Added relative file paths

Jonathan Chan 3 years ago
parent acd0a1574e
commit 83eab891de

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
// batch_images_to_register = Batch images to be registered (no target or seed)
// batch_images_all = Target, seed and batch images to be registered
var site_name = "cooya" // ADD SITE NAME HERE
var batch_size = 15;
var parent_dir = File($.fileName).parent.parent.fsName;
var batch_download_csv = File(parent_dir + "/coastsnap_sites.csv")
var site_name = "cooya"
// retreive site names from batch_download.csv
var csv_data=[];

@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ import pandas as pd
from loguru import logger
from moviepy.editor import *
import os
from utils import divide_chunks, datenum_to_datetime, nearest, progressbar, RegisteredImage
import time # progress bar
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
import os
from time import strptime
from dateutil import tz
@ -39,34 +41,33 @@ For each site in Images Parent Directory:
# Update this file path for Image Tagging - Tide Data
# Example: parent_dir = '/Users/admin/OneDrive - UNSW/My files/CoastSnap/'
# Example: images_dir = '/Users/admin/OneDrive - UNSW/My files/CoastSnap/'
parent_dir_ACTUAL = r"C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\My files\CoastSnap"
code_images_dir = str(Path(os.getcwd()).parent)
sites_csv_path = os.path.join(code_images_dir, "coastsnap_sites.csv")
coastsnap_sites = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/z5079346/OneDrive - UNSW/Projects/Coastsnap_test/CoastSnap_Sites.csv")
parent_directory = coastsnap_sites.parent_directory[0]
coastsnap_sites_csv = pd.read_csv(sites_csv_path)
images_parent_dir = coastsnap_sites_csv.parent_directory[0]
images_dir = os.path.join(images_parent_dir, "Images")
folder = r"C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\Projects\Coastsnap_test\Images_Test\cathieillaroo\Photoshop\2021"
def get_site_tide_data(parent_dir, site):
def get_site_tide_data(images_parent_dir, site):
# Retrieve tide data for the given site
db = openpyxl.load_workbook(parent_dir + "/Database/CoastSnapDB.xlsx")
db = openpyxl.load_workbook(images_parent_dir + "/Database/CoastSnapDB.xlsx")
beach_data = db[site]
tide_filename = beach_data["B24"].value
if tide_filename == 'NO_TIDE.mat':
return False
mat_path = parent_dir + '/Tide Data/' + tide_filename
mat_path = images_parent_dir + '/Tide Data/' + tide_filename
mat = sio.loadmat(mat_path)
tide_dict = mat['tide']
ts = tide_dict[0][0] # Format of tide/time Matlab data is gross
@ -99,12 +100,12 @@ def tag_image(image2tag):
for site in os.listdir(parent_directory): # Loop through SITES
for site in os.listdir(images_dir): # Loop through SITES
site_complete = False # A flag to stop tagging images when found
tide_data = False
font = None
photoshop_path = parent_directory +'/'+ site + '/Photoshop'
photoshop_path = images_dir +'/'+ site + '/Photoshop'
try: # Check if site contains 'Processed' directory
years_list = os.listdir(photoshop_path)
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ for site in os.listdir(parent_directory): # Loop through SITES
pathname = os.path.join(year_path, image_filename)
image2tag = RegisteredImage(pathname, image_filename) # Create image object
if i == 1: # Retrieve Tide Data once for each site
site_tide_data, ts = get_site_tide_data(parent_dir_ACTUAL, site)
site_tide_data, ts = get_site_tide_data(images_parent_dir, site)
font = image2tag.get_font()
@ -148,172 +149,3 @@ for site in os.listdir(parent_directory): # Loop through SITES
Tags images based on file name.
- Requires font file in coastsnap/fonts directory
def tag_images(folder):
photoshop = True
tide = False
# Get image paths
img_paths = [x for x in Path(folder).glob("*.jpg")]
img_names = [str(x) for x in img_paths]"Tagging {len(img_names)} images")
# Initialise white text box
rect_height = 1
image_width = 1
# Check whether the directory 'tagged' exists or not
path_name = img_names[0]
tagged_dir = str(Path(path_name).parent) + '/tagged'
isExist = os.path.exists(tagged_dir)
if not isExist:
# Create a new directory because it does not exist
# Tide Data
if tide:
# Retrieve the site name from the first image
filename = Path(img_names[0]).name
filename_list = filename.split(".")
site_name = filename_list[6]
# Retrieve tide data for the given site
db = openpyxl.load_workbook(parent_dir + "/Database/CoastSnapDB.xlsx")
beach_data = db[site_name]
tide_filename = beach_data["B24"].value
mat_path = parent_dir + '/Tide Data/' + tide_filename
mat = sio.loadmat(mat_path)
