from __future__ import division import warnings from wafo.containers import PlotData from wafo.misc import findextrema from scipy import special import numpy as np from numpy import inf from numpy import atleast_1d, nan, ndarray, sqrt, vstack, ones, where, zeros # , reshape, repeat, product from numpy import arange, floor, linspace, asarray from time import gmtime, strftime __all__ = [ 'edf', 'edfcnd', 'reslife', 'dispersion_idx', 'decluster', 'findpot', 'declustering_time', 'interexceedance_times', 'extremal_idx'] arr = asarray def now(): """ Return current date and time as a string """ return strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", gmtime()) def valarray(shape, value=nan, typecode=None): """Return an array of all value. """ #out = reshape(repeat([value], product(shape, axis=0), axis=0), shape) out = ones(shape, dtype=bool) * value if typecode is not None: out = out.astype(typecode) if not isinstance(out, ndarray): out = arr(out) return out def _cdff(self, x, dfn, dfd): return special.fdtr(dfn, dfd, x) def _cdft(x, df): return special.stdtr(df, x) def _invt(q, df): return special.stdtrit(df, q) def _cdfchi2(x, df): return special.chdtr(df, x) def _invchi2(q, df): return special.chdtri(df, q) def _cdfnorm(x): return special.ndtr(x) def _invnorm(q): return special.ndtri(q) def edf(x, method=2): """ Returns Empirical Distribution Function (EDF). Parameters ---------- x : array-like data vector method : integer scalar 1. Interpolation so that F(X_(k)) == (k-0.5)/n. 2. Interpolation so that F(X_(k)) == k/(n+1). (default) 3. The empirical distribution. F(X_(k)) = k/n Example ------- >>> import wafo.stats as ws >>> x = np.linspace(0,6,200) >>> R = ws.rayleigh.rvs(scale=2,size=100) >>> F = ws.edf(R) >>> h = F.plot() See also edf, pdfplot, cumtrapz """ z = atleast_1d(x) z.sort() N = len(z) if method == 1: Fz1 = arange(0.5, N) / N elif method == 3: Fz1 = arange(1, N + 1) / N else: Fz1 = arange(1, N + 1) / (N + 1) F = PlotData(Fz1, z, xlab='x', ylab='F(x)') F.setplotter('step') return F def edfcnd(x, c=None, method=2): """ Returns empirical Distribution Function CoNDitioned that X>=c (EDFCND). Parameters ---------- x : array-like data vector method : integer scalar 1. Interpolation so that F(X_(k)) == (k-0.5)/n. 2. Interpolation so that F(X_(k)) == k/(n+1). (default) 3. The empirical distribution. F(X_(k)) = k/n Example ------- >>> import wafo.stats as ws >>> x = np.linspace(0,6,200) >>> R = ws.rayleigh.rvs(scale=2,size=100) >>> Fc = ws.edfcnd(R, 1) >>> hc = Fc.plot() >>> F = ws.edf(R) >>> h = F.plot() See also edf, pdfplot, cumtrapz """ z = atleast_1d(x) if c is None: c = floor(min(z.min(), 0)) try: F = edf(z[c <= z], method=method) except: ValueError('No data points above c=%d' % int(c)) if - inf < c: F.labels.ylab = 'F(x| X>=%g)' % c return F def _check_nmin(nmin, n): nmin = max(nmin, 1) if 2 * nmin > n: warnings.warn('nmin possibly too large!') return nmin def _check_umin_umax(data, umin, umax, nmin): sd = np.sort(data) sdmax, sdmin = sd[-nmin], sd[0] umax = sdmax if umax is None else min(umax, sdmax) umin = sdmin if umin is None else max(umin, sdmin) return umin, umax def _check_nu(nu, nmin, n): if nu is None: nu = min(n - nmin, 100) return nu def reslife(data, u=None, umin=None, umax=None, nu=None, nmin=3, alpha=0.05, plotflag=False): """ Return Mean Residual Life, i.e., mean excesses vs thresholds Parameters --------- data : array_like vector of data of length N. u : array-like threshold values (default linspace(umin, umax, nu)) umin, umax : real scalars Minimum and maximum threshold, respectively (default min(data), max(data)). nu : scalar integer number of threshold values (default min(N-nmin,100)) nmin : scalar integer Minimum number of extremes to include. (Default 3). alpha : real scalar Confidence coefficient (default 0.05) plotflag: bool Returns ------- mrl : PlotData object Mean residual life values, i.e., mean excesses over thresholds, u. Notes ----- RESLIFE estimate mean excesses over thresholds. The purpose of MRL is to determine the threshold where the upper tail of the data can be approximated with the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). The GPD