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11 years ago
from __future__ import division
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, sqrt, ones, zeros # @UnresolvedImport
from scipy import integrate as intg
import scipy.special.orthogonal as ort
from scipy import special as sp
from wafo.plotbackend import plotbackend as plt
10 years ago
from scipy.integrate import simps, trapz
11 years ago
from wafo.demos import humps
10 years ago
from pychebfun import Chebfun
11 years ago
10 years ago
_EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
11 years ago
__all__ = ['dea3', 'clencurt', 'romberg',
'h_roots', 'j_roots', 'la_roots', 'p_roots', 'qrule',
'gaussq', 'richardson', 'quadgr', 'qdemo']
def dea3(v0, v1, v2):
Extrapolate a slowly convergent sequence
v0,v1,v2 : array-like
3 values of a convergent sequence to extrapolate
result : array-like
extrapolated value
abserr : array-like
absolute error estimate
DEA3 attempts to extrapolate nonlinearly to a better estimate
of the sequence's limiting value, thus improving the rate of
convergence. The routine is based on the epsilon algorithm of
P. Wynn, see [1]_.
# integrate sin(x) from 0 to pi/2
>>> import numpy as np
>>> Ei= np.zeros(3)
>>> linfun = lambda k : np.linspace(0, np.pi/2., 2.**(k+5)+1)
>>> for k in np.arange(3):
... x = linfun(k)
... Ei[k] = np.trapz(np.sin(x),x)
>>> En, err = dea3(Ei[0],Ei[1],Ei[2])
>>> En, err
(array([ 1.]), array([ 0.0002008]))
>>> TrueErr = Ei-1.
>>> TrueErr
array([ -2.0080568e-04, -5.0199908e-05, -1.2549882e-05])
See also
.. [1] C. Brezinski (1977)
"Acceleration de la convergence en analyse numerique",
"Lecture Notes in Math.", vol. 584,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1977.
E0, E1, E2 = np.atleast_1d(v0, v1, v2)
abs = np.abs # @ReservedAssignment
max = np.maximum # @ReservedAssignment
10 years ago
delta2, delta1 = E2 - E1, E1 - E0
err2, err1 = abs(delta2), abs(delta1)
tol2, tol1 = max(abs(E2), abs(E1)) * _EPS, max(abs(E1), abs(E0)) * _EPS
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # ignore division by zero and overflow
ss = 1.0 / delta2 - 1.0 / delta1
smalle2 = (abs(ss * E1) <= 1.0e-3).ravel()
result = 1.0 * E2
10 years ago
abserr = err1 + err2 + abs(E2) * _EPS * 10.0
10 years ago
converged = (err1 <= tol1) & (err2 <= tol2).ravel() | smalle2
k4, = (1 - converged).nonzero()
if k4.size > 0:
result[k4] = E1[k4] + 1.0 / ss[k4]
abserr[k4] = err1[k4] + err2[k4] + abs(result[k4] - E2[k4])
11 years ago
return result, abserr
10 years ago
def clencurt(fun, a, b, n0=5, trace=False, args=()):
11 years ago
Numerical evaluation of an integral, Clenshaw-Curtis method.
fun : callable
a, b : array-like
Lower and upper integration limit, respectively.
n : integer
defines number of evaluation points (default 5)
Q = evaluated integral
tol = Estimate of the approximation error
CLENCURT approximates the integral of f(x) from a to b
using an 2*n+1 points Clenshaw-Curtis formula.
The error estimate is usually a conservative estimate of the
approximation error.
The integral is exact for polynomials of degree 2*n or less.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> val,err = clencurt(np.exp,0,2)
>>> abs(val-np.expm1(2))< err, err<1e-10
(array([ True], dtype=bool), array([ True], dtype=bool))
See also
[1] Goodwin, E.T. (1961),
"Modern Computing Methods",
2nd edition, New yourk: Philosophical Library, pp. 78--79
[2] Clenshaw, C.W. and Curtis, A.R. (1960),
Numerische Matematik, Vol. 2, pp. 197--205
10 years ago
# make sure n is even
11 years ago
n = 2 * n0
a, b = np.atleast_1d(a, b)
a_shape = a.shape
af = a.ravel()
bf = b.ravel()
Na =
s = np.r_[0:n + 1]
s2 = np.r_[0:n + 1:2]
s2.shape = (-1, 1)
x1 = np.cos(np.pi * s / n)
x1.shape = (-1, 1)
x = x1 * (bf - af) / 2. + (bf + af) / 2
if hasattr(fun, '__call__'):
f = fun(x)
x0 = np.flipud(fun[:, 0])
n = len(x0) - 1
if abs(x - x0) > 1e-8:
raise ValueError(
'Input vector x must equal cos(pi*s/n)*(b-a)/2+(b+a)/2')
f = np.flipud(fun[:, 1::])
if trace:
plt.plot(x, f, '+')
# using a Gauss-Lobatto variant, i.e., first and last
# term f(a) and f(b) is multiplied with 0.5
f[0, :] = f[0, :] / 2
f[n, :] = f[n, :] / 2
# % x = cos(pi*0:n/n)
# % f = f(x)
# %
# % N+1
# % c(k) = (2/N) sum f''(n)*cos(pi*(2*k-2)*(n-1)/N), 1 <= k <= N/2+1.
# % n=1
fft = np.fft.fft
tmp = np.real(fft(f[:n, :], axis=0))
c = 2 / n * (tmp[0:n / 2 + 1, :] + np.cos(np.pi * s2) * f[n, :])
# % old call
# % c = 2/n * cos(s2*s'*pi/n) * f
c[0, :] = c[0, :] / 2
c[n / 2, :] = c[n / 2, :] / 2
# % alternative call
# % c = dct(f)
c = c[0:n / 2 + 1, :] / ((s2 - 1) * (s2 + 1))
Q = (af - bf) * np.sum(c, axis=0)
# Q = (a-b).*sum( c(1:n/2+1,:)./repmat((s2-1).*(s2+1),1,Na))
abserr = (bf - af) * np.abs(c[n / 2, :])
if Na > 1:
abserr = np.reshape(abserr, a_shape)
Q = np.reshape(Q, a_shape)
return Q, abserr
def romberg(fun, a, b, releps=1e-3, abseps=1e-3):
Numerical integration with the Romberg method
fun : callable
function to integrate
a, b : real scalars
lower and upper integration limits, respectively.
releps, abseps : scalar, optional
requested relative and absolute error, respectively.
