fix formatting of old readme to rst format

davidovitch 10 years ago
parent d73621af72
commit ec676caf65

@ -11,58 +11,70 @@ icence, cf. the GNU General Public License (GPL) and contain tools for:
Fatigue Analysis
-Fatigue life prediction for random loads
-Theoretical density of rainflow cycles
- Fatigue life prediction for random loads
- Theoretical density of rainflow cycles
Sea modelling
-Simulation of linear and non-linear Gaussian waves
-Estimation of seamodels (spectrums)
-Joint wave height, wave steepness, wave period distributions
- Simulation of linear and non-linear Gaussian waves
- Estimation of seamodels (spectrums)
- Joint wave height, wave steepness, wave period distributions
-Extreme value analysis
-Kernel density estimation
-Hidden markov models
WAFO consists of several subpackages and classes with short descriptions given
TimeSeries - Data analysis of time series. Example: extraction of
turning points, estimation of spectrum and covariance function.
Estimation transformation used in transformed Gaussian model.
CovData - Computation of spectral functions, linear
and non-linear time series simulation.
SpecData - Computation of spectral moments and covariance functions, linear
and non-linear time series simulation.
Ex: common spectra implemented, directional spectra,
bandwidth measures, exact distributions for wave characteristics.
CyclePairs - Cycle counting, discretization, and crossings, calculation of
damage. Simulation of discrete Markov chains, switching Markov
chains, harmonic oscillator. Ex: Rainflow cycles and matrix,
discretization of loads. Damage of a rainflow count or
matrix, damage matrix, S-N plot.
TRANSFORM - Modelling with linear or transformed Gaussian waves. Ex:
STATS - Statistical tools and extreme-value distributions.
Ex: generation of random numbers, estimation of parameters,
evaluation of pdf and cdf
KDETOOLS - Kernel-density estimation.
MISC - Miscellaneous routines.
DOCS - Documentation of toolbox, definitions. An overview is given
in the routine wafomenu.
DATA - Measurements from marine applications.
- Extreme value analysis
- Kernel density estimation
- Hidden markov models
* TimeSeries:
Data analysis of time series. Example: extraction of turning points,
estimation of spectrum and covariance function. Estimation transformation
used in transformed Gaussian model.
* CovData:
Computation of spectral functions, linear and non-linear time series
* SpecData:
Computation of spectral moments and covariance functions, linear and
non-linear time series simulation. Ex: common spectra implemented,
directional spectra, bandwidth measures, exact distributions for wave
* CyclePairs:
Cycle counting, discretization, and crossings, calculation of damage.
Simulation of discrete Markov chains, switching Markov chains,
harmonic oscillator. Ex: Rainflow cycles and matrix, discretization of
loads. Damage of a rainflow count or matrix, damage matrix, S-N plot.
Modelling with linear or transformed Gaussian waves.
Statistical tools and extreme-value distributions. Ex: generation of random
numbers, estimation of parameters, evaluation of pdf and cdf
Kernel-density estimation.
Miscellaneous routines.
Documentation of toolbox, definitions. An overview is given in the routine
Measurements from marine applications.
WAFO homepage: <>
On the WAFO home page you will find:
- The WAFO Tutorial
- New versions of WAFO to download.
- Reported bugs.
- List of publications related to WAFO.