is appropriate for the tail, if the MRL is a linear function of the threshold, u. Theoretically in the GPD model E(X-u0|X>u0) = s0/(1+k) E(X-u |X>u) = s/(1+k) = (s0 -k*u)/(1+k) for u>u0 where k,s is the shape and scale parameter, respectively. s0 = scale parameter for threshold u0>> import wafo >>> R = wafo.stats.genpareto.rvs(0.1,2,2,size=100) >>> mrl = reslife(R,nu=20) >>> h = mrl.plot() See also --------- genpareto fitgenparrange, disprsnidx """ if u is None: n = len(data) nmin = _check_nmin(nmin, n) umin, umax = _check_umin_umax(data, umin, umax, nmin) nu = _check_nu(nu, nmin, n) u = linspace(umin, umax, nu) nu = len(u) # mrl1 = valarray(nu) # srl = valarray(nu) # num = valarray(nu) mean_and_std = lambda data1: (data1.mean(), data1.std(), data1.size) dat = arr(data) tmp = arr([mean_and_std(dat[dat > tresh] - tresh) for tresh in u.tolist()]) mrl, srl, num = tmp.T p = 1 - alpha alpha2 = alpha / 2 # Approximate P% confidence interval # Za = -invnorm(alpha2); % known mean Za = -_invt(alpha2, num - 1) # unknown mean mrlu = mrl + Za * srl / sqrt(num) mrll = mrl - Za * srl / sqrt(num) # options.CI = [mrll,mrlu]; # options.numdata = num; titleTxt = 'Mean residual life with %d%s CI' % (100 * p, '%') res = PlotData(mrl, u, xlab='Threshold', ylab='Mean Excess', title=titleTxt) res.workspace = dict( numdata=num, umin=umin, umax=umax, nu=nu, nmin=nmin, alpha=alpha) res.children = [ PlotData(vstack([mrll, mrlu]).T, u, xlab='Threshold', title=titleTxt)] res.plot_args_children = [':r'] if plotflag: res.plot() return res def dispersion_idx( data, t=None, u=None, umin=None, umax=None, nu=None, nmin=10, tb=1, alpha=0.05, plotflag=False): """Return Dispersion Index vs threshold Parameters ---------- data, ti : array_like data values and sampled times, respectively. u : array-like threshold values (default linspace(umin, umax, nu)) umin, umax : real scalars Minimum and maximum threshold, respectively (default min(data), max(data)). nu : scalar integer number of threshold values (default min(N-nmin,100)) nmin : scalar integer Minimum number of extremes to include. (Default 10). tb : Real scalar Block period (same unit as the sampled times) (default 1) alpha : real scalar Confidence coefficient (default 0.05) plotflag: bool Returns ------- DI : PlotData object Dispersion index b_u : real scalar threshold where the number of exceedances in a fixed period (Tb) is consistent with a Poisson process. ok_u : array-like all thresholds where the number of exceedances in a fixed period (Tb) is consistent with a Poisson process. Notes ------ DISPRSNIDX estimate the Dispersion Index (DI) as function of threshold. DI measures the homogenity of data and the purpose of DI is to determine the threshold where the number of exceedances in a fixed period (Tb) is consistent with a Poisson process. For a Poisson process the DI is one. Thus the threshold should be so high that DI is not significantly different from 1. The Poisson hypothesis is not rejected if the estimated DI is between: chi2(alpha/2, M-1)/(M-1)< DI < chi^2(1 - alpha/2, M-1 }/(M - 1) where M is the total number of fixed periods/blocks -generally the total number of years in the sample. Example ------- >>> import >>> xn = >>> t, data = xn.T >>> Ie = findpot(data,t,0,5); >>> di, u, ok_u = dispersion_idx(data[Ie],t[Ie],tb=100) >>> h = di.plot() # a threshold around 1 seems appropriate. >>> round(u*100)/100 1.03 vline(u) See also -------- reslife, fitgenparrange, extremal_idx References ---------- Ribatet, M. A.,(2006), A User's Guide to the POT Package (Version 1.0) month = {August}, url = {} Cunnane, C. (1979) Note on the poisson assumption in partial duration series model. Water Resource Research, 15\bold{(2)} :489--494.