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# Name: kdetools
# Purpose:
# Author: pab
# Created: 01.11.2008
# Copyright: (c) pab2 2008
# Licence: LGPL
#!/usr/bin/env python
#import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma
from numpy import pi, atleast_2d #@UnresolvedImport
from misc import tranproc, trangood
def sphere_volume(d, r=1.0):
Returns volume of d-dimensional sphere with radius r
d : scalar or array_like
dimension of sphere
r : scalar or array_like
radius of sphere (default 1)
Wand,M.P. and Jones, M.C. (1995)
'Kernel smoothing'
Chapman and Hall, pp 105
return (r**d)* 2.*pi**(d/2.)/(d*gamma(d/2.))
class kde(object):
""" Representation of a kernel-density estimate using Gaussian kernels.
dataset : (# of dims, # of data)-array
datapoints to estimate from
d : int
number of dimensions
n : int
number of datapoints
kde.evaluate(points) : array
evaluate the estimated pdf on a provided set of points
kde(points) : array
same as kde.evaluate(points)
kde.integrate_gaussian(mean, cov) : float
multiply pdf with a specified Gaussian and integrate over the whole domain
kde.integrate_box_1d(low, high) : float
integrate pdf (1D only) between two bounds
kde.integrate_box(low_bounds, high_bounds) : float
integrate pdf over a rectangular space between low_bounds and high_bounds
kde.integrate_kde(other_kde) : float
integrate two kernel density estimates multiplied together
Internal Methods
kde.covariance_factor() : float
computes the coefficient that multiplies the data covariance matrix to
obtain the kernel covariance matrix. Set this method to
kde.scotts_factor or kde.silverman_factor (or subclass to provide your
own). The default is scotts_factor.
def __init__(self, dataset,**kwds):
self.hs = None
self.L2 = None
self.dataset = atleast_2d(dataset)
self.d, self.n = self.dataset.shape
def evaluate(self, points):
"""Evaluate the estimated pdf on a set of points.
points : (# of dimensions, # of points)-array
Alternatively, a (# of dimensions,) vector can be passed in and
treated as a single point.
values : (# of points,)-array
The values at each point.
ValueError if the dimensionality of the input points is different than
the dimensionality of the KDE.
points = atleast_2d(points).astype(self.dataset.dtype)
d, m = points.shape
if d != self.d:
if d == 1 and m == self.d:
# points was passed in as a row vector
points = reshape(points, (self.d, 1))
m = 1
msg = "points have dimension %s, dataset has dimension %s" % (d,
raise ValueError(msg)
result = zeros((m,), points.dtype)
if m >= self.n:
# there are more points than data, so loop over data
for i in range(self.n):
diff = self.dataset[:,i,newaxis] - points
tdiff = dot(self.inv_cov, diff)
energy = sum(diff*tdiff,axis=0)/2.0
result += exp(-energy)
# loop over points
for i in range(m):
diff = self.dataset - points[:,i,newaxis]
tdiff = dot(self.inv_cov, diff)
energy = sum(diff*tdiff,axis=0)/2.0
result[i] = sum(exp(-energy),axis=0)
result /= self._norm_factor
return result
__call__ = evaluate
##function [f, hs,lambda]= kdefun(A,options,varargin)
##%KDEFUN Kernel Density Estimator.
##% CALL: [f, hs] = kdefun(data,options,x1,x2,...,xd)
##% f = kernel density estimate evaluated at x1,x2,...,xd.
##% data = data matrix, size N x D (D = # dimensions)
##% options = kdeoptions-structure or cellvector of named parameters with
##% corresponding values, see kdeoptset for details.
##% x1,x2..= vectors/matrices defining the points to evaluate the density
##% KDEFUN gives a slow, but exact kernel density estimate evaluated at x1,x2,...,xd.
##% Notice that densities close to normality appear to be the easiest for the kernel
##% estimator to estimate and that the degree of estimation difficulty increases with
##% skewness, kurtosis and multimodality.
##% If D > 1 KDE calculates quantile levels by integration. An
##% alternative is to calculate them by ranking the kernel density
##% estimate obtained at the points DATA i.e. use the commands
##% f = kde(data);
##% r = kdefun(data,[],num2cell(data,1));
##% = qlevels2(r,f.PL);
##% The first is probably best when estimating the pdf and the latter is the
##% easiest and most robust for multidimensional data when only a visualization
##% of the data is needed.
##% For faster estimates try kdebin.
