
Per A Brodtkorb 9 years ago
parent 15a0887772
commit 094c73f2f8

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# SDK v7.0 MSVC Express 2008's SetEnv.cmd script will fail if the
# /E:ON and /V:ON options are not enabled in the batch script intepreter
# See:
CMD_IN_ENV: "cmd /E:ON /V:ON /C .\\appveyor\\run_with_env.cmd"
# Python 2.7.10 is the latest version and is not pre-installed.
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python27.10"
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python27.10-x64"
# Pre-installed Python versions, which Appveyor may upgrade to
# a later point release.
# See:
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python27"
PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7.x" # currently 2.7.9
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python27-x64"
PYTHON_VERSION: "2.7.x" # currently 2.7.9
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.3.x" # currently 3.3.5
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python33-x64"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.3.x" # currently 3.3.5
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python34"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.4.x" # currently 3.4.3
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python34-x64"
PYTHON_VERSION: "3.4.x" # currently 3.4.3
# Python versions not pre-installed
# Python 2.6.6 is the latest Python 2.6 with a Windows installer
# See:
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python266"
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python266-x64"
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python35"
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python35-x64"
# Major and minor releases (i.e x.0.0 and x.y.0) prior to 3.3.0 use
# a different naming scheme.
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python270"
- PYTHON: "C:\\Python270-x64"
- ECHO "Filesystem root:"
- ps: "ls \"C:/\""
- ECHO "Installed SDKs:"
- ps: "ls \"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Windows\""
# Install Python (from the official .msi of and pip when
# not already installed.
- ps: if (-not(Test-Path($env:PYTHON))) { & appveyor\install.ps1 }
# Prepend newly installed Python to the PATH of this build (this cannot be
# done from inside the powershell script as it would require to restart
# the parent CMD process).
# Check that we have the expected version and architecture for Python
- "python --version"
- "python -c \"import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P') * 8)\""
# Upgrade to the latest version of pip to avoid it displaying warnings
# about it being out of date.
- "pip install --disable-pip-version-check --user --upgrade pip"
# Install the build dependencies of the project. If some dependencies contain
# compiled extensions and are not provided as pre-built wheel packages,
# pip will build them from source using the MSVC compiler matching the
# target Python version and architecture
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% pip install -r requirements.txt"
# Build the compiled extension
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% python build"
# Run the project tests
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% python test"
# If tests are successful, create binary packages for the project.
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% python bdist_wheel"
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% python bdist_wininst"
- "%CMD_IN_ENV% python bdist_msi"
- ps: "ls dist"
# Archive the generated packages in the build report.
- path: dist\*
# - TODO: upload the content of dist/*.whl to a public wheelhouse

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from . import polynomial
from . import stats
from . import interpolate
from . import dctpack
from . import wave_theory
from . import fig
except ImportError:

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Misc
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import sys
from . import numba_misc
import fractions
import numpy as np
from numpy import (
@ -10,8 +11,8 @@ from numpy import (
amax, logical_and, arange, linspace, atleast_1d,
asarray, ceil, floor, frexp, hypot,
sqrt, arctan2, sin, cos, exp, log, log1p, mod, diff,
finfo, inf, pi, interp, isscalar, zeros, ones, linalg,
r_, sign, unique, hstack, vstack, nonzero, where, extract)
inf, pi, interp, isscalar, zeros, ones, linalg,
sign, unique, hstack, vstack, nonzero, where, extract)
from scipy.special import gammaln
from scipy.integrate import trapz, simps
import warnings
@ -26,9 +27,10 @@ try:
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('c_library not found. Check its compilation.')
clib = None
floatinfo = finfo(float)
_TINY = np.finfo(float).tiny
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
floatinfo = np.finfo(float)
_TINY = floatinfo.tiny
_EPS = floatinfo.eps
__all__ = ['now', 'spaceline', 'narg_smallest', 'args_flat', 'is_numlike',
'JITImport', 'DotDict', 'Bunch', 'printf', 'sub_dict_select',
@ -839,33 +841,7 @@ def _findcross(xn, method='clib'):
if clib is not None and method == 'clib':
ind, m = clib.findcross(xn, 0.0)
return ind[:m]
n = len(xn)
iz, = (xn == 0).nonzero()
if len(iz) > 0:
# Trick to avoid turning points on the crossinglevel.
if iz[0] == 0:
if len(iz) == n:
warnings.warn('All values are equal to crossing level!')
return zeros(0,
diz = diff(iz)
if len(diz) > 0 and (diz > 1).any():
ix = iz[(diz > 1).argmax()]
ix = iz[-1]
# x(ix) is a up crossing if x(1:ix) = v and x(ix+1) > v.
# x(ix) is a downcrossing if x(1:ix) = v and x(ix+1) < v.
xn[0:ix + 1] = -xn[ix + 1]
iz = iz[ix + 1::]
for ix in iz.tolist():
xn[ix] = xn[ix - 1]
# indices to local level crossings ( without turningpoints)
ind, = (xn[:n - 1] * xn[1:] < 0).nonzero()
return ind
return numba_misc.findcross(xn)
def xor(a, b):
@ -947,17 +923,17 @@ def findcross(x, v=0.0, kind=None, method='clib'):
ind = ind[t_0::2]
elif kind in ('dw', 'uw', 'tw', 'cw'):
# make sure the first is a level v down-crossing
# if wdef=='dw' or wdef=='tw'
# if kind=='dw' or kind=='tw'
# or make sure the first is a level v up-crossing
# if wdef=='uw' or wdef=='cw'
# if kind=='uw' or kind=='cw'
first_is_down_crossing = int(xn[ind[0]] > xn[ind[0] + 1])
if xor(first_is_down_crossing, kind in ('dw', 'tw')):
ind = ind[1::]
# make sure the number of troughs and crests are according to the
# wavedef, i.e., make sure length(ind) is odd if dw or uw
# and even if tw or cw
# wavedef, i.e., make sure length(ind) is odd if kind is dw or uw
# and even if kind is tw or cw
is_odd = mod(ind.size, 2)
if xor(is_odd, kind in ('dw', 'uw')):
ind = ind[:-1]
@ -1107,7 +1083,7 @@ def findrfc_astm(tp):
sig_rfc[:,1] Cycles mean value
sig_rfc[:,2] Cycle type, half (=0.5) or full (=1.0)
return numba_misc.findrfc_astm(tp)
y1 = atleast_1d(tp).ravel()
sig_rfc, cnr = clib.findrfc3_astm(y1)
# the sig_rfc was constructed too big in rainflow.rf3, so
@ -1185,82 +1161,13 @@ def findrfc(tp, h=0.0, method='clib'):
if clib is not None and method == 'clib':
ind, ix = clib.findrfc(y, h)
elif method == '2':
ix = -1
ind = _findrfc2(y, h)
ind, ix = _findrfc(y, h)
ind = numba_misc.findrfc(y, h, method)
ix = len(ind)
return np.sort(ind[:ix]) + t_start
def _findrfc(y, h):
# TODO: merge rfcfilter and _findrfc
t_start = 0
n = len(y)
NC = np.floor(n / 2) - 1
ind = zeros(n,
NC =
ix = 0
for i in range(NC):
Tmi = t_start + 2 * i
Tpl = t_start + 2 * i + 2
xminus = y[2 * i]
xplus = y[2 * i + 2]
if(i != 0):
j = i - 1
while ((j >= 0) and (y[2 * j + 1] <= y[2 * i + 1])):
if (y[2 * j] < xminus):
xminus = y[2 * j]
Tmi = t_start + 2 * j
j -= 1
if (xminus >= xplus):
if (y[2 * i + 1] - xminus >= h):
ind[ix] = Tmi
ix += 1
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
# goto L180 continue
j = i + 1
while (j < NC):
if (y[2 * j + 1] >= y[2 * i + 1]):
break # goto L170
if((y[2 * j + 2] <= xplus)):
xplus = y[2 * j + 2]
Tpl = (t_start + 2 * j + 2)
j += 1
if ((y[2 * i + 1] - xminus) >= h):
ind[ix] = Tmi
ix += 1
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
# iy = i
# goto L180
# L170:
if (xplus <= xminus):
if ((y[2 * i + 1] - xminus) >= h):
ind[ix] = Tmi
ix += 1
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
elif ((y[2 * i + 1] - xplus) >= h):
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
ind[ix] = Tpl
ix += 1
# L180:
# iy=i
# /* for i */
return ind, ix
def _raise_kind_error(kind):
if kind in (-1, 0):
raise NotImplementedError('kind = {} not yet implemented'.format(kind))
@ -1399,118 +1306,124 @@ def mctp2tc(f_Mm, utc, param, f_mM=None):
MCTP2TC Calculates frequencies for the upcrossing troughs and crests
using Markov chain of turning points.
