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604 lines
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11 years ago
Created on 3. juni 2011
@author: pab
import numpy as np
from numpy import exp, expm1, inf, nan, pi, hstack, where, atleast_1d, cos, sin
from dispersion_relation import w2k, k2w # @UnusedImport
__all__ = ['w2k', 'k2w', 'sensor_typeid', 'sensor_type', 'TransferFunction']
def hyperbolic_ratio(a, b, sa, sb):
Return ratio of hyperbolic functions
to allow extreme variations of arguments.
a, b : array-like
arguments vectors of the same size
sa, sb : scalar integers
defining the hyperbolic function used, i.e.,
f(x,1)=cosh(x), f(x,-1)=sinh(x)
r : ndarray
f(a,sa)/f(b,sb), ratio of hyperbolic functions of same
size as a and b
>>> x = [-2,0,2]
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(x,1,1,1) # gives r=cosh(x)/cosh(1)
array([ 2.438107 , 0.64805427, 2.438107 ])
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(x,1,1,-1) # gives r=cosh(x)/sinh(1)
array([ 3.20132052, 0.85091813, 3.20132052])
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(x,1,-1,1) # gives r=sinh(x)/cosh(1)
array([-2.35040239, 0. , 2.35040239])
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(x,1,-1,-1) # gives r=sinh(x)/sinh(1)
array([-3.08616127, 0. , 3.08616127])
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(1,x,1,1) # gives r=cosh(1)/cosh(x)
array([ 0.41015427, 1.54308063, 0.41015427])
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(1,x,1,-1) # gives r=cosh(1)/sinh(x)
array([-0.42545906, inf, 0.42545906])
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(1,x,-1,1) # gives r=sinh(1)/cosh(x)
array([ 0.3123711 , 1.17520119, 0.3123711 ])
>>> hyperbolic_ratio(1,x,-1,-1) # gives r=sinh(1)/sinh(x)
array([-0.32402714, inf, 0.32402714])
See also
ak, bk, sak, sbk = np.atleast_1d(a, b, np.sign(sa), np.sign(sb))
# old call
# return exp(ak-bk)*(1+sak*exp(-2*ak))/(1+sbk*exp(-2*bk))
# TODO: Does not always handle division by zero correctly
signRatio = np.where(sak * ak < 0, sak, 1)
signRatio = np.where(sbk * bk < 0, sbk * signRatio, signRatio)
bk = np.abs(bk)
ak = np.abs(ak)
num = np.where(sak < 0, expm1(-2 * ak), 1 + exp(-2 * ak))
den = np.where(sbk < 0, expm1(-2 * bk), 1 + exp(-2 * bk))
iden = np.ones(den.shape) * inf
ind = np.flatnonzero(den != 0)
iden.flat[ind] = 1.0 / den[ind]
val = np.where(num == den, 1, num * iden)
# ((sak+exp(-2*ak))/(sbk+exp(-2*bk)))
return signRatio * exp(ak - bk) * val
def sensor_typeid(*sensortypes):
''' Return ID for sensortype name
sensortypes : list of strings defining the sensortype
sensorids : list of integers defining the sensortype
Valid senor-ids and -types for time series are as follows:
0, 'n' : Surface elevation (n=Eta)
1, 'n_t' : Vertical surface velocity
2, 'n_tt' : Vertical surface acceleration
3, 'n_x' : Surface slope in x-direction
4, 'n_y' : Surface slope in y-direction
5, 'n_xx' : Surface curvature in x-direction
6, 'n_yy' : Surface curvature in y-direction
7, 'n_xy' : Surface curvature in xy-direction
8, 'P' : Pressure fluctuation about static MWL pressure
9, 'U' : Water particle velocity in x-direction
10, 'V' : Water particle velocity in y-direction
11, 'W' : Water particle velocity in z-direction
12, 'U_t' : Water particle acceleration in x-direction
13, 'V_t' : Water particle acceleration in y-direction
14, 'W_t' : Water particle acceleration in z-direction
15, 'X_p' : Water particle displacement in x-direction from mean pos.
16, 'Y_p' : Water particle displacement in y-direction from mean pos.