Q : scalar
value of integral
abserr : scalar
estimated absolute error of integral
ROMBERG approximates the integral of F(X) from A to B
using Romberg's method of integration. The function F
must return a vector of output values if a vector of input values is given.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> [q,err] = romberg(np.sqrt,0,10,0,1e-4)
>>> q,err
(array([ 21.0818511]), array([ 6.6163547e-05]))
h = b - a
hMin = 1.0e-9
# Max size of extrapolation table
tableLimit = max(min(np.round(np.log2(h / hMin)), 30), 3)
rom = zeros((2, tableLimit))
rom[0, 0] = h * (fun(a) + fun(b)) / 2
ipower = 1
fp = ones(tableLimit) * 4
10 years ago
# Ih1 = 0
11 years ago
Ih2 = 0.
Ih4 = rom[0, 0]
abserr = Ih4
10 years ago
# epstab = zeros(1,decdigs+7)
# newflg = 1
# [res,abserr,epstab,newflg] = dea(newflg,Ih4,abserr,epstab)
11 years ago
two = 1
one = 0
for i in xrange(1, tableLimit):
h *= 0.5
Un5 = np.sum(fun(a + np.arange(1, 2 * ipower, 2) * h)) * h
# trapezoidal approximations
# T2n = 0.5 * (Tn + Un) = 0.5*Tn + Un5
rom[two, 0] = 0.5 * rom[one, 0] + Un5
fp[i] = 4 * fp[i - 1]
# Richardson extrapolation
for k in xrange(i):
rom[two, k + 1] = rom[two, k] + \
(rom[two, k] - rom[one, k]) / (fp[k] - 1)
Ih1 = Ih2
Ih2 = Ih4
Ih4 = rom[two, i]
if (2 <= i):
10 years ago
res, abserr = dea3(Ih1, Ih2, Ih4)
11 years ago
# Ih4 = res
if (abserr <= max(abseps, releps * abs(res))):
# rom(1,1:i) = rom(2,1:i)
two = one
one = (one + 1) % 2
ipower *= 2
return res, abserr
def h_roots(n, method='newton'):
Returns the roots (x) of the nth order Hermite polynomial,
H_n(x), and weights (w) to use in Gaussian Quadrature over
[-inf,inf] with weighting function exp(-x**2).
n : integer
number of roots
method : 'newton' or 'eigenvalue'
uses Newton Raphson to find zeros of the Hermite polynomial (Fast)
or eigenvalue of the jacobi matrix (Slow) to obtain the nodes and
weights, respectively.
x : ndarray
w : ndarray
>>> import numpy as np
>>> [x,w] = h_roots(10)
>>> np.sum(x*w)
See also
qrule, gaussq
[1] Golub, G. H. and Welsch, J. H. (1969)
'Calculation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules'
Mathematics of Computation, vol 23,page 221-230,
[2]. Stroud and Secrest (1966), 'gaussian quadrature formulas',
prentice-hall, Englewood cliffs, n.j.
if not method.startswith('n'):
return ort.h_roots(n)
sqrt = np.sqrt
max_iter = 10
releps = 3e-14
C = [9.084064e-01, 5.214976e-02, 2.579930e-03, 3.986126e-03]
# PIM4=0.7511255444649425
PIM4 = np.pi ** (-1. / 4)
# The roots are symmetric about the origin, so we have to
# find only half of them.
m = int(np.fix((n + 1) / 2))
# Initial approximations to the roots go into z.
anu = 2.0 * n + 1
rhs = np.arange(3, 4 * m, 4) * np.pi / anu
r3 = rhs ** (1. / 3)
r2 = r3 ** 2
theta = r3 * (C[0] + r2 * (C[1] + r2 * (C[2] + r2 * C[3])))
z = sqrt(anu) * np.cos(theta)
L = zeros((3, len(z)))
k0 = 0
kp1 = 1
for _its in xrange(max_iter):
# Newtons method carried out simultaneously on the roots.
L[k0, :] = 0
L[kp1, :] = PIM4
for j in xrange(1, n + 1):
10 years ago
# Loop up the recurrence relation to get the Hermite
# polynomials evaluated at z.
11 years ago
km1 = k0
k0 = kp1
kp1 = np.mod(kp1 + 1, 3)
L[kp1, :] = (z * sqrt(2 / j) * L[k0, :] -
np.sqrt((j - 1) / j) * L[km1, :])
# L now contains the desired Hermite polynomials.
# We next compute pp, the derivatives,
# by the relation (4.5.21) using p2, the polynomials
# of one lower order.
pp = sqrt(2 * n) * L[k0, :]
dz = L[kp1, :] / pp
z = z - dz # Newtons formula.
if not np.any(abs(dz) > releps):
warnings.warn('too many iterations!')
x = np.empty(n)
w = np.empty(n)
x[0:m] = z # Store the root
x[n - 1:n - m - 1:-1] = -z # and its symmetric counterpart.
w[0:m] = 2. / pp ** 2 # Compute the weight
w[n - 1:n - m - 1:-1] = w[0:m] # and its symmetric counterpart.
return x, w
def j_roots(n, alpha, beta, method='newton'):
Returns the roots of the nth order Jacobi polynomial, P^(alpha,beta)_n(x)
and weights (w) to use in Gaussian Quadrature over [-1,1] with weighting
function (1-x)**alpha (1+x)**beta with alpha,beta > -1.
n : integer
number of roots
alpha,beta : scalars
defining shape of Jacobi polynomial
method : 'newton' or 'eigenvalue'
uses Newton Raphson to find zeros of the Hermite polynomial (Fast)
or eigenvalue of the jacobi matrix (Slow) to obtain the nodes and
weights, respectively.
x : ndarray
w : ndarray
>>> [x,w]= j_roots(10,0,0)
>>> sum(x*w)
See also
qrule, gaussq
[1] Golub, G. H. and Welsch, J. H. (1969)
'Calculation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules'
Mathematics of Computation, vol 23,page 221-230,
[2]. Stroud and Secrest (1966), 'gaussian quadrature formulas',
prentice-hall, Englewood cliffs, n.j.
if not method.startswith('n'):
[x, w] = ort.j_roots(n, alpha, beta)
max_iter = 10
releps = 3e-14
# Initial approximations to the roots go into z.
alfbet = alpha + beta
z = np.cos(np.pi * (np.arange(1, n + 1) - 0.25 + 0.5 * alpha) /
(n + 0.5 * (alfbet + 1)))
L = zeros((3, len(z)))
k0 = 0
kp1 = 1
for _its in xrange(max_iter):
# Newton's method carried out simultaneously on the roots.
tmp = 2 + alfbet
L[k0, :] = 1
L[kp1, :] = (alpha - beta + tmp * z) / 2
for j in xrange(2, n + 1):
# Loop up the recurrence relation to get the Jacobi
# polynomials evaluated at z.
km1 = k0
k0 = kp1
kp1 = np.mod(kp1 + 1, 3)
a = 2. * j * (j + alfbet) * tmp
tmp = tmp + 2
c = 2 * (j - 1 + alpha) * (j - 1 + beta) * tmp
b = (tmp - 1) * (alpha ** 2 - beta ** 2 + tmp * (tmp - 2) * z)
L[kp1, :] = (b * L[k0, :] - c * L[km1, :]) / a
# L now contains the desired Jacobi polynomials.
# We next compute pp, the derivatives with a standard
# relation involving the polynomials of one lower order.
10 years ago
pp = ((n * (alpha - beta - tmp * z) * L[kp1, :] +
2 * (n + alpha) * (n + beta) * L[k0, :]) /
(tmp * (1 - z ** 2)))
11 years ago
dz = L[kp1, :] / pp
z = z - dz # Newton's formula.