CALL: f_tc = mctp2tc(f_Mm,utc,param);
f_tc = the matrix with frequences of upcrossing troughs and crests,
f_Mm = the frequency matrix for the Max2min cycles,
utc = the reference level,
param = a vector defining the discretization used to compute f_Mm,
note that f_mM has to be computed on the same grid as f_mM.
f_mM = the frequency matrix for the min2Max cycles.
optional call: f_tc = mctp2tc(f_Mm,utc,param,f_mM)
f_tc = the matrix with frequences of upcrossing troughs and crests,
f_mM = the frequency matrix for the min2Max cycles.
raise NotImplementedError('')
# if f_mM is None:
# f_mM = np.copy(f_Mm)
# u = np.linspace(*param)
# udisc = np.fliplr(u)
# ntc = np.sum(udisc >= utc)
# n = len(f_Mm)
# if ntc > n-1:
# raise IndexError('index for mean-level out of range, stop')
# if param[2]-1 < ntc or ntc < 2 :
# raise ValueError('the reference level out of range, stop')
# # normalization of frequency matrices
# for i in range(n):
# rowsum = np.sum(f_Mm[i])
# if rowsum!=0:
# f_Mm[i] = f_Mm[i] /rowsum
# P = np.fliplr(f_Mm)
# Ph = np.rot90(np.fliplr(f_mM), -1)
# for i in range(n):
# rowsum = np.sum(Ph[i])
# if rowsum!=0:
# Ph[i] = Ph[i] / rowsum
# Ph = np.fliplr(Ph)
# F = np.zeros((n, n))
# F[:ntc-1,:(n-ntc)] = f_mM[:ntc-1, :(n-ntc)]
# F = cmat2nt(F)
# for i in range(1, ntc):
# for j in range(ntc, n-1):
# if i<ntc:
# Ap = P[i:ntc-1,i+1:ntc]
# Bp = Ph[i+1:ntc,i:ntc-1]
# dim_p = ntc-i
# tempp=zeros((dim_p, 1))
# I=np.eye(np.shape(Ap))
# if i==2:
# e = Ph[i+1:ntc,0]
# else:
# e = np.sum(Ph[i+1:ntc, 1:i-1], axis=1)
# if max(abs(e)) > 1e-10
# if dim_p == 1:
# tempp[0] = (Ap/(1-Bp*Ap)*e);
# else:
# tempp = Ap*((I-Bp*Ap)\e)
# # end
# # end
# # end
# if j>ntc
# Am=P(ntc:j-1,ntc+1:j); Bm=Ph(ntc+1:j,ntc:j-1);
# dim_m=j-ntc;
# tempm=zeros(dim_m,1);
# Im=eye(size(Am));
# if j==n-1
# em=P(ntc:j-1,n);
# else
# em=sum(P(ntc:j-1,j+1:n),2);
# end
# if max(abs(em))>1e-10
# if dim_m==1
# tempm(1,1)=(Bm/(1-Am*Bm)*em);
# else
# tempm=Bm*((Im-Am*Bm)\em);
# end
# end
# end
# if (j>ntc) && (i<ntc)
# F(i,n-j+1)=F(i,n-j+1)+tempp'*freqPVL(i:ntc-1,n-ntc:-1:n-j+1)*tempm;
# F(i,n-j+1)=F(i,n-j+1)+tempp'*freqPVL(i:ntc-1,n-j:-1:1)*ones(n-j,1);
# F(i,n-j+1)=F(i,n-j+1)+ones(1,i-1)*freqPVL(1:i-1,n-ntc:-1:n-j+1)*tempm;
# end
# if (j==ntc) && (i<ntc)
# F(i,n-j+1)=F(i,n-j+1)+tempp'*freqPVL(i:ntc-1,n-j:-1:1)*ones(n-j,1);
# for k=1:ntc
# F(i,n-k+1)=F(i,n-ntc+1);
# end
# end
# if (j>ntc) && (i==ntc)
# F(i,n-j+1)=F(i,n-j+1)+ones(1,i-1)*freqPVL(1:i-1,n-ntc:-1:n-j+1)*tempm;
# for k=ntc:n
# F(k,n-j+1)=F(ntc,n-j+1);
# end
# end
# end
# end
# return nt2cmat(F);
# raise NotImplementedError('')
if f_mM is None:
f_mM = np.copy(f_Mm)
u = np.linspace(*param)
udisc = np.fliplr(u)
ntc = np.sum(udisc >= utc)
n = len(f_Mm)
if ntc > n-1:
raise IndexError('index for mean-level out of range, stop')
if param[2]-1 < ntc or ntc < 2:
raise ValueError('the reference level out of range, stop')
# normalization of frequency matrices
for i in range(n):
rowsum = np.sum(f_Mm[i])
if rowsum != 0:
f_Mm[i] = f_Mm[i] / rowsum
P = np.fliplr(f_Mm)
Ph = np.rot90(np.fliplr(f_mM), -1)
for i in range(n):
rowsum = np.sum(Ph[i])
if rowsum != 0:
Ph[i] = Ph[i] / rowsum
Ph = np.fliplr(Ph)
F = np.zeros((n, n))
F[:ntc-1, :(n-ntc)] = f_mM[:ntc-1, :(n-ntc)]
F = cmat2nt(F)
for i in range(1, ntc):
for j in range(ntc, n-1):
if i < ntc:
Ap = P[i:ntc-1, i+1:ntc]
Bp = Ph[i+1:ntc, i:ntc-1]
dim_p = ntc-i
tempp = zeros((dim_p, 1))
I = np.eye(np.shape(Ap))
if i == 2:
e = Ph[i+1:ntc, 0]
e = np.sum(Ph[i+1:ntc, 1:i-1], axis=1)
if max(abs(e)) > 1e-10:
if dim_p == 1:
tempp[0] = (Ap/(1-Bp*Ap)*e)
tempp =,
linalg.lstsq(, Ap), e)[0])
# end
# end
# end
elif j > ntc:
Am = P[ntc:j-1, ntc+1:j]
Bm = Ph[ntc+1:j, ntc:j-1]
dim_m = j-ntc
tempm = zeros((dim_m, 1))
Im = np.eye(np.shape(Am))
if j == n-1:
em = P[ntc:j-1, n]
em = np.sum(P[ntc:j-1, j+1:n], axis=1)
# end
if max(abs(em)) > 1e-10:
if dim_m == 1:
tempm[0, 0] = (Bm/(1-Am*Bm)*em)
tempm =,
linalg.lstsq(, Bm), em)[0])
# end
# end
# end
if (j > ntc) and (i < ntc):
a =, f_mM[i:ntc-1, n-ntc:-1:n-j+1]),
b =, f_mM[i:ntc-1, n-j:-1:1]),
ones((n-j, 1)))
c =, i-1)), f_mM[1:i-1, n-ntc:-1:n-j+1]),
F[i, n-j+1] = F[i, n-j+1] + a + b + c
# end
if (j == ntc) and (i < ntc):
b =, f_mM[i:ntc-1, n-j:-1:1]),
ones((n-j, 1)))
F[i, n-j+1] = F[i, n-j+1] + b
for k in range(ntc):
F[i, n-k+1] = F[i, n-ntc+1]
# end
# end
if (j > ntc) and (i == ntc):
c =, i-1)), f_mM[1:i-1, n-ntc:-1:n-j+1]),
F[i, n-j+1] = F[i, n-j+1]+c
for k in range(ntc, n):
F[k, n-j+1] = F[ntc, n-j+1]
