@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ Run `batch_photoshop_registration.bat`
Script Logic: For every site in `coastsnap_sites.csv`, iterate through the sites' Processed images (Images/Site/Processed). For any image that hasn't already been photoshop registered (in Images/Site/Photoshop), register it.
* To get rid of the popup error when running this script (which you'll want to do if scheduling this as a task):
* To get rid of the popup error when running this script (which you'll want to do if running this as a scheduled task):
1. Create a text file
2. Add this to the file
# Force VM Buffering
VMForceBuffering 1
WarnRunningScripts 0
3. Call it PSUserConfig.txt and save as C:\Users\z5079346\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Adobe Photoshop 2022 Settings\PSUserConfig.txt
(change the zID and Photoshop version if required)
3. Call it PSUserConfig.txt and save as C:\Users\z5079346\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2022\Adobe Photoshop 2022 Settings\PSUserConfig.txt
(changing the zID and Photoshop version if required)
* This script is based on the manual photoshop registration process, but additionally resizes images to the same width or height of the Target image prior to registration: https://unsw.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/Coastsnap/_layouts/15/doc2.aspx?action=edit&sourcedoc=%7B49c9d377-f450-40bf-93e4-6ff0f289e889%7D&wdOrigin=TEAMS-ELECTRON.teams.chiclet&wdExp=TEAMS-CONTROL
* Output images are all 1280px wide and will have the same aspect ratio as the sites' Target.jpg image
* Batch Size: Images are registered with the target and seed images, in batches of 15. This is set on line 13 of `photoshop_registration_all_sites.jsx` and can be changed. Images may be registered in smaller batch sizes if there are less than 15 images in the Site/Processed/Year folder.