import wafo.spectrum.models as sm import wafo.transform.models as wtm import wafo.objects as wo from wafo.spectrum import SpecData1D import numpy as np from numpy import NAN from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal import unittest def slow(f): f.slow = True return f class TestSpectrumHs7(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=7.0, Tp=11) self.S = self.Sj.tospecdata() def test_tocovmatrix(self): acfmat = self.S.tocov_matrix(nr=3, nt=256, dt=0.1) vals = acfmat[:2, :] true_vals = np.array([[3.06073383, 0.0000000, -1.67748256, 0.], [3.05235423, -0.1674357, -1.66811444, 0.18693242]]) assert_array_almost_equal(vals, true_vals) def test_tocovdata(self): Nt = len( - 1 acf = self.S.tocovdata(nr=0, nt=Nt) vals =[:5] true_vals = np.array( [3.06090339, 2.22658399, 0.45307391, -1.17495501, -2.05649042]) assert_array_almost_equal(vals, true_vals) assert((np.abs(vals - true_vals) < 1e-6).all()) def test_to_t_pdf(self): f = self.S.to_t_pdf(pdef='Tc', paramt=(0, 10, 51), speed=7, seed=100) truth = [0.0, 0.014068786046738972, 0.027384724577108947, 0.039538002584522454, 0.050183061144017056, 0.05948762020247726, 0.0669017098497974, 0.07251637759775977, 0.07729759248201125, 0.08151306823047058] assert_array_almost_equal([:10], truth, decimal=1e-3) # estimated error bounds vals = ['%2.4f' % val for val in f.err[:10]] truevals = ['0.0000', '0.0003', '0.0003', '0.0004', '0.0006', '0.0008', '0.0016', '0.0019', '0.0020', '0.0021'] for t, v in zip(truevals, vals): assert(t == v) @slow def test_sim(self): S = self.S import scipy.stats as st x2 = S.sim(20000, 20) truth1 = [0, np.sqrt(S.moment(1)[0]), 0., 0.] funs = [np.mean, np.std, st.skew, st.kurtosis] for fun, trueval in zip(funs, truth1): res = fun(x2[:, 1::], axis=0) m = res.mean() sa = res.std() assert(np.abs(m - trueval) < sa) @slow def test_sim_nl(self): S = self.S import scipy.stats as st x2, _x1 = S.sim_nl(ns=20000, cases=40) truth1 = [0, np.sqrt(S.moment(1)[0][0])] + S.stats_nl(moments='sk') truth1[-1] = truth1[-1] - 3 # truth1 # [0, 1.7495200310090633, 0.18673120577479801, 0.061988521262417606] funs = [np.mean, np.std, st.skew, st.kurtosis] for fun, trueval in zip(funs, truth1): res = fun(, axis=0) m = res.mean() sa = res.std() # trueval, m, sa assert(np.abs(m - trueval) < 2 * sa) def test_stats_nl(self): S = self.S me, va, sk, ku = S.stats_nl(moments='mvsk') assert(me == 0.0) assert_array_almost_equal(va, 3.0608203389019537) assert_array_almost_equal(sk, 0.18673120577479801) assert_array_almost_equal(ku, 3.0619885212624176) def test_testgaussian(self): Hs = self.Sj.Hm0 S0 = self.S # ns =100; dt = .2 # x1 = S0.sim(ns, dt=dt) S = S0.copy() me, _va, sk, ku = S.stats_nl(moments='mvsk') = wtm.TrHermite(mean=me, sigma=Hs / 4, skew=sk, kurt=ku, ysigma=Hs / 4) ys = wo.mat2timeseries(S.sim(ns=2 ** 13)) g0, _gemp = ys.trdata() t0 = g0.dist2gauss() t1 = S0.testgaussian(ns=2 ** 13, test0=None, cases=50) assert(sum(t1 > t0) <= 5) class TestSpectrumHs5(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=5.0) self.S = self.Sj.tospecdata() def test_moment(self): S = self.S vals, txt = S.moment() true_vals = [1.5614600345079888, 0.95567089481941048] true_txt = ['m0', 'm0tt'] assert_array_almost_equal(vals, true_vals) for tv, v in zip(true_txt, txt): assert(tv == v) def test_nyquist_freq(self): S = self.S assert_array_almost_equal(S.nyquist_freq(), 3.0) def test_sampling_period(self): S = self.S assert_array_almost_equal(S.sampling_period(), 1.0471975511965976) def test_normalize(self): S = self.S mom, txt = S.moment(2) assert_array_almost_equal(mom, [1.5614600345079888, 0.95567089481941048]) assert_array_equal(txt, ['m0', 'm0tt']) vals, _txt = S.moment(2) true_vals = [1.5614600345079888, 0.95567089481941048] assert_array_almost_equal(vals, true_vals) Sn = S.copy() Sn.normalize() # Now the moments should be one new_vals, _txt = Sn.moment(2) assert_array_almost_equal(new_vals, np.ones(2)) def test_characteristic(self): S = self.S ch, R, txt = S.characteristic(1) assert_array_almost_equal(ch, 8.59007646) assert_array_almost_equal(R, 0.03040216) self.assert_(txt == ['Tm01']) ch, R, txt = S.characteristic([1, 2, 3]) # fact a vector of integers assert_array_almost_equal(ch, [8.59007646, 8.03139757, 5.62484314]) assert_array_almost_equal(R, [[0.03040216, 0.02834263, NAN], [0.02834263, 0.0274645, NAN], [NAN, NAN, 0.01500249]]) assert_array_equal(txt, ['Tm01', 'Tm02', 'Tm24']) ch, R, txt = S.characteristic('Ss') # fact a string assert_array_almost_equal(ch, [0.04963112]) assert_array_almost_equal(R, [[2.63624782e-06]]) assert_array_equal(txt, ['Ss']) # fact a list of strings ch, R, txt = S.characteristic(['Hm0', 'Tm02']) assert_array_almost_equal(ch, [4.99833578, 8.03139757]) assert_array_almost_equal(R, [[0.05292989, 0.02511371], [0.02511371, 0.0274645]]) assert_array_equal(txt, ['Hm0', 'Tm02']) class TestSpectrumHs3(unittest.TestCase): def test_bandwidth(self): Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=3, Tp=7) w = np.linspace(0, 4, 256) S = SpecData1D(Sj(w), w) # Make spectrum object from numerical values vals = S.bandwidth([0, 1, 2, 3]) true_vals = [0.73062845, 0.34476034, 0.68277527, 2.90817052] assert_array_almost_equal(vals, true_vals) if __name__ == '__main__': import nose