# end
# end
# end
# end
# fmax=max(max(F));
# contour (u,u,flipud(F),...
@ -1520,6 +1433,7 @@ def mctp2tc(f_Mm, utc, param, f_mM=None):
# ylabel('crest'), xlabel('trough')
# axis('square')
# if mlver>1, commers, end
return nt2cmat(F)
def mctp2rfc(fmM, fMm=None):
@ -1567,8 +1481,6 @@ def mctp2rfc(fmM, fMm=None):
norm = MA[j]
if norm != 0:
PMm[j, :] = PMm[j, :] / norm
# end
# end
PMm = np.fliplr(PMm)
return PMm
@ -1665,78 +1577,6 @@ def mctp2rfc(fmM, fMm=None):
return f_rfc
def _findrfc2(y, h, method=0):
n = len(y)
t = zeros(n,
j = 0
t0 = 0
y0 = y[t0]
z0 = 0
def a_le_b(a, b):
return a <= b
def a_lt_b(a, b):
return a < b
if method == 0:
cmpfun1 = a_le_b
cmpfun2 = a_lt_b
cmpfun1 = a_lt_b
cmpfun2 = a_le_b
# The rainflow filter
for tim1, yi in enumerate(y[1::]):
fpi = y0 + h
fmi = y0 - h
ti = tim1 + 1
# yi = y[ti]
if z0 == 0:
if cmpfun1(yi, fmi):
z1 = -1
elif cmpfun1(fpi, yi):
z1 = +1
z1 = 0
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if z1 == 0 else (ti, yi)
if (((z0 == +1) & cmpfun1(yi, fmi)) |
((z0 == -1) & cmpfun2(yi, fpi))):
z1 = -1
elif (((z0 == +1) & cmpfun2(fmi, yi)) |
((z0 == -1) & cmpfun1(fpi, yi))):
z1 = +1
warnings.warn('Something wrong, i=%d' % tim1)
# Update y1
if z1 != z0:
t1, y1 = ti, yi
elif z1 == -1:
# y1 = min([y0 xi])
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 < yi else (ti, yi)
elif z1 == +1:
# y1 = max([y0 xi])
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 > yi else (ti, yi)
# Update y if y0 is a turning point
if np.abs(z0 - z1) == 2:
j += 1
t[j] = t0
# Update t0, y0, z0
t0, y0, z0 = t1, y1, z1
# end
# Update y if last y0 is greater than (or equal) threshold
if cmpfun1(h, np.abs(y0 - y[t[j]])):
j += 1
t[j] = t0
return t[:j + 1]
def rfcfilter(x, h, method=0):
Rainflow filter a signal.
@ -1786,9 +1626,8 @@ def rfcfilter(x, h, method=0):
# TODO merge rfcfilter and findrfc
y = atleast_1d(x).ravel()
ix = _findrfc2(y, h, method)
ix = numba_misc.findrfc(y, h, method)
return y[ix]
@ -1865,15 +1704,15 @@ def findtp(x, h=0.0, kind=None):
# the Nieslony approach always put the first loading point as the first
# turning point.
# add the first turning point is the first of the signal
if x[ind[0]] != x[0]:
if ind[0] != 0:
ind = np.r_[0, ind, n - 1]
else: # only add the last point of the signal
ind = np.r_[ind, n - 1]
if x[ind[0]] > x[ind[1]]: # adds indices to first and last value
ind = r_[0, ind, n - 1]
ind = np.r_[0, ind, n - 1]
else: # adds index to the last value
ind = r_[ind, n - 1]
ind = np.r_[ind, n - 1]
if h > 0.0:
ind1 = findrfc(x[ind], h)

@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
Created on 6. okt. 2016
@author: pab
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from numba import jit, float64, int64, int32, int8, void
import numpy as np
@jit(int32(int32[:], int8[:]))
def _findcross(ind, y):
ix, dcross, start, v = 0, 0, 0, 0
n = len(y)
if y[0] < v:
dcross = -1 # first is a up-crossing
elif y[0] > v:
dcross = 1 # first is a down-crossing
elif y[0] == v:
# Find out what type of crossing we have next time..
for i in range(1, n):
start = i
if y[i] < v:
ind[ix] = i - 1 # first crossing is a down crossing
ix += 1
dcross = -1 # The next crossing is a up-crossing
elif y[i] > v:
ind[ix] = i - 1 # first crossing is a up-crossing
ix += 1
dcross = 1 # The next crossing is a down-crossing
for i in range(start, n - 1):
if ((dcross == -1 and y[i] <= v and v < y[i + 1]) or
(dcross == 1 and v <= y[i] and y[i + 1] < v)):
ind[ix] = i
ix += 1
dcross = -dcross
return ix
def findcross(xn):
'''Return indices to zero up and downcrossings of a vector
ind = np.empty(len(xn), dtype=np.int32)
m = _findcross(ind, xn)
return ind[:m]
def _make_findrfc(cmp1, cmp2):
@jit(int64(int32[:], float64[:], float64), nopython=True)
def findrfc2(t, y, h):
# cmp1, cmp2 = (a_le_b, a_lt_b) if method==0 else (a_lt_b, a_le_b)
n = len(y)
j, t0, z0 = 0, 0, 0
y0 = y[t0]
# The rainflow filter
for ti in range(1, n):
fpi = y0 + h
fmi = y0 - h
yi = y[ti]
if z0 == 0:
if cmp1(yi, fmi):
z1 = -1
elif cmp1(fpi, yi):
z1 = +1
z1 = 0
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if z1 == 0 else (ti, yi)
if (((z0 == +1) and cmp1(yi, fmi)) or
((z0 == -1) and cmp2(yi, fpi))):
z1 = -1
elif (((z0 == +1) and cmp2(fmi, yi)) or
((z0 == -1) and cmp1(fpi, yi))):
z1 = +1
raise ValueError
# warnings.warn('Something wrong, i={}'.format(tim1))
# Update y1
if z1 != z0:
t1, y1 = ti, yi
elif z1 == -1:
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 < yi else (ti, yi)
elif z1 == +1:
t1, y1 = (t0, y0) if y0 > yi else (ti, yi)
# Update y if y0 is a turning point
if abs(z0 - z1) == 2:
j += 1
t[j] = t0
# Update t0, y0, z0
t0, y0, z0 = t1, y1, z1
# end
# Update y if last y0 is greater than (or equal) threshold
if cmp2(h, abs(y0 - y[t[j]])):
j += 1
t[j] = t0
return j + 1
return findrfc2
@jit(int32(float64, float64), nopython=True)
def a_le_b(a, b):
return a <= b
@jit(int32(float64, float64), nopython=True)
def a_lt_b(a, b):
return a < b
_findrfc_le = _make_findrfc(a_le_b, a_lt_b)
_findrfc_lt = _make_findrfc(a_lt_b, a_le_b)
@jit(int64(int32[:], float64[:], float64), nopython=True)
def _findrfc(ind, y, h):
n = len(y)
t_start = 0
NC = n // 2 - 1
ix = 0
for i in range(NC):
Tmi = t_start + 2 * i
Tpl = t_start + 2 * i + 2
xminus = y[2 * i]
xplus = y[2 * i + 2]
if(i != 0):
j = i - 1
while ((j >= 0) and (y[2 * j + 1] <= y[2 * i + 1])):
if (y[2 * j] < xminus):
xminus = y[2 * j]
Tmi = t_start + 2 * j
j -= 1
if (xminus >= xplus):
if (y[2 * i + 1] - xminus >= h):
ind[ix] = Tmi
ix += 1
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
# goto L180 continue
j = i + 1
while (j < NC):
if (y[2 * j + 1] >= y[2 * i + 1]):
break # goto L170
if((y[2 * j + 2] <= xplus)):
xplus = y[2 * j + 2]
Tpl = (t_start + 2 * j + 2)
j += 1
if ((y[2 * i + 1] - xminus) >= h):
ind[ix] = Tmi
ix += 1
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
# iy = i
# goto L180
# L170:
if (xplus <= xminus):
if ((y[2 * i + 1] - xminus) >= h):
ind[ix] = Tmi
ix += 1
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
elif ((y[2 * i + 1] - xplus) >= h):
ind[ix] = (t_start + 2 * i + 1)
ix += 1
ind[ix] = Tpl
ix += 1
# L180:
# iy=i
# /* for i */
return ix
def findrfc(y, h, method=0):
n = len(y)
t = np.zeros(n,
findrfc_ = [_findrfc_le, _findrfc_lt, _findrfc][method]
m = findrfc_(t, y, h)
return t[:m]
@jit(void(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:],
float64[:], float64[:], float64, float64,
int32, int32, int32, int32), nopython=True)
def _finite_water_disufq(rvec, ivec, rA, iA, w, kw, h, g, nmin, nmax, m, n):