##% Examples:
##% data = rndray(1,500,1);
##% x = linspace(sqrt(eps),5,55);
##% plotnorm((data).^(.5)) % gives a straight line => L2 = 0.5 reasonable
##% f = kdefun(data,{'L2',.5},x);
##% plot(x,f,x,pdfray(x,1),'r')
##% See also kde, mkernel, kdebin
##% Reference:
##% B. W. Silverman (1986)
##% 'Density estimation for statistics and data analysis'
##% Chapman and Hall , pp 100-110
##% Wand, M.P. and Jones, M.C. (1995)
##% 'Kernel smoothing'
##% Chapman and Hall, pp 43--45
##%Tested on: matlab 5.2
##% History:
##% revised pab Feb2004
##% -options moved into a structure
##% revised pab Dec2003
##% -removed some code
##% revised pab 27.04.2001
##% - changed call from mkernel to mkernel2 (increased speed by 10%)
##% revised pab 01.01.2001
##% - added the possibility that L2 is a cellarray of parametric
##% or non-parametric transformations (secret option)
##% revised pab 14.12.1999
##% - fixed a small error in example in help header
##% revised pab 28.10.1999
##% - added L2
##% revised pab 21.10.99
##% - added alpha to input arguments
##% - made it fully general for d dimensions
##% - HS may be a smoothing matrix
##% revised pab 21.09.99
##% - adapted from kdetools by Christian Beardah
## defaultoptions = kdeoptset;
##% If just 'defaults' passed in, return the default options in g
##if ((nargin==1) && (nargout <= 1) && isequal(A,'defaults')),
## f = defaultoptions;
## return
##error(nargchk(1,inf, nargin))
##[n, d]=size(A); % Find dimensions of A,
## % n=number of data points,
## % d=dimension of the data.
##if (nargin<2 || isempty(options))
## options = defaultoptions;
## switch lower(class(options))
## case {'char','struct'},
## options = kdeoptset(defaultoptions,options);
## case {'cell'}
## options = kdeoptset(defaultoptions,options{:});
## otherwise
## error('Invalid options')
## end
##kernel = options.kernel;
##h = options.hs;
##alpha = options.alpha;
##L2 = options.L2;
##hsMethod = options.hsMethod;
##if isempty(h)
## h=zeros(1,d);
##L22 = cell(1,d);
##if isempty(L2)
## L2=ones(1,d); % default no transformation
##elseif iscell(L2) % cellarray of non-parametric and parametric transformations
## Nl2 = length(L2);
## if ~(Nl2==1||Nl2==d), error('Wrong size of L2'), end
## [L22{1:d}] = deal(L2{1:min(Nl2,d)});
## L2 = ones(1,d); % default no transformation
## for ix=1:d,
## if length(L22{ix})>1,
## k3=[k3 ix]; % Non-parametric transformation
## else
## L2(ix) = L22{ix}; % Parameter to the Box-Cox transformation
## end
## end
##elseif length(L2)==1
## L2=L2(:,ones(1,d));
##if any((amin(L2~=1)<=0)) ,
## error('DATA cannot be negative or zero when L2~=1')
##if nv<d,
## error('some or all of the evaluation points x1,x2,...,xd is missing')
##xsiz = size(varargin{1}); % remember size of input
##Nx = prod(xsiz);
##X = zeros(Nx,d);
##for ix=1:min(nv,d),
## if (any(varargin{ix}(:)<=0) && (L2(ix)~=1)),
## error('xi cannot be negative or zero when L2~=1')
## end
## X(:,ix)=varargin{ix}(:); % make sure it is a column vector
##%new call
##lX = X; %zeros(Nx,d);
##lA = A; %zeros(size(A));
##k1 = find(L2==0); % logaritmic transformation
##if any(k1)
## lA(:,k1)=log(A(:,k1));
## lX(:,k1)=log(X(:,k1));
##k2=find(L2~=0 & L2~=1); % power transformation
##if any(k2)
## lA(:,k2)=sign(L2(ones(n,1),k2)).*A(:,k2).^L2(ones(n,1),k2);
## lX(:,k2)=sign(L2(ones(Nx,1),k2)).*X(:,k2).^L2(ones(Nx,1),k2);
##% Non-parametric transformation
##for ix = k3,
## lA(:,ix) = tranproc(A(:,ix),L22{ix});
## lX(:,ix) = tranproc(X(:,ix),L22{ix});
##if (min(hsiz)==1)||(d==1)