} """ def _find_appropriate_threshold(u, di, di_low, di_up): k1, = np.where((di_low < di) & (di < di_up)) if len(k1) > 0: ok_u = u[k1] b_di = di[k1].mean() < di[k1] k = b_di.argmax() b_u = ok_u[k] else: b_u = ok_u = None return b_u, ok_u n = len(data) if t is None: ti = arange(n) else: ti = arr(t) - min(t) t1 = np.empty(ti.shape, dtype=int) t1[:] = np.floor(ti / tb) if u is None: nmin = _check_nmin(nmin, n) umin, umax = _check_umin_umax(data, umin, umax, nmin) nu = _check_nu(nu, nmin, n) u = linspace(umin, umax, nu) nu = len(u) di = np.zeros(nu) d = arr(data) mint = int(min(t1)) # should be 0. maxt = int(max(t1)) M = maxt - mint + 1 occ = np.zeros(M) for ix, tresh in enumerate(u): excess = (d > tresh) lambda_ = excess.sum() / M for block in range(M): occ[block] = sum(excess[t1 == block]) di[ix] = occ.var() / lambda_ p = 1.0 - alpha di_low = _invchi2(1 - alpha / 2, M - 1) / (M - 1) di_up = _invchi2(alpha / 2, M - 1) / (M - 1) b_u, ok_u = _find_appropriate_threshold(u, di, di_low, di_up) ci_txt = '{0:d}{1} CI'.format(100 * p, '%') titleTxt = 'Dispersion Index plot' res = PlotData(di, u, title=titleTxt, labx='Threshold', laby='Dispersion Index') #'caption',ci_txt); res.workspace = dict(umin=umin, umax=umax, nu=nu, nmin=nmin, alpha=alpha) res.children = [ PlotData(vstack([di_low * ones(nu), di_up * ones(nu)]).T, u, xlab='Threshold', title=ci_txt)] res.plot_args_children = ['--r'] if plotflag: res.plot(di) return res, b_u, ok_u def decluster(data, t=None, thresh=None, tmin=1): """ Return declustered peaks over threshold values Parameters ---------- data, t : array-like data-values and sampling-times, respectively. thresh : real scalar minimum threshold for levels in data. tmin : real scalar minimum distance to another peak [same unit as t] (default 1) Returns ------- ev, te : ndarray extreme values and its corresponding sampling times, respectively, i.e., all data > thresh which are at least tmin distance apart. Example ------- >>> import pylab >>> import >>> from wafo.misc import findtc >>> x = >>> t, data = x[:400,:].T >>> itc, iv = findtc(data,0,'dw') >>> ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc] >>> ymin = 2*data.std() >>> tmin = 10 # sec >>> [ye, te] = decluster(ytc,ttc, ymin,tmin); >>> h = pylab.plot(t,data,ttc,ytc,'ro',t,zeros(len(t)),':',te,ye,'k.') See also -------- fitgenpar, findpot, extremalidx """ if t is None: t = np.arange(len(data)) i = findpot(data, t, thresh, tmin) return data[i], t[i] def _remove_index_to_data_too_close_to_each_other(ix_e, is_too_small, di_e, ti_e, tmin): is_too_close = np.hstack((is_too_small[0], is_too_small[:-1] | is_too_small[1:], is_too_small[-1])) # Find opening (no) and closing (nc) index for data beeing to close: iy = findextrema(np.hstack([0, 0, is_too_small, 0])) no = iy[:2] - 1 nc = iy[1::2] for start, stop in zip(no, nc): iz = slice(start, stop) i_ok = _find_ok_peaks(di_e[iz], ti_e[iz], tmin) if len(i_ok): is_too_close[start + i_ok] = 0 # Remove data which is too close to other data. if is_too_close.any(): i_ok, = where(1 - is_too_close) ix_e = ix_e[i_ok] return ix_e def findpot(data, t=None, thresh=None, tmin=1): """ Retrun indices to Peaks over threshold values Parameters ---------- data, t : array-like data-values and sampling-times, respectively. thresh : real scalar minimum threshold for levels in data. tmin : real scalar minimum distance to another peak [same unit as t] (default 1) Returns ------- ix_e : ndarray indices to extreme values, i.e., all data > tresh which are at least tmin distance apart. Example ------- >>> import pylab >>> import >>> from wafo.misc import findtc >>> x = >>> t, data = x.T >>> itc, iv = findtc(data,0,'dw') >>> ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc] >>> ymin = 2*data.std() >>> tmin = 10 # sec >>> i = findpot(data, t, ymin, tmin) >>> yp, tp = data[i], t[i] >>> ix_e = findpot(yp, tp, ymin,tmin) >>> ye, te = yp[ix_e], tp[ix_e] >>> h = pylab.plot(t,data,ttc,ytc,'ro', ... t,zeros(len(t)),':', ... te, ye,'k.',tp,yp,'+') See also -------- fitgenpar, decluster, extremalidx """ data = arr(data) if t is None: t = np.arange(len(data)) else: t = arr(t) ix_e, = where(data > thresh) di_e = data[ix_e] ti_e = t[ix_e] if len(di_e) <= 1: return ix_e dt = np.diff(ti_e) not_sorted = np.any(dt < 0) if not_sorted: i = np.argsort(ti_e) ti_e = ti_e[i] ix_e = ix_e[i] di_e = di_e[i] dt = np.diff(ti_e) is_too_small = (dt <= tmin) if np.any(is_too_small): ix_e = _remove_index_to_data_too_close_to_each_other(ix_e, is_too_small, di_e, ti_e, tmin) return ix_e def _find_ok_peaks(y, t, t_min): """ Return indices to the largest maxima that are at least t_min distance apart. """ num_y = len(y) i = np.argsort(-y) # sort in descending order tis = t[i] o_order = zeros(num_y, dtype=int) o_order[i] = range(num_y) # indices to the variables original location is_too_close = zeros(num_y, dtype=bool) pool = zeros((num_y, 2)) t_range = np.hstack([-t_min, t_min]) k = 0 for i, ti in enumerate(tis): is_too_close[i] = np.any((pool[:k, 0] <= ti) & (ti <= pool[:k, 1])) if not is_too_close[i]: pool[k] = ti + t_range k += 1 i_ok, = where(1 - is_too_close[o_order]) return i_ok def declustering_time(t): """ Returns minimum distance between clusters. Parameters ---------- t : array-like sampling times for data. Returns ------- tc : real scalar minimum distance between clusters. Example ------- >>> import >>> x = >>> t, data = x[:400,:].T >>> Ie = findpot(data,t,0,5) >>> tc = declustering_time(Ie) >>> tc 21 """ t0 = arr(t) nt = len(t0) if nt < 2: return arr([]) ti = interexceedance_times(t0) ei = extremal_idx(ti) if ei == 1: tc = ti.min() else: i = int(np.floor(nt * ei)) sti = -np.sort(-ti) tc = sti[min(i, nt - 2)] # % declustering time return tc def interexceedance_times(t): """ Returns interexceedance times of data Parameters ---------- t : array-like sampling times for data. Returns ------- ti : ndarray interexceedance times Example ------- >>> t = [1,2,5,10] >>> interexceedance_times(t) array([1, 3, 5]) """ return np.diff(np.sort(t)) def extremal_idx(ti): """ Returns Extremal Index measuring the dependence of data Parameters ---------- ti : array-like interexceedance times for data. Returns ------- ei : real scalar Extremal index. Notes ----- The Extremal Index (EI) is one if the data are independent and less than one if there are some dependence. The extremal index can also be intepreted as the reciprocal of the mean cluster size. Example ------- >>> import >>> x = >>> t, data = x[:400,:].T >>> Ie = findpot(data,t,0,5); >>> ti = interexceedance_times(Ie) >>> ei = extremal_idx(ti) >>> ei 1 See also -------- reslife, fitgenparrange, disprsnidx, findpot, decluster Reference --------- Christopher A. T. Ferro, Johan Segers (2003) Inference for clusters of extreme values Journal of the Royal Statistical society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 54 (2), 545-556 doi:10.1111/1467-9868.00401 """ t = arr(ti) tmax = t.max() if tmax <= 1: ei = 0 elif tmax <= 2: ei = min(1, 2 * t.mean() ** 2 / ((t ** 2).mean())) else: ei = min(1, 2 * np.mean(t - 1) ** 2 / np.mean((t - 1) * (t - 2))) return ei def _logit(p): return np.log(p) - np.log1p(-p) def _logitinv(x): return 1.0 / (np.exp(-x) + 1) class RegLogit(object): """ REGLOGIT Fit ordinal logistic regression model. CALL model = reglogit (options) model = fitted model object with methods .compare() : Compare small LOGIT object versus large one .predict() : Predict from a fitted LOGIT object .summary() : Display summary of fitted LOGIT object. y = vector of K ordered categories x = column vectors of covariates options = struct defining performance of REGLOGIT .maxiter : maximum number of iterations. .accuracy : accuracy in convergence. .betastart : Start value for BETA (default 0) .thetastart : Start value for THETA (default depends on Y) .alpha : Confidence coefficent (default 0.05) .verbose : 1 display summary info about fitted model 2 display convergence info in each iteration otherwise no action .deletecolinear : If true delete colinear covarites (default) Methods .predict : Predict from a fitted LOGIT object .summary : Display summary of fitted LOGIT object. .compare : Compare small LOGIT versus large one Suppose Y takes values in K ordered categories, and let gamma_i (x) be the cumulative probability that Y falls in one of the first i categories given the covariate X. The ordinal logistic regression model is logit (mu_i (x)) = theta_i + beta' * x, i = 1...k-1 The number of ordinal categories, K, is taken to be the number of distinct values of round (Y). If K equals 2, Y is binary and the model is ordinary logistic regression. The matrix X is assumed to have full column rank. Given Y only, theta = REGLOGIT(Y) fits the model with baseline logit odds only. Example y=[1 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 