a specific workflow (Download -> Register -> Tag -> Manually remove bad images in 'Registered'). See `workflow.pptx`, for a more informative schematic of the intended workflow. Batch downloading code is an extension on the Leaman CoastSnap Toolbox (http://git.wrl.unsw.edu.au:3000/chrisl/coastsnap.git) This toolbox can: * Download images stored on the Spotteron app service `batch_spotteron_download.bat` * Register Spotteron images in photoshop `batch_photoshop_registration.bat` * Tag registered images with the image date, time, tide, contributor `batch_tag_registered.bat` ## Getting started ### Prerequisites This package has only been tested on a Windows system. Using the [Anaconda distribution](https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual) of Python is recommended for easiest installation of the toolbox requirements. ### Installation 1. Clone this repo onto your PC: `git clone http://git.wrl.unsw.edu.au:3000/jonoc/coastsnap.git` 2. Change your working directory into the repo: `cd coastsnap` 3. Create a new conda environment called "coastsnap" with the required dependencies. This is the same environment as for the Leaman CoastSnap Toolbox, so you may already have it. If you're not sure, run: `conda info --envs` and look for "coastsnap". Otherwise, create the environment by runnning: `conda env create -f environment.yml` ### Add filepaths 1. Open up `coastsnap_sites.csv`. Change the path name in cell E2, to the oneDrive CoastSnap directory (contains Images, Tide Data, Database etc.) NOTE: This file is called by all of the scripts in this repo. DON'T CHANGE THE STRUCTURE OF THE CSV, as it'll cause the registration.jsx scripts to die. Feel free to add more sites (rows) though. ### Updating repo with latest code 1. Open your terminal and make sure you're in the directory you cloned the coastsnap repo into. 2. Ensure you have the coastsnap conda environment active: `activate coastsnap` 3. Pull the latest changes: `git pull` 4. Update the environment: `conda env update --name coastsnap --file environment.yml` ## Usage ### Batch download images from Spotteron Run `batch_spotteron_download.bat` Script Logic: For every site in `coastsnap_sites.csv`, download the latest Spotteron images and save to Processed. * Starts downloading from the most recent image and stops downloading for the site when an image has already been downloaded, to avoid overwriting images. ### Batch register images Run `batch_photoshop_registration.bat` Script Logic: For every site in `coastsnap_sites.csv`, iterate through the sites' Processed images (Images/Site/Processed). For any image that hasn't already been photoshop registered (in Images/Site/Photoshop), register it. * This script is based on the manual photoshop registration process, but additionally resizes images to the same width or height of the Target image prior to registration: https://unsw.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/Coastsnap/_layouts/15/doc2.aspx?action=edit&sourcedoc=%7B49c9d377-f450-40bf-93e4-6ff0f289e889%7D&wdOrigin=TEAMS-ELECTRON.teams.chiclet&wdExp=TEAMS-CONTROL * Output images are all 1280px wide and will have the same aspect ratio as the sites' Target.jpg image * Batch Size: Images are registered with the target and seed images, in batches of 15. This is set on line 13 of `photoshop_registration_all_sites.jsx` and can be changed. Images may be registered in smaller batch sizes if there are less than 15 images in the Site/Processed/Year folder. ### Batch tag images Run `batch_tag_registered.bat` Script Logic: For every site in oneDrive CoastSnap directory, iterate through the sites' registered images (Images/Site/Photoshop). Tag the images with their Date, Time, Contributor and Tide (if tide data for site exists), suffix the filename with "_registered" and save at Images/Site/Registered. * Starts tagging from the most recent image and stops for the site when an image has already been tagged. This way, the user can manually remove bad registered/tagged images, and they will not be automatically replaced. * Retrieves tide data for the site from the .mat file specified in Database/CoastSnapDB.xlsx