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11 years ago
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import warnings
import numpy as np
11 years ago
import numpy.testing as npt
11 years ago
11 years ago
from scipy import integrate
11 years ago
from wafo import stats
from wafo.stats.tests.common_tests import (check_normalization, check_moment,
11 years ago
check_var_expect, check_skew_expect, check_kurt_expect,
check_entropy, check_private_entropy, NUMPY_BELOW_1_7,
check_edge_support, check_named_args)
11 years ago
11 years ago
from wafo.stats._distr_params import distcont
11 years ago
Test all continuous distributions.
Parameters were chosen for those distributions that pass the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. This provides safe parameters for each
distributions so that we can perform further testing of class methods.
These tests currently check only/mostly for serious errors and exceptions,
not for numerically exact results.
11 years ago
DECIMAL = 5 # specify the precision of the tests # increased from 0 to 5
11 years ago
11 years ago
## Last four of these fail all around. Need to be checked
distcont_extra = [
['betaprime', (100, 86)],
['fatiguelife', (5,)],
['mielke', (4.6420495492121487, 0.59707419545516938)],
['invweibull', (0.58847112119264788,)],
# burr: sample mean test fails still for c<1
['burr', (0.94839838075366045, 4.3820284068855795)],
# genextreme: sample mean test, sf-logsf test fail
['genextreme', (3.3184017469423535,)],
11 years ago
# for testing only specific functions
11 years ago
# distcont = [
11 years ago
## ['fatiguelife', (29,)], #correction numargs = 1
## ['loggamma', (0.41411931826052117,)]]
# for testing ticket:767
11 years ago
# distcont = [
11 years ago
## ['genextreme', (3.3184017469423535,)],
## ['genextreme', (0.01,)],
## ['genextreme', (0.00001,)],
## ['genextreme', (0.0,)],
## ['genextreme', (-0.01,)]
## ]
11 years ago
# distcont = [['gumbel_l', ()],
11 years ago
## ['gumbel_r', ()],
## ['norm', ()]
## ]
11 years ago
# distcont = [['norm', ()]]
11 years ago
distmissing = ['wald', 'gausshyper', 'genexpon', 'rv_continuous',
'loglaplace', 'rdist', 'semicircular', 'invweibull', 'ksone',
'cosine', 'kstwobign', 'truncnorm', 'mielke', 'recipinvgauss', 'levy',
'johnsonsu', 'levy_l', 'powernorm', 'wrapcauchy',
'johnsonsb', 'truncexpon', 'rice', 'invgauss', 'invgamma',
11 years ago
distmiss = [[dist,args] for dist,args in distcont if dist in distmissing]
11 years ago
distslow = ['rdist', 'gausshyper', 'recipinvgauss', 'ksone', 'genexpon',
11 years ago
'vonmises', 'vonmises_line', 'mielke', 'semicircular',
'cosine', 'invweibull', 'powerlognorm', 'johnsonsu', 'kstwobign']
# distslow are sorted by speed (very slow to slow)
11 years ago
11 years ago
# NB: not needed anymore?
11 years ago
def _silence_fp_errors(func):
11 years ago
# warning: don't apply to test_ functions as is, then those will be skipped
11 years ago
def wrap(*a, **kw):
olderr = np.seterr(all='ignore')
return func(*a, **kw)
wrap.__name__ = func.__name__
return wrap
11 years ago
11 years ago
def test_cont_basic():
# this test skips slow distributions
11 years ago
with warnings.catch_warnings():
11 years ago
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=integrate.IntegrationWarning)
11 years ago
for distname, arg in distcont[:]:
if distname in distslow:
11 years ago
if distname is 'levy_stable':
11 years ago
distfn = getattr(stats, distname)
sn = 500
rvs = distfn.rvs(size=sn, *arg)
sm = rvs.mean()
sv = rvs.var()
m, v = distfn.stats(*arg)
yield check_sample_meanvar_, distfn, arg, m, v, sm, sv, sn, \
distname + 'sample mean test'
yield check_cdf_ppf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_sf_isf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_pdf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_pdf_logpdf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_cdf_logcdf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_sf_logsf, distfn, arg, distname
if distname in distmissing:
alpha = 0.01
yield check_distribution_rvs, distname, arg, alpha, rvs
locscale_defaults = (0, 1)
meths = [distfn.pdf, distfn.logpdf, distfn.cdf, distfn.logcdf,
# make sure arguments are within support
spec_x = {'frechet_l': -0.5, 'weibull_max': -0.5, 'levy_l': -0.5,
'pareto': 1.5, 'tukeylambda': 0.3}
x = spec_x.get(distname, 0.5)
yield check_named_args, distfn, x, arg, locscale_defaults, meths
# Entropy
skp = npt.dec.skipif
yield check_entropy, distfn, arg, distname
if distfn.numargs == 0:
yield skp(NUMPY_BELOW_1_7)(check_vecentropy), distfn, arg
if distfn.__class__._entropy != stats.rv_continuous._entropy:
yield check_private_entropy, distfn, arg, stats.rv_continuous
yield check_edge_support, distfn, arg
knf = npt.dec.knownfailureif
yield knf(distname == 'truncnorm')(check_ppf_private), distfn, \
arg, distname
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
def test_cont_basic_slow():
# same as above for slow distributions
11 years ago
with warnings.catch_warnings():
11 years ago
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=integrate.IntegrationWarning)
11 years ago
for distname, arg in distcont[:]:
if distname not in distslow:
11 years ago
if distname is 'levy_stable':
11 years ago
distfn = getattr(stats, distname)
sn = 500
11 years ago
rvs = distfn.rvs(size=sn,*arg)
11 years ago
sm = rvs.mean()
sv = rvs.var()
m, v = distfn.stats(*arg)
yield check_sample_meanvar_, distfn, arg, m, v, sm, sv, sn, \
distname + 'sample mean test'
yield check_cdf_ppf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_sf_isf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_pdf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_pdf_logpdf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_cdf_logcdf, distfn, arg, distname
yield check_sf_logsf, distfn, arg, distname
# yield check_oth, distfn, arg # is still missing
if distname in distmissing:
alpha = 0.01
yield check_distribution_rvs, distname, arg, alpha, rvs
locscale_defaults = (0, 1)
meths = [distfn.pdf, distfn.logpdf, distfn.cdf, distfn.logcdf,
# make sure arguments are within support
x = 0.5
if distname == 'invweibull':
arg = (1,)
elif distname == 'ksone':
arg = (3,)
yield check_named_args, distfn, x, arg, locscale_defaults, meths
# Entropy
skp = npt.dec.skipif
ks_cond = distname in ['ksone', 'kstwobign']
yield skp(ks_cond)(check_entropy), distfn, arg, distname
if distfn.numargs == 0:
yield skp(NUMPY_BELOW_1_7)(check_vecentropy), distfn, arg
if distfn.__class__._entropy != stats.rv_continuous._entropy:
yield check_private_entropy, distfn, arg, stats.rv_continuous
yield check_edge_support, distfn, arg
def test_moments():
with warnings.catch_warnings():
11 years ago
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=integrate.IntegrationWarning)
11 years ago
knf = npt.dec.knownfailureif
fail_normalization = set(['vonmises', 'ksone'])
fail_higher = set(['vonmises', 'ksone', 'ncf'])
for distname, arg in distcont[:]:
11 years ago
if distname is 'levy_stable':
11 years ago
distfn = getattr(stats, distname)
m, v, s, k = distfn.stats(*arg, moments='mvsk')
cond1, cond2 = distname in fail_normalization, distname in fail_higher
msg = distname + ' fails moments'
yield knf(cond1, msg)(check_normalization), distfn, arg, distname
yield knf(cond2, msg)(check_mean_expect), distfn, arg, m, distname
yield knf(cond2, msg)(check_var_expect), distfn, arg, m, v, distname
yield knf(cond2, msg)(check_skew_expect), distfn, arg, m, v, s, \
yield knf(cond2, msg)(check_kurt_expect), distfn, arg, m, v, k, \
yield check_loc_scale, distfn, arg, m, v, distname
yield check_moment, distfn, arg, m, v, distname
11 years ago
def check_sample_meanvar_(distfn, arg, m, v, sm, sv, sn, msg):
11 years ago
# this did not work, skipped silently by nose
11 years ago
if not np.isinf(m):
check_sample_mean(sm, sv, sn, m)
if not np.isinf(v):
check_sample_var(sv, sn, v)
11 years ago
def check_sample_mean(sm,v,n, popmean):