if not any(abs(dz) > releps * abs(z)):
warnings.warn('too many iterations in jrule')
x = z # %Store the root and the weight.
f = (sp.gammaln(alpha + n) + sp.gammaln(beta + n) -
sp.gammaln(n + 1) - sp.gammaln(alpha + beta + n + 1))
w = (np.exp(f) * tmp * 2 ** alfbet / (pp * L[k0, :]))
return x, w
def la_roots(n, alpha=0, method='newton'):
Returns the roots (x) of the nth order generalized (associated) Laguerre
polynomial, L^(alpha)_n(x), and weights (w) to use in Gaussian quadrature
over [0,inf] with weighting function exp(-x) x**alpha with alpha > -1.
n : integer
number of roots
method : 'newton' or 'eigenvalue'
uses Newton Raphson to find zeros of the Laguerre polynomial (Fast)
or eigenvalue of the jacobi matrix (Slow) to obtain the nodes and
weights, respectively.
x : ndarray
w : ndarray
>>> import numpy as np
>>> [x,w] = h_roots(10)
>>> np.sum(x*w)
See also
qrule, gaussq
[1] Golub, G. H. and Welsch, J. H. (1969)
'Calculation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules'
Mathematics of Computation, vol 23,page 221-230,
[2]. Stroud and Secrest (1966), 'gaussian quadrature formulas',
prentice-hall, Englewood cliffs, n.j.
if alpha <= -1:
raise ValueError('alpha must be greater than -1')
if not method.startswith('n'):
return ort.la_roots(n, alpha)
max_iter = 10
releps = 3e-14
C = [9.084064e-01, 5.214976e-02, 2.579930e-03, 3.986126e-03]
# Initial approximations to the roots go into z.
anu = 4.0 * n + 2.0 * alpha + 2.0
rhs = np.arange(4 * n - 1, 2, -4) * np.pi / anu
r3 = rhs ** (1. / 3)
r2 = r3 ** 2
theta = r3 * (C[0] + r2 * (C[1] + r2 * (C[2] + r2 * C[3])))
z = anu * np.cos(theta) ** 2
dz = zeros(len(z))
L = zeros((3, len(z)))
Lp = zeros((1, len(z)))
pp = zeros((1, len(z)))
k0 = 0
kp1 = 1
k = slice(len(z))
for _its in xrange(max_iter):
10 years ago
# Newton's method carried out simultaneously on the roots.
11 years ago
L[k0, k] = 0.
L[kp1, k] = 1.
for jj in xrange(1, n + 1):
# Loop up the recurrence relation to get the Laguerre
# polynomials evaluated at z.
km1 = k0
k0 = kp1
kp1 = np.mod(kp1 + 1, 3)
L[kp1, k] = ((2 * jj - 1 + alpha - z[k]) * L[
k0, k] - (jj - 1 + alpha) * L[km1, k]) / jj
# end
10 years ago
# L now contains the desired Laguerre polynomials.
# We next compute pp, the derivatives with a standard
# relation involving the polynomials of one lower order.
11 years ago
Lp[k] = L[k0, k]
pp[k] = (n * L[kp1, k] - (n + alpha) * Lp[k]) / z[k]
dz[k] = L[kp1, k] / pp[k]
z[k] = z[k] - dz[k] # % Newton?s formula.
10 years ago
# k = find((abs(dz) > releps.*z))
11 years ago
if not np.any(abs(dz) > releps):
warnings.warn('too many iterations!')
x = z
w = -np.exp(sp.gammaln(alpha + n) - sp.gammaln(n)) / (pp * n * Lp)
return x, w
def p_roots(n, method='newton', a=-1, b=1):
Returns the roots (x) of the nth order Legendre polynomial, P_n(x),
and weights (w) to use in Gaussian Quadrature over [-1,1] with weighting
function 1.
n : integer
number of roots
method : 'newton' or 'eigenvalue'
uses Newton Raphson to find zeros of the Hermite polynomial (Fast)
or eigenvalue of the jacobi matrix (Slow) to obtain the nodes and
weights, respectively.
x : ndarray
w : ndarray
Integral of exp(x) from a = 0 to b = 3 is: exp(3)-exp(0)=
>>> import numpy as np
>>> [x,w] = p_roots(11,a=0,b=3)
>>> np.sum(np.exp(x)*w)
See also
[1] Davis and Rabinowitz (1975) 'Methods of Numerical Integration',
page 365, Academic Press.
[2] Golub, G. H. and Welsch, J. H. (1969)
'Calculation of Gaussian Quadrature Rules'
Mathematics of Computation, vol 23,page 221-230,
[3] Stroud and Secrest (1966), 'gaussian quadrature formulas',
prentice-hall, Englewood cliffs, n.j.
if not method.startswith('n'):
x, w = ort.p_roots(n)
m = int(np.fix((n + 1) / 2))
mm = 4 * m - 1
t = (np.pi / (4 * n + 2)) * np.arange(3, mm + 1, 4)
nn = (1 - (1 - 1 / n) / (8 * n * n))
xo = nn * np.cos(t)
if method.endswith('1'):
# Compute the zeros of the N+1 Legendre Polynomial
# using the recursion relation and the Newton-Raphson method
# Legendre-Gauss Polynomials
L = zeros((3, m))
# Derivative of LGP
Lp = zeros((m,))
dx = zeros((m,))
releps = 1e-15
max_iter = 100
# Compute the zeros of the N+1 Legendre Polynomial
# using the recursion relation and the Newton-Raphson method
# Iterate until new points are uniformly within epsilon of old
# points
k = slice(m)
k0 = 0
kp1 = 1
for _ix in xrange(max_iter):
L[k0, k] = 1
L[kp1, k] = xo[k]
for jj in xrange(2, n + 1):
km1 = k0
k0 = kp1
kp1 = np.mod(k0 + 1, 3)
L[kp1, k] = ((2 * jj - 1) * xo[k] * L[
k0, k] - (jj - 1) * L[km1, k]) / jj
Lp[k] = n * (L[k0, k] - xo[k] * L[kp1, k]) / (1 - xo[k] ** 2)
dx[k] = L[kp1, k] / Lp[k]
xo[k] = xo[k] - dx[k]
k, = np.nonzero((abs(dx) > releps * np.abs(xo)))
if len(k) == 0:
warnings.warn('Too many iterations!')
x = -xo
w = 2. / ((1 - x ** 2) * (Lp ** 2))
# Algorithm given by Davis and Rabinowitz in 'Methods
# of Numerical Integration', page 365, Academic Press, 1975.
e1 = n * (n + 1)
for _j in xrange(2):
pkm1 = 1
pk = xo
for k in xrange(2, n + 1):
t1 = xo * pk
pkp1 = t1 - pkm1 - (t1 - pkm1) / k + t1
pkm1 = pk
pk = pkp1
den = 1. - xo * xo
d1 = n * (pkm1 - xo * pk)
dpn = d1 / den
d2pn = (2. * xo * dpn - e1 * pk) / den
d3pn = (4. * xo * d2pn + (2 - e1) * dpn) / den
d4pn = (6. * xo * d3pn + (6 - e1) * d2pn) / den
u = pk / dpn
v = d2pn / dpn
h = (-u * (1 + (.5 * u) * (v + u *
(v * v - u * d3pn / (3 * dpn)))))
p = (pk + h * (dpn + (.5 * h) * (d2pn + (h / 3) *
(d3pn + .25 * h * d4pn))))
dp = dpn + h * (d2pn + (.5 * h) * (d3pn + h * d4pn / 3))
h = h - p / dp
xo = xo + h
x = -xo - h
fx = (d1 - h * e1 * (pk + (h / 2) *
(dpn + (h / 3) * (d2pn + (h / 4) *
(d3pn + (.2 * h) * d4pn)))))
w = 2 * (1 - x ** 2) / (fx ** 2)
if (m + m) > n:
x[m - 1] = 0.0
if not ((m + m) == n):
m = m - 1
x = np.hstack((x, -x[m - 1::-1]))
w = np.hstack((w, w[m - 1::-1]))
if (a != -1) | (b != 1):
# Linear map from[-1,1] to [a,b]
dh = (b - a) / 2
x = dh * (x + 1) + a
w = w * dh
return x, w
def qrule(n, wfun=1, alpha=0, beta=0):
Return nodes and weights for Gaussian quadratures.
n : integer
number of base points
wfun : integer
defining the weight function, p(x). (default wfun = 1)
11 years ago
1,11,21: p(x) = 1 a =-1, b = 1 Gauss-Legendre
2,12 : p(x) = exp(-x^2) a =-inf, b = inf Hermite
3,13 : p(x) = x^alpha*exp(-x) a = 0, b = inf Laguerre
4,14 : p(x) = (x-a)^alpha*(b-x)^beta a =-1, b = 1 Jacobi
5 : p(x) = 1/sqrt((x-a)*(b-x)), a =-1, b = 1 Chebyshev 1'st kind
6 : p(x) = sqrt((x-a)*(b-x)), a =-1, b = 1 Chebyshev 2'nd kind
7 : p(x) = sqrt((x-a)/(b-x)), a = 0, b = 1
8 : p(x) = 1/sqrt(b-x), a = 0, b = 1
9 : p(x) = sqrt(b-x), a = 0, b = 1
11 years ago
bp = base points (abscissas)
wf = weight factors
The Gaussian Quadrature integrates a (2n-1)th order
polynomial exactly and the integral is of the form
b n
Int ( p(x)* F(x) ) dx = Sum ( wf_j* F( bp_j ) )
a j=1
where p(x) is the weight function.
For Jacobi and Laguerre: alpha, beta >-1 (default alpha=beta=0)
>>> [bp,wf] = qrule(10)
>>> sum(bp**2*wf) # integral of x^2 from a = -1 to b = 1
>>> [bp,wf] = qrule(10,2)
>>> sum(bp**2*wf) # integral of exp(-x.^2)*x.^2 from a = -inf to b = inf
>>> [bp,wf] = qrule(10,4,1,2)
>>> (bp*wf).sum() # integral of (x+1)*(1-x)^2 from a = -1 to b = 1
See also
Abromowitz and Stegun (1954)
(for method 5 to 9)
if (alpha <= -1) | (beta <= -1):
raise ValueError('alpha and beta must be greater than -1')
if wfun == 1: # Gauss-Legendre
[bp, wf] = p_roots(n)
elif wfun == 2: # Hermite
[bp, wf] = h_roots(n)
elif wfun == 3: # Generalized Laguerre
[bp, wf] = la_roots(n, alpha)
elif wfun == 4: # Gauss-Jacobi
[bp, wf] = j_roots(n, alpha, beta)
elif wfun == 5: # p(x)=1/sqrt((x-a)*(b-x)), a=-1 and b=1 (default)
jj = np.arange(1, n + 1)
wf = ones(n) * np.pi / n
bp = np.cos((2 * jj - 1) * np.pi / (2 * n))
elif wfun == 6: # p(x)=sqrt((x-a)*(b-x)), a=-1 and b=1
jj = np.arange(1, n + 1)
xj = jj * np.pi / (n + 1)
wf = np.pi / (n + 1) * np.sin(xj) ** 2
bp = np.cos(xj)
elif wfun == 7: # p(x)=sqrt((x-a)/(b-x)), a=0 and b=1
jj = np.arange(1, n + 1)
xj = (jj - 0.5) * pi / (2 * n + 1)
bp = np.cos(xj) ** 2
wf = 2 * np.pi * bp / (2 * n + 1)
elif wfun == 8: # p(x)=1/sqrt(b-x), a=0 and b=1
[bp1, wf1] = p_roots(2 * n)
k, = np.where(0 <= bp1)
wf = 2 * wf1[k]
bp = 1 - bp1[k] ** 2
elif wfun == 9: # p(x)=np.sqrt(b-x), a=0 and b=1
[bp1, wf1] = p_roots(2 * n + 1)
k, = np.where(0 < bp1)
wf = 2 * bp1[k] ** 2 * wf1[k]
bp = 1 - bp1[k] ** 2
raise ValueError('unknown weight function')
return bp, wf
10 years ago
class _Gaussq(object):
11 years ago
Numerically evaluate integral, Gauss quadrature.
fun : callable
a,b : array-like
lower and upper integration limits, respectively.
10 years ago
releps, abseps : real scalars, optional
11 years ago
relative and absolute tolerance, respectively.
10 years ago
(default releps=abseps=1e-3).
11 years ago
wfun : scalar integer, optional
defining the weight function, p(x). (default wfun = 1)
1 : p(x) = 1 a =-1, b = 1 Gauss-Legendre
2 : p(x) = exp(-x^2) a =-inf, b = inf Hermite
3 : p(x) = x^alpha*exp(-x) a = 0, b = inf Laguerre
4 : p(x) = (x-a)^alpha*(b-x)^beta a =-1, b = 1 Jacobi
5 : p(x) = 1/sqrt((x-a)*(b-x)), a =-1, b = 1 Chebyshev 1'st kind
6 : p(x) = sqrt((x-a)*(b-x)), a =-1, b = 1 Chebyshev 2'nd kind
7 : p(x) = sqrt((x-a)/(b-x)), a = 0, b = 1
8 : p(x) = 1/sqrt(b-x), a = 0, b = 1
9 : p(x) = sqrt(b-x), a = 0, b = 1
trace : bool, optional
If non-zero a point plot of the integrand (default False).
gn : scalar integer
number of base points to start the integration with (default 2).
alpha, beta : real scalars, optional
Shape parameters of Laguerre or Jacobi weight function
(alpha,beta>-1) (default alpha=beta=0)
val : ndarray
evaluated integral
err : ndarray
error estimate, absolute tolerance abs(int-intold)
GAUSSQ numerically evaluate integral using a Gauss quadrature.
The Quadrature integrates a (2m-1)th order polynomial exactly and the
integral is of the form
Int (p(x)* Fun(x)) dx
GAUSSQ is vectorized to accept integration limits A, B and
coefficients P1,P2,...Pn, as matrices or scalars and the
result is the common size of A, B and P1,P2,...,Pn.
integration of x**2 from 0 to 2 and from 1 to 4
>>> from scitools import numpyutils as npt
>>> A = [0, 1]; B = [2,4]
>>> fun = npt.wrap2callable('x**2')
>>> [val1,err1] = gaussq(fun,A,B)
>>> val1
array([ 2.6666667, 21. ])
>>> err1
array([ 1.7763568e-15, 1.0658141e-14])
Integration of x^2*exp(-x) from zero to infinity:
>>> fun2 = npt.wrap2callable('1')
>>> val2, err2 = gaussq(fun2, 0, npt.inf, wfun=3, alpha=2)
>>> val3, err3 = gaussq(lambda x: x**2,0, npt.inf, wfun=3, alpha=0)
>>> val2, err2
(array([ 2.]), array([ 6.6613381e-15]))
>>> val3, err3
(array([ 2.]), array([ 1.7763568e-15]))
Integrate humps from 0 to 2 and from 1 to 4
>>> val4, err4 = gaussq(humps,A,B)
See also
10 years ago
def _get_dx(self, wfun, jacob, alpha, beta):
if wfun in [1, 2, 3, 7]:
dx = jacob
elif wfun == 4:
dx = jacob ** (alpha + beta + 1)
elif wfun == 5:
dx = ones((np.size(jacob), 1))
elif wfun == 6:
dx = jacob ** 2
elif wfun == 8:
dx = sqrt(jacob)
elif wfun == 9:
dx = sqrt(jacob) ** 3
11 years ago
10 years ago
raise ValueError('unknown option')
return dx.ravel()
def _points_and_weights(self, gn, wfun, alpha, beta):
name = 'wfun%d_%d_%g_%g' % (wfun, gn, alpha, beta)
x_and_w = _POINTS_AND_WEIGHTS.setdefault(name, [])
if len(x_and_w) == 0:
x_and_w.extend(qrule(gn, wfun, alpha, beta))
xn, w = x_and_w
return xn, w
def _initialize_trace(self, max_iter):
if self.trace:
self.x_trace = [0] * max_iter
self.y_trace = [0] * max_iter
def _plot_trace(self, x, y):
if self.trace:
11 years ago
hfig = plt.plot(x, y, 'r.')
plt.setp(hfig, 'color', 'b')
10 years ago
def _plot_final_trace(self):
if self.trace > 0:
plt.plot(np.hstack(self.x_trace), np.hstack(self.y_trace), '+')
def _get_jacob(self, wfun, A, B):
if wfun in [2, 3]:
nk = np.size(A)
jacob = ones((nk, 1))
11 years ago
10 years ago
jacob = (B - A) * 0.5
if wfun in [7, 8, 9]:
jacob = jacob * 2
return jacob
11 years ago
10 years ago
def _warn(self, k, a_shape):
nk = len(k)
11 years ago
if nk > 1:
if (nk ==
tmptxt = 'All integrals did not converge'
10 years ago
tmptxt = '%d integrals did not converge' % (nk, )
tmptxt = tmptxt + '--singularities likely!'
11 years ago
tmptxt = 'Integral did not converge--singularity likely!'
10 years ago
def _initialize(self, wfun, a, b, args):
args = np.broadcast_arrays(*np.atleast_1d(a, b, *args))
a_shape = args[0].shape
args = map(lambda x: np.reshape(x, (-1, 1)), args)
A, B = args[:2]
args = args[2:]
if wfun in [2, 3]:
A = zeros((A.size, 1))
return A, B, args, a_shape
def __call__(self, fun, a, b, releps=1e-3, abseps=1e-3, alpha=0, beta=0,
wfun=1, trace=False, args=(), max_iter=11):
self.trace = trace
gn = 2
A, B, args, a_shape = self._initialize(wfun, a, b, args)
jacob = self._get_jacob(wfun, A, B)
shift = int(wfun in [1, 4, 5, 6])
dx = self._get_dx(wfun, jacob, alpha, beta)
# Break out of the iteration loop for three reasons:
# 1) the last update is very small (compared to int and to releps)
# 2) There are more than 11 iterations. This should NEVER happen.
dtype = np.result_type(fun((A+B)*0.5, *args))
nk = # # of integrals we have to compute
k = np.arange(nk)
opts = (nk, dtype)
val, val_old, abserr = zeros(*opts), ones(*opts), zeros(*opts)
for i in xrange(max_iter):
xn, w = self._points_and_weights(gn, wfun, alpha, beta)
x = (xn + shift) * jacob[k, :] + A[k, :]
pi = [xi[k, :] for xi in args]
y = fun(x, *pi)
self._plot_trace(x, y)
val[k] = np.sum(w * y, axis=1) * dx[k] # do the integration
if any(np.isnan(val)):
val[np.isnan(val)] = val_old[np.isnan(val)]
if 1 < i:
abserr[k] = abs(val_old[k] - val[k]) # absolute tolerance
k, = np.where(abserr > np.maximum(abs(releps * val), abseps))
nk = len(k) # of integrals we have to compute again
if nk == 0:
val_old[k] = val[k]
gn *= 2 # double the # of basepoints and weights
self._warn(k, a_shape)
11 years ago
10 years ago
# make sure int is the same size as the integration limits
val.shape = a_shape
abserr.shape = a_shape
11 years ago
10 years ago
return val, abserr
gaussq = _Gaussq()
11 years ago
def richardson(Q, k):
# license BSD
# Richardson extrapolation with parameter estimation
c = np.real((Q[k - 1] - Q[k - 2]) / (Q[k] - Q[k - 1])) - 1.