17, 'Z_p' : Water particle displacement in z-direction from mean pos.
>>> sensor_typeid('W','v')
[11, 10]
>>> sensor_typeid('rubbish')
See also
sensorid_table = dict(n=0, n_t=1, n_tt=2, n_x=3, n_y=4, n_xx=5,
n_yy=6, n_xy=7, p=8, u=9, v=10, w=11, u_t=12,
v_t=13, w_t=14, x_p=15, y_p=16, z_p=17)
return [sensorid_table.get(name.lower(), nan) for name in sensortypes]
raise ValueError('Input must be a string!')
def sensor_type(*sensorids):
Return sensortype name
sensorids : vector or list of integers defining the sensortype
sensornames : tuple of strings defining the sensortype
Valid senor-ids and -types for time series are as follows:
0, 'n' : Surface elevation (n=Eta)
1, 'n_t' : Vertical surface velocity
2, 'n_tt' : Vertical surface acceleration
3, 'n_x' : Surface slope in x-direction
4, 'n_y' : Surface slope in y-direction
5, 'n_xx' : Surface curvature in x-direction
6, 'n_yy' : Surface curvature in y-direction
7, 'n_xy' : Surface curvature in xy-direction
8, 'P' : Pressure fluctuation about static MWL pressure
9, 'U' : Water particle velocity in x-direction
10, 'V' : Water particle velocity in y-direction
11, 'W' : Water particle velocity in z-direction
12, 'U_t' : Water particle acceleration in x-direction
13, 'V_t' : Water particle acceleration in y-direction
14, 'W_t' : Water particle acceleration in z-direction
15, 'X_p' : Water particle displacement in x-direction from mean pos.
16, 'Y_p' : Water particle displacement in y-direction from mean pos.
17, 'Z_p' : Water particle displacement in z-direction from mean pos.
>>> sensor_type(range(3))
('n', 'n_t', 'n_tt')
See also
sensor_typeid, tran
valid_names = ('n', 'n_t', 'n_tt', 'n_x', 'n_y', 'n_xx', 'n_yy', 'n_xy',
'p', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'u_t', 'v_t', 'w_t', 'x_p', 'y_p',
'z_p', nan)
ids = atleast_1d(*sensorids)
if isinstance(ids, list):
ids = hstack(ids)
n = len(valid_names) - 1
ids = where(((ids < 0) | (n < ids)), n, ids)
return tuple(valid_names[i] for i in ids)
class TransferFunction(object):
Class for computing transfer functions based on linear wave theory
of the system with input surface elevation,
eta(x0,y0,t) = exp(i*(kx*x0+ky*y0-w*t)),
and output Y determined by sensortype and position of sensor.
Member methods
tran(w, theta, kw)
Hw = a function of frequency only (not direction) size 1 x Nf
Gwt = a function of frequency and direction size Nt x Nf
w = vector of angular frequencies in Rad/sec. Length Nf
theta = vector of directions in radians Length Nt (default 0)
( theta = 0 -> positive x axis theta = pi/2 -> positive y axis)
Member variables
pos : [x,y,z], (default [0,0,0])
vector giving coordinate position relative to [x0 y0 z0]
sensortype = string
defining the sensortype or transfer function in output.
0, 'n' : Surface elevation (n=Eta) (default)
1, 'n_t' : Vertical surface velocity
2, 'n_tt' : Vertical surface acceleration
3, 'n_x' : Surface slope in x-direction
4, 'n_y' : Surface slope in y-direction
5, 'n_xx' : Surface curvature in x-direction
6, 'n_yy' : Surface curvature in y-direction
7, 'n_xy' : Surface curvature in xy-direction
8, 'P' : Pressure fluctuation about static MWL pressure
9, 'U' : Water particle velocity in x-direction
10, 'V' : Water particle velocity in y-direction
11, 'W' : Water particle velocity in z-direction
12, 'U_t' : Water particle acceleration in x-direction
13, 'V_t' : Water particle acceleration in y-direction
14, 'W_t' : Water particle acceleration in z-direction
15, 'X_p' : Water particle displacement in x-direction from mean pos.
16, 'Y_p' : Water particle displacement in y-direction from mean pos.