tide_dict = mat['tide']
ts = tide_dict[0][0] # Format of tide/time Matlab data is gross
tt = list(ts[0]) # ts[0] = tides, ts[1] = times, ts[2] =
print("Loading tide data... (this may take half a minute)")
tide_times = [datenum_to_datetime(i) for i in tt] # THIS STEP TAKES A LONG TIME
fontsize = 1
for index, img in enumerate(sorted(img_names)):
print("Image " + str(index+1))
filename = str(Path(img).name)
image =
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
# Retrieve tag information from file name
filename_list = filename.split(".")
posix_time = filename_list[0]
date = filename_list[3].split("_")
hour = date[1]
minute = date[2]
second = date[3]
day = date[0]
month = '{:02d}'.format(strptime(filename_list[2],'%b').tm_mon) # Ensure 2-digit format
year = filename_list[5]
timezone = filename_list[4]
if 'snap' in filename_list:
contributor = filename_list[8] # Mitch filename format
contributor = filename_list[6] # Leaman filename format
# Retrieve tide data
if tide:
# Account for daylight savings
# ASSUMPTION: All .mat tide files are in AEST.
if timezone == 'AEDT':
hour = str(int(hour) - 1)
date_string = year + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hour + ':' + minute + ':' + second
img_datetime = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Image date/time as a datetime object
tide_date = nearest(tide_times, img_datetime)
mat_index = tide_times.index(tide_date) # Retrieve the index of the .mat tide/time
mat_tide = round(ts[1][mat_index][0], 2) # Associated tide
print('Image date/time: ' + date_string)
print('Tide record: ' + str(tide_date))
# Image tag
if tide:
txt = ('Date:' + year + '/' + month + '/' + day +
' Time:' + hour + ':' + minute +
' Contributor:' + contributor +
' Tide:' + str(mat_tide) + 'm AHD')
txt = ('Date:' + year + '/' + month + '/' + day +
' Time:' + hour + ':' + minute +
' Contributor:' + contributor)
# Set the fontsize, such that the tag covers 50% the width of the first image
if index == 0:
img_fraction = 0.8 # Change this to change the font size
# White Text Box
image_width, image_height = image.size
rect_height = image_height/20
rect_width = image_width/1.5
font = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Courier New Bold.ttf", fontsize)
while font.getsize(txt)[0] < img_fraction*image.size[0]:
# iterate until the text size is just larger than the criteria
fontsize += 1
font = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Courier New Bold.ttf", fontsize)
font = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Courier New Bold.ttf", fontsize)
# Create white text box
draw.rectangle((0, 0, image_width, rect_height), fill='white')
# Tag image with text
draw.text((20, rect_height/4),txt, font = font, fill=(0, 0, 0))
new_name = filename + '_registered.jpg'
print(new_name + '\n')
new_path = tagged_dir + "/" + new_name
image = image.convert('RGB')"Tagged Images for " + + " Saved")
# # Set Image Label Info Based on Target Image (PUT AT LINE 90)
# target_image_path = str(Path(path_name).parent.parent.parent) + r"\Target Image\Target.JPG"
# print(target_image_path)
# image =
# img_fraction = 0.6 # Change this to change the font size
# fontsize = 1
# # White Text Box
# width, height = image.size
# rect_height = height/20
# rect_width = width/1.5
# font = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Courier New Bold.ttf", fontsize)
# while font.getsize(txt)[0] < img_fraction*image.size[0]:
# # iterate until the text size is just larger than the criteria
# fontsize += 1
# font = ImageFont.truetype("fonts/Courier New Bold.ttf", fontsize)
#"C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\My files\CoastSnap\Images\cathieillaroo\Registered\2022"
#"C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\My files\CoastSnap\Images\cathieillaroo\Target Image\Target.JPG"

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
alex,487451,300,CoastSnap Station,C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\My files\CoastSnap\Images
alex,487451,300,CoastSnap Station,C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\My files\CoastSnap
birubi,548070,300,CoastSnap Station,
blacksmiths,269988,300,CoastSnap Station,
broulee,269990,300,CoastSnap Station,

1 site_name root_id limit type parent_directory
2 alex 487451 300 CoastSnap Station C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\My files\CoastSnap\Images C:\Users\z5079346\OneDrive - UNSW\My files\CoastSnap
3 birubi 548070 300 CoastSnap Station
4 blacksmiths 269988 300 CoastSnap Station
5 broulee 269990 300 CoastSnap Station