10 years ago
# The lower bound 0.07 admits the singularity x.^-0.9
11 years ago
c = max(c, 0.07)
R = Q[k] + (Q[k] - Q[k - 1]) / c
return R
def quadgr(fun, a, b, abseps=1e-5, max_iter=17):
Gauss-Legendre quadrature with Richardson extrapolation.
[Q,ERR] = QUADGR(FUN,A,B,TOL) approximates the integral of a function
FUN from A to B with an absolute error tolerance TOL. FUN is a function
handle and must accept vector arguments. TOL is 1e-6 by default. Q is
the integral approximation and ERR is an estimate of the absolute error.
QUADGR uses a 12-point Gauss-Legendre quadrature. The error estimate is
based on successive interval bisection. Richardson extrapolation
accelerates the convergence for some integrals, especially integrals
with endpoint singularities.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> Q, err = quadgr(np.log,0,1)
>>> quadgr(np.exp,0,9999*1j*np.pi)
(-2.0000000000122662, 2.1933237448479304e-09)
>>> quadgr(lambda x: np.sqrt(4-x**2),0,2,1e-12)
(3.1415926535897811, 1.5809575870662229e-13)
>>> quadgr(lambda x: x**-0.75,0,1)
(4.0000000000000266, 5.6843418860808015e-14)
>>> quadgr(lambda x: 1./np.sqrt(1-x**2),-1,1)
(3.141596056985029, 6.2146261559092864e-06)
>>> quadgr(lambda x: np.exp(-x**2),-np.inf,np.inf,1e-9) #% sqrt(pi)
(1.7724538509055152, 1.9722334876348668e-11)
>>> quadgr(lambda x: np.cos(x)*np.exp(-x),0,np.inf,1e-9)
(0.50000000000000044, 7.3296813063450372e-11)
See also
# Author:, 2009. license BSD
# Order limits (required if infinite limits)
if a == b:
Q = b - a
err = b - a
return Q, err
elif np.real(a) > np.real(b):
reverse = True
a, b = b, a
reverse = False
10 years ago
# Infinite limits
11 years ago
if np.isinf(a) | np.isinf(b):
# Check real limits
if ~ np.isreal(a) | ~np.isreal(b) | np.isnan(a) | np.isnan(b):
raise ValueError('Infinite intervals must be real.')
# Change of variable
if np.isfinite(a) & np.isinf(b):
# a to inf
fun1 = lambda t: fun(a + t / (1 - t)) / (1 - t) ** 2
[Q, err] = quadgr(fun1, 0, 1, abseps)
elif np.isinf(a) & np.isfinite(b):
# -inf to b
fun2 = lambda t: fun(b + t / (1 + t)) / (1 + t) ** 2
[Q, err] = quadgr(fun2, -1, 0, abseps)
else: # -inf to inf
fun1 = lambda t: fun(t / (1 - t)) / (1 - t) ** 2
fun2 = lambda t: fun(t / (1 + t)) / (1 + t) ** 2
[Q1, err1] = quadgr(fun1, 0, 1, abseps / 2)
[Q2, err2] = quadgr(fun2, -1, 0, abseps / 2)
Q = Q1 + Q2
err = err1 + err2
# Reverse direction
if reverse:
Q = -Q
return Q, err
# Gauss-Legendre quadrature (12-point)
xq = np.asarray(
[0.12523340851146894, 0.36783149899818018, 0.58731795428661748,
0.76990267419430469, 0.9041172563704748, 0.98156063424671924])
wq = np.asarray(
[0.24914704581340288, 0.23349253653835478, 0.20316742672306584,
0.16007832854334636, 0.10693932599531818, 0.047175336386511842])
xq = np.hstack((xq, -xq))
wq = np.hstack((wq, wq))
nq = len(xq)
10 years ago
dtype = np.result_type(fun(a), fun(b))
11 years ago
# Initiate vectors
Q0 = zeros(max_iter, dtype=dtype) # Quadrature
Q1 = zeros(max_iter, dtype=dtype) # First Richardson extrapolation
Q2 = zeros(max_iter, dtype=dtype) # Second Richardson extrapolation
# One interval
hh = (b - a) / 2 # Half interval length
x = (a + b) / 2 + hh * xq # Nodes
# Quadrature
Q0[0] = hh * np.sum(wq * fun(x), axis=0)
# Successive bisection of intervals
for k in xrange(1, max_iter):
# Interval bisection
hh = hh / 2
x = np.hstack([x + a, x + b]) / 2
# Quadrature
Q0[k] = hh * \
np.sum(wq * np.sum(np.reshape(fun(x), (-1, nq)), axis=0), axis=0)
# Richardson extrapolation
if k >= 5:
Q1[k] = richardson(Q0, k)
Q2[k] = richardson(Q1, k)
elif k >= 3:
Q1[k] = richardson(Q0, k)
10 years ago
# Estimate absolute error
11 years ago
if k >= 6:
Qv = np.hstack((Q0[k], Q1[k], Q2[k]))
Qw = np.hstack((Q0[k - 1], Q1[k - 1], Q2[k - 1]))
elif k >= 4:
Qv = np.hstack((Q0[k], Q1[k]))
Qw = np.hstack((Q0[k - 1], Q1[k - 1]))
Qv = np.atleast_1d(Q0[k])
Qw = Q0[k - 1]
errors = np.atleast_1d(abs(Qv - Qw))
j = errors.argmin()
err = errors[j]
Q = Qv[j]
if k >= 2: # and not iscomplex:
_val, err1 = dea3(Q0[k - 2], Q0[k - 1], Q0[k])
# Convergence
if (err < abseps) | ~np.isfinite(Q):
warnings.warn('Max number of iterations reached without convergence.')
if ~ np.isfinite(Q):
warnings.warn('Integral approximation is Infinite or NaN.')
# The error estimate should not be zero
err = err + 2 * np.finfo(Q).eps
# Reverse direction
if reverse:
Q = -Q
return Q, err
10 years ago
def boole(y, x):
a, b = x[0], x[-1]
n = len(x)
h = (b - a) / (n - 1)
return (2 * h / 45) * (7 * (y[0] + y[-1]) + 12 * np.sum(y[2:n - 1:4]) +
32 * np.sum(y[1:n - 1:2]) +
14 * np.sum(y[4:n - 3:4]))
def qdemo(f, a, b, kmax=9, plot_error=False):
11 years ago
Compares different quadrature rules.
f : callable
a,b : scalars
lower and upper integration limits
qdemo(f,a,b) computes and compares various approximations to
the integral of f from a to b. Three approximations are used,
the composite trapezoid, Simpson's, and Boole's rules, all with
equal length subintervals.
In a case like qdemo(exp,0,3) one can see the expected
convergence rates for each of the three methods.
In a case like qdemo(sqrt,0,3), the convergence rate is limited
not by the method, but by the singularity of the integrand.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> qdemo(np.exp,0,3)
true value = 19.08553692
10 years ago
ftn, Boole, Chebychev
evals approx error approx error
3, 19.4008539142, 0.3153169910, 19.5061466023, 0.4206096791
5, 19.0910191534, 0.0054822302, 19.0910191534, 0.0054822302
9, 19.0856414320, 0.0001045088, 19.0855374134, 0.0000004902
17, 19.0855386464, 0.0000017232, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
33, 19.0855369505, 0.0000000273, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
65, 19.0855369236, 0.0000000004, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
129, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
257, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
513, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
ftn, Clenshaw-Curtis, Gauss-Legendre
evals approx error approx error
3, 19.5061466023, 0.4206096791, 19.0803304585, 0.0052064647
5, 19.0834145766, 0.0021223465, 19.0855365951, 0.0000003281
9, 19.0855369150, 0.0000000082, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
17, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
33, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
65, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
129, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
257, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
513, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000, 19.0855369232, 0.0000000000
ftn, Simps, Trapz
evals approx error approx error
3, 19.5061466023, 0.4206096791, 22.5366862979, 3.4511493747
5, 19.1169646189, 0.0314276957, 19.9718950387, 0.8863581155
9, 19.0875991312, 0.0020622080, 19.3086731081, 0.2231361849
17, 19.0856674267, 0.0001305035, 19.1414188470, 0.0558819239
33, 19.0855451052, 0.0000081821, 19.0995135407, 0.0139766175
65, 19.0855374350, 0.0000005118, 19.0890314614, 0.0034945382
129, 19.0855369552, 0.0000000320, 19.0864105817, 0.0008736585
257, 19.0855369252, 0.0000000020, 19.0857553393, 0.0002184161
513, 19.0855369233, 0.0000000001, 19.0855915273, 0.0000546041
11 years ago
true_val, _tol = intg.quad(f, a, b)
print('true value = %12.8f' % (true_val,))
neval = zeros(kmax, dtype=int)
10 years ago
vals_dic = {}
err_dic = {}
11 years ago
# try various approximations
10 years ago
methods = [trapz, simps, boole, ]
11 years ago
for k in xrange(kmax):
n = 2 ** (k + 1) + 1
neval[k] = n
x = np.linspace(a, b, n)
y = f(x)
10 years ago
for method in methods:
name = method.__name__.title()
q = method(y, x)
vals_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(q)
err_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(abs(q - true_val))
name = 'Clenshaw-Curtis'
q, _ec3 = clencurt(f, a, b, (n - 1) / 2)
vals_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(q[0])
err_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(abs(q[0] - true_val))
name = 'Chebychev'
ck = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebfit(x, y, deg=min(n-1, 36))
cki = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebint(ck)
q = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebval(x[-1], cki)
vals_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(q)
err_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(abs(q - true_val))
# ck = chebfit(f,n,a,b)
# q = chebval(b,chebint(ck,a,b),a,b)
# qc2[k] = q; ec2[k] = abs(q - true)
name = 'Gauss-Legendre' # quadrature
11 years ago
q = intg.fixed_quad(f, a, b, n=n)[0]
10 years ago
# [x, w]=qrule(n,1)
11 years ago
# x = (b-a)/2*x + (a+b)/2 % Transform base points X.
# w = (b-a)/2*w % Adjust weigths.
10 years ago
# q = sum(feval(f,x)*w)
vals_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(q)
err_dic.setdefault(name, []).append(abs(q - true_val))
11 years ago
# display results
10 years ago
names = sorted(vals_dic.keys())
num_cols = 2
formats = ['%4.0f, ', ] + ['%10.10f, ', ] * num_cols * 2
formats[-1] = formats[-1].split(',')[0]
formats_h = ['%4s, ', ] + ['%20s, ', ] * num_cols
formats_h[-1] = formats_h[-1].split(',')[0]
headers = ['evals'] + ['%12s %12s' % ('approx', 'error')] * num_cols
while len(names) > 0:
print(''.join(fi % t for fi, t in zip(formats_h,
['ftn'] + names[:num_cols])))
print(' '.join(headers))
data = [neval]
for name in names[:num_cols]:
data = np.vstack(tuple(data)).T
for k in xrange(kmax):
tmp = data[k].tolist()
print(''.join(fi % t for fi, t in zip(formats, tmp)))
if plot_error:
for name in names[:num_cols]:
plt.loglog(neval, err_dic[name], label=name)
names = names[num_cols:]
if plot_error:
plt.xlabel('number of function evaluations')
11 years ago
def main():
10 years ago
# val, err = clencurt(np.exp, 0, 2)
# valt = np.exp(2) - np.exp(0)
# [Q, err] = quadgr(lambda x: x ** 2, 1, 4, 1e-9)
# [Q, err] = quadgr(humps, 1, 4, 1e-9)
# [x, w] = h_roots(11, 'newton')
# sum(w)
# [x2, w2] = la_roots(11, 1, 't')
# from scitools import numpyutils as npu #@UnresolvedImport
# fun = npu.wrap2callable('x**2')
# p0 = fun(0)
# A = [0, 1, 1]; B = [2, 4, 3]
# area, err = gaussq(fun, A, B)
# fun = npu.wrap2callable('x**2')
# [val1, err1] = gaussq(fun, A, B)
# Integration of x^2*exp(-x) from zero to infinity:
# fun2 = npu.wrap2callable('1')
# [val2, err2] = gaussq(fun2, 0, np.inf, wfun=3, alpha=2)
# [val2, err2] = gaussq(lambda x: x ** 2, 0, np.inf, wfun=3, alpha=0)
# Integrate humps from 0 to 2 and from 1 to 4
# [val3, err3] = gaussq(humps, A, B)
# [x, w] = p_roots(11, 'newton', 1, 3)
# y = np.sum(x ** 2 * w)
11 years ago
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2)
_q0 = np.trapz(humps(x), x)
[q, err] = romberg(humps, 0, np.pi / 2, 1e-4)
print q, err
def test_docstrings():
import doctest
10 years ago
10 years ago
def levin_integrate():
''' An oscillatory integral
Sheehan Olver, December 2010
(Chebfun example quad/LevinIntegrate.m)
This example computes the highly oscillatory integral of
f * exp( 1i * w * g ),
over (0,1) using the Levin method [1]. This method computes the integral
by rewriting it as an ODE
u' + 1i * w * g' u = f,
so that the indefinite integral of f * exp( 1i * w * g ) is
u * exp( 1i * w * g ).