# kfact is set to 2 in order to exploit the symmetry.
# If you set kfact to 1, you must uncomment all statements
# including the expressions: rvec[iz2], rvec[iv2], ivec[iz2] and ivec[iv2].
kfact = 2.0
for ix in range(nmin - 1, nmax):
# for (ix = nmin-1;ix<nmax;ix++) {
kw1 = kw[ix]
w1 = w[ix]
tmp1 = np.tanh(kw1 * h)
# Cg, wave group velocity
Cg = 0.5 * g * (tmp1 + kw1 * h * (1.0 - tmp1 * tmp1)) / w1 # OK
tmp1 = 0.5 * g * (kw1 / w1) * (kw1 / w1)
tmp2 = 0.5 * w1 * w1 / g
tmp3 = g * kw1 / (w1 * Cg)
tmp4 = kw1 / np.sinh(2.0 * kw1 * h) if kw1 * h < 300.0 else 0.0
# Difference frequency effects finite water depth
Edij = (tmp1 - tmp2 + tmp3) / (1.0 - g * h / (Cg * Cg)) - tmp4 # OK
# Sum frequency effects finite water depth
Epij = (3.0 * (tmp1 - tmp2) /
(1.0 - tmp1 / kw1 * np.tanh(2.0 * kw1 * h)) +
3.0 * tmp2 - tmp1) # OK
# printf("Edij = %f Epij = %f \n", Edij,Epij);
ixi = ix * m
iz1 = 2 * ixi
# iz2 = n*m-ixi;
for i in range(m):
rrA = rA[ixi] * rA[ixi]
iiA = iA[ixi] * iA[ixi]
riA = rA[ixi] * iA[ixi]
# Sum frequency effects along the diagonal
rvec[iz1] += kfact * (rrA - iiA) * Epij
ivec[iz1] += kfact * 2.0 * riA * Epij
# rvec[iz2] += kfact*(rrA-iiA)*Epij;
# ivec[iz2] -= kfact*2.0*riA*Epij;
# iz2++;
# Difference frequency effects along the diagonal
# are only contributing to the mean
rvec[i] += 2.0 * (rrA + iiA) * Edij
ixi += 1
iz1 += 1
# }
for jy in range(ix + 1, nmax):
# w1 = w[ix];
# kw1 = kw[ix];
w2 = w[jy]
kw2 = kw[jy]
tmp1 = g * (kw1 / w1) * (kw2 / w2)
tmp2 = 0.5 / g * (w1 * w1 + w2 * w2 + w1 * w2)
tmp3 = 0.5 * g * \
(w1 * kw2 * kw2 + w2 * kw1 * kw1) / (w1 * w2 * (w1 + w2))
tmp4 = (1 - g * (kw1 + kw2) / (w1 + w2) / (w1 + w2) *
np.tanh((kw1 + kw2) * h))
Epij = (tmp1 - tmp2 + tmp3) / tmp4 + tmp2 - 0.5 * tmp1 # OK */
tmp2 = 0.5 / g * (w1 * w1 + w2 * w2 - w1 * w2) # OK*/
tmp3 = -0.5 * g * \
(w1 * kw2 * kw2 - w2 * kw1 * kw1) / (w1 * w2 * (w1 - w2))
tmp4 = (1.0 - g * (kw1 - kw2) / (w1 - w2) /
(w1 - w2) * np.tanh((kw1 - kw2) * h))
Edij = (tmp1 - tmp2 + tmp3) / tmp4 + tmp2 - 0.5 * tmp1 # OK */
# printf("Edij = %f Epij = %f \n", Edij,Epij);
ixi = ix * m
jyi = jy * m
iz1 = ixi + jyi
iv1 = jyi - ixi
# iz2 = (n*m-iz1)
# iv2 = n*m-iv1
for i in range(m):
# for (i=0;i<m;i++,ixi++,jyi++,iz1++,iv1++) {
rrA = rA[ixi] * rA[jyi] # rrA = rA[i][ix]*rA[i][jy];
iiA = iA[ixi] * iA[jyi] # iiA = iA[i][ix]*iA[i][jy];
riA = rA[ixi] * iA[jyi] # riA = rA[i][ix]*iA[i][jy];
irA = iA[ixi] * rA[jyi] # irA = iA[i][ix]*rA[i][jy];
# Sum frequency effects */
tmp1 = kfact * 2.0 * (rrA - iiA) * Epij
tmp2 = kfact * 2.0 * (riA + irA) * Epij
rvec[iz1] += tmp1 # rvec[i][jy+ix] += tmp1
ivec[iz1] += tmp2 # ivec[i][jy+ix] += tmp2
# rvec[iz2] += tmp1 # rvec[i][n*m-(jy+ix)] += tmp1
# ivec[iz2] -= tmp2 # ivec[i][n*m-(jy+ix)] -= tmp2
# iz2++
# Difference frequency effects */
tmp1 = kfact * 2.0 * (rrA + iiA) * Edij
tmp2 = kfact * 2.0 * (riA - irA) * Edij
rvec[iv1] += tmp1 # rvec[i][jy-ix] += tmp1
ivec[iv1] += tmp2 # ivec[i][jy-ix] -= tmp2
# rvec[iv2] += tmp1
# ivec[iv2] -= tmp2
# iv2 += 1
ixi += 1
jyi += 1
iz1 += 1
iv1 += 1
@jit(void(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:],
float64[:], float64[:], float64, float64,
int32, int32, int32, int32), nopython=True)
def _deep_water_disufq(rvec, ivec, rA, iA, w, kw, h, g, nmin, nmax, m, n):
# kfact is set to 2 in order to exploit the symmetry.
# If you set kfact to 1, you must uncomment all statements
# including the expressions: rvec[iz2], rvec[iv2], ivec[iz2] and ivec[iv2].
kfact = 2.0
for ix in range(nmin - 1, nmax):
ixi = ix * m
iz1 = 2 * ixi
iz2 = n * m - ixi
kw1 = kw[ix]
Epij = kw1
for _i in range(m):
rrA = rA[ixi] * rA[ixi]
iiA = iA[ixi] * iA[ixi]
riA = rA[ixi] * iA[ixi]
# Sum frequency effects along the diagonal
tmp1 = kfact * (rrA - iiA) * Epij
tmp2 = kfact * 2.0 * riA * Epij
rvec[iz1] += tmp1
ivec[iz1] += tmp2
ixi += 1
iz1 += 1
# rvec[iz2] += tmp1
# ivec[iz2] -= tmp2
iz2 += 1
# Difference frequency effects are zero along the diagonal
# and are thus not contributing to the mean.
for jy in range(ix + 1, nmax):
kw2 = kw[jy]
Epij = 0.5 * (kw2 + kw1)
Edij = -0.5 * (kw2 - kw1)
# printf("Edij = %f Epij = %f \n", Edij,Epij);
ixi = ix * m
jyi = jy * m
iz1 = ixi + jyi
iv1 = jyi - ixi
iz2 = (n*m-iz1)
iv2 = (n*m-iv1)
for _i in range(m):
rrA = rA[ixi] * rA[jyi] # rrA = rA[i][ix]*rA[i][jy]
iiA = iA[ixi] * iA[jyi] # iiA = iA[i][ix]*iA[i][jy]
riA = rA[ixi] * iA[jyi] # riA = rA[i][ix]*iA[i][jy]
irA = iA[ixi] * rA[jyi] # irA = iA[i][ix]*rA[i][jy]
# Sum frequency effects
tmp1 = kfact * 2.0 * (rrA - iiA) * Epij
tmp2 = kfact * 2.0 * (riA + irA) * Epij
rvec[iz1] += tmp1 # rvec[i][ix+jy] += tmp1
ivec[iz1] += tmp2 # ivec[i][ix+jy] += tmp2
# rvec[iz2] += tmp1 # rvec[i][n*m-(ix+jy)] += tmp1
# ivec[iz2] -= tmp2 # ivec[i][n*m-(ix+jy)] -= tmp2
iz2 += 1
# Difference frequency effects */
tmp1 = kfact * 2.0 * (rrA + iiA) * Edij
tmp2 = kfact * 2.0 * (riA - irA) * Edij
rvec[iv1] += tmp1 # rvec[i][jy-ix] += tmp1
ivec[iv1] += tmp2 # ivec[i][jy-ix] += tmp2
# rvec[iv2] += tmp1 # rvec[i][n*m-(jy-ix)] += tmp1
# ivec[iv2] -= tmp2 # ivec[i][n*m-(jy-ix)] -= tmp2
iv2 += 1
ixi += 1
jyi += 1
iz1 += 1
iv1 += 1
def disufq(rA, iA, w, kw, h, g, nmin, nmax, m, n):
DISUFQ Is an internal function to spec2nlsdat
rA, iA = real and imaginary parts of the amplitudes (size m X n).