3]' x = (1:10)' b = reglogit(y,x) b.display() % members and methods b.get() % return members b.summary() [mu,plo,pup] = b.predict(); plot(x,mu,'g',x,plo,'r:',x,pup,'r:') y2 = [zeros(5,1);ones(5,1)]; x1 = [29,30,31,31,32,29,30,31,32,33]; x2 = [62,83,74,88,68,41,44,21,50,33]; X = [x1;x2].'; b2 = reglogit(y2,X); b2.summary(); b21 = reglogit(y2,X(:,1)); See also regglm, reglm, regnonlm """ #% Original for MATLAB written by Gordon K Smyth , #% U of Queensland, Australia, on Nov 19, 1990. Last revision Aug 3, #% 1992. # #% Author: Gordon K Smyth , #% Revised by: pab #% -renamed from oridinal to reglogit #% -added predict, summary and compare #% Description: Ordinal logistic regression # #% Uses the auxiliary functions logistic_regression_derivatives and #% logistic_regression_likelihood. def __init__(self, maxiter=500, accuracy=1e-6, alpha=0.05, deletecolinear=True, verbose=False): self.maxiter = maxiter self.accuracy = accuracy self.alpha = alpha self.deletecolinear = deletecolinear self.verbose = False = None = None self.numvar = None self.numobs = None self.numk = None self.df = None self.df_null = None self.params = None self.params_ci = None self.params_cov = None self.params_std = None self.params_corr = None self.params_tstat = None self.params_pvalue = None = None self.eta = None self.X = None self.Y = None self.theta = None self.beta = None self.residual = None self.residual1d = None self.deviance = None self.deviance_null = None self.d2L = None self.dL = None self.dispersionfit = None self.dispersion = 1 self.R2 = None self.R2adj = None self.numiter = None self.converged = None self.note = '' = now() def check_xy(self, y, X): y = np.round(np.atleast_2d(y)) my = y.shape[0] if X is None: X = np.zeros((my, 0)) elif self.deletecolinear: X = np.atleast_2d(X) # Make sure X is full rank s = np.linalg.svd(X)[1] tol = max(X.shape) * np.finfo(s.max()).eps ix = np.flatnonzero(s > tol) iy = np.flatnonzero(s <= tol) if len(ix): X = X[:, ix] txt = [' %d,' % i for i in iy] #txt[-1] = ' %d' % iy[-1] warnings.warn( 'Covariate matrix is singular. Removing column(s):%s' % txt) mx = X.shape[0] if (mx != my): raise ValueError( 'x and y must have the same number of observations') return y, X def fit(self, y, X=None, theta0=None, beta0=None): """ Member variables .df : degrees of freedom for error. .params : estimated model parameters .params_ci : 100(1-alpha)% confidence interval for model parameters .params_tstat : t statistics for model's estimated parameters. .params_pvalue: p value for model's estimated parameters. .params_std : standard errors for estimated parameters .params_corr : correlation matrix for estimated parameters. .mu : fitted values for the model. .eta : linear predictor for the model. .residual : residual for the model (Y-E(Y|X)). .dispersnfit : The estimated error variance .deviance : deviance for the model equal minus twice the log-likelihood. .d2L : Hessian matrix (double derivative of log-likelihood) .dL : First derivative of loglikelihood w.r.t. THETA and BETA. """ = 'multinomial' = 'logit' y, X = self.check_xy(y, X) # initial calculations tol = self.accuracy incr = 10 decr = 2 ymin = y.min() ymax = y.max() yrange = ymax - ymin z = (y * ones((1, yrange))) == ((y * 0 + 1) * np.arange(ymin, ymax)) z1 = (y * ones((1, yrange))) == ( (y * 0 + 1) * np.arange(ymin + 1, ymax + 1)) z = z[:, np.flatnonzero(z.any(axis=0))] z1 = z1[:, np.flatnonzero(z1.any(axis=0))] _mz, nz = z.shape _mx, nx = X.shape my, _ny = y.shape g = (z.sum(axis=0).cumsum() / my).reshape(-1, 1) theta00 = np.log(g / (1 - g)).ravel() beta00 = np.zeros((nx,)) # starting values if theta0 is None: theta0 = theta00 if beta0 is None: beta0 = beta00 tb = np.hstack((theta0, beta0)) # likelihood and derivatives at starting values [dev, dl, d2l] = self.loglike(tb, y, X, z, z1) epsilon = np.std(d2l) / 1000 if np.any(beta0) or np.any(theta00 != theta0): tb0 = np.vstack((theta00, beta00)) nulldev = self.loglike(tb0, y, X, z, z1)[0] else: nulldev = dev # maximize likelihood using Levenberg modified Newton's method for i in range(self.maxiter + 1): tbold = tb devold = dev tb = tbold - np.linalg.lstsq(d2l, dl)[0] [dev, dl, d2l] = self.loglike(tb, y, X, z, z1) if ((dev - devold) /, tb - tbold) < 0): epsilon = epsilon / decr else: while ((dev - devold) /, tb - tbold) > 0): epsilon = epsilon * incr if (epsilon > 1e+15): raise ValueError('epsilon too large') tb = tbold - \ np.linalg.lstsq(d2l - epsilon * np.eye(d2l.shape), dl) [dev, dl, d2l] = self.loglike(tb, y, X, z, z1) print('epsilon %g' % epsilon) # end %while # end else #[dl, d2l] = logistic_regression_derivatives (X, z, z1, g, g1, p); if (self.verbose > 1): print('Iter: %d, Deviance: %8.6f', iter, dev) print('First derivative') print(dl) print('Eigenvalues of second derivative') print(np.linalg.eig(d2l)[0].T) # end # end stop = np.abs(, np.linalg.lstsq(d2l, dl)[0]) / len(dl)) <= tol if stop: break # end %while #% tidy up output theta = tb[:nz, ] beta = tb[nz:(nz + nx)] pcov = np.linalg.pinv(-d2l) se = sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) if (nx > 0): eta = ((X * beta) * ones((1, nz))) + ((y * 0 + 1) * theta) else: eta = (y * 0 + 1) * theta # end gammai = np.diff( np.hstack(((y * 0), _logitinv(eta), (y * 0 + 1))), n=1, axis=1) k0 = min(y) mu = (k0 - 1) +, np.arange(1, nz + 2)).reshape(-1, 1) r = np.corrcoef(np.hstack((y, mu)).T) R2 = r[0, 1] ** 2 # coefficient of determination # adjusted coefficient of determination R2adj = max(1 - (1 - R2) * (my - 1) / (my - nx - nz - 1), 0) res = y - mu if nz == 1: = 'binomial' else: = 'multinomial' = 'logit' self.numvar = nx + nz self.numobs = my self.numk = nz + 1 self.df = max(my - nx - nz, 0) self.df_null = my - nz # nulldf; nulldf = n - nz self.params = tb[:(nz + nx)] self.params_ci = 1 self.params_std = se self.params_cov = pcov self.params_tstat = (self.params / self.params_std) # options.estdispersn dispersion_parameter=='mean_deviance' if False: self.params_pvalue = 2. * _cdft(-abs(self.params_tstat), self.df) bcrit = -se * _invt(self.alpha / 2, self.df) else: self.params_pvalue = 2. * _cdfnorm(-abs(self.params_tstat)) bcrit = -se * _invnorm(self.alpha / 2) # end self.params_ci = np.vstack((self.params + bcrit, self.params - bcrit)) = gammai self.eta = _logit(gammai) self.X = X [dev, dl, d2l, p] = self.loglike(tb, y, X, z, z1, numout=4) self.theta = theta self.beta = beta self.gamma = gammai self.residual = res.T self.residualD = np.sign(self.residual) * sqrt(-2 * np.log(p)) self.deviance = dev self.deviance_null = nulldev self.d2L = d2l self.dL = dl.T self.dispersionfit = 1 self.dispersion = 1 self.R2 = R2 self.R2adj = R2adj self.numiter = i self.converged = i < self.maxiter self.note = '' = now() if (self.verbose): self.summary() def compare(self, object2): """ Compare small LOGIT versus large one CALL [pvalue] = compare(object2) The standard hypothesis test of a larger linear regression model against a smaller one. The standard Chi2-test is used. The output is the p-value, the residuals from the smaller model, and the residuals from the larger model. See also fitls """ try: if self.numvar > object2.numvar: devL = self.deviance nL = self.numvar dfL = self.df Al = self.X disprsn = self.dispersionfit devs = object2.deviance ns = object2.numvar dfs = object2.df As = object2.X else: devL = object2.deviance nL = object2.numvar dfL = object2.df Al = object2.X disprsn = object2.dispersionfit devs = self.deviance ns = self.numvar dfs = self.df As = self.X # end if (((As - * np.linalg.lstsq(Al, As))) > 500 * np.finfo(float).eps).any() or != or != warnings.warn('Small model not included in large model,' + ' result is rubbish!') except: raise ValueError('Apparently not a valid regression object') pmq = np.abs(nL - ns) print(' ') print(' Analysis of Deviance') if False: # options.estdispersn localstat = abs(devL - devs) / disprsn / pmq # localpvalue = 1-cdff(localstat, pmq, dfL) # print('Model DF Residual deviance F-stat Pr(>F)') else: localstat = abs(devL - devs) / disprsn localpvalue = 1 - _cdfchi2(localstat, pmq) print('Model DF Residual deviance Chi2-stat ' + ' Pr(>Chi2)') # end print('Small %d %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f' % (dfs, devs, localstat, localpvalue)) print('Full %d %12.4f' % (dfL, devL)) print(' ') return localpvalue def anode(self): print(' ') print(' Analysis of Deviance') if False: # %options.estdispersn localstat = abs(self.deviance_null - self.deviance) / \ self.dispersionfit / (self.numvar - 1) localpvalue = 1 - _cdff(localstat, self.numvar - 1, self.df) print( 'Model DF Residual deviance F-stat Pr(>F)') else: localstat = abs( self.deviance_null - self.deviance) / self.dispersionfit localpvalue = 1 - _cdfchi2(localstat, self.numvar - 1) print('Model DF Residual deviance Chi2-stat' + ' Pr(>Chi2)') # end print('Null %d %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f' % (self.df_null, self.deviance_null, localstat, localpvalue)) print('Full %d %12.4f' % (self.df, self.deviance)) print(' ') print(' R2 = %2.4f, R2adj = %2.4f' % (self.R2, self.R2adj)) print(' ') return localpvalue def summary(self): txtlink = print('Call:') print('reglogit(formula = %s(Pr(grp(y)<=i)) ~ theta_i+beta*x, family = %s)' % (txtlink, print(' ') print('Deviance Residuals:') m, q1, me, q3, M = np.percentile( self.residualD, q=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100]) print(' Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ') print('%2.4f %2.4f %2.4f %2.4f %2.4f' % (m, q1, me, q3, M)) print(' ') print(' Coefficients:') if False: # %options.estdispersn print( ' Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)') else: print( ' Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)') # end e, s, z, p = (self.params, self.params_std, self.params_tstat, self.params_pvalue) for i in range(self.numk): print( 'theta_%d %2.4f %2.4f %2.4f %2.4f' % (i, e[i], s[i], z[i], p[i])) for i in range(self.numk, self.numvar): print( ' beta_%d %2.4f %2.4f %2.4f %2.4f\n' % (i - self.numk, e[i], s[i], z[i], p[i])) print(' ') print('(Dispersion parameter for %s family taken to be %2.2f)' % (, self.dispersionfit)) print(' ') if True: # %options.constant print(' Null deviance: %2.4f on %d degrees of freedom' % (self.deviance_null, self.df_null)) # end print('Residual deviance: %2.4f on %d degrees of freedom' % (self.deviance, self.df)) self.anode() #end % summary def predict(self, Xnew=None, alpha=0.05, fulloutput=False): """LOGIT/PREDICT Predict from a fitted LOGIT object CALL [y,ylo,yup] = predict(Xnew,options) y = predicted value ylo,yup = 100(1-alpha)% confidence interval for y Xnew = new covariate options = options struct defining the calculation .alpha : confidence coefficient (default 0.05) .size : size if binomial family (default 1). """ [_mx, nx] = self.X.shape if Xnew is None: Xnew = self.X else: Xnew = np.atleast_2d(Xnew) notnans = np.flatnonzero(1 - (1 - np.isfinite(Xnew)).any(axis=1)) Xnew = Xnew[notnans, :] [n, p] = Xnew.shape if p != nx: raise ValueError('Number of covariates must match the number' + ' of regression coefficients') nz = self.numk - 1 one = ones((n, 1)) if (nx > 0): eta =, self.beta).reshape(-1, 1) + self.theta else: eta = one * self.theta # end y = np.diff( np.hstack((zeros((n, 1)), _logitinv(eta), one)), n=1, axis=1) if fulloutput: eps = np.finfo(float).eps pcov = self.params_cov if (nx > 0): np1 = pcov.shape[0] [U, S, V] = np.linalg.svd(pcov, 0) # %squareroot of pcov R =,, V)) ib = np.r_[0, nz:np1] #% Var(eta_i) = var(theta_i+Xnew*b) vareta = zeros((n, nz)) u = np.hstack((one, Xnew)) for i in range(nz): ib[0] = i vareta[:, i] = np.maximum( ((, R[ib][:, ib])) ** 2).sum(axis=1), eps) # end else: vareta = np.diag(pcov) # end crit = -_invnorm(alpha / 2) ecrit = crit * sqrt(vareta) mulo = _logitinv(eta - ecrit) muup = _logitinv(eta + ecrit) ylo1 = np.diff(np.hstack((zeros((n, 1)), mulo, one)), n=1, axis=1) yup1 = np.diff(np.hstack((zeros((n, 1)), muup, one)), n=1, axis=1) ylo = np.minimum(ylo1, yup1) yup = np.maximum(ylo1, yup1) for i in range(1, nz): # = 2:self.numk-1 yup[:, i] = np.vstack( (yup[:, i], muup[:, i] - mulo[:, i - 1])).max(axis=0) # end return y, ylo, yup return y def loglike(self, beta, y, x, z, z1, numout=3): """ [dev, dl, d2l, p] = loglike( y ,x,beta,z,z1) Calculates likelihood for the ordinal logistic regression model. """ # Author: Gordon K. Smyth zx = np.hstack((z, x)) z1x = np.hstack((z1, x)) g = _logitinv(, beta)).reshape((-1, 1)) g1 = _logitinv(, beta)).reshape((-1, 1)) g = np.maximum(y == y.max(), g) g1 = np.minimum(y > y.min(), g1) p = g - g1 dev = -2 * np.log(p).sum() """[dl, d2l] = derivatives of loglike(beta, y, x, z, z1) % Called by logistic_regression. Calculates derivates of the % log-likelihood for ordinal logistic regression model. """ # Author: Gordon K. Smyth # Description: Derivates of log-likelihood in logistic regression # first derivative v = g * (1 - g) / p v1 = g1 * (1 - g1) / p dlogp = np.hstack((((v * z) - (v1 * z1)), ((v - v1) * x))) dl = np.sum(dlogp, axis=0) # second derivative w = v * (1 - 2 * g) w1 = v1 * (1 - 2 * g1) d2l =, (w * zx)) - z1x.T, (w1 * z1x)) -, dlogp) if numout == 4: return dev, dl, d2l, p else: return dev, dl, d2l #end %function def _test_dispersion_idx(): import xn = t, data = xn.T Ie = findpot(data, t, 0, 5) di, _u, _ok_u = dispersion_idx(data[Ie], t[Ie], tb=100) di.plot() # a threshold around 1 seems appropriate. def _test_findpot(): import pylab import from wafo.misc import findtc x = t, data = x[:, :].T itc, _iv = findtc(data, 0, 'dw') ytc, ttc = data[itc], t[itc] ymin = 2 * data.std() tmin = 10 # sec I = findpot(data, t, ymin, tmin) yp, tp = data[I], t[I] Ie = findpot(yp, tp, ymin, tmin) ye, te = yp[Ie], tp[Ie] pylab.plot(t, data, ttc, ytc, 'ro', t, zeros(len(t)), ':', te, ye, 'kx', tp, yp, '+') pass def _test_reslife(): import wafo R = wafo.stats.genpareto.rvs(0.1, 2, 2, size=100) mrl = reslife(R, nu=20) mrl.plot() def test_reglogit(): y = np.array([1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3]).reshape(-1, 1) x = np.arange(1, 11).reshape(-1, 1) b = RegLogit(), x) # b.display() #% members and methods b.summary() [mu, plo, pup] = b.predict(fulloutput=True) # @UnusedVariable pass # plot(x,mu,'g',x,plo,'r:',x,pup,'r:') def test_reglogit2(): n = 40 x = np.sort(5 * np.random.rand(n, 1) - 2.5, axis=0) y = (np.cos(x) > 2 * np.random.rand(n, 1) - 1) b = RegLogit(), x) # b.display() #% members and methods b.summary() [mu, plo, pup] = b.predict(fulloutput=True) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.plot(x, mu, 'g', x, plo, 'r:', x, pup, 'r:') def test_sklearn0(): from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn import datasets # @UnusedImport # FIXME: the iris dataset has only 4 features! # iris = datasets.load_iris() # X = # y = X = np.sort(5 * np.random.rand(40, 1) - 2.5, axis=0) y = (2 * (np.cos(X) > 2 * np.random.rand(40, 1) - 1) - 1).ravel() score = [] # Set regularization parameter cvals = np.logspace(-1, 1, 5) for C in cvals: clf_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty='l2'), y) score.append(clf_LR.score(X, y)) #plot(cvals, score) def test_sklearn(): X = np.sort(5 * np.random.rand(40, 1) - 2.5, axis=0) y = (2 * (np.cos(X) > 2 * np.random.rand(40, 1) - 1) - 1).ravel() from sklearn.svm import SVR # # look at the results import pylab as pl pl.scatter(X, .5 * np.cos(X) + 0.5, c='k', label='True model') pl.hold('on') cvals = np.logspace(-1, 3, 20) score = [] for c in cvals: svr_rbf = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=c, gamma=0.1, probability=True) svrf =, y) y_rbf = svrf.predict(X) score.append(svrf.score(X, y)) pl.plot(X, y_rbf, label='RBF model c=%g' % c) pl.xlabel('data') pl.ylabel('target') pl.title('Support Vector Regression') pl.legend() def test_sklearn1(): X = np.sort(5 * np.random.rand(40, 1) - 2.5, axis=0) y = (2 * (np.cos(X) > 2 * np.random.rand(40, 1) - 1) - 1).ravel() from sklearn.svm import SVR # cvals= np.logspace(-1,4,10) svr_rbf = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=1e4, gamma=0.1, probability=True) svr_lin = SVR(kernel='linear', C=1e4, probability=True) svr_poly = SVR(kernel='poly', C=1e4, degree=2, probability=True) y_rbf =, y).predict(X) y_lin =, y).predict(X) y_poly =, y).predict(X) # # look at the results import pylab as pl pl.scatter(X, .5 * np.cos(X) + 0.5, c='k', label='True model') pl.hold('on') pl.plot(X, y_rbf, c='g', label='RBF model') pl.plot(X, y_lin, c='r', label='Linear model') pl.plot(X, y_poly, c='b', label='Polynomial model') pl.xlabel('data') pl.ylabel('target') pl.title('Support Vector Regression') pl.legend() def test_doctstrings(): #_test_dispersion_idx() import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == '__main__': # test_reglogit2() test_doctstrings()