We use as an example
f = 1 / ( x + 2 );
g = cos( x - 2 );
w = 100000;
[1] Levin, D., Procedures for computing one and two-dimensional integrals
of functions with rapid irregular oscillations, Maths Comp., 38 (1982) 531--538
exp = np.exp
domain=[0, 1]
x = Chebfun.identity(domain=domain)
f = 1./(x+2)
g = np.cos(x-2)
D = np.diff(domain)
# Here is are plots of this integrand, with w = 100, in complex space
w = 100;
line_opts = dict(line_width=1.6)
font_opts = dict(font_size= 14)
intg = f*exp(1j*w*g)
xs, ys, xi, yi, d = intg.plot_data(1000)
#xi = np.linspace(0, 1, 1024)
# plt.plot(xs, ys) # , **line_opts)
# plt.plot(xi, yi, 'r.')
# #axis equal
# plt.title('Complex plot of integrand') #,**font_opts)
# and of just the real part
# intgr = np.real(intg)
# xs, ys, xi, yi, d = intgr.plot_data(1000)
# plt.plot(xs, np.real(ys)) # , **line_opts)
# plt.plot(xi, np.real(yi), 'r.')
#axis equal
# plt.title('Real part of integrand') #,**font_opts)
# The Levin method will be accurate for large and small w, and the time
# taken is independent of w. Here we take a reasonably large value of w.
w = 1000;
intg = f*exp(1j*w*g)
val0 = np.sum(intg)
# val1 = sum(intg)
# Start timing
# Construct the operator L
L = D + 1j*w*np.diag(g.differentiate())
# From asymptotic analysis, we know that there exists a solution to the
# equation which is non-oscillatory, though we do not know what initial
# condition it satisfies. Thus we find a particular solution to this
# equation with no boundary conditions.
u = L / f
# Because L is a differential operator with derivative order 1, \ expects
# it to be given a boundary condition, which is why the warning message is
# displayed. However, this doesn't cause any problems: though there are,
# in fact, a family of solutions to the ODE without boundary conditions
# due to the kernel
# exp(- 1i * w * g),
# it does not actually matter which particular solution is computed.
# Non-uniqueness is also not an issue: \ in matlab is least squares, hence
# does not require uniqueness. The existence of a non-oscillatory solution
# ensures that \ converges to a u with length independent of w.
# One could prevent the warning by applying a boundary condition consistent
# with the rest of the system, that is
# L.lbc = {L(1,:),f(0)};
# Now we evaluate the antiderivative at the endpoints to obtain the
# integral.
u(1)*exp(1j*w*g(1)) - u(0)*exp(1j*w*g(0))
# Here is a way to compute the integral using Clenshaw--Curtis quadrature.
# As w becomes large, this takes an increasingly long time as the
# oscillations must be resolved.
sum( f*exp(1j*w*g) )
# aLevinTQ[omega_,a_,b_,f_,g_,nu_,wprec_,prm_,test_,basis_,np_]:=
# Module[{r,betam,A,AA,BB,S,F,w=N[omega, wprec]},
# M=Length[nu]-1;
# PB[k_,t_]:=If[basis==1,t^k,ChebyshevT[k,t]];
# ff[t_]:=((b-a)/2)*f[(b-a)*t/2+(a+b)/2];
# gg[t_]:=g[(b-a)*t/2+(a+b)/2];
# dgg[t_]:=Derivative[1][gg][t];
# If[test==0, betam=Min[Abs[dgg[-1]*w], Abs[dgg[1]*w]];
# While[prm*M/betam >=1, betam=2*betam]];
# If[test>0,x[k_]:=N[Cos[k*Pi/M], wprec],x[k_]:=
# Which[k<prm*M, N[-1+k/betam, wprec], k==Ceiling[prm*M],0,
# k>prm*M, N[1-(M-k)/betam, wprec]]];
# Psi[k_,t_]:=Derivative[0,1][PB][k,t]+I*w*dgg[t]*PB[k,t];
# ne[j_]:=nu[[j+1]]; S[-1]=0; S[j_]:=Sum[ne[i],{i,0,j}];
# nn=S[M]-1;
# A=ConstantArray[0,{nn+1,nn+1}];
# F=ConstantArray[0,nn+1]; r=0;
# While[r<M+1, Do[Do[ AA[j,k]=
# Limit[Derivative[0,Mod[j-S[r-1],ne[r]]][Psi][k,t],t->x[r]],
# {k,0,S[M]-1}],{j,S[r-1],S[r]-1}];
# Do[BB[j]=Limit[Derivative[Mod[j-S[r-1],ne[r]]][ff][t],
# t->x[r]],{j,S[r-1],S[r]-1}];
# Do[F[[j]]=BB[j-1],{j,S[r-1]+1,S[r]}];
# Do[Do[A[[j,k]]=AA[j-1,k-1],{k,1,S[M]}],{j,S[r-1]+1,S[r]}];
# r=r+1;]; (*sv=SingularValueList[N[A,wprec]];
# con=sv[[1]]/sv[[-1]]; Print["cond2(A)= ",N[con,3]];*)
# LS=Block[{MaxExtraPrecision=0},LeastSquares[N[A, wprec],F]];
# vvv[t_]:=Sum[LS[[k+1]]*PB[k,t], {k,0,nn}];
# NR=vvv[1]*Exp[I*w*gg[1]]-vvv[-1]*Exp[I*w*gg[-1]];
# Print["n=", np+ii+2s-2, ", Result= ", N[NR, wprec/2+5]];
# If[ii==0,PR=NR];];
# (* End of subroutine aLevinTQ /A.I. Hascelik, July 2013/ *)
# def main_levin():
# a=1; b=2;
# omega=100;
# prm=1/2;
# f[t_]=Exp[4t]
# g[t_]=t+Exp[4t]*Gamma[t]
# dg[t_]:=Derivative[1][g][t];
# prec=16
# wprec=2*prec
# delta = min(abs(omega*dg(a)), abs(omega*dg(b)))
# alpha = min(abs(omega*g(a)), abs(omega*g(b)))
# s=1; #(*if s>1, the integral is computed by Q_s^L*)
# test= 1 if delta<10 or alpha <=10 or s>1 else 0
# m = 1 if s>1 else np.floor(prec/max(np.log10(beta+1),1)+2)
# nc = 2*m+1 #(*or np=2m, number of collocation points*)
# basis=1; # (*take basis=0 for the Chebysev basis*)
# for ii in range(0, 2, 2):
# nu = np.ones((nc+ii,)) # ConstantArray[1,nc+ii];
# nu[0] = s
# nu[-1] = s
# #nu[[1]]=s;
# #nu[[-1]]=s;
# aLevinTQ[omega,a,b,f,g,nu,wprec,prm,test,basis,nc],
# #{ii,0,2,2}];
# Print["Error= ",Abs[NR-PR]];
11 years ago
if __name__ == '__main__':
10 years ago
# test_docstrings()
10 years ago
# qdemo(np.exp, 0, 3, plot_error=True)
11 years ago
# main()