17, 'Z_p' : Water particle displacement in z-direction from mean pos.
h : real scalar
water depth (default inf)
g : real scalar
acceleration of gravity (default 9.81 m/s**2)
rho : real scalar
water density (default 1028 kg/m**3)
bet : 1 or -1 (default 1)
1, theta given in terms of directions toward which waves travel
-1, theta given in terms of directions from which waves come
igam : 1,2 or 3
1, if z is measured positive upward from mean water level (default)
2, if z is measured positive downward from mean water level
3, if z is measured positive upward from sea floor
thetax, thetay : real scalars
angle in degrees clockwise from true north to positive x-axis and
positive y-axis, respectively. (default theatx=90, thetay=0)
>>> import pylab as plt
>>> N=50; f0=0.1; th0=0; h=50; w0 = 2*pi*f0
>>> t = np.linspace(0,15,N)
>>> eta0 = np.exp(-1j*w0*t)
>>> stypes = ['n', 'n_x', 'n_y'];
>>> tf = TransferFunction(pos=(0, 0, 0), h=50)
>>> vals = []
>>> fh = plt.plot(t, eta0.real, 'r.')
>>> plt.hold(True)
>>> for i,stype in enumerate(stypes):
... tf.sensortype = stype
... Hw, Gwt = tf.tran(w0,th0)
... vals.append((Hw*Gwt*eta0).real.ravel())
fh = plt.plot(t, vals[i])
See also
dat2dspec, sensor_type, sensor_typeid
Young I.R. (1994)
"On the measurement of directional spectra",
Applied Ocean Research, Vol 16, pp 283-294
def __init__(self, pos=(0, 0, 0), sensortype='n', h=inf, g=9.81, rho=1028,
bet=1, igam=1, thetax=90, thetay=0):
self.pos = pos
self.sensortype = sensortype if isinstance(
sensortype, str) else sensor_type(sensortype)
self.h = h
self.g = g
self.rho = rho
| = bet
self.igam = igam
self.thetax = thetax
self.thetay = thetay
self._tran_dict = dict(n=self._n, n_t=self._n_t, n_tt=self._n_tt,
n_x=self._n_x, n_y=self._n_y, n_xx=self._n_xx,
n_yy=self._n_yy, n_xy=self._n_xy,
P=self._p, p=self._p,
U=self._u, u=self._u,
V=self._v, v=self._v,
W=self._w, w=self._w,
U_t=self._u_t, u_t=self._u_t,
V_t=self._v_t, v_t=self._v_t,
W_t=self._w_t, w_t=self._w_t,
X_p=self._x_p, x_p=self._x_p,
Y_p=self._y_p, y_p=self._y_p,
Z_p=self._z_p, z_p=self._z_p)
def tran(self, w, theta=0, kw=None):
Return transfer functions based on linear wave theory
of the system with input surface elevation,
eta(x0,y0,t) = exp(i*(kx*x0+ky*y0-w*t)),
and output,
Y = Hw*Gwt*eta, determined by sensortype and position of sensor.
w : array-like
vector of angular frequencies in Rad/sec. Length Nf
theta : array-like
vector of directions in radians Length Nt (default 0)
( theta = 0 -> positive x axis theta = pi/2 -> positive y axis)
kw : array-like
vector of wave numbers corresponding to angular frequencies, w.
Length Nf (default calculated with w2k)
Hw = transfer function of frequency only (not direction) size 1 x Nf
Gwt = transfer function of frequency and direction size Nt x Nf
The complete transfer function Hwt = Hw*Gwt is a function of
w (columns) and theta (rows) size Nt x Nf
if kw is None:
# wave number as function of angular frequency
kw, unusedkw2 = w2k(w, 0, self.h)
w, theta, kw = np.atleast_1d(w, theta, kw)
# make sure they have the correct orientation
theta.shape = (-1, 1)
kw.shape = (-1,)
w.shape = (-1,)
tran_fun = self._tran_dict[self.sensortype]
Hw, Gwt = tran_fun(w, theta, kw)
# New call to avoid singularities. pab 07.11.2000
# Set Hw to 0 for expressions w*hyperbolic_ratio(z*k,h*k,1,-1)= 0*inf
ind = np.flatnonzero(1 - np.isfinite(Hw))
Hw.flat[ind] = 0
sgn = np.sign(Hw)
k0 = np.flatnonzero(sgn < 0)
if len(k0): # make sure Hw>=0 ie. transfer negative signs to Gwt
Gwt[:, k0] = -Gwt[:, k0]
Hw[:, k0] = -Hw[:, k0]
if self.igam == 2:
# pab 09 Oct.2002: bug fix
# Changing igam by 2 should affect the directional result in the
# same way that changing eta by -eta!
Gwt = -Gwt
return Hw, Gwt
__call__ = tran
#---Private member methods
def _get_ee_cthxy(self, theta, kw):
# convert from angle in degrees to radians
bet =
thxr = self.thetax * pi / 180
thyr = self.thetay * pi / 180
cthx = bet * cos(theta - thxr + pi / 2)
#cthy = cos(theta-thyr-pi/2)
cthy = bet * sin(theta - thyr)
# Compute location complex exponential
x, y, unused_z = list(self.pos)
# exp(i*k(w)*(x*cos(theta)+y*sin(theta)) size Nt X Nf
ee = exp((1j * (x * cthx + y * cthy)) * kw)
return ee, cthx, cthy
def _get_zk(self, kw):
h = self.h
z = self.pos[2]
if self.igam == 1:
# z measured positive upward from mean water level (default)
zk = kw * (h + z)
elif self.igam == 2:
# z measured positive downward from mean water level
zk = kw * (h - z)
zk = kw * z # z measured positive upward from sea floor
return zk
#--- Surface elevation ---
def _n(self, w, theta, kw):
'''n = Eta = wave profile
ee, unused_cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return np.ones_like(w), ee
#---- Vertical surface velocity and acceleration-----
def _n_t(self, w, theta, kw):
''' n_t = Eta_t '''
ee, unused_cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return w, -1j * ee
def _n_tt(self, w, theta, kw):
'''n_tt = Eta_tt'''
ee, unused_cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return w ** 2, -ee
#--- Surface slopes ---
def _n_x(self, w, theta, kw):
''' n_x = Eta_x = x-slope'''
ee, cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return kw, 1j * cthx * ee
def _n_y(self, w, theta, kw):
''' n_y = Eta_y = y-slope'''
ee, unused_cthx, cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return kw, 1j * cthy * ee
#--- Surface curvatures ---
def _n_xx(self, w, theta, kw):
''' n_xx = Eta_xx = Surface curvature (x-dir)'''
ee, cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return kw ** 2, -(cthx ** 2) * ee
def _n_yy(self, w, theta, kw):
''' n_yy = Eta_yy = Surface curvature (y-dir)'''
ee, unused_cthx, cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return kw ** 2, -cthy ** 2 * ee
def _n_xy(self, w, theta, kw):
''' n_xy = Eta_xy = Surface curvature (xy-dir)'''
ee, cthx, cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
return kw ** 2, -cthx * cthy * ee
#--- Pressure---
def _p(self, w, theta, kw):
''' pressure fluctuations'''
ee, unused_cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# hyperbolic_ratio = cosh(zk)/cosh(hk)
return self.rho * self.g * hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, 1), ee
#---- Water particle velocities ---
def _u(self, w, theta, kw):
''' U = x-velocity'''
ee, cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# w*cosh(zk)/sinh(hk), cos(theta)*ee
return w * hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, -1), cthx * ee
def _v(self, w, theta, kw):
'''V = y-velocity'''
ee, unused_cthx, cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# w*cosh(zk)/sinh(hk), sin(theta)*ee
return w * hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, -1), cthy * ee
def _w(self, w, theta, kw):
''' W = z-velocity'''
ee, unused_cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# w*sinh(zk)/sinh(hk), -?
return w * hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, -1, -1), -1j * ee
#---- Water particle acceleration ---
def _u_t(self, w, theta, kw):
''' U_t = x-acceleration'''
ee, cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# w^2*cosh(zk)/sinh(hk), ?