w = vector with angular frequencies (w>=0)
kw = vector with wavenumbers (kw>=0)
h = water depth (h >=0)
g = constant acceleration of gravity
nmin = minimum index where rA(:,nmin) and iA(:,nmin) is
greater than zero.
nmax = maximum index where rA(:,nmax) and iA(:,nmax) is
greater than zero.
m = size(rA,1),size(iA,1)
n = size(rA,2),size(iA,2), or size(rvec,2),size(ivec,2)
rvec, ivec = real and imaginary parts of the resultant (size m X n).
DISUFQ returns the summation of difference frequency and sum
frequency effects in the vector vec = rvec +sqrt(-1)*ivec.
The 2'nd order contribution to the Stokes wave is then calculated by
a simple 1D Fourier transform, real(FFT(vec)).
rvec = np.zeros(n * m)
ivec = np.zeros(n * m)
if h > 10000: # { /* deep water /Inifinite water depth */
_deep_water_disufq(rvec, ivec, rA, iA, w, kw, h, g, nmin, nmax, m, n)
_finite_water_disufq(rvec, ivec, rA, iA, w, kw, h, g, nmin, nmax, m, n)
return rvec, ivec
@jit(int32[:](float64[:], float64[:], float64[:, :]))
def _findrfc3_astm(array_ext, a, array_out):
Rain flow without time analysis
Return [ampl ampl_mean nr_of_cycle]
By Adam Nieslony
Visit the MATLAB Central File Exchange for latest version
n = len(array_ext)
po = 0
# The original rainflow counting by Nieslony, unchanged
j = -1
c_nr1 = 1
for i in range(n):
j += 1
a[j] = array_ext[i]
while j >= 2 and abs(a[j - 1] - a[j - 2]) <= abs(a[j] - a[j - 1]):
ampl = abs((a[j - 1] - a[j - 2]) / 2)
mean = (a[j - 1] + a[j - 2]) / 2
if j == 2:
a[0] = a[1]
a[1] = a[2]
j = 1
if (ampl > 0):
array_out[po, :] = (ampl, mean, 0.5)
po += 1
a[j - 2] = a[j]
j = j - 2
if (ampl > 0):
array_out[po, :] = (ampl, mean, 1.0)
po += 1
c_nr1 += 1
c_nr2 = 1
for i in range(j):
ampl = abs(a[i] - a[i + 1]) / 2
mean = (a[i] + a[i + 1]) / 2
if (ampl > 0):
array_out[po, :] = (ampl, mean, 0.5)
po += 1
c_nr2 += 1
return c_nr1, c_nr2
@jit(int32[:](float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:], float64[:, :]))
def _findrfc5_astm(array_ext, array_t, a, t, array_out):
Rain flow with time analysis
[ampl ampl_mean nr_of_cycle cycle_begin_time cycle_period_time]
By Adam Nieslony
Visit the MATLAB Central File Exchange for latest version
n = len(array_ext)
po = 0
# The original rainflow counting by Nieslony, unchanged
j = -1
c_nr1 = 1
for i in range(n):
j += 1
a[j] = array_ext[i]
t[j] = array_t[i]
while (j >= 2) and (abs(a[j - 1] - a[j - 2]) <= abs(a[j] - a[j - 1])):
ampl = abs((a[j - 1] - a[j - 2]) / 2)
mean = (a[j - 1] + a[j - 2]) / 2
period = (t[j - 1] - t[j - 2]) * 2
atime = t[j - 2]
if j == 2:
a[0] = a[1]
a[1] = a[2]
t[0] = t[1]
t[1] = t[2]
j = 1
if (ampl > 0):
array_out[po, :] = (ampl, mean, 0.5, atime, period)
po += 1
a[j - 2] = a[j]
t[j - 2] = t[j]
j = j - 2
if (ampl > 0):
array_out[po, :] = (ampl, mean, 1.0, atime, period)
po += 1
c_nr1 += 1
c_nr2 = 1
for i in range(j):
# for (i=0; i<j; i++) {
ampl = abs(a[i] - a[i + 1]) / 2
mean = (a[i] + a[i + 1]) / 2
period = (t[i + 1] - t[i]) * 2
atime = t[i]
if (ampl > 0):
array_out[po, :] = (ampl, mean, 0.5, atime, period)
po += 1
c_nr2 += 1
return c_nr1, c_nr2
def findrfc_astm(tp, t=None):
Return rainflow counted cycles
Nieslony's Matlab implementation of the ASTM standard practice for rainflow
counting ported to a Python C module.
tp : array-like
vector of turningpoints (NB! Only values, not sampled times)
t : array-like
vector of sampled times
sig_rfc : array-like
array of shape (n,3) or (n, 5) with:
sig_rfc[:,0] Cycles amplitude
sig_rfc[:,1] Cycles mean value
sig_rfc[:,2] Cycle type, half (=0.5) or full (=1.0)
sig_rfc[:,3] cycle_begin_time (only if t is given)
sig_rfc[:,4] cycle_period_time (only if t is given)
y1 = np.atleast_1d(tp).ravel()
n = len(y1)
a = np.zeros(n)
if t is None:
sig_rfc = np.zeros((n, 3))
cnr = _findrfc3_astm(y1, a, sig_rfc)
t1 = np.atleast_1d(t).ravel()
sig_rfc = np.zeros((n, 5))
t2 = np.zeros(n)
cnr = _findrfc5_astm(y1, t1, a, t2, sig_rfc)
# the sig_rfc was constructed too big in rainflow.rf3, so
# reduce the sig_rfc array as done originally by a matlab mex c function
# n = len(sig_rfc)
return sig_rfc[:n - cnr[0]]
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure import (_skew, # @UnusedImport
_kurtosis, _ncx2_log_pdf, # @IgnorePep8 @UnusedImport
_ncx2_pdf, _ncx2_cdf) # @UnusedImport @IgnorePep8
from .estimation import FitDistribution
from ._constants import _XMAX
from ._constants import _XMAX, _XMIN
from wafo.misc import lazyselect as _lazyselect
from wafo.misc import lazywhere as _lazywhere
@ -250,9 +250,8 @@ def link(self, x, logSF, theta, i):
def _link(self, x, logSF, theta, i):
msg = ('Link function not implemented for the %s distribution' %
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
msg = 'Link function not implemented for the {} distribution'
raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(
def nlogps(self, theta, x):
@ -303,7 +302,7 @@ def nlogps(self, theta, x):
prb = np.hstack((1.0, self.sf(x, *args), 0.0))
dprb = -np.diff(prb)
logD = log(dprb)
logD = log(dprb + _XMIN)
dx = np.diff(x, axis=0)
tie = (dx == 0)
if any(tie):

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import warnings
from wafo.plotbackend import plotbackend as plt
from wafo.misc import ecross, findcross, argsreduce
from wafo.stats._constants import _EPS, _XMAX
from wafo.stats._constants import _EPS, _XMAX, _XMIN
from wafo.stats._distn_infrastructure import rv_frozen, rv_continuous
from scipy._lib.six import string_types
import numdifftools as nd # @UnresolvedImport
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import expm1, log1p
from numpy import (alltrue, arange, zeros, log, sqrt, exp,
any, asarray, nan, pi, isfinite)
from numpy import (arange, zeros, log, sqrt, exp,
asarray, nan, pi, isfinite)
from numpy import flatnonzero as nonzero
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ __all__ = ['Profile', 'FitDistribution']
floatinfo = np.finfo(float)
arr = asarray
all = alltrue # @ReservedAssignment
# all = alltrue # @ReservedAssignment
def _burr_link(x, logsf, phat, ix):
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class Profile(object):
def _default_i_fixed(fit_dist):
i0 = 1 - np.isfinite(fit_dist.par_fix).argmax()
except Exception:
i0 = 0
return i0
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ class Profile(object): = np.ones_like(pvec) * nan
k1 = (pvec >= p_opt).argmax()
for size, step in ((-1, -1), (pvec.size, 1)):
for size, step in ((-1, -1), (np.size(pvec), 1)):
phatfree = self._par[self.i_free].copy()
for ix in range(k1, size, step):
Lmax, phatfree = self._profile_optimum(phatfree, pvec[ix])
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ class Profile(object):
self.args = pvec[ix]
