Simplified getshipchar

Per A Brodtkorb 9 years ago
parent 2eac870eeb
commit e287f3b5d5

@ -2282,17 +2282,35 @@ def stirlerr(n):
return y
def getshipchar(value=None, property="max_deadweight", # @ReservedAssignment
def _get_max_deadweight(**ship_property):
names = ship_property.keys()
_assert(len(names) == 1, 'Only one keyword allowed!')
name = names[0]
value = np.array(ship_property[name])
valid_props = dict(le='length', be='beam', dr='draught',
se='service_speed', pr='propeller_diameter')
prop = valid_props[name[:2]]
prop2max_dw = dict(length=lambda x: (x / 3.45) ** (2.5),
beam=lambda x: ((x / 1.78) ** (1 / 0.27)),
draught=lambda x: ((x / 0.8) ** (1 / 0.24)),
service_speed=lambda x: ((x / 1.14) ** (1 / 0.21)),
propeller_diameter=lambda x: (((x / 0.12) ** (4 / 3) /
3.45) ** (2.5)),
max_deadweight=lambda x: x
max_deadweight = prop2max_dw.get(prop, lambda x: x)(value)
return max_deadweight, prop
def getshipchar(**ship_property):
Return ship characteristics from value of one ship-property
value : scalar
value to use in the estimation.
property : string
defining the ship property used in the estimation. Options are:
**ship_property : scalar
the ship property used in the estimation. Options are:
The length was found from statistics of 40 vessels of size 85 to
@ -2328,7 +2346,7 @@ def getshipchar(value=None, property="max_deadweight", # @ReservedAssignment
... 'draughtSTD': 2.1120000000000001,
... 'max_deadweight': 30969.0,
... 'propeller_diameter': 6.761165385916601}
>>> wm.getshipchar(10,'service_speed') == true_sc
>>> wm.getshipchar(service_speed=10) == true_sc
>>> sc = wm.getshipchar(service_speed=10)
>>> sc == true_sc
@ -2343,24 +2361,8 @@ def getshipchar(value=None, property="max_deadweight", # @ReservedAssignment
"Source level model for propeller blade rate radiation for the world's
merchant fleet", Bolt Beranek and Newman Technical Memorandum No. 458.
if value is None:
names = list(kwds)
_assert(len(names) == 1, 'Only one keyword allowed!')
property = names[0] # @ReservedAssignment
value = kwds[property]
value = np.array(value)
valid_props = dict(l='length', b='beam', d='draught', m='max_deadweigth',
s='service_speed', p='propeller_diameter')
prop = valid_props[property[0]]
prop2max_dw = dict(length=lambda x: (x / 3.45) ** (2.5),
beam=lambda x: ((x / 1.78) ** (1 / 0.27)),
draught=lambda x: ((x / 0.8) ** (1 / 0.24)),
service_speed=lambda x: ((x / 1.14) ** (1 / 0.21)),
propeller_diameter=lambda x: (((x / 0.12) ** (4 / 3) /
3.45) ** (2.5)))
max_deadweight = prop2max_dw.get(prop, lambda x: x)(value)
max_deadweight, prop = _get_max_deadweight(**ship_property)
propertySTD = prop + 'STD'
length = np.round(3.45 * max_deadweight ** 0.40)
