Fixed bug

Per A Brodtkorb 8 years ago
parent 19e4af8f3e
commit 7fcc4d18bd

@ -989,8 +989,8 @@ def findextrema(x):
x1 = np.atleast_1d(x)
return findcross(diff(x1), 0.0) + 1
dx = np.atleast_1d(diff(x))
return findcross(dx, 0.0) + 1
def findpeaks(data, n=2, min_h=None, min_p=0.0):

@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ class LevelCrossings(PlotData):
>>> alpha2 = Se.characteristic('alpha')[0]
>>> np.round(alpha2*10)
array([ 7.])
>>> np.abs(alpha-alpha2)<0.03
array([ True], dtype=bool)
>>> np.allclose(alpha, alpha2, atol=0.03)
>>> lc2 = ts2.turning_points().cycle_pairs().level_crossings()
@ -814,108 +814,108 @@ class CyclePairs(PlotData):
return LevelCrossings(dcount, levels, mean=self.mean, sigma=self.sigma,
ylab=ylab, intensity=intensity)
def _smoothcmat(F, method=1, h=None, NOsubzero=0, alpha=0.5):
SMOOTHCMAT Smooth a cycle matrix using (adaptive) kernel smoothing
CALL: Fsmooth = smoothcmat(F,method);
Fsmooth = smoothcmat(F,method,[],NOsubzero);
Fsmooth = smoothcmat(F,2,h,NOsubzero,alpha);
F = Cycle matrix. [nxn]
method = 1: Kernel estimator (constant bandwidth). (Default)
2: Adaptiv kernel estimator (local bandwidth).
h = Bandwidth (Optional, Default='automatic choice')
NOsubzero = Number of subdiagonals that are zero
(Optional, Default = 0, only the diagonal is zero)
alpha = Parameter for method (2) (Optional, Default=0.5).
A number between 0 and 1.
alpha=0 implies constant bandwidth (method 1).
alpha=1 implies most varying bandwidth.
F = Smoothed cycle matrix. [nxn]
h = Selected bandwidth.
See also
cc2cmat, tp2rfc, tp2mm, dat2tp
aut_h = h is None
if method not in [1, 2]:
raise ValueError('Input argument "method" should be 1 or 2')
n = len(F) # Size of matrix
N = np.sum(F) # Total number of cycles
Fsmooth = np.zeros((n, n))
if method == 1 or method == 2: # Kernel estimator
d = 2 # 2-dim
x = np.arange(n)
I, J = np.meshgrid(x, x)
# Choosing bandwidth
# This choice is optimal if the sample is from a normal distr.
# The normal bandwidth usualy oversmooths,
# therefore we choose a slightly smaller bandwidth
if aut_h == 1:
h_norm = smoothcmat_hnorm(F, NOsubzero)
h = 0.7 * h_norm # Don't oversmooth
# h0 = N^(-1/(d+4));
# FF = F+F';
# mean_F = sum(sum(FF).*(1:n))/N/2;
# s2 = sum(sum(FF).*((1:n)-mean_F).^2)/N/2;
# s = sqrt(s2); % Mean of std in each direction
# h_norm = s*h0; % Optimal for Normal distr.
# h = h_norm; % Test
# endif
# Calculating kernel estimate
# Kernel: 2-dim normal density function
for i in range(n - 1):
for j in range(i + 1, n):
if F[i, j] != 0:
F1 = exp(-1 / (2 * h**2) * ((I - i)**2 + (J - j)**2)) # Gaussian kernel
F1 = F1 + F1.T # Mirror kernel in diagonal
F1 = np.triu(F1, 1 + NOsubzero) # Set to zero below and on diagonal
F1 = F[i, j] * F1 / np.sum(F1) # Normalize
Fsmooth = Fsmooth + F1
# endif
# endfor
# endfor
# endif method 1 or 2
if method == 2:
Fpilot = Fsmooth / N
Fsmooth = np.zeros(n, n)
[I1, I2] = find(F > 0)
logg = 0
for i in range(len(I1)): # =1:length(I1):
logg = logg + F(I1[i], I2[i]) * log(Fpilot(I1[i], I2[i]))
# endfor
g = np.exp(logg / N)
_lamda = (Fpilot / g)**(-alpha)
for i in range(n - 1): # = 1:n-1
for j in range(i + 1, n): # = i+1:n
if F[i, j] != 0:
hi = h * _lamda[i, j]
F1 = np.exp(-1 / (2 * hi**2) * ((I - i)**2 + (J - j)**2)) # Gaussian kernel
F1 = F1 + F1.T # Mirror kernel in diagonal