cond = == -np.inf
if any(cond):
if np.any(cond):
ind, = cond.nonzero(), floatinfo.min / 2.0)
ind1 = np.where(ind == 0, ind, ind - 1)
@ -1163,10 +1163,10 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
prb = np.hstack((1.0, dist.sf(x, *args), 0.0))
dprb = -np.diff(prb)
logD = log(dprb)
logD = log(dprb + _XMIN)
dx = np.diff(x, axis=0)
tie = (dx == 0)
if any(tie):
if np.any(tie):
# TODO : implement this method for treating ties in data:
# Assume measuring error is delta. Then compute
# yL = F(xi - delta, theta)
@ -1257,7 +1257,8 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
numpar = self.dist.numargs + 2
par_cov = zeros((numpar, numpar))
# self._penalty = 0
somefixed = (self.par_fix is not None) and any(isfinite(self.par_fix))
somefixed = ((self.par_fix is not None) and
H = np.asmatrix(self._hessian(self._fitfun, self.par,
# H = -nd.Hessian(lambda par: self._fitfun(par,,
@ -1265,7 +1266,7 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
self.H = H
if somefixed:
allfixed = all(isfinite(self.par_fix))
allfixed = np.all(isfinite(self.par_fix))
if allfixed:
self.par_cov[:, :] = 0
@ -1326,7 +1327,7 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
def profile_probability(self, log_sf, **kwds):
Profile Log- likelihood or Product Spacing-function for quantile.
Profile Log- likelihood or Product Spacing-function for probability.
@ -1344,7 +1345,7 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
return ProfileProbability(self, log_sf, **kwds)
def plotfitsummary(self):
def plotfitsummary(self, axes=None, fig=None):
''' Plot various diagnostic plots to asses the quality of the fit.
PLOTFITSUMMARY displays probability plot, density plot, residual
@ -1355,17 +1356,18 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
Other distribution types will introduce curvature in the residual
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
if axes is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(11, 8))
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, wspace=0.4)
# plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, wspace=0.4)
# self.plotecdf()
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4, wspace=0.4)
plot_funs = (self.plotesf, self.plotepdf,
self.plotresq, self.plotresprb)
for axis, plot in zip(axes.ravel(), plot_funs):
if fig is None:
fig = plt.gcf()
fixstr = ''
if self.par_fix is not None:
numfix = len(self.i_fixed)
@ -1380,13 +1382,12 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
subtxt = 'Fit method: {0:s}, Fit p-value: {1:2.2f} {2:s}, phat=[{3:s}]'
par_txt = ('{:1.2g}, '*len(self.par))[:-2].format(*self.par)
plt.figtext(0.05, 0.01, subtxt.format(self.method.upper(),
self.pvalue, fixstr,
fig.text(0.05, 0.01, subtxt.format(self.method.upper(),
self.pvalue, fixstr, par_txt))
except Exception:
def plotesf(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.'):
def plotesf(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.', axis=None):
''' Plot Empirical and fitted Survival Function
The purpose of the plot is to graphically assess whether
@ -1394,16 +1395,33 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
If so the empirical CDF should resemble the model CDF.
Other distribution types will introduce deviations in the plot.
if axis is None:
axis = plt.gca()
n = len(
sf = (arange(n, 0, -1)) / n
plt.semilogy(, sf, symb2,, self.sf(, symb1)
# plt.plot(,sf,'b.',,self.sf(,'r-')
plt.ylabel('F(x) (%s)' %
plt.title('Empirical SF plot')
def plotecdf(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.'):
axis.semilogy(, sf, symb2,, self.sf(, symb1)
if True:
i0 = 2
low = int(np.log10(1/n)-0.7) - 1
log_sf = np.log(np.logspace(low, -0.5, 7)[::-1])
T = self.isf(np.exp(log_sf))
ci = []
t = []
for Ti, log_sfi in zip(T, log_sf):
Lx = self.profile_probability(log_sfi, i=i0)
axis.semilogy(t, ci, 'r--')
axis.set_ylabel('F(x) (%s)' %
axis.set_title('Empirical SF plot')
def plotecdf(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.', axis=None):
''' Plot Empirical and fitted Cumulative Distribution Function
The purpose of the plot is to graphically assess whether
@ -1411,13 +1429,15 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
If so the empirical CDF should resemble the model CDF.
Other distribution types will introduce deviations in the plot.
if axis is None:
axis = plt.gca()
n = len(
F = (arange(1, n + 1)) / n
plt.plot(, F, symb2,, self.cdf(, symb1)
plt.ylabel('F(x) (%s)' %
plt.title('Empirical CDF plot')
axis.plot(, F, symb2,, self.cdf(, symb1)
axis.set_ylabel('F(x) ({})'.format(
axis.set_title('Empirical CDF plot')
def _get_grid(self, odd=False):
x = np.atleast_1d(
@ -1452,7 +1472,7 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
pdf, x = np.histogram(, bins=limits, normed=True)
return self._staircase(x, pdf)
def plotepdf(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b-'):
def plotepdf(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b-', axis=None):
'''Plot Empirical and fitted Probability Density Function
The purpose of the plot is to graphically assess whether
@ -1460,19 +1480,21 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
If so the histogram should resemble the model density.
Other distribution types will introduce deviations in the plot.
if axis is None:
axis = plt.gca()
x, pdf = self._get_empirical_pdf()
ymax = pdf.max()
# plt.hist(,normed=True,fill=False)
plt.plot(, self.pdf(, symb1,
x, pdf, symb2)
ax = list(plt.axis())
ax[3] = min(ymax * 1.3, ax[3])
plt.ylabel('f(x) (%s)' %
plt.title('Density plot')
def plotresq(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.'):
# axis.hist(,normed=True,fill=False)
axis.plot(, self.pdf(, symb1,
x, pdf, symb2)
axis1 = list(axis.axis())
axis1[3] = min(ymax * 1.3, axis1[3])
axis.set_ylabel('f(x) (%s)' %
axis.set_title('Density plot')
def plotresq(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.', axis=None):
'''PLOTRESQ displays a residual quantile plot.
The purpose of the plot is to graphically assess whether
@ -1480,18 +1502,20 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
plot will be linear. Other distribution types will introduce
curvature in the plot.
if axis is None:
axis = plt.gca()
n = len(
eprob = (arange(1, n + 1) - 0.5) / n
y = self.ppf(eprob)
y1 =[[0, -1]]
plt.plot(, y, symb2, y1, y1, symb1)
plt.ylabel('Model (%s)' %
plt.title('Residual Quantile Plot')
def plotresprb(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.'):
axis.plot(, y, symb2, y1, y1, symb1)
axis.set_ylabel('Model (%s)' %
axis.set_title('Residual Quantile Plot')
def plotresprb(self, symb1='r-', symb2='b.', axis=None):
''' PLOTRESPRB displays a residual probability plot.