return (w ** 2) * hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, -1), -1j * cthx * ee
def _v_t(self, w, theta, kw):
''' V_t = y-acceleration'''
ee, unused_cthx, cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# w^2*cosh(zk)/sinh(hk), ?
return (w ** 2) * hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, -1), -1j * cthy * ee
def _w_t(self, w, theta, kw):
''' W_t = z-acceleration'''
ee, unused_cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# w*sinh(zk)/sinh(hk), ?
return (w ** 2) * hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, -1, -1), -ee
#---- Water particle displacement ---
def _x_p(self, w, theta, kw):
''' X_p = x-displacement'''
ee, cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# cosh(zk)./sinh(hk), ?
return hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, -1), 1j * cthx * ee
def _y_p(self, w, theta, kw):
''' Y_p = y-displacement'''
ee, unused_cthx, cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
# cosh(zk)./sinh(hk), ?
return hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, -1), 1j * cthy * ee
def _z_p(self, w, theta, kw):
''' Z_p = z-displacement'''
ee, unused_cthx, unused_cthy = self._get_ee_cthxy(theta, kw)
hk = kw * self.h
zk = self._get_zk(kw)
return hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, -1, -1), ee # sinh(zk)./sinh(hk), ee
# def wave_pressure(z, Hm0, h=10000, g=9.81, rho=1028):
# '''
# Calculate pressure amplitude due to water waves.
# Parameters
# ----------
# z : array-like
# depth where pressure is calculated [m]
# Hm0 : array-like
# significant wave height (same as the average of the 1/3'rd highest
# waves in a seastate. [m]
# h : real scalar
# waterdepth (default 10000 [m])
# g : real scalar
# acceleration of gravity (default 9.81 m/s**2)
# rho : real scalar
# water density (default 1028 kg/m**3)
# Returns
# -------
# p : ndarray
# pressure amplitude due to water waves at water depth z. [Pa]
# PRESSURE calculate pressure amplitude due to water waves according to
# linear theory.
# Example
# -----
# >>> import pylab as plt
# >>> z = -np.linspace(10,20)
# >>> fh = plt.plot(z, wave_pressure(z, Hm0=1, h=20))
# >>>
# See also
# --------
# w2k
# u = psweep.Fn*sqrt(mgf.length*9.81)
# z = -10; h = inf;
# Hm0 = 1.5;Tp = 4*sqrt(Hm0);
# S = jonswap([],[Hm0,Tp]);
# Hw = tran(S.w,0,[0 0 -z],'P',h)
# Sm = S;
# Sm.S = Hw.'.*S.S;
# x1 = spec2sdat(Sm,1000);
# pwave = pressure(z,Hm0,h)
# plot(psweep.x{1}/u, psweep.f)
# hold on
# plot(x1(1:100,1)-30,x1(1:100,2),'r')
# '''
# Assume seastate with jonswap spectrum:
# Tp = 4 * np.sqrt(Hm0)
# gam = jonswap_peakfact(Hm0, Tp)
# Tm02 = Tp / (1.30301 - 0.01698 * gam + 0.12102 / gam)
# w = 2 * np.pi / Tm02
# kw, unused_kw2 = w2k(w, 0, h)
# hk = kw * h
# zk1 = kw * z
# zk = hk + zk1 # z measured positive upward from mean water level (default)
# zk = hk-zk1; % z measured positive downward from mean water level
# zk1 = -zk1;
# zk = zk1; % z measured positive upward from sea floor
# cosh(zk)/cosh(hk) approx exp(zk) for large h
# hyperbolic_ratio(zk,hk,1,1) = cosh(zk)/cosh(hk)
# pr = np.where(np.pi < hk, np.exp(zk1), hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, 1))
# pr = hyperbolic_ratio(zk, hk, 1, 1)
# pressure = (rho * g * Hm0 / 2) * pr
## pos = [np.zeros_like(z),np.zeros_like(z),z]
## tf = TransferFunction(pos=pos, sensortype='p', h=h, rho=rho, g=g)
## Hw, Gwt = tf.tran(w,0)
## pressure2 = np.abs(Hw) * Hm0 / 2
# return pressure
def test_docstrings():
import doctest
print('Testing docstrings in %s' % __file__)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':