F1 = np.triu(F1, 1 + NOsubzero) # Set to zero below and on diagonal
F1 = F[i, j] * F1 / np.sum(F1) # Normalize
Fsmooth = Fsmooth + F1
# endif
# endfor
# endfor
# endif method 2
return Fsmooth, h
# def _smoothcmat(self, F, method=1, h=None, NOsubzero=0, alpha=0.5):
# """
# SMOOTHCMAT Smooth a cycle matrix using (adaptive) kernel smoothing
# CALL: Fsmooth = smoothcmat(F,method);
# Fsmooth = smoothcmat(F,method,[],NOsubzero);
# Fsmooth = smoothcmat(F,2,h,NOsubzero,alpha);
# Input:
# F = Cycle matrix. [nxn]
# method = 1: Kernel estimator (constant bandwidth). (Default)
# 2: Adaptiv kernel estimator (local bandwidth).
# h = Bandwidth (Optional, Default='automatic choice')
# NOsubzero = Number of subdiagonals that are zero
# (Optional, Default = 0, only the diagonal is zero)
# alpha = Parameter for method (2) (Optional, Default=0.5).
# A number between 0 and 1.
# alpha=0 implies constant bandwidth (method 1).
# alpha=1 implies most varying bandwidth.
# Output:
# F = Smoothed cycle matrix. [nxn]
# h = Selected bandwidth.
# See also
# cc2cmat, tp2rfc, tp2mm, dat2tp
# """
# aut_h = h is None
# if method not in [1, 2]:
# raise ValueError('Input argument "method" should be 1 or 2')
# n = len(F) # Size of matrix
# N = np.sum(F) # Total number of cycles
# Fsmooth = np.zeros((n, n))
# if method == 1 or method == 2: # Kernel estimator
# d = 2 # 2-dim
# x = np.arange(n)
# I, J = np.meshgrid(x, x)
# # Choosing bandwidth
# # This choice is optimal if the sample is from a normal distr.
# # The normal bandwidth usualy oversmooths,
# # therefore we choose a slightly smaller bandwidth
# if aut_h == 1:
# h_norm = smoothcmat_norm(F, NOsubzero)
# h = 0.7 * h_norm # Don't oversmooth
# # h0 = N^(-1/(d+4));
# # FF = F+F';
# # mean_F = sum(sum(FF).*(1:n))/N/2;
# # s2 = sum(sum(FF).*((1:n)-mean_F).^2)/N/2;
# # s = sqrt(s2); % Mean of std in each direction
# # h_norm = s*h0; % Optimal for Normal distr.
# # h = h_norm; % Test
# # endif
# # Calculating kernel estimate
# # Kernel: 2-dim normal density function
# for i in range(n - 1):
# for j in range(i + 1, n):
# if F[i, j] != 0:
# F1 = exp(-1 / (2 * h**2) * ((I - i)**2 + (J - j)**2)) # Gaussian kernel
# F1 = F1 + F1.T # Mirror kernel in diagonal
# F1 = np.triu(F1, 1 + NOsubzero) # Set to zero below and on diagonal
# F1 = F[i, j] * F1 / np.sum(F1) # Normalize
# Fsmooth = Fsmooth + F1
# # endif
# # endfor
# # endfor
# # endif method 1 or 2
# if method == 2:
# Fpilot = Fsmooth / N
# Fsmooth = np.zeros(n, n)
# [I1, I2] = find(F > 0)
# logg = 0
# for i in range(len(I1)): # =1:length(I1):
# logg = logg + F(I1[i], I2[i]) * log(Fpilot(I1[i], I2[i]))
# # endfor
# g = np.exp(logg / N)
# _lamda = (Fpilot / g)**(-alpha)
# for i in range(n - 1): # = 1:n-1
# for j in range(i + 1, n): # = i+1:n
# if F[i, j] != 0:
# hi = h * _lamda[i, j]
# F1 = np.exp(-1 / (2 * hi**2) * ((I - i)**2 + (J - j)**2)) # Gaussian kernel
# F1 = F1 + F1.T # Mirror kernel in diagonal
# F1 = np.triu(F1, 1 + NOsubzero) # Set to zero below and on diagonal
# F1 = F[i, j] * F1 / np.sum(F1) # Normalize
# Fsmooth = Fsmooth + F1
# # endif
# # endfor
# # endfor
# # endif method 2
# return Fsmooth, h
def cycle_matrix(self, param=(), ddef=1, method=0, h=None, NOsubzero=0, alpha=0.5):
"""CC2CMAT Calculates the cycle count matrix from a cycle count.