The purpose of the plot is to graphically assess whether
@ -1499,17 +1523,19 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
plot will be linear. Other distribution types will introduce curvature
in the plot.
if axis is None:
axis = plt.gca()
n = len(
# ecdf = (0.5:n-0.5)/n;
ecdf = arange(1, n + 1) / (n + 1)
mcdf = self.cdf(
p1 = [0, 1]
plt.plot(ecdf, mcdf, symb2, p1, p1, symb1)
plt.ylabel('Model (%s)' %
plt.title('Residual Probability Plot')
plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
axis.plot(ecdf, mcdf, symb2, p1, p1, symb1)
axis.set_ylabel('Model (%s)' %
axis.set_title('Residual Probability Plot')
axis.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
def _pvalue(self, theta, x, unknown_numpar=None):
''' Return P-value for the fit using Moran's negative log Product
@ -1521,7 +1547,7 @@ class FitDistribution(rv_frozen):
dx = np.diff(x, axis=0)
tie = (dx == 0)
if any(tie):
if np.any(tie):
'P-value is on the conservative side (i.e. too large) due to' +
' ties in the data!')

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
from six import iteritems
from numpy.testing import (run_module_suite, assert_equal, assert_almost_equal,
assert_array_equal, assert_array_almost_equal,
TestCase, assert_, assert_raises,)
TestCase, assert_, assert_raises,)
import numpy as np
from numpy import array, cos, exp, linspace, pi, sin, diff, arange, ones
from import sea
import wafo
from wafo.misc import (JITImport, Bunch, detrendma, DotDict, findcross, ecross,
findextrema, findrfc, rfcfilter, findtp, findtc,
findoutliers, common_shape, argsreduce, stirlerr,
getshipchar, betaloge,
gravity, nextpow2, discretize, polar2cart,
@ -17,6 +19,64 @@ from wafo.misc import (JITImport, Bunch, detrendma, DotDict, findcross, ecross,
def test_disufq():
d_inf = [[0., -144.3090093, -269.37681737, -375.20342419, -461.78882978,
-529.13303412, -577.23603722, -606.09783908, -615.7184397,
-606.09783908, -577.23603722, -529.13303412, -461.78882978,
-375.20342419, -269.37681737, -144.3090093, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 5.65917684e-01, 2.82958842e+00,
7.92284757e+00, 1.69775305e+01, 3.11254726e+01, 5.14985092e+01,
7.92284757e+01, 1.15447207e+02, 1.61286540e+02, 2.17878308e+02,
2.86354348e+02, 3.67846494e+02, 4.63486583e+02, 5.74406449e+02,
7.01737928e+02, 8.46612855e+02, 8.46046937e+02, 8.43783266e+02,
8.38690007e+02, 8.29635324e+02, 8.15487382e+02, 7.95114345e+02,
7.67384379e+02, 7.31165647e+02, 6.85326315e+02, 6.28734546e+02,
5.60258507e+02, 4.78766360e+02, 3.83126272e+02, 2.72206406e+02]]
# depth = 10
d_10 = [[-3.43299449, -144.58425201, -269.97386241, -376.2314858,
-463.35503499, -531.34450329, -580.19988853, -609.92118976,
-620.50840653, -611.96153858, -584.28058577, -537.46554798,
-471.51642516, -386.43321726, -282.21592426, -158.8601612, 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.87964472, 3.30251807, 8.7088916, 18.1892694,
32.87215973, 53.88831991, 82.36912798,
119.44619211, 166.25122204, 223.91597801, 293.57224772,
376.35183479, 473.38655268, 585.80822113, 714.74866403,
861.33970818, 846.05101255, 843.78326617, 838.69000702,
829.63532408, 815.48738199, 795.11434539, 767.38437889,
731.16564714, 685.32631478, 628.73454642, 560.25850671,
478.76636028, 383.12627176, 272.20640579]]
g = 9.81
n = 32
amp = np.ones(n) + 1j * 1
f = np.linspace(0., 3.0, n // 2 + 1)
nmin = 2
nmax = n // 2 + 1
cases = 1
ns = n
w = 2.0 * pi * f
from wafo import c_library
d_truth = [d_10, d_inf]
for i, water_depth in enumerate([10.0, 10000000]):
kw = wafo.wave_theory.dispersion_relation.w2k(w, 0., water_depth, g)[0]
data2 = wafo.numba_misc.disufq(amp.real, amp.imag, w, kw, water_depth,
g, nmin, nmax, cases, ns)
data = c_library.disufq(amp.real, amp.imag, w, kw, water_depth, g,
nmin, nmax, cases, ns)
# print(data[0])
# print(data[1])
# deep water
assert_array_almost_equal(data, data2)
assert_array_almost_equal(data, d_truth[i])
# assert(False)
def test_JITImport():
np = JITImport('numpy')
assert_equal(1.0, np.exp(0))
@ -24,8 +84,8 @@ def test_JITImport():
def test_bunch():
d = Bunch(test1=1, test2=3)
assert_equal(1, d.test1)
assert_equal(3, d.test2)
assert_equal(1, getattr(d, 'test1'))
assert_equal(3, getattr(d, 'test2'))
def test_dotdict():
@ -195,15 +255,18 @@ def test_findrfc():
219, 221, 223, 225, 226, 228, 230, 231, 233, 235, 237, 238, 240,
241, 243, 245, 247, 248]))
_ti, tp = t[ind], x[ind]
ind1 = findrfc(tp, 0.3)
np.array([0, 9, 32, 53, 74, 95, 116, 137]))
[-0.00743352, 1.08753972, -1.07206545, 1.09550837, -1.07940458,
1.07849396, -1.0995006, 1.08094452]))
for method in ['clib', 2, 1, 0]:
ind1 = findrfc(tp, 0.3, method=method)
if method in [1, 0]:
ind1 = ind1[:-1]
np.array([0, 9, 32, 53, 74, 95, 116, 137]))
[-0.00743352, 1.08753972, -1.07206545, 1.09550837, -1.07940458,
1.07849396, -1.0995006, 1.08094452]))
def test_rfcfilter():
@ -228,7 +291,7 @@ def test_rfcfilter():
[1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21,
[1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21,
23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43,
45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65,
67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87,
@ -248,6 +311,24 @@ def test_rfcfilter():
[-0.00743352, 1.08753972, -1.07206545, 1.09550837, -1.07940458,
1.07849396, -1.0995006, 1.08094452, 0.11983423]))
tp3 = findrfc_astm(tp)
assert_array_almost_equal((77, 3), tp3.shape)
# print(tp3[-5:])
[[0.01552179, 0.42313414, 1.],
[1.09750448, -0.00199612, 0.5],
[1.09022256, -0.00927804, 0.5],
[0.48055514, 0.60038938, 0.5],
[0.03200274, 0.15183698, 0.5]])
[[0.03578165, 0.28906389, 1.],
[0.03602834, 0.56726584, 1.],
[0.03816623, 0.76461446, 1.],
[0.0638364, 0.92381302, 1.],
[0.07759006, 0.99628738, 1.]])
# assert(False)
def test_findtp():
x = sea()
@ -291,9 +372,9 @@ def test_findoutliers():
zcrit = 0
[inds, indg] = findoutliers(xx[:, 1], zcrit, dcrit, ddcrit, verbose=False)
assert_array_almost_equal(inds[np.r_[0, 1, 2, -3, -2, -1]],
np.array([6, 7, 8, 9509, 9510, 9511]))
np.array([6, 7, 8, 9509, 9510, 9511]))
assert_array_almost_equal(indg[np.r_[0, 1, 2, -3, -2, -1]],
np.array([0, 1, 2, 9521, 9522, 9523]))
np.array([0, 1, 2, 9521, 9522, 9523]))
def test_common_shape():
@ -310,7 +391,7 @@ def test_common_shape():
def test_argsreduce():
A = linspace(0, 19, 20).reshape((4, 5))
A = np.reshape(linspace(0, 19, 20), (4, 5))
B = 2
C = range(5)
cond = np.ones(A.shape)
@ -320,8 +401,8 @@ def test_argsreduce():
[A2, B2, C2] = argsreduce(cond, A, B, C)
assert_equal(B2.shape, (15,))
np.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.,
8., 9., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]))
np.array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.,
8., 9., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19.]))