## if max(hsiz)==1,
## h=h*ones(1,d);
## else
## h=reshape(h,[1,d]); % make sure it has the correct dimension
## end;
## ind=find(h<=0);
## if any(ind) % If no value of h has been specified by the user then
## h(ind)=feval(hsMethod,lA(:,ind),kernel); % calculate automatic values.
## end
## deth = prod(h);
##else % fully general smoothing matrix
## deth = det(h);
## if deth<=0
## error('bandwidth matrix h must be positive definit')
## end
##if alpha>0
## Xn = num2cell(lA,1);
## opt1 = kdeoptset('kernel',kernel,'hs',h,'alpha',0,'L2',1);
## f2 = kdefun(lA,opt1,Xn{:}); % get a pilot estimate by regular KDE (alpha=0)
## g = exp(sum(log(f2))/n);
## lambda=(f2(:)/g).^(-alpha);
## lambda=ones(n,1);
##if (min(hsiz)==1)||(d==1)
## for ix=1:n, % Sum over all data points
## Avec=lA(ix,:);
## Xnn=(lX-Avec(ones(Nx,1),:))./(h(ones(Nx,1),:) *lambda(ix));
## f = f + mkernel2(Xnn,kernel)/lambda(ix)^d;
## end
##else % fully general
## h1=inv(h);
## for ix=1:n, % Sum over all data points
## Avec=lA(ix,:);
## Xnn=(lX-Avec(ones(Nx,1),:))*(h1/lambda(ix));
## f = f + mkernel2(Xnn,kernel)/lambda(ix)^d;
## end
##% transforming back
##if any(k1), % L2=0 i.e. logaritmic transformation
## for ix=k1
## f=f./X(:,ix);
## end
## if any(max(abs(diff(f)))>10)
## disp('Warning: Numerical problems may have occured due to the logaritmic')
## disp('transformation. Check the KDE for spurious spikes')
## end
##if any(k2) % L2~=0 i.e. power transformation
## for ix=k2
## f=f.*(X(:,ix).^(L2(ix)-1))*L2(ix)*sign(L2(ix));
## end
## if any(max(abs(diff(f)))>10)
## disp('Warning: Numerical problems may have occured due to the power')
## disp('transformation. Check the KDE for spurious spikes')
## end
##if any(k3), % non-parametric transformation
## oneC = ones(Nx,1);
## for ix=k3
## gn = L22{ix};
## %Gn = fliplr(L22{ix});
## %x0 = tranproc(lX(:,ix),Gn);
## if any(isnan(X(:,ix))),
## error('The transformation does not have a strictly positive derivative.')
## end
## hg1 = tranproc([X(:,ix) oneC],gn);
## der1 = abs(hg1(:,2)); % dg(X)/dX = 1/(dG(Y)/dY)
## % alternative 2
## %pp = smooth(Gn(:,1),Gn(:,2),1,[],1);
## %dpp = diffpp(pp);
## %der1 = 1./abs(ppval(dpp,f.x{ix}));
## % Alternative 3
## %pp = smooth(gn(:,1),gn(:,2),1,[],1);
## %dpp = diffpp(pp);
## %%plot(hg1(:,1),der1-abs(ppval(dpp,x0)))
## %der1 = abs(ppval(dpp,x0));
## if any(der1<=0),
## error('The transformation must have a strictly positive derivative')
## end
## f = f.*der1;
## end
## if any(max(abs(diff(f)))>10)
## disp('Warning: Numerical problems may have occured due to the power')
## disp('transformation. Check the KDE for spurious spikes')
## end
##f=reshape(f,xsiz); % restore original shape
##if nargout>1
## hs=h;
##function [z,c]=mkernel(varargin)
##%MKERNEL Multivariate Kernel Function.
##% CALL: z = mkernel(x1,x2,...,xd,kernel);
##% z = mkernel(X,kernel);
##% z = kernel function values evaluated at x1,x2,...,xd
##% x1,x2..= input arguments, vectors or matrices with common size
##% or
##% X = cellarray of vector/matrices with common size
##% (i.e. X{1}=x1, X{2}=x2....)
##% kernel = 'epanechnikov' - Epanechnikov kernel.
##% 'epa1' - product of 1D Epanechnikov kernel.
##% 'biweight' - Bi-weight kernel.
##% 'biw1' - product of 1D Bi-weight kernel.
##% 'triweight' - Tri-weight kernel.
##% 'triangular' - Triangular kernel.
##% 'gaussian' - Gaussian kernel
##% 'rectangular' - Rectangular kernel.
##% 'laplace' - Laplace kernel.
##% 'logistic' - Logistic kernel.
##% Note that only the first 4 letters of the kernel name is needed.
