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import os
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats, optimize
WORKBOOK = '../inputs/20220505_Probabilistic_Erosion_Parameters_5th_JTC_REVIEWED_IPCC_SLR_OFFSET.xlsx' # noqa
VERSION = 'WRL V5 corrected to 2020' # First row of data
def get_cdf(x, loc, scale):
"""Calculate cumulative density function, using Cauchy distribution."""
return stats.cauchy(loc=loc, scale=scale).cdf(x)
def cauchy(n_runs, start_year, end_year):
Use Monte Carlo simulation to generate sea level rise trajectories by
fitting IPCC data to a Cauchy distribution.
n_runs (int): number of runs
start_year (int): first year of model
end_year (int): last year of model
the simulated sea level rise (m)
# Load IPCC SLR data
df = pd.read_excel(WORKBOOK, sheet_name=SHEET, index_col='psmsl_id')
idx = df.index.get_loc(VERSION) # First row containing values we want
df = df.iloc[idx:idx + 5].set_index('quantile')
df = df.drop(columns=['process', 'confidence', 'scenario']).T = 'year'
percentiles = df.columns.values / 100
for i, row in df.iterrows():
values = row.values
# Set valid range of probability distribution function
x_min = row[5] + (row[5] - row[50])
x_max = row[95] + (row[95] - row[50])
x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num=1000)
# Fit Cauchy distribution
loc, scale = optimize.curve_fit(get_cdf, values, percentiles)[0]
if x_min == x_max:
# Harcode values for start year (when everything is zero)
scale = 0.001
x_min = -0.001
x_max = 0.001
df.loc[i, 'loc'] = loc
df.loc[i, 'scale'] = scale
df.loc[i, 'min'] = x_min
df.loc[i, 'max'] = x_max
# Interpolate intermediate values
index = np.arange(df.index.min(), df.index.max() + 1)
df = df.reindex(index).interpolate(method='linear')
df = df.loc[start_year:end_year] # Trim dataframe to given range
# Prepare array for SLR values
slr = np.zeros([len(df), n_runs], dtype=float)
for i, (year, row) in enumerate(df.iterrows()):
# Get probability distribution for current year
dist = stats.cauchy(loc=row['loc'], scale=row['scale'])
# Generate random samples
for factor in range(2, 1000):
s_raw = dist.rvs(n_runs * factor)
# Take first samples within valid range
s = s_raw[(s_raw > row['min']) & (s_raw < row['max'])]
if len(s) > n_runs:
break # Success
continue # We need more samples, so try larger factor
# Add the requried number of samples
slr[i] = s[:n_runs]
# Sort each row to make SLR trajectories smooth
slr = np.sort(slr, axis=1)
# Randomise run order (column-wise)
slr = np.random.permutation(slr.T).T
return slr