B2, np.array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]))
@ -392,10 +473,10 @@ def test_discretize():
1.96349541, 2.15984495, 2.35619449, 2.55254403, 2.74889357,
2.94524311, 3.14159265]))
y, np.array([1.00000000e+00, 9.80785280e-01,
y, np.array([1.00000000e+00, 9.80785280e-01,
8.31469612e-01, 7.07106781e-01, 5.55570233e-01,
3.82683432e-01, 1.95090322e-01, 6.12323400e-17,
8.31469612e-01, 7.07106781e-01, 5.55570233e-01,
3.82683432e-01, 1.95090322e-01, 6.12323400e-17,
-1.95090322e-01, -3.82683432e-01, -5.55570233e-01,
-7.07106781e-01, -8.31469612e-01, -9.23879533e-01,
-9.80785280e-01, -1.00000000e+00]))
@ -413,9 +494,9 @@ def test_discretize_adaptive():
[1.00000000e+00, 9.80785280e-01, 9.23879533e-01,
8.31469612e-01, 7.07106781e-01, 5.55570233e-01,
3.82683432e-01, 1.95090322e-01, 6.12323400e-17,
[1.00000000e+00, 9.80785280e-01, 9.23879533e-01,
8.31469612e-01, 7.07106781e-01, 5.55570233e-01,
3.82683432e-01, 1.95090322e-01, 6.12323400e-17,
-1.95090322e-01, -3.82683432e-01, -5.55570233e-01,
-7.07106781e-01, -8.31469612e-01, -9.23879533e-01,
-9.80785280e-01, -1.00000000e+00]))
@ -435,13 +516,13 @@ def test_polar2cart_n_cart2polar():
[0.00000000e+00, 8.22972951e-01, 1.62349735e+00,
2.37973697e+00, 3.07106356e+00, 3.67861955e+00,
4.18583239e+00, 4.57886663e+00, 4.84700133e+00,
4.98292247e+00, 4.98292247e+00, 4.84700133e+00,
4.57886663e+00, 4.18583239e+00, 3.67861955e+00,
3.07106356e+00, 2.37973697e+00, 1.62349735e+00,
8.22972951e-01, 6.12323400e-16]))
[0.00000000e+00, 8.22972951e-01, 1.62349735e+00,
2.37973697e+00, 3.07106356e+00, 3.67861955e+00,
4.18583239e+00, 4.57886663e+00, 4.84700133e+00,
4.98292247e+00, 4.98292247e+00, 4.84700133e+00,
4.57886663e+00, 4.18583239e+00, 3.67861955e+00,
3.07106356e+00, 2.37973697e+00, 1.62349735e+00,
8.22972951e-01, 6.12323400e-16]))
ti, ri = cart2polar(x, y)
@ -474,6 +555,7 @@ def test_tranproc():
class TestPiecewise(TestCase):
def test_condition_is_single_bool_list(self):
assert_raises(ValueError, piecewise, [True, False], [1], [0, 0])
@ -523,7 +605,7 @@ class TestPiecewise(TestCase):
x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 6)
vals = piecewise([x < 0, x >= 0], [lambda x: -x, lambda x: x], (x,))
[2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
[2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
def test_abs_function_with_scalar(self):
x = np.array(-2.5)
@ -533,22 +615,22 @@ class TestPiecewise(TestCase):
def test_otherwise_condition(self):
x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 6)
vals = piecewise([x < 0, ], [lambda x: -x, lambda x: x], (x,))
assert_array_equal(vals, [2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
assert_array_equal(vals, [2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
def test_passing_further_args_to_fun(self):
def fun0(x, y, scale=1.):
return -x*y/scale
return -x * y / scale
def fun1(x, y, scale=1.):
return x*y/scale
return x * y / scale
x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 6)
vals = piecewise([x < 0, ], [fun0, fun1], (x,), args=(2.,), scale=2.)
assert_array_equal(vals, [2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
assert_array_equal(vals, [2.5, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5])
def test_step_function(self):
x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, 6)
vals = piecewise([x < 0, x >= 0], [-1, 1], x)
assert_array_equal(vals, [-1., -1., -1., 1., 1., 1.])
assert_array_equal(vals, [-1., -1., -1., 1., 1., 1.])
def test_step_function_with_scalar(self):
x = 1
@ -560,11 +642,11 @@ class TestPiecewise(TestCase):
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, x)
vals = piecewise(
[X * Y < 0, ], [lambda x, y: -x * y, lambda x, y: x * y], (X, Y))
assert_array_equal(vals, [[4., 2., -0., 2., 4.],
[2., 1., -0., 1., 2.],
[-0., -0., 0., 0., 0.],
[2., 1., 0., 1., 2.],
[4., 2., 0., 2., 4.]])
assert_array_equal(vals, [[4., 2., -0., 2., 4.],
[2., 1., -0., 1., 2.],
[-0., -0., 0., 0., 0.],
[2., 1., 0., 1., 2.],
[4., 2., 0., 2., 4.]])
def test_fill_value_and_function_with_two_args(self):
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 5)
@ -573,11 +655,11 @@ class TestPiecewise(TestCase):
[lambda x, y: -x * y, lambda x, y: x * y], (X, Y),
nan = np.nan
assert_array_equal(vals, [[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[nan, nan, nan, nan, nan],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.]])
assert_array_equal(vals, [[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[nan, nan, nan, nan, nan],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.]])
def test_fill_value2_and_function_with_two_args(self):
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 5)
@ -586,11 +668,11 @@ class TestPiecewise(TestCase):
[lambda x, y: -x * y, lambda x, y: x * y, np.nan],
(X, Y))
nan = np.nan
assert_array_equal(vals, [[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[nan, nan, nan, nan, nan],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.]])
assert_array_equal(vals, [[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[nan, nan, nan, nan, nan],
[2., 1., nan, 1., 2.],
[4., 2., nan, 2., 4.]])
class TestRotationMatrix(TestCase):

@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ k2w - Translates from wave number to frequency
w2k - Translates from frequency to wave number
import warnings
# import numpy as np
import numpy as np
from wafo.misc import lazywhere
from numpy import (atleast_1d, sqrt, ones_like, zeros_like, arctan2, where,
tanh, any, sin, cos, sign, inf,
tanh, sin, cos, sign, inf,
flatnonzero, finfo, cosh, abs)
__all__ = ['k2w', 'w2k']
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ def k2w(k1, k2=0e0, h=inf, g=9.81, u1=0e0, u2=0e0):
w = where(k > 0, ku1 + ku2 + sqrt(gi * k * tanh(k * hi)), 0.0)
cond = (w < 0)
if any(cond):
if np.any(cond):
txt0 = '''
Waves and current are in opposite directions
making some of the frequencies negative.
@ -171,13 +172,15 @@ def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100):
while (ix.size > 0 and count < count_limit):
ki = k[ix]
kh = ki * hi[ix]
coshkh2 = lazywhere(np.abs(kh) < 350, (kh, ),
lambda kh: cosh(kh) ** 2.0, fillvalue=np.inf)
hn[ix] = (ki * tanh(kh) - wi[ix] ** 2.0 / gi) / \
(tanh(kh) + kh / (cosh(kh) ** 2.0))
(tanh(kh) + kh / coshkh2)
knew = ki - hn[ix]
# Make sure that the current guess is not zero.
# When Newton's Method suggests steps that lead to zero guesses
# take a step 9/10ths of the way to zero:
ksmall = find(abs(knew) == 0)
ksmall = find(np.abs(knew) == 0)
if ksmall.size > 0:
knew[ksmall] = ki[ksmall] / 10.0
hn[ix[ksmall]] = ki[ksmall] - knew[ksmall]
@ -186,7 +189,7 @@ def w2k(w, theta=0.0, h=inf, g=9.81, count_limit=100):
# disp(['Iteration ',num2str(count),' Number of points left: '
# num2str(length(ix)) ]),
ix = find((abs(hn) > sqrt(eps) * abs(k)) * abs(hn) > sqrt(eps))
ix = find((np.abs(hn) > sqrt(eps) * np.abs(k)) * np.abs(hn) > sqrt(eps))
count += 1
if count == count_limit:
