Updated tag_registered to read .pkl data and efficiently locate the tide value

Jonathan Chan 3 years ago
parent 673e9ff7fe
commit bc9eaf77ec

@ -44,17 +44,13 @@ def get_site_tide_data(images_parent_dir, site):
if tide_filename == 'NO_TIDE.mat':
return False
mat_path = images_parent_dir + '/Tide Data/' + tide_filename
mat = sio.loadmat(mat_path)
tide_dict = mat['tide']
ts = tide_dict[0][0] # Format of tide/time Matlab data is gross
tt = list(ts[0]) # ts[0] = tides, ts[1] = times, ts[2] =
print(site + ": " +"Loading tide data... (this may take half a minute)")
tide_times = [datenum_to_datetime(i) for i in tt] # THIS STEP TAKES A LONG TIME
tide_filename_pkl = tide_filename[:-4] + '.pkl'
tides_path = images_parent_dir + '/Tide Data/Tide_Data_Python/' + tide_filename_pkl
tides_df = pd.read_pickle(tides_path)
return tides_df
return tide_times, ts
def tag_image(image2tag):
@ -78,9 +74,14 @@ def tag_image(image2tag):
image2tag = None #initialize this here
# This is the main function
image2tag = None
for site in os.listdir(images_dir): # Loop through SITES
site_complete = False # A flag to stop tagging images when found
tide_data = False
@ -89,18 +90,20 @@ for site in os.listdir(images_dir): # Loop through SITES
try: # Check if site contains 'Processed' directory
years_list = os.listdir(photoshop_path)
except: # Site doesn't contain 'Processed'. Go to next site.
for year in years_list: # Loop through YEARS
if site_complete: break
year_path = photoshop_path + '/' + year
image_list = os.listdir(year_path)
for image_filename in image_list: # Loop through IMAGES
registered_year_path = year_path.replace('Photoshop', 'Registered')
registered_image_path = registered_year_path + '/' + image_filename[:-4] + '_registered.jpg'
if site not in image_filename: # Check the filename has the site in it
if os.path.isfile(registered_image_path): # Image already tagged. Go to next site.
site_complete = True;
if i == 0:
@ -110,6 +113,7 @@ for site in os.listdir(images_dir): # Loop through SITES
print(site + ": " + str(i) + " images tagged no tide")
else: # Image not tagged. Tag it.
if not os.path.exists(registered_year_path): # Chech that registered/year directory exists
os.makedirs(registered_year_path) # if not, create it
@ -117,16 +121,16 @@ for site in os.listdir(images_dir): # Loop through SITES
pathname = os.path.join(year_path, image_filename)
image2tag = RegisteredImage(pathname, image_filename) # Create image object
if i == 1: # Retrieve Tide Data once for each site
site_tide_data, ts = get_site_tide_data(images_parent_dir, site)
font = image2tag.get_font()
if site_tide_data:
image2tag.get_tide(site_tide_data, ts)
tides_df = get_site_tide_data(images_parent_dir, site)
font = image2tag.get_font()
# No images previously tagged
# print result
if not site_complete:
if i == 0:
print(site + ": " + str(i) + " images tagged")

@ -31,12 +31,11 @@ def datenum_to_datetime(datenum):
# Sourced from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32237862/find-the-closest-date-to-a-given-date
def nearest(items, pivot):
This function will return the datetime in items
which is the closest to the date pivot
return min(items, key=lambda x: abs(x - pivot))
def nearest(all_dates, target_date_raw):
abs_deltas_from_target_date = np.absolute(all_dates - target_date_raw)
index_of_min_delta_from_target_date = np.argmin(abs_deltas_from_target_date)
closest_date = all_dates[index_of_min_delta_from_target_date]
return closest_date
def progressbar(it, prefix="", size=60, out=sys.stdout): # Python3.3+
@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ class RegisteredImage():
self.height = None
self.font = None
def get_tide(self, site_tide_data, ts):
def get_tide(self, tides_df):
# Account for daylight savings
# ASSUMPTION: All .mat tide files are either AEST or AEDT
@ -87,14 +86,11 @@ class RegisteredImage():
self.hour = str(int(self.hour) - 1)
date_string = self.year + '-' + self.month + '-' + self.day + ' ' + self.hour + ':' + self.minute + ':' + self.second
img_datetime = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Image date/time as a datetime object
tide_date = nearest(site_tide_data, img_datetime)
mat_index = site_tide_data.index(tide_date) # Retrieve the index of the .mat tide/time
mat_tide = round(ts[1][mat_index][0], 2) # Associated tide
#print('Image date/time: ' + date_string)
#print('Tide record: ' + str(tide_date))
self.tide = "{:.2f}".format(mat_tide)
tide_date = nearest(tides_df['time'], img_datetime)
tide = tides_df.loc[tides_df['time'] == tide_date, 'tide level']
tide = tide.iloc[0]
self.tide = "{:.2f}".format(tide)
def create_tag(self):
# Create image tag