##% See also kde, kdefun, kdebin
##% Reference:
##% B. W. Silverman (1986)
##% 'Density estimation for statistics and data analysis'
##% Chapman and Hall, pp. 43, 76
##% Wand, M. P. and Jones, M. C. (1995)
##% 'Density estimation for statistics and data analysis'
##% Chapman and Hall, pp 31, 103, 175
##%Tested on: matlab 5.3
##% History:
##% Revised pab sep2005
##% -replaced reference to kdefft with kdebin
##% revised pab aug2005
##% -Fixed some bugs
##% revised pab Dec2003
##% removed some old code
##% revised pab 27.04.2001
##% - removed some old calls
##% revised pab 01.01.2001
##% - speeded up tri3
##% revised pab 01.12.1999
##% - added four weight, sphere
##% - made comparison smarter => faster execution for d>1
##% revised pab 26.10.1999
##% fixed normalization fault in epan
##% by pab 21.09.99
##% added multivariate epan, biweight and triweight
##% collected all knorm,kepan ... into this file
##% adapted from kdetools CB
##kstr=varargin{d+1}; % kernel string
##if iscell(varargin{1})
## X=varargin{1};
## d=numel(X);
## X=varargin;
##switch lower(kstr(1:4))
## case {'sphe','epan','biwe','triw','four'}
## switch lower(kstr(1:4))
## case 'sphe', r=0; %Sphere = rect for 1D
## case 'epan', r=1; %Multivariate Epanechnikov kernel.
## case 'biwe', r=2; %Multivariate Bi-weight Kernel
## case 'triw', r=3; %Multi variate Tri-weight Kernel
## case 'four', r=4; %Multi variate Four-weight Kernel
## % as r -> infty, b -> infty => kernel -> Gaussian distribution
## end
## b=1;% radius of the kernel
## b2=b^2;
## s=X{1}.^2;
## k=find(s<=b2);
## z=zeros(size(s));
## ix=2;
## while (any(k) && (ix<=d)),
## s(k)=s(k)+X{ix}(k).^2;
## k1=(s(k)<=b2);
## k=k(k1);
## ix=ix+1;
## end;
## if any(k)
## c=2^r*prod(1:r)*vsph(d,b)/prod((d+2):2:(d+2*r)); % normalizing constant
## %c=beta(r+1,r+1)*vsph(d,b)*(2^(2*r)); % Wand and Jones pp 31
## % the commented c above does note yield the right scaling
## % for d>1
## z(k)=((1-s(k)/b2).^r)/c;
## end
## case 'rect', % 1D product Rectangular Kernel
## z=zeros(size(X{1}));
## k=find(abs(X{1})<=1);
## ix=2;
## while (any(k) && (ix<=d)),
## k1 =(abs(X{ix}(k))<=1);
## k=k(k1);
## ix=ix+1;
## end
## if any(k)
## z(k)=(0.5^d);
## end
## case {'epa1','biw1','triw1','fou1'}
## switch lower(kstr(1:4))
## %case 'rect', r=0; %rectangular
## case 'epa1', r=1; %1D product Epanechnikov kernel.
## case 'biw1', r=2; %1D product Bi-weight Kernel
## case 'tri1', r=3; %1D product Tri-weight Kernel
## case 'fou1', r=4; %1D product Four-weight Kernel
## end
## b=1;
## b2=b^2;
## b21=1/b2;
## z=zeros(size(X{1}));
## k=find(abs(X{1})<=b);
## ix=2;
## while (any(k) && (ix<=d)),
## %for ix=2:d
## k1 =(abs(X{ix}(k))<=b);
## k = k(k1);
## ix=ix+1;
## end
## if any(k)
## c=2^r*prod(1:r)*vsph(1,b)/prod((1+2):2:(1+2*r)); % normalizing constant
## z(k) = (1-X{1}(k).^2*b21).^r;
## for ix=2:d
## z(k)=z(k).*(1-X{ix}(k).^2*b21).^r;
## end;
## z(k)=z(k)/c^d;
## end
## case 'tria',% 1D product Triangular Kernel
## z=zeros(size(X{1}));
## k=find(abs(X{1})<1);
## ix=2;
## while (any(k) && (ix<=d)),
## %for ix=2:d
## k1 =(abs(X{ix}(k))<1);
## k = k(k1);
## ix=ix+1;
## end
## if any(k)
## z(k) = (1-abs(X{1}(k)));
## for ix=2:d
## z(k)=z(k).*(1-abs(X{ix}(k)));
## end
## end
## case {'norm','gaus'},% multivariate gaussian Density Function.
## s=X{1}.^2;
## for ix=2:d
## s=s+X{ix}.^2;
## end;
## z=(2*pi)^(-d/2)*exp(-0.5*s);
## case 'lapl' % Laplace Kernel
## z=0.5*exp(-abs(X{1}));
## for ix=2:d
## z=z.*0.5*exp(-abs(X{ix}));
## end
## case 'logi', % Logistic Kernel
## z1=exp(X{1});
## z=z1./(z1+1).^2;
## for ix=2:d
## z1=exp(X{ix});
## z=z.*z1./(z1+1).^2;
## end
## otherwise, error('unknown kernel')
## end