"""Extract points from a dxf file, and save in csv format
dxf_to_csv.py [-h] [-n LAYER_NAME] [-l] dxf_name
Positional arguments:
dxf_name path to dxf file
Optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n LAYER_NAME name of layer
-l show list of layers
Show available layers:
> python dxf_to_csv.py drawing.dxf -l
Convert all layers:
> python dxf_to_csv.py drawing.dxf
Convert specific layer:
> python dxf_to_csv.py drawing.dxf -n LAYER_NAME
__author__ = "D. Howe"
__version__ = "0.2.0"
__email__ = "d.howe@wrl.unsw.edu.au"
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
import dxfgrabber
def point_to_row(point, layer, dxf_type, dxf_id):
"""Create a dict from a point with layer and e properties"""
row = {key: val for key, val in zip(['x', 'y', 'z'], [*point])}
row['layer'] = layer
row['type'] = dxf_type
row['id'] = dxf_id
return row
def print_layers(dxf_name):
dxf = dxfgrabber.readfile(dxf_name)
# Get data from DTM
print('Available layers in {}'.format(dxf_name))
layers = sorted([layer.name for layer in dxf.layers])
for layer in layers:
def convert(dxf_name, layer_name):
# Read dxf file
dxf = dxfgrabber.readfile(dxf_name)
if layer_name:
print("\nExtracting data from layer '{}'".format(layer_name))
entities = [
e for e in dxf.entities if e.layer.lower() == layer_name.lower()
# Take all layers if no layer name given
print('\nExtracing data from all layers')
entities = [e for e in dxf.entities]
# Get coordinates of entities
data = []
for e in entities:
if e.dxftype == 'POINT':
point = e.point
row = point_to_row(point, e.layer, e.dxftype, e.handle)
elif e.dxftype == 'LINE':
points = [e.start, e.end]
for point in points:
row = point_to_row(point, e.layer, e.dxftype, e.handle)
elif e.dxftype == 'POLYLINE':
for vertex in e.vertices:
point = vertex.location
row = point_to_row(point, e.layer, e.dxftype, e.handle)
elif e.dxftype == 'LWPOLYLINE':
for point in e.points:
row = point_to_row(point, e.layer, e.dxftype, e.handle)
# Add to dataframe
points = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Check if there are z coordinates
if 'z' not in points.columns:
points['z'] = np.nan
# Reorder columns
points = points[['layer', 'type', 'id', 'x', 'y', 'z']]
# Export points
if layer_name:
csv_name = dxf_name.replace('.dxf', '-{}.csv'.format(layer_name))
csv_name = dxf_name.replace('.dxf', '.csv')
points.to_csv(csv_name, index=False)
def main():
# Set up command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('dxf_name', help='path to dxf file', default=None)
'-n', metavar='LAYER_NAME', help='name of layer', default=None)
'-l', action='store_true', help='show list of layers', default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Parse arguments
dxf_name = args.dxf_name
layer_name = args.n
show_layers_only = args.l
if show_layers_only:
# Print list of layers only
# Convert to csv
convert(dxf_name, layer_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':