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44 lines
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'& Input binary file with geometric data',&
'& Input ASCII file with geometric data',&
'& Input binary file with restart data',&
'& Input ASCII file with cross-section data',&
'& Input ASCII file with boundary flow data',&
'& Input ASCII file with elevation boundary data',&
'& Input ASCII file with element inflow data',&
'& Input binary element inflow data',&
'& Input ASCII file with elevation harmonic boundary data',&
'& Input ASCII file with meteorological data',&
'& Output ASCII results',&
'& Output binary file with new format results data',&
'& Output binary file with restart data',&
'& Output binary file with 3-D geometry data',&
'& Output ASCII file with continuity line flow data',&
'& Output ASCII file with summary meteorological input',&
'& Output ASCII file with cpu timing data',&
'& Input binary file with wind data',&
'& Input ASCII file with wind data',&
'& Output binary file listing extracted results for specified nodes',&
'& Output ASCII file listing extracted results for specified nodes',&
'& Output binary element inflow data',&
'& Input coordinates for surface stresses',&
'& Input binary weighting file for surface stresses',&
'& Input binary file for surface stresses',&
'& Output binary weighting file for surface stresses',&
'& Output ASCII weighting file for surface stresses',&
'& Input ASCII file with group number data',&
'& Input ASCII file with stage flow data for continuity lines',&
'& Input ASCII temperature stratification data file',&
'& Input ASCII file with continuation transient step data',&
'& Output ASCII file with average salinity/total flow',&
'& Output binary file with old format results data',&
'& Input binary file with velocity/depth data',&
'& Input binary file with 3-D geometry data',&
'& Output binary file with 2-D geometry data',&
'& Input SMS format geometry file',&
'& Output SMS RMA-2 format file with horizontal velocity and depth data',&
'& Output SMS RMA4 format file with salinity, temperate and sediment data',&
'& Output binary RMA-11 format file listing 1-d flows as a pseudo WQ constituent',&
'& Input ASCII file containing nodal boundary condition data',&
'& Input binary file containing nodal boundary condition data',&
'& Output ice results',&