11 years ago
# from stats.stats.ttest_1samp(a, popmean):
# Calculates the t-obtained for the independent samples T-test on ONE group
# of scores a, given a population mean.
# Returns: t-value, two-tailed prob
11 years ago
df = n-1
svar = ((n-1)*v) / float(df) # looks redundant
t = (sm-popmean) / np.sqrt(svar*(1.0/n))
prob = stats.betai(0.5*df, 0.5, df/(df+t*t))
# return t,prob
npt.assert_(prob > 0.01, 'mean fail, t,prob = %f, %f, m, sm=%f,%f' %
(t, prob, popmean, sm))
def check_sample_var(sv,n, popvar):
# two-sided chisquare test for sample variance equal to hypothesized variance
df = n-1
chi2 = (n-1)*popvar/float(popvar)
pval = stats.chisqprob(chi2,df)*2
npt.assert_(pval > 0.01, 'var fail, t, pval = %f, %f, v, sv=%f, %f' %
def check_cdf_ppf(distfn,arg,msg):
11 years ago
values = [0.001, 0.5, 0.999]
npt.assert_almost_equal(distfn.cdf(distfn.ppf(values, *arg), *arg),
11 years ago
values, decimal=DECIMAL, err_msg=msg +
11 years ago
' - cdf-ppf roundtrip')
11 years ago
11 years ago
def check_sf_isf(distfn,arg,msg):
npt.assert_almost_equal(distfn.sf(distfn.isf([0.1,0.5,0.9], *arg), *arg),
[0.1,0.5,0.9], decimal=DECIMAL, err_msg=msg +
' - sf-isf roundtrip')
npt.assert_almost_equal(distfn.cdf([0.1,0.9], *arg),
1.0-distfn.sf([0.1,0.9], *arg),
decimal=DECIMAL, err_msg=msg +
' - cdf-sf relationship')
def check_pdf(distfn, arg, msg):
# compares pdf at median with numerical derivative of cdf
median = distfn.ppf(0.5, *arg)
eps = 1e-6
pdfv = distfn.pdf(median, *arg)
if (pdfv < 1e-4) or (pdfv > 1e4):
# avoid checking a case where pdf is close to zero or huge (singularity)
median = median + 0.1
pdfv = distfn.pdf(median, *arg)
cdfdiff = (distfn.cdf(median + eps, *arg) -
distfn.cdf(median - eps, *arg))/eps/2.0
# replace with better diff and better test (more points),
# actually, this works pretty well
npt.assert_almost_equal(pdfv, cdfdiff,
decimal=DECIMAL, err_msg=msg + ' - cdf-pdf relationship')
def check_pdf_logpdf(distfn, args, msg):
# compares pdf at several points with the log of the pdf
points = np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8])
vals = distfn.ppf(points, *args)
pdf = distfn.pdf(vals, *args)
logpdf = distfn.logpdf(vals, *args)
pdf = pdf[pdf != 0]
logpdf = logpdf[np.isfinite(logpdf)]
npt.assert_almost_equal(np.log(pdf), logpdf, decimal=7, err_msg=msg + " - logpdf-log(pdf) relationship")
def check_sf_logsf(distfn, args, msg):
# compares sf at several points with the log of the sf
points = np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8])
vals = distfn.ppf(points, *args)
sf = distfn.sf(vals, *args)
logsf = distfn.logsf(vals, *args)
sf = sf[sf != 0]
logsf = logsf[np.isfinite(logsf)]
npt.assert_almost_equal(np.log(sf), logsf, decimal=7, err_msg=msg + " - logsf-log(sf) relationship")
def check_cdf_logcdf(distfn, args, msg):
# compares cdf at several points with the log of the cdf
points = np.array([0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8])
vals = distfn.ppf(points, *args)
cdf = distfn.cdf(vals, *args)
logcdf = distfn.logcdf(vals, *args)
cdf = cdf[cdf != 0]
logcdf = logcdf[np.isfinite(logcdf)]
npt.assert_almost_equal(np.log(cdf), logcdf, decimal=7, err_msg=msg + " - logcdf-log(cdf) relationship")
def check_distribution_rvs(dist, args, alpha, rvs):
# test from scipy.stats.tests
# this version reuses existing random variables
D,pval = stats.kstest(rvs, dist, args=args, N=1000)
if (pval < alpha):
D,pval = stats.kstest(dist,'',args=args, N=1000)
npt.assert_(pval > alpha, "D = " + str(D) + "; pval = " + str(pval) +
"; alpha = " + str(alpha) + "\nargs = " + str(args))
def check_vecentropy(distfn, args):
npt.assert_equal(distfn.vecentropy(*args), distfn._entropy(*args))
def check_loc_scale(distfn, arg, m, v, msg):
loc, scale = 10.0, 10.0
mt, vt = distfn.stats(loc=loc, scale=scale, *arg)
npt.assert_allclose(m*scale + loc, mt)
npt.assert_allclose(v*scale*scale, vt)
def check_ppf_private(distfn, arg, msg):
#fails by design for truncnorm self.nb not defined
ppfs = distfn._ppf(np.array([0.1, 0.5, 0.9]), *arg)
npt.assert_(not np.any(np.isnan(ppfs)), msg + 'ppf private is nan')
if __name__ == "__main__":